Updated on 2024-09-06 GMT+08:00

Configuring CNAME Records

After a domain name is added, the system automatically assigns a CNAME record to the domain name. You need to add the CNAME record to your domain's DNS records. Acceleration is enabled once the configuration takes effect.


  • If your domain name is registered on the Huawei Cloud Domain Registration Service, configure the CNAME record by referring to the following procedure.
  • If your domain name is not registered on the Huawei Cloud Domain Registration Service, configure the CNAME record following the guidance provided by your DNS service provider.
  • Configure CNAME records for the ingest domain name and streaming domain name separately.


The following uses a streaming domain name as an example. The procedure for configuring the CNAME record for an ingest domain name is the same.

  1. Obtain the CNAME record.

    1. Log in to the Live console. In the navigation pane, choose Domains.
    2. Obtain the corresponding CNAME in the CNAME column.
      Figure 1 Obtaining the CNAME record

  2. Log in to the DNS console.
  3. In the navigation pane on the left, select Public Zone. The domain name list page is displayed.
  4. Click the target domain name in the Name column.

    Use the domain name example.com as an example. Locate the row containing example.com.

    Figure 2 Domain name list

  5. In the upper right corner of the page, click Add Record Set.

    Figure 3 Adding a record set
    Configure the parameters as instructed by Table 1.
    Table 1 Parameters



    Example Value


    Enter the level-2 domain name. You do not need to enter the suffix.

    For example, if the streaming domain name is play-test.example.com, enter play-test.


    Type of the record set, which should be CNAME-Canonical name here

    CNAME-Map one domain to another


    Whether to associate the record set with a cloud resource name

    • Yes: Associate the record set with a cloud resource. For details, see Record Set.
    • No: Do not associate the record set with a cloud resource.



    Resolution line. The DNS server will return the IP address of the specified line based on the source of visitors. For details, see Resolution Line.

    The default value is Default.

    This parameter is supported only for public domain names.


    TTL (s)

    Cache duration of the record set (unit: s)

    The smaller the value is, the quicker the record takes effective.

    The default value is 5 min. If there are no special requirements, retain the default value.


    Domain name to be pointed to, that is, the CNAME obtained in 1

    For example, if the streaming domain name is play-test.example.com, enter play-test.example.com.c.cdnhwc3.com.


    (Optional) Weight of a record set. When multiple record sets of the same name and line are created in a zone, the one with a larger weight takes effect in priority. The default value is 1.

    This parameter is supported only for public domain names.

    The value ranges from 0 to 100.



    (Optional) Identifier of a record set. Each tag contains a key and a value. You can add 10 tags at most to a record set.




    (Optional) Describes a domain name.

    The description can contain a maximum of 255 characters.


  6. Click OK.

    The record set you added is displayed in the list. If the status of the record set is Normal, the record set has been added.

  7. Perform 1 to 6 to configure the CNAME for the ingest domain name.

Verifying that the CNAME Has Taken Effect

Open the command line interface that comes with Windows and run the following command:

nslookup -qt=cname Acceleration domain name
If the CNAME is displayed, the CNAME has taken effect. A typical command output is shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4 Command output