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Configurable DB Instance Parameters
This section describes the GaussDB instance parameters that can be modified.
Configurable Parameters for Version V2.0-8.x
The following table describes the parameters that can be modified.
Parameter |
Description |
dn:qrw_inlist2join_optmode |
Specifies whether to enable inlist-to-join query rewriting. |
dn:recovery_max_workers |
Specifies the number of concurrent replayer threads. |
cn:enable_security_policy |
Controls whether unified auditing and dynamic data masking policies are applied. |
cn:behavior_compat_options |
Specifies database compatibility configuration items. After the value of proc_outparam_override is changed, the database must be connected again or the instance must be rebooted. Otherwise, stored procedures and functions cannot be correctly called. |
dn:recyclebin_retention_time |
Specifies how long files will be kept in the recycle bin, in seconds. Files in the recycle bin will be automatically deleted after this length of time. |
dn:track_stmt_session_slot |
Specifies the maximum number of full or slow SQL statements that can be cached in a session. If the number of full or slow SQL statements exceeds this value, new statements will not be traced until the flush thread flushes the cached statements to the disk to reserve free space. The default value is recommended. |
timezone |
Specifies the time zone for displaying and interpreting time stamps. |
cn:auto_increment_offset |
Specifies the initial value of an auto-increment column. The auto-increment value is calculated by the following formula: auto_increment_offset + N × auto_increment_increment. N is a positive integer. If the value of this parameter is greater than that of auto_increment_increment, there will be an error when the values in the auto-increment column automatically increase. |
dn:enable_xid_abort_check |
Specifies whether to check the status of transaction ID rollback when a transaction is committed. |
cn:audit_internal_event |
Specifies whether to audit the connections and operations of internal tools cm_agent, gs_clean, and WDRXdb, and whether to audit the logins and logouts from CNs on DNs. |
cn:codegen_compile_thread_num |
Specifies the number of Codegen compilation threads. |
dn:static_thread_pool_num |
Specifies the number of threads used to create a static thread pool (static pool). This parameter takes effect only on CNs of a distributed instance after enable_thread_pool is enabled. |
cn:auto_increment_increment |
Specifies the auto-increment step of an auto-increment column. The auto-increment value is calculated by the following formula: auto_increment_offset + N × auto_increment_increment. N is a positive integer. If the value of this parameter is smaller than that of auto_increment_offset, there will be an error when the values in the auto-increment column automatically increase. |
cn:sql_mode |
Specifies the SQL behavior control configuration item in M-compatible mode. |
wal_level |
Specifies the level of information to be written to the WAL. This is a required value and cannot be commented out. Determines how much information is written to the WAL. When this parameter is set to logical, logical logs are extracted and primary key information is recorded in Xlogs. |
dn:enable_pbe_optimization |
Specifies whether the optimizer optimizes the query plan for statements executed in Parse Bind Execute (PBE) mode. |
cn:llvm_max_memory |
Specifies the upper limit of the memory used by IRs (including cached and in-use IRs) generated during compilation in Codegen execution mode. The memory used by Codegen is not applied for by preoccupation. It is a part of max_dynamic_memory and is restricted by the llvm_max_memory parameter. Unit: KB |
cn:hll_default_log2explicit |
Specifies the threshold for switching from the explicit mode to the sparse mode. |
dn:fix_func_selection |
Specifies whether to optimize the function matching policy. The value catlist indicates the catlist sequence is optimized. (The non-B-compatible mode has been optimized. In non-B-compatible mode, system functions are always preferentially selected and executed. The policy in B-compatible mode is the same as that in versions earlier than 505.1.0. An error message indicating that the function is not unique may be displayed, or a system function may be selected for execution.) |
dn:default_limit_rows |
Specifies the estimated number of rows to return by default for generating a generic plan, that is, the default value for the LIMIT clause. If this parameter is set to a negative number, the value is converted to a percentage, for example, -5 is equivalent to 5%, indicating that 5% of the total rows will be returned. |
global_syscache_threshold |
Specifies the maximum memory usage of the global system cache. Recommended value range: 2,048 KB to 16,384 KB on average per database. If this parameter is set to a large value, the cache link may be too long and performance will deteriorate. If this parameter is set to a small value, the parameter is not applied, and after the memory usage can exceed the threshold, performance deteriorates. Unit: KB |
dn:sql_mode |
Specifies the SQL behavior control configuration item in M-compatible mode. |
dn:verify_log_buffers |
Specifies the size or pages of verifyLog buffers in memory mode. The unit is 8 KB. For example, if the value of this parameter is 4, the requested memory is 4 x 8 KB = 32 KB. This parameter is valid only when page_version_check is set to persistence. If page_version_check is set to another value, the parameter value will still be sent to the kernel, but the relevant function does not take effect until after page_version_check is set to persistence. |
dn:resilience_ctrlstmt_control_iopslimit |
Specifies the maximum IOPS that can be used by slow SQL statements after normal SQL statements are marked as slow SQL statements. This parameter is only valid for SELECT statements that are executed by non-sysadmin/monitoradmin users. 0(None): The IOPS is not limited. 10(LOW): The limit level for IOPS is LOW. 20(MEDIUM): The limit level for IOPS is MEDIUM. 50(HIGH): The limit level for IOPS is HIGH. |
cn:convert_illegal_char_mode |
Specifies the placeholders of invalid characters that can be displayed on the client when enable_convert_illegal_char is enabled. Value range: 95 characters whose decimal codes range from 32 to 126 in the ASCII coding table. |
cn:page_version_check |
Specifies the type of page version verification. off indicates that page version verification is disabled. memory indicates that page version verification in pure memory mode is enabled. The page version information will be lost after a restart. persistence indicates that persistent page version verification is enabled. The page version information will not be lost after a restart. |
cn:audit_thread_num |
Specifies the number of audit threads. Value range: 1 to 48. |
recovery_time_target |
Specifies whether the standby DB instance completes log writing and replay in streaming DR mode. If this parameter is set to a small value, the performance of the primary node is affected. If it is set to a large value, the log flow is not effectively controlled. The value 0 indicates that log flow control is disabled. Unit: second |
dn:enable_convert_illegal_char |
Specifies whether the database supports characters not included the character sets. |
dn:system_view_version |
Determines the version of the system view. All versions are backward compatible. For example, when system_view_version is set to 3, all features of version 2 and version 1 are also supported. For details, see the product documentation. |
dn:audit_dml_state_select |
Determines whether to audit the SELECT operation. |
dn:codegen_compile_thread_num |
Specifies the number of Codegen compilation threads. |
dn:resilience_ctrlstmt_detect_timelimit |
Specifies the execution time of a normal SQL statement that will be marked as a slow SQL statement. The value 0 indicates that slow SQL statements are not identified. A value greater than 0 indicates that a normal SQL statement whose execution time exceeds the value of this parameter is marked as a slow SQL statement. This parameter is only valid for SELECT statements that are executed by non-sysadmin/monitoradmin users. Unit: millisecond |
cn:a_format_date_timestamp |
Specifies whether to enable current_date, current_timestamp, and localtimestamp to return the system time, instead of the transaction start time, when a transaction starts. |
cn:recovery_max_workers |
Specifies the number of concurrent replayer threads. |
dn:max_compile_functions |
Specifies the maximum number of function compilation results stored in the server. Excessive functions and compilation results of stored procedures may occupy large memory space. Setting this parameter to an appropriate value can reduce the memory usage and improve system performance. Before modifying this parameter, determine your application scenario and fully verify the change in a test environment. For details, see the reference document. |
cn:audit_function_exec |
Specifies whether to record the audit information during the execution of the stored procedures, anonymous blocks, or user-defined functions (excluding system functions). The value 0 means to disable the function, and 1 means to enable it. |
dn:auto_explain_log_min_duration |
Specifies the minimum duration of execution plans that are automatically printed. Only execution plans whose duration is greater than the value of auto_explain_log_min_duration will be printed. Unit: millisecond |
cn:num_internal_lock_partitions |
Specifies the number of internal lightweight lock partitions. Changing the value of this parameter affects performance and memory usage. Before modifying this parameter, determine your application scenario and fully verify the change in a test environment. For details, see the reference document. |
dn:recovery_parse_workers |
Specifies the number of ParseRedoRecord threads in the ultimate RTO feature. This parameter must be used together with recovery_redo_workers. If both recovery_parse_workers and recovery_redo_workers are greater than 1, ultimate RTO is enabled. If you do not want to enable ultimate RTO, retain the default value 1 for recovery_parse_workers. When enabling ultimate RTO, ensure that replication_type is set to 1. If both ultimate RTO and parallel replay are enabled, only ultimate RTO takes effect, and parallel replay is ineffective. Ultimate RTO does not support column-store tables. Therefore, disable ultimate RTO in a system where column-store tables are used or are to be used. Ultimate RTO also does not support flow control. Flow control is determined by the recovery_time_target parameter. |
dn:enable_default_ustore_table |
Specifies whether to enable the Ustore storage engine by default. If this parameter is set to on, all created tables are Ustore tables. |
cn:enable_auto_explain |
Specifies whether to automatically print execution plans. This parameter is used to locate slow stored procedures or slow queries. |
dn:page_version_check |
Specifies the type of page version verification. off indicates that page version verification is disabled. memory indicates that page version verification in pure memory mode is enabled. The page version information will be lost after a restart. persistence indicates that persistent page version verification is enabled. The page version information will not be lost after a restart. |
cn:enable_pbe_optimization |
Specifies whether the optimizer optimizes the query plan for statements executed in Parse Bind Execute (PBE) mode. |
cn:auto_explain_log_min_duration |
Specifies the minimum duration of execution plans that are automatically printed. Only execution plans whose duration is greater than the value of auto_explain_log_min_duration will be printed. Unit: millisecond |
dn:num_internal_lock_partitions |
Specifies the number of internal lightweight lock partitions. Changing the value of this parameter affects performance and memory usage. Before modifying this parameter, determine your application scenario and fully verify the change in a test environment. For details, see the reference document. |
cn:page_version_max_num |
Specifies the maximum number of page versions that can be cached in memory. This parameter is only valid when page_version_check is not set to off. If page_version_check is set to off, the parameter value will still be sent to the kernel, but the relevant function does not take effect until after page_version_check is set to a value other than off. For details about the value range, see the product documentation. |
dn:enable_auto_explain |
Specifies whether to automatically print execution plans. This parameter is used to locate slow stored procedures or slow queries. |
dn:audit_function_exec |
Specifies whether to record the audit information during the execution of the stored procedures, anonymous blocks, or user-defined functions (excluding system functions). The value 0 means to disable the function, and 1 means to enable it. |
cn:random_page_cost |
Specifies the estimated cost for the optimizer to fetch an out-of-sequence disk page. |
dn:auto_increment_cache |
Specifies the number of reserved auto-increment cache values when auto-increment is triggered by batch insertion or import of auto-increment columns. When auto-increment values are reserved, the auto-increment counter value is updated to the maximum auto-increment cache value. Before the cache values are used up, the auto-increment counter value remains unchanged, and the triggered auto-increment uses the cache values. If this parameter is set to 0, the auto-increment cache values are automatically reserved. When auto-increment is triggered for the first time, if the number of rows to be inserted into the auto-increment column is known, the number is the reserved value. If the number of rows is unknown, 2^n values are reserved each time. For example, one value is reserved in the first auto-increment, two values are reserved in the second auto-increment, four values are reserved in the third auto-increment, and eight values are reserved for in fourth auto-increment. However, if the number of reserved values exceeds 65,535, 65,535 values are reserved. If this parameter is not set to 0, the number of reserved cache values is the value of this parameter. When auto-increment is triggered for the first time, if the number of rows to be inserted into the auto-increment column is known, the number is the reserved value. If the number of rows is unknown, the value of auto_increment_cache is the number of auto-increment values reserved each time. The reserved cache values are valid only in the statement. If the reserved auto-increment cache values are used up and subsequent INSERT statements trigger auto-increment based on the auto-increment counter, the values in the auto-increment column in the table are discontinuous. This parameter does not affect the auto-increment column in the local temporary table. |
dn:enable_codegen |
Specifies whether code optimization can be enabled. Currently, code optimization uses the LLVM optimization. |
dn:instr_unique_sql_combination_options |
Specifies the configuration items of combining unique SQL statements of the same type. If this feature is enabled, the IDs of unique SQL statements of the same type are normalized, and the generated unique SQL strings are normalized. |
dn:behavior_compat_options |
Specifies database compatibility configuration items. After the value of proc_outparam_override is changed, the database must be connected again or the instance must be rebooted. Otherwise, stored procedures and functions cannot be correctly called. |
dn:enable_early_free |
Specifies whether the operator memory can be released in advance. |
dn:page_missing_dirty_check |
Specifies whether to enable the verification for pages not marked as dirty. The verification checks whether the modified pages are not marked as dirty. This parameter is only valid when page_version_check is not set to off. If page_version_check is set to off, the parameter value will still be sent to the kernel, but the relevant function does not take effect until after page_version_check is set to a value other than off. |
dn:enable_security_policy |
Controls whether unified auditing and dynamic data masking policies are applied. |
cn:undo_retention_time |
Specifies how long undo logs are kept. This parameter is only used for flashback query. Note: 1. The undo space of the local disk increases. 2. In subsequent incremental backups, the size of the backup set increases, because extra undo content is retained. Unit: second |
dn:wdr_snapshot_full_backup_interval |
Specifies the interval at which a full WDR snapshot is created. The interval specified by this parameter is about a number instead of time. For example, if the parameter is set to 12, a full snapshot and then 11 incremental snapshots are generated for each group. If the parameter is set to 1, all snapshots generated are full snapshots. |
cms:datastorage_threshold_value_check |
Specifies the disk usage threshold to put a database node into read-only mode. If the disk usage of a data directory exceeds this threshold, the database node is automatically changed to read-only. Unit: percentage (%) |
dn:audit_thread_num |
Specifies the number of audit threads. Value range: 1 to 48. |
dn:wdr_snapshot_space_threshold |
Specifies the threshold for controlling the space used by snapshots. When the space used by snapshots reaches 80% of the value of this parameter, the control logic of the database is enabled to stabilize the space usage. Unit: KB |
cn:audit_dml_state |
Determines whether to audit the INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations on a specific table. 0: These operations are not audited. 1: These operations are audited. |
dn:hll_duplicate_check |
Specifies whether duplicate check is enabled by default. |
cn:gs_perf_interval |
Specifies the automatic perf data collection interval. The value 0 indicates that the collection is stopped. If the value is greater than 0 and less than 5, the value 5 is used. Unit: minute |
cn:qrw_inlist2join_optmode |
Specifies whether to enable inlist-to-join query rewriting. |
dn:gs_perf_interval |
Specifies the automatic perf data collection interval. The value 0 indicates that the collection is stopped. If the value is greater than 0 and less than 5, the value 5 is used. Unit: minute |
dn:extra_float_digits |
Adjusts the number of digits displayed for floating-point values, including float4, float8, and geometric data types. The parameter value is added to the standard number of digits (FLT_DIG or DBL_DIG as appropriate). This parameter can also be set to a negative value to suppress unwanted digits. |
cn:disable_keyword_options |
Specifies the configuration items for database compatibility. Multiple items are separated by commas (,). An identifier with this parameter set will not be used as a keyword. |
dn:audit_dml_state |
Determines whether to audit the INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations on a specific table. 0: These operations are not audited. 1: These operations are audited. |
cn:max_standby_archive_delay |
Specifies the wait period before queries on a standby node are canceled when the queries conflict with WAL processing and archiving in hot standby mode. -1 indicates that the standby node waits until the conflicting queries are complete. Unit: millisecond |
track_stmt_stat_level |
Controls the level of statement execution tracking. |
dn:max_standby_archive_delay |
Specifies the wait period before queries on a standby node are canceled when the queries conflict with WAL processing and archiving in hot standby mode. -1 indicates that the standby node waits until the conflicting queries are complete. Unit: millisecond |
cn:b_format_dev_version |
Specifies the compatibility configuration item of database platform minor versions. |
dn:copy_special_character_version |
Specifies whether to report an error when there are invalid characters during data import and export using COPY FROM. |
cn:page_version_recycler_thread_num |
Specifies the number of threads for recycling and verifying page version information. This parameter is only valid when page_version_check is not set to off. If page_version_check is set to off, the parameter value will still be sent to the kernel, but the relevant function does not take effect until after page_version_check is set to a value other than off. |
enable_wdr_snapshot |
Specifies whether to enable WDR snapshots. If this parameter is enabled, the kernel periodically takes performance snapshots. |
dn:effective_cache_size |
Specifies the size of the disk buffer available to the DN optimizer in a single query. Unit: 8 KB |
cn:wdr_snapshot_full_backup_interval |
Specifies the interval at which a full WDR snapshot is created. The interval specified by this parameter is about a number instead of time. For example, if the parameter is set to 12, a full snapshot and then 11 incremental snapshots are generated for each group. If the parameter is set to 1, all snapshots generated are full snapshots. |
cn:extra_float_digits |
Adjusts the number of digits displayed for floating-point values, including float4, float8, and geometric data types. The parameter value is added to the standard number of digits (FLT_DIG or DBL_DIG as appropriate). This parameter can also be set to a negative value to suppress unwanted digits. |
cn:system_view_version |
Determines the version of the system view. All versions are backward compatible. For example, when system_view_version is set to 3, all features of version 2 and version 1 are also supported. For details, see the product documentation. |
cn:recyclebin_retention_time |
Specifies how long files will be kept in the recycle bin. Files in the recycle bin will be automatically deleted after this length of time. Unit: second |
cn:password_encryption_type |
Specifies how user passwords are encrypted. 0: Passwords are encrypted using MD5. 1: Passwords are encrypted using SHA-256 and MD5. 2: Passwords are encrypted using SHA-256. 3: Passwords are encrypted using SM3. MD5 is not recommended because it is a weak encryption algorithm. |
cn:check_disconnect_query |
Specifies whether to enable the function of terminating statement execution on the server after the client is disconnected due to timeout. |
password_effect_time |
Specifies the validity period of an account password. Unit: day |
cn:verify_log_buffers |
Specifies the size or pages of verifyLog buffers in memory mode. The unit is 8 KB. For example, if the value of this parameter is 4, the requested memory is 4 x 8 KB = 32 KB. This parameter is valid only when page_version_check is set to persistence. If page_version_check is set to another value, the parameter value will still be sent to the kernel, but the relevant function does not take effect until after page_version_check is set to persistence. |
dn:random_page_cost |
Specifies the estimated cost for the optimizer to fetch an out-of-sequence disk page. |
dn:resilience_ctrlslot_available_maxpercent |
Specifies the maximum percentage of threads in the thread pool that can be occupied by slow SQL statements. This parameter is only valid for SELECT statements that are executed by non-sysadmin/monitoradmin users. |
cn:default_limit_rows |
Specifies the estimated number of rows to return by default for generating a generic plan, that is, the default value for the LIMIT clause. If this parameter is set to a negative number, the value is converted to a percentage, for example, -5 is equivalent to 5%, indicating that 5% of the total rows will be returned. |
cn:enable_rls_match_index |
Specifies whether indexes of a base table can be scanned based on target predicate conditions in row-level security scenarios. Target scenario: Row level security (RLS) policies are set and enabled in the base table, and the query predicate contains the unleakproof system function or like operator. |
dn:enable_analyze_check |
Specifies whether to check if statistics were collected about tables whose reltuples and relpages are displayed as 0 in pg_class during plan generation. |
cn:resilience_ctrlstmt_control_iopslimit |
Specifies the maximum IOPS that can be used by slow SQL statements after normal SQL statements are marked as slow SQL statements. This parameter is only valid for SELECT statements that are executed by non-sysadmin/monitoradmin users. 0(None): The IOPS is not limited. 10(LOW): The limit level for IOPS is LOW. 20(MEDIUM): The limit level for IOPS is MEDIUM. 50(HIGH): The limit level for IOPS is HIGH. |
dn:auto_increment_increment |
Specifies the auto-increment step of an auto-increment column. The auto-increment value is calculated by the following formula: auto_increment_offset + N × auto_increment_increment. N is a positive integer. If the value of this parameter is smaller than that of auto_increment_offset, there will be an error when the values in the auto-increment column automatically increase. |
cn:copy_special_character_version |
Specifies whether to report an error when there are invalid characters during data import and export using COPY FROM. |
cn:local_syscache_threshold |
Specifies the size of system catalog cache in a session. Unit: KB |
dn:gs_format_behavior_compat_options |
Specifies the configuration items of GaussDB internal system functions. |
cn:hll_duplicate_check |
Specifies whether duplicate check is enabled by default. |
cn:max_standby_streaming_delay |
Specifies the wait period before queries on the standby node are canceled when the queries conflict with WAL data receiving through streaming replication in hot standby mode. -1 indicates that the standby node waits until the conflicting queries are complete. Unit: millisecond |
dn:b_format_dev_version |
Specifies the compatibility configuration item of database platform minor versions. |
dn:check_disconnect_query |
Specifies whether to enable the function of terminating statement execution on the server after the client is disconnected due to timeout. |
cn:gs_format_behavior_compat_options |
Specifies the configuration items of GaussDB internal system functions. |
cn:audit_xid_info |
Determines whether to record the transaction IDs of SQL statements in detail_info. 0: The transaction IDs are not recorded. 1: The transaction IDs are recorded. |
wdr_snapshot_retention_days |
Specifies how many days database monitoring snapshots are saved for. |
cn:static_thread_pool_num |
Specifies the number of threads used to create a static thread pool (static pool). This parameter takes effect only on CNs of a distributed instance after enable_thread_pool is enabled. |
dn:max_standby_streaming_delay |
Specifies the wait period before queries on the standby node are canceled when the queries conflict with WAL data receiving through streaming replication in hot standby mode. -1 indicates that the standby node waits until the conflicting queries are complete. Unit: millisecond |
audit_system_object |
Specifies whether to audit the CREATE, DROP, and ALTER operations on GaussDB database objects. GaussDB database objects include databases, users, schemas, and tables. You can change the value of this parameter to audit only the operations on required database objects. In the scenario where the leader node is forcibly selected, you are advised to set audit_system_object to the maximum value and audit all DDL objects. For details about the value range, see the product documentation. |
cn:enable_default_ustore_table |
Specifies whether to enable the Ustore storage engine by default. If this parameter is set to on, all created tables are Ustore tables. |
cn:resilience_ctrlslot_available_maxpercent |
Specifies the maximum percentage of threads in the thread pool that can be occupied by slow SQL statements. This parameter is only valid for SELECT statements that are executed by non-sysadmin/monitoradmin users. |
dn:page_version_partitions |
Specifies the number of hash table partitions in cached page version information in the memory. This parameter directly affects the hash query efficiency and hash conflict probability, and is valid only when page_version_check is not set to off. If page_version_check is set to off, the parameter value will still be sent to the kernel, but the relevant function does not take effect until after page_version_check is set to a value other than off. For details about the value range, see the product documentation. |
dn:page_version_recycler_thread_num |
Specifies the number of threads for recycling and verifying page version information. This parameter is only valid when page_version_check is not set to off. If page_version_check is set to off, the parameter value will still be sent to the kernel, but the relevant function does not take effect until after page_version_check is set to a value other than off. |
dn:password_encryption_type |
Specifies how user passwords are encrypted. 0: Passwords are encrypted using MD5. 1: Passwords are encrypted using SHA-256 and MD5. 2: Passwords are encrypted using SHA-256. 3: Passwords are encrypted using SM3. MD5 is not recommended because it is a weak encryption algorithm. |
dn:dcf_thread_effective_time |
Specifies the effective time of the DCF flushing thread. This parameter is used to determine whether the disk I/O hangs. If the DCF cannot access I/O resources within the period specified by this parameter, the DCF considers that the thread I/O hangs and a primary/standby switchover is triggered. If this parameter is set to 0, I/O hang detection is disabled. Unit: second |
dn:a_format_date_timestamp |
Specifies whether to enable current_date, current_timestamp, and localtimestamp to return the system time, instead of the transaction start time, when a transaction starts. |
dn:hll_default_log2sparse |
Specifies the default threshold for switching from Sparse mode to Full mode. |
cn:enable_xid_abort_check |
Specifies whether to check the status of transaction ID rollback when a transaction is committed. |
session_timeout |
Specifies how long to wait before a server connection is disconnected due to inactivity. The value 0 indicates there is no time limit. Unit: second |
cn:hll_default_log2sparse |
Specifies the default threshold for switching from Sparse mode to Full mode. |
dn:disable_keyword_options |
Specifies the configuration items for database compatibility. Multiple items are separated by commas (,). An identifier with this parameter set will not be used as a keyword. |
cn:fix_func_selection |
Specifies whether to optimize the function matching policy. The value catlist indicates the catlist sequence is optimized. (The non-B-compatible mode has been optimized. In non-B-compatible mode, system functions are always preferentially selected and executed. The policy in B-compatible mode is the same as that in versions earlier than 505.1.0. An error message indicating that the function is not unique may be displayed, or a system function may be selected for execution.) |
cn:support_binary_copy_version |
Specifies whether to verify the binary file encoding information when data is imported using COPY FROM in BINARY mode. If forward compatibility is required, leave this parameter empty. Otherwise, retain the default value. |
autoanalyze |
Specifies whether to automatically collect statistics on tables that have no statistics when a plan is generated. |
password_lock_time |
Specifies the maximum number of incorrect password attempts before an account is locked. The account will be automatically unlocked after the time specified in password_lock_time elapses. Only the sysadmin user can set this parameter. |
wdr_snapshot_interval |
Specifies the interval at which the background thread Snapshot automatically takes snapshots of the database monitoring data. Unit: minute |
update_lockwait_timeout |
Specifies the maximum duration that a lock waits for concurrent updates on a row to complete when the concurrent update feature is enabled. If the lock wait time exceeds this value, the system will report an error. Unit: millisecond |
dn:undo_retention_time |
Specifies how long undo logs are kept. This parameter is only used for flashback query. Note: 1. The undo space of the local disk increases. 2. In subsequent incremental backups, the size of the backup set increases, because extra undo content is retained. Unit: second |
cn:recovery_parse_workers |
Specifies the number of ParseRedoRecord threads in the ultimate RTO feature. This parameter must be used together with recovery_redo_workers. If both recovery_parse_workers and recovery_redo_workers are greater than 1, ultimate RTO is enabled. If you do not want to enable ultimate RTO, retain the default value 1 for recovery_parse_workers. When enabling ultimate RTO, ensure that replication_type is set to 1. If both ultimate RTO and parallel replay are enabled, only ultimate RTO takes effect, and parallel replay is ineffective. Ultimate RTO does not support column-store tables. Therefore, disable ultimate RTO in a system where column-store tables are used or are to be used. Ultimate RTO also does not support flow control. Flow control is determined by the recovery_time_target parameter. |
cn:undo_space_limit_size |
Specifies the threshold for forcibly recycling undo space. When the undo space usage reaches 80% of the threshold, forcible recycling starts. It is recommended that the value of this parameter be greater than or equal to the value of undo_limit_size_per_transaction. Unit: 8 KB |
cn:auto_increment_cache |
Specifies the number of reserved auto-increment cache values when auto-increment is triggered by batch insertion or import of auto-increment columns. When auto-increment values are reserved, the auto-increment counter value is updated to the maximum auto-increment cache value. Before the cache values are used up, the auto-increment counter value remains unchanged, and the triggered auto-increment uses the cache values. If this parameter is set to 0, the auto-increment cache values are automatically reserved. When auto-increment is triggered for the first time, if the number of rows to be inserted into the auto-increment column is known, the number is the reserved value. If the number of rows is unknown, 2^n values are reserved each time. For example, one value is reserved in the first auto-increment, two values are reserved in the second auto-increment, four values are reserved in the third auto-increment, and eight values are reserved for in fourth auto-increment. However, if the number of reserved values exceeds 65,535, 65,535 values are reserved. If this parameter is not set to 0, the number of reserved cache values is the value of this parameter. When auto-increment is triggered for the first time, if the number of rows to be inserted into the auto-increment column is known, the number is the reserved value. If the number of rows is unknown, the value of auto_increment_cache is the number of auto-increment values reserved each time. The reserved cache values are valid only in the statement. If the reserved auto-increment cache values are used up and subsequent INSERT statements trigger auto-increment based on the auto-increment counter, the values in the auto-increment column in the table are discontinuous. This parameter does not affect the auto-increment column in the local temporary table. |
dn:enable_hotkeys_collection |
Specifies whether to collect statistics on accessed key values in databases. |
cn:enable_early_free |
Specifies whether the operator memory can be released in advance. |
cn:max_concurrent_autonomous_transactions |
Specifies the maximum number of autonomous transaction connections, that is, the maximum number of concurrent autonomous transactions executed at the same time. If this parameter is set to 0, autonomous transactions cannot be executed. The theoretical maximum value is 10000. Set this parameter based on workload requirements and hardware configurations. It is recommended that this parameter be set to a value less than or equal to 1/10 of max_connections. |
cn:audit_set_parameter |
Determines whether to audit the SET operation. 0: The SET operation is not audited. 1: The SET operation is audited. |
cn:enable_enhance_toast_table |
Specifies whether to use the enhanced TOAST out-of-line storage table. The value on indicates that the enhanced TOAST out-of-line storage table is used. The value off indicates that the TOAST out-of-line storage table is used. |
cn:archive_interval |
Specifies the archiving interval. Log files are forcibly archived when the period specified by this parameter has elapsed. A large value of this parameter affects the RPO of PITR. The default value is recommended. Unit: second |
dn:undo_limit_size_per_transaction |
Specifies the maximum undo space for a single transaction. If the undo space of a transaction exceeds this parameter value, the transaction is rolled back due to an error. It is recommended that the value of this parameter be smaller than the value of undo_space_limit_size. If this parameter value is larger, the value of undo_space_limit_size will be used as the maximum undo space for a single transaction. If this undo space is greater than 1 TB, system performance and stability may be affected. Unit: 8 KB |
dn:convert_illegal_char_mode |
Specifies the placeholders of invalid characters that can be displayed on the client when enable_convert_illegal_char is enabled. Value range: 95 characters whose decimal codes range from 32 to 126 in the ASCII coding table. |
cn:enable_analyze_check |
Specifies whether to check if statistics were collected about tables whose reltuples and relpages are displayed as 0 in pg_class during plan generation. |
dn:tde_index_default_encrypt |
When tde_index_default_encrypt is set to on and an index is created based on an encrypted table, the database automatically converts the index to an encrypted index. |
failed_login_attempts |
Specifies the maximum number of incorrect password attempts before an account is locked. The account will be automatically unlocked after the time specified in password_lock_time elapses. Only the sysadmin user can set this parameter. |
dn:enable_bbox_dump |
Specifies whether to enable the black box function so that core files can be generated even when the core mechanism is not configured in the system. |
dn:enable_recyclebin |
Enables or disables the recycle bin in real time. |
cn:wdr_snapshot_space_threshold |
Specifies the threshold for controlling the space used by snapshots. When the space used by snapshots reaches 80% of the value of this parameter, the control logic of the database is enabled to stabilize the space usage. Unit: KB |
enable_global_syscache |
Determines whether to enable global system cache. |
dn:audit_set_parameter |
Determines whether to audit the SET operation. 0: The SET operation is not audited. 1: The SET operation is audited. |
cn:max_compile_functions |
Specifies the maximum number of function compilation results stored in the server. Excessive functions and compilation results of stored procedures may occupy large memory space. Setting this parameter to an appropriate value can reduce the memory usage and improve system performance. Before modifying this parameter, determine your application scenario and fully verify the change in a test environment. For details, see the reference document. |
dn:auto_increment_offset |
Specifies the initial value of an auto-increment column. The auto-increment value is calculated by the following formula: auto_increment_offset + N × auto_increment_increment. N is a positive integer. If the value of this parameter is greater than that of auto_increment_increment, there will be an error when the values in the auto-increment column automatically increase. |
cn:track_stmt_session_slot |
Specifies the maximum number of full or slow SQL statements that can be cached in a session. If the number of full or slow SQL statements exceeds this value, new statements will not be traced until the flush thread flushes the cached statements to the disk to reserve free space. The default value is recommended. |
cn:page_version_partitions |
Specifies the number of hash table partitions in cached page version information in the memory. This parameter directly affects the hash query efficiency and hash conflict probability, and is valid only when page_version_check is not set to off. If page_version_check is set to off, the parameter value will still be sent to the kernel, but the relevant function does not take effect until after page_version_check is set to a value other than off. For details about the value range, see the product documentation. |
autoanalyze_timeout |
Specifies the autoanalyze timeout period. If the duration of autoanalyze on a table exceeds the value of autoanalyze_timeout, the autoanalyze operation is automatically canceled. The value 0 indicates that there is no timeout limit. Unit: second |
dn:index_txntype |
Sets the index page format to PCR or RCR. This parameter is left unconfigured during system initialization. By default, the created indexes are compatible with the index type (RCR) of earlier versions. Once this parameter is specified, it cannot be left unconfigured again. |
cn:enable_recyclebin |
Enables or disables the recycle bin in real time. |
log_min_duration_statement |
Specifies the threshold for logging the duration of a completed statement. If a statement runs for a period greater than or equal to the specified value, its duration will be logged. The value -1 disables logging statement durations. If this parameter is set to a small value, the load throughput may be affected. Unit: millisecond |
max_replication_slots |
Specifies the number of log replication slots on the primary node. |
cn:enable_bbox_dump |
Specifies whether to enable the black box function so that core files can be generated even when the core mechanism is not configured in the system. |
datestyle |
Specifies the display format for date and time. |
dn:hll_default_log2m |
Specifies the number of buckets for HLL data. |
enable_slot_log |
Specifies whether to enable primary/standby synchronization for logical replication slots. Currently, only archive slots and backup slots are involved. Set this parameter to on only in cloud scenarios where logical replication is enabled. In other scenarios, set this parameter to off. |
cn:enable_convert_illegal_char |
Specifies whether the database supports characters not included the character sets. |
cn:enable_workload_rule |
Specifies whether to enable SQL throttling. |
cn:index_txntype |
Sets the index page format to PCR or RCR. This parameter is left unconfigured during system initialization. By default, the created indexes are compatible with the index type (RCR) of earlier versions. Once this parameter is specified, it cannot be left unconfigured again. |
dn:enable_enhance_toast_table |
Specifies whether to use the enhanced TOAST out-of-line storage table. The value on indicates that the enhanced TOAST out-of-line storage table is used. The value off indicates that the TOAST out-of-line storage table is used. |
dn:support_binary_copy_version |
Specifies whether to verify the binary file encoding information when data is imported using COPY FROM in BINARY mode. If forward compatibility is required, leave this parameter empty. Otherwise, retain the default value. |
enable_stream_operator |
Specifies the query optimizer's use of streams. If enable_stream_operator is disabled, a large number of logs indicating that the plans cannot be pushed down are recorded. If you do not need these logs, you are advised to disable both enable_unshipping_log and enable_stream_operator. The default value is recommended. |
cn:enable_dynamic_samplesize |
Specifies whether to dynamically adjust the number of sampled rows. For a large table with more than one million rows, the number of sampled rows is dynamically adjusted during statistics collection to improve statistics accuracy. |
cn:gs_perf_retention_days |
Specifies how many days the flame graph files in HTML format are retained. Unit: day |
dn:audit_xid_info |
Determines whether to record the transaction IDs of SQL statements in detail_info. 0: The transaction IDs are not recorded. 1: The transaction IDs are recorded. |
dn:cost_model_version |
Specifies the version of the optimizer cost model. It is a protective parameter. It prevents new optimizer cost models from being applied, so you can keep the current model consistent with the plan of an existing version. If the value of this parameter is changed, many SQL plans may be changed. Exercise caution when modifying this parameter. |
dn:enable_rls_match_index |
Specifies whether indexes of a base table can be scanned based on target predicate conditions in row-level security scenarios. Target scenario: Row level security (RLS) policies are set and enabled in the base table, and the query predicate contains the unleakproof system function or like operator. |
dn:audit_internal_event |
Specifies whether to audit the connections and operations of internal tools cm_agent, gs_clean, and WDRXdb, and whether to audit the logins and logouts from CNs on DNs. |
cn:effective_cache_size |
Specifies the size of the disk buffer available to the CN optimizer in a single query. Unit: 8 KB |
