Logical Decoding Options
Logical decoding options can provide a restriction on or additional functions for the current logical decoding, for example, specifying whether the decoding result includes a transaction number or whether empty transactions are ignored during decoding. For details about the configuration method and SQL function decoding, see the optional input parameters options_name and options_value of the pg_logical_slot_peek_changes function in "SQL Reference > Functions and Operators > System Administration Functions > Logical Replication Functions" in Developer Guide. For details about JDBC streaming decoding, see the usage of the withSlotOption function in the sample code in "Application Development Guide > Development Based on JDBC > Example: Logical Replication Code Example" in Developer Guide.
General Options (Both serial decoding and parallel decoding can be configured, but the settings may be invalid. For details, see the description of related options.)
- include-xids:
Specifies whether the decoded data column contains XID information.
Value range: Boolean. The default value is true.
- false: The decoded data column does not contain XID information.
- true: The decoded data column contains XID information.
- skip-empty-xacts:
Specifies whether to ignore empty transaction information during decoding.
Value range: Boolean. The default value is false.
- false: The empty transaction information is not ignored during decoding.
- true: The empty transaction information is ignored during decoding.
- include-timestamp:
Specifies whether decoded information contains the commit timestamp.
Value range: Boolean. The default value is false in parallel decoding scenarios or true in SQL function decoding and serial decoding scenarios.
- false: The decoded information does not contain the commit timestamp.
- true: The decoded information contains the commit timestamp.
- only-local:
Specifies whether to decode only local logs.
Value range: Boolean. The default value is true.
- false: Non-local logs and local logs are decoded.
- true: Only local logs are decoded.
- white-table-list:
Specifies the whitelist parameter, including the schema and table name to be decoded.
Value range: a string that contains table names in the whitelist. Different tables are separated by commas (,). An asterisk (*) is used to fuzzily match all tables. Schema names and table names are separated by periods (.). No space character is allowed. For example:
select * from pg_logical_slot_peek_changes('slot1', NULL, 4096, 'white-table-list', 'public.t1,public.t2,*.t3,my_schema.*');
- max-txn-in-memory:
Specifies the memory control parameter. The unit is MB. If the memory occupied by a single transaction is greater than the value of this parameter, data is flushed to disks.
For serial decoding, the value range is an integer ranging from 0 to 100. The default value is 0, indicating that memory control is disabled.
For parallel decoding, the value ranges from 0 to 25% of the value of max_process_memory. The default value is max_process_memory/4/1024, where 1024 indicates the conversion from KB to MB. The value 0 indicates that this memory control is disabled.
- max-reorderbuffer-in-memory:
Specifies the memory control parameter. The unit is GB. If the total memory (including the cache) of transactions being concatenated in the sender thread is greater than the value of this parameter, the current decoding transaction is flushed to disks.
For serial decoding, the value range is an integer ranging from 0 to 100. The default value is 0, indicating that memory control is disabled.
For parallel decoding, the value ranges from 0 to 50% of the value of max_process_memory. The default value is max_process_memory/2/1048576, where 1048576 indicates the conversion from KB to GB. The value 0 indicates that this memory control is disabled.
- include-user:
Specifies whether the BEGIN logical log of a transaction records the username of the transaction. The username of a transaction refers to the authorized user, that is, the login user who executes the session corresponding to the transaction. The username does not change during the execution of the transaction.
Value range: Boolean. The default value is false.
- false: The BEGIN logical log of a transaction does not record the username of the transaction.
- true: The BEGIN logical log of a transaction records the username of the transaction.
- exclude-userids:
Specifies the OID of a blacklisted user.
Value range: a string, which specifies the OIDs of blacklisted users. Multiple OIDs are separated by commas (,). The system does not check whether the OIDs exist.
- exclude-users:
Specifies the name list of blacklisted users.
Value range: a string, which specifies the names of blacklisted users. Multiple names are separated by commas (,). The system does not check whether the names exist.
- dynamic-resolution:
Specifies whether to dynamically parse the names of blacklisted users.
Value range: Boolean. The default value is true.
- false: An error is reported and the logical decoding exits when the decoding detects that a user does not exist in blacklist exclude-users.
