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Help Center/ FunctionGraph/ Developer Guide/ Go/ Developing an Event Function

Developing an Event Function

Updated on 2024-11-11 GMT+08:00

Function Syntax

Syntax for creating a handler function in Go:

func Handler (payload []byte, ctx context.RuntimeContext)

  • Handler: name of the handler function.
  • payload: event parameter defined for the function. The parameter is in JSON format.
  • ctx: runtime information provided for executing the function. For details, see SDK APIs.


The Go SDK provides event, context, and logging APIs. Download the Go SDK (Go SDK.sha256).

  • Event APIs

    Event structure definitions are added to the Go SDK. Currently, DIS, DDS, SMN, Timer, and APIG triggers are supported. The definitions make coding much simpler when triggers are required.

    1. APIG Trigger Field Description
      1. APIGTriggerEvent fields
        Table 1 APIGTriggerEvent fields

        Field Name



        Whether the body of an event is encoded using Base64.


        HTTP request method.


        HTTP request path.


        HTTP request body.


        All path parameters.


        API Gateway configurations (APIGRequestContext object).


        HTTP request header.


        Query parameters.


        User data set in the APIG custom authorizer.

        Table 2 APIGRequestContext fields

        Field Name



        API ID.


        API request ID.


        Name of the environment in which an API has been published.

      2. APIGTriggerResponse fields
        Table 3 APIGTriggerResponse fields

        Field Name



        Message body.


        HTTP response header to be returned.


        HTTP status code. Type: int.


        Whether the body has been encoded using Base64. Type: bool.


        APIGTriggerEvent provides the GetRawBody() method to obtain the body decoded using Base64. APIGTriggerResponse provides the SetBase64EncodedBody() method to set the body encoded using Base64.

    2. DIS Trigger Field Description
      Table 4 DISTriggerEvent fields

      Field Name



      Partition ID.


      DIS message body (DISMessage structure).


      Function version.


      Stream name.

      Table 5 DISMessage fields

      Field Name



      Next partition cursor.


      Message records (DISRecord structure).


      Reserved parameter.

      Table 6 DISRecord fields

      Field Name



      Data partition.




      Sequence number (ID of each record).

    3. Kafka Trigger Field Description
      Table 7 KAFKATriggerEvent fields

      Field Name



      Instance ID.


      Message records (Table 8).


      Trigger type (Kafka).




      Time when an event occurred (seconds).


      Event version.

      Table 8 KAFKARecord parameters

      Field Name



      DMS message body.


      Topic ID.

    4. SMN Trigger Field Description
      Table 9 SMNTriggerEvent fields

      Field Name



      Message records (SMNRecord structure).

      Table 10 SMNRecord fields

      Field Name



      Event version. (Currently, the version is 1.0.)


      Subscription Uniform Resource Name (URN).


      Event source.


      Message body (SMNBody structure).

      Table 11 SMNBody fields

      Field Name



      Topic URN.


      Message timestamp.


      Message attribute set.


      Message body.


      Message format.


      Message ID.


      Message topic.

    5. Timer Trigger Field Description
      Table 12 TimerTriggerEvent fields

      Field Name



      Version. (Currently, the version is v1.0.)


      Current time.


      Trigger type (Timer).


      Trigger name.


      Additional information about the trigger.

    1. When using an APIG trigger, set the first parameter of the handler function (for example, handler) to handler(APIGTriggerEvent event, Context context). For details about the constraints, see Base64 Decoding and Response Structure.
    2. The preceding TriggerEvent methods have corresponding set methods, which are recommended for local debugging. DIS and LTS triggers have getRawData() methods, but do not have setRawData() methods.
  • Context APIs

    The context APIs are used to obtain the context, such as agency AK/SK, current request ID, allocated memory space, and number of CPUs, required for executing a function.

    Table 13 describes the context APIs provided by FunctionGraph.

    Table 13 Context methods



    getRequestID( )

    Obtains a request ID.

    getRemainingTimeInMilligetRunningTimeInSecondsSeconds ( )

    Obtains the remaining running time of a function.

    getAccessKey( )

    Obtains the AK (valid for 24 hours) with an agency. If you use this method, you need to configure an agency for the function.


    FunctionGraph has stopped maintaining the getAccessKey API in the Runtime SDK. You cannot use this API to obtain a temporary AK.

    getSecretKey( )

    Obtains the SK (valid for 24 hours) with an agency. If you use this method, you need to configure an agency for the function.


    FunctionGraph has stopped maintaining the getSecretKey API in the Runtime SDK. You cannot use this API to obtain a temporary SK.


    Obtains the SecurityAccessKey (valid for 24 hours) with an agency. If you use this method, you need to configure an agency for the function.