enable_seqscan |
Specifies whether to enable the optimizer's use of sequential scan plan types. It is impossible to completely suppress sequential scans, but setting this parameter to off allows the optimizer to choose other methods if available. |
dn:hll_default_log2explicit |
Specifies the threshold for switching from the explicit mode to the sparse mode. |
cn:instr_unique_sql_combination_options |
Specifies the configuration items of combining unique SQL statements of the same type. |
dn:undo_space_limit_size |
Specifies the threshold for forcibly recycling undo space. When the undo space usage reaches 80% of the threshold, forcible recycling starts. It is recommended that the value of this parameter be greater than or equal to the value of undo_limit_size_per_transaction. Unit: 8 KB |
dn:enable_dynamic_samplesize |
Specifies whether to dynamically adjust the number of sampled rows. For a large table with more than one million rows, the number of sampled rows is dynamically adjusted during statistics collection to improve statistics accuracy. |
dn:llvm_max_memory |
Specifies the upper limit of the memory used by IRs (including cached and in-use IRs) generated during compilation in Codegen execution mode. The memory used by Codegen is not applied for by preoccupation. It is a part of max_dynamic_memory and is restricted by the llvm_max_memory parameter. Unit: KB |
dn:local_syscache_threshold |
Specifies the size of system catalog cache in a session. Unit: KB |
cn:tde_index_default_encrypt |
When tde_index_default_encrypt is set to on and an index is created based on an encrypted table, the database automatically converts the index to an encrypted index. |
dn:enable_workload_rule |
Specifies whether to enable SQL throttling. |
dn:archive_interval |
Specifies the archiving interval. Log files are forcibly archived when the period specified by this parameter has elapsed. A large value of this parameter affects the RPO of PITR. The default value is recommended. Unit: second |
cn:enable_hotkeys_collection |
Specifies whether to collect statistics on accessed key values in databases. |
cn:enable_codegen |
Specifies whether code optimization can be enabled. Currently, code optimization uses the LLVM optimization. |
max_wal_senders |
Specifies the maximum number of WAL sender threads that can be created. Processes created for the following purposes occupy WAL sender threads: Standby DNs connect to primary DNs to obtain physical logs, and logical replication tools connect to primary DNs to obtain logical logs. If this parameter is set to a value smaller than 20, scale-out may fail. The value of this parameter must be smaller than that of max_connections. |
cn:undo_limit_size_per_transaction |
Specifies the maximum undo space for a single transaction. If the undo space of a transaction exceeds this parameter value, the transaction is rolled back due to an error. It is recommended that the value of this parameter be smaller than the value of undo_space_limit_size. If this parameter value is larger, the value of undo_space_limit_size will be used as the maximum undo space for a single transaction. If this undo space is greater than 1 TB, system performance and stability may be affected. Unit: 8 KB |
dn:max_concurrent_autonomous_transactions |
Specifies the maximum number of autonomous transaction connections, that is, the maximum number of concurrent autonomous transactions executed at the same time. If this parameter is set to 0, autonomous transactions cannot be executed. The theoretical maximum value is 10000. Set this parameter based on workload requirements and hardware configurations. It is recommended that this parameter be set to a value less than or equal to 1/10 of max_connections. |
cn:page_missing_dirty_check |
Specifies whether to enable the verification for pages not marked as dirty. The verification checks whether the modified pages are not marked as dirty. This parameter is only valid when page_version_check is not set to off. If page_version_check is set to off, the parameter value will still be sent to the kernel, but the relevant function does not take effect until after page_version_check is set to a value other than off. |
cn:cost_model_version |
Specifies the version of the optimizer cost model. It is a protective parameter. It prevents new optimizer cost models from being applied, so you can keep the current model consistent with the plan of an existing version. If the value of this parameter is changed, many SQL plans may be changed. Exercise caution when modifying this parameter. |
cn:audit_dml_state_select |
Determines whether to audit the SELECT operation. |
cn:hll_default_log2m |
Specifies the number of buckets for HLL data. |
dn:use_workload_manager |
Specifies whether to enable resource management. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:use_workload_manager |
Specifies whether to enable resource management. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_save_datachanged_timestamp |
Specifies whether to record the time when INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or EXCHANGE/TRUNCATE/DROP PARTITION is performed on table data. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:enable_save_datachanged_timestamp |
Specifies whether to record the time when INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or EXCHANGE/TRUNCATE/DROP PARTITION is performed on table data. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:max_process_memory |
Specifies the maximum physical memory allowed for a DN. Unit: KB This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:max_process_memory |
Specifies the maximum physical memory allowed for a CN. Unit: KB This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:standby_shared_buffers_fraction |
Specifies the shared_buffers proportion used on the server where a standby instance is deployed. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:standby_shared_buffers_fraction |
Specifies the shared_buffers proportion used on the server where a standby instance is deployed. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:pagewriter_sleep |
Specifies the interval (in milliseconds) for the page writer thread to flush dirty pages to disks after the incremental checkpoint is enabled. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:pagewriter_sleep |
Specifies the interval (in milliseconds) for the page writer thread to flush dirty pages to disks after the incremental checkpoint is enabled. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:xloginsert_locks |
Specifies the number of locks on concurrent write-ahead logging. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:xloginsert_locks |
Specifies the number of locks on concurrent write-ahead logging. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_light_proxy |
Specifies whether the optimizer optimizes the execution of simple queries on CNs. This parameter does not take effect if the character set of the application side does not match that of the kernel side. You are advised to set the character set to UTF-8 when creating a database. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:enable_light_proxy |
Specifies whether the optimizer optimizes the execution of simple queries on CNs. This parameter does not take effect if the character set of the application side does not match that of the kernel side. You are advised to set the character set to UTF-8 when creating a database. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:synchronous_commit |
Specifies the synchronization mode of the current transaction. Generally, logs generated by a transaction are synchronized in the following sequence: The primary node writes the logs to the local memory. The primary node writes logs in the local memory to the local file system. The primary node flushes the logs in the local file system to disks. The primary node sends the logs to the standby node. The standby node receives the logs and saves them to its local memory. The standby node writes the logs in the local memory to the local file system. The standby node flushes the logs in the local file system to disks. The standby node replays the logs to complete the incremental update of data files. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:synchronous_commit |
Specifies the synchronization mode of the current transaction. Generally, logs generated by a transaction are synchronized in the following sequence: The primary node writes the logs to the local memory. The primary node writes logs in the local memory to the local file system. The primary node flushes the logs in the local file system to disks. The primary node sends the logs to the standby node. The standby node receives the logs and saves them to its local memory. The standby node writes the logs in the local memory to the local file system. The standby node flushes the logs in the local file system to disks. The standby node replays the logs to complete the incremental update of data files. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_incremental_checkpoint |
Specifies whether to enable incremental checkpoint. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:enable_incremental_checkpoint |
Specifies whether to enable incremental checkpoint. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:bypass_workload_manager |
Enables or disables independent I/O control. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:bypass_workload_manager |
Enables or disables independent I/O control. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
enable_resource_track |
Specifies whether to enable real-time resource monitoring. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_instr_rt_percentile |
Specifies whether to enable the function of calculating the response time of 80% and 95% of the SQL statements in the system. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:enable_instr_rt_percentile |
Specifies whether to enable the function of calculating the response time of 80% and 95% of the SQL statements in the system. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_instr_cpu_timer |
Specifies whether to capture the CPU time consumed during SQL statement execution. In the x86-based centralized deployment scenario where 32 vCPUs and 256 GB of memory are configured, the performance tested by BenchmarkSQL 5.0 fluctuates by about 3.5% by enabling or disabling this parameter. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:enable_instr_cpu_timer |
Specifies whether to capture the CPU time consumed during SQL statement execution. In the x86-based centralized deployment scenario where 32 vCPUs and 256 GB of memory are configured, the performance tested by BenchmarkSQL 5.0 fluctuates by about 3.5% by enabling or disabling this parameter. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
track_counts |
Determines whether to enable collection of statistics on database activities. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_user_metric_persistent |
Specifies whether to dump the historical monitoring data of user resources. If this parameter is set to on, data in the PG_TOTAL_USER_RESOURCE_INFO view is periodically sampled and saved to the system catalog GS_WLM_USER_RESOURCE_HISTORY. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:enable_user_metric_persistent |
Specifies whether to dump the historical monitoring data of user resources. If this parameter is set to on, data in the PG_TOTAL_USER_RESOURCE_INFO view is periodically sampled and saved to the system catalog GS_WLM_USER_RESOURCE_HISTORY. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:log_hostname |
By default, connection log messages only show the IP address of the connecting host. The host name can be recorded when this parameter is set to on. It may take some time to parse the host name. Therefore, the database performance may be affected. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:log_hostname |
By default, connection log messages only show the IP address of the connecting host. The host name can be recorded when this parameter is set to on. It may take some time to parse the host name. Therefore, the database performance may be affected. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_instr_track_wait |
Specifies whether to enable real-time collection of wait event information. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:enable_instr_track_wait |
Specifies whether to enable real-time collection of wait event information. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_instance_metric_persistent |
Specifies whether to dump instance resource monitoring data. When this parameter is set to on, the instance monitoring data is saved to the system catalog GS_WLM_INSTANCE_HISTORY. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:enable_instance_metric_persistent |
Specifies whether to dump instance resource monitoring data. When this parameter is set to on, the instance monitoring data is saved to the system catalog GS_WLM_INSTANCE_HISTORY. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_logical_io_statistics |
Specifies whether to collect logical I/O statistics during resource monitoring. If this function is enabled, the read_kbytes, write_kbytes, read_counts, write_counts, read_speed, and write_speed columns in the PG_TOTAL_USER_RESOURCE_INFO view will collect statistics on the byte count, number of times, and speed of logical read and write. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:enable_logical_io_statistics |
Specifies whether to collect logical I/O statistics during resource monitoring. If this function is enabled, the read_kbytes, write_kbytes, read_counts, write_counts, read_speed, and write_speed columns in the PG_TOTAL_USER_RESOURCE_INFO view will collect statistics on the byte count, number of times, and speed of logical read and write. Columns related to logical read and write in the system catalogs GS_WLM_USER_RESOURCE_HISTORY and GS_WLM_INSTANCE_HISTORY will collect statistics on the logical read and write of related users and instances. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
enable_sort |
Specifies whether the query optimizer uses sort methods. It is impossible to suppress explicit sorts entirely, but setting this variable to off encourages the optimizer to choose other methods if available. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
enable_material |
Specifies whether the query optimizer uses materialization. It is impossible to suppress materialization entirely, but setting this variable to off prevents the optimizer from inserting materialized nodes. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
gtm:gtm_max_trans |
Specifies the maximum number of connections accepted by the GTM. You are advised not to change the value. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
gtm:csn_sync_interval |
Specifies the interval for synchronizing CSNs between the primary and standby GTMs, in seconds. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
gtm:restore_duration |
Specifies the reply interval of XIDs or CSNs on the GTM, that is, the number of XIDs or CSNs for reply. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cms:coordinator_heartbeat_timeout |
Specifies the heartbeat timeout (in seconds) that triggers the automatic removal of faulty CNs. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:client_min_messages |
Specifies which level of messages will be sent to the client. A higher level covers the messages of all the lower levels. The lower the level is, the fewer messages are sent. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:client_min_messages |
Specifies which level of messages will be sent to the client. A higher level covers the messages of all the lower levels. The lower the level is, the fewer messages are sent. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:pagewriter_thread_num |
Specifies the number of threads for background page flushing after the incremental checkpoint is enabled. Dirty pages are flushed in sequence to disks, updating recovery points. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:pagewriter_thread_num |
Specifies the number of threads for background page flushing after the incremental checkpoint is enabled. Dirty pages are flushed in sequence to disks, updating recovery points. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:bgwriter_delay |
Specifies the interval at which the background writer writes dirty shared buffers, in milliseconds. Each time, the background writer initiates write operations for some dirty buffers. In full checkpoint mode, the bgwriter_lru_maxpages parameter is used to control the amount of data to be written each time, and the process is restarted after the period of hibernation specified by bgwriter_delay (in milliseconds). In incremental checkpoint mode, the number of target idle buffer pages is calculated based on the value of candidate_buf_percent_target. If the number of idle buffer pages is insufficient, a batch of pages are flushed to disks at the interval specified by bgwriter_delay (in milliseconds). The number of flushed pages is calculated based on the target difference percentage. The maximum number of flushed pages is limited by max_io_capacity. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:bgwriter_delay |
Specifies the interval at which the background writer writes dirty shared buffers, in milliseconds. Each time, the background writer initiates write operations for some dirty buffers. In full checkpoint mode, the bgwriter_lru_maxpages parameter is used to control the amount of data to be written each time, and the process is restarted after the period of hibernation specified by bgwriter_delay (in milliseconds). In incremental checkpoint mode, the number of target idle buffer pages is calculated based on the value of candidate_buf_percent_target. If the number of idle buffer pages is insufficient, a batch of pages are flushed to disks at the interval specified by bgwriter_delay (in milliseconds). The number of flushed pages is calculated based on the target difference percentage. The maximum number of flushed pages is limited by max_io_capacity. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:max_files_per_process |
Specifies the maximum number of files that can be opened simultaneously by each server process. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:candidate_buf_percent_target |
Specifies the proportion (%) of available buffers in shared_buffer in the candidate buffer chain when the incremental checkpoint is enabled. If the percentage is less than the value of this parameter, the bgwriter thread starts to flush dirty pages based on the max_io_capacity parameter. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:candidate_buf_percent_target |
Specifies the proportion (%) of available buffers in shared_buffer in the candidate buffer chain when the incremental checkpoint is enabled. If the percentage is less than the value of this parameter, the bgwriter thread starts to flush dirty pages based on the max_io_capacity parameter. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:checkpoint_segments |
Specifies the minimum number of WAL segment files in the period specified by checkpoint_timeout. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:checkpoint_segments |
Specifies the minimum number of WAL segment files in the period specified by checkpoint_timeout. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:checkpoint_timeout |
Specifies the maximum time between automatic WAL checkpoints, in seconds. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:checkpoint_timeout |
Specifies the maximum time between automatic WAL checkpoints, in seconds. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:incremental_checkpoint_timeout |
Specifies the maximum interval (in seconds) between automatic WAL checkpoints when the incremental checkpoint is enabled. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:incremental_checkpoint_timeout |
Specifies the maximum interval (in seconds) between automatic WAL checkpoints when the incremental checkpoint is enabled. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:wal_writer_delay |
Specifies the delay (in milliseconds) between activity rounds for the WAL writer. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:wal_writer_delay |
Specifies the delay (in milliseconds) between activity rounds for the WAL writer. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:wal_buffers |
Specifies the shared memory for storing WALs, that is, multiples of XLOG_BLCKSZ, in increments of 8 KB. For details about the value range, see wal_buffers. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:wal_buffers |
Specifies the shared memory for storing WALs, that is, multiples of XLOG_BLCKSZ, in increments of 8 KB. For details about the value range, see wal_buffers. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:walwriter_cpu_bind |
Specifies the CPU core bound to the WAL write thread. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:bulk_write_ring_size |
Specifies the size of the ring buffer used by the operation when a large amount of data is written (for example, the copy operation). This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:bulk_write_ring_size |
Specifies the size of a ring buffer used for parallel data import. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:recovery_redo_workers |
Specifies the number of PageRedoWorker threads corresponding to each ParseRedoRecord thread when ultimate RTO is enabled. recovery_redo_workers must be used together with recovery_parse_workers. The value of recovery_redo_workers takes effect only when recovery_parse_workers is greater than 1. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:recovery_redo_workers |
Specifies the number of PageRedoWorker threads corresponding to each ParseRedoRecord thread when ultimate RTO is enabled. recovery_redo_workers must be used together with recovery_parse_workers. The value of recovery_redo_workers takes effect only when recovery_parse_workers is greater than 1. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cms:phony_dead_effective_time |
Specifies the maximum number of times DN processes are detected as zombie. If the number of times a process is detected as zombie is greater than the specified value, the process is considered to be a zombie process and will be restarted. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_ai_watchdog |
Enables or disables the AI watchdog function. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:enable_ai_watchdog |
Enables or disables the AI watchdog function. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
enable_unshipping_log |
Specifies whether to log statements that are not pushed down. The logs help locate performance issues that may be caused by statements not pushed down. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:max_connections |
Specifies the maximum number of concurrent connections. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:max_connections |
Specifies the maximum number of concurrent connections. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:resilience_memory_reject_percent |
Specifies the dynamic memory usage for escape from memory overload. This parameter is only applied when use_workload_manager and enable_memory_limit are enabled. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:resilience_memory_reject_percent |
Specifies the dynamic memory usage for escape from memory overload. This parameter is only applied when use_workload_manager and enable_memory_limit are enabled. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:resilience_threadpool_reject_cond |
Specifies the proportion of accumulated sessions in the thread pool for escape from overload. This parameter is only applied when enable_thread_pool and use_workload_manager are enabled. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:resilience_threadpool_reject_cond |
Specifies the proportion of accumulated sessions in the thread pool for escape from overload. This parameter is only applied when enable_thread_pool and use_workload_manager are enabled. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:vacuum_cost_delay |
Specifies how long the process sleeps when vacuum_cost_limit has been exceeded, in milliseconds. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:vacuum_cost_delay |
Specifies how long the process sleeps when vacuum_cost_limit has been exceeded, in milliseconds. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:b_format_version |
Specifies the SQL behavior control configuration item in B-compatible mode. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:b_format_version |
Specifies the forward compatibility in MySQL-compatible mode. This is a configuration item for controlling database platform compatibility behavior. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_control_group |
Specifies whether to enable the Cgroups. This parameter must be applied on both CNs and DNs. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:enable_control_group |
Specifies whether to enable the Cgroups. This parameter must be applied on both CNs and DNs. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:track_stmt_parameter |
After track_stmt_parameter is enabled, the executed statements recorded in statement_history are not normalized. The complete SQL statement information can be displayed to help the database administrator locate faults. For a simple query, the complete statement information is displayed. For a PBE statement, the complete statement information and information about each variable value are displayed. The format is "query string; parameters:$1=value1,$2=value2, ...". This parameter is used to display full SQL information for users and is not controlled by the track_activity_query_size parameter. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:track_stmt_parameter |
After track_stmt_parameter is enabled, the executed statements recorded in statement_history are not normalized. The complete SQL statement information can be displayed to help the database administrator locate faults. For a simple query, the complete statement information is displayed. For a PBE statement, the complete statement information and information about each variable value are displayed. The format is "query string; parameters:$1=value1,$2=value2, ...". This parameter is used to display full SQL information for users and is not controlled by the track_activity_query_size parameter. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:track_activity_query_size |
Specifies byte counts of the current running commands used to trace each active session. If the number of bytes in a command is greater than the value of this parameter, the command will be truncated. This parameter affects the memory usage of multiple system views. Adjusting the value of this parameter has a great impact on the memory usage. You can estimate the memory usage based on the value calculated from instr_unique_sql_count times track_activity_query_size. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:track_activity_query_size |
Specifies byte counts of the current running commands used to trace each active session. If the number of bytes in a command is greater than the value of this parameter, the command will be truncated. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
Parameter |
Description |
recyclebin_retention_time |
Specifies how long files will be kept in the recycle bin. Files in the recycle bin will be automatically deleted after this length of time. Unit: second |
autoanalyze_timeout |
Specifies the autoanalyze timeout period. If the duration of autoanalyze on a table exceeds the value of autoanalyze_timeout, the autoanalyze operation is automatically canceled. The value 0 indicates that there is no timeout limit. Unit: second |
cn:page_version_partitions |
Specifies the number of hash table partitions in cached page version information in the memory. This parameter directly affects the hash query efficiency and hash conflict probability, and is valid only when page_version_check is not set to off. If page_version_check is set to off, the parameter value will still be sent to the kernel, but the relevant function does not take effect until after page_version_check is set to a value other than off. For details about the value range, see the product documentation. |
dn:index_txntype |
Sets the index page format to PCR or RCR. This parameter is left unconfigured during system initialization. By default, the created indexes are compatible with the index type (RCR) of earlier versions. Once this parameter is specified, it cannot be left unconfigured again. |
log_min_duration_statement |
Specifies the threshold for logging the duration of a completed statement. If a statement runs for a period greater than or equal to the specified value, its duration will be logged. The value -1 disables logging statement durations. If this parameter is set to a small value, the load throughput may be affected. Unit: millisecond |
datestyle |
Specifies the display format for date and time. |
max_replication_slots |
Specifies the number of log replication slots on the primary node. |
timezone |
Specifies the time zone for displaying and interpreting time stamps. |
cn:auto_increment_offset |
Specifies the initial value of an auto-increment column. The auto-increment value is calculated by the following formula: auto_increment_offset + N × auto_increment_increment. N is a positive integer. If the value of this parameter is greater than that of auto_increment_increment, there will be an error when the values in the auto-increment column automatically increase. |
dn:enable_xid_abort_check |
Specifies whether to check the status of transaction ID rollback when a transaction is committed. |
cn:audit_internal_event |
Specifies whether to audit the connections and operations of internal tools cm_agent, gs_clean, and WDRXdb, and whether to audit the logins and logouts from CNs on DNs. |
enable_default_ustore_table |
Specifies whether to enable the Ustore storage engine by default. If this parameter is set to on, all created tables are Ustore tables. |
enable_slot_log |
Specifies whether to enable primary/standby synchronization for logical replication slots. Currently, only archive slots and backup slots are involved. Set this parameter to on only in cloud scenarios where logical replication is enabled. In other scenarios, set this parameter to off. |
cn:enable_convert_illegal_char |
Specifies whether the database supports characters not included the character sets. |
cn:codegen_compile_thread_num |
Specifies the number of Codegen compilation threads. |
cn:enable_workload_rule |
Specifies whether to enable SQL throttling. |
dn:enable_enhance_toast_table |
Specifies whether to use the enhanced TOAST out-of-line storage table. The value on indicates that the enhanced TOAST out-of-line storage table is used. The value off indicates that the TOAST out-of-line storage table is used. |
dn:static_thread_pool_num |
Specifies the number of threads used to create a static thread pool (static pool). This parameter takes effect only on CNs of a distributed instance after enable_thread_pool is enabled. |
enable_stream_operator |
Specifies the query optimizer's use of streams. If enable_stream_operator is disabled, a large number of logs indicating that the plans cannot be pushed down are recorded. If you do not need these logs, you are advised to disable both enable_unshipping_log and enable_stream_operator. The default value is recommended. |
cn:auto_increment_increment |
Specifies the auto-increment step of an auto-increment column. The auto-increment value is calculated by the following formula: auto_increment_offset + N × auto_increment_increment. N is a positive integer. If the value of this parameter is smaller than that of auto_increment_offset, there will be an error when the values in the auto-increment column automatically increase. |
dn:support_binary_copy_version |
Specifies whether to verify the binary file encoding information when data is imported using COPY FROM in BINARY mode. If forward compatibility is required, leave this parameter empty. Otherwise, retain the default value. |
cn:enable_dynamic_samplesize |
Specifies whether to dynamically adjust the number of sampled rows. For a large table with more than one million rows, the number of sampled rows is dynamically adjusted during statistics collection to improve statistics accuracy. |
cn:gs_perf_retention_days |
Specifies how many days the flame graph files in HTML format are retained. Unit: day |
dn:cost_model_version |
Specifies the version of the optimizer cost model. It is a protective parameter. It prevents new optimizer cost models from being applied, so you can keep the current model consistent with the plan of an existing version. If the value of this parameter is changed, many SQL plans may be changed. Exercise caution when modifying this parameter. |
wal_level |
Specifies the level of information to be written to the WAL. This is a required value and cannot be commented out. Determines how much information is written to the WAL. When this parameter is set to logical, logical logs are extracted and primary key information is recorded in Xlogs. |
cn:sql_mode |
Specifies the SQL behavior control configuration item in M-compatible mode. |
dn:enable_rls_match_index |
Specifies whether indexes of a base table can be scanned based on target predicate conditions in row-level security scenarios. Target scenario: Row level security (RLS) policies are set and enabled in the base table, and the query predicate contains the unleakproof system function or like operator. |
dn:audit_internal_event |
Specifies whether to audit the connections and operations of internal tools cm_agent, gs_clean, and WDRXdb, and whether to audit the logins and logouts from CNs on DNs. |
cn:llvm_max_memory |
Specifies the upper limit of the memory used by IRs (including cached and in-use IRs) generated during compilation in Codegen execution mode. The memory used by Codegen is not applied for by preoccupation. It is a part of max_dynamic_memory and is restricted by the llvm_max_memory parameter. Unit: KB |
dn:fix_func_selection |
Specifies whether to optimize the function matching policy. The value catlist indicates the catlist sequence is optimized. (The non-B-compatible mode has been optimized. In non-B-compatible mode, system functions are always preferentially selected and executed. The policy in B-compatible mode is the same as that in versions earlier than 505.1.0. An error message indicating that the function is not unique may be displayed, or a system function may be selected for execution.) |
enable_seqscan |
Specifies whether to enable the optimizer's use of sequential scan plan types. It is impossible to completely suppress sequential scans, but setting this parameter to off allows the optimizer to choose other methods if available. |
comm_no_delay |
Specifies whether to use the no_delay attribute of a communication library connection. |
enable_recyclebin |
Enables or disables the recycle bin in real time. |
dn:sql_mode |
Specifies the SQL behavior control configuration item in M-compatible mode. |
cn:instr_unique_sql_combination_options |
Specifies the configuration items of combining unique SQL statements of the same type. |
dn:enable_dynamic_samplesize |
Specifies whether to dynamically adjust the number of sampled rows. For a large table with more than one million rows, the number of sampled rows is dynamically adjusted during statistics collection to improve statistics accuracy. |
dn:verify_log_buffers |
Specifies the size or pages of verifyLog buffers in memory mode. The unit is 8 KB. For example, if the value of this parameter is 4, the requested memory is 4 x 8 KB = 32 KB. This parameter is valid only when page_version_check is set to persistence. If page_version_check is set to another value, the parameter value will still be sent to the kernel, but the relevant function does not take effect until after page_version_check is set to persistence. |
cn:convert_illegal_char_mode |
Specifies the placeholders of invalid characters that can be displayed on the client when enable_convert_illegal_char is enabled. Value range: 95 characters whose decimal codes range from 32 to 126 in the ASCII coding table. |
dn:llvm_max_memory |
Specifies the upper limit of the memory used by IRs (including cached and in-use IRs) generated during compilation in Codegen execution mode. The memory used by Codegen is not applied for by preoccupation. It is a part of max_dynamic_memory and is restricted by the llvm_max_memory parameter. Unit: KB |
cn:page_version_check |
Specifies the type of page version verification. off indicates that page version verification is disabled. memory indicates that page version verification in pure memory mode is enabled. The page version information will be lost after a restart. persistence indicates that persistent page version verification is enabled. The page version information will not be lost after a restart. |
undo_space_limit_size |
Specifies the threshold for forcibly recycling undo space. When the undo space usage reaches 80% of the threshold, forcible recycling starts. It is recommended that the value of this parameter be greater than or equal to the value of undo_limit_size_per_transaction. Unit: 8 KB |
cn:tde_index_default_encrypt |
When tde_index_default_encrypt is set to on and an index is created based on an encrypted table, the database automatically converts the index to an encrypted index. |
recovery_time_target |
Specifies the time for the standby node to write and replay logs. Unit: second |
dn:enable_convert_illegal_char |
Specifies whether the database supports characters not included the character sets. |
dn:system_view_version |
Determines the version of the system view. All versions are backward compatible. For example, when system_view_version is set to 3, all features of version 2 and version 1 are also supported. For details, see the product documentation. |
dn:enable_workload_rule |
Specifies whether to enable SQL throttling. |
dn:archive_interval |
Specifies the archiving interval. Log files are forcibly archived when the period specified by this parameter has elapsed. A large value of this parameter affects the RPO of PITR. The default value is recommended. Unit: second |
cn:enable_codegen |
Specifies whether code optimization can be enabled. Currently, code optimization uses the LLVM optimization. |
dn:codegen_compile_thread_num |
Specifies the number of Codegen compilation threads. |
max_wal_senders |
Specifies the maximum number of WAL sender threads that can be created. Processes created for the following purposes occupy WAL sender threads: Standby DNs connect to primary DNs to obtain physical logs, and logical replication tools connect to primary DNs to obtain logical logs. If this parameter is set to a value smaller than 20, scale-out may fail. The value of this parameter must be smaller than that of max_connections. |
dn:resilience_ctrlstmt_detect_timelimit |
Specifies the execution time of a normal SQL statement that will be marked as a slow SQL statement. The value 0 indicates that slow SQL statements are not identified. A value greater than 0 indicates that a normal SQL statement whose execution time exceeds the value of this parameter is marked as a slow SQL statement. This parameter is only valid for SELECT statements that are executed by non-sysadmin/monitoradmin users. Unit: millisecond |
cn:a_format_date_timestamp |
Specifies whether to enable current_date, current_timestamp, and localtimestamp to return the system time, instead of the transaction start time, when a transaction starts. |
cn:page_missing_dirty_check |
Specifies whether to enable the verification for pages not marked as dirty. The verification checks whether the modified pages are not marked as dirty. This parameter is only valid when page_version_check is not set to off. If page_version_check is set to off, the parameter value will still be sent to the kernel, but the relevant function does not take effect until after page_version_check is set to a value other than off. |
cn:cost_model_version |
Specifies the version of the optimizer cost model. It is a protective parameter. It prevents new optimizer cost models from being applied, so you can keep the current model consistent with the plan of an existing version. If the value of this parameter is changed, many SQL plans may be changed. Exercise caution when modifying this parameter. |
dn:max_compile_functions |
Specifies the maximum number of function compilation results stored in the server. Excessive functions and compilation results of stored procedures may occupy large memory space. Setting this parameter to an appropriate value can reduce the memory usage and improve system performance. Before modifying this parameter, determine your application scenario and fully verify the change in a test environment. For details, see the reference document. |
dn:tde_index_default_encrypt |
When tde_index_default_encrypt is set to on and an index is created based on an encrypted table, the database automatically converts the index to an encrypted index. |
dn:recovery_parse_workers |
Specifies the number of ParseRedoRecord threads in the ultimate RTO feature. This parameter must be used together with recovery_redo_workers. If both recovery_parse_workers and recovery_redo_workers are greater than 1, ultimate RTO is enabled. If you do not want to enable ultimate RTO, retain the default value 1 for recovery_parse_workers. When enabling ultimate RTO, ensure that replication_type is set to 1. If both ultimate RTO and parallel replay are enabled, only ultimate RTO takes effect, and parallel replay is ineffective. Ultimate RTO does not support column-store tables. Therefore, disable ultimate RTO in a system where column-store tables are used or are to be used. Ultimate RTO also does not support flow control. Flow control is determined by the recovery_time_target parameter. |
failed_login_attempts |
Specifies the maximum number of incorrect password attempts before an account is locked. The account will be automatically unlocked after the time specified in password_lock_time elapses. Only the sysadmin user can set this parameter. |
undo_retention_time |
Specifies how long undo logs are kept. This parameter is only used for flashback query. Note: 1. The undo space of the local disk increases. 2. In subsequent incremental backups, the size of the backup set increases, because extra undo content is retained. Unit: second |
cn:wdr_snapshot_space_threshold |
Specifies the threshold for controlling the space used by snapshots. When the space used by snapshots reaches 80% of the value of this parameter, the control logic of the database is enabled to stabilize the space usage. Unit: KB |
dn:page_version_check |
Specifies the type of page version verification. off indicates that page version verification is disabled. memory indicates that page version verification in pure memory mode is enabled. The page version information will be lost after a restart. persistence indicates that persistent page version verification is enabled. The page version information will not be lost after a restart. |
cn:max_compile_functions |
Specifies the maximum number of function compilation results stored in the server. Excessive functions and compilation results of stored procedures may occupy large memory space. Setting this parameter to an appropriate value can reduce the memory usage and improve system performance. Before modifying this parameter, determine your application scenario and fully verify the change in a test environment. For details, see the reference document. |
cn:page_version_max_num |
Specifies the maximum number of page versions that can be cached in memory. This parameter is only valid when page_version_check is not set to off. If page_version_check is set to off, the parameter value will still be sent to the kernel, but the relevant function does not take effect until after page_version_check is set to a value other than off. For details about the value range, see the product documentation. |
dn:auto_increment_offset |
Specifies the initial value of an auto-increment column. The auto-increment value is calculated by the following formula: auto_increment_offset + N × auto_increment_increment. N is a positive integer. If the value of this parameter is greater than that of auto_increment_increment, there will be an error when the values in the auto-increment column automatically increase. |
dn:auto_increment_cache |
