Updated on 2025-03-13 GMT+08:00

ECPG-based Development

Embedded SQL C Preprocessor (ECPG) for GaussDB Kernel is an embedded SQL preprocessor for C programs. An embedded SQL program consists of code written in an ordinary programming language, in this case C, mixed with SQL commands in specially marked sections. To build the program, the source code (*.pgc) is first passed through the embedded SQL preprocessor, which converts it to an ordinary C program (*.c), and afterwards it can be processed by a C compiler. Converted ECPG applications call functions in the libpq library through the embedded SQL library (ecpglib), and communicate with the GaussDB Kernel server using the normal frontend-backend protocol.

Programs written for the embedded SQL interface are normal C programs with special code inserted to perform database-related actions. This special code always has the form:

These statements syntactically take the place of a C statement. Depending on the particular statement, they can appear at the global level or within a function. Embedded SQL statements follow the case-sensitivity rules of normal SQL code, and allow nested C code-style comments (part of the SQL standard). However, the C part of the program follows the standards of the C program and does not support nested comments.