หน้านี้ยังไม่พร้อมใช้งานในภาษาท้องถิ่นของคุณ เรากำลังพยายามอย่างหนักเพื่อเพิ่มเวอร์ชันภาษาอื่น ๆ เพิ่มเติม ขอบคุณสำหรับการสนับสนุนเสมอมา
Quick Deployment
This section describes how to deploy the solution.
Parameter |
Type |
Mandatory |
Description |
Default Value |
availability_zone |
string |
Yes |
AZ where the solution is deployed. Only AZs in AP-Singapore are supported. For details about how to obtain AZ information, see here. |
ap-southeast-3c |
enterprise_project_id |
string |
Yes |
Enterprise project ID. Obtain the ID in Enterprise Project Management (EPS). 0 indicates the default enterprise project. |
0 |
vpc_name |
string |
Yes |
VPC name. This template uses a newly created VPC and the VPC name must be unique. It can contain 1 to 64 characters and can include letters, digits, underscores (_), hyphens (-), and periods (.). |
sap-s4hana-ha-demo |
vpc_cidr |
string |
Yes |
VPC CIDR block. Value range:–24,–24,–24. | |
subnet_sap_cidr |
string |
Yes |
Subnet CIDR block of the ECS where SAP S/4HANA application software is to be deployed. Value range:–24,–24,–24. | |
subnet_db_cidr |
string |
Yes |
Subnet CIDR block of SAP HANA. Value range:–24,–24,–24. | |
subnet_hb_cidr |
string |
Yes |
Subnet CIDR block of heartbeat. Value range:–24,–24,–24. | |
subnet_sfs_turbo_cidr |
string |
Yes |
SFS Turbo subnet CIDR block.Value range:,, | |
ecs_password |
string |
Yes |
ECS initial password. After an ECS is created, change the password by referring to Resetting the Password for Logging In to an ECS on the Management Console. It can contain 8 to 26 characters and must include at least three of the following character types: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, digits, and special characters (!@%-_=+[{}]:,./?). |
sap_s4_name |
string |
Yes |
Prefix of the name of the ECS where SAP S/4HANA is deployed. The name must be unique. It can contain 1 to 47 characters and can include letters, digits, underscores (_), hyphens (-), and periods (.). |
S4 |
sid |
string |
Yes |
SAP system ID. The value can contain 3 to 8 characters, including letters and digits. It is recommended that the value start with a letter. |
ascs_instance_number |
string |
Yes |
ASCS instance number, which is used to form a directory name. Value range: a two-digit number. |
01 |
ers_instance_number |
string |
Yes |
ERS instance number, which is used to form a directory name. Value range: a two-digit number. The value must be different from that of ascs_instance_number. |
02 |
ecs_s4_flavor |
string |
Yes |
Flavor name of the ECS where SAP S/4HANA is to be deployed. For details about the supported flavors, see the marketplace image SUSE Linux for SAP 15 SP3 (a flavor with one to four vCPUs are supported by the default image). |
c6.xlarge.2 (c6 | 4 vCPUs | 8 GiB) |
s4_image_1 |
string |
Yes |
Image ID of the active ECS where SAP S/4HANA is to be deployed, which can be a shared image ID, private image ID, or public image ID. The marketplace image SUSE Linux for SAP 15 SP3 is used by default. |
a8b7692c-db58-40f4-8ba8-d90d6d1057b6 |
s4_image_2 |
string |
Yes |
Image ID of the standby ECS where SAP S/4HANA is to be deployed, which can be a shared image ID, private image ID, or public image ID. The marketplace image SUSE Linux for SAP 15 SP3 is used by default. |
a8b7692c-db58-40f4-8ba8-d90d6d1057b6 |
s4_system_disk_type |
string |
Yes |
Type of the system disk used by the ECS where SAP S/4HANA is to be deployed. Value options: ESSD (Extreme SSD), SSD (Ultra-high I/O), GPSSD (General Purpose SSD), or SAS (High I/O). |
s4_system_disk_size |
number |
Yes |
Size of the system disk used by the ECS where SAP S/4HANA is to be deployed. The unit is GB. The value ranges from 40 to 1024. The system disk size cannot be reduced. Default value: 40. |