Specifies the number of reserved auto-increment cache values when auto-increment is triggered by batch insertion or import of auto-increment columns. When auto-increment values are reserved, the auto-increment counter value is updated to the maximum auto-increment cache value. Before the cache values are used up, the auto-increment counter value remains unchanged, and the triggered auto-increment uses the cache values. If this parameter is set to 0, the auto-increment cache values are automatically reserved. When auto-increment is triggered for the first time, if the number of rows to be inserted into the auto-increment column is known, the number is the reserved value. If the number of rows is unknown, 2^n values are reserved each time. For example, one value is reserved in the first auto-increment, two values are reserved in the second auto-increment, four values are reserved in the third auto-increment, and eight values are reserved for in fourth auto-increment. However, if the number of reserved values exceeds 65,535, 65,535 values are reserved. If this parameter is not set to 0, the number of reserved cache values is the value of this parameter. When auto-increment is triggered for the first time, if the number of rows to be inserted into the auto-increment column is known, the number is the reserved value. If the number of rows is unknown, the value of auto_increment_cache is the number of auto-increment values reserved each time. The reserved cache values are valid only in the statement. If the reserved auto-increment cache values are used up and subsequent INSERT statements trigger auto-increment based on the auto-increment counter, the values in the auto-increment column in the table are discontinuous. This parameter does not affect the auto-increment column in the local temporary table. |
dn:enable_codegen |
Specifies whether code optimization can be enabled. Currently, code optimization uses the LLVM optimization. |
dn:instr_unique_sql_combination_options |
Specifies the configuration items of combining unique SQL statements of the same type. If this feature is enabled, the IDs of unique SQL statements of the same type are normalized, and the generated unique SQL strings are normalized. |
rewrite_rule |
Sets query rewriting rules. |
dn:page_missing_dirty_check |
Specifies whether to enable the verification for pages not marked as dirty. The verification checks whether the modified pages are not marked as dirty. This parameter is only valid when page_version_check is not set to off. If page_version_check is set to off, the parameter value will still be sent to the kernel, but the relevant function does not take effect until after page_version_check is set to a value other than off. |
dn:wdr_snapshot_full_backup_interval |
Specifies the interval at which a full WDR snapshot is created. The interval specified by this parameter is about a number instead of time. For example, if the parameter is set to 12, a full snapshot and then 11 incremental snapshots are generated for each group. If the parameter is set to 1, all snapshots generated are full snapshots. |
dn:wdr_snapshot_space_threshold |
Specifies the threshold for controlling the space used by snapshots. When the space used by snapshots reaches 80% of the value of this parameter, the control logic of the database is enabled to stabilize the space usage. Unit: KB |
cn:gs_perf_interval |
Specifies the automatic perf data collection interval. The value 0 indicates that the collection is stopped. If the value is greater than 0 and less than 5, the value 5 is used. Unit: minute |
dn:gs_perf_interval |
Specifies the automatic perf data collection interval. The value 0 indicates that the collection is stopped. If the value is greater than 0 and less than 5, the value 5 is used. Unit: minute |
dn:extra_float_digits |
Adjusts the number of digits displayed for floating-point values, including float4, float8, and geometric data types. The parameter value is added to the standard number of digits (FLT_DIG or DBL_DIG as appropriate). This parameter can also be set to a negative value to suppress unwanted digits. |
cn:disable_keyword_options |
Specifies the configuration items for database compatibility. Multiple items are separated by commas (,). An identifier with this parameter set will not be used as a keyword. |
track_stmt_stat_level |
Controls the level of statement execution tracking. |
cn:b_format_dev_version |
Specifies the compatibility configuration item of database platform minor versions. |
dn:copy_special_character_version |
Specifies whether to report an error when there are invalid characters during data import and export using COPY FROM. |
cn:page_version_recycler_thread_num |
Specifies the number of threads for recycling and verifying page version information. This parameter is only valid when page_version_check is not set to off. If page_version_check is set to off, the parameter value will still be sent to the kernel, but the relevant function does not take effect until after page_version_check is set to a value other than off. |
cn:wdr_snapshot_full_backup_interval |
Specifies the interval at which a full WDR snapshot is created. The interval specified by this parameter is about a number instead of time. For example, if the parameter is set to 12, a full snapshot and then 11 incremental snapshots are generated for each group. If the parameter is set to 1, all snapshots generated are full snapshots. |
cn:extra_float_digits |
Adjusts the number of digits displayed for floating-point values, including float4, float8, and geometric data types. The parameter value is added to the standard number of digits (FLT_DIG or DBL_DIG as appropriate). This parameter can also be set to a negative value to suppress unwanted digits. |
cn:system_view_version |
Determines the version of the system view. All versions are backward compatible. For example, when system_view_version is set to 3, all features of version 2 and version 1 are also supported. For details, see the product documentation. |
support_batch_bind |
Specifies whether to bind and execute PBE (Parse, Bind, Execute) statements in batches through interfaces such as JDBC, ODBC, and libpq. |
cn:check_disconnect_query |
Specifies whether to enable the function of terminating statement execution on the server after the client is disconnected due to timeout. |
password_effect_time |
Specifies the validity period of an account password. Unit: day |
cn:verify_log_buffers |
Specifies the size or pages of verifyLog buffers in memory mode. The unit is 8 KB. For example, if the value of this parameter is 4, the requested memory is 4 x 8 KB = 32 KB. This parameter is valid only when page_version_check is set to persistence. If page_version_check is set to another value, the parameter value will still be sent to the kernel, but the relevant function does not take effect until after page_version_check is set to persistence. |
cn:enable_slot_log |
Specifies whether to enable primary/standby synchronization for logical replication slots. Currently, only archive slots and backup slots are involved. Set this parameter to on only in cloud scenarios where logical replication is enabled. In other scenarios, set this parameter to off. |
undo_limit_size_per_transaction |
Specifies the threshold for forcibly recycling undo space. When the undo space usage reaches 80% of the threshold, forcible recycling starts. It is recommended that the value of this parameter be greater than or equal to the value of undo_limit_size_per_transaction. Unit: 8 KB |
dn:resilience_ctrlslot_available_maxpercent |
Specifies the maximum percentage of threads in the thread pool that can be occupied by slow SQL statements. This parameter is only valid for SELECT statements that are executed by non-sysadmin/monitoradmin users. |
cn:enable_rls_match_index |
Specifies whether indexes of a base table can be scanned based on target predicate conditions in row-level security scenarios. Target scenario: Row level security (RLS) policies are set and enabled in the base table, and the query predicate contains the unleakproof system function or like operator. |
dn:auto_increment_increment |
Specifies the auto-increment step of an auto-increment column. The auto-increment value is calculated by the following formula: auto_increment_offset + N × auto_increment_increment. N is a positive integer. If the value of this parameter is smaller than that of auto_increment_offset, there will be an error when the values in the auto-increment column automatically increase. |
cn:copy_special_character_version |
Specifies whether to report an error when there are invalid characters during data import and export using COPY FROM. |
behavior_compat_options |
Specifies database compatibility configuration items. After the value of proc_outparam_override is changed, the database must be connected again or the instance must be rebooted. Otherwise, stored procedures and functions cannot be correctly called. |
dn:gs_format_behavior_compat_options |
Specifies the configuration items of GaussDB internal system functions. |
dn:b_format_dev_version |
Specifies the compatibility configuration item of database platform minor versions. |
dn:check_disconnect_query |
Specifies whether to enable the function of terminating statement execution on the server after the client is disconnected due to timeout. |
cn:gs_format_behavior_compat_options |
Specifies the configuration items of GaussDB internal system functions. |
wdr_snapshot_retention_days |
Specifies how many days database monitoring snapshots are saved for. |
cn:static_thread_pool_num |
Specifies the number of threads used to create a static thread pool (static pool). This parameter takes effect only on CNs of a distributed instance after enable_thread_pool is enabled. |
audit_system_object |
Specifies whether to audit the CREATE, DROP, and ALTER operations on GaussDB database objects. GaussDB database objects include databases, users, schemas, and tables. You can change the value of this parameter to audit only the operations on required database objects. In the scenario where the leader node is forcibly selected, you are advised to set audit_system_object to the maximum value and audit all DDL objects. For details about the value range, see the product documentation. |
cn:resilience_ctrlslot_available_maxpercent |
Specifies the maximum percentage of threads in the thread pool that can be occupied by slow SQL statements. This parameter is only valid for SELECT statements that are executed by non-sysadmin/monitoradmin users. |
dn:enable_slot_log |
Specifies whether to enable primary/standby synchronization for logical replication slots. Currently, only archive slots and backup slots are involved. Set this parameter to on only in cloud scenarios where logical replication is enabled. In other scenarios, set this parameter to off. |
dn:page_version_partitions |
Specifies the number of hash table partitions in cached page version information in the memory. This parameter directly affects the hash query efficiency and hash conflict probability, and is valid only when page_version_check is not set to off. If page_version_check is set to off, the parameter value will still be sent to the kernel, but the relevant function does not take effect until after page_version_check is set to a value other than off. For details about the value range, see the product documentation. |
dn:page_version_recycler_thread_num |
Specifies the number of threads for recycling and verifying page version information. This parameter is only valid when page_version_check is not set to off. If page_version_check is set to off, the parameter value will still be sent to the kernel, but the relevant function does not take effect until after page_version_check is set to a value other than off. |
dn:dcf_thread_effective_time |
Specifies the effective time of the DCF flushing thread. This parameter is used to determine whether the disk I/O hangs. If the DCF cannot access I/O resources within the period specified by this parameter, the DCF considers that the thread I/O hangs and a primary/standby switchover is triggered. If this parameter is set to 0, I/O hang detection is disabled. Unit: second |
dn:a_format_date_timestamp |
Specifies whether to enable current_date, current_timestamp, and localtimestamp to return the system time, instead of the transaction start time, when a transaction starts. |
cn:enable_xid_abort_check |
Specifies whether to check the status of transaction ID rollback when a transaction is committed. |
session_timeout |
Specifies how long to wait before a server connection is disconnected due to inactivity. The value 0 indicates there is no time limit. Unit: second |
dn:disable_keyword_options |
Specifies the configuration items for database compatibility. Multiple items are separated by commas (,). An identifier with this parameter set will not be used as a keyword. |
cn:fix_func_selection |
Specifies whether to optimize the function matching policy. The value catlist indicates the catlist sequence is optimized. (The non-B-compatible mode has been optimized. In non-B-compatible mode, system functions are always preferentially selected and executed. The policy in B-compatible mode is the same as that in versions earlier than 505.1.0. An error message indicating that the function is not unique may be displayed, or a system function may be selected for execution.) |
autoanalyze |
Specifies whether to automatically collect statistics on tables that have no statistics when a plan is generated. |
password_lock_time |
Specifies the maximum number of incorrect password attempts before an account is locked. The account will be automatically unlocked after the time specified in password_lock_time elapses. Only the sysadmin user can set this parameter. |
cn:support_binary_copy_version |
Specifies whether to verify the binary file encoding information when data is imported using COPY FROM in BINARY mode. If forward compatibility is required, leave this parameter empty. Otherwise, retain the default value. |
update_lockwait_timeout |
Specifies the maximum duration that a lock waits for concurrent updates on a row to complete when the concurrent update feature is enabled. If the lock wait time exceeds this value, the system will report an error. Unit: millisecond |
cn:recovery_parse_workers |
Specifies the number of ParseRedoRecord threads in the ultimate RTO feature. This parameter must be used together with recovery_redo_workers. If both recovery_parse_workers and recovery_redo_workers are greater than 1, ultimate RTO is enabled. If you do not want to enable ultimate RTO, retain the default value 1 for recovery_parse_workers. When enabling ultimate RTO, ensure that replication_type is set to 1. If both ultimate RTO and parallel replay are enabled, only ultimate RTO takes effect, and parallel replay is ineffective. Ultimate RTO does not support column-store tables. Therefore, disable ultimate RTO in a system where column-store tables are used or are to be used. Ultimate RTO also does not support flow control. Flow control is determined by the recovery_time_target parameter. |
cn:auto_increment_cache |
Specifies the number of reserved auto-increment cache values when auto-increment is triggered by batch insertion or import of auto-increment columns. When auto-increment values are reserved, the auto-increment counter value is updated to the maximum auto-increment cache value. Before the cache values are used up, the auto-increment counter value remains unchanged, and the triggered auto-increment uses the cache values. If this parameter is set to 0, the auto-increment cache values are automatically reserved. When auto-increment is triggered for the first time, if the number of rows to be inserted into the auto-increment column is known, the number is the reserved value. If the number of rows is unknown, 2^n values are reserved each time. For example, one value is reserved in the first auto-increment, two values are reserved in the second auto-increment, four values are reserved in the third auto-increment, and eight values are reserved for in fourth auto-increment. However, if the number of reserved values exceeds 65,535, 65,535 values are reserved. If this parameter is not set to 0, the number of reserved cache values is the value of this parameter. When auto-increment is triggered for the first time, if the number of rows to be inserted into the auto-increment column is known, the number is the reserved value. If the number of rows is unknown, the value of auto_increment_cache is the number of auto-increment values reserved each time. The reserved cache values are valid only in the statement. If the reserved auto-increment cache values are used up and subsequent INSERT statements trigger auto-increment based on the auto-increment counter, the values in the auto-increment column in the table are discontinuous. This parameter does not affect the auto-increment column in the local temporary table. |
cn:enable_enhance_toast_table |
Specifies whether to use the enhanced TOAST out-of-line storage table. The value on indicates that the enhanced TOAST out-of-line storage table is used. The value off indicates that the TOAST out-of-line storage table is used. |
cn:archive_interval |
Specifies the archiving interval. Log files are forcibly archived when the period specified by this parameter has elapsed. A large value of this parameter affects the RPO of PITR. The default value is recommended. Unit: second |
dn:convert_illegal_char_mode |
Specifies the placeholders of invalid characters that can be displayed on the client when enable_convert_illegal_char is enabled. Value range: 95 characters whose decimal codes range from 32 to 126 in the ASCII coding table. |
dn:use_workload_manager |
Specifies whether to enable resource management. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:use_workload_manager |
Specifies whether to enable resource management. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_save_datachanged_timestamp |
Specifies whether to record the time when INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or EXCHANGE/TRUNCATE/DROP PARTITION is performed on table data. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:enable_save_datachanged_timestamp |
Specifies whether to record the time when INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or EXCHANGE/TRUNCATE/DROP PARTITION is performed on table data. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:max_process_memory |
Specifies the maximum physical memory allowed for a DN. Unit: KB This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:max_process_memory |
Specifies the maximum physical memory allowed for a CN. Unit: KB This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:standby_shared_buffers_fraction |
Specifies the shared_buffers proportion used on the server where a standby instance is deployed. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:standby_shared_buffers_fraction |
Specifies the shared_buffers proportion used on the server where a standby instance is deployed. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:pagewriter_sleep |
Specifies the interval (in milliseconds) for the page writer thread to flush dirty pages to disks after the incremental checkpoint is enabled. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:pagewriter_sleep |
Specifies the interval (in milliseconds) for the page writer thread to flush dirty pages to disks after the incremental checkpoint is enabled. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:xloginsert_locks |
Specifies the number of locks on concurrent write-ahead logging. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:xloginsert_locks |
Specifies the number of locks on concurrent write-ahead logging. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_light_proxy |
Specifies whether the optimizer optimizes the execution of simple queries on CNs. This parameter does not take effect if the character set of the application side does not match that of the kernel side. You are advised to set the character set to UTF-8 when creating a database. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:enable_light_proxy |
Specifies whether the optimizer optimizes the execution of simple queries on CNs. This parameter does not take effect if the character set of the application side does not match that of the kernel side. You are advised to set the character set to UTF-8 when creating a database. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:synchronous_commit |
Specifies the synchronization mode of the current transaction. Generally, logs generated by a transaction are synchronized in the following sequence: The primary node writes the logs to the local memory. The primary node writes logs in the local memory to the local file system. The primary node flushes the logs in the local file system to disks. The primary node sends the logs to the standby node. The standby node receives the logs and saves them to its local memory. The standby node writes the logs in the local memory to the local file system. The standby node flushes the logs in the local file system to disks. The standby node replays the logs to complete the incremental update of data files. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:synchronous_commit |
Specifies the synchronization mode of the current transaction. Generally, logs generated by a transaction are synchronized in the following sequence: The primary node writes the logs to the local memory. The primary node writes logs in the local memory to the local file system. The primary node flushes the logs in the local file system to disks. The primary node sends the logs to the standby node. The standby node receives the logs and saves them to its local memory. The standby node writes the logs in the local memory to the local file system. The standby node flushes the logs in the local file system to disks. The standby node replays the logs to complete the incremental update of data files. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_incremental_checkpoint |
Specifies whether to enable incremental checkpoint. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:enable_incremental_checkpoint |
Specifies whether to enable incremental checkpoint. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:bypass_workload_manager |
Enables or disables independent I/O control. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:bypass_workload_manager |
Enables or disables independent I/O control. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_resource_track |
Specifies whether to enable real-time resource monitoring. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:enable_resource_track |
Specifies whether to enable real-time resource monitoring. This parameter must be applied on both CNs and DNs. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_instr_rt_percentile |
Specifies whether to enable the function of calculating the response time of 80% and 95% of the SQL statements in the system. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:enable_instr_rt_percentile |
Specifies whether to enable the function of calculating the response time of 80% and 95% of the SQL statements in the system. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_instr_cpu_timer |
Specifies whether to capture the CPU time consumed during SQL statement execution. In the x86-based centralized deployment scenario where 32 vCPUs and 256 GB of memory are configured, the performance tested by BenchmarkSQL 5.0 fluctuates by about 3.5% by enabling or disabling this parameter. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:enable_instr_cpu_timer |
Specifies whether to capture the CPU time consumed during SQL statement execution. In the x86-based centralized deployment scenario where 32 vCPUs and 256 GB of memory are configured, the performance tested by BenchmarkSQL 5.0 fluctuates by about 3.5% by enabling or disabling this parameter. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:track_counts |
Determines whether to enable collection of statistics on database activities. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:track_counts |
Determines whether to enable collection of statistics on database activities. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_user_metric_persistent |
Specifies whether to dump the historical monitoring data of user resources. If this parameter is set to on, data in the PG_TOTAL_USER_RESOURCE_INFO view is periodically sampled and saved to the system catalog GS_WLM_USER_RESOURCE_HISTORY. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:enable_user_metric_persistent |
Specifies whether to dump the historical monitoring data of user resources. If this parameter is set to on, data in the PG_TOTAL_USER_RESOURCE_INFO view is periodically sampled and saved to the system catalog GS_WLM_USER_RESOURCE_HISTORY. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:log_hostname |
By default, connection log messages only show the IP address of the connecting host. The host name can be recorded when this parameter is set to on. It may take some time to parse the host name. Therefore, the database performance may be affected. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:log_hostname |
By default, connection log messages only show the IP address of the connecting host. The host name can be recorded when this parameter is set to on. It may take some time to parse the host name. Therefore, the database performance may be affected. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_instr_track_wait |
Specifies whether to enable real-time collection of wait event information. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:enable_instr_track_wait |
Specifies whether to enable real-time collection of wait event information. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_instance_metric_persistent |
Specifies whether to dump instance resource monitoring data. When this parameter is set to on, the instance monitoring data is saved to the system catalog GS_WLM_INSTANCE_HISTORY. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:enable_instance_metric_persistent |
Specifies whether to dump instance resource monitoring data. When this parameter is set to on, the instance monitoring data is saved to the system catalog GS_WLM_INSTANCE_HISTORY. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_logical_io_statistics |
Specifies whether to collect logical I/O statistics during resource monitoring. If this function is enabled, the read_kbytes, write_kbytes, read_counts, write_counts, read_speed, and write_speed columns in the PG_TOTAL_USER_RESOURCE_INFO view will collect statistics on the byte count, number of times, and speed of logical read and write. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:enable_logical_io_statistics |
Specifies whether to collect logical I/O statistics during resource monitoring. If this function is enabled, the read_kbytes, write_kbytes, read_counts, write_counts, read_speed, and write_speed columns in the PG_TOTAL_USER_RESOURCE_INFO view will collect statistics on the byte count, number of times, and speed of logical read and write. Columns related to logical read and write in the system catalogs GS_WLM_USER_RESOURCE_HISTORY and GS_WLM_INSTANCE_HISTORY will collect statistics on the logical read and write of related users and instances. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_sort |
Specifies whether the query optimizer uses sort methods. It is impossible to suppress explicit sorts entirely, but setting this variable to off encourages the optimizer to choose other methods if available. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:enable_sort |
Specifies whether the query optimizer uses sort methods. It is impossible to suppress explicit sorts entirely, but setting this variable to off encourages the optimizer to choose other methods if available. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_material |
Specifies whether the query optimizer uses materialization. It is impossible to suppress materialization entirely, but setting this variable to off prevents the optimizer from inserting materialized nodes. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:enable_material |
Specifies whether the query optimizer uses materialization. It is impossible to suppress materialization entirely, but setting this variable to off prevents the optimizer from inserting materialized nodes. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
gtm:gtm_max_trans |
Specifies the maximum number of connections accepted by the GTM. You are advised not to change the value. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
gtm:csn_sync_interval |
Specifies the interval for synchronizing CSNs between the primary and standby GTMs, in seconds. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
gtm:restore_duration |
Specifies the reply interval of XIDs or CSNs on the GTM, that is, the number of XIDs or CSNs for reply. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cms:coordinator_heartbeat_timeout |
Specifies the heartbeat timeout (in seconds) that triggers the automatic removal of faulty CNs. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:client_min_messages |
Specifies which level of messages will be sent to the client. A higher level covers the messages of all the lower levels. The lower the level is, the fewer messages are sent. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:client_min_messages |
Specifies which level of messages will be sent to the client. A higher level covers the messages of all the lower levels. The lower the level is, the fewer messages are sent. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:pagewriter_thread_num |
Specifies the number of threads for background page flushing after the incremental checkpoint is enabled. Dirty pages are flushed in sequence to disks, updating recovery points. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:pagewriter_thread_num |
Specifies the number of threads for background page flushing after the incremental checkpoint is enabled. Dirty pages are flushed in sequence to disks, updating recovery points. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:bgwriter_delay |
Specifies the interval at which the background writer writes dirty shared buffers, in milliseconds. Each time, the background writer initiates write operations for some dirty buffers. In full checkpoint mode, the bgwriter_lru_maxpages parameter is used to control the amount of data to be written each time, and the process is restarted after the period of hibernation specified by bgwriter_delay (in milliseconds). In incremental checkpoint mode, the number of target idle buffer pages is calculated based on the value of candidate_buf_percent_target. If the number of idle buffer pages is insufficient, a batch of pages are flushed to disks at the interval specified by bgwriter_delay (in milliseconds). The number of flushed pages is calculated based on the target difference percentage. The maximum number of flushed pages is limited by max_io_capacity. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:bgwriter_delay |
Specifies the interval at which the background writer writes dirty shared buffers, in milliseconds. Each time, the background writer initiates write operations for some dirty buffers. In full checkpoint mode, the bgwriter_lru_maxpages parameter is used to control the amount of data to be written each time, and the process is restarted after the period of hibernation specified by bgwriter_delay (in milliseconds). In incremental checkpoint mode, the number of target idle buffer pages is calculated based on the value of candidate_buf_percent_target. If the number of idle buffer pages is insufficient, a batch of pages are flushed to disks at the interval specified by bgwriter_delay (in milliseconds). The number of flushed pages is calculated based on the target difference percentage. The maximum number of flushed pages is limited by max_io_capacity. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:max_files_per_process |
Specifies the maximum number of files that can be opened simultaneously by each server process. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:candidate_buf_percent_target |
Specifies the proportion (%) of available buffers in shared_buffer in the candidate buffer chain when the incremental checkpoint is enabled. If the percentage is less than the value of this parameter, the bgwriter thread starts to flush dirty pages based on the max_io_capacity parameter. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:candidate_buf_percent_target |
Specifies the proportion (%) of available buffers in shared_buffer in the candidate buffer chain when the incremental checkpoint is enabled. If the percentage is less than the value of this parameter, the bgwriter thread starts to flush dirty pages based on the max_io_capacity parameter. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:checkpoint_segments |
Specifies the minimum number of WAL segment files in the period specified by checkpoint_timeout. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:checkpoint_segments |
Specifies the minimum number of WAL segment files in the period specified by checkpoint_timeout. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:checkpoint_timeout |
Specifies the maximum time between automatic WAL checkpoints, in seconds. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:checkpoint_timeout |
Specifies the maximum time between automatic WAL checkpoints, in seconds. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:incremental_checkpoint_timeout |
Specifies the maximum interval (in seconds) between automatic WAL checkpoints when the incremental checkpoint is enabled. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:incremental_checkpoint_timeout |
Specifies the maximum interval (in seconds) between automatic WAL checkpoints when the incremental checkpoint is enabled. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:wal_writer_delay |
Specifies the delay (in milliseconds) between activity rounds for the WAL writer. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:wal_writer_delay |
Specifies the delay (in milliseconds) between activity rounds for the WAL writer. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:wal_buffers |
Specifies the shared memory for storing WALs, that is, multiples of XLOG_BLCKSZ, in increments of 8 KB. For details about the value range, see wal_buffers. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:wal_buffers |
Specifies the shared memory for storing WALs, that is, multiples of XLOG_BLCKSZ, in increments of 8 KB. For details about the value range, see wal_buffers. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:walwriter_cpu_bind |
Specifies the CPU core bound to the WAL write thread. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:bulk_write_ring_size |
Specifies the size of the ring buffer used by the operation when a large amount of data is written (for example, the copy operation). This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:bulk_write_ring_size |
Specifies the size of a ring buffer used for parallel data import. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:recovery_redo_workers |
Specifies the number of PageRedoWorker threads corresponding to each ParseRedoRecord thread when ultimate RTO is enabled. recovery_redo_workers must be used together with recovery_parse_workers. The value of recovery_redo_workers takes effect only when recovery_parse_workers is greater than 1. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:recovery_redo_workers |
Specifies the number of PageRedoWorker threads corresponding to each ParseRedoRecord thread when ultimate RTO is enabled. recovery_redo_workers must be used together with recovery_parse_workers. The value of recovery_redo_workers takes effect only when recovery_parse_workers is greater than 1. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cms:phony_dead_effective_time |
Specifies the maximum number of times DN processes are detected as zombie. If the number of times a process is detected as zombie is greater than the specified value, the process is considered to be a zombie process and will be restarted. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_ai_watchdog |
Enables or disables the AI watchdog function. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:enable_ai_watchdog |
Enables or disables the AI watchdog function. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
enable_unshipping_log |
Specifies whether to log statements that are not pushed down. The logs help locate performance issues that may be caused by statements not pushed down. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:max_connections |
Specifies the maximum number of concurrent connections. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:max_connections |
Specifies the maximum number of concurrent connections. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:resilience_memory_reject_percent |
Specifies the dynamic memory usage for escape from memory overload. This parameter is only applied when use_workload_manager and enable_memory_limit are enabled. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:resilience_memory_reject_percent |
Specifies the dynamic memory usage for escape from memory overload. This parameter is only applied when use_workload_manager and enable_memory_limit are enabled. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:resilience_threadpool_reject_cond |
Specifies the proportion of accumulated sessions in the thread pool for escape from overload. This parameter is only applied when enable_thread_pool and use_workload_manager are enabled. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:resilience_threadpool_reject_cond |
Specifies the proportion of accumulated sessions in the thread pool for escape from overload. This parameter is only applied when enable_thread_pool and use_workload_manager are enabled. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:vacuum_cost_delay |
Specifies how long the process sleeps when vacuum_cost_limit has been exceeded, in milliseconds. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:vacuum_cost_delay |
Specifies how long the process sleeps when vacuum_cost_limit has been exceeded, in milliseconds. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:b_format_version |
Specifies the SQL behavior control configuration item in B-compatible mode. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:b_format_version |
Specifies the forward compatibility in MySQL-compatible mode. This is a configuration item for controlling database platform compatibility behavior. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_control_group |
Specifies whether to enable the Cgroups. This parameter must be applied on both CNs and DNs. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:enable_control_group |
Specifies whether to enable the Cgroups. This parameter must be applied on both CNs and DNs. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:track_stmt_parameter |
After track_stmt_parameter is enabled, the executed statements recorded in statement_history are not normalized. The complete SQL statement information can be displayed to help the database administrator locate faults. For a simple query, the complete statement information is displayed. For a PBE statement, the complete statement information and information about each variable value are displayed. The format is "query string; parameters:$1=value1,$2=value2, ...". This parameter is used to display full SQL information for users and is not controlled by the track_activity_query_size parameter. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:track_stmt_parameter |
After track_stmt_parameter is enabled, the executed statements recorded in statement_history are not normalized. The complete SQL statement information can be displayed to help the database administrator locate faults. For a simple query, the complete statement information is displayed. For a PBE statement, the complete statement information and information about each variable value are displayed. The format is "query string; parameters:$1=value1,$2=value2, ...". This parameter is used to display full SQL information for users and is not controlled by the track_activity_query_size parameter. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:track_activity_query_size |
Specifies byte counts of the current running commands used to trace each active session. If the number of bytes in a command is greater than the value of this parameter, the command will be truncated. This parameter affects the memory usage of multiple system views. Adjusting the value of this parameter has a great impact on the memory usage. You can estimate the memory usage based on the value calculated from instr_unique_sql_count times track_activity_query_size. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:track_activity_query_size |
Specifies byte counts of the current running commands used to trace each active session. If the number of bytes in a command is greater than the value of this parameter, the command will be truncated. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
Parameter |
Description |
dn:qrw_inlist2join_optmode |
Specifies whether to enable inlist-to-join query rewriting. |
dn:recovery_max_workers |
Specifies the number of concurrent replayer threads. |
dn:enable_auto_clean_unique_sql |
Specifies whether to enable automatic cleaning of unique SQL statements in hash tables. |
dn:gs_perf_retention_days |
Specifies how many days the flame graph files in HTML format are retained. Unit: day |
dn:page_version_max_num |
Specifies the maximum number of page versions that can be cached in memory. This parameter is only valid when page_version_check is not set to off. If page_version_check is set to off, the parameter value will still be sent to the kernel, but the relevant function does not take effect until after page_version_check is set to a value other than off. For details about the value range, see the product documentation. |
log_autovacuum_min_duration |
Specifies the interval which should elapse before autovacuum operations are logged. Autovacuum operations equal to or beyond the specified interval will be logged. If it is set to 0, all autovacuum operations will be logged. If it is set to -1, no autovacuum operations will be logged. |
log_min_duration_statement |
Specifies the threshold for logging the duration of a completed statement. If a statement runs for a period greater than or equal to the specified value, its duration will be logged. The value -1 disables logging statement durations. If this parameter is set to a small value, the load throughput may be affected. Unit: millisecond |
dn:max_connections |
Specifies the maximum number of concurrent connections to DNs. The value of this parameter must be greater than that of max_wal_senders. |
datestyle |
Specifies the display format for date and time. |
max_replication_slots |
Specifies the number of log replication slots on the primary node. |
timezone |
Specifies the time zone for displaying and interpreting time stamps. |
dn:enable_xid_abort_check |
Specifies whether to check the status of transaction ID rollback when a transaction is committed. |
enable_slot_log |
Specifies whether to enable primary/standby synchronization for logical replication slots. Currently, only archive slots and backup slots are involved. Set this parameter to on only in cloud scenarios where logical replication is enabled. In other scenarios, set this parameter to off. |
dn:enable_enhance_toast_table |
Specifies whether to use the enhanced TOAST out-of-line storage table. The value on indicates that the enhanced TOAST out-of-line storage table is used. The value off indicates that the TOAST out-of-line storage table is used. |
dn:support_binary_copy_version |
Specifies whether to verify the binary file encoding information when data is imported using COPY FROM in BINARY mode. |
dn:recovery_time_target |
Specifies the time for the standby node to write and replay logs. Unit: second |
plat_compat_allow_public_key_retrieval |
Specifies the database configuration item in M-compatible mode. This parameter specifies whether a client can request the RSA public key. on: The kernel allows the client to request the RSA public key for password transmission encryption. off: The client is not allowed to request the RSA public key. |
dn:audit_xid_info |
Determines whether to record the transaction IDs of SQL statements in detail_info. 0: The transaction IDs are not recorded. 1: The transaction IDs are recorded. |
dn:cost_model_version |
Specifies the version of the optimizer cost model. It is a protective parameter. It prevents new optimizer cost models from being applied, so you can keep the current model consistent with the plan of an existing version. If the value of this parameter is changed, many SQL plans may be changed. Exercise caution when modifying this parameter. |
wal_level |
Specifies the level of information to be written to the WAL. This is a required value and cannot be commented out. Determines how much information is written to the WAL. When this parameter is set to logical, logical logs are extracted and primary key information is recorded in Xlogs. |
dn:enable_rls_match_index |
Specifies whether indexes of a base table can be scanned based on target predicate conditions in row-level security scenarios. Target scenario: Row level security (RLS) policies are set and enabled in the base table, and the query predicate contains the unleakproof system function or like operator. |
