Updated on 2022-08-16 GMT+08:00


A record set is a collection of resource records that belong to the same domain name. A record set defines DNS record types and values.

Table 1 Record set management




Adding Record Sets

View record set types supported by the DNS service and their configuration rules. Add record sets to a domain name.

For details, see Table 1.

  • After a zone is created for a domain name, the system automatically creates the SOA and NS record sets.
  • A maximum of 500 record sets can be added in an account.

Managing Record Sets

Modify, delete, and view record sets.

  • After a record set is added, its resolution line cannot be modified.
  • You cannot modify or delete SOA and NS record sets automatically generated by the system.

Creating a Wildcard DNS Record Set

Add a record set that matches all subdomains.

Wildcard DNS resolution does not support NS and SOA record sets.

Searching for Record Sets

Search for, modify, disable, and delete record sets on the Dashboard > Record Set page.


Figure 1 shows the process for configuring a record set on the DNS console.

Figure 1 Process for configuring a record set