Updated on 2024-04-15 GMT+08:00

Create an EVS Disk


EVS disks can be used as system disks or data disks for servers. You can create data disks on the EVS console, or create them together with system disks on the ECS console.

This section describes how to create data disks on the EVS console.


Table 1 Constraints on creating disks

Created On


The EVS console

  • Disks created on the EVS console are data disks. You need to manually attach them to servers.
  • Disks can only be attached to servers in the same region and AZ. Once created, the region and AZ cannot be changed.
  • There are quantity and capacity quotas on EVS disks, so properly plan the number of disks and total disk capacity your workloads require. For details, see Managing Quotas.

The ECS console

  • System disks can only be created together with servers and are automatically attached.
  • Data disks created together with servers or added after the server creation are automatically attached.
  • Disks will have the same billing mode as their server if the disks are created together with the server.
  • By default, disks created with ECSs are VBD disks, and those created with BMSs are SCSI disks.


Capacities of multiple disks cannot be combined, and the capacity of a single disk cannot be split.


  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. Under Storage, click Elastic Volume Service.

    The disk list page is displayed.

  3. Click Create Disk.
  4. Configure basic disk information according to Table 2.

    Table 2 Disk parameters




    Example Value




    Resources are region-specific and cannot be used across regions through internal network connections. For low network latency and quick resource access, select the nearest region.





    The availability zone (AZ) where you want to create the disk.

    • Disks can only be attached to the servers in the same AZ.
    • The AZ of a disk cannot be changed after the disk has been created.


    Disk Specifications

    Disk Type


    The available disk types are as follows:

    • Common I/O
    • High I/O
    • Ultra-high I/O

    When a disk is created from a snapshot, the disk type of the new disk will be consistent with that of the snapshot's source disk.

    Ultra-high I/O

    Disk Size (GiB)


    The disk size. Only data disks can be created on the current page, and the disk size ranges from 10 GiB to 32,768 GiB.

    100 GiB

    Data Source (Optional)

    Create from
    • Backup
    • Snapshot
    • Image
    • If you choose Create from Backup, the backup data is used to create the disk.

      Click Create from and choose Backup. On the displayed page, select the target backup and click OK.

      • One backup cannot be used for concurrent disk creation operations at the same time. For example, if you are creating disk A from a backup, this backup can be used to create another disk only after disk A has been created.
      • If a disk is created from a backup of a system disk, the new disk can be used as a data disk only.
    • If you choose Create from Snapshot, the snapshot data is used to create the disk.

      Click Create from and choose Snapshot. On the displayed page, select the target snapshot and click OK.

      • The device type of the new disk is the same as that of the snapshot's source disk.

      For details about the disk creation from snapshots, see Creating an EVS Disk from a Snapshot.

    • If you choose Create from Image, the image data is used to create the disk.

      Click Create from and choose Image. On the displayed page, select the target image and click OK.

      • The device type of the new disk is the same as that of the image's source disk.
    • Create from Backup: autobackup-001

    Automatic Backup


    CBR lets you back up EVS disks and ECSs and use the backups to restore data. After you configure automatic backup, the system will associate the EVS disk with the backup vault and apply the selected policy to the vault to periodically back up the disk.
    • Do not use: Skip this configuration if backup is not required. If you need backup protection after a disk has been created, log in to the CBR console, locate the desired vault, and associate the disk with the vault.
    • Use existing:
      1. Vault: Select an existing vault from the drop-down list.
      2. Backup Policy: Select a backup policy from the drop-down list, or go to the CBR console and configure a desired one.
    • Auto assign:
      1. Enter a vault name, which can contain a maximum of 64 characters, including letters, digits, underscores (_), and hyphens (-), for example, vault-f61e. The default naming rule is vault_xxxx.
      2. Enter the vault capacity, which is required for backing up the disk. The vault capacity cannot be less than the size of the disk to be backed up. The value ranges from the disk size to 10,485,760 in the unit of GiB.
      3. Select a backup policy from the drop-down list, or go to the CBR console and configure a desired one.



    Advanced Settings
    • Share
    • SCSI


    • Share

      If you select Share, a shared disk is created. A shared disk can be attached to up to 16 servers. If you do not select Share, a non-shared disk is created, and the disk can be attached to one a server only.

      If you select both SCSI and Share, a shared SCSI disk is created.


      The sharing attribute of a disk cannot be changed after the disk has been created.

      For details about shared EVS disks, see Managing Shared EVS Disks.

    • SCSI

      If you select SCSI, a SCSI disk is created. Such disks allow the server OS to directly access the underlying storage media and send SCSI commands to the disks. If you do not select SCSI, a VBD disk is created. That said, the disk device type is VBD, the default device type.


      The device type of a disk cannot be changed after the disk has been created.

      For details about the ECS types, OSs, and ECS software supported by SCSI EVS disks, see Device Types and Usage Instructions.


    Disk Name



    • If you create disks individually, this parameter value is used as the actual disk name.

      The name can contain a maximum of 64 characters.

    • If you create disks in a batch, this parameter value is used as the prefix of disk names, and one disk name will be composed of this parameter value and a four-digit number.

      The name can contain a maximum of 59 characters.

    For example, if you create two disks and set volume for Disk Name, the EVS disk names will be volume-0001 and volume-0002.




    The number of disks to be created. The default value is set to 1, which means only one disk is created. Currently, you can create up to 100 disks at a time.


  5. Click Next.
  6. On the Details page, check the disk details.

    • If you do not need to modify the specifications, click Submit.
    • If you need to modify the specifications, click Previous.

  7. In the disk list, view the disk status.

    When the disk status changes to Available, the disk is successfully created.