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Updated on 2025-02-18 GMT+08:00


A StorageClass in Kubernetes is a resource that categorizes storage types in a cluster. It can also serve as a configuration template for creating PVs. When creating a PVC or PV, you must specify a StorageClass. This resource object defines the storage mode and configuration parameters for dynamic volume provisioning, such as volume type, access mode, and volume lifecycle policy.

When creating a PVC, you only need to specify the StorageClassName. Kubernetes will then automatically create the PVs and underlying storage based on the StorageClass. This greatly reduces the need for manual creation and maintenance of PVs.

In addition to the default StorageClasses provided by CCE, you can customize StorageClasses. For details, see Application Scenarios of Custom Storage.

Creating a StorageClass Using the CCE Console


The Everest add-on must be in the running state in the target cluster.

  1. Log in to the CCE console and click the cluster name to access the cluster console.
  2. Choose Storage in the navigation pane. In the right pane, click the Storage Classes tab. Click Create Storage Class in the upper right corner. In the dialog box displayed, configure parameters.



    StorageClass Type

    Select an underlying storage type.


    Enter the StorageClass name. The name of a StorageClass must be unique within a cluster.

    Reclaim Policy

    You can select Delete or Retain to specify the reclaim policy of the underlying storage when the PVC is deleted. For details, see PV Reclaim Policy.

    • Delete: When a PVC is deleted, its associated underlying storage resources will be deleted and the PV resources will be removed. Exercise caution if you select this option.
    • Retain: When a PVC is deleted, both of the PV and its associated underlying storage resources will be retained and the PV is marked as released. If you manually delete the PV afterwards, the underlying storage resources will not be deleted. To bind the PV to a new PVC, you need to remove the original binding information from the PV.

    Binding Mode

    Time when a PV is dynamically created, which can be created immediately or with a delay.

    • Immediate: After a PVC is created, the storage resources and PV will be created and associated with the PVC without delay. Local PVs do not support Immediate.
    • WaitForFirstConsumer: After a PVC is created, it will not be immediately bound to a PV. Instead, the storage resources and PV will be generated and bound to the PVC only after the pod that requires the PVC is scheduled. OBS, SFS, and SFS Turbo do not support WaitForFirstConsumer.

  3. Click Create. On the Storage Classes tab page, view the created StorageClass and its information.

Creating a StorageClass Using a YAML File

As of now, CCE provides StorageClasses such as csi-disk, csi-nas, and csi-obs by default. When defining a PVC, you can use a StorageClassName to automatically create a PV of the corresponding type and automatically create underlying storage resources.

Run the following kubectl command to obtain the StorageClasses that CCE supports. Use the CSI add-on provided by CCE to create a StorageClass.

# kubectl get sc
NAME                PROVISIONER                     AGE
csi-disk            everest-csi-provisioner         17d          # EVS disk
csi-disk-topology   everest-csi-provisioner         17d          # EVS disks created with delay
csi-nas             everest-csi-provisioner         17d          # SFS 1.0
csi-sfs             everest-csi-provisioner         17d          # SFS 3.0
csi-obs             everest-csi-provisioner         17d          # OBS
csi-sfsturbo        everest-csi-provisioner         17d          # SFS Turbo
csi-local           everest-csi-provisioner         17d          # Local PV
csi-local-topology  everest-csi-provisioner         17d          # Local PV created with delay
Each StorageClass contains the default parameters used for dynamically creating a PV. The following is an example of StorageClass for EVS disks:
kind: StorageClass
apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
  name: csi-disk
provisioner: everest-csi-provisioner
  csi.storage.k8s.io/csi-driver-name: disk.csi.everest.io
  csi.storage.k8s.io/fstype: ext4
  everest.io/disk-volume-type: SAS
  everest.io/passthrough: 'true'
reclaimPolicy: Delete
allowVolumeExpansion: true
volumeBindingMode: Immediate
Table 1 Key parameters




Specifies the storage resource provider, which is the Everest add-on for CCE. Set this parameter to everest-csi-provisioner.


Specifies the storage parameters, which vary with storage types. For details, see Table 2.