    Obtains the SecuritySecretKey (valid for 24 hours) with an agency. If you use this method, you need to configure an agency for the function.


    Obtains the SecurityToken (valid for 24 hours) with an agency. If you use this method, you need to configure an agency for the function.

    getUserData(string key)

    Uses keys to obtain the values passed by environment variables.

    getFunctionName( )

    Obtains the name of a function.

    getRunningTimeInSeconds ( )

    Obtains the timeout of a function.

    getVersion( )

    Obtains the version of a function.

    getMemorySize( )

    Obtains the allocated memory.

    getCPUNumber( )

    CPU usage of a function.

    getPackage( )

    Obtains a function group, that is, an app.

    getToken( )

    Obtains the token (valid for 24 hours) with an agency. If you use this method, you need to configure an agency for the function.

    getLogger( )

    Obtains the logger method provided by the context. By default, information such as the time and request ID is output.


    Obtains function alias.


    Results returned by using the GetToken(), GetAccessKey(), and GetSecretKey() methods contain sensitive information. Exercise caution when using these methods.

  • Table 14 describes the logging API provided in the Go SDK.
    Table 14 Logging API




    • Records user input logs by using the method Logf(format string, args ...interface{}).
    • This method outputs logs in the format of Time-Request ID-Output, for example, 2017-10-25T09:10:03.328Z 473d369d-101a-445e-a7a8-315cca788f86 test log output.

Developing a Go Function

Log in to the Linux server where the Go 1.x SDK has been installed. (Currently, Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 16.04, SUSE 11.3, SUSE 12.0 and SUSE 12.1 are supported.)

  • If the Go version (1.11.1 or later) supports go mod, perform the following steps to compile and package code:
  1. Create a temporary directory, for example, /home/fssgo, decompress the Go SDK of FunctionGraph to the created directory, and enable the go module function.

    $ mkdir -p /home/fssgo

    $ unzip functiongraph-go-runtime-sdk-1.0.1.zip -d /home/fssgo

    $ export GO111MODULE="on"

  2. Generate the go.mod file in the /home/fssgo directory. Assume that the module name is test:

    $ go mod init test

  3. Edit the go.mod file in the /home/fssgo directory as required (that is, add the content in bold).

    module test
    go 1.14
    require (
        huaweicloud.com/go-runtime v0.0.0-00010101000000-000000000000
    replace (
        huaweicloud.com/go-runtime => ./go-runtime

  4. Create a function file under the /home/fssgo directory and implement the following interface:

    func Handler(payload []byte, ctx context.RuntimeContext) (interface{}, error)

    In this interface, payload is the body of a client request, and ctx is the runtime context object provided for executing a function. For more information about the methods, see Table 13. The following uses test.go as an example.

    package main
    import (
    func ApigTest(payload []byte, ctx context.RuntimeContext) (interface{}, error) {
        var apigEvent apig.APIGTriggerEvent
        err := json.Unmarshal(payload, &apigEvent)
        if err != nil {
           fmt.Println("Unmarshal failed")
           return "invalid data", err
        ctx.GetLogger().Logf("payload:%s", apigEvent.String())
        apigResp := apig.APIGTriggerResponse{
           Body: apigEvent.String(),
           Headers: map[string]string {
              "content-type": "application/json",
           StatusCode: 200,
        return apigResp, nil
    func CtsTest(payload []byte, ctx context.RuntimeContext) (interface{}, error) {
        var ctsEvent cts.CTSTriggerEvent
        err := json.Unmarshal(payload, &ctsEvent)
        if err != nil {
           fmt.Println("Unmarshal failed")
           return "invalid data", err
        ctx.GetLogger().Logf("payload:%s", ctsEvent.String())
        return "ok", nil
    func DdsTest(payload []byte, ctx context.RuntimeContext) (interface{}, error) {
        var ddsEvent dds.DDSTriggerEvent
        err := json.Unmarshal(payload, &ddsEvent)
        if err != nil {
           fmt.Println("Unmarshal failed")
           return "invalid data", err
        ctx.GetLogger().Logf("payload:%s", ddsEvent.String())
        return "ok", nil
    func DisTest(payload []byte, ctx context.RuntimeContext) (interface{}, error) {
        var disEvent dis.DISTriggerEvent
        err := json.Unmarshal(payload, &disEvent)
        if err != nil {
           fmt.Println("Unmarshal failed")
           return "invalid data", err
        ctx.GetLogger().Logf("payload:%s", disEvent.String())
        return "ok", nil
    func KafkaTest(payload []byte, ctx context.RuntimeContext) (interface{}, error) {
        var kafkaEvent kafka.KAFKATriggerEvent
        err := json.Unmarshal(payload, &kafkaEvent)
        if err != nil {
           fmt.Println("Unmarshal failed")
           return "invalid data", err
        ctx.GetLogger().Logf("payload:%s", kafkaEvent.String())
        return "ok", nil
    func LtsTest(payload []byte, ctx context.RuntimeContext) (interface{}, error) {
        var ltsEvent lts.LTSTriggerEvent
        err := json.Unmarshal(payload, &ltsEvent)
        if err != nil {
           fmt.Println("Unmarshal failed")
           return "invalid data", err
        ctx.GetLogger().Logf("payload:%s", ltsEvent.String())
        return "ok", nil
    func SmnTest(payload []byte, ctx context.RuntimeContext) (interface{}, error) {
        var smnEvent smn.SMNTriggerEvent
        err := json.Unmarshal(payload, &smnEvent)
        if err != nil {
           fmt.Println("Unmarshal failed")
           return "invalid data", err
        ctx.GetLogger().Logf("payload:%s", smnEvent.String())
        return "ok", nil
    func TimerTest(payload []byte, ctx context.RuntimeContext) (interface{}, error) {
        var timerEvent timer.TimerTriggerEvent
        err := json.Unmarshal(payload, &timerEvent)
        if err != nil {
           fmt.Println("Unmarshal failed")
           return "invalid data", err
        return timerEvent.String(), nil
    func main() {
    1. If the error parameter returned by a function is not nil, the function execution fails.
    2. If the error parameter returned by a function is nil, FunctionGraph supports only the following types of values:

      nil: The HTTP response body is empty.

      []byte: The content in this byte array is the body of an HTTP response.

      string: The content in this string is the body of an HTTP response.

      Other: FunctionGraph returns a value for JSON encoding, and uses the encoded object as the body of an HTTP response. The Content-Type header of the HTTP response is set to application/json.

    3. The preceding example uses an APIG trigger as an example. For other trigger types, you need to modify the content of the main function. For example, change the CTS trigger to runtime.Register(CtsTest). Currently, only one entry can be registered.
    4. For details about the constraints for the APIG event source, see Base64 Decoding and Response Structure.

  5. Compile and package the function code.

    After completing the function code, compile and package it as follows:

    1. Compile the code.

      $ cd /home/fssgo

      $ go build -o handler test.go


      The handler can be customized, which is used as the function entry.

    2. Package the code.

      $ zip fss_examples_go1.x.zip handler

  • If the Go version (earlier than 1.11.1) does not support go mod, perform the following steps to compile and package code:
  1. Create a temporary directory, for example, /home/fssgo/src/huaweicloud.com, and decompress the Go SDK to the created directory.

    $ mkdir -p /home/fssgo/src/huaweicloud.com

    $ unzip functiongraph-go-runtime-sdk-1.0.1.zip -d /home/fssgo/src/huaweicloud.com

  2. Create a function file under the /home/fssgo/src directory and implement the following interface:

    func Handler(payload []byte, ctx context.RuntimeContext) (interface{}, error)

    In this interface, payload is the body of a client request, and ctx is the runtime context object provided for executing a function. For more information about the methods, see the SDK APIs. The following uses test.go as an example.