40 |
s4_businessIP_1 |
string |
Yes |
Service IP address of the active ECS where SAP S/4HANA is to be deployed. Value range: an IP address within the CIDR block of subnet-sap. | |
s4_businessIP_2 |
string |
Yes |
Service IP address of the standby ECS where SAP S/4HANA is to be deployed. Value range: an IP address within the CIDR block of subnet-sap. | |
s4_heartbeatIP_1 |
string |
Yes |
Heartbeat IP address of the active ECS where SAP S/4HANA is to be deployed. Value range: an IP address within the CIDR block of sap-hb. | |
s4_heartbeatIP_2 |
string |
Yes |
Heartbeat IP address of the standby ECS where SAP S/4HANA is to be deployed. Value range: an IP address within the CIDR block of sap-hb. | |
s4_vip |
string |
Yes |
Virtual IP address of the active/standby ECS where SAP S/4HANA is to be deployed. Value range: an IP address within the CIDR block of subnet-sap. | |
evs_s4_swap_type |
string |
Yes |
Type of EVS disk used as the swap volume. Value options: SAS (high I/O), SSD (ultra-high I/O), GPSSD (general-purpose SSD), and ESSD (Extreme SSD). |
evs_s4_swap_size |
number |
Yes |
Size of EVS disk used as the swap volume. The unit is GB, and the value ranges from 10 to 32768. |
20 |
evs_s4_sap_type |
string |
Yes |
EVS disk type. Value options: SAS (high I/O), SSD (ultra-high I/O), GPSSD (general-purpose SSD), and ESSD (Extreme SSD). Mount path: /usr/sap. |
evs_s4_sap_size |
string |
Yes |
EVS disk size in GB. The value ranges from 10 to 32768. Mount path: /usr/sap. |
50 |
evs_s4_sbd_type |
string |
Yes |
Type of shared EVS disk used as the SBD volume. Value options: SAS (high I/O), SSD (ultra-high I/O), GPSSD (general-purpose SSD), and ESSD (Extreme SSD). |
evs_s4_sbd_size |
number |
Yes |
Size of shared EVS disk used as the SBD volume. The unit is GB, and the value ranges from 10 to 32768. |
10 |
evs_s4_ascs_type |
string |
Yes |
Type of shared EVS disk. Value options: SAS (high I/O), SSD (ultra-high I/O), GPSSD (general-purpose SSD), and ESSD (Extreme SSD). Mount path: /usr/sap/<SID>/ASCSXX. The disk is shared to the active ASCS node for ASCS instance installation. |
evs_s4_ascs_size |
number |
Yes |
Size of shared EVS disk. The unit is GB, and the value ranges from 10 to 32768. Mount path: /usr/sap/<SID>/ASCSXX. The disk is shared to the active ASCS node for ASCS instance installation. |
80 |
evs_s4_ers_type |
string |
Yes |
Type of shared EVS disk. Value options: SAS (high I/O), SSD (ultra-high I/O), GPSSD (general-purpose SSD), and ESSD (Extreme SSD). Mount path: /usr/sap/<SID>/ERSXX. The disk is shared to the standby ASCS node for ERS instance installation. |
evs_s4_ers_size |
number |
Yes |
Size of shared EVS disk. The unit is GB, and the value ranges from 10 to 32768. Mount path: /usr/sap/<SID>/ERSXX. The disk is shared to the standby ASCS node for ERS instance installation. |
80 |
sap_hana_name |
string |
Yes |
Prefix of the name of the ECS where SAP HANA is deployed. The name must be unique. It can contain 1 to 52 characters and can include letters, digits, underscores (_), hyphens (-), and periods (.). |
ecs_hana_flavor |
string |
Yes |
Flavor name of the ECS where SAP HANA is to be deployed. For details about the supported flavors, see the marketplace image SUSE Linux for SAP 15 SP3 (eight or more vCPUs are supported by the default image ID). |
c6.2xlarge.4 (c6 | 8 vCPUs | 32 GiB) |
hana_image_1 |
string |
Yes |
Image ID of the active ECS where SAP HANA is to be deployed, which can be a shared image ID, private image ID, or public image ID. The marketplace image SUSE Linux for SAP 15 SP3 is used by default. |
eafbd213-067a-409e-9c0f-07a3d6ac1488 |
