Help Center/ KooPhone/ User Guide/ Permissions Management/ Creating a User and Granting KooPhone Permissions
Updated on 2024-07-22 GMT+08:00

Creating a User and Granting KooPhone Permissions

You can use Identity and Access Management (IAM) for fine-grained permissions control for your Huawei Cloud KooPhone resources.

With IAM, you can create IAM users for employees and grant them permissions to access and operate Huawei Cloud resources.

If your Huawei Cloud account does not require individual IAM users, you may skip over this section. This section describes the procedure for granting user permissions. Figure 1 shows the process flow.


New IAM users do not have any permissions assigned by default. You need to first add them to one or more groups and then attach policies or roles to these groups. The users then inherit permissions from the groups and can perform specified operations on cloud services based on the permissions. Before granting permissions to user groups, learn about system-defined roles and relationships between common KooPhone operations and system-defined permissions in Permissions Management.

Process Flow

Figure 1 Process for granting KooPhone permissions

To grant the KooPhone permissions, perform the following steps:

  1. On the IAM console, create a user group and grant it permissions (KooPhone Administrator as an example).
  2. Create an IAM user and add it to the created user group.
  3. Sign in as the IAM user and verify permissions.

    Choose Service List > KooPhone. On the Overview page, if the Buy Cloud Phone button is displayed in the upper right corner, the KooPhone Administrator policy is in effect. If the button is not displayed, you have the read-only permissions.