Help Center/ Content Delivery Network/ Getting Started/ (Optional) Recommended Configurations
Updated on 2024-10-18 GMT+08:00

(Optional) Recommended Configurations

After adding an acceleration domain name, configure cache rules, smart compression, and secure acceleration to improve the cache hit ratio, optimize the acceleration effect, and enhance security.

Improving Cache Hit Ratio and Optimizing the Acceleration Effect


Configuration Item


The cache hit ratio is low and the acceleration effect is not obvious.

Cache Rules

Set a proper cache TTL and priority for different resources to improve the cache hit ratio, reduce the origin pull ratio, and relieve the pressure on the origin server.


  1. The cache rule priority is an integer ranging from 1 to 100. A greater number indicates a higher priority.
  2. If you modify or add a cache rule, purge the cache of the corresponding resource.
  3. Set the cache TTL of dynamic resources to 0, so dynamic resources are not cached. Otherwise, access exceptions may occur.
  4. Check the cache settings on the origin server. If no-cache, private, or no-store is configured for a resource on the origin server and Origin Cache Control is enabled on the CDN console, CDN cannot cache the resource. CDN needs to pull the resource from the origin server each time it is requested. This does not achieve acceleration.

Range Requests

Configure range requests to accelerate distribution of large files during origin pull and reduce bandwidth consumption.

  • Range requests are enabled by default for download acceleration.
  • Check whether the origin server supports the Range header.

Smart Compression

Compress static content on your websites to reduce the file size, speed up file transfer, and save bandwidth.

  • Smart compression includes gzip compression and Brotli compression. The performance of Brotli compression is 15% to 25% higher than that of gzip compression.
  • With smart compression, CDN automatically compresses .js, .html, .css, .xml, .json, .shtml and .htm files.

URL Parameters

Ignore URL parameters to improve the cache hit ratio and speed up content distribution.

  • If resources do not change with URL parameters, ignore the URL parameters.
  • If resources change with URL parameters, retain the URL parameters.

Improving Website Security


Configuration Item


Improving security performance


Configure a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate to improve the domain name security.

Access Control

Identify and filter visitors to restrict their access and improve CDN resource security.

Accelerating Delivery of Resources Protected by WAF

Huawei Cloud CDN works with WAF to defend against web attacks during content delivery acceleration, providing a more secure acceleration experience.

Reducing the Risk of High Bills


Configuration Item


If your domain name is attacked or has malicious traffic coming, there may be sudden traffic spikes that result in a bill higher than your normal expenditures. CDN can help you reduce the risk of high bills.

Usage Cap

Set a usage cap so CDN will disable your domain name when the access bandwidth reaches the threshold you specify to avoid excessive fee.