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V2.0-8.x Versions

Updated on 2025-01-22 GMT+08:00
This section describes the V2.0-8.x kernel version updates of GaussDB. For details about the version description, version mapping, and how to check the version number, see DB Engine Versions.
Table 1 What's new in version V2.0-8.201.0




Specifications and Restrictions


Syntax compatible for large bank customers is added to centralized M-compatible isolation framework.

Based on the existing capabilities of the M-compatible isolation framework, the following syntax items are supported:

  1. The field function is supported.
  2. The following DML operations are supported:
    1. INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements support the ignore function.
    2. The LOAD DATA function is supported.
  3. The ALTER TABLE table_name TRUNCATE PARTITION syntax is supported.

Key specifications and restrictions:

  1. The field function is supported.
  2. The following DML operations are supported:
    1. INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements support the ignore function.
    2. The LOAD DATA function is supported.
  3. The ALTER TABLE table_name TRUNCATE PARTITION syntax is supported.

Delivery mode:


Syntax rules supported by centralized instances in the M-compatible isolation framework are supplemented.

Based on the existing M-compatible isolation framework, the following syntax and driver compatibility are supported:

  1. The ODBC driver adapts to the M-compatible isolation framework.
  2. Some system functions are supported, such as JSON_MERGE_PRESERVE(), JSON_MERGE_PATCH(), JSON_ARRAY(), JSON_OBJECT(), JSON_QUOTE(), JSON_CONTAINS(), JSON_CONTAINS_PATH(), JSON_EXTRACT(), JSON_UNQUOTE(), JSON_KEYS(), JSON_SEARCH(), JSON_APPEND(), JSON_ARRAY_INSERT(), JSON_INSERT(), JSON_MERGE(), JSON_REMOVE(), JSON_REPLACE(), JSON_SET(), JSON_DEPTH(), JSON_LENGTH(), JSON_TYPE(), JSON_VALID(), JSON_ARRAY_APPEND(), benchmark(), FROM_BASE64(), TO_BASE64(), make_set(), mid(), ord(), conv(), crc32(), system_user(), password(), IS_IPV4(), IS_IPV6(), sleep(), bin(), CHAR(), format(), LOCATE(), POSITION(), CEIL(), md5(), default(), ELT(), RANDOM_BYTES(), std(), found_rows(), row_count(), SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS, export_set(), ROW_NUMBER and LEAD().
  3. Some GUC parameters, such as foreign_key_checks, sql_mode and autocommit, are supported.
  4. Some data types are supported, such as SET, ENUM, BINARY, ZEROFILL, and JSON.
  5. Some DML syntaxes are supported, such as the SHOW STATUS, SHOW ENGINES, SHOW INDEX INDEXES KEYS, SHOW TABLE STATUS, and SHOW TABLES statements. The SHOW statement can be used to query the character set and collation. The UPSET statement can be used to set values in the same column for multiple times. The INSERT statement can be used to leave parameters in the VALUES clause empty. The GROUP BY statement supports the WITH ROLLUP function. The UPDATE statement can be used to reference columns with dbname.tblname.colname. The STRAIGHT_JOIN syntax is supported. The SHOW command can be used to view related information. The EXCEPT syntax is supported. The column names returned by the SELECT function and the SELECT expression can be returned in the MySQL format. The desc table statement and user variables are supported.
  6. Some DDL operations are supported, such as view-related DDL statements, ALTER TABLE tbl_name ANALYZE PARTITION {partition_names | ALL}, CREATE DATABASE (for specifying the default character set and collation), the syntax of virtual generated columns, the START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT SNAPSHOT statement, the RENAME TABLE tbl_name TO new_tbl_name [, tbl_name2 TO new_tbl_name2]... syntax, ALTER TABLE tbl_name DROP {INDEX | KEY} index_name, CREATE TABLE AS SELECT syntax and CREATE TABLE SELECT syntax (for creating table), and syntax needed in the upgrade script for upgrade.
  7. Some views and character sets are supported, such as information_schema.character_sets, information_schema.collation_character_set_applicability, information_schema.collations, information_schema.tables, information_schema.columns, information_schema.global_status, and information_schema.global_variables views, information_schema.partitions, information_schema.processlist, information_schema.schemata, information_schema.session_status, information_schema.session_variables, information_schema.statistics, information_schema.table_constraints, information_schema.engines, and the latin1_bin and latin1_swedish_ci character sequences of the latin1 character set.

Key specifications and restrictions:

  1. In principle, the SQL syntax is the same as that in MySQL 5.7.
  2. Performance:
    1. The overall SQL statement execution performance is the same as that of MySQL 5.7. (The execution performance of the CREATE TABLE AS SELECT statement is the same as that of the existing GaussDB.)
    2. The performance of system functions is the same as that of MySQL. (The Numeric data type scenario is an exception. The calculation logic of this type differs greatly from that of the decimal data type in MySQL, and the performance deteriorates by 10%.)
    3. Columns that contain the ZEROFILL attribute have no impact on integer input performance. The greater the value of m, the greater the deterioration of INTEGER(m) output performance. The overall performance is not worse than that of MySQL 5.7.
    4. The execution performance of operator is the same as that of MySQL 5.7.

Delivery mode:


JDBC protocol is compatible with centralized M-compatible isolation framework.

Compatibility with JDBC protocol is supported. In centralized scenarios, the MySQL JDBC driver can be used to connect to the GaussDB database. GaussDB is compatible with the MySQL JDBC protocol.

Key specifications and restrictions:

  1. The database to be connected must be specified in the JDBC connection URL.
  2. For system parameters on which MySQL JDBC depends, GaussDB supports only the query function. The function is not completely aligned with MySQL.
  3. Performance specifications: basically the same as those for connecting to the MySQL database. The performance of the driver does not deteriorate compared to that in version 505.1.
  4. m_format_dev_version must be set to s2.
  5. The following interfaces are supported: java.sql.Connection, java.sql.Statement, java.sql.PreparedStatement, java.sql.ResultSet, java.sql.DatabaseMetaData, and java.sql.ResultSetMetaData. The java.sql.CallableStatement interface is not supported.
  6. For the java.sql.Connection interface, the prepareCall method is not supported.
  7. For the java.sql.Statement interface, the getWarnings, setMaxFieldSize, setMaxRows, and cancel methods are not supported.
  8. For the java.sql.PreparedStatement interface, the getMetaData method is not supported.
  9. For the java.sql.ResultSet interface, the insertRow and updateRow methods are not supported.
  10. For the java.sql.DatabaseMetaData class, the following methods are not supported: getColumnPrivileges, getColumns, getCrossReference, getExportedKeys, getFunctionColumns, getFunctions, getProcedureColumns, getProcedures, getTablePrivileges, getTables, and getUserName
  11. PBE packets on the server are not supported.
  12. MySQL Connector/J of 5.1.47 or later is supported.

Delivery mode:


M-compatible isolation framework is compatible with peripheral tools.

This feature provides incremental adaptation for server and client tools in the M-compatible isolation framework scenario. The following are included:

  1. gs_rescue and gs_rescue_tui adapt to the M-compatible framework.
  2. The logical decoding tool adapts to the M-compatible framework.
  3. gs_dump, gs_dumpall, and gs_restore adapt to the M-compatible framework.
  4. gs_clean, gs_redis, and gs_roach adapt to the M-compatible framework.
  5. The DBMind tool adapts to the M-compatible framework.
  6. gs_om, gs_check, gs_replace, gs_upgradectl, gs_expand, and gs_shrink adapt to the M-compatible framework.

Key specifications and restrictions:

After related tools adapt to the M-compatible isolation framework, their functions can be used normally.

Delivery mode:

Centralized and distributed

Distributed M-compatible isolation framework has the basic capabilities.

Distributed M-compatible isolation framework supports the SQL syntaxes, views, functions, operators, and data types that have been implemented in the 505.1 centralized mode, and supports the SQL syntax required by the distributed mode. The details are as follows:

  1. OM dependency: The templatem can be created in distributed mode.
  2. The following SQL syntaxes are supported:
    1. SQL syntaxes that are already supported in the centralized 505.1 M-compatible framework.
    2. The SQL syntaxes required by the distributed system are supported, including CREATE TABLE, CREATE TABLE AS, CREATE TABLE LIKE, ALTER TABLE, CREATE INDEX, ALTER INDEX, ALTER COORDINATOR, CREATE/ALTER/DROP NODE, and their related syntax for distributed mode, and the distributed capabilities of ALTER TABLE tblname TRUNCATE PARTITION.
  3. Supported views: views that are already supported in the centralized 505.1 M-compatible framework are fully supported in the distributed framework. No view is added. The functions of existing views need to be improved.
  4. Supported functions: functions that are already supported in the centralized 505.1 M-compatible framework are fully supported in the distributed framework. BIN(), ELT(), FIELD(), INSERT(), LOCATE(), MAKE_SET(), QUOTE() and DEFAULT() are also supported.
  5. Supported operators: operators that are already supported in the centralized 505.1 M-compatible framework are fully supported in the distributed framework.
  6. Supported data types: data types that are already supported in the centralized 505.1 M-compatible framework are fully supported in the distributed framework. The SET, ENUM, and JSON data types are also supported.

Key specifications and restrictions:

  1. Foreign key constraints cannot be created in the distributed mode.
  2. Global secondary indexes are supported in distributed mode.
  3. Auto-increment columns are not supported in distributed mode.
  4. Data types that can be used as distribution keys include bool, char, varchar, tinytext, text, date, datetime, timestamp, datetime, year, tinyint, smallint, mediumint, int, bigint, numeric and decimal.
  5. Performance specifications: The SQL statement execution performance is the same as that of the same SQL statement in GaussDB.

Delivery mode:


GIS is compatible with the M-compatible platform.

The GIS supports some spatial data types and functions of the PostGIS plug-in provided by Yukon in a single platform in centralized M-compatible non-isolation framework.

Key specifications and restrictions:

  1. The GIS supports the Arm architecture EulerOS 2.9 in M-compatible mode (non-isolation framework).
  2. One spatial data type is supported: GEOMETRY.
  3. 84 spatial data functions are supported.

Delivery mode:


The O-compatible framework is split.

The O-compatible template database (templatea) is split from the O-compatible framework. When the O-compatible database is created, templatea is used as the template database. template0 is used as the template database for the M-compatible non-isolation framework, PG-compatible, and TD-compatible databases. (To ensure forward compatibility, the existing O syntax in template0 is retained.) In addition, independent O-compatible syntax, lexical files, and independent system functions, views, and advanced package files are created. In later versions, the O-compatible functions are added only to the O-compatible template database templatea and other O-compatible databases (excluding template0 and template1). The O-compatible functions evolve independently and do not affect databases of other compatibilities.

Key specifications and restrictions:

  1. The O-compatible template database is the same as that of template0 and is forward compatible.
  2. Smooth upgrade without affecting user experience is supported. The O compatibility for users before the upgrade can be used properly after the upgrade. The new O-compatible function can be used in subsequent upgrades.
  3. When you create an O-compatible database and specify template0 as the template database, a notice is generated indicating that the O-compatible template database is actually used.
  4. The O-compatible template database cannot be connected.
  5. templatea can be specified as the template database only when an O-compatible database is being created.
  6. Before the upgrade, if the original database has the same name as the O-compatible template database or the auxiliary database during the upgrade (templatea and templatea_temp), an error is reported in advance, prompting the user to change the database name.
  7. In the upgrade scenario crossing this O-compatible split framework version, the template0 database in the distributed mode is compatible with MySQL by default. To maintain forward compatibility, the templatea database is created using the template0 template database during the upgrade, causing some differences in compatibility.

Delivery mode:

Centralized and distributed

For O compatibility, system functions such as trunc, mod, and lengthc are supported.