- true: Decoding continues when it detects that a user does not exist in blacklist exclude-users.
- standby-connection:
Specifies whether to restrict decoding only on the standby node. This option is valid only for streaming decoding.
Value range: Boolean. The default value is false.
- true: Only the standby node can be connected for decoding. When the primary node is connected for decoding, an error is reported and the system exits.
- false: The primary or standby node can be connected for decoding.
If the resource usage of the primary node is high and services are insensitive to real-time incremental data synchronization, you are advised to perform decoding on the standby node. If services have high requirements on real-time incremental data synchronization and the service pressure on the primary node is low, you are advised to perform decoding on the primary node.
- sender-timeout:
Specifies the heartbeat timeout threshold between the kernel and the client. This option is valid only for streaming decoding. If no message is received from the client within the period, the logical decoding stops and disconnects from the client. The unit is ms.
Value range: an integer ranging from 0 to 2147483647. The default value depends on the value of the GUC parameter logical_sender_timeout.
- change-log-max-len:
Specifies the maximum length of the logical log buffer, in bytes. This option is valid only for parallel decoding of connected DNs and is invalid for distributed strong consistency decoding, serial decoding, and SQL function decoding. If the length of a single decoding result exceeds the upper limit, the memory will be destroyed and another memory whose size is 1024 bytes is allocated for caching. If the value is too large, the memory usage increases. If the value is too small, the memory allocation and release operations are frequently triggered. Therefore, you are advised not to set it to a value less than 1024.
Value range: 1 to 65535. The default value is 4096.
- max-decode-to-sender-cache-num:
Specifies the threshold of the number of cached parallel decoding logs. This option is valid only for parallel decoding of connected DNs and is invalid for distributed strong consistency decoding, serial decoding, and SQL function decoding. If the number of cached logs does not exceed the threshold, the used decoding logs are stored in the cache. Otherwise, the cache is released directly.
Value range: 1 to 65535. The default value is 4096.
- enable-heartbeat:
Specifies whether to generate heartbeat logs. This option is valid only for streaming decoding.
Value range: Boolean. The default value is false.
- true: Heartbeat logs are generated.
- false: Heartbeat logs are not generated.
If the heartbeat log output option is enabled, heartbeat logs will be generated. The following uses parallel decoding as an example to describe how to parse heartbeat logs: For a binary heartbeat log message, it starts with a character 'h' and then the heartbeat log content: an 8-byte uint64 string, an 8-byte uint64 string, and an 8-byte int64 string. For the first 8-byte uint64 string, in the decoding scenario where DNs are directly connected, this string is an LSN, indicating the end position of the WAL read when the heartbeat logical log is sent; in the decoding scenario where distributed strong consistency is required, this string is a CSN, indicating the decoding log transaction CSN that has been sent when the heartbeat logical log is sent. For the second 8-byte uint64 string, in the decoding scenario where DNs are directly connected, this string is an LSN, indicating the location of the WAL that has been flushed to disks when the heartbeat logical log is sent; in the decoding scenario where distributed strong consistency is required, this string is a CSN, indicating the CSN to be obtained by the next transaction committed by the cluster. The last 8-byte int64 string indicates the generation timestamp (starting from January 1, 1970) of the latest decoded transaction log or checkpoint log. Then, it ends with character 'F'. TEXT/JSON heartbeat log messages that are sent in batches end with '0'. There is no such terminator for each TEXT/JSON heartbeat log message. The message content is transmitted in big-endian mode. The following figure shows the format. (In consideration of forward compatibility, the LSN naming mode is retained. The actual meaning depends on the specific scenario.)
- parallel-decode-num:
Specifies the number of decoder threads for parallel decoding. This option is valid only for streaming decoding. When the system function is called, this option is invalid and only the value range is verified.
Value range: an integer ranging from 1 to 20. The value 1 indicates that decoding is performed based on the original serial logic. Other values indicate that parallel decoding is enabled. The default value is 1.
If parallel-decode-num is not set (the default value is 1) or is explicitly set to 1, the options in the following "Parallel decoding" cannot be configured.
- output-order:
Specifies whether to use the CSN sequence to output decoding results. This option is valid only for streaming decoding. When the system function is called, this option is invalid and only the value range is verified.