hana_image_2 |
string |
Yes |
Image ID of the standby ECS where SAP HANA is to be deployed, which can be a shared image ID, private image ID, or public image ID. The marketplace image SUSE Linux for SAP 15 SP3 is used by default. |
eafbd213-067a-409e-9c0f-07a3d6ac1488 |
hana_system_disk_type |
string |
Yes |
Type of the system disk. Value options: ESSD (Extreme SSD), SSD (Ultra-high I/O), GPSSD (General Purpose SSD), or SAS (High I/O). |
hana_system_disk_size |
number |
Yes |
Size of the system disk used by the ECS where SAP HANA is to be deployed. The unit is GB. The value ranges from 40 to 1024. The system disk size cannot be reduced. |
40 |
hana_businessIP_1 |
string |
Yes |
Service IP address of the active ECS where SAP HANA is to be deployed. Value range: an IP address within the CIDR block of subnet-db. | |
hana_businessIP_2 |
string |
Yes |
Service IP address of the standby ECS where SAP HANA is to be deployed. Value range: an IP address within the CIDR block of subnet-db. | |
hana_heartbeatIP_1 |
string |
Yes |
Heartbeat IP address of the active ECS where SAP HANA is to be deployed. Value range: an IP address within the CIDR block of heartbeatIP. | |
hana_heartbeatIP_2 |
string |
Yes |
Heartbeat IP address of the standby ECS where SAP HANA is to be deployed. Value range: an IP address within the CIDR block of heartbeatIP. | |
hana_vip |
string |
Yes |
Virtual IP address of the active/standby ECS where SAP HANA is to be deployed. Value range: an IP address within the CIDR block of subnet-db. | |
evs_hana_swap_type |
string |
Yes |
Type of EVS disk used as the swap volume. Value options: SAS (high I/O), SSD (ultra-high I/O), GPSSD (general-purpose SSD), and ESSD (Extreme SSD). |
evs_hana_swap_size |
number |
Yes |
Size of EVS disk used as the swap volume. The unit is GB, and the value ranges from 10 to 32768. |
10 |
evs_hana_sap_type |
string |
Yes |
EVS disk type. Value options: SAS (high I/O), SSD (ultra-high I/O), GPSSD (general-purpose SSD), and ESSD (Extreme SSD). Mount path: /usr/sap. |
evs_hana_sap_size |
string |
Yes |
EVS disk size in GB. The value ranges from 10 to 32768. Mount path: /usr/sap. |
50 |
evs_hana_log_type |
string |
Yes |
EVS disk type. Value options: SAS (high I/O), SSD (ultra-high I/O), GPSSD (general-purpose SSD), and ESSD (Extreme SSD). Mount path: /hana/log. |
evs_hana_log_size |
number |
Yes |
EVS disk size in GB. The value ranges from 10 to 32768. Mount path: /hana/log. When the memory size is less than or equal to 512 GB, the log volume capacity is half of the memory size and rounded up for decimal places. When the memory size is greater than 512 GB, the log volume capacity is 512 GB. |
200 |
evs_hana_shared_type |
string |
Yes |
EVS disk type. Value options: SAS (high I/O), SSD (ultra-high I/O), GPSSD (general-purpose SSD), and ESSD (Extreme SSD). Mount path: /hana/shared. |
evs_hana_shared_size |
number |
Yes |
EVS disk size in GB. The value ranges from 10 to 32768. Mount path: /hana/shared. The recommended size is at least 1.2 times that of the memory size. |
400 |
evs_hana_data_type |
string |
Yes |
EVS disk type. Value options: SAS (high I/O), SSD (ultra-high I/O), GPSSD (general-purpose SSD), and ESSD (Extreme SSD). Mount path: /hana/data. |
evs_hana_data_size |
number |
Yes |
EVS disk size in GB. The value ranges from 10 to 32768. Mount path: /hana/data. The recommended size is at least 1.2 times that of the memory size. |
400 |
evs_hana_sbd_type |
string |
Yes |
Type of shared EVS disk used as the SBD volume. Value options: SAS (high I/O), SSD (ultra-high I/O), GPSSD (general-purpose SSD), and ESSD (Extreme SSD). |
evs_hana_sbd_size |
number |
Yes |