Based on the existing O compatibility, the following are supported:

  1. The system function trunc supports function index for input parameters of the timestamp type.
  2. The system function USERENV can obtain the sid and instance parameters.
  3. The mod function is supported.
  4. The system function sys_connect_by_path is supported.
  5. The lengthc function is supported.
  6. The wm_concat function is supported.
  7. The keep window function and syntax are supported.
  8. The system function systimestamp is supported.
  9. JDBC allows getBytes and setBytes to read and write the BLOB type.

Key specifications and restrictions:

  1. The performance specifications are the same as those of the corresponding system functions in the system.
  2. Functions do not consume a large number of resources, and the resource usage is the same as that in database O.

Delivery mode:

Centralized and distributed

For O compatibility, the INSERT ALL INTO syntax is supported.

Based on the existing O compatibility, the INSERT ALL INTO syntax is supported for inserting data into multiple tables.

Key specifications and restrictions:

  1. Inserting multiple data records (100,000 to 1 million records) does not consume a large number of resources. The performance is basically the same as that of running INSERT INTO to batch insert records into a single table, with a gap less than 10%. Table types include ordinary tables, temporary tables, and partitioned tables.
  2. Inserting data into multiple tables (less than 1,000 tables) does not consume a large number of resources. The performance is basically the same as that of running INSERT INTO for multiple times to insert data into a single table, with a gap less than 10%. Table types include ordinary tables, temporary tables, and partitioned tables.
  3. This syntax is supported only in O-compatible mode.
  4. error_logging_clause is not supported.
  5. The table alias of the subquery cannot be used in into_clause.
  6. This syntax can be executed only on tables and not on ordinary views or materialized views. Ordinary tables, temporary tables, partitioned tables, and column-store tables are supported.
  7. VALUES cannot be followed by multiple lines.
  8. Aggregate functions and subqueries are not supported in VALUES.
  9. This syntax cannot be executed on a remote table.
  10. Do not use the expression of the Table set in the INTO clause.
  11. If an IOT table or a table with a bitmap index exists, multiple INTO clauses cannot be executed in parallel.
  12. When into_clause specifies a sequence, if nextval is referenced for the first time, the next number of the current value is generated. Otherwise, the same number will always be returned.
  13. The functions of the original INSERT syntax are not completely inherited. The RETURNING clause, ON DUPLICATE KEY keyword, IGNORE keyword, and UPSERT clause are not supported.

Delivery mode:

Centralized and distributed

The CREATE TABLE AS syntax for partitioned table, window function ignore nulls, and window function range between are supported in O-compatible mode.

Based on the existing O compatibility, the following are supported:

  1. The CASE WHEN statement can be used to subtract dates.
  2. The START WITH CONNECT BY statement is supported in distributed mode.
  3. The gsql client supports using slashes (/) to separate statements.
  4. The PG-compatible syntax ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP is supported.
  5. O-compatible window functions and aggregate functions support the IGNORE NULLS and RANGE...BETWEEN syntax.
  6. The gs_source system catalog is supported in distributed mode.
  7. The CREATE TABLE AS syntax is supported for partitioned tables.
  8. Alias can be referenced when executing INSERT to insert data into a single table.
  9. There can be no parenthesis after IN in the WHERE condition.
  10. In the scenario where the primary key or unique index exists, indexes can be properly matched when equality matching is performed between the bpchar type and the text type.

Key specifications and restrictions:

The performance of the new syntax is the same as that of the original syntax.

Delivery mode:

Centralized and distributed

The performance of stored procedures in typical scenarios is improved, and minute-level slow SQL statements can be located.

Based on the existing capabilities of stored procedures, the following are supported:

  1. Anonymous blocks can be cached when dynamic statements are executed in stored procedures. Stored procedures support multi-layer PLState. In centralized mode, stored procedures support reuse of nested abnormal transaction blocks.
  2. Stored procedure O&M capabilities are enhanced. The pg_stat_activity view can display all statements that are being executed in a stored procedure. The asp view can display the nesting relationship of stored procedure statements. The capability of tracing statements that are being executed in a stored procedure is supported.
  3. Memory usage of stored procedures is optimized. The memory function gs_plsql_memory_object_detail for stored procedure compilation objects can obtain the valid memory usage of compilation products in centralized mode. The gs_glc_memory_detail view and function glc_memory_detail are extended. The centralized mode support identification of packages, functions, and package compilation searchpath, and the failure causes can be traced. Global variables of compilation products are reconstructed to reduce nested value assignment scenarios and enhance the readability and maintainability of related code.
  4. The end character of the stored procedure is enhanced. CREATE PROCEDURE/ FUNCTION is added. PROCEDURE/FUNCTION in PACKAGE and nested subprograms in various scenarios can end with "END+name;". CREATE PACKAGE/PACKAGE BODY can end with "END;".
  5. ECPG stored procedure is enhanced. Based on the existing ECPG, the compatibility of the SQL syntax related to the cursor is enhanced, including the following two aspects:

    Cursors can use the WHERE CURRENT OF syntax.

    Cursors can be opened and closed repeatedly.

Key specifications and restrictions:

  1. The compilation performance does not deteriorate.
  2. Compared with version 505.1 in typical scenario, the performance of a dynamic statement executing an anonymous block is improved by about 50%.
  3. The impact of the pg_stat_activity view does not deteriorate the performance of stored procedure.
  4. The gs_asp view needs to generate unique_sql_id. After related parameters are enabled, the stored procedure performance deteriorates by about 5%.
  5. The performance of the stored procedure that is being traced deteriorates by about 5%.

Delivery mode:

Centralized and distributed

The batch error mode is supported.

The BatchErrorMode can skip errors in batches for batch operations on data.

  1. libpq has the batch request and error handling APIs for BatchErrorMode.
  2. If an error occurs when a batch request is executed, the system determines whether to stop or continue the remaining data operations in the current batch immediately based on BatchErrorMode. This capability provides two batch request error processing modes:
    1. STMT_DEFAULT: In this mode, if an error occurs during a batch data operation, the remaining data operations in the current batch are stopped immediately and all changes are rolled back.
    2. STMT_BATCH_ERRORS: In this mode, if an error occurs during a batch data operation, the system records the error information, continues to finish the remaining data operations, and returns the detailed error information.

Key specifications and restrictions:

The BatchErrorMode can skip errors in batches only when a transaction is explicitly started.

Delivery mode:


Level-2 partitions of partitioned tables support multi-column fields. Partitioned tables support partition-wise join.

Based on the existing capabilities of partitioned table, the following are supported:

  1. Partition-wise join and partition-level operator parallelism are supported for partitioned table. Specifically, partition pair scan needs to be supported for partition key association of partitioned tables. In this way, the performance is improved using multi-thread parallel processing capability and computing resource usage is reduced.
  2. When a partitioned table is associated with a non-partitioned table, streaming redistribution is supported for data on the non-partitioned table based on the partition key of the partitioned table, reducing data communication overheads and improving execution efficiency.
  3. For level-2 range and list partitioning, multi-column partition keys are supported.

Key specifications and restrictions:

  1. Partition-wise join supports level-1 partitions, and range and hash partitioning, in both centralized and distributed modes.
  2. Partition-wise join is supported for two or more tables with the same partitioning policy.
  3. SMP plan is supported for partition-wise join. When the value of query_dop does not match the number of partitions, a round-robin distribution of partitioned data to SMP threads is supported.
  4. Partition-wise join does not support level-2 partitions.
  5. Partition-wise join is supported for partition-based SMP parallel query. In SMP scenarios, the original SMP constraints are inherited. (However, mergejoin, distributed FQS, and remote join query are not supported.) For distributed stream plans, partition-wise join is optimized through SMP only when partitioned tables do not need to cross DN streams. In scenarios where partition data skew is severe, the performance of an SMP plan may deteriorate.
  6. Performance specifications: In the scenario where 72-core Arm servers with 2 TB memory are used, the TPC-H 20 test case performance is improved by 40% compared with that in the non-partition-wise join scenario when the data volume is 33X, in column-stored or IMCV format, 64 partitions, and 64 jobs are executed concurrently. In partitioned table-related scenarios, the extra overhead of plan generation in the optimizer phase does not exceed 2%. The performance does not deteriorate in the execution phase, which is verified by the TPC-C benchmark of the partitioned table. The performance improvement applies only to DML. You do not need to pay attention to DDL and import and export performance.
  7. For level-2 range and list partitioning of partitioned tables, multi-column partition keys is supported. The centralized mode is supported.
  8. A maximum of 16 columns of partition keys are supported. Static pruning, dynamic PBE pruning, and dynamic parameterized path pruning are supported.
  9. Automatic list partitioning is supported, and the conversion between autolist and list is supported. The interval multi-column partitioning is not supported.
  10. The sparsely partitioned index is supported.
  11. Performance specifications: The extra overhead of pruning performance insertion is the same as that of multi-column level-1 partitioning. The DDL execution performance is the same as that of single-column partitioning.

Delivery mode:

Centralized and distributed

Recompilation and reconstruction upon expiration are supported.

Reconstructing compilation dependency records and recompilation upon expiration make the parameter ddl_invalid_mode compatible and simplify the compilation recording process. When the parameter is compatible, the system catalog is locked to ensure that no duplicate data exists, and objects can be cascadingly invalidated.

Key specifications and restrictions:

  1. Objects that can be imported to the database at a time: package, function, and procedure.
  2. Dependent objects that support DDL recompilation upon expiration: package, function, and procedure.
  3. Objects that support recompilation upon expiration and ALTER COMPILE: package, function, and procedure.
  4. The view can be rebuilt only when the depended function is deleted or rebuilt. Views cannot be invalidated, compiled, or imported to the database at a time.
  5. Performance specifications: The performance of executing stored procedures is not affected. The full compilation performance does not deteriorate.

Delivery mode:


Ustore supports GIN index scan for efficient fuzzy query.

Ustore supports GIN indexes to greatly improve the performance of fuzzy query. It has the following functions:

  1. Ustore supports the creation and deletion of GIN indexes.
  2. Ustore supports the DML statements of GIN indexes.
  3. Ustore supports GIN indexes for efficient fuzzy query in the LIKE condition.

Key specifications and restrictions:

  1. Only one opclass is supported: ugin_trgm_ops, which is not the default opclass.
  2. ugin_trgm_ops supports index keys of the text, varchar, nvarchar2, and clob data types and alias data types of the four types, but does not support the char(n) type.
  3. The maximum length of the index column data of ugin_trgm_ops is set to 238609291 bytes.
  4. The index key of ugin_trgm_ops is specified. Its collation cannot be B-compatible collation. Otherwise, an error is reported when an index is created. For details about B-compatible collations, see COLLATE collation.
  5. Specifies the index key of ugin_trgm_ops. Index scan can be performed only when the LIKE condition is met.
  6. When extracting index keys, ugin_trgm_ops considers every three characters as a word segment. If the word segment extracted by the index scan condition is fewer than three characters, the specific index key cannot be located during index scan, and all index keys are scanned, such as col LIKE '%ab %'.
  7. The number of index keys cannot exceed 1. Index keys do not support the NULLS FIRST/LAST or INCLUDE syntax.
  8. Only Bitmap Index Scan can be used to execute planned scans. Index Scan is not supported.
  9. When standby nodes are queried in ultimate RTO mode, UGIN indexes are not selected for scan.
  10. If the GUC parameter gin_fuzzy_search_limit is set to a non-zero value, an error is reported during UGIN index scan.
  11. The following WITH options are supported: storage_type, gin_pending_list_limit, and fastupdate.
  12. The incremental buffer (pending list area) cannot be disabled. Therefore, fastupdate can only be set to ON. If fastupdate is set to OFF, an error is reported.
  13. It cannot be used as the index of a segment-page table, local temporary table, global temporary table, unlogged table, or encrypted table, or as the global index of a partitioned table.
  14. It cannot be used as a primary key, unique key, or virtual index, or be encrypted.
  15. It cannot be rebuilt, created, and deleted concurrently.
  16. It does not support concurrent functions, such as parallel creation and parallel scanning.
  17. It cannot be created or used in the database where sql_compatibility is set to 'M'.
  18. Performance specifications: In a typical configuration scenario with 10 million data records, each record contains 100 tokens. After deduplication, there are 100,000 tokens. You can perform fuzzy query on these records with up to 10 tokens each time, and it will take a maximum of 600 ms to obtain 10,000 results.