dn:enable_pbe_optimization |
Specifies whether the optimizer optimizes the query plan for statements executed in Parse Bind Execute (PBE) mode. |
dn:audit_internal_event |
Specifies whether to audit the connections and operations of internal tools cm_agent, gs_clean, and WDRXdb, and whether to audit the logins and logouts from CNs on DNs. |
dn:numa_distribute_mode |
Specifies the distribution of some shared data and threads among NUMA nodes. This parameter is used to optimize the performance of large-scale Arm servers with multiple NUMA nodes. Generally, you do not need to set this parameter. This parameter cannot be set to all for instances deployed on x86-based servers. |
dn:max_compile_packages |
Specifies the maximum number of package compilation results stored in the server. Default values for different specifications are calculated by rounding down (max_process_memory x 2%)/4.4, in MB. |
dn:fix_func_selection |
Specifies whether to optimize the function matching policy. The value catlist indicates the catlist sequence is optimized. (The non-B-compatible mode has been optimized. In non-B-compatible mode, system functions are always preferentially selected and executed. The policy in B-compatible mode is the same as that in versions earlier than 505.1.0. An error message indicating that the function is not unique may be displayed, or a system function may be selected for execution.) |
enable_seqscan |
Specifies whether to enable the optimizer's use of sequential scan plan types. It is impossible to completely suppress sequential scans, but setting this parameter to off allows the optimizer to choose other methods if available. |
dn:default_limit_rows |
Specifies the estimated number of rows to return by default for generating a generic plan, that is, the default value for the LIMIT clause. If this parameter is set to a negative number, the value is converted to a percentage, for example, -5 is equivalent to 5%, indicating that 5% of the total rows will be returned. |
dn:sql_mode |
Specifies the SQL behavior control configuration item in M-compatible mode. |
dn:enable_dynamic_samplesize |
Specifies whether to dynamically adjust the number of sampled rows. For a large table with more than one million rows, the number of sampled rows is dynamically adjusted during statistics collection to improve statistics accuracy. |
dn:undo_space_limit_size |
Specifies the threshold for forcibly recycling undo space. When the undo space usage reaches 80% of the threshold, forcible recycling starts. It is recommended that the value of this parameter be greater than or equal to the value of undo_limit_size_per_transaction. Unit: 8 KB |
dn:umdk_enabled |
Specifies whether UMDK is enabled for the primary and standby DNs of the current instance. If the UMDK protocol is used for communication between the primary and standby DNs, the related log keyword on DNs is umdk. If the TCP protocol is used for communication between the primary and standby DNs, logs are recorded. |
dn:verify_log_buffers |
Specifies the size or pages of verifyLog buffers in memory mode. The unit is 8 KB. For example, if the value of this parameter is 4, the requested memory is 4 x 8 KB = 32 KB. This parameter is valid only when page_version_check is set to persistence. If page_version_check is set to another value, the parameter value will still be sent to the kernel, but the relevant function does not take effect until after page_version_check is set to persistence. |
dn:llvm_max_memory |
Specifies the upper limit of the memory used by IRs (including cached and in-use IRs) generated during compilation in Codegen execution mode. The memory used by Codegen is not applied for by preoccupation. It is a part of max_dynamic_memory and is restricted by the llvm_max_memory parameter. Unit: KB |
dn:enable_control_group |
Specifies whether to enable the Cgroups. |
dn:local_syscache_threshold |
Specifies the size of system catalog cache in a session. Unit: KB |
dn:enable_convert_illegal_char |
Specifies whether the database supports characters not included the character sets. |
dn:system_view_version |
Determines the version of the system view. All versions are backward compatible. For example, when system_view_version is set to 3, all features of version 2 and version 1 are also supported. For details, see the product documentation. |
track_activity_query_size |
Specifies the maximum number of bytes to be logged for each SQL statement. If the number of bytes of a SQL statement exceeds the specified parameter value, the SQL statement will be truncated. Setting this parameter to a large value can lead to excessive memory usage, potentially causing the system to run out of memory. You are advised to set this parameter to a value no more than 4096. |
dn:enable_workload_rule |
Specifies whether to enable SQL throttling. |
dn:archive_interval |
Specifies the archiving interval. Log files are forcibly archived when the period specified by this parameter has elapsed. A large value of this parameter affects the RPO of PITR. The default value is recommended. Unit: second |
div_precision_increment |
Specifies the database configuration item in M-compatible mode. This is a session-level parameter, which is used to set the value of precision that the division result can improve. The final precision is the precision of the first operation parameter added by the value of this parameter. |
lockwait_timeout |
Specifies the maximum duration that a lock waits for concurrent updates on a row to complete when the concurrent update feature is enabled. If the lock wait time exceeds this value, the system will report an error. Unit: millisecond |
dn:adaptive_cost_min_time |
Specifies the execution duration threshold of SQL statements for cardinality feedback collection. Only the feedback of statements whose execution duration is greater than the value of this parameter is collected. Unit: millisecond |
dn:audit_dml_state_select |
Determines whether to audit the SELECT operation. |
dn:codegen_compile_thread_num |
Specifies the number of Codegen compilation threads. |
dn:enable_vectordb |
Specifies whether vector indexes can be created, inserted, updated, and queried. |
max_wal_senders |
Specifies the maximum number of WAL sender threads that can be created. Processes created for the following purposes occupy WAL sender threads: Standby DNs connect to primary DNs to obtain physical logs, and logical replication tools connect to primary DNs to obtain logical logs. If this parameter is set to a value smaller than 20, scale-out may fail. The value of this parameter must be smaller than that of max_connections. |
dn:max_concurrent_autonomous_transactions |
Specifies the maximum number of autonomous transaction connections, that is, the maximum number of concurrent autonomous transactions executed at the same time. If this parameter is set to 0, autonomous transactions cannot be executed. The theoretical maximum value is 10000. Set this parameter based on workload requirements and hardware configurations. It is recommended that this parameter be set to a value less than or equal to 1/10 of max_connections. |
dn:enable_extension |
Specifies whether database extensions can be created. This parameter can be used only in specific scenarios after evaluation. Generally, this parameter does not need to be adjusted. |
dn:max_compile_functions |
Specifies the maximum number of function compilation results stored in the server. Excessive functions and compilation results of stored procedures may occupy large memory space. Setting this parameter to an appropriate value can reduce the memory usage and improve system performance. Before modifying this parameter, determine your application scenario and fully verify the change in a test environment. For details, see the reference document. |
dn:auto_explain_log_min_duration |
Specifies the minimum duration of execution plans that are automatically printed. Only execution plans whose duration is greater than the value of auto_explain_log_min_duration will be printed. Unit: millisecond |
dn:enable_default_ustore_table |
Specifies whether to enable the Ustore storage engine by default. If this parameter is set to on, all created tables are Ustore tables. |
dn:enable_vacuum_control |
Specifies whether to move the database permanent thread autoVacuumWorker to the Vacuum Cgroup. |
dn:recovery_parse_workers |
Specifies the number of ParseRedoRecord threads in the ultimate RTO feature. This parameter must be used together with recovery_redo_workers. If both recovery_parse_workers and recovery_redo_workers are greater than 1, ultimate RTO is enabled. If you do not want to enable ultimate RTO, retain the default value 1 for recovery_parse_workers. When enabling ultimate RTO, ensure that replication_type is set to 1. If both ultimate RTO and parallel replay are enabled, only ultimate RTO takes effect, and parallel replay is ineffective. Ultimate RTO does not support column-store tables. Therefore, disable ultimate RTO in a system where column-store tables are used or are to be used. Ultimate RTO also does not support flow control. Flow control is determined by the recovery_time_target parameter. |
dn:page_version_check |
Specifies the type of page version verification. off indicates that page version verification is disabled. memory indicates that page version verification in pure memory mode is enabled. The page version information will be lost after a restart. persistence indicates that persistent page version verification is enabled. The page version information will not be lost after a restart. |
dn:track_activity_query_size |
Specifies the maximum number of bytes to be logged for each SQL statement. If the number of bytes of a SQL statement exceeds the specified parameter value, the SQL statement will be truncated. Setting this parameter to a large value can lead to excessive memory usage, potentially causing the system to run out of memory. You are advised to set this parameter to a value no more than 4096. |
dn:gsivfflat_secondary_probes |
Specifies the number of level-2 inverted indexes to be searched. If the value exceeds the total number of level-2 inverted indexes, the entire table is searched. |
dn:num_internal_lock_partitions |
Specifies the number of internal lightweight lock partitions. Changing the value of this parameter affects performance and memory usage. Before modifying this parameter, determine your application scenario and fully verify the change in a test environment. For details, see the reference document. |
dn:enable_auto_explain |
Specifies whether to automatically print execution plans. This parameter is used to locate slow stored procedures or slow queries. |
dn:audit_function_exec |
Specifies whether to record the audit information during the execution of the stored procedures, anonymous blocks, or user-defined functions (excluding system functions). The value 0 means to disable the function, and 1 means to enable it. |
dn:auto_increment_cache |
Specifies the number of reserved auto-increment cache values when auto-increment is triggered by batch insertion or import of auto-increment columns. When auto-increment values are reserved, the auto-increment counter value is updated to the maximum auto-increment cache value. Before the cache values are used up, the auto-increment counter value remains unchanged, and the triggered auto-increment uses the cache values. If this parameter is set to 0, the auto-increment cache values are automatically reserved. When auto-increment is triggered for the first time, if the number of rows to be inserted into the auto-increment column is known, the number is the reserved value. If the number of rows is unknown, 2^n values are reserved each time. For example, one value is reserved in the first auto-increment, two values are reserved in the second auto-increment, four values are reserved in the third auto-increment, and eight values are reserved for in fourth auto-increment. However, if the number of reserved values exceeds 65,535, 65,535 values are reserved. If this parameter is not set to 0, the number of reserved cache values is the value of this parameter. When auto-increment is triggered for the first time, if the number of rows to be inserted into the auto-increment column is known, the number is the reserved value. If the number of rows is unknown, the value of auto_increment_cache is the number of auto-increment values reserved each time. The reserved cache values are valid only in the statement. If the reserved auto-increment cache values are used up and subsequent INSERT statements trigger auto-increment based on the auto-increment counter, the values in the auto-increment column in the table are discontinuous. This parameter does not affect the auto-increment column in the local temporary table. |
dn:enable_codegen |
Specifies whether code optimization can be enabled. Currently, code optimization uses the LLVM optimization. |
dn:instr_unique_sql_combination_options |
Specifies the configuration items of combining unique SQL statements of the same type. If this feature is enabled, the IDs of unique SQL statements of the same type are normalized, and the generated unique SQL strings are normalized. |
plan_cache_mode |
Specifies the policy of generating and caching execution plans of prepared statements. |
dn:group_concat_max_len |
Specifies the maximum permitted result length in bytes for the GROUP_CONCAT() function. |
dn:hadr_recovery_point_target |
Specifies the time allowed for the standby instance to flush logs to disks in streaming DR. This ensures that the log difference between the primary and standby instances is controlled within the period specified by hadr_recovery_point_target during the switchover and the standby instance can be promoted to primary. If this parameter is set to a small value, the performance of the primary node is affected. If it is set to a large value, the log flow is not effectively controlled. The value 0 indicates that log flow control is disabled. Unit: second |
dn:behavior_compat_options |
Specifies database compatibility configuration items. After the value of proc_outparam_override is changed, the database must be connected again or the instance must be rebooted. Otherwise, stored procedures and functions cannot be correctly called. |
dn:page_missing_dirty_check |
Specifies whether to enable the verification for pages not marked as dirty. The verification checks whether the modified pages are not marked as dirty. This parameter is only valid when page_version_check is not set to off. If page_version_check is set to off, the parameter value will still be sent to the kernel, but the relevant function does not take effect until after page_version_check is set to a value other than off. |
dn:enable_security_policy |
Controls whether unified auditing and dynamic data masking policies are applied. |
dn:wdr_snapshot_full_backup_interval |
Specifies the interval at which a full WDR snapshot is created. The interval specified by this parameter is about a number instead of time. For example, if the parameter is set to 12, a full snapshot and then 11 incremental snapshots are generated for each group. If the parameter is set to 1, all snapshots generated are full snapshots. |
dn:vacuum_defer_cleanup_age |
Specifies the number of transactions used by VACUUM. |
cms:datastorage_threshold_value_check |
Specifies the disk usage threshold to put a database node into read-only mode. If the disk usage of a data directory exceeds this threshold, the database node is automatically changed to read-only. Unit: percentage (%) |
dn:audit_thread_num |
Specifies the number of audit threads. Value range: 1 to 48. |
dn:wdr_snapshot_space_threshold |
Specifies the threshold for controlling the space used by snapshots. When the space used by snapshots reaches 80% of the value of this parameter, the control logic of the database is enabled to stabilize the space usage. Unit: KB |
dn:m_format_behavior_compat_options |
Specifies the configuration items for the M-compatible mode. |
dn:gs_perf_interval |
Specifies the automatic perf data collection interval. The value 0 indicates that the collection is stopped. If the value is greater than 0 and less than 5, the value 5 is used. Unit: minute |
dn:extra_float_digits |
Adjusts the number of digits displayed for floating-point values, including float4, float8, and geometric data types. The parameter value is added to the standard number of digits (FLT_DIG or DBL_DIG as appropriate). This parameter can also be set to a negative value to suppress unwanted digits. |
dn:audit_dml_state |
Determines whether to audit the INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations on a specific table. 0: These operations are not audited. 1: These operations are audited. |
max_allowed_packet |
Specifies the database configuration item in M-compatible mode. This parameter indicates the upper limit of the return value of a string function. The value must be a multiple of 1,024. Unit: KB |
track_stmt_stat_level |
Controls the level of statement execution tracking. |
dn:max_standby_archive_delay |
Specifies the wait period before queries on a standby node are canceled when the queries conflict with WAL processing and archiving in hot standby mode. -1 indicates that the standby node waits until the conflicting queries are complete. Unit: millisecond |
dn:copy_special_character_version |
Specifies whether to report an error when there are invalid characters during data import and export using COPY FROM. |
log_temp_files |
Specifies whether to log temporary file details when they are deleted. A positive value indicates that the deletion information of temporary files whose size is larger than the value specified by log_temp_files is recorded. 0 indicates that the deletion information of all temporary files is recorded. -1 indicates that the deletion information of any temporary files is not recorded. Unit: KB |
enable_wdr_snapshot |
Specifies whether to enable database monitoring snapshots on the standby node. |
dn:m_format_dev_version |
Specifies the compatibility configuration item of database platform minor versions. |
password_effect_time |
Specifies the validity period of an account password. Unit: day |
dn:random_page_cost |
Specifies the estimated cost for the optimizer to fetch an out-of-sequence disk page. |
dn:immediate_analyze_threshold |
Specifies the threshold for automatically analyzing inserted data. When the amount of inserted data reaches the original data amount multiplied by the value of immediate_analyze_threshold, and the total number of rows exceeds 100, ANALYZE is automatically triggered. |
dn:auto_increment_increment |
Specifies the auto-increment step of an auto-increment column. The auto-increment value is calculated by the following formula: auto_increment_offset + N × auto_increment_increment. N is a positive integer. If the value of this parameter is smaller than that of auto_increment_offset, there will be an error when the values in the auto-increment column automatically increase. |
dn:gs_format_behavior_compat_options |
Specifies the configuration items of GaussDB internal system functions. |
enable_nestloop |
Controls whether the query optimizer uses the nested-loop join plan type to fully scan inner tables. |
dn:b_format_dev_version |
Specifies the compatibility configuration item of database platform minor versions. |
dn:check_disconnect_query |
Specifies whether to enable the function of terminating statement execution on the server after the client is disconnected due to timeout. |
dn:wal_keep_segments |
Specifies the minimum number of transaction log files stored in the pg_xlog directory. Standby nodes obtain the logs from the primary node to perform streaming replication. |
wdr_snapshot_retention_days |
Specifies how many days database monitoring snapshots are saved for. |
dn:max_standby_streaming_delay |
Specifies the wait period before queries on the standby node are canceled when the queries conflict with WAL data receiving through streaming replication in hot standby mode. -1 indicates that the standby node waits until the conflicting queries are complete. Unit: millisecond |
audit_system_object |
Specifies whether to audit the CREATE, DROP, and ALTER operations on GaussDB database objects. GaussDB database objects include databases, users, schemas, and tables. You can change the value of this parameter to audit only the operations on required database objects. In the scenario where the leader node is forcibly selected, you are advised to set audit_system_object to the maximum value and audit all DDL objects. For details about the value range, see the product documentation. |
dn:enable_copy_server_files |
Specifies whether to enable the privilege to copy server files. If this parameter is set to on, users with the SYSADMIN privilege or users who inherit the built-in role privilege gs_role_copy_files are allowed to run the COPY FROM FILENAME or COPY TO FILENAME command. If it is set to off, only the initial user is allowed to run the COPY FROM FILENAME or COPY TO FILENAME statement. |
checkpoint_segments |
Specifies the minimum number of WAL segment files in the period specified by checkpoint_timeout. |
dn:page_version_partitions |
Specifies the number of hash table partitions in cached page version information in the memory. This parameter directly affects the hash query efficiency and hash conflict probability, and is valid only when page_version_check is not set to off. If page_version_check is set to off, the parameter value will still be sent to the kernel, but the relevant function does not take effect until after page_version_check is set to a value other than off. For details about the value range, see the product documentation. |
dn:password_encryption_type |
Specifies how user passwords are encrypted. 0: Passwords are encrypted using MD5. 1: Passwords are encrypted using SHA-256 and MD5. 2: Passwords are encrypted using SHA-256. 3: Passwords are encrypted using SM3. MD5 is not recommended because it is a weak encryption algorithm. |
dn:enable_plsql_opfusion |
Specifies whether to enable SQLBypass for stored procedures. |
dn:page_version_recycler_thread_num |
Specifies the number of threads for recycling and verifying page version information. This parameter is only valid when page_version_check is not set to off. If page_version_check is set to off, the parameter value will still be sent to the kernel, but the relevant function does not take effect until after page_version_check is set to a value other than off. |
dn:dcf_thread_effective_time |
Specifies the effective time of the DCF flushing thread. This parameter is used to determine whether the disk I/O hangs. If the DCF cannot access I/O resources within the period specified by this parameter, the DCF considers that the thread I/O hangs and a primary/standby switchover is triggered. If this parameter is set to 0, I/O hang detection is disabled. Unit: second |
dn:audit_login_logout |
Specifies whether to audit users' logins (including successful and failed logins) and logouts. This parameter can be configured for specific PDBs. If this parameter is not specified for a PDB, the PDB inherits the global setting of this parameter. 0: Disable user login and logout auditing. 1: Audit only successful logins. 2: Audit only failed logins. 3: Audit both successful and failed logins. 4: Audit only user logouts. 5: Audit only user logouts and successful logins. 6: Audit only user logouts and failed logins. 7: Audit successful and failed logins, as well as user logouts. |
dn:a_format_date_timestamp |
Specifies whether to enable current_date, current_timestamp, and localtimestamp to return the system time, instead of the transaction start time, when a transaction starts. |
session_timeout |
Specifies how long to wait before a server connection is disconnected due to inactivity. The value 0 indicates there is no time limit. Unit: second |
temp_file_limit |
Specifies the maximum amount of disk space that a session can use for temporary files. The value –1 indicates there is no limit. Unit: KB |
dn:disable_keyword_options |
Specifies the configuration items for database compatibility. Multiple items are separated by commas (,). An identifier with this parameter set will not be used as a keyword. |
dn:hadr_recovery_time_target |
Specifies whether the standby DB instance completes log writing and replay in streaming DR mode. If this parameter is set to a small value, the performance of the primary node is affected. If it is set to a large value, the log flow is not effectively controlled. The value 0 indicates that log flow control is disabled. Unit: second |
password_lock_time |
Specifies the duration for a locked account to be automatically unlocked. Unit: day |
wdr_snapshot_interval |
Specifies the interval at which the background thread Snapshot automatically takes snapshots of the database monitoring data. Unit: minute |
update_lockwait_timeout |
Specifies the maximum duration that a lock waits for concurrent updates on a row to complete when the concurrent update feature is enabled. If the lock wait time exceeds this value, the system will report an error. Unit: millisecond |
dn:wal_file_preinit_bounds |
Specifies the maximum number of WAL segment files that can be pre-expanded by the WAL writer auxiliary thread per second during service running. The WAL segment file size is 16 MB. If this parameter is set to 0, there is no restriction. |
dn:enable_feedback_cardest |
Specifies whether to enable the feedback-based optimizer cardinality and cost correction functions. This parameter is used by developers to diagnose model-related problems. If enable_adaptive_cost is set to off and this parameter is set to on, the operator information is still collected and the API of cardinality estimation feedback is still called. However, in this case, the thread for background automatic model maintenance will not be enabled. You can use the gs_acm_analyze_workload_manual() function to manually train models for diagnosing problems. |
dn:enable_global_plsqlcache |
Specifies whether to globally cache compilation products of packages, stored procedures, and functions, and cache execution products at the session level. Enabling this function can reduce the memory usage of database nodes in high concurrency scenarios. |
dn:convert_illegal_char_mode |
Specifies the placeholders of invalid characters that can be displayed on the client when enable_convert_illegal_char is enabled. Value range: 95 characters whose decimal codes range from 32 to 126 in the ASCII coding table. |
dn:advance_xlog_file_num |
Specifies the number of Xlog files that are periodically initialized in advance in the background. This parameter is used to prevent the Xlog file initialization from affecting the performance during transaction commit. However, such a fault may occur only when the system is overloaded. Therefore, you do not need to set this parameter. |
enable_mergejoin |
Controls whether the query optimizer uses the merge-join plan type. |
dn:tde_index_default_encrypt |
When tde_index_default_encrypt is set to on and an index is created based on an encrypted table, the database automatically converts the index to an encrypted index. |
failed_login_attempts |
Specifies the maximum number of incorrect password attempts before an account is locked. The account will be automatically unlocked after the time specified in password_lock_time elapses. Only the sysadmin user can set this parameter. |
undo_retention_time |
Specifies how long undo logs are kept. This parameter is only used for flashback query. Note: 1. The undo space of the local disk increases. 2. In subsequent incremental backups, the size of the backup set increases, because extra undo content is retained. Unit: second |
enable_global_syscache |
Determines whether to enable global system cache. |
dn:max_io_capacity |
Specifies the maximum I/O per second for the background writer process to flush pages in batches. Set this parameter based on the service scenario and the disk I/O capability. If the RTO is short or the data volume is many times that of the shared memory and the service access data volume is random, the value of this parameter cannot be too small. A small value of max_io_capacity reduces the number of pages flushed by the background writer. If a large number of pages are evicted due to service triggering, the services are affected. Unit: KB |
dn:audit_set_parameter |
Determines whether to audit the SET operation. 0: The SET operation is not audited. 1: The SET operation is audited. |
index_txntype |
Sets the index page format to PCR or RCR. This parameter is left unconfigured during system initialization. By default, the created indexes are compatible with the index type (RCR) of earlier versions. Once this parameter is specified, it cannot be left unconfigured again. |
dn:auto_increment_offset |
Specifies the initial value of an auto-increment column. The auto-increment value is calculated by the following formula: auto_increment_offset + N × auto_increment_increment. N is a positive integer. If the value of this parameter is greater than that of auto_increment_increment, there will be an error when the values in the auto-increment column automatically increase. |
autovacuum_naptime |
Specifies the minimum delay between autovacuum runs on any given database. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the load is more stable but the I/O increases. If this parameter is set to a larger value, the load may fluctuate more but the I/O decreases. Unit: second |
dn:diskann_probe_ncandidates |
Specifies the size of the candidate set when the gsdiskann index is used to retrieve vectors. |
autoanalyze_timeout |
Specifies the autoanalyze timeout period. If the duration of autoanalyze on a table exceeds the value of autoanalyze_timeout, the autoanalyze operation is automatically canceled. The value 0 indicates that there is no timeout limit. Unit: second |
dn:use_workload_manager |
Specifies whether to enable resource management. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_save_datachanged_timestamp |
Specifies whether to record the time when INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or EXCHANGE/TRUNCATE/DROP PARTITION is performed on table data. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:max_process_memory |
Specifies the maximum physical memory allowed for a DN. Unit: KB This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:standby_shared_buffers_fraction |
Specifies the shared_buffers proportion used on the server where a standby instance is deployed. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:pagewriter_sleep |
Specifies the interval (in milliseconds) for the page writer thread to flush dirty pages to disks after the incremental checkpoint is enabled. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:xloginsert_locks |
Specifies the number of locks on concurrent write-ahead logging. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_light_proxy |
Specifies whether the optimizer optimizes the execution of simple queries on CNs. This parameter does not take effect if the character set of the application side does not match that of the kernel side. You are advised to set the character set to UTF-8 when creating a database. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:synchronous_commit |
Specifies the synchronization mode of the current transaction. Generally, logs generated by a transaction are synchronized in the following sequence: The primary node writes the logs to the local memory. The primary node writes logs in the local memory to the local file system. The primary node flushes the logs in the local file system to disks. The primary node sends the logs to the standby node. The standby node receives the logs and saves them to its local memory. The standby node writes the logs in the local memory to the local file system. The standby node flushes the logs in the local file system to disks. The standby node replays the logs to complete the incremental update of data files. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_incremental_checkpoint |
Specifies whether to enable incremental checkpoint. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:bypass_workload_manager |
Enables or disables independent I/O control. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_instr_rt_percentile |
Specifies whether to enable the function of calculating the response time of 80% and 95% of the SQL statements in the system. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_instr_cpu_timer |
Specifies whether to capture the CPU time consumed during SQL statement execution. In the x86-based centralized deployment scenario where 32 vCPUs and 256 GB of memory are configured, the performance tested by BenchmarkSQL 5.0 fluctuates by about 3.5% by enabling or disabling this parameter. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_user_metric_persistent |
Specifies whether to dump the historical monitoring data of user resources. If this parameter is set to on, data in the PG_TOTAL_USER_RESOURCE_INFO view is periodically sampled and saved to the system catalog GS_WLM_USER_RESOURCE_HISTORY. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:log_hostname |
By default, connection log messages only show the IP address of the connecting host. The host name can be recorded when this parameter is set to on. It may take some time to parse the host name. Therefore, the database performance may be affected. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_instr_track_wait |
Specifies whether to enable real-time collection of wait event information. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_instance_metric_persistent |
Specifies whether to dump instance resource monitoring data. When this parameter is set to on, the instance monitoring data is saved to the system catalog GS_WLM_INSTANCE_HISTORY. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_logical_io_statistics |
Specifies whether to collect logical I/O statistics during resource monitoring. If this function is enabled, the read_kbytes, write_kbytes, read_counts, write_counts, read_speed, and write_speed columns in the PG_TOTAL_USER_RESOURCE_INFO view will collect statistics on the byte count, number of times, and speed of logical read and write. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:client_min_messages |
Specifies which level of messages will be sent to the client. A higher level covers the messages of all the lower levels. The lower the level is, the fewer messages are sent. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:pagewriter_thread_num |
Specifies the number of threads for background page flushing after the incremental checkpoint is enabled. Dirty pages are flushed in sequence to disks, updating recovery points. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:bgwriter_delay |
Specifies the interval at which the background writer writes dirty shared buffers, in milliseconds. Each time, the background writer initiates write operations for some dirty buffers. In full checkpoint mode, the bgwriter_lru_maxpages parameter is used to control the amount of data to be written each time, and the process is restarted after the period of hibernation specified by bgwriter_delay (in milliseconds). In incremental checkpoint mode, the number of target idle buffer pages is calculated based on the value of candidate_buf_percent_target. If the number of idle buffer pages is insufficient, a batch of pages are flushed to disks at the interval specified by bgwriter_delay (in milliseconds). The number of flushed pages is calculated based on the target difference percentage. The maximum number of flushed pages is limited by max_io_capacity. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:candidate_buf_percent_target |
Specifies the proportion (%) of available buffers in shared_buffer in the candidate buffer chain when the incremental checkpoint is enabled. If the percentage is less than the value of this parameter, the bgwriter thread starts to flush dirty pages based on the max_io_capacity parameter. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
checkpoint_segments |
Specifies the minimum number of WAL segment files in the period specified by checkpoint_timeout. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:checkpoint_timeout |
Specifies the maximum time between automatic WAL checkpoints, in seconds. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:incremental_checkpoint_timeout |
Specifies the maximum interval (in seconds) between automatic WAL checkpoints when the incremental checkpoint is enabled. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:wal_writer_delay |
Specifies the delay (in milliseconds) between activity rounds for the WAL writer. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:wal_buffers |
Specifies the shared memory for storing WALs, that is, multiples of XLOG_BLCKSZ, in increments of 8 KB. For details about the value range, see wal_buffers. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:walwriter_cpu_bind |
Specifies the CPU core bound to the WAL write thread. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:bulk_write_ring_size |
Specifies the size of the ring buffer used by the operation when a large amount of data is written (for example, the copy operation). This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:recovery_redo_workers |
Specifies the number of PageRedoWorker threads corresponding to each ParseRedoRecord thread when ultimate RTO is enabled. recovery_redo_workers must be used together with recovery_parse_workers. The value of recovery_redo_workers takes effect only when recovery_parse_workers is greater than 1. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_ai_watchdog |
Enables or disables the AI watchdog function. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:max_connections |
Specifies the maximum number of concurrent connections. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:resilience_memory_reject_percent |
Specifies the dynamic memory usage for escape from memory overload. This parameter is only applied when use_workload_manager and enable_memory_limit are enabled. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:resilience_threadpool_reject_cond |
Specifies the proportion of accumulated sessions in the thread pool for escape from overload. This parameter is only applied when enable_thread_pool and use_workload_manager are enabled. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:vacuum_cost_delay |
Specifies how long the process sleeps when vacuum_cost_limit has been exceeded, in milliseconds. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:b_format_version |
Specifies the SQL behavior control configuration item in B-compatible mode. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_control_group |
Specifies whether to enable the Cgroups. This parameter must be applied on both CNs and DNs. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:track_stmt_parameter |
After track_stmt_parameter is enabled, the executed statements recorded in statement_history are not normalized. The complete SQL statement information can be displayed to help the database administrator locate faults. For a simple query, the complete statement information is displayed. For a PBE statement, the complete statement information and information about each variable value are displayed. The format is "query string; parameters:$1=value1,$2=value2, ...". This parameter is used to display full SQL information for users and is not controlled by the track_activity_query_size parameter. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
track_activity_query_size |
Specifies byte counts of the current running commands used to trace each active session. If the number of bytes in a command is greater than the value of this parameter, the command will be truncated. This parameter affects the memory usage of multiple system views. Adjusting the value of this parameter has a great impact on the memory usage. You can estimate the memory usage based on the value calculated from instr_unique_sql_count times track_activity_query_size. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:auto_explain_level |
Specifies the log level for automatically printing execution plans. |
dn:instr_unique_sql_count |
Specifies the maximum number of unique SQL records to be collected. The value 0 indicates that the function of collecting unique SQL information is disabled. If the value is changed from a larger one to a smaller one, the original data in the system will be cleared and data will be re-collected. There is no impact if the value is changed from a smaller one to a larger one. When the number of unique SQL records generated in the system is greater than the value of this parameter, the extra unique SQL records are not collected. |
cma:log_saved_days |
Specifies the maximum number of days to store logs for. |
cma:log_threshold_check_interval |
Specifies the interval for compressing and clearing logs, in seconds. |
dn:wdr_snapshot_query_timeout |
Specifies the execution timeout, in seconds, for the SQL statements associated with database monitoring snapshot operations. |
dn:enable_wdr_snapshot_standby |
Specifies whether to enable database monitoring snapshots on the standby node. |
dn:backtrace_min_messages |
Prints the function's stack information to the server's log file if the information generated is at least the level specified by this parameter. |
dn:log_statement |
Specifies whether to record SQL statements. For clients using extended query protocols, logging occurs when an execute message and values (enclosed by a pair of single quotation marks) of bound parameters are received. |
dn:asp_flush_rate |
Determines how many samples are flushed from memory to disk. When the number of samples in memory reaches the value of asp_sample_num, a portion of them will be flushed to disk based on the ratio specified by this parameter. If this parameter is set to 10, the data flushing ratio is 10:1 (10%). |
dn:asp_sample_interval |
Specifies the sampling interval, in seconds. |
dn:audit_space_limit |
Specifies the maximum storage space occupied by audit files, in KB. |
dn:enable_defer_calculate_snapshot |
Determines if snapshot calculations for xmin and oldestxmin are deferred. If this parameter is set to on, calculations are triggered every 1,000 transactions or once per second. This reduces overhead under heavy load but slows down the advancement of oldestxmin, potentially delaying garbage collection. If this parameter is set to off, xmin and oldestxmin update in real time, improving tuple cleanup but with higher processing overhead. |
dn:enable_global_plancache |
Specifies whether to share the execution plan cache for statements in PBE queries and stored procedures. Enabling it can help reduce the memory needed on database nodes during high-concurrency workloads. With enable_global_plancache enabled, local_syscache_threshold is automatically set to a minimum of 16 MB for GPC to take effect. If the value of local_syscache_threshold is configured below 16 MB, it defaults to 16 MB. If set above, the specified value is used. |
dn:enable_prevent_job_task_startup |
Determines whether to start the job thread. |
dn:log_min_messages |
Specifies which level of messages will be written into the server log. A higher level covers the messages of all the lower levels. The lower the level is, the fewer messages will be written into the log. A same value for client_min_messages and log_min_messages does not indicate the same level. For some log information, after this parameter is enabled, you also need to set logging_module to enable log printing for the corresponding module. |
dn:max_recursive_times |
Specifies the maximum number of WITH RECURSIVE iterations. |
dn:vacuum_freeze_min_age |
Specifies whether VACUUM replaces the xmin column of a record with FrozenXID when scanning a table (in the same transaction). Although you can set this parameter to any value, VACUUM will limit the effective value to 50% of autovacuum_freeze_max_age by default. |
dn:vacuum_freeze_table_age |
Specifies when VACUUM scans the whole table and freezes old tuples. VACUUM performs a full table scan if the difference between the current transaction ID and the value of pg_class.relfrozenxid64 is greater than the specified time. Although you can set this parameter to any value, VACUUM will limit the effective value to 95% of autovacuum_freeze_max_age by default. |
dn:allow_create_sysobject |
Specifies whether objects such as functions, stored procedures, synonyms, aggregate functions, and operators can be created or modified in the system schema. The system schema refers to the schema provided by the database after initialization, excluding the public schema. The OID of the system schema is usually less than 16384. |
dn:standby_max_query_time |
Specifies the maximum allowed query time (in seconds) on the standby node when ultimate RTO is enabled. If a query exceeds this limit, it will be canceled. The exact cancellation timing depends on the standby_recycle_interval for the recycling thread and the snapshot timing, so the actual query duration on the standby node may exceed this limit. |
