Updated on 2024-04-19 GMT+08:00

Stopping an Instance


If you use DB instances only for routine development, you can temporarily stop pay-per-use instances to save money.


After a DB instance is stopped, the ECS where the DB instance is located is no longer billed. Other resources, including EIPs, storage resources, database proxies, and backups, are still billed.


  • Only pay-per-use instances using cloud SSDs or extreme SSDs can be stopped. RDS DB instances created in a Dedicated Computing Cluster (DCC) cannot be stopped.
  • A stopped instance will not be moved to the recycle bin after being deleted.
  • Stopping a DB instance will also stop its automated backups. After the DB instance is started, a full backup is automatically triggered.
  • If you stop a primary instance, read replicas (if there are any) will also be stopped. You cannot stop a read replica without stopping the primary instance. In CN East-Shanghai1, both the primary instance and read replicas can be stopped for up to 15 days. In other regions, they can be stopped for up to 7 days.
    • In CN East-Shanghai1, if you do not manually start your instance 15 days after the instance is stopped, your instance will start during the next maintenance window. For details about the maintenance window, see Changing the Maintenance Window. To start an instance, see Starting an Instance.
    • In other regions, if you do not manually start your instance 7 days after the instance is stopped, your instance will start during the next maintenance window. For details about the maintenance window, see Changing the Maintenance Window. To start an instance, see Starting an Instance.
  • A stopped pay-per-use instance may fail to start due to insufficient ECS resources. In this case, try again later or restore data to a new DB instance using the latest backup. If you need assistance, contact customer service.
  • A DB instance can fail to be stopped during peak hours. You are advised to stop instances during off-peak hours.


  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. Click in the upper left corner and select a region and a project.
  3. Click in the upper left corner of the page and choose Databases > Relational Database Service.
  4. On the Instances page, locate the primary instance that you want to stop and choose More > Stop in the Operation column.
  5. In the displayed dialog box, click OK.

    Figure 1 Stopping an instance

  6. If you have enabled operation protection, click Send Code in the displayed Identity Verification dialog box and enter the obtained verification code. Then, click OK.

    Two-factor authentication improves the security of your account. For details about how to enable operation protection, see Identity and Access Management User Guide.

  7. Refresh the instance list and view the status of the instance. If the status is Stopped, the instance is stopped successfully.