Size of shared EVS disk used as the SBD volume. The unit is GB, and the value ranges from 10 to 32768. |
10 |
obs_bucket_name |
string |
No |
OBS bucket name prefix. The bucket name must be unique. If OBS is not used for HANA backup, set this parameter to null. Value range: 3 to 56 characters, including lowercase letters, digits, hyphens (-), and periods (.). |
ak |
string |
No |
Access key ID. The access key ID is provided for the obsfs tool to mount the parallel file system. If the parallel file system does not need to be mounted, set it to null. For details about how to obtain the access key ID, see here. |
sk |
string |
No |
Secret access key used together with the access key ID. The secret access key ID is provided for the obsfs tool to mount the parallel file system. If the parallel file system does not need to be mounted, set it to null. |
charging_mode |
string |
Yes |
Billing mode. Value options: prePaid (yearly/monthly) or postPaid (pay-per-use). |
prePaid |
charging_unit |
string |
No |
Subscription period unit. This parameter is valid only when charging_mode is set to prePaid. The value can be month or year. |
month |
charging_period |
number |
No |
Subscription period. This parameter is valid only when charging_mode is set to prePaid. If charging_unit is set to month, the value ranges from 1 to 9. If charging_unit is set to year, the value ranges from 1 to 3. |
1 |
Parameter |
Type |
Mandatory |
Description |
Default Value |
availability_zone |
string |
No |
AZ where the solution is deployed. Only AZs in AP-Singapore are supported. For details about how to obtain AZ information, see here. |
ap-southeast-3c |
enterprise_project_id |
string |
Yes |
Enterprise project ID. Obtain the ID in Enterprise Project Management (EPS). 0 indicates the default enterprise project. |
0 |
vpc_name |
string |
No |
VPC name. This template uses a newly created VPC and the VPC name must be unique. It can contain 1 to 64 characters and can include letters, digits, underscores (_), hyphens (-), and periods (.). |
sap-s4hana-standard-demo |
vpc_cidr |
string |
No |
VPC CIDR block. Value range:–24,–24,–24. | |
subnet_sap_cidr |
string |
No |
Subnet CIDR block of the ECS where SAP S/4HANA application software is to be deployed. Value range:–24,–24,–24. | |
subnet_db_cidr |
string |
No |
Subnet CIDR block of SAP HANA. Value range:–24,–24,–24. | |
subnet_sfs_turbo_cidr |
string |
No |
SFS Turbo subnet CIDR block.Value range:,, | |
dev_name |
string |
No |
Name of the ECS where the SAP development environment (DEV) is deployed. It can contain 1 to 64 characters and can include letters, digits, underscores (_), hyphens (-), and periods (.). |
ecs_dev_flavor |
string |
No |
Flavor name of the ECS where the SAP development environment is deployed. For details about the supported flavors, see the marketplace image SUSE Linux for SAP 15 SP3 (a flavor with one to four vCPUs are supported by the default image). |
c6.xlarge.2 (c6 | 4 vCPUs | 8 GiB) |
dev_image_id |
string |
No |
Image ID of the ECS where the SAP development environment is deployed, which can be a shared image ID, private image ID, or public image ID. The marketplace image SUSE Linux for SAP 15 SP3 is used by default. |
a8b7692c-db58-40f4-8ba8-d90d6d1057b6 |
dev_password |
string |
No |
Initial password for logging in to the ECS where the SAP development environment is deployed. After an ECS is created, change the password by referring to Resetting the Password for Logging In to an ECS on the Management Console. It can contain 8 to 26 characters and must include at least three of the following character types: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, digits, and special characters (!@%-_=+[{}]:,./?). |