dn:exrto_standby_read_opt |
Specifies whether to enable read optimization on standby nodes with ultimate RTO. This parameter is enabled by default. The setting of this parameter is not synchronized between primary and standby nodes. |
dn:dirty_page_percent_max |
Specifies the percentage of dirty pages relative to the value of shared_buffers after the incremental checkpoint is enabled. When the value of this parameter is reached, the background page flush thread flushes dirty pages based on the value of max_io_capacity. |
dn:audit_enabled |
Determines whether to enable or disable the audit process. After the audit process is enabled, it can read the auditing information written by the background process from the pipe and save it into audit files. |
dn:enable_bitmapscan |
Specifies whether the optimizer uses bitmap scan. |
dn:autovacuum |
Specifies whether to enable the autovacuum process. Before enabling the process, make sure the track_counts parameter is set to on. |
dn:autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor |
Specifies a fraction of the table size added to the autovacuum_analyze_threshold parameter when deciding whether to trigger an ANALYZE operation. |
dn:autovacuum_analyze_threshold |
Specifies the threshold for triggering ANALYZE. When the number of deleted, inserted, or updated rows in a table exceeds the specified threshold, the ANALYZE operation is executed on this table. |
dn:autovacuum_freeze_max_age |
Specifies the maximum age (in transactions) that a table's pg_class.relfrozenxid column can attain before a VACUUM operation is performed. |
dn:autovacuum_io_limits |
Determines the maximum number of input/output operations that the autovacuum process can execute per second. |
dn:autovacuum_vacuum_threshold |
Specifies the threshold for triggering VACUUM. When the number of deleted or updated rows in a table exceeds the specified threshold, the VACUUM operation is executed on this table. |
dn:max_stack_depth |
Specifies the maximum safe depth of the GaussDB Kernel's execution stack, in KB. The safety margin is required because the stack depth is not checked in every routine in the server, but only in key potentially-recursive routines, such as expression evaluation. If the value of ulimit -s minus 640 KB is greater than or equal to 2 MB, the default value of this parameter is 2 MB. If the value of ulimit -s minus 640 KB is less than 2 MB, that value will be used as the default value of this parameter. |
dn:default_transaction_read_only |
Specifies whether each new transaction is in read-only state. If this parameter is set to on, DML operations and write transactions cannot be executed. |
dn:autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay |
Sets the amount of time, in milliseconds, that the autovacuum process will sleep when the cost limit has been exceeded. |
dn:autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit |
Sets the accumulated cost that will cause the autovacuum process to sleep. |
Parameter |
Description |
dn:qrw_inlist2join_optmode |
Specifies whether to enable inlist-to-join query rewriting. |
dn:recovery_max_workers |
Specifies the number of concurrent replayer threads. |
cn:enable_security_policy |
Controls whether unified auditing and dynamic data masking policies are applied. |
cn:behavior_compat_options |
Specifies database compatibility configuration items. After the value of proc_outparam_override is changed, the database must be connected again or the instance must be rebooted. Otherwise, stored procedures and functions cannot be correctly called. |
dn:recyclebin_retention_time |
Specifies how long files will be kept in the recycle bin, in seconds. Files in the recycle bin will be automatically deleted after this length of time. |
dn:track_stmt_session_slot |
Specifies the maximum number of full or slow SQL statements that can be cached in a session. If the number of full or slow SQL statements exceeds this value, new statements will not be traced until the flush thread flushes the cached statements to the disk to reserve free space. The default value is recommended. |
timezone |
Specifies the time zone for displaying and interpreting time stamps. |
cn:auto_increment_offset |
Specifies the initial value of an auto-increment column. The auto-increment value is calculated by the following formula: auto_increment_offset + N × auto_increment_increment. N is a positive integer. If the value of this parameter is greater than that of auto_increment_increment, there will be an error when the values in the auto-increment column automatically increase. |
dn:enable_xid_abort_check |
Specifies whether to check the status of transaction ID rollback when a transaction is committed. |
cn:audit_internal_event |
Specifies whether to audit the connections and operations of internal tools cm_agent, gs_clean, and WDRXdb, and whether to audit the logins and logouts from CNs on DNs. |
cn:codegen_compile_thread_num |
Specifies the number of Codegen compilation threads. |
dn:static_thread_pool_num |
Specifies the number of threads used to create a static thread pool (static pool). This parameter takes effect only on CNs of a distributed instance after enable_thread_pool is enabled. |
cn:auto_increment_increment |
Specifies the auto-increment step of an auto-increment column. The auto-increment value is calculated by the following formula: auto_increment_offset + N × auto_increment_increment. N is a positive integer. If the value of this parameter is smaller than that of auto_increment_offset, there will be an error when the values in the auto-increment column automatically increase. |
cn:sql_mode |
Specifies the SQL behavior control configuration item in M-compatible mode. |
wal_level |
Specifies the level of information to be written to the WAL. This is a required value and cannot be commented out. Determines how much information is written to the WAL. When this parameter is set to logical, logical logs are extracted and primary key information is recorded in Xlogs. |
dn:enable_pbe_optimization |
Specifies whether the optimizer optimizes the query plan for statements executed in Parse Bind Execute (PBE) mode. |
cn:llvm_max_memory |
Specifies the upper limit of the memory used by IRs (including cached and in-use IRs) generated during compilation in Codegen execution mode. The memory used by Codegen is not applied for by preoccupation. It is a part of max_dynamic_memory and is restricted by the llvm_max_memory parameter. Unit: KB |
cn:hll_default_log2explicit |
Specifies the threshold for switching from the explicit mode to the sparse mode. |
dn:fix_func_selection |
Specifies whether to optimize the function matching policy. The value catlist indicates the catlist sequence is optimized. (The non-B-compatible mode has been optimized. In non-B-compatible mode, system functions are always preferentially selected and executed. The policy in B-compatible mode is the same as that in versions earlier than 505.1.0. An error message indicating that the function is not unique may be displayed, or a system function may be selected for execution.) |
dn:default_limit_rows |
Specifies the estimated number of rows to return by default for generating a generic plan, that is, the default value for the LIMIT clause. If this parameter is set to a negative number, the value is converted to a percentage, for example, -5 is equivalent to 5%, indicating that 5% of the total rows will be returned. |
global_syscache_threshold |
Specifies the maximum memory usage of the global system cache. Recommended value range: 2,048 KB to 16,384 KB on average per database. If this parameter is set to a large value, the cache link may be too long and performance will deteriorate. If this parameter is set to a small value, the parameter is not applied, and after the memory usage can exceed the threshold, performance deteriorates. Unit: KB |
dn:sql_mode |
Specifies the SQL behavior control configuration item in M-compatible mode. |
dn:verify_log_buffers |
Specifies the size or pages of verifyLog buffers in memory mode. The unit is 8 KB. For example, if the value of this parameter is 4, the requested memory is 4 x 8 KB = 32 KB. This parameter is valid only when page_version_check is set to persistence. If page_version_check is set to another value, the parameter value will still be sent to the kernel, but the relevant function does not take effect until after page_version_check is set to persistence. |
dn:resilience_ctrlstmt_control_iopslimit |
Specifies the maximum IOPS that can be used by slow SQL statements after normal SQL statements are marked as slow SQL statements. This parameter is only valid for SELECT statements that are executed by non-sysadmin/monitoradmin users. 0(None): The IOPS is not limited. 10(LOW): The limit level for IOPS is LOW. 20(MEDIUM): The limit level for IOPS is MEDIUM. 50(HIGH): The limit level for IOPS is HIGH. |
cn:convert_illegal_char_mode |
Specifies the placeholders of invalid characters that can be displayed on the client when enable_convert_illegal_char is enabled. Value range: 95 characters whose decimal codes range from 32 to 126 in the ASCII coding table. |
cn:page_version_check |
Specifies the type of page version verification. off indicates that page version verification is disabled. memory indicates that page version verification in pure memory mode is enabled. The page version information will be lost after a restart. persistence indicates that persistent page version verification is enabled. The page version information will not be lost after a restart. |
cn:audit_thread_num |
Specifies the number of audit threads. Value range: 1 to 48. |
recovery_time_target |
Specifies whether the standby DB instance completes log writing and replay in streaming DR mode. If this parameter is set to a small value, the performance of the primary node is affected. If it is set to a large value, the log flow is not effectively controlled. The value 0 indicates that log flow control is disabled. Unit: second |
dn:enable_convert_illegal_char |
Specifies whether the database supports characters not included the character sets. |
dn:system_view_version |
Determines the version of the system view. All versions are backward compatible. For example, when system_view_version is set to 3, all features of version 2 and version 1 are also supported. For details, see the product documentation. |
dn:audit_dml_state_select |
Determines whether to audit the SELECT operation. |
dn:codegen_compile_thread_num |
Specifies the number of Codegen compilation threads. |
dn:resilience_ctrlstmt_detect_timelimit |
Specifies the execution time of a normal SQL statement that will be marked as a slow SQL statement. The value 0 indicates that slow SQL statements are not identified. A value greater than 0 indicates that a normal SQL statement whose execution time exceeds the value of this parameter is marked as a slow SQL statement. This parameter is only valid for SELECT statements that are executed by non-sysadmin/monitoradmin users. Unit: millisecond |
cn:a_format_date_timestamp |
Specifies whether to enable current_date, current_timestamp, and localtimestamp to return the system time, instead of the transaction start time, when a transaction starts. |
cn:recovery_max_workers |
Specifies the number of concurrent replayer threads. |
dn:max_compile_functions |
Specifies the maximum number of function compilation results stored in the server. Excessive functions and compilation results of stored procedures may occupy large memory space. Setting this parameter to an appropriate value can reduce the memory usage and improve system performance. Before modifying this parameter, determine your application scenario and fully verify the change in a test environment. For details, see the reference document. |
cn:audit_function_exec |
Specifies whether to record the audit information during the execution of the stored procedures, anonymous blocks, or user-defined functions (excluding system functions). The value 0 means to disable the function, and 1 means to enable it. |
dn:auto_explain_log_min_duration |
Specifies the minimum duration of execution plans that are automatically printed. Only execution plans whose duration is greater than the value of auto_explain_log_min_duration will be printed. Unit: millisecond |
cn:num_internal_lock_partitions |
Specifies the number of internal lightweight lock partitions. Changing the value of this parameter affects performance and memory usage. Before modifying this parameter, determine your application scenario and fully verify the change in a test environment. For details, see the reference document. |
dn:recovery_parse_workers |
Specifies the number of ParseRedoRecord threads in the ultimate RTO feature. This parameter must be used together with recovery_redo_workers. If both recovery_parse_workers and recovery_redo_workers are greater than 1, ultimate RTO is enabled. If you do not want to enable ultimate RTO, retain the default value 1 for recovery_parse_workers. When enabling ultimate RTO, ensure that replication_type is set to 1. If both ultimate RTO and parallel replay are enabled, only ultimate RTO takes effect, and parallel replay is ineffective. Ultimate RTO does not support column-store tables. Therefore, disable ultimate RTO in a system where column-store tables are used or are to be used. Ultimate RTO also does not support flow control. Flow control is determined by the recovery_time_target parameter. |
dn:enable_default_ustore_table |
Specifies whether to enable the Ustore storage engine by default. If this parameter is set to on, all created tables are Ustore tables. |
cn:enable_auto_explain |
Specifies whether to automatically print execution plans. This parameter is used to locate slow stored procedures or slow queries. |
dn:page_version_check |
Specifies the type of page version verification. off indicates that page version verification is disabled. memory indicates that page version verification in pure memory mode is enabled. The page version information will be lost after a restart. persistence indicates that persistent page version verification is enabled. The page version information will not be lost after a restart. |
cn:enable_pbe_optimization |
Specifies whether the optimizer optimizes the query plan for statements executed in Parse Bind Execute (PBE) mode. |
cn:auto_explain_log_min_duration |
Specifies the minimum duration of execution plans that are automatically printed. Only execution plans whose duration is greater than the value of auto_explain_log_min_duration will be printed. Unit: millisecond |
dn:num_internal_lock_partitions |
Specifies the number of internal lightweight lock partitions. Changing the value of this parameter affects performance and memory usage. Before modifying this parameter, determine your application scenario and fully verify the change in a test environment. For details, see the reference document. |
cn:page_version_max_num |
Specifies the maximum number of page versions that can be cached in memory. This parameter is only valid when page_version_check is not set to off. If page_version_check is set to off, the parameter value will still be sent to the kernel, but the relevant function does not take effect until after page_version_check is set to a value other than off. For details about the value range, see the product documentation. |
dn:enable_auto_explain |
Specifies whether to automatically print execution plans. This parameter is used to locate slow stored procedures or slow queries. |
dn:audit_function_exec |
Specifies whether to record the audit information during the execution of the stored procedures, anonymous blocks, or user-defined functions (excluding system functions). The value 0 means to disable the function, and 1 means to enable it. |
cn:random_page_cost |
Specifies the estimated cost for the optimizer to fetch an out-of-sequence disk page. |
dn:auto_increment_cache |
Specifies the number of reserved auto-increment cache values when auto-increment is triggered by batch insertion or import of auto-increment columns. When auto-increment values are reserved, the auto-increment counter value is updated to the maximum auto-increment cache value. Before the cache values are used up, the auto-increment counter value remains unchanged, and the triggered auto-increment uses the cache values. If this parameter is set to 0, the auto-increment cache values are automatically reserved. When auto-increment is triggered for the first time, if the number of rows to be inserted into the auto-increment column is known, the number is the reserved value. If the number of rows is unknown, 2^n values are reserved each time. For example, one value is reserved in the first auto-increment, two values are reserved in the second auto-increment, four values are reserved in the third auto-increment, and eight values are reserved for in fourth auto-increment. However, if the number of reserved values exceeds 65,535, 65,535 values are reserved. If this parameter is not set to 0, the number of reserved cache values is the value of this parameter. When auto-increment is triggered for the first time, if the number of rows to be inserted into the auto-increment column is known, the number is the reserved value. If the number of rows is unknown, the value of auto_increment_cache is the number of auto-increment values reserved each time. The reserved cache values are valid only in the statement. If the reserved auto-increment cache values are used up and subsequent INSERT statements trigger auto-increment based on the auto-increment counter, the values in the auto-increment column in the table are discontinuous. This parameter does not affect the auto-increment column in the local temporary table. |
dn:enable_codegen |
Specifies whether code optimization can be enabled. Currently, code optimization uses the LLVM optimization. |
dn:instr_unique_sql_combination_options |
Specifies the configuration items of combining unique SQL statements of the same type. If this feature is enabled, the IDs of unique SQL statements of the same type are normalized, and the generated unique SQL strings are normalized. |
dn:behavior_compat_options |
Specifies database compatibility configuration items. After the value of proc_outparam_override is changed, the database must be connected again or the instance must be rebooted. Otherwise, stored procedures and functions cannot be correctly called. |
dn:enable_early_free |
Specifies whether the operator memory can be released in advance. |
dn:page_missing_dirty_check |
Specifies whether to enable the verification for pages not marked as dirty. The verification checks whether the modified pages are not marked as dirty. This parameter is only valid when page_version_check is not set to off. If page_version_check is set to off, the parameter value will still be sent to the kernel, but the relevant function does not take effect until after page_version_check is set to a value other than off. |
dn:enable_security_policy |
Controls whether unified auditing and dynamic data masking policies are applied. |
cn:undo_retention_time |
Specifies how long undo logs are kept. This parameter is only used for flashback query. Note: 1. The undo space of the local disk increases. 2. In subsequent incremental backups, the size of the backup set increases, because extra undo content is retained. Unit: second |
dn:wdr_snapshot_full_backup_interval |
Specifies the interval at which a full WDR snapshot is created. The interval specified by this parameter is about a number instead of time. For example, if the parameter is set to 12, a full snapshot and then 11 incremental snapshots are generated for each group. If the parameter is set to 1, all snapshots generated are full snapshots. |
cms:datastorage_threshold_value_check |
Specifies the disk usage threshold to put a database node into read-only mode. If the disk usage of a data directory exceeds this threshold, the database node is automatically changed to read-only. Unit: percentage (%) |
dn:audit_thread_num |
Specifies the number of audit threads. Value range: 1 to 48. |
dn:wdr_snapshot_space_threshold |
Specifies the threshold for controlling the space used by snapshots. When the space used by snapshots reaches 80% of the value of this parameter, the control logic of the database is enabled to stabilize the space usage. Unit: KB |
cn:audit_dml_state |
Determines whether to audit the INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations on a specific table. 0: These operations are not audited. 1: These operations are audited. |
dn:hll_duplicate_check |
Specifies whether duplicate check is enabled by default. |
cn:gs_perf_interval |
Specifies the automatic perf data collection interval. The value 0 indicates that the collection is stopped. If the value is greater than 0 and less than 5, the value 5 is used. Unit: minute |
cn:qrw_inlist2join_optmode |
Specifies whether to enable inlist-to-join query rewriting. |
dn:gs_perf_interval |
Specifies the automatic perf data collection interval. The value 0 indicates that the collection is stopped. If the value is greater than 0 and less than 5, the value 5 is used. Unit: minute |
dn:extra_float_digits |
Adjusts the number of digits displayed for floating-point values, including float4, float8, and geometric data types. The parameter value is added to the standard number of digits (FLT_DIG or DBL_DIG as appropriate). This parameter can also be set to a negative value to suppress unwanted digits. |
cn:disable_keyword_options |
Specifies the configuration items for database compatibility. Multiple items are separated by commas (,). An identifier with this parameter set will not be used as a keyword. |
dn:audit_dml_state |
Determines whether to audit the INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations on a specific table. 0: These operations are not audited. 1: These operations are audited. |
cn:max_standby_archive_delay |
Specifies the wait period before queries on a standby node are canceled when the queries conflict with WAL processing and archiving in hot standby mode. -1 indicates that the standby node waits until the conflicting queries are complete. Unit: millisecond |
track_stmt_stat_level |
Controls the level of statement execution tracking. |
dn:max_standby_archive_delay |
Specifies the wait period before queries on a standby node are canceled when the queries conflict with WAL processing and archiving in hot standby mode. -1 indicates that the standby node waits until the conflicting queries are complete. Unit: millisecond |
cn:b_format_dev_version |
Specifies the compatibility configuration item of database platform minor versions. |
dn:copy_special_character_version |
Specifies whether to report an error when there are invalid characters during data import and export using COPY FROM. |
cn:page_version_recycler_thread_num |
Specifies the number of threads for recycling and verifying page version information. This parameter is only valid when page_version_check is not set to off. If page_version_check is set to off, the parameter value will still be sent to the kernel, but the relevant function does not take effect until after page_version_check is set to a value other than off. |
enable_wdr_snapshot |
Specifies whether to enable WDR snapshots. If this parameter is enabled, the kernel periodically takes performance snapshots. |
dn:effective_cache_size |
Specifies the size of the disk buffer available to the DN optimizer in a single query. Unit: 8 KB |
cn:wdr_snapshot_full_backup_interval |
Specifies the interval at which a full WDR snapshot is created. The interval specified by this parameter is about a number instead of time. For example, if the parameter is set to 12, a full snapshot and then 11 incremental snapshots are generated for each group. If the parameter is set to 1, all snapshots generated are full snapshots. |
cn:extra_float_digits |
Adjusts the number of digits displayed for floating-point values, including float4, float8, and geometric data types. The parameter value is added to the standard number of digits (FLT_DIG or DBL_DIG as appropriate). This parameter can also be set to a negative value to suppress unwanted digits. |
cn:system_view_version |
Determines the version of the system view. All versions are backward compatible. For example, when system_view_version is set to 3, all features of version 2 and version 1 are also supported. For details, see the product documentation. |
cn:recyclebin_retention_time |
Specifies how long files will be kept in the recycle bin. Files in the recycle bin will be automatically deleted after this length of time. Unit: second |
cn:password_encryption_type |
Specifies how user passwords are encrypted. 0: Passwords are encrypted using MD5. 1: Passwords are encrypted using SHA-256 and MD5. 2: Passwords are encrypted using SHA-256. 3: Passwords are encrypted using SM3. MD5 is not recommended because it is a weak encryption algorithm. |
cn:check_disconnect_query |
Specifies whether to enable the function of terminating statement execution on the server after the client is disconnected due to timeout. |
password_effect_time |
Specifies the validity period of an account password. Unit: day |
cn:verify_log_buffers |
Specifies the size or pages of verifyLog buffers in memory mode. The unit is 8 KB. For example, if the value of this parameter is 4, the requested memory is 4 x 8 KB = 32 KB. This parameter is valid only when page_version_check is set to persistence. If page_version_check is set to another value, the parameter value will still be sent to the kernel, but the relevant function does not take effect until after page_version_check is set to persistence. |
dn:random_page_cost |
Specifies the estimated cost for the optimizer to fetch an out-of-sequence disk page. |
dn:resilience_ctrlslot_available_maxpercent |
Specifies the maximum percentage of threads in the thread pool that can be occupied by slow SQL statements. This parameter is only valid for SELECT statements that are executed by non-sysadmin/monitoradmin users. |
cn:default_limit_rows |
Specifies the estimated number of rows to return by default for generating a generic plan, that is, the default value for the LIMIT clause. If this parameter is set to a negative number, the value is converted to a percentage, for example, -5 is equivalent to 5%, indicating that 5% of the total rows will be returned. |
cn:enable_rls_match_index |
Specifies whether indexes of a base table can be scanned based on target predicate conditions in row-level security scenarios. Target scenario: Row level security (RLS) policies are set and enabled in the base table, and the query predicate contains the unleakproof system function or like operator. |
dn:enable_analyze_check |
Specifies whether to check if statistics were collected about tables whose reltuples and relpages are displayed as 0 in pg_class during plan generation. |
cn:resilience_ctrlstmt_control_iopslimit |
Specifies the maximum IOPS that can be used by slow SQL statements after normal SQL statements are marked as slow SQL statements. This parameter is only valid for SELECT statements that are executed by non-sysadmin/monitoradmin users. 0(None): The IOPS is not limited. 10(LOW): The limit level for IOPS is LOW. 20(MEDIUM): The limit level for IOPS is MEDIUM. 50(HIGH): The limit level for IOPS is HIGH. |
dn:auto_increment_increment |
Specifies the auto-increment step of an auto-increment column. The auto-increment value is calculated by the following formula: auto_increment_offset + N × auto_increment_increment. N is a positive integer. If the value of this parameter is smaller than that of auto_increment_offset, there will be an error when the values in the auto-increment column automatically increase. |
cn:copy_special_character_version |
Specifies whether to report an error when there are invalid characters during data import and export using COPY FROM. |
cn:local_syscache_threshold |
Specifies the size of system catalog cache in a session. Unit: KB |
dn:gs_format_behavior_compat_options |
Specifies the configuration items of GaussDB internal system functions. |
cn:hll_duplicate_check |
Specifies whether duplicate check is enabled by default. |
cn:max_standby_streaming_delay |
Specifies the wait period before queries on the standby node are canceled when the queries conflict with WAL data receiving through streaming replication in hot standby mode. -1 indicates that the standby node waits until the conflicting queries are complete. Unit: millisecond |
dn:b_format_dev_version |
Specifies the compatibility configuration item of database platform minor versions. |
dn:check_disconnect_query |
Specifies whether to enable the function of terminating statement execution on the server after the client is disconnected due to timeout. |
cn:gs_format_behavior_compat_options |
Specifies the configuration items of GaussDB internal system functions. |
cn:audit_xid_info |
Determines whether to record the transaction IDs of SQL statements in detail_info. 0: The transaction IDs are not recorded. 1: The transaction IDs are recorded. |
wdr_snapshot_retention_days |
Specifies how many days database monitoring snapshots are saved for. |
cn:static_thread_pool_num |
Specifies the number of threads used to create a static thread pool (static pool). This parameter takes effect only on CNs of a distributed instance after enable_thread_pool is enabled. |
dn:max_standby_streaming_delay |
Specifies the wait period before queries on the standby node are canceled when the queries conflict with WAL data receiving through streaming replication in hot standby mode. -1 indicates that the standby node waits until the conflicting queries are complete. Unit: millisecond |
audit_system_object |
Specifies whether to audit the CREATE, DROP, and ALTER operations on GaussDB database objects. GaussDB database objects include databases, users, schemas, and tables. You can change the value of this parameter to audit only the operations on required database objects. In the scenario where the leader node is forcibly selected, you are advised to set audit_system_object to the maximum value and audit all DDL objects. For details about the value range, see the product documentation. |
cn:enable_default_ustore_table |
Specifies whether to enable the Ustore storage engine by default. If this parameter is set to on, all created tables are Ustore tables. |
cn:resilience_ctrlslot_available_maxpercent |
Specifies the maximum percentage of threads in the thread pool that can be occupied by slow SQL statements. This parameter is only valid for SELECT statements that are executed by non-sysadmin/monitoradmin users. |
dn:page_version_partitions |
Specifies the number of hash table partitions in cached page version information in the memory. This parameter directly affects the hash query efficiency and hash conflict probability, and is valid only when page_version_check is not set to off. If page_version_check is set to off, the parameter value will still be sent to the kernel, but the relevant function does not take effect until after page_version_check is set to a value other than off. For details about the value range, see the product documentation. |
dn:page_version_recycler_thread_num |
Specifies the number of threads for recycling and verifying page version information. This parameter is only valid when page_version_check is not set to off. If page_version_check is set to off, the parameter value will still be sent to the kernel, but the relevant function does not take effect until after page_version_check is set to a value other than off. |
dn:password_encryption_type |
Specifies how user passwords are encrypted. 0: Passwords are encrypted using MD5. 1: Passwords are encrypted using SHA-256 and MD5. 2: Passwords are encrypted using SHA-256. 3: Passwords are encrypted using SM3. MD5 is not recommended because it is a weak encryption algorithm. |
dn:dcf_thread_effective_time |
Specifies the effective time of the DCF flushing thread. This parameter is used to determine whether the disk I/O hangs. If the DCF cannot access I/O resources within the period specified by this parameter, the DCF considers that the thread I/O hangs and a primary/standby switchover is triggered. If this parameter is set to 0, I/O hang detection is disabled. Unit: second |
dn:a_format_date_timestamp |
Specifies whether to enable current_date, current_timestamp, and localtimestamp to return the system time, instead of the transaction start time, when a transaction starts. |
dn:hll_default_log2sparse |
Specifies the default threshold for switching from Sparse mode to Full mode. |
cn:enable_xid_abort_check |
Specifies whether to check the status of transaction ID rollback when a transaction is committed. |
session_timeout |
Specifies how long to wait before a server connection is disconnected due to inactivity. The value 0 indicates there is no time limit. Unit: second |
cn:hll_default_log2sparse |
Specifies the default threshold for switching from Sparse mode to Full mode. |
dn:disable_keyword_options |
Specifies the configuration items for database compatibility. Multiple items are separated by commas (,). An identifier with this parameter set will not be used as a keyword. |
cn:fix_func_selection |
Specifies whether to optimize the function matching policy. The value catlist indicates the catlist sequence is optimized. (The non-B-compatible mode has been optimized. In non-B-compatible mode, system functions are always preferentially selected and executed. The policy in B-compatible mode is the same as that in versions earlier than 505.1.0. An error message indicating that the function is not unique may be displayed, or a system function may be selected for execution.) |
cn:support_binary_copy_version |
Specifies whether to verify the binary file encoding information when data is imported using COPY FROM in BINARY mode. If forward compatibility is required, leave this parameter empty. Otherwise, retain the default value. |
autoanalyze |
Specifies whether to automatically collect statistics on tables that have no statistics when a plan is generated. |
password_lock_time |
Specifies the maximum number of incorrect password attempts before an account is locked. The account will be automatically unlocked after the time specified in password_lock_time elapses. Only the sysadmin user can set this parameter. |
wdr_snapshot_interval |
Specifies the interval at which the background thread Snapshot automatically takes snapshots of the database monitoring data. Unit: minute |
update_lockwait_timeout |
Specifies the maximum duration that a lock waits for concurrent updates on a row to complete when the concurrent update feature is enabled. If the lock wait time exceeds this value, the system will report an error. Unit: millisecond |
dn:undo_retention_time |
Specifies how long undo logs are kept. This parameter is only used for flashback query. Note: 1. The undo space of the local disk increases. 2. In subsequent incremental backups, the size of the backup set increases, because extra undo content is retained. Unit: second |
cn:recovery_parse_workers |
Specifies the number of ParseRedoRecord threads in the ultimate RTO feature. This parameter must be used together with recovery_redo_workers. If both recovery_parse_workers and recovery_redo_workers are greater than 1, ultimate RTO is enabled. If you do not want to enable ultimate RTO, retain the default value 1 for recovery_parse_workers. When enabling ultimate RTO, ensure that replication_type is set to 1. If both ultimate RTO and parallel replay are enabled, only ultimate RTO takes effect, and parallel replay is ineffective. Ultimate RTO does not support column-store tables. Therefore, disable ultimate RTO in a system where column-store tables are used or are to be used. Ultimate RTO also does not support flow control. Flow control is determined by the recovery_time_target parameter. |
cn:undo_space_limit_size |
Specifies the threshold for forcibly recycling undo space. When the undo space usage reaches 80% of the threshold, forcible recycling starts. It is recommended that the value of this parameter be greater than or equal to the value of undo_limit_size_per_transaction. Unit: 8 KB |
cn:auto_increment_cache |
Specifies the number of reserved auto-increment cache values when auto-increment is triggered by batch insertion or import of auto-increment columns. When auto-increment values are reserved, the auto-increment counter value is updated to the maximum auto-increment cache value. Before the cache values are used up, the auto-increment counter value remains unchanged, and the triggered auto-increment uses the cache values. If this parameter is set to 0, the auto-increment cache values are automatically reserved. When auto-increment is triggered for the first time, if the number of rows to be inserted into the auto-increment column is known, the number is the reserved value. If the number of rows is unknown, 2^n values are reserved each time. For example, one value is reserved in the first auto-increment, two values are reserved in the second auto-increment, four values are reserved in the third auto-increment, and eight values are reserved for in fourth auto-increment. However, if the number of reserved values exceeds 65,535, 65,535 values are reserved. If this parameter is not set to 0, the number of reserved cache values is the value of this parameter. When auto-increment is triggered for the first time, if the number of rows to be inserted into the auto-increment column is known, the number is the reserved value. If the number of rows is unknown, the value of auto_increment_cache is the number of auto-increment values reserved each time. The reserved cache values are valid only in the statement. If the reserved auto-increment cache values are used up and subsequent INSERT statements trigger auto-increment based on the auto-increment counter, the values in the auto-increment column in the table are discontinuous. This parameter does not affect the auto-increment column in the local temporary table. |
dn:enable_hotkeys_collection |
Specifies whether to collect statistics on accessed key values in databases. |
cn:enable_early_free |
Specifies whether the operator memory can be released in advance. |
cn:max_concurrent_autonomous_transactions |
Specifies the maximum number of autonomous transaction connections, that is, the maximum number of concurrent autonomous transactions executed at the same time. If this parameter is set to 0, autonomous transactions cannot be executed. The theoretical maximum value is 10000. Set this parameter based on workload requirements and hardware configurations. It is recommended that this parameter be set to a value less than or equal to 1/10 of max_connections. |
cn:audit_set_parameter |
Determines whether to audit the SET operation. 0: The SET operation is not audited. 1: The SET operation is audited. |
cn:enable_enhance_toast_table |
Specifies whether to use the enhanced TOAST out-of-line storage table. The value on indicates that the enhanced TOAST out-of-line storage table is used. The value off indicates that the TOAST out-of-line storage table is used. |
cn:archive_interval |
Specifies the archiving interval. Log files are forcibly archived when the period specified by this parameter has elapsed. A large value of this parameter affects the RPO of PITR. The default value is recommended. Unit: second |
dn:undo_limit_size_per_transaction |
Specifies the maximum undo space for a single transaction. If the undo space of a transaction exceeds this parameter value, the transaction is rolled back due to an error. It is recommended that the value of this parameter be smaller than the value of undo_space_limit_size. If this parameter value is larger, the value of undo_space_limit_size will be used as the maximum undo space for a single transaction. If this undo space is greater than 1 TB, system performance and stability may be affected. Unit: 8 KB |
dn:convert_illegal_char_mode |
Specifies the placeholders of invalid characters that can be displayed on the client when enable_convert_illegal_char is enabled. Value range: 95 characters whose decimal codes range from 32 to 126 in the ASCII coding table. |
cn:enable_analyze_check |
Specifies whether to check if statistics were collected about tables whose reltuples and relpages are displayed as 0 in pg_class during plan generation. |
dn:tde_index_default_encrypt |
When tde_index_default_encrypt is set to on and an index is created based on an encrypted table, the database automatically converts the index to an encrypted index. |
failed_login_attempts |
Specifies the maximum number of incorrect password attempts before an account is locked. The account will be automatically unlocked after the time specified in password_lock_time elapses. Only the sysadmin user can set this parameter. |
dn:enable_bbox_dump |
Specifies whether to enable the black box function so that core files can be generated even when the core mechanism is not configured in the system. |
dn:enable_recyclebin |
Enables or disables the recycle bin in real time. |
cn:wdr_snapshot_space_threshold |
Specifies the threshold for controlling the space used by snapshots. When the space used by snapshots reaches 80% of the value of this parameter, the control logic of the database is enabled to stabilize the space usage. Unit: KB |
enable_global_syscache |
Determines whether to enable global system cache. |
dn:audit_set_parameter |
Determines whether to audit the SET operation. 0: The SET operation is not audited. 1: The SET operation is audited. |
cn:max_compile_functions |
Specifies the maximum number of function compilation results stored in the server. Excessive functions and compilation results of stored procedures may occupy large memory space. Setting this parameter to an appropriate value can reduce the memory usage and improve system performance. Before modifying this parameter, determine your application scenario and fully verify the change in a test environment. For details, see the reference document. |
dn:auto_increment_offset |
Specifies the initial value of an auto-increment column. The auto-increment value is calculated by the following formula: auto_increment_offset + N × auto_increment_increment. N is a positive integer. If the value of this parameter is greater than that of auto_increment_increment, there will be an error when the values in the auto-increment column automatically increase. |
cn:track_stmt_session_slot |
Specifies the maximum number of full or slow SQL statements that can be cached in a session. If the number of full or slow SQL statements exceeds this value, new statements will not be traced until the flush thread flushes the cached statements to the disk to reserve free space. The default value is recommended. |
cn:page_version_partitions |
Specifies the number of hash table partitions in cached page version information in the memory. This parameter directly affects the hash query efficiency and hash conflict probability, and is valid only when page_version_check is not set to off. If page_version_check is set to off, the parameter value will still be sent to the kernel, but the relevant function does not take effect until after page_version_check is set to a value other than off. For details about the value range, see the product documentation. |
autoanalyze_timeout |
Specifies the autoanalyze timeout period. If the duration of autoanalyze on a table exceeds the value of autoanalyze_timeout, the autoanalyze operation is automatically canceled. The value 0 indicates that there is no timeout limit. Unit: second |
dn:index_txntype |
Sets the index page format to PCR or RCR. This parameter is left unconfigured during system initialization. By default, the created indexes are compatible with the index type (RCR) of earlier versions. Once this parameter is specified, it cannot be left unconfigured again. |
cn:enable_recyclebin |
Enables or disables the recycle bin in real time. |
log_min_duration_statement |
Specifies the threshold for logging the duration of a completed statement. If a statement runs for a period greater than or equal to the specified value, its duration will be logged. The value -1 disables logging statement durations. If this parameter is set to a small value, the load throughput may be affected. Unit: millisecond |
max_replication_slots |
Specifies the number of log replication slots on the primary node. |
cn:enable_bbox_dump |
Specifies whether to enable the black box function so that core files can be generated even when the core mechanism is not configured in the system. |
datestyle |
Specifies the display format for date and time. |
dn:hll_default_log2m |
Specifies the number of buckets for HLL data. |
enable_slot_log |
Specifies whether to enable primary/standby synchronization for logical replication slots. Currently, only archive slots and backup slots are involved. Set this parameter to on only in cloud scenarios where logical replication is enabled. In other scenarios, set this parameter to off. |
cn:enable_convert_illegal_char |
Specifies whether the database supports characters not included the character sets. |
cn:enable_workload_rule |
Specifies whether to enable SQL throttling. |
