Help Center/ Elastic IP / User Guide (Kuala Lumpur Region)/ FAQs/ Bandwidth/ What Are the Differences Between a Dedicated Bandwidth and a Shared Bandwidth? Can a Dedicated Bandwidth Be Changed to a Shared Bandwidth or the Other Way Around?
Updated on 2022-08-08 GMT+08:00

What Are the Differences Between a Dedicated Bandwidth and a Shared Bandwidth? Can a Dedicated Bandwidth Be Changed to a Shared Bandwidth or the Other Way Around?

Dedicated bandwidth: The bandwidth can only be used by one EIP and the EIP can only be used by one cloud resource, such as an ECS, a NAT gateway, or a load balancer.

Shared bandwidth: The bandwidth can be shared by multiple EIPs. Adding an EIP to or removing an EIP from a shared bandwidth does not affect your workloads.

A dedicated bandwidth cannot be changed to a shared bandwidth or the other way around. You can purchase a shared bandwidth for your EIPs.

  • After you add an EIP to a shared bandwidth, the EIP will use the shared bandwidth.
  • After you remove an EIP from a shared bandwidth, the EIP will use the dedicated bandwidth.