Delivery mode:


The MERGE INTO, UPDATE, and DELETE operators support parallel processing performance improvement.

Supports parallel data update statements, including MERGE INTO, UPDATE, and DELETE.

Key specifications and restrictions:

It can be executed in a stored procedure.

  1. The UPDATE, DELETE, and MERGE INTO plans of the SMP are the same as those of the SMP under the SELECT operator. That is, the lower layer of the modifytable operator is the stream gather node.
  2. Column-store tables are not supported.
  3. Global temporary tables are not supported.
  4. DML statements containing the RETURNING clause cannot be executed by the SMP.
  5. The target Ustore table cannot have a PCR index.
  6. The target table cannot contain triggers or foreign keys.
  7. If the target table is a partitioned table and does not support automatic partitioning for autonomous transactions, then the target table is not supported.
  8. UPDATE statements containing subqueries in the SET VALUE clause are not supported. DELETE statements containing subqueries are not supported. MERGE INTO statements containing subqueries in INSERT or UPDATE are not supported.
  9. Concurrent UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE INTO operations with conflicting tuples are not supported. An error will be reported during the execution.
  10. The DML statements that operate an Ustore table in a sub-transaction do not support SMP before the upgrade is committed.
  11. In typical configuration scenarios, if SMP optimization is enabled, the operator performance is improved by 5 times.

Delivery mode:


The end-to-end performance of IUD basic operators is improved.

It has the following functions:

  1. IUDS performance improvement:
    1. Noise floor elimination for operators: A series of performance optimizations are made for the noise floor of the main path function and hotspot function, such as reducing the layers of function calls, eliminating redundant logical judgment and operation, reducing context switching, and enhancing cacheline continuity.
    2. Cache for operators in execution state: The execution status information obtained in the initialization phase is cached. When the plan tree cache is valid, the cached execution status information is used in the execution phase, saving time for the executor, reducing CPU time and repeated memory allocation, and improving performance.
    3. Memory context framework optimization: In GaussDB, when SQL statements are executed, memory contexts are frequently allocated and released, affecting the performance to some extent. This function optimizes the memory context framework. The core design is to reuse the deleted memory context space.
  2. Composite unique indexes are compatible with NULL values. In O-compatible mode, NULL values are not equal to other non-empty values but equal to NULL values. During data insertion, if an empty index column is contained and is the same as an existing index column in the table, an error is reported, and the insertion fails.

Key specifications and restrictions:

  1. Performance specifications: In typical configuration scenarios,
    1. in PBE mode, the performance of the insert operator is 0.7 times that of PG16;
    2. in PBE mode, the performance of the update operator is 0.7 times that of PG16;
    3. in PBE mode, the performance of the delete operator is 0.6 times that of PG16;
    4. in PBE mode, the performance of the indexscan operator is 0.6 times that of PG16.
  2. Subplans are not supported.
  3. Stored procedures are not supported.
  4. GPC is not supported.
  5. An execution plan contains only the INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, Result, and IndexScan nodes.

Delivery mode:

Centralized and distributed

The distributed execution plan supports parameterized paths to avoid query cancellation due to timeout.

Parameterized remote query is supported to improve the performance of imperfect sharding services (table join and related sublinks) in TP scenarios.

  1. Nestloop parameterized plan and execution framework.
  2. Related sublink plan and execution framework.
  3. Management of multiple prepared statements on a single DN.

Key specifications and restrictions:

  1. Only PGXC plans are supported. Stream and FQS plans are not supported.
  2. For the Nestloop parameterized path, a plan with the parameter rescan is generated for the base table only when the index parameterized path is generated for the base table.
  3. Stream and PGXC plans cannot be adaptively selected.
  4. Performance specifications: The performance of distributed TPC-C is not affected. The performance is better than that of using a stored procedure to split a query into multiple statements that can be delivered and executed on a single node.
  5. The performance is improved by 100 times in typical customer scenarios: 1 million rows of data each on two hash distributed tables, and columns c1 and c2 have indexes.

Delivery mode:


Non-stream execution plans are supported for simple queries using GSIs in distributed instances to achieve better performance.

This feature is incrementally developed based on the existing capabilities of distributed global secondary indexes, including:

  1. GSI performance improvement: GSI allows simple queries to execute non-Stream distributed plans, and Stream supports PBE.
  2. GSI online capability enhancement: Online GSI creation and rebuild are supported.

Key specifications and restrictions:

  1. GSI allows simple queries to execute non-stream distributed plans.
  2. Performance specifications: In typical scenarios, the performance of the non-stream distributed plan supported by the GSI TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID is 10 times higher than that of the GSI Stream plan.
  3. GSI allows simple queries to execute non-stream distributed plans: You need to set gsi_fastpath_level to partial or strict. Other settings are the same as those for non-stream distributed plans. GSI TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID does not support hash bucket tables.
  4. Stream PBE optimization: The enable_stream_pbe parameter must be enabled. The default value is ON.
  5. When there are no concurrent DML operations, the GSI online creation performance (case 1) in GSIBUILD mode is improved by more than 20% compared with that in version 505.1 (case 2), where performance refers to the end-to-end latency of online creation, and the calculation formula is: (case 2case 1)/(case 1).
  6. Astore is not supported.
  7. GSI cannot be created or rebuilt online during the upgrade.
  8. Other restrictions are the same as those for online creation and rebuilding of ordinary indexes. For example, long transactions may block online GSI creation. You are advised not to create GSI online when long transactions exist. Online GSI creation and rebuilding are not supported during online scale-out. In high-concurrency scenarios, online GSI creation slows down. You are advised to create GSI online during off-peak hours. If online GSI creation or rebuilding fails due to serious errors (such as FATAL, PANIC, and database faults), indexes (and temporary tables) that are not ready or valid remain, which need to be manually cleared.

Delivery mode:


In key service scenarios, the ultimate RTO replay speed is improved by 20%, and the flow control performance jitter does not exceed 20%.

This feature is incrementally developed based on the existing ultimate RTO and flow control mechanism, including:

  1. In the large table truncate and drop scenarios, the mechanism for deleting hash tables such as invalidPage is optimized to improve the replay speed in this scenario.
  2. The standby node uses an independent buffer pool for reading lsninfo and blockinfo, with a dedicated page replacement and flush algorithm. An asynchronous flush thread is added to manage page writes.
  3. The flow control algorithm is optimized to reduce the flow control jitter.
  4. In ultimate RTO, the restriction that the value of recovery_parse_workers is greater than 1 is removed.

Key specifications and restrictions:

  1. In the TRUNCATE/DROP scenario of a large table (greater than 1 TB on a single DN), the replay speed is improved by more than 20% when a DN is faulty and restarted.
  2. In typical configuration scenarios (96 vCPUs, 512 GB of memory, NVMe SSD, centralized instance with one primary node and two standby nodes), when 1,500 concurrent updates are performed on the primary node and 50 concurrent full table scans are performed on the standby node, the average replay speed is improved by more than 20%, and the performance of read on standby does not deteriorate.
  3. In a typical configuration scenario (Arm EulerOS 2.0 (SP9) 2 channels, three nodes, one primary and two standby nodes, 128 vCPUs, 512 GB memory, NVMe SSD), flow control is enabled. The system runs for 30 minutes in the TPC-C scenario, the tpmC fluctuation is less than 20%.
  4. In a typical configuration scenario (16 vCPUs, 64 GB memory, SSD, distributed environment with two shards, one primary node and two standby nodes, and the total size of a single table is greater than 500 GB), flow control is enabled. Run sysbench insert/update/delete and vacuum operations for 30 minutes. Compared with the scenario where flow control is disabled, the TPS fluctuation is less than 20%.

Delivery mode:

Centralized and distributed

The parallel import performance of gs_loader is improved by five times, and the error tolerance for invalid characters is supported.

This feature is incrementally developed based on the original functions of gs_loader, including:

  1. gs_loader supports parallel import using the parallel parameter, and the value of parallel is used as the degree of parallelism, improving import performance.
  2. gs_loader supports error tolerance for invalid characters using the compatible_illegal_chars parameter. If a data file contains invalid characters during the import, no error is reported. Instead, the data file is correctly imported to the data table after being processed.
  3. The compatible_illegal_chars parameter is added to the \COPY TO and COPY TO commands. If an invalid character exists during the export, no error is reported. Instead, the export is successful after certain processing.

Key specifications and restrictions:

  1. When the function supporting non-rollback upon constraint conflicts is enabled:
    1. If there is no row insert trigger or other non-row insert triggers, the performance does not deteriorate.
    2. When a row insert trigger is used, the performance deteriorates by 60%.
  2. When the rows parameter is specified, the performance does not deteriorate significantly when the total data volume remains unchanged and the number of commit times is less than 1000.
  3. After the error table is disabled, the greater the amount of data in the error table, the more significant the performance improvement.
  4. When error tolerance for invalid characters is enabled:
    1. If the data file does not contain invalid characters, the performance does not deteriorate.
    2. If a data file contains invalid characters, the character conversion performance remains the same as that of COPY. Conversion logs are recorded when enable_log_copy_illegal_chars is set to on. In addition, the log writing overhead is in a linear relationship with the amount of imported data. In an SSD scenario where CPU and memory do not have bottlenecks, the log writing overhead increases by no more than 400s for recording every 10 million rows of data.
    3. In a scenario where CPU and memory do not have bottlenecks, when the system is fully loaded, the bandwidth occupied by log writing is about 5% of the peak disk I/O bandwidth.
  5. When parallel import is enabled, the specifications are as follows (The CPU and memory resources of the client and the CPU and memory resources, idle threads, and network bandwidth of the server meet the required degrees of parallelism and do not have bottlenecks. The total number of data rows is large enough, and the value of skip parameter is less than 1% of the total number of data rows.):
    1. When the degree of parallelism is 2, the performance is improved by at least 1.5 times compared with serial import.
    2. When the degree of parallelism is 4, the performance is improved by at least 3 times compared with serial import.
    3. When the degree of parallelism is 8, the performance is improved by at least 5 times compared with serial import.
    4. The improvement of performance decreases as the degree of parallelism increases.
    5. Each time the degree of parallelism is incremented by 1, the client memory increases by about 10 MB and the server memory increases by about 35 MB.
  6. When the function supporting non-rollback upon constraint conflicts is enabled:
    1. If a table has a BEFORE/AFTER ROW INSERT trigger, a maximum of 10 million rows can be committed at a time.
    2. Statement-level triggers are not supported.
  7. When the number of rows to be committed is specified, it is recommended that the number of commit times be less than or equal to 1,000 considering the impact of multiple commits on performance. Frequent commit of a small amount of data affects the data import performance. You are advised to set the rows parameter properly to ensure that the amount of data committed each time is greater than 5 MB. For 1 primary + 2 standby instances deployed on common servers with 16 vCPUs and 128 GB of memory and 13 GB of data is imported to a table with five columns, the rate of multiple commits is about 10 MB/s, which is basically the same as that of a single commit (5 MB data is committed each time).
  8. Currently, compatibility is supported only when data files contain NUL characters. NUL characters in .ctl control files are not supported. If the .ctl file contains the NUL character, unexpected problems may occur.
  9. After the binary parameter is set to true, the following requirements must be met:
    1. The data file must be a binary file exported in \COPY binary mode. However, the data file exported in this mode has poor compatibility and portability. You are advised to use \COPY to import the data file.
    2. gs_loader converts the syntax in the control file to the simplest syntax in \COPY binary mode, that is, \COPY table_name FROM 'binary_file_path' BINARY. Only the import mode, table name, as well as control, data, binary, guc_param, and database connection parameters in the control file are parsed. Other parameters are not parsed and do not take effect.
    3. The command lines and control files of gs_loader must meet the following requirements: Character set configuration is not supported. The WHEN filter and DISCARD operation are not supported. Error data cannot be directly written to BAD files when enable_copy_error_log is set to off. The default value of errors is unlimited, indicating that encoding exception data is recorded by default. The CSV mode is not supported, delimiters and wrappers cannot be specified, and the TRAILING NULLCOLS syntax is not supported. Data type configuration, POSITION configuration, and column expression usage are not supported. The FILLER, CONSTANT, SEQUENCE, and NULLIF parameters are not supported. The skip, rows, and compatible_nul parameters are not supported.
  10. When error tolerance for invalid characters is enabled:
    1. If TERMINATED or OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY is converted to spaces or question marks, an error message stating "illegal chars conversion may confuse COPY escape 0x20" will be displayed, prompting you to modify the parameter.
    2. When GUC parameter copy_special_character_version is set to 'no_error', its priority is higher than that of compatible_illegal_chars. When copy_special_character_version is set to 'no_error', if transcoding is not required, invalid characters are expected to be imported as they are. However, the compatible_illegal_chars API still checks the encoding validity and replaces invalid characters when transcoding is not required. To use compatible_illegal_chars in scenarios where transcoding is not required, leave the GUC parameter copy_special_character_version empty.
    3. The compatible_nul function cannot be enabled at the same time because there is a conflict between the two functions. compatible_illegal_chars converts NUL characters to space characters. When compatible_nul is set to false, NUL characters are not converted to space characters.
  11. When parallel import is enabled:
    1. The maximum degree of parallelism cannot exceed twice the number of CPU cores on the client. When the client runs in a container, the number of CPUs obtained is the number of CPUs on the host, which may be greater than the number of CPUs that can be used by the container. Therefore, you are advised to set the maximum degree of parallelism to a value less than twice the number of CPUs that can be used by the client.
    2. OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY or FIELDS CSV cannot be used to set quotation marks in control files.
    3. Data in binary format cannot be imported.
    4. Parallel import is implemented based on data division on the client and cannot ensure that data is imported in sequence. If a table contains auto-increment columns, the sequence of values in the auto-increment columns may be different from that in the data file after the table is imported.
  12. When error tolerance for invalid characters is enabled for COPY and \COPY export:
    1. The error occurs in the scenario where transcoding is required. That is, in scenarios where transcoding is not required (the file encoding or client encoding is the same as the server encoding), invalid characters are not processed by compatible_illegal_chars and are exported as they are.
    2. Invalid character conversion applies only to encodings supported by GaussDB. (For encodings that are not supported, an error is still reported.)
  13. gs_loader is applicable only in centralized mode.

Delivery mode:

Centralized and distributed

VerifyLog is enhanced to prevent error pages from infecting the standby node or standby cluster for DR through Xlogs.

This feature can quickly identify error pages, prevent error Xlogs from being generated, and prevent error pages from infecting the standby node or standby cluster for DR through Xlogs. It has the following functions:

  1. The GaussDB version number field is added to VerifyLog.
  2. When the function is permanently enabled, the anticache verification does not need to wait until the vlog recovery is complete.
  3. The recycling verification mechanism is optimized.
  4. The build scenario function is adapted.
  5. The segment page, UNDO, UNDO segment page, and EXRTO page verification are supported.

Key specifications and restrictions:

  1. By default, the function is permanently enabled at the third level, which does not affect the RTO. The performance deteriorates by less than 2% in typical scenarios with default parameters.
  2. By default, this function is disabled for devices with small specifications (4-core CPU/16 GB memory, 4-core CPU/32 GB memory, and 8-core CPU/64 GB memory).
  3. Verification is not supported in the anticache rebuilding phase after the system is restarted due to a fault. Verification is not supported in database initialization scenario. Non-shared_buffers pages are not supported. Verification is not supported when the anticache memory reaches the upper limit.

Delivery mode:

Centralized and distributed

RTO is optimized for DR switchover of distributed streaming cluster.

This feature enhances the capabilities of distributed streaming replication-based DR.

  1. In the distributed deployment scenario of the streaming replication-based remote DR solution, the kernel switchover time is shortened from 1 minute to 30 seconds.
  2. In the distributed deployment scenario of the streaming replication-based remote DR solution, the kernel failover time is shorten from 1 minute and 30 seconds to 30 seconds.

Key specifications and restrictions:

  1. The existing constraints of the distributed streaming replication-based DR are inherited.
  2. The switchover specifications inherit the original prerequisites. If no component is faulty, the RTO is less than 30s.
  3. The failover specifications inherit the original prerequisites. If no component is faulty, the RTO is less than 30s. If a minority of components are faulty, the RTO is less than 90s.
  4. Only the quorum protocol is supported for the optimization of promoting a standby cluster for DR to primary.
  5. The standby cluster for DR must be degraded or normal when it is promoted to primary.

Delivery mode:


Support of seconds-level centralized DCF DR switchover, minute-level distributed DCF DR switchover, and SM series cryptographic algorithms

Based on the existing DCF capabilities, this feature provides the following new functions:

  1. DCF supports seconds-level centralized DR switchover.
  2. DCF supports distributed DR networking.
  3. DCF supports the DR cluster mode switching between quorum and DCF.
  4. DCF supports SM series cryptographic algorithms.

Key specifications and restrictions:

  1. The cross-AZ network latency of the primary cluster must be less than or equal to 2 ms, and the remote network latency between the primary and standby clusters must be less than or equal to 100 ms. The DR can run normally within the range of the required network latency. Otherwise, the primary and standby nodes will be disconnected.
  2. Establishing the DR Relationship: The performance of the primary cluster deteriorates by no more than 20% before and after a DR relationship is established.
  3. When the standby cluster for DR is promoted to primary:
    1. A certain amount of data can be lost, and the RPO is less than or equal to 10 seconds.
    2. If no logs are backlogged in the standby cluster for DR (RPO ≤ 10 seconds, RTO ≤ 1 second), instances in the standby cluster for DR are normal, and all components (CN, DN, ETCD, GTM, cm_agent, and cm_server) are normal, the RTO for promoting the standby cluster for DR to primary is less than or equal to 90 seconds.
    3. If no logs are backlogged in the standby cluster for DR (RPO ≤ 10 seconds, RTO ≤ 1 second), some components (CN, DN, ETCD, GTM, cm_agent, and cm_server) of the standby cluster for DR are abnormal but still meet the minority fault case, the RTO for promoting the standby cluster for DR to primary is less than or equal to 120 seconds.
  4. When performing a DR switchover:
    1. If no logs are backlogged in the standby cluster for DR (RPO ≤ 10 seconds, RTO ≤ 1 second), the number of sequences is less than 10, the primary and standby instances are normal, and all components are normal, the DR switchover can be completed within 60 seconds of the kernel time.
    2. If no logs are backlogged in the standby cluster for DR (RPO ≤ 10 seconds, RTO ≤ 1 second), the number of sequences is less than 10, and some components of the primary and standby instances are abnormal but still meet the minority fault case, the DR switchover can be completed within 120 seconds of the kernel time.
  5. The mode switchover command supports the input of the switchover timeout interval. The default timeout interval is 180 seconds. You are advised to perform the switchover when the service load is light. If the service load is heavy, the mode switchover may not be completed within the timeout interval.
  6. Whether the DCF enables SM series cryptographic algorithms and the loaded SM series cryptographic algorithm suite are consistent with those of Quorum.
  7. Systems using GMSSL (SSL certificates for SM series cryptographic algorithms) cannot establish secure communication with systems using international SSL certificates.

Delivery mode:

Centralized and distributed

Topology link faults on the data plane of the first aid are reported at minute-level.

The following functions are added to the first aid:

  1. The black box detection and alarm capabilities of the database component based on simple SQL statements are supported.
  2. The detection and alarm capabilities for topology link faults on the data plane are supported.

Key specifications and restrictions:

SQL detection capability specifications and restrictions:

  1. This function can be enabled only when the number of CNs in the cluster is less than or equal to the value of emergence_sql_check_max_cn_count.
  2. Link issues are handled during first aid SQL statement detection only when the source and target ends are normal.
  3. If the number of shards in a cluster is less than 10, an alarm can be reported within 1 minute.
  4. Only the data plane network can be detected.
  5. No detection is performed for a single-node cluster.
  6. Arbitration is not performed during upgrade or scale-out. Arbitration is not performed when the DDB is unavailable.
  7. Arbitration is not performed during the startup.
  8. SQL detection supports only distributed deployment.
  9. The standby cluster for DR does not support SQL statement detection, and arbitration is not performed during a DR switchover.
  10. If the network is normal, automatic switchover is not supported in the following scenarios and switchover needs to be manually performed:
    1. An error is reported when SQL statements are executed to test links between CNs and some DNs.
    2. An error is reported when SQL statements are executed to test links between GTMs and some CNs and DNs.
    3. An error is reported when SQL statements are executed to test links between some CNs.
    4. An error is reported when SQL statements are executed on the primary DN to test links with the minority of DNs.

Specifications and restrictions of the data-plane topology detection capability:

  1. Network detection on the data plane is supported to check whether the data plane network is normal.
  2. Data plane network detection is not supported for the standby cluster in DR scenarios.
  3. No detection is performed for a single-node cluster.
  4. No arbitration is performed during upgrade or scale-out.
  5. Arbitration is not performed during the startup.

Delivery mode:

Centralized and distributed

Cluster components can be isolated.

In some fault scenarios (such as network isolation, disk hang, or CM Agent fault), the CM Agent on the faulty node cannot report the fault. Before delivering the arbitration result, the CM isolates the faulty node from the cluster so that it is not connected to any instance in the cluster.

Key specifications and restrictions:

  1. RTO for a single instance fault isolation is less than or equal to 30s.
  2. The isolation starts after the instance fails to be killed or the network is abnormal for more than 6 seconds.
  3. The end-to-end time for fault isolation of a single instance is less than or equal to 7 seconds (5 seconds for communication or storage and 2 seconds for CM).
  4. The following scenarios are supported: CN and DN isolate the faulty GTM, DN isolates the faulty CN.
  5. Isolation is used only when the process down status cannot be determined. An isolation alarm is generated. In this scenario, you need to manually determine why the process down status cannot be determined. If necessary, you need to manually deliver a kill command or power off the corresponding host.
  6. If the isolation operation cannot be completed, subsequent arbitration (GTM leader node election and CN isolation) cannot continue, and the system generates an isolation failure alarm. You need to manually handle it as soon as possible.

Delivery mode:


Position can be specified for logical decoding.

In GaussDB centralized deployment mode, serial/parallel logical decoding supports the decoding of online WALs from a specified position. This position can be an LSN. Logical decoding finds a consistency LSN from the specified LSN, decodes data from the consistency LSN, and outputs data.

Key specifications and restrictions:

  1. Performance:
    1. Performance impact on logical decoding: Compared with logical decoding tasks that depend on system catalogs, the decoding performance of pure DML and DDL transactions does not deteriorate. That is, when other system resources are sufficient, the decoding rate reaches 100 MB/s in general specifications and 300 MB/s in MetaERP scenarios.
    2. Impact on transactions: The performance of DML does not deteriorate, but the performance of DDL decreases by 20%. (The performance deterioration is related to the I/O capability. ECS: 20%; BMS: 10%.)
  2. A position can be specified for decoding online WALs only.
  3. You need to adjust the number of online WAL files that can be retained on GaussDB based on the number of WAL files generated by different services every day, so that a position can be specified for decoding the WALs.
  4. Logical decoding actually starts from the consistency LSN. The specific location of the consistency LSN is related to the actual situation of concurrent transactions, for example, long transactions. Only the data modifications generated by transactions since the consistency LSN can be decoded. You need to ensure that the transactions to be decoded start after the consistency LSN. Otherwise, data inconsistency may occur.
  5. To configure the retention period of logical decoding data dictionaries, set the GUC parameters. If the data dictionary retention period is shorter than the specified period of generating WALs, decoding may fail due to dictionary data missing.