    package main
    import (
    func ApigTest(payload []byte, ctx context.RuntimeContext) (interface{}, error) {
        var apigEvent apig.APIGTriggerEvent
        err := json.Unmarshal(payload, &apigEvent)
        if err != nil {
           fmt.Println("Unmarshal failed")
           return "invalid data", err
        ctx.GetLogger().Logf("payload:%s", apigEvent.String())
        apigResp := apig.APIGTriggerResponse{
           Body: apigEvent.String(),
           Headers: map[string]string {
              "content-type": "application/json",
           StatusCode: 200,
        return apigResp, nil
    func CtsTest(payload []byte, ctx context.RuntimeContext) (interface{}, error) {
        var ctsEvent cts.CTSTriggerEvent
        err := json.Unmarshal(payload, &ctsEvent)
        if err != nil {
           fmt.Println("Unmarshal failed")
           return "invalid data", err
        ctx.GetLogger().Logf("payload:%s", ctsEvent.String())
        return "ok", nil
    func DdsTest(payload []byte, ctx context.RuntimeContext) (interface{}, error) {
        var ddsEvent dds.DDSTriggerEvent
        err := json.Unmarshal(payload, &ddsEvent)
        if err != nil {
           fmt.Println("Unmarshal failed")
           return "invalid data", err
        ctx.GetLogger().Logf("payload:%s", ddsEvent.String())
        return "ok", nil
    func DisTest(payload []byte, ctx context.RuntimeContext) (interface{}, error) {
        var disEvent dis.DISTriggerEvent
        err := json.Unmarshal(payload, &disEvent)
        if err != nil {
           fmt.Println("Unmarshal failed")
           return "invalid data", err
        ctx.GetLogger().Logf("payload:%s", disEvent.String())
        return "ok", nil
    func KafkaTest(payload []byte, ctx context.RuntimeContext) (interface{}, error) {
        var kafkaEvent kafka.KAFKATriggerEvent
        err := json.Unmarshal(payload, &kafkaEvent)
        if err != nil {
           fmt.Println("Unmarshal failed")
           return "invalid data", err
        ctx.GetLogger().Logf("payload:%s", kafkaEvent.String())
        return "ok", nil
    func LtsTest(payload []byte, ctx context.RuntimeContext) (interface{}, error) {
        var ltsEvent lts.LTSTriggerEvent
        err := json.Unmarshal(payload, &ltsEvent)
        if err != nil {
           fmt.Println("Unmarshal failed")
           return "invalid data", err
        ctx.GetLogger().Logf("payload:%s", ltsEvent.String())
        return "ok", nil
    func SmnTest(payload []byte, ctx context.RuntimeContext) (interface{}, error) {
        var smnEvent smn.SMNTriggerEvent
        err := json.Unmarshal(payload, &smnEvent)
        if err != nil {
           fmt.Println("Unmarshal failed")
           return "invalid data", err
        ctx.GetLogger().Logf("payload:%s", smnEvent.String())
        return "ok", nil
    func TimerTest(payload []byte, ctx context.RuntimeContext) (interface{}, error) {
        var timerEvent timer.TimerTriggerEvent
        err := json.Unmarshal(payload, &timerEvent)
        if err != nil {
           fmt.Println("Unmarshal failed")
           return "invalid data", err
        return timerEvent.String(), nil
    func main() {
    1. If the error parameter returned by a function is not nil, the function execution fails.
    2. If the error parameter returned by a function is nil, FunctionGraph supports only the following types of values:

      nil: The HTTP response body is empty.

      []byte: The content in this byte array is the body of an HTTP response.

      string: The content in this string is the body of an HTTP response.

      Other: FunctionGraph returns a value for JSON encoding, and uses the encoded object as the body of an HTTP response. The Content-Type header of the HTTP response is set to application/json.

    3. The preceding example uses an APIG trigger as an example. For other trigger types, you need to modify the content of the main function. For example, change the CTS trigger to runtime.Register(CtsTest). Currently, only one entry can be registered.
    4. For details about the constraints for the APIG event source, see Base64 Decoding and Response Structure.

  3. Compile and package the function code.

    After completing the function code, compile and package it as follows:

    1. Set environment variables GOROOT and GOPATH.

      $ export GOROOT=/usr/local/go (Assume that the Go SDK is installed under the /usr/local/go directory.)

      $ export PATH=$GOROOT/bin:$PATH

      $ export GOPATH=/home/fssgo

    2. Compile the function code.

      $ cd /home/fssgo

      $ go build -o handler test.go


      The handler can be customized, which is used as the function entry.

    3. Package the code.

      $ zip fss_examples_go1.x.zip handler

    • Creating a function

      Log in to the FunctionGraph console, create a Go 1.x function, and upload the fss_examples_go1.x.zip file.


    If you edit code in Go, package the compiled file into a ZIP file, and ensure that the name of the compiled file is consistent with the handler plugin name. For example, if the name of the binary file is handler, set the handler plugin name to handler. The handler must be consistent with that defined in 3.b.

    • Testing the function
      1. Create a test event.

        On the function details page that is displayed, click Configure Test Event. Configure the test event information, as shown in Figure 1, and then click Create.

        Figure 1 Configuring a test event
      2. On the function details page, select the configured test event, and click Test.
    • Executing the function

      The function execution result consists of three parts: function output (returned by callback), summary, and logs (output by using the fmt.Println() method).

Execution Result

The execution result consists of the function output, summary, and log output.

Table 15 Description of the execution result


Successful Execution

Failed Execution

Function Output

The defined function output information is returned.

A JSON file that contains errorMessage and errorType is returned. The format is as follows:

    "errorMessage": "", 

errorMessage: Error message returned by the runtime.

errorType: Error type.


Request ID, Memory Configured, Execution Duration, Memory Used, and Billed Duration are displayed.

Request ID, Memory Configured, Execution Duration, Memory Used, and Billed Duration are displayed.

Log Output

Function logs are printed. A maximum of 4 KB logs can be displayed.

Error information is printed. A maximum of 4 KB logs can be displayed.

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