cn:index_txntype |
Sets the index page format to PCR or RCR. This parameter is left unconfigured during system initialization. By default, the created indexes are compatible with the index type (RCR) of earlier versions. Once this parameter is specified, it cannot be left unconfigured again. |
dn:enable_enhance_toast_table |
Specifies whether to use the enhanced TOAST out-of-line storage table. The value on indicates that the enhanced TOAST out-of-line storage table is used. The value off indicates that the TOAST out-of-line storage table is used. |
dn:support_binary_copy_version |
Specifies whether to verify the binary file encoding information when data is imported using COPY FROM in BINARY mode. If forward compatibility is required, leave this parameter empty. Otherwise, retain the default value. |
enable_stream_operator |
Specifies the query optimizer's use of streams. If enable_stream_operator is disabled, a large number of logs indicating that the plans cannot be pushed down are recorded. If you do not need these logs, you are advised to disable both enable_unshipping_log and enable_stream_operator. The default value is recommended. |
cn:enable_dynamic_samplesize |
Specifies whether to dynamically adjust the number of sampled rows. For a large table with more than one million rows, the number of sampled rows is dynamically adjusted during statistics collection to improve statistics accuracy. |
cn:gs_perf_retention_days |
Specifies how many days the flame graph files in HTML format are retained. Unit: day |
dn:audit_xid_info |
Determines whether to record the transaction IDs of SQL statements in detail_info. 0: The transaction IDs are not recorded. 1: The transaction IDs are recorded. |
dn:cost_model_version |
Specifies the version of the optimizer cost model. It is a protective parameter. It prevents new optimizer cost models from being applied, so you can keep the current model consistent with the plan of an existing version. If the value of this parameter is changed, many SQL plans may be changed. Exercise caution when modifying this parameter. |
dn:enable_rls_match_index |
Specifies whether indexes of a base table can be scanned based on target predicate conditions in row-level security scenarios. Target scenario: Row level security (RLS) policies are set and enabled in the base table, and the query predicate contains the unleakproof system function or like operator. |
dn:audit_internal_event |
Specifies whether to audit the connections and operations of internal tools cm_agent, gs_clean, and WDRXdb, and whether to audit the logins and logouts from CNs on DNs. |
cn:effective_cache_size |
Specifies the size of the disk buffer available to the CN optimizer in a single query. Unit: 8 KB |
enable_seqscan |
Specifies whether to enable the optimizer's use of sequential scan plan types. It is impossible to completely suppress sequential scans, but setting this parameter to off allows the optimizer to choose other methods if available. |
dn:hll_default_log2explicit |
Specifies the threshold for switching from the explicit mode to the sparse mode. |
cn:instr_unique_sql_combination_options |
Specifies the configuration items of combining unique SQL statements of the same type. |
dn:undo_space_limit_size |
Specifies the threshold for forcibly recycling undo space. When the undo space usage reaches 80% of the threshold, forcible recycling starts. It is recommended that the value of this parameter be greater than or equal to the value of undo_limit_size_per_transaction. Unit: 8 KB |
dn:enable_dynamic_samplesize |
Specifies whether to dynamically adjust the number of sampled rows. For a large table with more than one million rows, the number of sampled rows is dynamically adjusted during statistics collection to improve statistics accuracy. |
dn:llvm_max_memory |
Specifies the upper limit of the memory used by IRs (including cached and in-use IRs) generated during compilation in Codegen execution mode. The memory used by Codegen is not applied for by preoccupation. It is a part of max_dynamic_memory and is restricted by the llvm_max_memory parameter. Unit: KB |
dn:local_syscache_threshold |
Specifies the size of system catalog cache in a session. Unit: KB |
cn:tde_index_default_encrypt |
When tde_index_default_encrypt is set to on and an index is created based on an encrypted table, the database automatically converts the index to an encrypted index. |
dn:enable_workload_rule |
Specifies whether to enable SQL throttling. |
dn:archive_interval |
Specifies the archiving interval. Log files are forcibly archived when the period specified by this parameter has elapsed. A large value of this parameter affects the RPO of PITR. The default value is recommended. Unit: second |
cn:enable_hotkeys_collection |
Specifies whether to collect statistics on accessed key values in databases. |
cn:enable_codegen |
Specifies whether code optimization can be enabled. Currently, code optimization uses the LLVM optimization. |
max_wal_senders |
Specifies the maximum number of WAL sender threads that can be created. Processes created for the following purposes occupy WAL sender threads: Standby DNs connect to primary DNs to obtain physical logs, and logical replication tools connect to primary DNs to obtain logical logs. If this parameter is set to a value smaller than 20, scale-out may fail. The value of this parameter must be smaller than that of max_connections. |
cn:undo_limit_size_per_transaction |
Specifies the maximum undo space for a single transaction. If the undo space of a transaction exceeds this parameter value, the transaction is rolled back due to an error. It is recommended that the value of this parameter be smaller than the value of undo_space_limit_size. If this parameter value is larger, the value of undo_space_limit_size will be used as the maximum undo space for a single transaction. If this undo space is greater than 1 TB, system performance and stability may be affected. Unit: 8 KB |
dn:max_concurrent_autonomous_transactions |
Specifies the maximum number of autonomous transaction connections, that is, the maximum number of concurrent autonomous transactions executed at the same time. If this parameter is set to 0, autonomous transactions cannot be executed. The theoretical maximum value is 10000. Set this parameter based on workload requirements and hardware configurations. It is recommended that this parameter be set to a value less than or equal to 1/10 of max_connections. |
cn:page_missing_dirty_check |
Specifies whether to enable the verification for pages not marked as dirty. The verification checks whether the modified pages are not marked as dirty. This parameter is only valid when page_version_check is not set to off. If page_version_check is set to off, the parameter value will still be sent to the kernel, but the relevant function does not take effect until after page_version_check is set to a value other than off. |
cn:cost_model_version |
Specifies the version of the optimizer cost model. It is a protective parameter. It prevents new optimizer cost models from being applied, so you can keep the current model consistent with the plan of an existing version. If the value of this parameter is changed, many SQL plans may be changed. Exercise caution when modifying this parameter. |
cn:audit_dml_state_select |
Determines whether to audit the SELECT operation. |
cn:hll_default_log2m |
Specifies the number of buckets for HLL data. |
dn:use_workload_manager |
Specifies whether to enable resource management. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:use_workload_manager |
Specifies whether to enable resource management. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_save_datachanged_timestamp |
Specifies whether to record the time when INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or EXCHANGE/TRUNCATE/DROP PARTITION is performed on table data. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:enable_save_datachanged_timestamp |
Specifies whether to record the time when INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or EXCHANGE/TRUNCATE/DROP PARTITION is performed on table data. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:max_process_memory |
Specifies the maximum physical memory allowed for a DN. Unit: KB This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:max_process_memory |
Specifies the maximum physical memory allowed for a CN. Unit: KB This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:standby_shared_buffers_fraction |
Specifies the shared_buffers proportion used on the server where a standby instance is deployed. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:standby_shared_buffers_fraction |
Specifies the shared_buffers proportion used on the server where a standby instance is deployed. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:pagewriter_sleep |
Specifies the interval (in milliseconds) for the page writer thread to flush dirty pages to disks after the incremental checkpoint is enabled. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:pagewriter_sleep |
Specifies the interval (in milliseconds) for the page writer thread to flush dirty pages to disks after the incremental checkpoint is enabled. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:xloginsert_locks |
Specifies the number of locks on concurrent write-ahead logging. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:xloginsert_locks |
Specifies the number of locks on concurrent write-ahead logging. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_light_proxy |
Specifies whether the optimizer optimizes the execution of simple queries on CNs. This parameter does not take effect if the character set of the application side does not match that of the kernel side. You are advised to set the character set to UTF-8 when creating a database. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:enable_light_proxy |
Specifies whether the optimizer optimizes the execution of simple queries on CNs. This parameter does not take effect if the character set of the application side does not match that of the kernel side. You are advised to set the character set to UTF-8 when creating a database. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:synchronous_commit |
Specifies the synchronization mode of the current transaction. Generally, logs generated by a transaction are synchronized in the following sequence: The primary node writes the logs to the local memory. The primary node writes logs in the local memory to the local file system. The primary node flushes the logs in the local file system to disks. The primary node sends the logs to the standby node. The standby node receives the logs and saves them to its local memory. The standby node writes the logs in the local memory to the local file system. The standby node flushes the logs in the local file system to disks. The standby node replays the logs to complete the incremental update of data files. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:synchronous_commit |
Specifies the synchronization mode of the current transaction. Generally, logs generated by a transaction are synchronized in the following sequence: The primary node writes the logs to the local memory. The primary node writes logs in the local memory to the local file system. The primary node flushes the logs in the local file system to disks. The primary node sends the logs to the standby node. The standby node receives the logs and saves them to its local memory. The standby node writes the logs in the local memory to the local file system. The standby node flushes the logs in the local file system to disks. The standby node replays the logs to complete the incremental update of data files. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_incremental_checkpoint |
Specifies whether to enable incremental checkpoint. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:enable_incremental_checkpoint |
Specifies whether to enable incremental checkpoint. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:bypass_workload_manager |
Enables or disables independent I/O control. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:bypass_workload_manager |
Enables or disables independent I/O control. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
enable_resource_track |
Specifies whether to enable real-time resource monitoring. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_instr_rt_percentile |
Specifies whether to enable the function of calculating the response time of 80% and 95% of the SQL statements in the system. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:enable_instr_rt_percentile |
Specifies whether to enable the function of calculating the response time of 80% and 95% of the SQL statements in the system. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_instr_cpu_timer |
Specifies whether to capture the CPU time consumed during SQL statement execution. In the x86-based centralized deployment scenario where 32 vCPUs and 256 GB of memory are configured, the performance tested by BenchmarkSQL 5.0 fluctuates by about 3.5% by enabling or disabling this parameter. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:enable_instr_cpu_timer |
Specifies whether to capture the CPU time consumed during SQL statement execution. In the x86-based centralized deployment scenario where 32 vCPUs and 256 GB of memory are configured, the performance tested by BenchmarkSQL 5.0 fluctuates by about 3.5% by enabling or disabling this parameter. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
track_counts |
Determines whether to enable collection of statistics on database activities. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_user_metric_persistent |
Specifies whether to dump the historical monitoring data of user resources. If this parameter is set to on, data in the PG_TOTAL_USER_RESOURCE_INFO view is periodically sampled and saved to the system catalog GS_WLM_USER_RESOURCE_HISTORY. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:enable_user_metric_persistent |
Specifies whether to dump the historical monitoring data of user resources. If this parameter is set to on, data in the PG_TOTAL_USER_RESOURCE_INFO view is periodically sampled and saved to the system catalog GS_WLM_USER_RESOURCE_HISTORY. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:log_hostname |
By default, connection log messages only show the IP address of the connecting host. The host name can be recorded when this parameter is set to on. It may take some time to parse the host name. Therefore, the database performance may be affected. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:log_hostname |
By default, connection log messages only show the IP address of the connecting host. The host name can be recorded when this parameter is set to on. It may take some time to parse the host name. Therefore, the database performance may be affected. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_instr_track_wait |
Specifies whether to enable real-time collection of wait event information. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:enable_instr_track_wait |
Specifies whether to enable real-time collection of wait event information. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_instance_metric_persistent |
Specifies whether to dump instance resource monitoring data. When this parameter is set to on, the instance monitoring data is saved to the system catalog GS_WLM_INSTANCE_HISTORY. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:enable_instance_metric_persistent |
Specifies whether to dump instance resource monitoring data. When this parameter is set to on, the instance monitoring data is saved to the system catalog GS_WLM_INSTANCE_HISTORY. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_logical_io_statistics |
Specifies whether to collect logical I/O statistics during resource monitoring. If this function is enabled, the read_kbytes, write_kbytes, read_counts, write_counts, read_speed, and write_speed columns in the PG_TOTAL_USER_RESOURCE_INFO view will collect statistics on the byte count, number of times, and speed of logical read and write. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:enable_logical_io_statistics |
Specifies whether to collect logical I/O statistics during resource monitoring. If this function is enabled, the read_kbytes, write_kbytes, read_counts, write_counts, read_speed, and write_speed columns in the PG_TOTAL_USER_RESOURCE_INFO view will collect statistics on the byte count, number of times, and speed of logical read and write. Columns related to logical read and write in the system catalogs GS_WLM_USER_RESOURCE_HISTORY and GS_WLM_INSTANCE_HISTORY will collect statistics on the logical read and write of related users and instances. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
enable_sort |
Specifies whether the query optimizer uses sort methods. It is impossible to suppress explicit sorts entirely, but setting this variable to off encourages the optimizer to choose other methods if available. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
enable_material |
Specifies whether the query optimizer uses materialization. It is impossible to suppress materialization entirely, but setting this variable to off prevents the optimizer from inserting materialized nodes. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
gtm:gtm_max_trans |
Specifies the maximum number of connections accepted by the GTM. You are advised not to change the value. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
gtm:csn_sync_interval |
Specifies the interval for synchronizing CSNs between the primary and standby GTMs, in seconds. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
gtm:restore_duration |
Specifies the reply interval of XIDs or CSNs on the GTM, that is, the number of XIDs or CSNs for reply. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cms:coordinator_heartbeat_timeout |
Specifies the heartbeat timeout (in seconds) that triggers the automatic removal of faulty CNs. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:client_min_messages |
Specifies which level of messages will be sent to the client. A higher level covers the messages of all the lower levels. The lower the level is, the fewer messages are sent. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:client_min_messages |
Specifies which level of messages will be sent to the client. A higher level covers the messages of all the lower levels. The lower the level is, the fewer messages are sent. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:pagewriter_thread_num |
Specifies the number of threads for background page flushing after the incremental checkpoint is enabled. Dirty pages are flushed in sequence to disks, updating recovery points. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:pagewriter_thread_num |
Specifies the number of threads for background page flushing after the incremental checkpoint is enabled. Dirty pages are flushed in sequence to disks, updating recovery points. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:bgwriter_delay |
Specifies the interval at which the background writer writes dirty shared buffers, in milliseconds. Each time, the background writer initiates write operations for some dirty buffers. In full checkpoint mode, the bgwriter_lru_maxpages parameter is used to control the amount of data to be written each time, and the process is restarted after the period of hibernation specified by bgwriter_delay (in milliseconds). In incremental checkpoint mode, the number of target idle buffer pages is calculated based on the value of candidate_buf_percent_target. If the number of idle buffer pages is insufficient, a batch of pages are flushed to disks at the interval specified by bgwriter_delay (in milliseconds). The number of flushed pages is calculated based on the target difference percentage. The maximum number of flushed pages is limited by max_io_capacity. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:bgwriter_delay |
Specifies the interval at which the background writer writes dirty shared buffers, in milliseconds. Each time, the background writer initiates write operations for some dirty buffers. In full checkpoint mode, the bgwriter_lru_maxpages parameter is used to control the amount of data to be written each time, and the process is restarted after the period of hibernation specified by bgwriter_delay (in milliseconds). In incremental checkpoint mode, the number of target idle buffer pages is calculated based on the value of candidate_buf_percent_target. If the number of idle buffer pages is insufficient, a batch of pages are flushed to disks at the interval specified by bgwriter_delay (in milliseconds). The number of flushed pages is calculated based on the target difference percentage. The maximum number of flushed pages is limited by max_io_capacity. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:max_files_per_process |
Specifies the maximum number of files that can be opened simultaneously by each server process. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:candidate_buf_percent_target |
Specifies the proportion (%) of available buffers in shared_buffer in the candidate buffer chain when the incremental checkpoint is enabled. If the percentage is less than the value of this parameter, the bgwriter thread starts to flush dirty pages based on the max_io_capacity parameter. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:candidate_buf_percent_target |
Specifies the proportion (%) of available buffers in shared_buffer in the candidate buffer chain when the incremental checkpoint is enabled. If the percentage is less than the value of this parameter, the bgwriter thread starts to flush dirty pages based on the max_io_capacity parameter. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:checkpoint_segments |
Specifies the minimum number of WAL segment files in the period specified by checkpoint_timeout. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:checkpoint_segments |
Specifies the minimum number of WAL segment files in the period specified by checkpoint_timeout. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:checkpoint_timeout |
Specifies the maximum time between automatic WAL checkpoints, in seconds. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:checkpoint_timeout |
Specifies the maximum time between automatic WAL checkpoints, in seconds. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:incremental_checkpoint_timeout |
Specifies the maximum interval (in seconds) between automatic WAL checkpoints when the incremental checkpoint is enabled. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:incremental_checkpoint_timeout |
Specifies the maximum interval (in seconds) between automatic WAL checkpoints when the incremental checkpoint is enabled. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:wal_writer_delay |
Specifies the delay (in milliseconds) between activity rounds for the WAL writer. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:wal_writer_delay |
Specifies the delay (in milliseconds) between activity rounds for the WAL writer. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:wal_buffers |
Specifies the shared memory for storing WALs, that is, multiples of XLOG_BLCKSZ, in increments of 8 KB. For details about the value range, see wal_buffers. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:wal_buffers |
Specifies the shared memory for storing WALs, that is, multiples of XLOG_BLCKSZ, in increments of 8 KB. For details about the value range, see wal_buffers. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:walwriter_cpu_bind |
Specifies the CPU core bound to the WAL write thread. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:bulk_write_ring_size |
Specifies the size of the ring buffer used by the operation when a large amount of data is written (for example, the copy operation). This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:bulk_write_ring_size |
Specifies the size of a ring buffer used for parallel data import. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:recovery_redo_workers |
Specifies the number of PageRedoWorker threads corresponding to each ParseRedoRecord thread when ultimate RTO is enabled. recovery_redo_workers must be used together with recovery_parse_workers. The value of recovery_redo_workers takes effect only when recovery_parse_workers is greater than 1. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:recovery_redo_workers |
Specifies the number of PageRedoWorker threads corresponding to each ParseRedoRecord thread when ultimate RTO is enabled. recovery_redo_workers must be used together with recovery_parse_workers. The value of recovery_redo_workers takes effect only when recovery_parse_workers is greater than 1. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cms:phony_dead_effective_time |
Specifies the maximum number of times DN processes are detected as zombie. If the number of times a process is detected as zombie is greater than the specified value, the process is considered to be a zombie process and will be restarted. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_ai_watchdog |
Enables or disables the AI watchdog function. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:enable_ai_watchdog |
Enables or disables the AI watchdog function. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
enable_unshipping_log |
Specifies whether to log statements that are not pushed down. The logs help locate performance issues that may be caused by statements not pushed down. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:max_connections |
Specifies the maximum number of concurrent connections. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:max_connections |
Specifies the maximum number of concurrent connections. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:resilience_memory_reject_percent |
Specifies the dynamic memory usage for escape from memory overload. This parameter is only applied when use_workload_manager and enable_memory_limit are enabled. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:resilience_memory_reject_percent |
Specifies the dynamic memory usage for escape from memory overload. This parameter is only applied when use_workload_manager and enable_memory_limit are enabled. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:resilience_threadpool_reject_cond |
Specifies the proportion of accumulated sessions in the thread pool for escape from overload. This parameter is only applied when enable_thread_pool and use_workload_manager are enabled. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:resilience_threadpool_reject_cond |
Specifies the proportion of accumulated sessions in the thread pool for escape from overload. This parameter is only applied when enable_thread_pool and use_workload_manager are enabled. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:vacuum_cost_delay |
Specifies how long the process sleeps when vacuum_cost_limit has been exceeded, in milliseconds. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:vacuum_cost_delay |
Specifies how long the process sleeps when vacuum_cost_limit has been exceeded, in milliseconds. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:b_format_version |
Specifies the SQL behavior control configuration item in B-compatible mode. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:b_format_version |
Specifies the forward compatibility in MySQL-compatible mode. This is a configuration item for controlling database platform compatibility behavior. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_control_group |
Specifies whether to enable the Cgroups. This parameter must be applied on both CNs and DNs. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:enable_control_group |
Specifies whether to enable the Cgroups. This parameter must be applied on both CNs and DNs. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:track_stmt_parameter |
After track_stmt_parameter is enabled, the executed statements recorded in statement_history are not normalized. The complete SQL statement information can be displayed to help the database administrator locate faults. For a simple query, the complete statement information is displayed. For a PBE statement, the complete statement information and information about each variable value are displayed. The format is "query string; parameters:$1=value1,$2=value2, ...". This parameter is used to display full SQL information for users and is not controlled by the track_activity_query_size parameter. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:track_stmt_parameter |
After track_stmt_parameter is enabled, the executed statements recorded in statement_history are not normalized. The complete SQL statement information can be displayed to help the database administrator locate faults. For a simple query, the complete statement information is displayed. For a PBE statement, the complete statement information and information about each variable value are displayed. The format is "query string; parameters:$1=value1,$2=value2, ...". This parameter is used to display full SQL information for users and is not controlled by the track_activity_query_size parameter. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:track_activity_query_size |
Specifies byte counts of the current running commands used to trace each active session. If the number of bytes in a command is greater than the value of this parameter, the command will be truncated. This parameter affects the memory usage of multiple system views. Adjusting the value of this parameter has a great impact on the memory usage. You can estimate the memory usage based on the value calculated from instr_unique_sql_count times track_activity_query_size. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:track_activity_query_size |
Specifies byte counts of the current running commands used to trace each active session. If the number of bytes in a command is greater than the value of this parameter, the command will be truncated. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
Parameter |
Description |
recyclebin_retention_time |
Specifies how long files will be kept in the recycle bin. Files in the recycle bin will be automatically deleted after this length of time. Unit: second |
autoanalyze_timeout |
Specifies the autoanalyze timeout period. If the duration of autoanalyze on a table exceeds the value of autoanalyze_timeout, the autoanalyze operation is automatically canceled. The value 0 indicates that there is no timeout limit. Unit: second |
cn:page_version_partitions |
Specifies the number of hash table partitions in cached page version information in the memory. This parameter directly affects the hash query efficiency and hash conflict probability, and is valid only when page_version_check is not set to off. If page_version_check is set to off, the parameter value will still be sent to the kernel, but the relevant function does not take effect until after page_version_check is set to a value other than off. For details about the value range, see the product documentation. |
dn:index_txntype |
Sets the index page format to PCR or RCR. This parameter is left unconfigured during system initialization. By default, the created indexes are compatible with the index type (RCR) of earlier versions. Once this parameter is specified, it cannot be left unconfigured again. |
log_min_duration_statement |
Specifies the threshold for logging the duration of a completed statement. If a statement runs for a period greater than or equal to the specified value, its duration will be logged. The value -1 disables logging statement durations. If this parameter is set to a small value, the load throughput may be affected. Unit: millisecond |
datestyle |
Specifies the display format for date and time. |
max_replication_slots |
Specifies the number of log replication slots on the primary node. |
timezone |
Specifies the time zone for displaying and interpreting time stamps. |
cn:auto_increment_offset |
Specifies the initial value of an auto-increment column. The auto-increment value is calculated by the following formula: auto_increment_offset + N × auto_increment_increment. N is a positive integer. If the value of this parameter is greater than that of auto_increment_increment, there will be an error when the values in the auto-increment column automatically increase. |
dn:enable_xid_abort_check |
Specifies whether to check the status of transaction ID rollback when a transaction is committed. |
cn:audit_internal_event |
Specifies whether to audit the connections and operations of internal tools cm_agent, gs_clean, and WDRXdb, and whether to audit the logins and logouts from CNs on DNs. |
enable_default_ustore_table |
Specifies whether to enable the Ustore storage engine by default. If this parameter is set to on, all created tables are Ustore tables. |
enable_slot_log |
Specifies whether to enable primary/standby synchronization for logical replication slots. Currently, only archive slots and backup slots are involved. Set this parameter to on only in cloud scenarios where logical replication is enabled. In other scenarios, set this parameter to off. |
cn:enable_convert_illegal_char |
Specifies whether the database supports characters not included the character sets. |
cn:codegen_compile_thread_num |
Specifies the number of Codegen compilation threads. |
cn:enable_workload_rule |
Specifies whether to enable SQL throttling. |
dn:enable_enhance_toast_table |
Specifies whether to use the enhanced TOAST out-of-line storage table. The value on indicates that the enhanced TOAST out-of-line storage table is used. The value off indicates that the TOAST out-of-line storage table is used. |
dn:static_thread_pool_num |
Specifies the number of threads used to create a static thread pool (static pool). This parameter takes effect only on CNs of a distributed instance after enable_thread_pool is enabled. |
enable_stream_operator |
Specifies the query optimizer's use of streams. If enable_stream_operator is disabled, a large number of logs indicating that the plans cannot be pushed down are recorded. If you do not need these logs, you are advised to disable both enable_unshipping_log and enable_stream_operator. The default value is recommended. |
cn:auto_increment_increment |
Specifies the auto-increment step of an auto-increment column. The auto-increment value is calculated by the following formula: auto_increment_offset + N × auto_increment_increment. N is a positive integer. If the value of this parameter is smaller than that of auto_increment_offset, there will be an error when the values in the auto-increment column automatically increase. |
dn:support_binary_copy_version |
Specifies whether to verify the binary file encoding information when data is imported using COPY FROM in BINARY mode. If forward compatibility is required, leave this parameter empty. Otherwise, retain the default value. |
cn:enable_dynamic_samplesize |
Specifies whether to dynamically adjust the number of sampled rows. For a large table with more than one million rows, the number of sampled rows is dynamically adjusted during statistics collection to improve statistics accuracy. |
cn:gs_perf_retention_days |
Specifies how many days the flame graph files in HTML format are retained. Unit: day |
dn:cost_model_version |
Specifies the version of the optimizer cost model. It is a protective parameter. It prevents new optimizer cost models from being applied, so you can keep the current model consistent with the plan of an existing version. If the value of this parameter is changed, many SQL plans may be changed. Exercise caution when modifying this parameter. |
wal_level |
Specifies the level of information to be written to the WAL. This is a required value and cannot be commented out. Determines how much information is written to the WAL. When this parameter is set to logical, logical logs are extracted and primary key information is recorded in Xlogs. |
cn:sql_mode |
Specifies the SQL behavior control configuration item in M-compatible mode. |
dn:enable_rls_match_index |
Specifies whether indexes of a base table can be scanned based on target predicate conditions in row-level security scenarios. Target scenario: Row level security (RLS) policies are set and enabled in the base table, and the query predicate contains the unleakproof system function or like operator. |
dn:audit_internal_event |
Specifies whether to audit the connections and operations of internal tools cm_agent, gs_clean, and WDRXdb, and whether to audit the logins and logouts from CNs on DNs. |
cn:llvm_max_memory |
Specifies the upper limit of the memory used by IRs (including cached and in-use IRs) generated during compilation in Codegen execution mode. The memory used by Codegen is not applied for by preoccupation. It is a part of max_dynamic_memory and is restricted by the llvm_max_memory parameter. Unit: KB |
dn:fix_func_selection |
Specifies whether to optimize the function matching policy. The value catlist indicates the catlist sequence is optimized. (The non-B-compatible mode has been optimized. In non-B-compatible mode, system functions are always preferentially selected and executed. The policy in B-compatible mode is the same as that in versions earlier than 505.1.0. An error message indicating that the function is not unique may be displayed, or a system function may be selected for execution.) |
enable_seqscan |
Specifies whether to enable the optimizer's use of sequential scan plan types. It is impossible to completely suppress sequential scans, but setting this parameter to off allows the optimizer to choose other methods if available. |
comm_no_delay |
Specifies whether to use the no_delay attribute of a communication library connection. |
enable_recyclebin |
Enables or disables the recycle bin in real time. |
dn:sql_mode |
Specifies the SQL behavior control configuration item in M-compatible mode. |
cn:instr_unique_sql_combination_options |
Specifies the configuration items of combining unique SQL statements of the same type. |
dn:enable_dynamic_samplesize |
Specifies whether to dynamically adjust the number of sampled rows. For a large table with more than one million rows, the number of sampled rows is dynamically adjusted during statistics collection to improve statistics accuracy. |
dn:verify_log_buffers |
Specifies the size or pages of verifyLog buffers in memory mode. The unit is 8 KB. For example, if the value of this parameter is 4, the requested memory is 4 x 8 KB = 32 KB. This parameter is valid only when page_version_check is set to persistence. If page_version_check is set to another value, the parameter value will still be sent to the kernel, but the relevant function does not take effect until after page_version_check is set to persistence. |
cn:convert_illegal_char_mode |
Specifies the placeholders of invalid characters that can be displayed on the client when enable_convert_illegal_char is enabled. Value range: 95 characters whose decimal codes range from 32 to 126 in the ASCII coding table. |
dn:llvm_max_memory |
Specifies the upper limit of the memory used by IRs (including cached and in-use IRs) generated during compilation in Codegen execution mode. The memory used by Codegen is not applied for by preoccupation. It is a part of max_dynamic_memory and is restricted by the llvm_max_memory parameter. Unit: KB |
cn:page_version_check |
Specifies the type of page version verification. off indicates that page version verification is disabled. memory indicates that page version verification in pure memory mode is enabled. The page version information will be lost after a restart. persistence indicates that persistent page version verification is enabled. The page version information will not be lost after a restart. |
undo_space_limit_size |
Specifies the threshold for forcibly recycling undo space. When the undo space usage reaches 80% of the threshold, forcible recycling starts. It is recommended that the value of this parameter be greater than or equal to the value of undo_limit_size_per_transaction. Unit: 8 KB |
cn:tde_index_default_encrypt |
When tde_index_default_encrypt is set to on and an index is created based on an encrypted table, the database automatically converts the index to an encrypted index. |
recovery_time_target |
Specifies the time for the standby node to write and replay logs. Unit: second |
dn:enable_convert_illegal_char |
Specifies whether the database supports characters not included the character sets. |
dn:system_view_version |
Determines the version of the system view. All versions are backward compatible. For example, when system_view_version is set to 3, all features of version 2 and version 1 are also supported. For details, see the product documentation. |
dn:enable_workload_rule |
Specifies whether to enable SQL throttling. |
dn:archive_interval |
Specifies the archiving interval. Log files are forcibly archived when the period specified by this parameter has elapsed. A large value of this parameter affects the RPO of PITR. The default value is recommended. Unit: second |
cn:enable_codegen |
Specifies whether code optimization can be enabled. Currently, code optimization uses the LLVM optimization. |
dn:codegen_compile_thread_num |
Specifies the number of Codegen compilation threads. |
max_wal_senders |
Specifies the maximum number of WAL sender threads that can be created. Processes created for the following purposes occupy WAL sender threads: Standby DNs connect to primary DNs to obtain physical logs, and logical replication tools connect to primary DNs to obtain logical logs. If this parameter is set to a value smaller than 20, scale-out may fail. The value of this parameter must be smaller than that of max_connections. |
dn:resilience_ctrlstmt_detect_timelimit |
Specifies the execution time of a normal SQL statement that will be marked as a slow SQL statement. The value 0 indicates that slow SQL statements are not identified. A value greater than 0 indicates that a normal SQL statement whose execution time exceeds the value of this parameter is marked as a slow SQL statement. This parameter is only valid for SELECT statements that are executed by non-sysadmin/monitoradmin users. Unit: millisecond |
cn:a_format_date_timestamp |
Specifies whether to enable current_date, current_timestamp, and localtimestamp to return the system time, instead of the transaction start time, when a transaction starts. |
cn:page_missing_dirty_check |
Specifies whether to enable the verification for pages not marked as dirty. The verification checks whether the modified pages are not marked as dirty. This parameter is only valid when page_version_check is not set to off. If page_version_check is set to off, the parameter value will still be sent to the kernel, but the relevant function does not take effect until after page_version_check is set to a value other than off. |
cn:cost_model_version |
Specifies the version of the optimizer cost model. It is a protective parameter. It prevents new optimizer cost models from being applied, so you can keep the current model consistent with the plan of an existing version. If the value of this parameter is changed, many SQL plans may be changed. Exercise caution when modifying this parameter. |
dn:max_compile_functions |
Specifies the maximum number of function compilation results stored in the server. Excessive functions and compilation results of stored procedures may occupy large memory space. Setting this parameter to an appropriate value can reduce the memory usage and improve system performance. Before modifying this parameter, determine your application scenario and fully verify the change in a test environment. For details, see the reference document. |
dn:tde_index_default_encrypt |
When tde_index_default_encrypt is set to on and an index is created based on an encrypted table, the database automatically converts the index to an encrypted index. |
dn:recovery_parse_workers |
Specifies the number of ParseRedoRecord threads in the ultimate RTO feature. This parameter must be used together with recovery_redo_workers. If both recovery_parse_workers and recovery_redo_workers are greater than 1, ultimate RTO is enabled. If you do not want to enable ultimate RTO, retain the default value 1 for recovery_parse_workers. When enabling ultimate RTO, ensure that replication_type is set to 1. If both ultimate RTO and parallel replay are enabled, only ultimate RTO takes effect, and parallel replay is ineffective. Ultimate RTO does not support column-store tables. Therefore, disable ultimate RTO in a system where column-store tables are used or are to be used. Ultimate RTO also does not support flow control. Flow control is determined by the recovery_time_target parameter. |
failed_login_attempts |
Specifies the maximum number of incorrect password attempts before an account is locked. The account will be automatically unlocked after the time specified in password_lock_time elapses. Only the sysadmin user can set this parameter. |
undo_retention_time |