Delivery mode:


DBRepair supports seconds-level damaged data page restore, and DBVerify supports consistency check.

  1. Capabilities of repairing damaged data pages between the primary and standby nodes:
    1. The overall DB Repair code framework is optimized. The existing repair capability framework is reconstructed to provide a general entry for HA page repair and provide repair services in proxy mode.
    2. Auto Block Repair: supports automatic repair of logical bad blocks between the primary and standby nodes. In version 505.1, automatic repair of physical bad blocks between the primary and standby nodes is supported. In this version, the following enhancements are made: Commercial data table types such as hash bucket and segment-page tables are supported. The standby node can automatically pull pages from the primary node for repair when detecting discontinuous LSNs, block loss, and uninitialized scenarios during replay. If write loss or pages not marked as dirty are detected on the primary node during verification, pages are automatically obtained from the standby node for repair. If the primary node detects physical or logical bad blocks during manual page verification, pages are obtained from the standby node for automatic repair.
    3. The bad block repair system function is enhanced. In the past, many problems occur when view repair functions are actively called. Most of the problems are logical errors caused by lack of input parameter validation, direct operations on correct pages, and manual error rectification. These problems are rectified.
  2. Capabilities for supporting manual data correctness and consistency check:
    1. General CT entry framework for table-level verification data provides scalability, incorporates all current table-level verification capabilities (U-heap, RCR UB-tree, PCR UB-tree, URQ and U-heap consistency verification) into the framework for management, provides a unified exit, and is flexible enough to support future table-level verification capability APIs.
    2. Data consistency verification system functions support data consistency verification between data tables and indexes using system functions or SQL queries. The supported heap table types include Astore, Ustore ordinary tables, hash bucket tables, and B-tree and UB-tree indexes.

Key specifications and restrictions:

Capabilities of repairing damaged data pages between the primary and standby nodes:

  1. The performance of TPC-C and Sysbench services in typical scenarios is not affected.
  2. To ensure consistency, the primary or standby node to be repaired needs to wait until the target LSN is replayed. Ideally, it takes less than 1s to obtain a page to be repaired from the remote end. That is, the RTO for repairing a page increases by less than 1s.
  3. As the number of physically damaged pages on the standby node increases during log replay, the repair time increases linearly (but still affected by the network and primary node conditions). In extreme scenarios, if the number of damaged pages exceeds a certain threshold, the primary node's libpq library may experience congestion, leading to an exponential increase in repair time. The number of pages that can be repaired at the same time, that is, the maximum capacity of the hash table for repairing pages, is 100 by default. The capacity can be expanded without a strict upper limit. In extreme scenarios, excessive memory allocation for the bad block hash table may trigger a primary/standby switchover.
  4. Automatic and manual repair supports Astore and Ustore. The lite, centralized, and distributed deployment modes are supported. Ordinary row-store tables, segment-page tables, ILM compressed tables, and data pages and index pages of hash bucket tables can be automatically repaired. MOT is not supported. Temporary tables, global temporary tables, and unlogged tables do not involve primary and standby restoration. The undo record page and transaction table page support only append write. Therefore, they can be repaired only when CRC is damaged. The undo meta-information page does not support primary and standby restoration.
  5. Automatic block repair depends on the normal communication between the primary and standby nodes and at least one data page on the primary or standby node is normal. The primary node supports automatic detection and repair of the following types of bad blocks:
    1. The CRC does not match.
    2. Anticache or VerifyLog detects write loss.
    3. The data page is damaged during manual verification.

    The standby node supports automatic detection and repair of the following types of bad blocks:

    1. The CRC does not match.
    2. The LSNs are discontinuous during replay.
    3. The page is lost or not initialized.
  6. After CRC bad blocks are detected in backup scenarios, the kernel repair function gs_verify_and_tryrepair_page is automatically called to repair the bad blocks.
  7. Automatic repair is triggered after a damaged page is accessed and detected. The repair of the standby node is controlled by the GUC parameter standby_page_repair and is enabled by default. The repair of the primary node is not controlled by a GUC parameter and is enabled by default.

Capabilities for supporting manual data correctness and consistency check:

  1. The performance of TPC-C and Sysbench services in typical scenarios is not affected.
  2. To ensure verification accuracy, a level-1 read lock is added to the target table or index for read verification. The performance of index consistency verification is similar to that of index scan. The performance of heap table consistency verification is poor. The efficiency is similar to that of sequential scan and index scan by index. However, block-based execution and resumable execution are supported.
  3. The background management and control and periodic scheduling capabilities is supported. You are advised to use scheduled task scheduling during off-peak hours of the standby node or primary node to prevent impact on services on the primary node. To use the I/O resource management and control capability, you need to enable related resource management and control GUC parameters.
  4. Data verification supports Astore and Ustore, but does not support MOT. Centralized and distributed deployment modes are supported. Data verification can be performed on the standby node, but not on the logger node. The verification of common row-store tables, temporary tables, global temporary tables, unlogged tables, ILM compressed tables, TDE tables, and hash bucket tables is supported by heap tables. Indexes support B-tree and UB-tree index verification and are compatible with segment-page storage. Currently, GIN and GiST indexes are not supported.

Delivery mode:

Centralized and distributed

GUC parameter adaption in upgrade scenarios and parallel upgrade of multiple databases are supported.

This feature optimizes the compatibility and duration for upgrade scenarios, including:

  1. GUC parameter adaption in upgrade scenarios is supported.
  2. Parallel upgrade of multiple databases is supported.

Key specifications and restrictions:

  1. In the scenario of parallel upgrade of multiple databases, the degree of parallelism is the number of CPU cores of the upgrade script executor by default. The maximum degree of parallelism is 32.
  2. In the same upgrade path, the execution time of the upgrade script for 100 user databases is reduced by 50%.

Delivery mode:

Centralized and distributed

The data rescue tool can be used to parse and restore the ILM and hash bucket tables.

In extreme scenarios without redundancy, such as no backup, no standby node, network isolation, and cluster fails to start, the data rescue tool is used to safeguard customer data security. In this version, the following functions are added:

  1. gs_rescue and gs_rescue_tui: support the parsing and restoring of ILM tables, hash bucket tables, and encrypted tables.
  2. gs_rescue_tui: adapts to the function of parsing all historical version data in data files.
  3. gs_rescue_tui: supports the integrity of end-to-end data restoration in a distributed environment.

Key specifications and restrictions:

  1. The ILM tables, hash bucket tables, and encrypted tables can be parsed and restored.
  2. Data can be restored and imported to the target database on the web UI. For common data types, the automatic import speed is no lower than 40 MB/s on the server configured with 16 vCPUs, 32 GB of memory, and SSDs.
  3. The data rescue tool can parse and restore data files stored on each DN in the distributed database to the target database.
  4. Only flushed data is parsed.
  5. Offline data parsing cannot ensure data consistency.
  6. Data in Xlog or undo records is not parsed.
  7. The database must be offline.
  8. Astore/Ustore, segment-page-based, and partitioned table data can be parsed. The parsing of ILM tables, hash bucket tables, and encrypted tables is also supported. Column-store and TDE tables are not supported.

Delivery mode:

Centralized and distributed

The compression ratio of the row-store compression feature is improved, and restrictions are removed.

Based on the row-store compression function in earlier versions, this feature supports the following:

  1. Metadata compression and constant encoding are introduced to further improve the compression ratio.
  2. The restriction on distributed scale-out is removed. Compression is performed when compressed rows in the original table are added to a new node.
  3. The M-compatible mode is supported.
  4. The CREATE TABLE LIKE syntax can be used to copy the ILM policy of the original table.

Key specifications and restrictions:

  1. When metadata compression is enabled, the average compression ratio of typical datasets is improved by 30% compared with version 505.1.
  2. The constant coding supports the following storage data types: char, int16, int32, int64, date, timestamp and varlen (variable-length data type). The constant encoding has greater code priority than difference encoding.
  3. If the compression policy is not enabled in typical TPC-C scenarios, existing services are not affected.
  4. In a typical TPC-C scenario, after setting up an ILM strategy and performing full compression, the performance degradation does not exceed 10% when running TPC-C workloads with 1,000 warehouses and 500 concurrent users.
  5. Partial decompression: In the point query scenario where compressed tables are accessed (random query when data is evenly distributed), the time consumed by the LZ4_decompress_safe function decreases by 30%.
  6. The compressed table adapts to distributed scale-out. After scale-out, the space usage of the compressed table remains unchanged. During scale-out, columns are added to the temporary table. As a result, the capacity increases, which is the same as that in the non-compression scenario. Therefore, you need to reserve disk space on the original DN for twice the space of the largest single table, which is the same as that in the non-compression scenario. With the same data volume, the scale-out speed decreases by no more than 50% compared with that of a non-compressed table.
  7. The original M-compatible framework uses the same syntax of the row-store compression feature as that in O-compatible mode.
  8. During the upgrade observation period, new metadata compression, constant encoding, and LZ4 partial decompression are disabled.

Delivery mode:

Centralized and distributed

In distributed GTM-Lite mode, the strong-consistency read performance of the standby node reaches 80% of the read performance of the primary node.

This feature builds the strong-consistency read performance of the standby node in GTM-Lite mode, including:

  1. The distributed GTM-Lite mode supports read on standby in serial and parallel replay modes.
  2. The distributed GTM-Lite mode supports read on standby in ultimate RTO replay mode.

Key specifications and restrictions:

  1. The query will be canceled in any of the following scenarios when standby nodes are read in ultimate RTO mode:
    1. Lock conflicts occur during query and replay. Similar to the case of replaying read on standby in serial/parallel mode, the query cancellation is controlled by the max_standby_streaming_delay parameter, and the error "canceling statement due to conflict with recovery" is reported.
    2. The query time exceeds the value of standby_max_query_time.
    3. The forcible recycling of files related to read on standby is triggered, which is controlled by the standby_force_recycle_ratio parameter.
    4. When standby nodes replay logs related to segment-page-based physical space shrinking, queries will be canceled.
    5. When the stream execution plan is enabled, the query conflicts with the relmap log replay.
  2. When DDL operations are frequently performed on the primary node, the query on the standby node may be slow or even canceled due to conflict with replay.
  3. The barrier dotting function must be enabled. If this function is enabled, the cluster performance will be affected, which follows the existing mechanism.
  4. In scenarios of low specifications (8 vCPUs or less), ultimate RTO replay occupies a large number of resources. Therefore, you are advised not to enable read on standby in ultimate RTO mode.
  5. For read on standby in ultimate RTO mode, query and replay conflict may occur to logs related to the following operations:
    3. Clean logs generated by VACUUM
  6. Resource management and control:
    1. Disk space: A threshold is specified for controlling the space used by files related to read on standby in ultimate RTO mode.
    2. Memory and I/O: For read on standby, data can be read from an independent buffer pool and dirty data can be flushed independently.
    3. CPU: Currently, there is no resource control capability. When the CPU usage of a node is too high (it is recommended that the CPU usage is less than or equal to 70%), the performance of replay and read on standby deteriorate significantly.

Delivery mode:


ODBC driver can connect to the database to implement read on standby.

ODBC driver can connect to the database to implement read on standby.