dev_system_disk_type |
string |
No |
Type of the system disk used by the ECS where the SAP development environment is deployed. Value options: ESSD (Extreme SSD), SSD (Ultra-high I/O), GPSSD (General Purpose SSD), or SAS (High I/O). |
dev_system_disk_size |
number |
No |
Size of the system disk used by the ECS where the SAP development environment is deployed. The unit is GB, and the value ranges from 40 to 1024. The system disk size cannot be reduced. |
40 |
dev_businessIP |
string |
No |
Service IP address of the ECS where the SAP development environment is deployed. Value range: an IP address within the CIDR block of subnet-sap. | |
dev_swap_type |
string |
No |
Type of EVS disk attached to the ECS where the SAP development environment is deployed. The disk is used as the swap volume. Value options: SAS (high I/O), SSD (ultra-high I/O), GPSSD (general-purpose SSD), and ESSD (Extreme SSD). |
dev_swap_size |
number |
No |
Size of EVS disk attached to the ECS where the SAP development environment is deployed. The unit is GB, and the value ranges from 10 to 32768. The disk is used as the swap volume. |
20 |
dev_sap_type |
string |
No |
Type of EVS disk attached to the ECS where the SAP development environment is deployed. Mount path: /usr/sap. Value options: SAS (high I/O), SSD (ultra-high I/O), GPSSD (general-purpose SSD), and ESSD (Extreme SSD). |
dev_sap_size |
string |
No |
Size of EVS disk attached to the ECS where the SAP development environment is deployed. The unit is GB, and the value ranges from 10 to 32768. Mount path: /usr/sap. |
50 |
dev_sapmnt_type |
string |
No |
Type of EVS disk attached to the ECS where the SAP development environment is deployed. Mount path: /sapmnt. Value options: SAS (high I/O), SSD (ultra-high I/O), GPSSD (general-purpose SSD), and ESSD (Extreme SSD). |
dev_sapmnt_size |
number |
No |
Size of EVS disk attached to the ECS where the SAP development environment is deployed. Mount path: /sapmnt. The value ranges from 10 to 32768. |
40 |
qas_name |
string |
No |
Name of the ECS where SAP quality assurance (QAS) is deployed. The name must be unique. It can contain 1 to 64 characters and can include letters, digits, underscores (_), hyphens (-), and periods (.). |
ecs_qas_flavor |
string |
No |
Flavor name of the ECS where SAP QAS is deployed. For details about the supported flavors, see the marketplace image SUSE Linux for SAP 15 SP3 (a flavor with one to four vCPUs are supported by the default image). |
c6.xlarge.2 (c6 | 4 vCPUs | 8 GiB) |
qas_image_id |
string |
No |
Image ID of the ECS where SAP QAS is deployed, which can be a shared image ID, private image ID, or public image ID. The marketplace image SUSE Linux for SAP 15 SP3 is used by default, and it can only be purchased on a yearly/monthly basis. |
a8b7692c-db58-40f4-8ba8-d90d6d1057b6 |
qas_password |
string |
No |
Initial password for logging in to the ECS where SAP QAS is deployed. After an ECS is created, change the password by referring to Resetting the Password for Logging In to an ECS on the Management Console. It can contain 8 to 26 characters and must include at least three of the following character types: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, digits, and special characters (!@%-_=+[{}]:,./?). |
qas_system_disk_type |
string |
No |
Type of the system disk used by the ECS where SAP QAS is deployed. Value options: ESSD (Extreme SSD), SSD (Ultra-high I/O), GPSSD (General Purpose SSD), or SAS (High I/O). |
qas_system_disk_size |
number |
No |
Size of the system disk used by the ECS where SAP QAS is deployed. The unit is GB, and the value ranges from 40 to 1024. The system disk size cannot be reduced. |
40 |