Value range: 0 or 1 of the int type. The default value is 0.
- 0: The decoding results are sorted by transaction COMMIT LSN. This mode can be used only when the value of confirmed_csn of the decoding replication slot is set to 0 (not displayed). Otherwise, an error is reported.
- 1: The decoding results are sorted by transaction CSN. This mode can be used only when the value of confirmed_csn of the decoding replication slot is not set to 0. Otherwise, an error is reported.
- When output-order is not configured (that is, the default value 0 is used and the order is based on the COMMIT LSN) or is explicitly configured to 0, the options in section "Distributed Strong-Consistency Decoding" cannot be configured.
- In streaming decoding scenarios, when a DN receives a logical decoding connection from a CN, the output-order option is invalid and CSN decoding is performed by default.
Specifies whether to automatically update the logical replication slot number. This option is valid only for streaming decoding.
Value range: Boolean. The default value is false.
- true: The logical replication slot is advanced to the current decoding position when all sent logs are confirmed and there is no transaction to be sent.
- false: The replication service calls the log confirmation API to advance the logical replication slot.
- skip-generated-columns:
Specifies whether to skip generated columns in the logical decoding result. This parameter is invalid for UPDATE and DELETE on old tuples, and the corresponding tuples always output the generated columns. Generated columns are not supported in a distributed system and therefore, this parameter has no actual impact.
Value range: Boolean. The default value is false.
- true: The decoding result of generated columns is not output.
- false: The decoding result of generated columns is output.
Distributed Strong-Consistency Decoding
- logical-receiver-num:
Specifies the number of logical receivers started for distributed decoding. This option is valid only for streaming decoding. When the system function is called, this option is invalid and only the value range is verified.
Value range: an integer ranging from 1 to 20. The default value is 1. If this option is set to a value greater than the number of shards in the current cluster, the value is changed to the number of shards.
- slice-id:
Specifies the ID of the shard where the current DN is located. This option is set only when DNs are connected for decoding. It is used to decode replication tables.
Value range: an integer ranging from 0 to 8192. The default value is -1, indicating that the shard ID is not specified. However, an error is reported when the data is decoded to the replication table.

This configuration option is used when the DN attempts to use the CSN logical replication slot (confirmed_csn is a non-zero replication slot) for decoding. It is used to indicate the shard ID (that is, the sequence number of the shard. Enter 0 for the first shard). If this option is not set (that is, the default value -1 is used), an error is reported when data is decoded to the replication table. This option is used when the CN collects decoding results from DNs in distributed decoding mode. You are advised not to manually connect to DNs for decoding in this scenario.
- start-position:
Filters out transactions whose CSNs are less than the specified CSN, and filters out logs whose LSNs are less than the specified LSN for the transaction with the specified CSN. This option is set only when DNs are connected. BEGIN logs of the transaction with the specified CSN must be filtered out.
Value range: a string of two uint64 characters separated by a slash (/). The left and right sides indicate the CSN and LSN, respectively.
This option is used to filter logs that may have been received when the CN sends a decoding request after establishing a connection to the DN during CN decoding. You are advised not to manually connect to DNs for decoding in this scenario.
Serial Decoding
- force-binary:
Specifies whether to output the decoding result in binary format and display different behaviors in different scenarios.
- For system functions pg_logical_slot_get_binary_changes and pg_logical_slot_peek_binary_changes:
Value range: Boolean. The default value is false. The value is meaningless. The decoding result is always output in binary format.
- For system functions pg_logical_slot_get_changes, pg_logical_slot_peek_changes, and pg_logical_get_area_changes:
Value range: Boolean. The value is fixed to false. The decoding result is always output in text format.
- For streaming decoding:
Value range: Boolean. The default value is false. The value is meaningless. The decoding result is always output in text format.
- For system functions pg_logical_slot_get_binary_changes and pg_logical_slot_peek_binary_changes:
Parallel Decoding
- decode-style:
Specifies the decoding format.
Value range: 'j', 't', or 'b' of the char type, indicating the JSON, text, or binary format, respectively. The default value is 'b', indicating binary decoding.