Key specifications and restrictions:

  1. The performance is the same as that of JDBC in the corresponding scenario.
  2. Only CN load balancing in distributed mode is supported.
  3. To read on the standby node in distributed mode, the kernel version must be 503.0 or later.
  4. Read on standby in a standby cluster for DR is not supported.
  5. In distributed mode, the TargetServerType parameter cannot be set to a value other than primary.

Delivery mode:

Centralized and distributed

libpq can statically call the OpenSSL library, and global loading of SSL certificates is supported.

This feature enhances libpq functions. The following are included:

  1. The driver for libpq to statically call the OpenSSL is added to meet customers' requirement for handling OpenSSL version conflicts.
  2. The SSL global loading capability is supported. The SSL context environment is initialized only when the server is started. All subsequent session connections share the context.

Key specifications and restrictions:

  1. Compared with the libpq that dynamically links the OpenSSL, the libpq that statically linked to the OpenSSL occupies more space, but the APIs and functions remain the same.
  2. After the SSL global loading function is enabled, you need to restart the cluster for the certificate to take effect after replacing or revoking the certificate.

Delivery mode:

Centralized and distributed

The length of the private key password supported by gs_guc is extended to 128 bits.

The password length supported by gs_guc encrypt is extended to 128 bits, and forward compatibility is maintained.

Key specifications and restrictions:

  1. The maximum length of the private key password supported by gs_guc encrypt is extended to 128 bits.
  2. The functions are forward compatible.

Delivery mode:

Centralized and distributed

New grouping policy for the JDBC load balancing parameter autoBalance.

This feature is incrementally developed based on the existing JDBC capabilities, including:

  1. In load balancing mode, autoBalance can be set to shuffleN.
  2. The fault locating capability is enhanced. Logs of main processes (such as establishing connections, executing SQL statements, obtaining results, and closing connections) are modified and added, and exceptions thrown are modified.
    1. Logs are added for key processes of hot APIs. The log content must contain unique IDs, such as connectionID and SQL ID, to facilitate fault locating.
    2. Log levels are set based on the log content, and a switch is added to control the log level lower than Warning.
    3. Exceptions in core APIs and key processes are rectified. Error-level logs are recorded before exceptions are thrown. For exceptions reported by the kernel, in addition to simple error information, more detailed cause information, including ErrorCode, Position, SQL, OriginalSQL and ErrorMessage, are provided, with reference to Oracle Database.

Key specifications and restrictions:

  1. The shuffleN load balancing policy supports distributed IP address configuration but does not support IPv6. The performance does not deteriorate compared with that when autoBalance is set to priorityN.
  2. The performance does not deteriorate when the fault locating capability added in this version is enabled.

Delivery mode:

Centralized and distributed

In distributed mode, logical decoding supports DDL and provides data retrieval, comparison, and repair tools.

This feature is incrementally developed based on the logical decoding capability, including:

  1. Logical decoding in a distributed cluster supports DDL statement decoding.
  2. The kernel provides a data retrieval API. It decodes WALs in a specified LSN range of the cluster and parses data modification actions recorded in WALs into SQL statements. All data fields need to be displayed for DELETE and UPDATE operations.
  3. The memory and file handle resources are properly optimized and controlled during the running of the logical decoding task.
  4. Logical decoding tasks use snapshots of historical versions to optimize data visibility determination.

Key specifications and restrictions:

  1. Logical decoding does not support DDL/DCL/DML hybrid transactions. In hybrid transactions, DML statements after DDL statements cannot be decoded.
  2. When there is no DDL statement, the logical decoding performance in the DML-only scenario does not deteriorate. The logical decoding performance in the DDL-only scenario is about 80 MB/s in the standard environment, and that in DDL/DML hybrid transaction scenario is about 80 MB/s in the standard environment.
  3. When logical decoding supports DDL, the performance decrease of DDL statements is less than 15%.
  4. General decoding restrictions (serial and parallel): DDL statement decoding cannot be performed on local temporary objects, such as GLOBAL temporary tables, LOCAL temporary tables, and temporary schemas.
  5. DDL statement decoding in the FOREIGN TABLE scenario is not supported.
  6. The DEFAULT of ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN does not support stable or volatile functions. The CHECK constraint expression of CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE regarding columns does not support stable or volatile functions. If ALTER TABLE has multiple clauses and one of them has the preceding two situations, the entire ALTER TABLE statement is not parsed reversely.
  7. In the decoding scenario of directly connecting to a DN, only logs in the current DN are decoded.
  8. Concurrency scenarios are not supported, for example, CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY and REINDEX CONCURRENTLY.
  9. REINDEX DATABASE and REINDEX SYSTEM are not supported.
  10. DDL statement decoding related to views and materialized views and DDL statement decoding related to triggers on views are not supported.
  11. If PACKAGE objects are used in CREATE FUNCTION or CREATE PROCEDURE, logical decoding still supports decoding of CREATE/ALTER/DROP FUNCTION or CREATE/ALTER/DROP PROCEDURE. Distributed logical decoding does not support PACKAGE. As a result, the execution may fail.
  12. If IF NOT EXISTS exists in the statement for creating an object and the object already exists, the statement is not decoded. If IF EXISTS exists in the statement for deleting an object but the object does not exist, the statement is not decoded.
  13. DDL statements related to node groups of logical clusters that use only partial shards cannot be decoded.
  14. Only the commercial DDL syntaxes earlier than this version are supported.
  15. The restrictions on the data retrieval capability are as follows:
    1. The current network and hardware environment must be normal.
    2. It is recommended that the size of a single tuple be less than or equal to 500 MB. If the size ranges from 500 MB to 1 GB, an error is reported.
    3. Data page replication is not supported for log decoding that does not fall into Xlogs.
    4. Logs before VACUUM FULL cannot be decoded.
    5. The Xlog file before scale-out cannot be decoded.
    6. The CSN-based replication slot is not supported.
  16. Optimized specifications and restrictions on logical decoding resource usage: Memory control is performed on the memory actually used by logical decoding services. Due to the design restrictions on current memory context, the memory context does not always return idle memory blocks to the OS.

Delivery mode:


Table-level online DDL and online VACUUM FULL.

Based on the online DDL capability supported in earlier versions, this feature supports online modification of column types and precision, length reduction, length extension for the char types, online table-level tablespace movement, online addition of NOT NULL, CHECK, PRIMARY KEY, and UNIQUE constraints, and online VACUUM FULL.

Key specifications and restrictions:

  1. When performing operations in this feature, reserve sufficient disk space. That is, the remaining space must be twice the total space of the tables to be operated and the accessories such as indexes on the tables.
  2. This feature supports ordinary tables, but does not support database-level objects, index-level objects, partitioned tables, level-2 partitioned tables, segment-page tables, hash bucket tables, temporary tables, or unlogged tables. For objects that are not supported, traditional DDL operations are performed by default.
  3. This feature only applies to the following online operations: online modification of column types and precision, length reduction, online table-level tablespace movement, online addition of NOT NULL, CHECK, PRIMARY KEY, and UNIQUE constraints, and online VACUUM FULL. For other DDL operations, the traditional syntaxes are used by default.
  4. Long transactions may block online DDL operations. Therefore, you are advised not to perform online DDL operations when long transactions exist. After operations in this feature are executed, DQL operations will be blocked and errors will be reported for concurrent DML operations. Ensure that retry upon error reporting is supported. For a service model with continuous retries, the thread pool may be full and cannot provide external services. Therefore, before using this feature, evaluate the tolerance of waiting for locks in the service model and check whether slow SQL statements exist to determine whether this feature can be used.
  5. This feature cannot be executed in a transaction or a stored procedure.
  6. During the execution of this feature, do not execute DDL operations concurrently. Otherwise, deadlock or errors may occur. In this case, reconnect to the client and try again.
  7. After an upgrade from a version that does not support this feature to a version that supports this feature, this feature is not supported during the observation period, and the online DDL operations in this feature do not take effect. By default, traditional DDL operations are executed, and a message is displayed indicating that this feature is not supported during the upgrade.
  8. During the execution of this feature, a schema named online$$ddl$$[Hash value of (table schema+table name)] is generated.
    1. By default, the owner of the schema is the initial user. You are advised not to operate the schema during online DDL operations; otherwise, the online DDL operations may be terminated and an unknown error may occur.
    2. Users cannot create a schema with the prefix online$$. Otherwise, an error message is displayed. If a schema with the same name already exists, online DDL operations do not take effect. By default, traditional DDL operations are executed, and a message is displayed indicating that the current DDL statement cannot be online due to a schema name conflict.
    3. If a schema with the prefix online$$ has been created and the owner of the schema is the initial user, the GRANT and REVOKE operations cannot be performed on the schema after upgrade to a version that supports this feature. Do not perform CREATE, GRANT, or REVOKE operation on tables or sequences with the prefix online_ddl in the schema. Otherwise, an error message will be displayed. You are advised to rename the schema and try again.
  9. If any operation of this feature (including online modification of column types and precision, length reduction, online table-level tablespace movement, and online VACUUM FULL) fails, significant table space bloat may occur. Then table may bloat significantly if NOT NULL, CHECK, or PRIMARY KEY constraints are added online no matter whether the operation fails or not. The bloat degree is proportional to the DDL statement execution period and the number of concurrent write operations. You are advised not to perform online DDL operations when long transactions exist.
  10. If a severe fault, such as FATAL, PANIC, database fault, or node disconnection, occurs during the execution of this feature, the created temporary schema and table appending status may remain. In this case, you need to perform manual cleanup and restoration by using online_ddl_cleanup().
  11. This feature involves contention between user services and online DDL resources. Therefore, this feature is not recommended in heavy-traffic scenarios. In scenarios where resources are limited, fine-grained resource control is recommended. This feature allows you to enable multi-thread execution for accelerating DDL operations. When a user enables or uses resource load management, for example, I/O resource management (for example, io_limits > 0 or io_priority set to high, medium, or low), if multi-thread execution is enabled for accelerating this feature, resource load management under the user or session will be ignored; in addition, a message is displayed, indicating that the current resource load management is invalid and multi-thread acceleration is enabled. The multi-thread execution process of online DDL operations actually follows the resource load management of the initial user.
  12. If the table to be operated by this feature has GSIs or the DDL statements contain the BY GLOBAL INDEX syntax, the online DDL operations of this feature do not take effect. Traditional DDL operations are performed by default.
  13. This feature inherits the usage restrictions of CREATE TABLE LIKE. For details, see "SQL Reference > SQL Syntax > CREATE TABLE" in Developer Guide.
  14. This feature does not support the M-compatible mode.
  15. In this feature, the column type cannot be changed or converted to the SET data type.
  16. In this feature, when the length of the char type is extended for columns, the underlying logic is not modified or rewritten. After online DDL operations are performed, the existing underlying storage of data still retains the old length, and the underlying storage of new and modified data complies with the extended length.
  17. When operations of this feature (including online modification of column types and precision, length reduction, online table-level tablespace movement, and online addition of NOT NULL, CHECK, PRIMARY KEY, and UNIQUE constraints) are performed, if any data violates the constraints, errors are reported and the error information is different from that of non-online DDL operations.
  18. During online DDL operations such as modification of column types and precision, or length reduction, if the MODIFY [ COLUMN ] column_name data_type syntax is used, and the clause contains any of the CHARSET, COLLATE, FIRST, and AFTER keywords or column constraints, the online DDL operations do not take effect and traditional DDL operations are performed by default.
  19. During online DDL operations such as modification of column types and precision, or length reduction, if the CHANGE [ COLUMN ] column_name new_column_name data_type syntax is used, the online DDL operations do not take effect and traditional DDL operations are performed by default.
  20. During online DDL operations such as online modification of column types and precision, length reduction, and online addition of NOT NULL, CHECK, PRIMARY KEY, and UNIQUE constraints, data will be verified to check whether the data meets the data type conversion, precision modification, length reduction, or constraint requirements. If the data does not meet the requirements, an error is reported during the DDL operations. Online DDL operations support concurrent DML operations. Concurrent DML operations may delete data that does not meet conversion requirements or violates constraints, but an error may be still reported for the DDL operations. For example, when online DDL operations are performed to scan a table and change the column type, if the data of tuple A in the table does not meet data conversion requirements, an error is reported immediately when tuple A is scanned. If tuple A is deleted by a parallel transaction DELETE but tuple A is scanned by an online DDL operation, which is earlier than DELETE, tuple A is not considered as deleted.
  21. Adding PRIMARY KEY and UNIQUE constraints online involves online index creation. If an exception (for example, manual cancellation, duplicate unique index key values, insufficient resources, thread startup failure, or lock timeout) occurs during online index creation, the index creation fails.
  22. In this case, indexes and temporary tables that are not ready or not valid may remain, occupying system resources. For details about how to handle the exception, see "SQL Reference > SQL Syntax > CREATE INDEX" in Developer Guide.
  23. Online VACUUM FULL does not support the FREEZE keyword. If both FREEZE and ONLINE are specified, VACUUM FULL is executed offline by default, and a message is displayed indicating that the VACUUM FULL statement cannot be executed online.
  24. Other constraints of this feature are the same as those of ALTER TABLE in Developer Guide.

