Help Center/ Enterprise Router/ Best Practices/ Using Enterprise Router and Central Network to Migrate the Network Set Up Through a Cloud Connection/ Process of Using Enterprise Router and Central Network to Migrate the Network Set Up Through a Cloud Connection
Updated on 2024-07-02 GMT+08:00

Process of Using Enterprise Router and Central Network to Migrate the Network Set Up Through a Cloud Connection

Table 1 describes the overall process of using enterprise routers and a central network to migrate the network set up through a cloud connection.

Table 1 Process of migrating a network set up through a cloud connection



Step 1: Create Enterprise Routers and VPC Attachments

  1. Create an enterprise router in the region of each service VPC.
  2. Attach each service VPC to the corresponding enterprise router.
  3. Verify that routes are automatically added to the enterprise router route tables.
  4. In the VPC route tables, add routes destined for the large CIDR block with each enterprise router as the next hop.

Step 2: Create a Central Network to Connect All Enterprise Routers

Create a central network. When creating the central network, you need to configure a policy and add the enterprise routers in different regions to the policy. A peering connection will be established between every two enterprise routers.

Step 3: Assign Cross-Site Connection Bandwidths on the Central Network

  1. Purchase three global connection bandwidths to connect networks in different regions.
  2. Assign cross-site connection bandwidths on the central network based on service requirements.

Step 4: Verify the Communications Between VPCs

  1. In each VPC route table, add routes pointing to the ECSs in the other VPCs to verify the communications between the VPC and other VPCs.
  2. In the subnet of each VPC, create an ECS for verifying communications by running the ping command.
  3. Delete the routes used for verifying communications.

Step 5: Perform the Migration and Delete the Cloud Connection

  1. Remove the VPCs from the cloud connection one by one.
  2. Each time a VPC is removed, verify the communications between the VPC and other VPCs.
  3. After all VPCs are removed, delete the cloud connection and the ECSs for verifying communications.