For the JSON and TEXT formats, in the decoding result sent in batches, the uint32 consisting of the first four bytes of each decoding statement indicates the total number of bytes of the statement (the four bytes occupied by the uint32 are excluded, and 0 indicates that the decoding of this batch ends). The 8-byte uint64 indicates the corresponding LSN (begin corresponds to first_lsn, commit corresponds to end_lsn, and other values correspond to the LSN of the statement).

The binary encoding rules are as follows:
- The first four bytes represent the total number of bytes of the decoding result of statements following the statement-level delimiter letter P (excluded) or the batch end character F (excluded). If the value is 0, the decoding of this batch ends.
- The next eight bytes (uint64) indicate the corresponding LSN (begin corresponds to first_lsn, commit corresponds to end_lsn, and other values correspond to the LSN of the statement).
- The next 1-byte letter can be B, C, I, U, or D, representing BEGIN, COMMIT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE, respectively.
- If B is used in step 3:
- The next eight bytes (uint64) indicate the CSN.
- The next eight bytes (uint64) indicate first_lsn.
- (Optional) If the next 1-byte letter is T, the following four bytes (uint32) indicate the timestamp length for committing the transaction. The following characters with the same length are the timestamp character string.
- (Optional) If the next one-byte letter is N, the following four bytes (uint32) indicate the length of the transaction username. The following characters with the same length are the transaction username.
- Because there may still be a decoding statement subsequently, a 1-byte letter P or F is used as a separator between statements. P indicates that there are still decoding statements in this batch, and F indicates that decoding in this batch is complete.
- If C is used in the step 3:
- (Optional) If the next 1-byte letter is X, the following eight bytes (uint64) indicate XID.
- (Optional) If the next 1-byte letter is T, the following four bytes (uint32) indicate the timestamp length. The following characters with the same length are the timestamp character string.
- When logs are sent in batches, decoding results of other transactions may still exist after a COMMIT log is decoded. If the next 1-byte letter is P, the batch still needs to be decoded. If the letter is F, the batch decoding ends.
- If I, U, or D is used in the step 3:
- The next two bytes (uint16) indicate the length of the schema name.
- The schema name is read based on the preceding length.
- The next two bytes (uint16) indicate the length of the table name.
- The table name is read based on the preceding length.
- (Optional) If the next 1-byte letter is N, it indicates a new tuple. If the letter is O, it indicates an old tuple. In this case, the new tuple is sent first.
- The following two bytes (uint16) indicate the number of columns to be decoded for the tuple, which is recorded as attrnum.
- The following procedure is repeated for attrnum times.
- The next two bytes (uint16) indicate the length of the column name.
- The column name is read based on the preceding length.
- The following 4 bytes (uint32) indicate the OID of the current column type.
- The next 4 bytes (uint32) indicate the length of the value (stored in string format) in the current column. If the value is 0xFFFFFFFF, it indicates null. If the value is 0, it indicates a string whose length is 0.
- The column value is read based on the preceding length.
- Because there may still be a decoding statement subsequently, if the next 1-byte letter is P, it indicates that the batch still needs to be decoded, and if the next 1-byte letter is F, it indicates that decoding of the batch ends.
- sending-batch:
Specifies whether to send messages in batches.
Value range: 0 or 1 of the int type. The default value is 0.
- 0: The decoding results are sent one by one.
- 1: When the accumulated size of decoding results reaches 1 MB, decoding results are sent in batches.
In the scenario where batch sending is enabled, if the decoding format is 'j' or 't', before each original decoding statement, a uint32 number is added indicating the length of the decoding result (excluding the current uint32 number), and a uint64 number is added indicating the LSN corresponding to the current decoding result.

In the CSN-based decoding scenario (that is, output-order is set to 1), batch sending is limited to a single transaction (that is, if a transaction has multiple small statements, the statements can be batch sent). That is, multiple transactions are not sent in the same batch, and BEGIN and COMMIT statements are not batch sent.
- parallel-queue-size:
Specifies the length of the queue for interaction between parallel logical decoding threads.
Value range: an integer ranging from 2 to 1024. The value must be an integer power of 2. The default value is 128.
The queue length is positively correlated with the memory usage during decoding.
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