Specifies the value of persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy for creating a PV. The value can be Delete or Retain. If reclaimPolicy is not specified when a StorageClass object is created, the value defaults to Delete.

  • Delete: When a PVC is deleted, its associated underlying storage resources will be deleted and the PV resources will be removed. Exercise caution if you select this option.
  • Retain: When a PVC is deleted, both of the PV and its associated underlying storage resources will be retained and the PV is marked as released. If you manually delete the PV afterwards, the underlying storage resources will not be deleted. To bind the PV to a new PVC, you need to remove the original binding information from the PV.


Specifies whether the PV of this StorageClass supports dynamic capacity expansion. The default value is false. Dynamic capacity expansion is implemented by the underlying storage add-on. This is only a switch.


Specifies the volume binding mode, that is, the time when a PV is dynamically created. The value can be Immediate or WaitForFirstConsumer.

  • Immediate: After a PVC is created, the storage resources and PV will be created and associated with the PVC without delay.
  • WaitForFirstConsumer: After a PVC is created, it will not be immediately bound to a PV. Instead, the storage resources and PV will be generated and bound to the PVC only after the pod that requires the PVC is scheduled.


This field must be supported by the underlying storage. If this field is not supported but is specified, the PV creation will fail.

Table 2 Parameters

Volume Type







Driver type. If an EVS disk is used, the parameter value is fixed at disk.csi.everest.io.



If an EVS disk is used, the parameter value can be ext4.



EVS disk type. All letters are in uppercase.
  • SAS: high I/O
  • SSD: ultra-high I/O
  • GPSSD: general-purpose SSD
  • ESSD: extreme SSD
  • GPSSD2: general-purpose SSD v2, which is supported when the Everest version is 2.4.4 or later and the everest.io/disk-iops and everest.io/disk-throughput annotations are configured



The parameter value is fixed at true, which indicates that the EVS device type is SCSI. Other parameter values are not allowed.



Preconfigured IOPS, which is supported only by general-purpose SSD v2 and extreme SSD v2 EVS disks.

  • The IOPS of general-purpose SSD v2 EVS disks ranges from 3000 to 128000, and the maximum value is 500 times of the capacity (GiB).

    If the IOPS of general-purpose SSD v2 disks is greater than 3000, extra IOPS will be billed. For details, see Price Calculator.

  • The IOPS of extreme SSD v2 disks ranges from 100 to 256000, and the maximum value is 1000 times of the capacity (GiB).

    The IOPS of extreme SSD v2 disks will be billed separately. For details, see Price Calculator.



Preconfigured throughput, which is supported only by general-purpose SSD v2 EVS disks.

The value ranges from 125 MiB/s to 1000 MiB/s. The maximum value is a quarter of IOPS.

If the throughput is greater than 125 MiB/s, extra throughput will be billed. For details, see Price Calculator.




Driver type. If SFS is used, the parameter value is fixed at nas.csi.everest.io.



If SFS is used, the value can be nfs.



The parameter value is fixed at rw, indicating that the SFS data is readable and writable.



VPC ID of the cluster.



The parameter value is fixed at false, indicating that the file is shared to private.

When you use SFS 3.0, there is no need to configure this parameter.



This parameter is only required for SFS 3.0 and its value is fixed at sfs3.0.

SFS Turbo



Driver type. If SFS Turbo is used, the parameter value is fixed at sfsturbo.csi.everest.io.



If SFS Turbo is used, the value can be nfs.



VPC ID of the cluster.



Extension type. The default value is bandwidth, indicating an enhanced file system. This parameter does not take effect.



The parameter value is fixed at sfs-turbo.



SFS Turbo StorageClass. The default value is STANDARD, indicating standard and standard enhanced editions. This parameter does not take effect.




Driver type. If OBS is used, the parameter value is fixed at obs.csi.everest.io.



Instance type, which can be obsfs or s3fs.

  • obsfs: a parallel file system
  • s3fs: object bucket



OBS StorageClass.

  • If fsType is set to s3fs, STANDARD (standard buckets) and WARM (infrequent access buckets) are supported.
  • This parameter is invalid when fsType is set to obsfs.