Specifies how long undo logs are kept. This parameter is only used for flashback query. Note: 1. The undo space of the local disk increases. 2. In subsequent incremental backups, the size of the backup set increases, because extra undo content is retained. Unit: second |
cn:wdr_snapshot_space_threshold |
Specifies the threshold for controlling the space used by snapshots. When the space used by snapshots reaches 80% of the value of this parameter, the control logic of the database is enabled to stabilize the space usage. Unit: KB |
dn:page_version_check |
Specifies the type of page version verification. off indicates that page version verification is disabled. memory indicates that page version verification in pure memory mode is enabled. The page version information will be lost after a restart. persistence indicates that persistent page version verification is enabled. The page version information will not be lost after a restart. |
cn:max_compile_functions |
Specifies the maximum number of function compilation results stored in the server. Excessive functions and compilation results of stored procedures may occupy large memory space. Setting this parameter to an appropriate value can reduce the memory usage and improve system performance. Before modifying this parameter, determine your application scenario and fully verify the change in a test environment. For details, see the reference document. |
cn:page_version_max_num |
Specifies the maximum number of page versions that can be cached in memory. This parameter is only valid when page_version_check is not set to off. If page_version_check is set to off, the parameter value will still be sent to the kernel, but the relevant function does not take effect until after page_version_check is set to a value other than off. For details about the value range, see the product documentation. |
dn:auto_increment_offset |
Specifies the initial value of an auto-increment column. The auto-increment value is calculated by the following formula: auto_increment_offset + N × auto_increment_increment. N is a positive integer. If the value of this parameter is greater than that of auto_increment_increment, there will be an error when the values in the auto-increment column automatically increase. |
dn:auto_increment_cache |
Specifies the number of reserved auto-increment cache values when auto-increment is triggered by batch insertion or import of auto-increment columns. When auto-increment values are reserved, the auto-increment counter value is updated to the maximum auto-increment cache value. Before the cache values are used up, the auto-increment counter value remains unchanged, and the triggered auto-increment uses the cache values. If this parameter is set to 0, the auto-increment cache values are automatically reserved. When auto-increment is triggered for the first time, if the number of rows to be inserted into the auto-increment column is known, the number is the reserved value. If the number of rows is unknown, 2^n values are reserved each time. For example, one value is reserved in the first auto-increment, two values are reserved in the second auto-increment, four values are reserved in the third auto-increment, and eight values are reserved for in fourth auto-increment. However, if the number of reserved values exceeds 65,535, 65,535 values are reserved. If this parameter is not set to 0, the number of reserved cache values is the value of this parameter. When auto-increment is triggered for the first time, if the number of rows to be inserted into the auto-increment column is known, the number is the reserved value. If the number of rows is unknown, the value of auto_increment_cache is the number of auto-increment values reserved each time. The reserved cache values are valid only in the statement. If the reserved auto-increment cache values are used up and subsequent INSERT statements trigger auto-increment based on the auto-increment counter, the values in the auto-increment column in the table are discontinuous. This parameter does not affect the auto-increment column in the local temporary table. |
dn:enable_codegen |
Specifies whether code optimization can be enabled. Currently, code optimization uses the LLVM optimization. |
dn:instr_unique_sql_combination_options |
Specifies the configuration items of combining unique SQL statements of the same type. If this feature is enabled, the IDs of unique SQL statements of the same type are normalized, and the generated unique SQL strings are normalized. |
rewrite_rule |
Sets query rewriting rules. |
dn:page_missing_dirty_check |
Specifies whether to enable the verification for pages not marked as dirty. The verification checks whether the modified pages are not marked as dirty. This parameter is only valid when page_version_check is not set to off. If page_version_check is set to off, the parameter value will still be sent to the kernel, but the relevant function does not take effect until after page_version_check is set to a value other than off. |
dn:wdr_snapshot_full_backup_interval |
Specifies the interval at which a full WDR snapshot is created. The interval specified by this parameter is about a number instead of time. For example, if the parameter is set to 12, a full snapshot and then 11 incremental snapshots are generated for each group. If the parameter is set to 1, all snapshots generated are full snapshots. |
dn:wdr_snapshot_space_threshold |
Specifies the threshold for controlling the space used by snapshots. When the space used by snapshots reaches 80% of the value of this parameter, the control logic of the database is enabled to stabilize the space usage. Unit: KB |
cn:gs_perf_interval |
Specifies the automatic perf data collection interval. The value 0 indicates that the collection is stopped. If the value is greater than 0 and less than 5, the value 5 is used. Unit: minute |
dn:gs_perf_interval |
Specifies the automatic perf data collection interval. The value 0 indicates that the collection is stopped. If the value is greater than 0 and less than 5, the value 5 is used. Unit: minute |
dn:extra_float_digits |
Adjusts the number of digits displayed for floating-point values, including float4, float8, and geometric data types. The parameter value is added to the standard number of digits (FLT_DIG or DBL_DIG as appropriate). This parameter can also be set to a negative value to suppress unwanted digits. |
cn:disable_keyword_options |
Specifies the configuration items for database compatibility. Multiple items are separated by commas (,). An identifier with this parameter set will not be used as a keyword. |
track_stmt_stat_level |
Controls the level of statement execution tracking. |
cn:b_format_dev_version |
Specifies the compatibility configuration item of database platform minor versions. |
dn:copy_special_character_version |
Specifies whether to report an error when there are invalid characters during data import and export using COPY FROM. |
cn:page_version_recycler_thread_num |
Specifies the number of threads for recycling and verifying page version information. This parameter is only valid when page_version_check is not set to off. If page_version_check is set to off, the parameter value will still be sent to the kernel, but the relevant function does not take effect until after page_version_check is set to a value other than off. |
cn:wdr_snapshot_full_backup_interval |
Specifies the interval at which a full WDR snapshot is created. The interval specified by this parameter is about a number instead of time. For example, if the parameter is set to 12, a full snapshot and then 11 incremental snapshots are generated for each group. If the parameter is set to 1, all snapshots generated are full snapshots. |
cn:extra_float_digits |
Adjusts the number of digits displayed for floating-point values, including float4, float8, and geometric data types. The parameter value is added to the standard number of digits (FLT_DIG or DBL_DIG as appropriate). This parameter can also be set to a negative value to suppress unwanted digits. |
cn:system_view_version |
Determines the version of the system view. All versions are backward compatible. For example, when system_view_version is set to 3, all features of version 2 and version 1 are also supported. For details, see the product documentation. |
support_batch_bind |
Specifies whether to bind and execute PBE (Parse, Bind, Execute) statements in batches through interfaces such as JDBC, ODBC, and libpq. |
cn:check_disconnect_query |
Specifies whether to enable the function of terminating statement execution on the server after the client is disconnected due to timeout. |
password_effect_time |
Specifies the validity period of an account password. Unit: day |
cn:verify_log_buffers |
Specifies the size or pages of verifyLog buffers in memory mode. The unit is 8 KB. For example, if the value of this parameter is 4, the requested memory is 4 x 8 KB = 32 KB. This parameter is valid only when page_version_check is set to persistence. If page_version_check is set to another value, the parameter value will still be sent to the kernel, but the relevant function does not take effect until after page_version_check is set to persistence. |
cn:enable_slot_log |
Specifies whether to enable primary/standby synchronization for logical replication slots. Currently, only archive slots and backup slots are involved. Set this parameter to on only in cloud scenarios where logical replication is enabled. In other scenarios, set this parameter to off. |
undo_limit_size_per_transaction |
Specifies the threshold for forcibly recycling undo space. When the undo space usage reaches 80% of the threshold, forcible recycling starts. It is recommended that the value of this parameter be greater than or equal to the value of undo_limit_size_per_transaction. Unit: 8 KB |
dn:resilience_ctrlslot_available_maxpercent |
Specifies the maximum percentage of threads in the thread pool that can be occupied by slow SQL statements. This parameter is only valid for SELECT statements that are executed by non-sysadmin/monitoradmin users. |
cn:enable_rls_match_index |
Specifies whether indexes of a base table can be scanned based on target predicate conditions in row-level security scenarios. Target scenario: Row level security (RLS) policies are set and enabled in the base table, and the query predicate contains the unleakproof system function or like operator. |
dn:auto_increment_increment |
Specifies the auto-increment step of an auto-increment column. The auto-increment value is calculated by the following formula: auto_increment_offset + N × auto_increment_increment. N is a positive integer. If the value of this parameter is smaller than that of auto_increment_offset, there will be an error when the values in the auto-increment column automatically increase. |
cn:copy_special_character_version |
Specifies whether to report an error when there are invalid characters during data import and export using COPY FROM. |
behavior_compat_options |
Specifies database compatibility configuration items. After the value of proc_outparam_override is changed, the database must be connected again or the instance must be rebooted. Otherwise, stored procedures and functions cannot be correctly called. |
dn:gs_format_behavior_compat_options |
Specifies the configuration items of GaussDB internal system functions. |
dn:b_format_dev_version |
Specifies the compatibility configuration item of database platform minor versions. |
dn:check_disconnect_query |
Specifies whether to enable the function of terminating statement execution on the server after the client is disconnected due to timeout. |
cn:gs_format_behavior_compat_options |
Specifies the configuration items of GaussDB internal system functions. |
wdr_snapshot_retention_days |
Specifies how many days database monitoring snapshots are saved for. |
cn:static_thread_pool_num |
Specifies the number of threads used to create a static thread pool (static pool). This parameter takes effect only on CNs of a distributed instance after enable_thread_pool is enabled. |
audit_system_object |
Specifies whether to audit the CREATE, DROP, and ALTER operations on GaussDB database objects. GaussDB database objects include databases, users, schemas, and tables. You can change the value of this parameter to audit only the operations on required database objects. In the scenario where the leader node is forcibly selected, you are advised to set audit_system_object to the maximum value and audit all DDL objects. For details about the value range, see the product documentation. |
cn:resilience_ctrlslot_available_maxpercent |
Specifies the maximum percentage of threads in the thread pool that can be occupied by slow SQL statements. This parameter is only valid for SELECT statements that are executed by non-sysadmin/monitoradmin users. |
dn:enable_slot_log |
Specifies whether to enable primary/standby synchronization for logical replication slots. Currently, only archive slots and backup slots are involved. Set this parameter to on only in cloud scenarios where logical replication is enabled. In other scenarios, set this parameter to off. |
dn:page_version_partitions |
Specifies the number of hash table partitions in cached page version information in the memory. This parameter directly affects the hash query efficiency and hash conflict probability, and is valid only when page_version_check is not set to off. If page_version_check is set to off, the parameter value will still be sent to the kernel, but the relevant function does not take effect until after page_version_check is set to a value other than off. For details about the value range, see the product documentation. |
dn:page_version_recycler_thread_num |
Specifies the number of threads for recycling and verifying page version information. This parameter is only valid when page_version_check is not set to off. If page_version_check is set to off, the parameter value will still be sent to the kernel, but the relevant function does not take effect until after page_version_check is set to a value other than off. |
dn:dcf_thread_effective_time |
Specifies the effective time of the DCF flushing thread. This parameter is used to determine whether the disk I/O hangs. If the DCF cannot access I/O resources within the period specified by this parameter, the DCF considers that the thread I/O hangs and a primary/standby switchover is triggered. If this parameter is set to 0, I/O hang detection is disabled. Unit: second |
dn:a_format_date_timestamp |
Specifies whether to enable current_date, current_timestamp, and localtimestamp to return the system time, instead of the transaction start time, when a transaction starts. |
cn:enable_xid_abort_check |
Specifies whether to check the status of transaction ID rollback when a transaction is committed. |
session_timeout |
Specifies how long to wait before a server connection is disconnected due to inactivity. The value 0 indicates there is no time limit. Unit: second |
dn:disable_keyword_options |
Specifies the configuration items for database compatibility. Multiple items are separated by commas (,). An identifier with this parameter set will not be used as a keyword. |
cn:fix_func_selection |
Specifies whether to optimize the function matching policy. The value catlist indicates the catlist sequence is optimized. (The non-B-compatible mode has been optimized. In non-B-compatible mode, system functions are always preferentially selected and executed. The policy in B-compatible mode is the same as that in versions earlier than 505.1.0. An error message indicating that the function is not unique may be displayed, or a system function may be selected for execution.) |
autoanalyze |
Specifies whether to automatically collect statistics on tables that have no statistics when a plan is generated. |
password_lock_time |
Specifies the maximum number of incorrect password attempts before an account is locked. The account will be automatically unlocked after the time specified in password_lock_time elapses. Only the sysadmin user can set this parameter. |
cn:support_binary_copy_version |
Specifies whether to verify the binary file encoding information when data is imported using COPY FROM in BINARY mode. If forward compatibility is required, leave this parameter empty. Otherwise, retain the default value. |
update_lockwait_timeout |
Specifies the maximum duration that a lock waits for concurrent updates on a row to complete when the concurrent update feature is enabled. If the lock wait time exceeds this value, the system will report an error. Unit: millisecond |
cn:recovery_parse_workers |
Specifies the number of ParseRedoRecord threads in the ultimate RTO feature. This parameter must be used together with recovery_redo_workers. If both recovery_parse_workers and recovery_redo_workers are greater than 1, ultimate RTO is enabled. If you do not want to enable ultimate RTO, retain the default value 1 for recovery_parse_workers. When enabling ultimate RTO, ensure that replication_type is set to 1. If both ultimate RTO and parallel replay are enabled, only ultimate RTO takes effect, and parallel replay is ineffective. Ultimate RTO does not support column-store tables. Therefore, disable ultimate RTO in a system where column-store tables are used or are to be used. Ultimate RTO also does not support flow control. Flow control is determined by the recovery_time_target parameter. |
cn:auto_increment_cache |
Specifies the number of reserved auto-increment cache values when auto-increment is triggered by batch insertion or import of auto-increment columns. When auto-increment values are reserved, the auto-increment counter value is updated to the maximum auto-increment cache value. Before the cache values are used up, the auto-increment counter value remains unchanged, and the triggered auto-increment uses the cache values. If this parameter is set to 0, the auto-increment cache values are automatically reserved. When auto-increment is triggered for the first time, if the number of rows to be inserted into the auto-increment column is known, the number is the reserved value. If the number of rows is unknown, 2^n values are reserved each time. For example, one value is reserved in the first auto-increment, two values are reserved in the second auto-increment, four values are reserved in the third auto-increment, and eight values are reserved for in fourth auto-increment. However, if the number of reserved values exceeds 65,535, 65,535 values are reserved. If this parameter is not set to 0, the number of reserved cache values is the value of this parameter. When auto-increment is triggered for the first time, if the number of rows to be inserted into the auto-increment column is known, the number is the reserved value. If the number of rows is unknown, the value of auto_increment_cache is the number of auto-increment values reserved each time. The reserved cache values are valid only in the statement. If the reserved auto-increment cache values are used up and subsequent INSERT statements trigger auto-increment based on the auto-increment counter, the values in the auto-increment column in the table are discontinuous. This parameter does not affect the auto-increment column in the local temporary table. |
cn:enable_enhance_toast_table |
Specifies whether to use the enhanced TOAST out-of-line storage table. The value on indicates that the enhanced TOAST out-of-line storage table is used. The value off indicates that the TOAST out-of-line storage table is used. |
cn:archive_interval |
Specifies the archiving interval. Log files are forcibly archived when the period specified by this parameter has elapsed. A large value of this parameter affects the RPO of PITR. The default value is recommended. Unit: second |
dn:convert_illegal_char_mode |
Specifies the placeholders of invalid characters that can be displayed on the client when enable_convert_illegal_char is enabled. Value range: 95 characters whose decimal codes range from 32 to 126 in the ASCII coding table. |
dn:use_workload_manager |
Specifies whether to enable resource management. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:use_workload_manager |
Specifies whether to enable resource management. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_save_datachanged_timestamp |
Specifies whether to record the time when INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or EXCHANGE/TRUNCATE/DROP PARTITION is performed on table data. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:enable_save_datachanged_timestamp |
Specifies whether to record the time when INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or EXCHANGE/TRUNCATE/DROP PARTITION is performed on table data. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:max_process_memory |
Specifies the maximum physical memory allowed for a DN. Unit: KB This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:max_process_memory |
Specifies the maximum physical memory allowed for a CN. Unit: KB This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:standby_shared_buffers_fraction |
Specifies the shared_buffers proportion used on the server where a standby instance is deployed. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:standby_shared_buffers_fraction |
Specifies the shared_buffers proportion used on the server where a standby instance is deployed. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:pagewriter_sleep |
Specifies the interval (in milliseconds) for the page writer thread to flush dirty pages to disks after the incremental checkpoint is enabled. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:pagewriter_sleep |
Specifies the interval (in milliseconds) for the page writer thread to flush dirty pages to disks after the incremental checkpoint is enabled. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:xloginsert_locks |
Specifies the number of locks on concurrent write-ahead logging. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:xloginsert_locks |
Specifies the number of locks on concurrent write-ahead logging. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_light_proxy |
Specifies whether the optimizer optimizes the execution of simple queries on CNs. This parameter does not take effect if the character set of the application side does not match that of the kernel side. You are advised to set the character set to UTF-8 when creating a database. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:enable_light_proxy |
Specifies whether the optimizer optimizes the execution of simple queries on CNs. This parameter does not take effect if the character set of the application side does not match that of the kernel side. You are advised to set the character set to UTF-8 when creating a database. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:synchronous_commit |
Specifies the synchronization mode of the current transaction. Generally, logs generated by a transaction are synchronized in the following sequence: The primary node writes the logs to the local memory. The primary node writes logs in the local memory to the local file system. The primary node flushes the logs in the local file system to disks. The primary node sends the logs to the standby node. The standby node receives the logs and saves them to its local memory. The standby node writes the logs in the local memory to the local file system. The standby node flushes the logs in the local file system to disks. The standby node replays the logs to complete the incremental update of data files. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:synchronous_commit |
Specifies the synchronization mode of the current transaction. Generally, logs generated by a transaction are synchronized in the following sequence: The primary node writes the logs to the local memory. The primary node writes logs in the local memory to the local file system. The primary node flushes the logs in the local file system to disks. The primary node sends the logs to the standby node. The standby node receives the logs and saves them to its local memory. The standby node writes the logs in the local memory to the local file system. The standby node flushes the logs in the local file system to disks. The standby node replays the logs to complete the incremental update of data files. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_incremental_checkpoint |
Specifies whether to enable incremental checkpoint. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:enable_incremental_checkpoint |
Specifies whether to enable incremental checkpoint. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:bypass_workload_manager |
Enables or disables independent I/O control. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:bypass_workload_manager |
Enables or disables independent I/O control. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_resource_track |
Specifies whether to enable real-time resource monitoring. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:enable_resource_track |
Specifies whether to enable real-time resource monitoring. This parameter must be applied on both CNs and DNs. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_instr_rt_percentile |
Specifies whether to enable the function of calculating the response time of 80% and 95% of the SQL statements in the system. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:enable_instr_rt_percentile |
Specifies whether to enable the function of calculating the response time of 80% and 95% of the SQL statements in the system. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_instr_cpu_timer |
Specifies whether to capture the CPU time consumed during SQL statement execution. In the x86-based centralized deployment scenario where 32 vCPUs and 256 GB of memory are configured, the performance tested by BenchmarkSQL 5.0 fluctuates by about 3.5% by enabling or disabling this parameter. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:enable_instr_cpu_timer |
Specifies whether to capture the CPU time consumed during SQL statement execution. In the x86-based centralized deployment scenario where 32 vCPUs and 256 GB of memory are configured, the performance tested by BenchmarkSQL 5.0 fluctuates by about 3.5% by enabling or disabling this parameter. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:track_counts |
Determines whether to enable collection of statistics on database activities. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:track_counts |
Determines whether to enable collection of statistics on database activities. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_user_metric_persistent |
Specifies whether to dump the historical monitoring data of user resources. If this parameter is set to on, data in the PG_TOTAL_USER_RESOURCE_INFO view is periodically sampled and saved to the system catalog GS_WLM_USER_RESOURCE_HISTORY. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:enable_user_metric_persistent |
Specifies whether to dump the historical monitoring data of user resources. If this parameter is set to on, data in the PG_TOTAL_USER_RESOURCE_INFO view is periodically sampled and saved to the system catalog GS_WLM_USER_RESOURCE_HISTORY. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:log_hostname |
By default, connection log messages only show the IP address of the connecting host. The host name can be recorded when this parameter is set to on. It may take some time to parse the host name. Therefore, the database performance may be affected. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:log_hostname |
By default, connection log messages only show the IP address of the connecting host. The host name can be recorded when this parameter is set to on. It may take some time to parse the host name. Therefore, the database performance may be affected. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_instr_track_wait |
Specifies whether to enable real-time collection of wait event information. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:enable_instr_track_wait |
Specifies whether to enable real-time collection of wait event information. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_instance_metric_persistent |
Specifies whether to dump instance resource monitoring data. When this parameter is set to on, the instance monitoring data is saved to the system catalog GS_WLM_INSTANCE_HISTORY. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:enable_instance_metric_persistent |
Specifies whether to dump instance resource monitoring data. When this parameter is set to on, the instance monitoring data is saved to the system catalog GS_WLM_INSTANCE_HISTORY. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_logical_io_statistics |
Specifies whether to collect logical I/O statistics during resource monitoring. If this function is enabled, the read_kbytes, write_kbytes, read_counts, write_counts, read_speed, and write_speed columns in the PG_TOTAL_USER_RESOURCE_INFO view will collect statistics on the byte count, number of times, and speed of logical read and write. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:enable_logical_io_statistics |
Specifies whether to collect logical I/O statistics during resource monitoring. If this function is enabled, the read_kbytes, write_kbytes, read_counts, write_counts, read_speed, and write_speed columns in the PG_TOTAL_USER_RESOURCE_INFO view will collect statistics on the byte count, number of times, and speed of logical read and write. Columns related to logical read and write in the system catalogs GS_WLM_USER_RESOURCE_HISTORY and GS_WLM_INSTANCE_HISTORY will collect statistics on the logical read and write of related users and instances. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_sort |
Specifies whether the query optimizer uses sort methods. It is impossible to suppress explicit sorts entirely, but setting this variable to off encourages the optimizer to choose other methods if available. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:enable_sort |
Specifies whether the query optimizer uses sort methods. It is impossible to suppress explicit sorts entirely, but setting this variable to off encourages the optimizer to choose other methods if available. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_material |
Specifies whether the query optimizer uses materialization. It is impossible to suppress materialization entirely, but setting this variable to off prevents the optimizer from inserting materialized nodes. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:enable_material |
Specifies whether the query optimizer uses materialization. It is impossible to suppress materialization entirely, but setting this variable to off prevents the optimizer from inserting materialized nodes. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
gtm:gtm_max_trans |
Specifies the maximum number of connections accepted by the GTM. You are advised not to change the value. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
gtm:csn_sync_interval |
Specifies the interval for synchronizing CSNs between the primary and standby GTMs, in seconds. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
gtm:restore_duration |
Specifies the reply interval of XIDs or CSNs on the GTM, that is, the number of XIDs or CSNs for reply. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cms:coordinator_heartbeat_timeout |
Specifies the heartbeat timeout (in seconds) that triggers the automatic removal of faulty CNs. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:client_min_messages |
Specifies which level of messages will be sent to the client. A higher level covers the messages of all the lower levels. The lower the level is, the fewer messages are sent. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:client_min_messages |
Specifies which level of messages will be sent to the client. A higher level covers the messages of all the lower levels. The lower the level is, the fewer messages are sent. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:pagewriter_thread_num |
Specifies the number of threads for background page flushing after the incremental checkpoint is enabled. Dirty pages are flushed in sequence to disks, updating recovery points. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:pagewriter_thread_num |
Specifies the number of threads for background page flushing after the incremental checkpoint is enabled. Dirty pages are flushed in sequence to disks, updating recovery points. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:bgwriter_delay |
Specifies the interval at which the background writer writes dirty shared buffers, in milliseconds. Each time, the background writer initiates write operations for some dirty buffers. In full checkpoint mode, the bgwriter_lru_maxpages parameter is used to control the amount of data to be written each time, and the process is restarted after the period of hibernation specified by bgwriter_delay (in milliseconds). In incremental checkpoint mode, the number of target idle buffer pages is calculated based on the value of candidate_buf_percent_target. If the number of idle buffer pages is insufficient, a batch of pages are flushed to disks at the interval specified by bgwriter_delay (in milliseconds). The number of flushed pages is calculated based on the target difference percentage. The maximum number of flushed pages is limited by max_io_capacity. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:bgwriter_delay |
Specifies the interval at which the background writer writes dirty shared buffers, in milliseconds. Each time, the background writer initiates write operations for some dirty buffers. In full checkpoint mode, the bgwriter_lru_maxpages parameter is used to control the amount of data to be written each time, and the process is restarted after the period of hibernation specified by bgwriter_delay (in milliseconds). In incremental checkpoint mode, the number of target idle buffer pages is calculated based on the value of candidate_buf_percent_target. If the number of idle buffer pages is insufficient, a batch of pages are flushed to disks at the interval specified by bgwriter_delay (in milliseconds). The number of flushed pages is calculated based on the target difference percentage. The maximum number of flushed pages is limited by max_io_capacity. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:max_files_per_process |
Specifies the maximum number of files that can be opened simultaneously by each server process. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:candidate_buf_percent_target |
Specifies the proportion (%) of available buffers in shared_buffer in the candidate buffer chain when the incremental checkpoint is enabled. If the percentage is less than the value of this parameter, the bgwriter thread starts to flush dirty pages based on the max_io_capacity parameter. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:candidate_buf_percent_target |
Specifies the proportion (%) of available buffers in shared_buffer in the candidate buffer chain when the incremental checkpoint is enabled. If the percentage is less than the value of this parameter, the bgwriter thread starts to flush dirty pages based on the max_io_capacity parameter. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:checkpoint_segments |
Specifies the minimum number of WAL segment files in the period specified by checkpoint_timeout. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:checkpoint_segments |
Specifies the minimum number of WAL segment files in the period specified by checkpoint_timeout. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:checkpoint_timeout |
Specifies the maximum time between automatic WAL checkpoints, in seconds. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:checkpoint_timeout |
Specifies the maximum time between automatic WAL checkpoints, in seconds. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:incremental_checkpoint_timeout |
Specifies the maximum interval (in seconds) between automatic WAL checkpoints when the incremental checkpoint is enabled. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:incremental_checkpoint_timeout |
Specifies the maximum interval (in seconds) between automatic WAL checkpoints when the incremental checkpoint is enabled. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:wal_writer_delay |
Specifies the delay (in milliseconds) between activity rounds for the WAL writer. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:wal_writer_delay |
Specifies the delay (in milliseconds) between activity rounds for the WAL writer. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:wal_buffers |
Specifies the shared memory for storing WALs, that is, multiples of XLOG_BLCKSZ, in increments of 8 KB. For details about the value range, see wal_buffers. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:wal_buffers |
Specifies the shared memory for storing WALs, that is, multiples of XLOG_BLCKSZ, in increments of 8 KB. For details about the value range, see wal_buffers. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:walwriter_cpu_bind |
Specifies the CPU core bound to the WAL write thread. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:bulk_write_ring_size |
Specifies the size of the ring buffer used by the operation when a large amount of data is written (for example, the copy operation). This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:bulk_write_ring_size |
Specifies the size of a ring buffer used for parallel data import. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:recovery_redo_workers |
Specifies the number of PageRedoWorker threads corresponding to each ParseRedoRecord thread when ultimate RTO is enabled. recovery_redo_workers must be used together with recovery_parse_workers. The value of recovery_redo_workers takes effect only when recovery_parse_workers is greater than 1. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:recovery_redo_workers |
Specifies the number of PageRedoWorker threads corresponding to each ParseRedoRecord thread when ultimate RTO is enabled. recovery_redo_workers must be used together with recovery_parse_workers. The value of recovery_redo_workers takes effect only when recovery_parse_workers is greater than 1. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cms:phony_dead_effective_time |
Specifies the maximum number of times DN processes are detected as zombie. If the number of times a process is detected as zombie is greater than the specified value, the process is considered to be a zombie process and will be restarted. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_ai_watchdog |
Enables or disables the AI watchdog function. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:enable_ai_watchdog |
Enables or disables the AI watchdog function. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
enable_unshipping_log |
Specifies whether to log statements that are not pushed down. The logs help locate performance issues that may be caused by statements not pushed down. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:max_connections |
Specifies the maximum number of concurrent connections. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:max_connections |
Specifies the maximum number of concurrent connections. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:resilience_memory_reject_percent |
Specifies the dynamic memory usage for escape from memory overload. This parameter is only applied when use_workload_manager and enable_memory_limit are enabled. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:resilience_memory_reject_percent |
Specifies the dynamic memory usage for escape from memory overload. This parameter is only applied when use_workload_manager and enable_memory_limit are enabled. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:resilience_threadpool_reject_cond |
Specifies the proportion of accumulated sessions in the thread pool for escape from overload. This parameter is only applied when enable_thread_pool and use_workload_manager are enabled. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:resilience_threadpool_reject_cond |
Specifies the proportion of accumulated sessions in the thread pool for escape from overload. This parameter is only applied when enable_thread_pool and use_workload_manager are enabled. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:vacuum_cost_delay |
Specifies how long the process sleeps when vacuum_cost_limit has been exceeded, in milliseconds. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:vacuum_cost_delay |
Specifies how long the process sleeps when vacuum_cost_limit has been exceeded, in milliseconds. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:b_format_version |
Specifies the SQL behavior control configuration item in B-compatible mode. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:b_format_version |
Specifies the forward compatibility in MySQL-compatible mode. This is a configuration item for controlling database platform compatibility behavior. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_control_group |
Specifies whether to enable the Cgroups. This parameter must be applied on both CNs and DNs. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:enable_control_group |
Specifies whether to enable the Cgroups. This parameter must be applied on both CNs and DNs. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:track_stmt_parameter |
After track_stmt_parameter is enabled, the executed statements recorded in statement_history are not normalized. The complete SQL statement information can be displayed to help the database administrator locate faults. For a simple query, the complete statement information is displayed. For a PBE statement, the complete statement information and information about each variable value are displayed. The format is "query string; parameters:$1=value1,$2=value2, ...". This parameter is used to display full SQL information for users and is not controlled by the track_activity_query_size parameter. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:track_stmt_parameter |
After track_stmt_parameter is enabled, the executed statements recorded in statement_history are not normalized. The complete SQL statement information can be displayed to help the database administrator locate faults. For a simple query, the complete statement information is displayed. For a PBE statement, the complete statement information and information about each variable value are displayed. The format is "query string; parameters:$1=value1,$2=value2, ...". This parameter is used to display full SQL information for users and is not controlled by the track_activity_query_size parameter. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:track_activity_query_size |
Specifies byte counts of the current running commands used to trace each active session. If the number of bytes in a command is greater than the value of this parameter, the command will be truncated. This parameter affects the memory usage of multiple system views. Adjusting the value of this parameter has a great impact on the memory usage. You can estimate the memory usage based on the value calculated from instr_unique_sql_count times track_activity_query_size. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
cn:track_activity_query_size |
Specifies byte counts of the current running commands used to trace each active session. If the number of bytes in a command is greater than the value of this parameter, the command will be truncated. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
Parameter |
Description |
dn:qrw_inlist2join_optmode |
Specifies whether to enable inlist-to-join query rewriting. |
dn:recovery_max_workers |
Specifies the number of concurrent replayer threads. |
dn:enable_auto_clean_unique_sql |
Specifies whether to enable automatic cleaning of unique SQL statements in hash tables. |
dn:gs_perf_retention_days |
Specifies how many days the flame graph files in HTML format are retained. Unit: day |
dn:page_version_max_num |
Specifies the maximum number of page versions that can be cached in memory. This parameter is only valid when page_version_check is not set to off. If page_version_check is set to off, the parameter value will still be sent to the kernel, but the relevant function does not take effect until after page_version_check is set to a value other than off. For details about the value range, see the product documentation. |
log_autovacuum_min_duration |
Specifies the interval which should elapse before autovacuum operations are logged. Autovacuum operations equal to or beyond the specified interval will be logged. If it is set to 0, all autovacuum operations will be logged. If it is set to -1, no autovacuum operations will be logged. |
log_min_duration_statement |
Specifies the threshold for logging the duration of a completed statement. If a statement runs for a period greater than or equal to the specified value, its duration will be logged. The value -1 disables logging statement durations. If this parameter is set to a small value, the load throughput may be affected. Unit: millisecond |
dn:max_connections |
Specifies the maximum number of concurrent connections to DNs. The value of this parameter must be greater than that of max_wal_senders. |