qas_businessIP |
string |
No |
Service IP address of the ECS where SAP QAS is deployed. Value range: an IP address within the CIDR block of subnet-sap. | |
qas_swap_type |
string |
No |
Type of EVS disk attached to the ECS where SAP QAS is deployed. The disk is used as the swap volume. Value options: SAS (high I/O), SSD (ultra-high I/O), GPSSD (general-purpose SSD), and ESSD (Extreme SSD). |
qas_swap_size |
number |
No |
Size of EVS disk attached to the ECS where SAP QAS is deployed. The unit is GB, and the value ranges from 10 to 32768. The disk is used as the swap volume. |
20 |
qas_sap_type |
string |
No |
Type of EVS disk attached to the ECS where SAP QAS is deployed. Mount path: /usr/sap. Value options: SAS (high I/O), SSD (ultra-high I/O), GPSSD (general-purpose SSD), and ESSD (Extreme SSD). |
qas_sap_size |
string |
No |
Size of EVS disk attached to the ECS where SAP QAS is deployed. The unit is GB, and the value ranges from 10 to 32768. Mount path: /usr/sap. |
50 |
qas_sapmnt_type |
string |
No |
Type of EVS disk attached to the ECS where SAP QAS is deployed. Mount path: /sapmnt. Value options: SAS (high I/O), SSD (ultra-high I/O), GPSSD (general-purpose SSD), and ESSD (Extreme SSD). |
qas_sapmnt_size |
number |
No |
Size of EVS disk attached to the ECS where SAP QAS is deployed. Mount path: /sapmnt. The value ranges from 10 to 32768. |
40 |
sap_hana_name |
string |
No |
Prefix of the name of the ECS where SAP HANA is deployed. The name must be unique. It can contain 1 to 52 characters and can include letters, digits, underscores (_), hyphens (-), and periods (.). |
ecs_hana_flavor |
string |
No |
Flavor name of the ECS where SAP HANA is to be deployed. For details about the supported flavors, see the marketplace image SUSE Linux for SAP 15 SP3 (eight or more vCPUs are supported by the default image ID). |
c6.2xlarge.4 (c6 | 8 vCPUs | 32 GiB) |
hana_password |
string |
No |
Initial password for logging in to the ECS where SAP HANA is deployed. After an ECS is created, change the password by referring to Resetting the Password for Logging In to an ECS on the Management Console. It can contain 8 to 26 characters and must include at least three of the following character types: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, digits, and special characters (!@%-_=+[{}]:,./?). |
hana_image_id |
string |
No |
Image ID of the ECS where SAP HANA is deployed, which can be a shared image ID, private image ID, or public image ID. The marketplace image SUSE Linux for SAP 15 SP3 is used by default, and it can only be purchased on a yearly/monthly basis. |
eafbd213-067a-409e-9c0f-07a3d6ac1488 |
hana_system_disk_type |
string |
No |
Type of the system disk. Value options: ESSD (Extreme SSD), SSD (Ultra-high I/O), GPSSD (General Purpose SSD), or SAS (High I/O). |
hana_system_disk_size |
number |
No |
Size of the system disk used by the ECS where SAP HANA is to be deployed. The unit is GB. The value ranges from 40 to 1024. The system disk size cannot be reduced. |
40 |
hana_businessIP |
string |
No |
Service IP address of the active ECS where SAP HANA is to be deployed. Value range: an IP address within the CIDR block of subnet-db. | |
evs_hana_swap_type |
string |
No |
Type of EVS disk used as the swap volume. Value options: SAS (high I/O), SSD (ultra-high I/O), GPSSD (general-purpose SSD), and ESSD (Extreme SSD). |
evs_hana_swap_size |
number |
No |
Size of EVS disk used as the swap volume. The unit is GB, and the value ranges from 10 to 32768. |
10 |
evs_hana_sap_type |
string |
No |
EVS disk type. Value options: SAS (high I/O), SSD (ultra-high I/O), GPSSD (general-purpose SSD), and ESSD (Extreme SSD). Mount path: /usr/sap. |
