Updated on 2024-04-29 GMT+08:00

Key Points for MDF Use

  1. Huawei provides closed-loop and standardized management according to the requirements of "pre-event plan, in-event monitoring and post-event summary".
  2. MDF cannot be used for gift procurement irreverent with specific activities.
  3. It is prohibited for partners to develop several orders for one marketing activity, repeatedly enjoy incentives in multiple incentive plans, or falsely report expenses. Once a violation occurs, Huawei will cancel the partner's qualification for MDF application in the current year and give penalties.

Note: Splitting the amount of an order refers to develop two or more orders for one large amount and apply for reimbursement through several times or by several employees. This avoids the mandatory requirement from the system that the application must be submitted to the approver for approval. The scenarios include but are not limited to:

  • Expenses incurred at the same time and for the same event and purpose are claimed through several times.
  • Expenses incurred at the same time and for the same event and purpose are claimed by several employees.
  • Expenses incurred during the same activity are claimed through several times based on the time stamped on invoices.
  • Expenses incurred during the same activity are claimed through several times based on the expense type.
  • Other scenarios that are identified as splitting orders.