Updated on 2022-08-12 GMT+08:00

Managing Local Quick Recovery Tasks


When DistCp is used to back up data, the backup snapshot is saved to HDFS of the active cluster. FusionInsight Manager supports using the local snapshot for quick data recovery, requiring less time than recovering data from the standby cluster.

Use FusionInsight Manager and the snapshots on HDFS of the active cluster to create a local quick recovery task and execute the task.


  1. On FusionInsight Manager, choose O&M > Backup and Restoration > Backup Management.
  2. In the backup task list, locate a created task and click Restore in the Operation column.
  3. Check whether the system displays No data is available for quick restoration. Create a task on the restoration management page to restore data.

    • If yes, click OK to close the dialog box. No backup data snapshot is created in the active cluster, and no further action is required.
    • If no, go to 4 to create a local quick recovery task.

      Metadata does not support quick restoration.

  4. Set Name to the name of the local quick recovery task.
  5. Set Configuration to a data source.
  6. Set Recovery Point List to a recovery point that contains the backup data.
  7. Set Queue Name to the name of the Yarn queue used in the task execution. The name must be the same as the name of the queue that is running properly in the cluster.
  8. Set Data Configuration to the object to be recovered.
  9. Click Verify. After "The restoration task configuration is verified successfully." is displayed, click OK.
  10. Click OK.
  11. In the recovery task list, locate a created task and click Start in the Operation column to execute the recovery task.

    After the task is complete, Task Status of the task is displayed as Successful.