Help Center/ GaussDB(DWS)/ FAQs/ Database Usage/ How Do I Export the Structure of a GaussDB(DWS) Table?
Updated on 2024-10-21 GMT+08:00

How Do I Export the Structure of a GaussDB(DWS) Table?

You are advised to use the Data Studio graphical client to export table data. You can export data from:

  • A specific table
  • All tables in a schema
  • All tables in a database

For details, see Exporting Table Data.

Alternatively, use gs_dump and gs_dumpall to export data. You can:

  • Export a single database:
    • Database-level export
    • Mode-level export
    • Table-level export
  • Export all databases:
    • Database-level export
    • Exporting global objects from each database

For details, see gs_dump and gs_dumpall.