Help Center/ CodeArts Pipeline/ User Guide/ CodeArts Release User Guide/ Configuring an Environment Release Policy
Updated on 2024-12-16 GMT+08:00

Configuring an Environment Release Policy

Creating a Policy

You can add atomic extensions and edit release policies based on the preset RollingUpgrade, GrayscaleUpgrade, or EmptyYamlTemplate templates.

  1. Access the environment list page.
  2. Click an environment name.
  3. On the displayed page, click the Release Policy tab.
  4. Click next to Custom Policies, on the displayed dialog box, select a policy template and click OK.
  5. Orchestrate extensions based on the selected template.

    Table 1 Policy parameters




    Policy name. Enter only letters, digits, underscores (_), and hyphens (-) with a maximum of 128 characters.


    Enter a description with no more than 200 characters.

    Orchestrating an extension

    Set orchestration parameters by referring to Configuring Atomic Extensions.

    • Click to add an extension.
    • Click to clone an extension.
    • Click to delete an extension.

  6. Click Save after the configuration.
  7. Find the created policy on the left and click to apply it. The applied policy will be marked as Default.

Configuring Atomic Extensions

CodeArts Release provides the following five extensions (Rolling upgrade, Start workload, Divert traffic, Remove old version, and Manual check) for rolling upgrade and grayscale upgrade:

  • Rolling upgrade
    Rolling upgrade supports image upgrade and YAML deployment.
    • Image upgrade: Replace the container image in the workload.

      Table 2 Parameter description




      Namespace to which the service to be upgraded belongs.


      Workload in the namespace.


      Container to be upgraded in the workload.

    • YAML deployment: Use the YAML file to deploy or upgrade the workload.

      Table 3 Parameter description



      Repo Type

      Repository type. Only Repo is supported.


      Code repository of the current project.


      Branch of a code repository.

      YAML Path of Workload

      YAML path of the workload to be upgraded. Enter a relative path of the YAML file.

      • The current directory is the root directory of the code branch.
      • Only one YAML file is supported.
      • You can use ${variable name} in a YAML path to reference an environment variable, and {{variable name}} in a YAML file to reference an environment variable.
  • Start workload
    Start workload supports image upgrade and YAML deployment.
    • Image upgrade: Upgrade a workload by replacing the container image with a new one, ensuring it has the same configurations as the currently running packages without changing anything else.

      Table 4 Parameter description




      Namespace to which the service to be upgraded belongs.


      The service to be upgraded, which is associated with only one workload.

      Grayscale Version

      Disabled: The system automatically generates a grayscale version number. Enabled: You can configure a grayscale version number as needed.

      Grayscale Version Number

      The grayscale version number is used to distinguish the official version from the grayscale version. You can use ${ENV} to reference environment variables. For example, ${TIMESTAMP} indicates that the system timestamp variable is referenced as the gray version number.

      Enter only letters, digits, and underscores (_) with a maximum of 62 characters.

    • YAML deployment: Use the YAML file to deploy or upgrade the workload.

      Table 5 Parameter description




      Namespace to which the service to be upgraded belongs.


      The service to be upgraded, which is associated with only one workload.

      Repo Type

      Repository type. Only Repo is supported.


      Code repository of the current project.


      Branch of a code repository.

      YAML Path of Workload

      Relative path of the YAML file.

      • The current directory is the root directory of the code branch.
      • Only one YAML file is supported.
      • You can use ${variable name} in a YAML path to reference an environment variable, and {{variable name}} in a YAML file to reference an environment variable.
  • Divert traffic

    Traffic diversion includes:

    • Service blue-green release: All traffic will be switched to the new workload (gray load).
    • ASM grayscale release: Use ASM (Application Services Mesh) VirtualService and DestinationRule configurations to control access traffic, perform grayscale diversion based on traffic proportion and request headers. ASM must be installed in the cluster.
  • Remove old version

    This extension automatically removes the old workload associated with the service. No configurations are required.

  • Manual check

    With this extension, you can approve or reject the deployment policy when the pipeline pauses at a checkpoint, allowing the pipeline to either continue running or to stop.

    Table 6 Parameter description



    Timeout Processing

    • Check failed and release flow terminated: Pipeline will pause at the checkpoint. If the policy is not approved within the specified period, the pipeline will stop.
    • Check result ignored and release flow continues: Pipeline will pause at the checkpoint. If the policy is not approved within the specified period, the pipeline will continue to run.

    Check Duration

    Time window for checking, which ranges from one minute to 12 hours.


    Description of the manual check. Enter no more than 200 characters.