Updated on 2023-04-27 GMT+08:00
Invitation for Joining Distribution Partner Program

Invitation for Joining Distribution Partner Program

To join the Distribution Partner Program, contact the local ecosystem manager to sent you an invitation link.

Apply to become an HCPN partner before being invited to join the Distribution Partner Program. After you join the Distribution Partner Program, you are not allowed to join the Cloud Solution Provider Program.

Important Notes

An enterprise cannot be invited to join Distribution Partner Program if its account:

  • Has joined or is joining the Cloud Solution Provider Program.
  • Belongs to a customer of a reseller. Disassociate from the reseller before performing this operation.
  • Has resources in use. Disable the resources on the management console.
  • Has been frozen.
  • The account has consumption records.
  • Is in arrears. Top up the account to pay off the arrears.
  • Has become an enterprise master account or member account.
  • The account has a credit account.
  • The account has been preregistered by a Huawei BD.
  • The account is being used for or has passed real-name authentication.
  • The account cannot purchase or provision cloud services or resources during the application for joining Distribution Partner Program or after the application is approved.
  • If the account has already enabled pay-per-use resources, you need to go to the console and release the resources or register a new account before submitting your application to become a distributor.


  1. Check the invitation email.
  2. Click here in the email.

  3. Use your account to log in to Huawei Cloud.

  4. Choose Partner Programs > HUAWEI CLOUD Partner Programs in the navigation pane on the left. Find the Distribution Partner Program and click Join Now.

    Enter the company information, select I have read and agree to the Statement for HUAWEI ID Association with Huawei Cloud Partner, and click Next.

  5. Enter business qualification information and click Next.

  6. Select I have read and agree to Huawei Cloud Distribution Cooperation Agreement and click Submit.

  7. A message indicating that your application has been submitted successfully is displayed.

    You may fail to join the program if:

    • Your account has joined or is joining the Cloud Solution Provider Program.
    • Your account belongs to a customer of a reseller. Disassociate from the reseller before performing this operation.
    • Your account has resources in use. Disable the resources on the management console.
    • Your account is frozen.
    • Your account is in arrears. You can top up your account to pay off the arrears.
    • Your account is an enterprise master account or member account.
    • Your account has a credit account.