Application Scenarios of Custom Storage

When using storage resources in CCE, the most common method is to specify StorageClassName to define the type of storage resources to be created when creating a PVC. The following configuration shows how to use a PVC to apply for a SAS (high I/O) EVS disk (block storage).

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: pvc-evs-example
  namespace: default
    everest.io/disk-volume-type: SAS
  - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 10Gi
  storageClassName: csi-disk

To specify the EVS disk type on CCE, use the everest.io/disk-volume-type field. SAS indicates the EVS disk type.

The preceding is a basic method of using StorageClass. In real-world scenarios, you can use StorageClass to perform other operations.

Application Scenario



When annotations is used to specify storage configuration, the configuration is complex. For example, the everest.io/disk-volume-type field is used to specify the EVS disk type.

Define PVC annotations in the parameters field of StorageClass. When compiling a YAML file, you only need to specify StorageClassName.

For example, you can define SAS EVS disk and SSD EVS disk as a StorageClass, respectively. If a StorageClass named csi-disk-sas is defined, it is used to create SAS storage.

Scenario 1: Specifying the Disk Type in a StorageClass

When a user migrates services from an on-premises Kubernetes cluster or other Kubernetes services to CCE, the StorageClass used in the original application YAML file is different from that used in CCE. As a result, a large number of YAML files or Helm chart packages need to be modified when the storage is used, which is complex and error-prone.

Create a StorageClass with the same name as that in the original application YAML file in the CCE cluster. After the migration, you do not need to modify the StorageClassName in the application YAML file.

For example, the EVS disk StorageClass used before the migration is disk-standard. After migrating services to a CCE cluster, you can copy the YAML file of the csi-disk StorageClass in the CCE cluster, change its name to disk-standard, and create another StorageClass.

StorageClassName must be specified in the YAML file to use the storage. If not, the storage cannot be created.

If you set the default StorageClass in the cluster, you can create storage without specifying the StorageClassName in the YAML file.

Scenario 2: Specifying the Default StorageClass

When creating storage resources, you must specify an enterprise project. Configuring annotations in each PVC can be a complex process.

Add an enterprise project to a StorageClass. In this case, you do not need to specify an enterprise project when creating a PVC. This is because storage resources will automatically be created in the enterprise project specified in the StorageClass.

Scenario 3: Specifying an Enterprise Project for a StorageClass

Scenario 1: Specifying the Disk Type in a StorageClass

This section uses the custom StorageClass of EVS disks as an example to describe how to define SAS EVS disk and SSD EVS disk as a StorageClass, respectively. For example, if you define a StorageClass named csi-disk-sas, which is used to create SAS storage, the differences are shown in the following figure. When editing a PVC's YAML file, you only need to specify StorageClassName.

  • You can customize a high I/O StorageClass in a YAML file. For example, the name csi-disk-sas indicates that the disk type is SAS (high I/O).
    apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
    kind: StorageClass
      name: csi-disk-sas                          # Name of the high I/O StorageClass, which can be customized
      csi.storage.k8s.io/csi-driver-name: disk.csi.everest.io
      csi.storage.k8s.io/fstype: ext4
       everest.io/disk-volume-type: SAS            # High I/O EVS disk type, which cannot be customized.
      everest.io/passthrough: "true"
    provisioner: everest-csi-provisioner
    reclaimPolicy: Delete
    volumeBindingMode: Immediate
    allowVolumeExpansion: true                    # true indicates that capacity expansion is allowed.
  • For an ultra-high I/O StorageClass, you can set the class name to csi-disk-ssd to create SSD EVS disk (ultra-high I/O).
    apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
    kind: StorageClass
      name: csi-disk-ssd                       # Name of the ultra-high I/O StorageClass, which can be customized
      csi.storage.k8s.io/csi-driver-name: disk.csi.everest.io
      csi.storage.k8s.io/fstype: ext4
      everest.io/disk-volume-type: SSD         # Ultra-high I/O EVS disk type, which cannot be customized.
      everest.io/passthrough: "true"
    provisioner: everest-csi-provisioner
    reclaimPolicy: Delete
    volumeBindingMode: Immediate
    allowVolumeExpansion: true

reclaimPolicy: indicates the reclaim policies of the underlying cloud storage. The value can be Delete or Retain.

