Updated on 2025-01-21 GMT+08:00

Origin Response Timeout

If the content requested by a user is not cached on CDN PoPs, CDN pulls the content from the origin server. If the origin pull times out, origin pull fails. The default timeout interval is 30s.

  • The origin response timeout in this document refers to the timeout interval for loading data after a TCP connection is set up, excluding the connection setup time.

If the timeout interval is too short, origin pull may fail frequently due to unstable network connections. If the timeout interval is too long, failed requests may still occupy connections for a long time when the maximum number of connections to the origin server is reached. As a result, normal requests fail. You can adjust the timeout interval based on the service features and network status of your origin server to ensure normal origin pull.


  • To modify the origin response timeout interval for domain names with special configurations, submit a service ticket.


  1. Log in to Huawei Cloud console. Choose Service List > Content Delivery & Edge Computing > Content Delivery Network.

    The CDN console is displayed.

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Domains.
  3. In the domain list, click the target domain name or click Configure in the Operation column.
  4. Click the Origin Settings tab.
  5. In the Origin Response Timeout area, click Edit.
    Figure 1 Origin response timeout
  6. Enter the timeout interval and click OK.