Delivery mode:

Centralized and distributed

Alarm is reported after consecutive login failures or when account is locked.

  1. Two alarm reporting types are added. One alarm is reported after an account is locked. The alarm is automatically cleared after the account is unlocked. Another alarm is reported when the number of consecutive login failures exceeds the threshold. The threshold can be configured using the failed_login_attempts parameter. After the number of login failures is cleared, the alarm is automatically cleared.
  2. The GUC parameter enable_lock_account is added to determine whether to lock an account when the number of consecutive login failures reaches the value of failed_login_attempts.

Key specifications and restrictions:

N/A. For details about the alarm triggering conditions, see the product documentation.

Delivery mode:

Centralized and distributed

ASP supports standby node and scheduled disk flushing, and idle transaction timeout is supported.

Based on the existing ASP and wait event capabilities, the following functions are added:

  1. ASP supports standby nodes and scheduled disk flushing. Memory data on the standby node can be flushed to disks on the primary node. In addition, scheduled disk flushing parameters can be set to periodically flush memory data to disks.
  2. Based on the timer mechanism, the idle transaction timeout parameter idle_in_transaction_timeout is added. The idle transaction timeout capability can be configured to automatically interrupt idle long transactions and solve the problems of backlogged Xlogs and unrecycled dead tuples caused by idle transactions. After an idle transaction times out, information about the timeout transaction is printed, including the start time, thread ID, session ID, and query statement.

Key specifications and restrictions:

  1. By default, idle in transaction timeout is enabled for newly delivered instances for 5 minutes, and is disabled for upgraded instances. CNs, DNs and standby nodes are supported. Logger nodes are not supported.
  2. Idle sessions exit upon timeout to prevent resource occupation by sessions that are not committed.
  3. You can enable this function. Enabling this function does not affect database performance.
  4. When the read service is enabled on the standby node, the ASP service is enabled on the standby node by default. You can manually disable the ASP service.
  5. When the standby node function is enabled for ASP, the database performance is not affected.
  6. You can customize time parameters (1 minute to 60 minutes) to flush ASP memory data to disks.

Delivery mode:

Centralized and distributed

Error codes are standardized.

  1. Causes and actions are added for more than 3,500 error codes (ERROR level and above) that currently lack these details.
  2. For 500 error codes that are frequently encountered by customers, such as syntax errors and parameter errors, the CAUSE and ACTION information is more precise.
  3. The err_stack API is provided for printing the call stack. For error whose CAUSE is an internal error and the ACTION is to contact Huawei technical support, this API is called by default to print the call stack.

Key specifications and restrictions:


Delivery mode:

Centralized and distributed

Table 2 What's new in version V2.0-8.102.0





For O compatibility, aggregation-related syntax, table update based on views and subqueries, and comparison operators with spaces are supported.

  1. Aggregate functions and ORDER BY can be used at the same time.
  2. Nested aggregate functions are supported.
  3. You can insert, update, and delete tables in subqueries and views.
  4. Spaces are allowed in comparison operators such as "> =" and "< =".

For O compatibility, system functions and system views are supported.

Based on the existing O compatibility, some system functions and system views are supported, including:

  1. Two types of window function syntax are compatible.
  2. The sys_guid function is compatible.
  3. The compatibility of the time function is improved. The current time instead of the transaction start time can be obtained.
  4. The data sorting function array_sort is supported.
  5. The SQL syntax FROM DUAL is compatible.
  6. The all_directories view is supplemented.
  7. BULK COLLECT can be used together with EXECUTE.
  8. Syntax related to distributed agg is supported.
  9. The row construction syntax => is supported.
  10. The EXTRACTVALUE system function is supported.

For O compatibility, encoding exceptions and hybrid encoding of special characters are supported.

  1. The GBK extended character set zhs16gbk is added. In addition, client_encoding can be set to zhs16gbk for JDBC and the database.
  2. A transcoding function is provided for the new character set zhs16gbk. The conversion relationships are as follows: zhs16gbk to UTF8, UTF8 to zhs16gbk, and GB18030 to zhs16gbk (euro symbol). zhs16gbk (euro symbol) to GB18030.
  3. The JDBC driver provides the transcoding function to solve the transcoding problem of the extended character set zhs16gbk.
  4. To ensure that customer data containing special characters can be imported and exported to the database, the import and export tool supports the following functions in the case of the same encoding:
    • Use \copy to to export a binary file. Transcoding and verification are not performed during the export. The header of the binary file contains the original encoding information.
    • Use gsloader or \copy from to import the binary file. Transcoding and verification are not performed during the import.
  5. Output is added to ensure that no error is reported during forcible encoding. The output is a placeholder.

For O compatibility, stored procedures support synonyms, subtypes, dynamic anonymous blocks, and triggers, enhancing commercial capabilities.

In terms of O compatibility, the following contents are added:

  1. Triggers support the CREATE OR REPLACE syntax and anonymous block syntax.
  2. Anonymous blocks of dynamic statements are enhanced.
  3. The stored procedure supports the syntax related to subtype.
  4. Synonyms are enhanced.

O compatibility supports cross-type integer comparison, bpchar fuzzy match, and system function matching policy optimization.

In O-compatible mode:

  1. A cross-type index operator class is added for the integer type (int1/int2/int4/int8/int16/numeric).
  2. An index operator class for fuzzy match of bpchar and bpchar is added.
  3. The internal matching policy of system functions is optimized.

For O compatibility, the XMLGEN, STATS, and DESCRIBE advanced packages are supported.

In O-compatible mode, some APIs are supported in the DBMS_XMLGEN, DBMS_STATS, and DBMS_DESCRIBE advanced packages.

For M compatibility, commercial requirements such as data types and syntax functions are supported.

  1. Data type compatibility: The year data type is supported and the width of integer(p) can be displayed.
  2. DDL syntax compatibility: The syntax for deleting primary key and foreign key constraints of a table is supported. The syntax for changing table names is compatible. The syntax for adding partitions is compatible. Auto-increment columns support distributed deployment. The CREATE TABLE LIKE syntax is compatible. The CREATE TABLE syntax is compatible with the ENGINE=InnoDB syntax of MySQL databases.
  3. DML syntax compatibility: The INSERT statement now supports the IGNORE keyword, which allows the database to ignore specific errors and continue execution instead of aborting the operation. The LOAD DATA functionality can be used to import data.
  4. Operator and expression compatibility: The set names syntax is added to control the character set and collation used for LIKE matching. The source REGEXP pattern and regular expression matching operators are supported to determine whether the source string matches the pattern string. The matching rules are the same as those of the existing ~* operator in GaussDB and may be different in some scenarios.
  5. Backquote is supported. The database object name referenced by backquote is case sensitive.
  6. The utf8_bin, utf8_general_ci and utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci collations are supported.
  7. The following system functions are added for character string processing: strcmp(), log10(), log2(), bin(), elt(), field(), insert(), locate(), make_set(), quote(), space(), and default().

For M compatibility, new frameworks and protocols are compatible for commercial use.

The new M-compatible framework supports full compatibility with MySQL database syntax in the future, avoiding syntax isolation and forward compatibility such as syntax and keyword occupation in the old framework. The function operator behavior is the same as that of MySQL databases, and the MySQL database protocol is supported.

For M compatibility, the existing syntax adapts to the new framework and supports commercial use.

The new M-compatible framework uses the hook mechanism to implement the compatibility function in independent extension and isolate the compatibility function from the GaussDB main process to avoid forward compatibility issues caused by intrusive modification. This feature synchronizes the existing 107 SQL commands to the new framework.

The JDBC driver supports the streaming read capability.

The GaussDB JDBC driver supports the streaming read capability. In streaming read mode, JDBC does not generate OOM.

The JDBC driver supports JDK 1.7 and the enhanced JDBC O&M capability.

  1. JDBC memory release is optimized to prevent client memory overflow in abnormal connection scenarios.
  2. The JDBC driver is used to proactively detect related indicator data on the client and database sides, providing indicator data for database problem demarcation.
  3. JDBC adapts to JDK 1.7.
  4. The executeUpdate command can be used to execute DQL statements and obtain query results.

The commercial performance of the default configuration parameters is not lower than 1 million tpmC.

The performance of default GaussDB configuration parameters is optimized. The performance value of default GaussDB configuration parameters measured by the standard benchmark (TPC-C) is improved to no less than 1 million tpmC. The capability of locating performance issues is improved.

Based on ADIO, the performance is improved by 20% in typical large-capacity scenarios.

In large-capacity scenarios, the AIO-DIO technology and doublewrite removal function are used to fully utilize I/O resources to improve database performance by more than 20%. In addition, online switching from the BIO mode to the ADIO mode is supported.

The performance of large concurrent write transactions in centralized mode is improved by 50%.

  1. The performance of basic write transactions in the case of a large number of concurrent requests is optimized, including insertion, update with indexes, and update without indexes.
  2. The performance in scenarios where read operations are more than write operations and hotspot pages exist in the case of a large number of concurrent requests is optimized.

The performance is optimized by 15% based on stored procedures in typical batch processing scenarios.

The noise floor of the stored procedure is optimized to support SQLBYPASS.

Concurrent cursor query is supported, improving performance by more than 30% in typical scenarios.

Cursors can be concurrently queried to improve cursor usage efficiency and insert select parallel performance in Ustore.

Based on the window function, the performance is improved by six times in typical page turning scenarios.

The projection column of a subquery contains a window function, and the parent query contains filter criteria for the window function. This feature allows the outer filter criteria to be pushed down to the inner subquery.

For Codegen commercial use, expressions are heavily used in TPC-H calculation, improving typical query performance by 20%.

The commercial use capability of the Codegen is improved. The Codegen is enabled by default to solve the calculation performance problem of complex query expressions.

Parallel scanning of predicate indexes is supported. In typical scenarios, the performance is 10% higher than that of PG16.

Parallel index scan with predicates (IndexScan and IndexOnlyscan) is supported to improve performance in typical scenarios.

Local partitioned indexes can be created offline and concurrently between Astore partitions.

Inter-partition parallelism is supported. During local partitioned index creation, steps such as scanning, sorting, and B-tree insertion are performed in parallel. The overall performance (when partition data is evenly distributed) is better than that of the parallel creation solution in the current partition.

SPM supports restoration of complex SQL statements.

Based on the plan management function supported by SPM, the following enhancements are made:

  1. The outline supports the physical operator control of the SMP plan.
  2. The outline supports the subplan that controls the pullup of any sublink.
  3. Semi join can be controlled.
  4. If more than 12 tables are joined to the SPM outline, the hint takes effect and the plan can be quickly restored.