  • Delete: When a PVC is deleted, both the PV and the EVS disk are deleted.
  • Retain: When a PVC is deleted, both the PV and underlying storage resources will be retained. You need to manually delete these resources. After the PVC is deleted, the PV is in the Released state and cannot be bound to a PVC again.

If high data security is required, select Retain to prevent data from being deleted by mistake.

After the definition is complete, run the kubectl create commands to create storage resources.

# kubectl create -f sas.yaml
storageclass.storage.k8s.io/csi-disk-sas created
# kubectl create -f ssd.yaml
storageclass.storage.k8s.io/csi-disk-ssd created

Query StorageClass again. The command output is as follows:

# kubectl get sc
NAME                PROVISIONER                     AGE
csi-disk            everest-csi-provisioner         17d
csi-disk-sas        everest-csi-provisioner         2m28s
csi-disk-ssd        everest-csi-provisioner         16s
csi-disk-topology   everest-csi-provisioner         17d
csi-nas             everest-csi-provisioner         17d
csi-obs             everest-csi-provisioner         17d
csi-sfsturbo        everest-csi-provisioner         17d

Scenario 2: Specifying the Default StorageClass

You can specify a StorageClass as the default class. In this way, any PVCs created without specifying StorageClassName will automatically use the default StorageClass.

For example, to specify csi-disk-ssd as the default StorageClass, edit your YAML file as follows:

apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
kind: StorageClass
  name: csi-disk-ssd
    storageclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class: "true"   # Specify the default StorageClass in a cluster. There can only be one default StorageClass per cluster.
  csi.storage.k8s.io/csi-driver-name: disk.csi.everest.io
  csi.storage.k8s.io/fstype: ext4
  everest.io/disk-volume-type: SSD
  everest.io/passthrough: "true"
provisioner: everest-csi-provisioner
reclaimPolicy: Delete
volumeBindingMode: Immediate
allowVolumeExpansion: true

Run the kubectl create command to create a StorageClass and then check it.

# kubectl create -f ssd.yaml
storageclass.storage.k8s.io/csi-disk-ssd created
# kubectl get sc
NAME                     PROVISIONER                     AGE
csi-disk                 everest-csi-provisioner         17d
csi-disk-sas             everest-csi-provisioner         114m
csi-disk-ssd (default)   everest-csi-provisioner         9s
csi-disk-topology        everest-csi-provisioner         17d
csi-nas                  everest-csi-provisioner         17d
csi-obs                  everest-csi-provisioner         17d
csi-sfsturbo             everest-csi-provisioner         17d

Scenario 3: Specifying an Enterprise Project for a StorageClass

When creating EVS or OBS PVCs using a StorageClass in CCE, you can specify an enterprise project to assign the created storage resources (EVS disks and OBS) to. This enterprise project can either be the default one or the same one as the cluster belongs to.

If you do not specify any enterprise project, the enterprise project in StorageClass will be used by default. The storage resources created using the CCE's csi-disk or csi-obs StorageClass belong to the default enterprise project.

If you want the storage resources created using a StorageClass to be in the same enterprise project as the cluster, you can customize a StorageClass and specify the enterprise project ID in it.


To use this function, the Everest add-on must be upgraded to v1.2.33 or later.

kind: StorageClass
apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
  name: csi-disk-epid      # Customize a StorageClass name.
provisioner: everest-csi-provisioner
  csi.storage.k8s.io/csi-driver-name: disk.csi.everest.io
  csi.storage.k8s.io/fstype: ext4
  everest.io/disk-volume-type: SAS
  everest.io/enterprise-project-id: 86bfc701-9d9e-4871-a318-6385aa368183  # Specify the enterprise project ID.
  everest.io/passthrough: 'true'
reclaimPolicy: Delete
allowVolumeExpansion: true
volumeBindingMode: Immediate

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