evs_hana_sap_size |
string |
No |
EVS disk size in GB. The value ranges from 10 to 32768. Mount path: /usr/sap. |
50 |
evs_hana_log_type |
string |
No |
EVS disk type. Value options: SAS (high I/O), SSD (ultra-high I/O), GPSSD (general-purpose SSD), and ESSD (Extreme SSD). Mount path: /hana/log. |
evs_hana_log_size |
number |
No |
EVS disk size in GB. The value ranges from 10 to 32768. Mount path: /hana/log. When the memory size is less than or equal to 512 GB, the log volume capacity is half of the memory size and rounded up for decimal places. When the memory size is greater than 512 GB, the log volume capacity is 512 GB. |
200 |
evs_hana_shared_type |
string |
No |
EVS disk type. Value options: SAS (high I/O), SSD (ultra-high I/O), GPSSD (general-purpose SSD), and ESSD (Extreme SSD). Mount path: /hana/shared. |
evs_hana_shared_size |
number |
No |
EVS disk size in GB. The value ranges from 10 to 32768. Mount path: /hana/shared. The recommended size is at least 1.2 times that of the memory size. |
400 |
evs_hana_data_type |
string |
No |
EVS disk type. Value options: SAS (high I/O), SSD (ultra-high I/O), GPSSD (general-purpose SSD), and ESSD (Extreme SSD). Mount path: /hana/data. |
evs_hana_data_size |
number |
No |
EVS disk size in GB. The value ranges from 10 to 32768. Mount path: /hana/data. The recommended size is at least 1.2 times that of the memory size. |
400 |
obs_bucket_name |
string |
Yes |
OBS bucket name prefix. The bucket name must be unique. If OBS is not used for HANA backup, set this parameter to null. Value range: 3 to 56 characters, including lowercase letters, digits, hyphens (-), and periods (.). |
ak |
string |
Yes |
Access key ID. The access key ID is provided for the obsfs tool to mount the parallel file system. For details about how to obtain the access key ID, see here. |
sk |
string |
Yes |
Secret access key used together with the access key ID. This parameter is provided for the obsfs tool to mount parallel file systems. If OBS is not used for HANA backup, leave this parameter blank. |
charging_mode |
string |
No |
Billing mode. Value options: prePaid (yearly/monthly) or postPaid (pay-per-use). |
prePaid |
charging_unit |
string |
Yes |
Subscription period unit. This parameter is valid only when charging_mode is set to prePaid. The value can be month or year. |
month |
charging_period |
number |
Yes |
Subscription period. This parameter is valid only when charging_mode is set to prePaid. If charging_unit is set to month, the value ranges from 1 to 9. If charging_unit is set to year, the value ranges from 1 to 3. |
1 |
- Log in to Huawei Cloud Solution Best Practices and choose Quick Deployment of Cloud Environment for SAP S/4HANA.
Figure 1 Solution
- Select the desired deployment mode and click the according button to switch to the stack creation page.
Figure 2 Creating a stack
- Click Next and configure parameters by referring to Table 2.
Figure 3 Configuring parameters
- On the displayed page, select rf_admin_trust from the Agency drop-down list and click Next.
Figure 4 Configuring a stack
- Click Next and confirm the configurations.
Figure 5 Confirming the configurations
- On the Confirm Configurations page, click Create Execution Plan. In the displayed dialog box, enter the execution plan name, and click OK.
Figure 6 Creating an execution planFigure 7 Execution plan created
- Click Deploy. In the displayed dialog box, click Execute.
Figure 8 Confirming the execution plan
- Click the Events tab and check whether the message "Apply required resource success." is displayed. If yes, the solution is successfully deployed.
Figure 9 Solution deployed
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