Updated on 2024-10-15 GMT+08:00

Creating a VPC Flow Log


A VPC flow log records information about the traffic going to and from a VPC.


Ensure that the following operations have been performed on the LTS console:

  • Create a log group.
  • Create a log stream.

For more information about the LTS service, see the Log Tank Service User Guide.


  1. Go to the VPC flow log list page.
  2. In the upper right corner, click Create Flow Log. On the displayed page, configure parameters as prompted.
    Table 1 Parameter descriptions



    Example Value


    The VPC flow log name. The name:
    • Can contain 1 to 64 characters.
    • Can contain letters, digits, underscores (_), hyphens (-), and periods (.).


    Resource Type

    Type of the resource whose traffic is to be logged. This parameter can only be set to NIC.
    • NIC
    • Subnet
    • VPC



    The specific NIC whose traffic is to be logged.


    We recommend that you select an ECS in the running state. If an ECS in the stopped state is selected, restart the ECS after creating the VPC flow log for accurately recording the information about the traffic going to and from the ECS network interface.



    • All traffic: specifies that both accepted and rejected traffic of the specified resource will be logged.
    • Accepted traffic: specifies that only accepted traffic of the specified resource will be logged. Accepted traffic refers to the traffic permitted by the security group or network ACL.
    • Rejected traffic: specifies that only rejected traffic of the specified resource will be logged. Rejected traffic refers to the traffic denied by the network ACL.


    Log Group

    The log group created in LTS.


    Log Stream

    The log stream created in LTS.



    Supplementary information about the VPC flow log. This parameter is optional.

    The VPC flow log description can contain a maximum of 255 characters and cannot contain angle brackets (< or >).


    Only two flow logs, each with a different filter, can be created for a single resource under the same log group and log stream. Each VPC flow log must be unique.

  3. After setting the parameters, click OK.

    Return to the VPC flow log list. You can check the new VPC flow log.