Updated on 2024-08-20 GMT+08:00

Hierarchical Queries


SELECT [level], column FROM table
START WITH condition
CONNECT BY[PRIOR column1 = column2|column1 = prior column2]


  • level: specifies the pseudocolumn to return the query level.
  • START WITH: specifies the hierarchy, that is, the root row of the query.
  • CONNECT BY: specifies the relationship between parent rows and child rows.
  • PRIOR: specifies the parent level.
  • ORDER SIBLINGS BY: specifies the sequence in the same level.


-- Create a table and insert data into the table.
gaussdb=# CREATE TABLE area (id INT,name VARCHAR(25),parent_id INT);
gaussdb=# INSERT INTO area VALUES (1,'China',NULL);
gaussdb=# INSERT INTO area VALUES (2,'Beijing',1);
gaussdb=# INSERT INTO area VALUES(3,'Chaoyang District',2);
gaussdb=# INSERT INTO area VALUES(4,'Shaanxi Province',1);
gaussdb=# INSERT INTO area VALUES(5,'Xi'an',4);
gaussdb=# INSERT INTO area VALUES(6,'Yanta District',5);
gaussdb=# INSERT INTO area VALUES(7,'Weiyang District',5);

-- Query the hierarchy.
gaussdb=# SELECT level, name FROM area 
    START WITH (id = 1) 
    CONNECT BY PRIOR id = parent_id;
 level |  name  
     1 | China
     2 | Shaanxi Province
     3 | Xi'an
     4 | Weiyang District
     4 | Yanta District
     2 | Beijing
     3 | Chaoyang District
(7 rows)
  • Use WHERE to remove a node (only Beijing).
    -- Use WHERE to remove a node (only Beijing).
    gaussdb=# SELECT level, name FROM area 
        WHERE id <> 2 
        START WITH (id = 1) 
        CONNECT BY PRIOR id = parent_id;
     level |  name  
         1 | China
         2 | Shaanxi Province
         3 | Xi'an
         4 | Weiyang District
         4 | Yanta District
         3 | Chaoyang District
    (6 rows)
  • Add a condition to the CONNECT BY PRIOR clause to remove a branch (Beijing and its sub-regions).
    gaussdb=# SELECT level, name FROM area 
        START WITH (id = 1) 
        CONNECT BY PRIOR id = parent_id AND id <> 2;
     level |  name  
         1 | China
         2 | Shaanxi Province
         3 | Xi'an
         4 | Weiyang District
         4 | Yanta District
    (5 rows)
    -- Delete.
    gaussdb=# DROP TABLE area;