DR switchover stability achieves 99% in typical scenarios, ensuring service recovery within 5 minutes.

The internal implementation mechanism and performance are optimized based on typical DR scenarios, effectively improving the DR switchover performance and stability.

Arterial detection model for first aid is first put into commercial use, which supports slow disk detection.

The arterial detection model is built to identify arterial subhealth problems and provide corresponding measures to improve database HA.

Client service statements can be terminated with socketTimeout.

When the client is disconnected due to timeout, the GaussDB server can detect the disconnection in a timely manner and terminate the running service statements corresponding to the connection. This prevents session resource stacking and service loss caused by retry due to socket timeout on the service side.

Automatic repair based on physical bad blocks: Pages on the standby node can be repaired from the primary node in seconds.

  1. In the primary and standby deployment mode, if the target page (data page, index page, undo slot page, or undo page) of the standby node is physically damaged, that is, CRC mismatch occurs, the standby node can pull the target page from the primary node when reading the page during replay. If the page of the primary node is correct, the standby node can be overwritten to perform automatic recovery.
  2. This ensures that replay on the standby node is not interrupted and services are unaware of the replay. Backup and restoration or full build is not required.
  3. When the page CRC detects that the physical page is damaged, the primary node can be automatically triggered to repair the standby node. This function is enabled by default.
  4. DFX is optimized, for example, log printing and page parsing after a page is damaged, and system functions for querying bad blocks.

PITR modular decoupling and key scenario locating and demarcation are improved.

  1. Barrier files can be repaired during startup.
  2. Archive log clearing is moved from the kernel side to the gs_roach side, eliminating the impact of the log clearing logic on the gaussdb kernel.
  3. Several system functions are added to query and operate archive-related files.

Automatic list/range partitioning is supported for commercial use.

  1. Automatic partitioning is supported. If the inserted data cannot match any existing partition, a new partition is automatically created. Automatic transaction commit is supported in centralized mode.
  2. This behavior can be triggered when a sparsely partitioned index is created. The automatic partitioning capability can be enabled or disabled online.

Row-store compression supports page-level LMT.

After advanced compression is enabled and an ILM policy is specified for a table, background scheduling is periodically started to scan all rows. After data is frozen, the current timestamp is used as the last modification time of frozen tuples to determine hot and cold data. There is a difference between the timestamp information and the actual last modification time of the tuples. To accurately indicate the LMT, the timestamp corresponding to the LSN of the page where the tuples are located is used to indicate the LMT of the tuples. The timestamp is used as the time basis for determining whether the tuples are cold or hot.

Based on stored procedures, the global compilation memory usage is reduced by 30% in typical scenarios with a large number of concurrent requests.

In the scenario of a large number of concurrent requests, stored procedures occupy a large amount of memory. Therefore, some improper memory usage needs to be optimized, mainly including structure arrays related to the number of parameters or memory sharing. The memory usage mainly refers to the type description of variables in stored procedures to reduce the memory usage, the concurrent database scale-out capability is improved.

In typical scenarios with 4 vCPUs and 16 GB of memory, the CPU noise floor of the CM component decreases by 2.75% and the memory usage decreases by 46%.

The CPU and memory of the CM component are optimized for small-scale deployment in typical scenarios with 4 vCPUs and 16 GB of memory.

Ustore supports efficient storage of flexible fields.

Enhanced TOAST is a technology used to process oversized fields. It reduces redundant information in TOAST pointers to allow more oversized columns in a single table, and optimizes the mapping between the main table and off-line storage tables. You do not need to use pg_toast_index to store the relationship between main table data and off-line storage table data, reducing storage space. Enhanced TOAST enables split data to be self-linked, eliminating the dependency of the original chunk ID allocation process and greatly improving the write performance.

Ustore supports large-scale commercial use of TOAST.

  1. TOAST table indexes can be upgraded to UB-tree indexes by performing the reindex, reindex concurrently, vacuum full, merge and split operations.
  2. gs_parse_page_bypath and pagehack can be used to parse special fields in the TOAST table and indexes.
  3. Xlogs can be recorded by SELECT FOR SHARE or SELECT FOR UPDATE.

TDE supports index encryption and RLS supports expression indexes.

  1. TDE supports encrypted indexes and can convert non-encrypted tables to TDE tables.
  2. Index scans can take effect when row-level security (RLS) is enabled for tables and predicates contain system functions or Like operators.

Sensitive data discovery is put into commercial use for the first time, enhancing privacy protection, and providing high security capabilities.

The sensitive data discovery function is implemented by calling functions. By calling different functions, you can specify the scan object and sensitive data classifier to obtain sensitive data of different levels corresponding to the scan object.

Tamper-proof Ustore is put into commercial use for the first time.

Ustore can use the tamper-proof ledger database function.

ABO supports feedback and multi-table cardinality. In typical slow query scenarios, the performance is improved by five times. Cost adaptation is supported. In scenarios where operator selection is inaccurate, the performance is improved by one time.

The adaptive cost estimation function provides the cost estimation capability based on the usual mixed model (UMM) and cost parameter model. The load monitoring monitors model accuracy, implements fast and efficient load management and incremental model update, and ensures the estimation accuracy. The real-time and efficient predicate query feature helps identify the optimal cardinality estimation policy. This feature helps solve the problem that the cost estimation is distorted and the plan is not optimal when the data and execution environment change on the live network.

An exact row number is displayed when a compilation error is reported.

The logic for calculating line numbers is adjusted to solve the problem that the line number of the function header is separated from that of the function body and line numbers are incorrectly calculated. In this way, the error line number can be obtained accurately.

Hot patches can be installed for advanced packages.

This feature provides the capability of installing hot patches for advanced packages.

Built-in flame graphs support quick performance analysis and locating.

  1. Flame graph files can be generated after stacks are manually or automatically collected.
  2. Stacks can be automatically and periodically collected and flame graph files can be generated.

The duration for locating underlying storage exceptions is shortened from weeks to days to solve the problem of missing dirty pages.

The verification and DFX capabilities are added to check for missing dirty pages, improving the fault locating and demarcation efficiency when the underlying storage returns an incorrect version. The fault locating duration is shortened from weeks to days.

  1. This feature can be used to solve the problem of missing dirty pages inside the database. No Xlog of an incorrect version is generated.
  2. If the underlying storage system does not return the correct page version, you can use the new view of this feature to demarcate the fault.

In typical service scenarios, read success on the standby node is 100% and the time for locating read problems on the standby node is shorten from weeks to days.

  1. Ultimate RTO of read on standby: The mechanism in earlier versions is optimized so that query cancellation does not need to be triggered in some scenarios, ensuring 100% read success in the following scenarios:
    • After a large number of records are deleted or updated, VACUUM is performed. As a result, useless data pages at the end of the file are truncated.
    • Cancellation is caused by relmap update, such as reindex database.
  2. The replication slots on the read-only node or cascaded standby node are automatically cleared. After the read-only node is switched over, the primary node automatically clears the replication slots. After the standby node is switched to the cascaded standby node, the replication slots of the original standby node on the primary node remain. As a result, Xlog recycling on the primary node is blocked and is triggered only when the size of Xlogs reaches the value specified by max_size_for_xlog_prune (256 GB).
  3. Log information is supplemented to help locate read on standby data consistency faults, including snapshot information and key tuple information. GUC parameters are added to control the output information. Gray-box case monitoring is added for read on standby in DML, DDL, and fault scenarios.

The troubleshooting and demarcation duration of typical communication module problems is shortened from weeks/days to hours/minutes.

  1. This feature improves the capability of locating and demarcating typical communication problems of the GaussDB communication module on the live network and in the test and development environments. For example, the GaussDB server connection is hung or slow, no valid information about pooler functions or views is provided, and the time required for sending and receiving libcomm communication messages cannot be calculated. The following three points are involved:
    • The communication link DFX capability of the GaussDB server to respond to connections is enhanced.
    • The local and peer information is added to the communication views of the pooler communications library between CNs and between CNs and DNs.
    • The libcomm communications library supports the collection of socket statistics of persistent connections between primary DNs in the system view, and supports the display of libcomm communication time when explain performance is used to query performance information related to distributed stream plans.
  2. The preceding methods are used to enhance the capability of locating and demarcating typical problems of the GaussDB Kernel communication module.
    • Quick fault locating and demarcation of the communication module: from post-event reproduction to in-event recording or troubleshooting. The demarcation duration is shortened from weeks/days to hours/minutes.
    • Fault locating methods are enriched for the communication module. Three fault locating methods are added: key time points of the GaussDB server responding to communication links; libcomm persistent connection statistics, and explain performance. The libcomm communication duration in the distributed stream plan can be printed.

Memory-overcommitted session printing is supported.

A threshold is provided. When the memory usage of a single session or SQL statement exceeds the threshold, detailed memory information (DFX information indicating that the memory usage of a single SQL statement exceeds the threshold) is printed.

The DFX performance view supports refined db_time/wait event duration statistics.

The wait event types of GaussDB modules are optimized to provide more comprehensive fault locating methods.

  1. The db_time time model is refined, including the network time. The db_time parameter is modified to improve the capability of locating and demarcating network time more accurately.
  2. Some wait events have nesting relationships. In earlier versions, nesting is not supported. As a result, outer events cannot be reported as wait events, the outer wait event time is lost, and the scenario where the outer wait event takes a long time cannot be located. After nesting is supported, outer events are reported, and the time consumption information is supplemented.
  3. Wait events for heavy code blocks and large logic blocks are supplemented to improve the locating and demarcation capabilities of full SQL and ASP in wait events.

The storage space usage of WDR snapshots is reduced by 40% in typical scenarios.

The WDR snapshot storage space occupation and snapshot space control methods are optimized.

Astore supports commercial use of hash bucket-based online scale-out.

The online scale-out technology based on the hash bucket table (Astore) is supported. The segment-page database-level data sharding and dynamic log multi-stream technologies are used to implement the online cluster scale-out solution for physical file migration. Large-scale commercial use is supported.

In terms of segment-page, Astore supports commercial use of hash bucket-based online scale-out.

  1. Segment-page capability improvement:
    • Segment-page ultimate RTO supports read on standby (Astore).
    • Segment-page supports metadata page repair and file repair.
    • Segment-page execution statistics are included in the WDR.
    • The pg_xlogdump and pagehack functions are optimized in segment-page mode.
    • Astore flashback (DROP/TRUNCATE) is supported in segment-page mode.
    • The enable_segment parameter is supported.
    • The distributed system supports segment-page system views and functions (including manual residual data clearing functions that support hash bucket).
    • In segment-page mode, local temporary tables are stored independently.
    • The segment-page ultimate RTO replay performance is optimized.
  2. The undo segment-page DFX capability is enhanced.
    • Segment-page supports undo page repair and file repair.
    • The undo temporary/unlogged table function is enhanced.
    • Undo tslot\rdata disconnection protection is supported.
    • The run logs are enhanced for the undo segment-page key process.
    • Segment-page system views and functions support undo segment-page files.

Resolved issues

The following issues are resolved:

  • The CN continuously experiences lightproxy core dumps.
  • During the switchover process, the base port cannot be connected when the CM performs zombie detection.
  • In the connection setup phase, socket timeout in connection does not take effect.
  • The service logical decoding task is slow.
  • The dbe_schedule advanced package ignores February 29 when starting the scheduled task in interval mode. The solution is time-consuming.
  • After the specifications are scaled up, the Cgroup is not updated. As a result, the number of CPUs used by the kernel is limited in CPU resource management, and the performance is poor.
  • Hints of slow SQL control rules do not take effect for virtual tables.
  • In a DR cluster, when the database is normal, a DN exception alarm is reported.

Security hardening

The following security vulnerabilities are fixed:

































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