datestyle |
Specifies the display format for date and time. |
max_replication_slots |
Specifies the number of log replication slots on the primary node. |
timezone |
Specifies the time zone for displaying and interpreting time stamps. |
dn:enable_xid_abort_check |
Specifies whether to check the status of transaction ID rollback when a transaction is committed. |
enable_slot_log |
Specifies whether to enable primary/standby synchronization for logical replication slots. Currently, only archive slots and backup slots are involved. Set this parameter to on only in cloud scenarios where logical replication is enabled. In other scenarios, set this parameter to off. |
dn:enable_enhance_toast_table |
Specifies whether to use the enhanced TOAST out-of-line storage table. The value on indicates that the enhanced TOAST out-of-line storage table is used. The value off indicates that the TOAST out-of-line storage table is used. |
dn:support_binary_copy_version |
Specifies whether to verify the binary file encoding information when data is imported using COPY FROM in BINARY mode. |
dn:recovery_time_target |
Specifies the time for the standby node to write and replay logs. Unit: second |
plat_compat_allow_public_key_retrieval |
Specifies the database configuration item in M-compatible mode. This parameter specifies whether a client can request the RSA public key. on: The kernel allows the client to request the RSA public key for password transmission encryption. off: The client is not allowed to request the RSA public key. |
dn:audit_xid_info |
Determines whether to record the transaction IDs of SQL statements in detail_info. 0: The transaction IDs are not recorded. 1: The transaction IDs are recorded. |
dn:cost_model_version |
Specifies the version of the optimizer cost model. It is a protective parameter. It prevents new optimizer cost models from being applied, so you can keep the current model consistent with the plan of an existing version. If the value of this parameter is changed, many SQL plans may be changed. Exercise caution when modifying this parameter. |
wal_level |
Specifies the level of information to be written to the WAL. This is a required value and cannot be commented out. Determines how much information is written to the WAL. When this parameter is set to logical, logical logs are extracted and primary key information is recorded in Xlogs. |
dn:enable_rls_match_index |
Specifies whether indexes of a base table can be scanned based on target predicate conditions in row-level security scenarios. Target scenario: Row level security (RLS) policies are set and enabled in the base table, and the query predicate contains the unleakproof system function or like operator. |
dn:enable_pbe_optimization |
Specifies whether the optimizer optimizes the query plan for statements executed in Parse Bind Execute (PBE) mode. |
dn:audit_internal_event |
Specifies whether to audit the connections and operations of internal tools cm_agent, gs_clean, and WDRXdb, and whether to audit the logins and logouts from CNs on DNs. |
dn:numa_distribute_mode |
Specifies the distribution of some shared data and threads among NUMA nodes. This parameter is used to optimize the performance of large-scale Arm servers with multiple NUMA nodes. Generally, you do not need to set this parameter. This parameter cannot be set to all for instances deployed on x86-based servers. |
dn:max_compile_packages |
Specifies the maximum number of package compilation results stored in the server. Default values for different specifications are calculated by rounding down (max_process_memory x 2%)/4.4, in MB. |
dn:fix_func_selection |
Specifies whether to optimize the function matching policy. The value catlist indicates the catlist sequence is optimized. (The non-B-compatible mode has been optimized. In non-B-compatible mode, system functions are always preferentially selected and executed. The policy in B-compatible mode is the same as that in versions earlier than 505.1.0. An error message indicating that the function is not unique may be displayed, or a system function may be selected for execution.) |
enable_seqscan |
Specifies whether to enable the optimizer's use of sequential scan plan types. It is impossible to completely suppress sequential scans, but setting this parameter to off allows the optimizer to choose other methods if available. |
dn:default_limit_rows |
Specifies the estimated number of rows to return by default for generating a generic plan, that is, the default value for the LIMIT clause. If this parameter is set to a negative number, the value is converted to a percentage, for example, -5 is equivalent to 5%, indicating that 5% of the total rows will be returned. |
dn:sql_mode |
Specifies the SQL behavior control configuration item in M-compatible mode. |
dn:enable_dynamic_samplesize |
Specifies whether to dynamically adjust the number of sampled rows. For a large table with more than one million rows, the number of sampled rows is dynamically adjusted during statistics collection to improve statistics accuracy. |
dn:undo_space_limit_size |
Specifies the threshold for forcibly recycling undo space. When the undo space usage reaches 80% of the threshold, forcible recycling starts. It is recommended that the value of this parameter be greater than or equal to the value of undo_limit_size_per_transaction. Unit: 8 KB |
dn:umdk_enabled |
Specifies whether UMDK is enabled for the primary and standby DNs of the current instance. If the UMDK protocol is used for communication between the primary and standby DNs, the related log keyword on DNs is umdk. If the TCP protocol is used for communication between the primary and standby DNs, logs are recorded. |
dn:verify_log_buffers |
Specifies the size or pages of verifyLog buffers in memory mode. The unit is 8 KB. For example, if the value of this parameter is 4, the requested memory is 4 x 8 KB = 32 KB. This parameter is valid only when page_version_check is set to persistence. If page_version_check is set to another value, the parameter value will still be sent to the kernel, but the relevant function does not take effect until after page_version_check is set to persistence. |
dn:llvm_max_memory |
Specifies the upper limit of the memory used by IRs (including cached and in-use IRs) generated during compilation in Codegen execution mode. The memory used by Codegen is not applied for by preoccupation. It is a part of max_dynamic_memory and is restricted by the llvm_max_memory parameter. Unit: KB |
dn:enable_control_group |
Specifies whether to enable the Cgroups. |
dn:local_syscache_threshold |
Specifies the size of system catalog cache in a session. Unit: KB |
dn:enable_convert_illegal_char |
Specifies whether the database supports characters not included the character sets. |
dn:system_view_version |
Determines the version of the system view. All versions are backward compatible. For example, when system_view_version is set to 3, all features of version 2 and version 1 are also supported. For details, see the product documentation. |
track_activity_query_size |
Specifies the maximum number of bytes to be logged for each SQL statement. If the number of bytes of a SQL statement exceeds the specified parameter value, the SQL statement will be truncated. Setting this parameter to a large value can lead to excessive memory usage, potentially causing the system to run out of memory. You are advised to set this parameter to a value no more than 4096. |
dn:enable_workload_rule |
Specifies whether to enable SQL throttling. |
dn:archive_interval |
Specifies the archiving interval. Log files are forcibly archived when the period specified by this parameter has elapsed. A large value of this parameter affects the RPO of PITR. The default value is recommended. Unit: second |
div_precision_increment |
Specifies the database configuration item in M-compatible mode. This is a session-level parameter, which is used to set the value of precision that the division result can improve. The final precision is the precision of the first operation parameter added by the value of this parameter. |
lockwait_timeout |
Specifies the maximum duration that a lock waits for concurrent updates on a row to complete when the concurrent update feature is enabled. If the lock wait time exceeds this value, the system will report an error. Unit: millisecond |
dn:adaptive_cost_min_time |
Specifies the execution duration threshold of SQL statements for cardinality feedback collection. Only the feedback of statements whose execution duration is greater than the value of this parameter is collected. Unit: millisecond |
dn:audit_dml_state_select |
Determines whether to audit the SELECT operation. |
dn:codegen_compile_thread_num |
Specifies the number of Codegen compilation threads. |
dn:enable_vectordb |
Specifies whether vector indexes can be created, inserted, updated, and queried. |
max_wal_senders |
Specifies the maximum number of WAL sender threads that can be created. Processes created for the following purposes occupy WAL sender threads: Standby DNs connect to primary DNs to obtain physical logs, and logical replication tools connect to primary DNs to obtain logical logs. If this parameter is set to a value smaller than 20, scale-out may fail. The value of this parameter must be smaller than that of max_connections. |
dn:max_concurrent_autonomous_transactions |
Specifies the maximum number of autonomous transaction connections, that is, the maximum number of concurrent autonomous transactions executed at the same time. If this parameter is set to 0, autonomous transactions cannot be executed. The theoretical maximum value is 10000. Set this parameter based on workload requirements and hardware configurations. It is recommended that this parameter be set to a value less than or equal to 1/10 of max_connections. |
dn:enable_extension |
Specifies whether database extensions can be created. This parameter can be used only in specific scenarios after evaluation. Generally, this parameter does not need to be adjusted. |
dn:max_compile_functions |
Specifies the maximum number of function compilation results stored in the server. Excessive functions and compilation results of stored procedures may occupy large memory space. Setting this parameter to an appropriate value can reduce the memory usage and improve system performance. Before modifying this parameter, determine your application scenario and fully verify the change in a test environment. For details, see the reference document. |
dn:auto_explain_log_min_duration |
Specifies the minimum duration of execution plans that are automatically printed. Only execution plans whose duration is greater than the value of auto_explain_log_min_duration will be printed. Unit: millisecond |
dn:enable_default_ustore_table |
Specifies whether to enable the Ustore storage engine by default. If this parameter is set to on, all created tables are Ustore tables. |
dn:enable_vacuum_control |
Specifies whether to move the database permanent thread autoVacuumWorker to the Vacuum Cgroup. |
dn:recovery_parse_workers |
Specifies the number of ParseRedoRecord threads in the ultimate RTO feature. This parameter must be used together with recovery_redo_workers. If both recovery_parse_workers and recovery_redo_workers are greater than 1, ultimate RTO is enabled. If you do not want to enable ultimate RTO, retain the default value 1 for recovery_parse_workers. When enabling ultimate RTO, ensure that replication_type is set to 1. If both ultimate RTO and parallel replay are enabled, only ultimate RTO takes effect, and parallel replay is ineffective. Ultimate RTO does not support column-store tables. Therefore, disable ultimate RTO in a system where column-store tables are used or are to be used. Ultimate RTO also does not support flow control. Flow control is determined by the recovery_time_target parameter. |
dn:page_version_check |
Specifies the type of page version verification. off indicates that page version verification is disabled. memory indicates that page version verification in pure memory mode is enabled. The page version information will be lost after a restart. persistence indicates that persistent page version verification is enabled. The page version information will not be lost after a restart. |
dn:track_activity_query_size |
Specifies the maximum number of bytes to be logged for each SQL statement. If the number of bytes of a SQL statement exceeds the specified parameter value, the SQL statement will be truncated. Setting this parameter to a large value can lead to excessive memory usage, potentially causing the system to run out of memory. You are advised to set this parameter to a value no more than 4096. |
dn:gsivfflat_secondary_probes |
Specifies the number of level-2 inverted indexes to be searched. If the value exceeds the total number of level-2 inverted indexes, the entire table is searched. |
dn:num_internal_lock_partitions |
Specifies the number of internal lightweight lock partitions. Changing the value of this parameter affects performance and memory usage. Before modifying this parameter, determine your application scenario and fully verify the change in a test environment. For details, see the reference document. |
dn:enable_auto_explain |
Specifies whether to automatically print execution plans. This parameter is used to locate slow stored procedures or slow queries. |
dn:audit_function_exec |
Specifies whether to record the audit information during the execution of the stored procedures, anonymous blocks, or user-defined functions (excluding system functions). The value 0 means to disable the function, and 1 means to enable it. |
dn:auto_increment_cache |
Specifies the number of reserved auto-increment cache values when auto-increment is triggered by batch insertion or import of auto-increment columns. When auto-increment values are reserved, the auto-increment counter value is updated to the maximum auto-increment cache value. Before the cache values are used up, the auto-increment counter value remains unchanged, and the triggered auto-increment uses the cache values. If this parameter is set to 0, the auto-increment cache values are automatically reserved. When auto-increment is triggered for the first time, if the number of rows to be inserted into the auto-increment column is known, the number is the reserved value. If the number of rows is unknown, 2^n values are reserved each time. For example, one value is reserved in the first auto-increment, two values are reserved in the second auto-increment, four values are reserved in the third auto-increment, and eight values are reserved for in fourth auto-increment. However, if the number of reserved values exceeds 65,535, 65,535 values are reserved. If this parameter is not set to 0, the number of reserved cache values is the value of this parameter. When auto-increment is triggered for the first time, if the number of rows to be inserted into the auto-increment column is known, the number is the reserved value. If the number of rows is unknown, the value of auto_increment_cache is the number of auto-increment values reserved each time. The reserved cache values are valid only in the statement. If the reserved auto-increment cache values are used up and subsequent INSERT statements trigger auto-increment based on the auto-increment counter, the values in the auto-increment column in the table are discontinuous. This parameter does not affect the auto-increment column in the local temporary table. |
dn:enable_codegen |
Specifies whether code optimization can be enabled. Currently, code optimization uses the LLVM optimization. |
dn:instr_unique_sql_combination_options |
Specifies the configuration items of combining unique SQL statements of the same type. If this feature is enabled, the IDs of unique SQL statements of the same type are normalized, and the generated unique SQL strings are normalized. |
plan_cache_mode |
Specifies the policy of generating and caching execution plans of prepared statements. |
dn:group_concat_max_len |
Specifies the maximum permitted result length in bytes for the GROUP_CONCAT() function. |
dn:hadr_recovery_point_target |
Specifies the time allowed for the standby instance to flush logs to disks in streaming DR. This ensures that the log difference between the primary and standby instances is controlled within the period specified by hadr_recovery_point_target during the switchover and the standby instance can be promoted to primary. If this parameter is set to a small value, the performance of the primary node is affected. If it is set to a large value, the log flow is not effectively controlled. The value 0 indicates that log flow control is disabled. Unit: second |
dn:behavior_compat_options |
Specifies database compatibility configuration items. After the value of proc_outparam_override is changed, the database must be connected again or the instance must be rebooted. Otherwise, stored procedures and functions cannot be correctly called. |
dn:page_missing_dirty_check |
Specifies whether to enable the verification for pages not marked as dirty. The verification checks whether the modified pages are not marked as dirty. This parameter is only valid when page_version_check is not set to off. If page_version_check is set to off, the parameter value will still be sent to the kernel, but the relevant function does not take effect until after page_version_check is set to a value other than off. |
dn:enable_security_policy |
Controls whether unified auditing and dynamic data masking policies are applied. |
dn:wdr_snapshot_full_backup_interval |
Specifies the interval at which a full WDR snapshot is created. The interval specified by this parameter is about a number instead of time. For example, if the parameter is set to 12, a full snapshot and then 11 incremental snapshots are generated for each group. If the parameter is set to 1, all snapshots generated are full snapshots. |
dn:vacuum_defer_cleanup_age |
Specifies the number of transactions used by VACUUM. |
cms:datastorage_threshold_value_check |
Specifies the disk usage threshold to put a database node into read-only mode. If the disk usage of a data directory exceeds this threshold, the database node is automatically changed to read-only. Unit: percentage (%) |
dn:audit_thread_num |
Specifies the number of audit threads. Value range: 1 to 48. |
dn:wdr_snapshot_space_threshold |
Specifies the threshold for controlling the space used by snapshots. When the space used by snapshots reaches 80% of the value of this parameter, the control logic of the database is enabled to stabilize the space usage. Unit: KB |
dn:m_format_behavior_compat_options |
Specifies the configuration items for the M-compatible mode. |
dn:gs_perf_interval |
Specifies the automatic perf data collection interval. The value 0 indicates that the collection is stopped. If the value is greater than 0 and less than 5, the value 5 is used. Unit: minute |
dn:extra_float_digits |
Adjusts the number of digits displayed for floating-point values, including float4, float8, and geometric data types. The parameter value is added to the standard number of digits (FLT_DIG or DBL_DIG as appropriate). This parameter can also be set to a negative value to suppress unwanted digits. |
dn:audit_dml_state |
Determines whether to audit the INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations on a specific table. 0: These operations are not audited. 1: These operations are audited. |
max_allowed_packet |
Specifies the database configuration item in M-compatible mode. This parameter indicates the upper limit of the return value of a string function. The value must be a multiple of 1,024. Unit: KB |
track_stmt_stat_level |
Controls the level of statement execution tracking. |
dn:max_standby_archive_delay |
Specifies the wait period before queries on a standby node are canceled when the queries conflict with WAL processing and archiving in hot standby mode. -1 indicates that the standby node waits until the conflicting queries are complete. Unit: millisecond |
dn:copy_special_character_version |
Specifies whether to report an error when there are invalid characters during data import and export using COPY FROM. |
log_temp_files |
Specifies whether to log temporary file details when they are deleted. A positive value indicates that the deletion information of temporary files whose size is larger than the value specified by log_temp_files is recorded. 0 indicates that the deletion information of all temporary files is recorded. -1 indicates that the deletion information of any temporary files is not recorded. Unit: KB |
enable_wdr_snapshot |
Specifies whether to enable database monitoring snapshots on the standby node. |
dn:m_format_dev_version |
Specifies the compatibility configuration item of database platform minor versions. |
password_effect_time |
Specifies the validity period of an account password. Unit: day |
dn:random_page_cost |
Specifies the estimated cost for the optimizer to fetch an out-of-sequence disk page. |
dn:immediate_analyze_threshold |
Specifies the threshold for automatically analyzing inserted data. When the amount of inserted data reaches the original data amount multiplied by the value of immediate_analyze_threshold, and the total number of rows exceeds 100, ANALYZE is automatically triggered. |
dn:auto_increment_increment |
Specifies the auto-increment step of an auto-increment column. The auto-increment value is calculated by the following formula: auto_increment_offset + N × auto_increment_increment. N is a positive integer. If the value of this parameter is smaller than that of auto_increment_offset, there will be an error when the values in the auto-increment column automatically increase. |
dn:gs_format_behavior_compat_options |
Specifies the configuration items of GaussDB internal system functions. |
enable_nestloop |
Controls whether the query optimizer uses the nested-loop join plan type to fully scan inner tables. |
dn:b_format_dev_version |
Specifies the compatibility configuration item of database platform minor versions. |
dn:check_disconnect_query |
Specifies whether to enable the function of terminating statement execution on the server after the client is disconnected due to timeout. |
dn:wal_keep_segments |
Specifies the minimum number of transaction log files stored in the pg_xlog directory. Standby nodes obtain the logs from the primary node to perform streaming replication. |
wdr_snapshot_retention_days |
Specifies how many days database monitoring snapshots are saved for. |
dn:max_standby_streaming_delay |
Specifies the wait period before queries on the standby node are canceled when the queries conflict with WAL data receiving through streaming replication in hot standby mode. -1 indicates that the standby node waits until the conflicting queries are complete. Unit: millisecond |
audit_system_object |
Specifies whether to audit the CREATE, DROP, and ALTER operations on GaussDB database objects. GaussDB database objects include databases, users, schemas, and tables. You can change the value of this parameter to audit only the operations on required database objects. In the scenario where the leader node is forcibly selected, you are advised to set audit_system_object to the maximum value and audit all DDL objects. For details about the value range, see the product documentation. |
dn:enable_copy_server_files |
Specifies whether to enable the privilege to copy server files. If this parameter is set to on, users with the SYSADMIN privilege or users who inherit the built-in role privilege gs_role_copy_files are allowed to run the COPY FROM FILENAME or COPY TO FILENAME command. If it is set to off, only the initial user is allowed to run the COPY FROM FILENAME or COPY TO FILENAME statement. |
checkpoint_segments |
Specifies the minimum number of WAL segment files in the period specified by checkpoint_timeout. |
dn:page_version_partitions |
Specifies the number of hash table partitions in cached page version information in the memory. This parameter directly affects the hash query efficiency and hash conflict probability, and is valid only when page_version_check is not set to off. If page_version_check is set to off, the parameter value will still be sent to the kernel, but the relevant function does not take effect until after page_version_check is set to a value other than off. For details about the value range, see the product documentation. |
dn:password_encryption_type |
Specifies how user passwords are encrypted. 0: Passwords are encrypted using MD5. 1: Passwords are encrypted using SHA-256 and MD5. 2: Passwords are encrypted using SHA-256. 3: Passwords are encrypted using SM3. MD5 is not recommended because it is a weak encryption algorithm. |
dn:enable_plsql_opfusion |
Specifies whether to enable SQLBypass for stored procedures. |
dn:page_version_recycler_thread_num |
Specifies the number of threads for recycling and verifying page version information. This parameter is only valid when page_version_check is not set to off. If page_version_check is set to off, the parameter value will still be sent to the kernel, but the relevant function does not take effect until after page_version_check is set to a value other than off. |
dn:dcf_thread_effective_time |
Specifies the effective time of the DCF flushing thread. This parameter is used to determine whether the disk I/O hangs. If the DCF cannot access I/O resources within the period specified by this parameter, the DCF considers that the thread I/O hangs and a primary/standby switchover is triggered. If this parameter is set to 0, I/O hang detection is disabled. Unit: second |
dn:audit_login_logout |
Specifies whether to audit users' logins (including successful and failed logins) and logouts. This parameter can be configured for specific PDBs. If this parameter is not specified for a PDB, the PDB inherits the global setting of this parameter. 0: Disable user login and logout auditing. 1: Audit only successful logins. 2: Audit only failed logins. 3: Audit both successful and failed logins. 4: Audit only user logouts. 5: Audit only user logouts and successful logins. 6: Audit only user logouts and failed logins. 7: Audit successful and failed logins, as well as user logouts. |
dn:a_format_date_timestamp |
Specifies whether to enable current_date, current_timestamp, and localtimestamp to return the system time, instead of the transaction start time, when a transaction starts. |
session_timeout |
Specifies how long to wait before a server connection is disconnected due to inactivity. The value 0 indicates there is no time limit. Unit: second |
temp_file_limit |
Specifies the maximum amount of disk space that a session can use for temporary files. The value –1 indicates there is no limit. Unit: KB |
dn:disable_keyword_options |
Specifies the configuration items for database compatibility. Multiple items are separated by commas (,). An identifier with this parameter set will not be used as a keyword. |
dn:hadr_recovery_time_target |
Specifies whether the standby DB instance completes log writing and replay in streaming DR mode. If this parameter is set to a small value, the performance of the primary node is affected. If it is set to a large value, the log flow is not effectively controlled. The value 0 indicates that log flow control is disabled. Unit: second |
password_lock_time |
Specifies the duration for a locked account to be automatically unlocked. Unit: day |
wdr_snapshot_interval |
Specifies the interval at which the background thread Snapshot automatically takes snapshots of the database monitoring data. Unit: minute |
update_lockwait_timeout |
Specifies the maximum duration that a lock waits for concurrent updates on a row to complete when the concurrent update feature is enabled. If the lock wait time exceeds this value, the system will report an error. Unit: millisecond |
dn:wal_file_preinit_bounds |
Specifies the maximum number of WAL segment files that can be pre-expanded by the WAL writer auxiliary thread per second during service running. The WAL segment file size is 16 MB. If this parameter is set to 0, there is no restriction. |
dn:enable_feedback_cardest |
Specifies whether to enable the feedback-based optimizer cardinality and cost correction functions. This parameter is used by developers to diagnose model-related problems. If enable_adaptive_cost is set to off and this parameter is set to on, the operator information is still collected and the API of cardinality estimation feedback is still called. However, in this case, the thread for background automatic model maintenance will not be enabled. You can use the gs_acm_analyze_workload_manual() function to manually train models for diagnosing problems. |
dn:enable_global_plsqlcache |
Specifies whether to globally cache compilation products of packages, stored procedures, and functions, and cache execution products at the session level. Enabling this function can reduce the memory usage of database nodes in high concurrency scenarios. |
dn:convert_illegal_char_mode |
Specifies the placeholders of invalid characters that can be displayed on the client when enable_convert_illegal_char is enabled. Value range: 95 characters whose decimal codes range from 32 to 126 in the ASCII coding table. |
dn:advance_xlog_file_num |
Specifies the number of Xlog files that are periodically initialized in advance in the background. This parameter is used to prevent the Xlog file initialization from affecting the performance during transaction commit. However, such a fault may occur only when the system is overloaded. Therefore, you do not need to set this parameter. |
enable_mergejoin |
Controls whether the query optimizer uses the merge-join plan type. |
dn:tde_index_default_encrypt |
When tde_index_default_encrypt is set to on and an index is created based on an encrypted table, the database automatically converts the index to an encrypted index. |
failed_login_attempts |
Specifies the maximum number of incorrect password attempts before an account is locked. The account will be automatically unlocked after the time specified in password_lock_time elapses. Only the sysadmin user can set this parameter. |
undo_retention_time |
Specifies how long undo logs are kept. This parameter is only used for flashback query. Note: 1. The undo space of the local disk increases. 2. In subsequent incremental backups, the size of the backup set increases, because extra undo content is retained. Unit: second |
enable_global_syscache |
Determines whether to enable global system cache. |
dn:max_io_capacity |
Specifies the maximum I/O per second for the background writer process to flush pages in batches. Set this parameter based on the service scenario and the disk I/O capability. If the RTO is short or the data volume is many times that of the shared memory and the service access data volume is random, the value of this parameter cannot be too small. A small value of max_io_capacity reduces the number of pages flushed by the background writer. If a large number of pages are evicted due to service triggering, the services are affected. Unit: KB |
dn:audit_set_parameter |
Determines whether to audit the SET operation. 0: The SET operation is not audited. 1: The SET operation is audited. |
index_txntype |
Sets the index page format to PCR or RCR. This parameter is left unconfigured during system initialization. By default, the created indexes are compatible with the index type (RCR) of earlier versions. Once this parameter is specified, it cannot be left unconfigured again. |
dn:auto_increment_offset |
Specifies the initial value of an auto-increment column. The auto-increment value is calculated by the following formula: auto_increment_offset + N × auto_increment_increment. N is a positive integer. If the value of this parameter is greater than that of auto_increment_increment, there will be an error when the values in the auto-increment column automatically increase. |
autovacuum_naptime |
Specifies the minimum delay between autovacuum runs on any given database. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the load is more stable but the I/O increases. If this parameter is set to a larger value, the load may fluctuate more but the I/O decreases. Unit: second |
dn:diskann_probe_ncandidates |
Specifies the size of the candidate set when the gsdiskann index is used to retrieve vectors. |
autoanalyze_timeout |
Specifies the autoanalyze timeout period. If the duration of autoanalyze on a table exceeds the value of autoanalyze_timeout, the autoanalyze operation is automatically canceled. The value 0 indicates that there is no timeout limit. Unit: second |
dn:use_workload_manager |
Specifies whether to enable resource management. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_save_datachanged_timestamp |
Specifies whether to record the time when INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or EXCHANGE/TRUNCATE/DROP PARTITION is performed on table data. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:max_process_memory |
Specifies the maximum physical memory allowed for a DN. Unit: KB This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:standby_shared_buffers_fraction |
Specifies the shared_buffers proportion used on the server where a standby instance is deployed. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:pagewriter_sleep |
Specifies the interval (in milliseconds) for the page writer thread to flush dirty pages to disks after the incremental checkpoint is enabled. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:xloginsert_locks |
Specifies the number of locks on concurrent write-ahead logging. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_light_proxy |
Specifies whether the optimizer optimizes the execution of simple queries on CNs. This parameter does not take effect if the character set of the application side does not match that of the kernel side. You are advised to set the character set to UTF-8 when creating a database. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:synchronous_commit |
Specifies the synchronization mode of the current transaction. Generally, logs generated by a transaction are synchronized in the following sequence: The primary node writes the logs to the local memory. The primary node writes logs in the local memory to the local file system. The primary node flushes the logs in the local file system to disks. The primary node sends the logs to the standby node. The standby node receives the logs and saves them to its local memory. The standby node writes the logs in the local memory to the local file system. The standby node flushes the logs in the local file system to disks. The standby node replays the logs to complete the incremental update of data files. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_incremental_checkpoint |
Specifies whether to enable incremental checkpoint. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:bypass_workload_manager |
Enables or disables independent I/O control. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_instr_rt_percentile |
Specifies whether to enable the function of calculating the response time of 80% and 95% of the SQL statements in the system. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_instr_cpu_timer |
Specifies whether to capture the CPU time consumed during SQL statement execution. In the x86-based centralized deployment scenario where 32 vCPUs and 256 GB of memory are configured, the performance tested by BenchmarkSQL 5.0 fluctuates by about 3.5% by enabling or disabling this parameter. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_user_metric_persistent |
Specifies whether to dump the historical monitoring data of user resources. If this parameter is set to on, data in the PG_TOTAL_USER_RESOURCE_INFO view is periodically sampled and saved to the system catalog GS_WLM_USER_RESOURCE_HISTORY. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:log_hostname |
By default, connection log messages only show the IP address of the connecting host. The host name can be recorded when this parameter is set to on. It may take some time to parse the host name. Therefore, the database performance may be affected. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_instr_track_wait |
Specifies whether to enable real-time collection of wait event information. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_instance_metric_persistent |
Specifies whether to dump instance resource monitoring data. When this parameter is set to on, the instance monitoring data is saved to the system catalog GS_WLM_INSTANCE_HISTORY. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_logical_io_statistics |
Specifies whether to collect logical I/O statistics during resource monitoring. If this function is enabled, the read_kbytes, write_kbytes, read_counts, write_counts, read_speed, and write_speed columns in the PG_TOTAL_USER_RESOURCE_INFO view will collect statistics on the byte count, number of times, and speed of logical read and write. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:client_min_messages |
Specifies which level of messages will be sent to the client. A higher level covers the messages of all the lower levels. The lower the level is, the fewer messages are sent. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:pagewriter_thread_num |
Specifies the number of threads for background page flushing after the incremental checkpoint is enabled. Dirty pages are flushed in sequence to disks, updating recovery points. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:bgwriter_delay |
Specifies the interval at which the background writer writes dirty shared buffers, in milliseconds. Each time, the background writer initiates write operations for some dirty buffers. In full checkpoint mode, the bgwriter_lru_maxpages parameter is used to control the amount of data to be written each time, and the process is restarted after the period of hibernation specified by bgwriter_delay (in milliseconds). In incremental checkpoint mode, the number of target idle buffer pages is calculated based on the value of candidate_buf_percent_target. If the number of idle buffer pages is insufficient, a batch of pages are flushed to disks at the interval specified by bgwriter_delay (in milliseconds). The number of flushed pages is calculated based on the target difference percentage. The maximum number of flushed pages is limited by max_io_capacity. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:candidate_buf_percent_target |
Specifies the proportion (%) of available buffers in shared_buffer in the candidate buffer chain when the incremental checkpoint is enabled. If the percentage is less than the value of this parameter, the bgwriter thread starts to flush dirty pages based on the max_io_capacity parameter. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
checkpoint_segments |
Specifies the minimum number of WAL segment files in the period specified by checkpoint_timeout. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:checkpoint_timeout |
Specifies the maximum time between automatic WAL checkpoints, in seconds. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:incremental_checkpoint_timeout |
Specifies the maximum interval (in seconds) between automatic WAL checkpoints when the incremental checkpoint is enabled. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:wal_writer_delay |
Specifies the delay (in milliseconds) between activity rounds for the WAL writer. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:wal_buffers |
Specifies the shared memory for storing WALs, that is, multiples of XLOG_BLCKSZ, in increments of 8 KB. For details about the value range, see wal_buffers. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:walwriter_cpu_bind |
Specifies the CPU core bound to the WAL write thread. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:bulk_write_ring_size |
Specifies the size of the ring buffer used by the operation when a large amount of data is written (for example, the copy operation). This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:recovery_redo_workers |
Specifies the number of PageRedoWorker threads corresponding to each ParseRedoRecord thread when ultimate RTO is enabled. recovery_redo_workers must be used together with recovery_parse_workers. The value of recovery_redo_workers takes effect only when recovery_parse_workers is greater than 1. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_ai_watchdog |
Enables or disables the AI watchdog function. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:max_connections |
Specifies the maximum number of concurrent connections. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:resilience_memory_reject_percent |
Specifies the dynamic memory usage for escape from memory overload. This parameter is only applied when use_workload_manager and enable_memory_limit are enabled. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:resilience_threadpool_reject_cond |
Specifies the proportion of accumulated sessions in the thread pool for escape from overload. This parameter is only applied when enable_thread_pool and use_workload_manager are enabled. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:vacuum_cost_delay |
Specifies how long the process sleeps when vacuum_cost_limit has been exceeded, in milliseconds. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:b_format_version |
Specifies the SQL behavior control configuration item in B-compatible mode. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:enable_control_group |
Specifies whether to enable the Cgroups. This parameter must be applied on both CNs and DNs. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:track_stmt_parameter |
After track_stmt_parameter is enabled, the executed statements recorded in statement_history are not normalized. The complete SQL statement information can be displayed to help the database administrator locate faults. For a simple query, the complete statement information is displayed. For a PBE statement, the complete statement information and information about each variable value are displayed. The format is "query string; parameters:$1=value1,$2=value2, ...". This parameter is used to display full SQL information for users and is not controlled by the track_activity_query_size parameter. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
track_activity_query_size |
Specifies byte counts of the current running commands used to trace each active session. If the number of bytes in a command is greater than the value of this parameter, the command will be truncated. This parameter affects the memory usage of multiple system views. Adjusting the value of this parameter has a great impact on the memory usage. You can estimate the memory usage based on the value calculated from instr_unique_sql_count times track_activity_query_size. This parameter is supported in GaussDB V2.0-8.201 or later. |
dn:auto_explain_level |
Specifies the log level for automatically printing execution plans. |
dn:instr_unique_sql_count |
Specifies the maximum number of unique SQL records to be collected. The value 0 indicates that the function of collecting unique SQL information is disabled. If the value is changed from a larger one to a smaller one, the original data in the system will be cleared and data will be re-collected. There is no impact if the value is changed from a smaller one to a larger one. When the number of unique SQL records generated in the system is greater than the value of this parameter, the extra unique SQL records are not collected. |
cma:log_saved_days |
Specifies the maximum number of days to store logs for. |
cma:log_threshold_check_interval |
Specifies the interval for compressing and clearing logs, in seconds. |
dn:wdr_snapshot_query_timeout |
Specifies the execution timeout, in seconds, for the SQL statements associated with database monitoring snapshot operations. |
dn:enable_wdr_snapshot_standby |
Specifies whether to enable database monitoring snapshots on the standby node. |
dn:backtrace_min_messages |
Prints the function's stack information to the server's log file if the information generated is at least the level specified by this parameter. |
dn:log_statement |
Specifies whether to record SQL statements. For clients using extended query protocols, logging occurs when an execute message and values (enclosed by a pair of single quotation marks) of bound parameters are received. |
dn:asp_flush_rate |
Determines how many samples are flushed from memory to disk. When the number of samples in memory reaches the value of asp_sample_num, a portion of them will be flushed to disk based on the ratio specified by this parameter. If this parameter is set to 10, the data flushing ratio is 10:1 (10%). |
dn:asp_sample_interval |
Specifies the sampling interval, in seconds. |
dn:audit_space_limit |
Specifies the maximum storage space occupied by audit files, in KB. |
dn:enable_defer_calculate_snapshot |
Determines if snapshot calculations for xmin and oldestxmin are deferred. If this parameter is set to on, calculations are triggered every 1,000 transactions or once per second. This reduces overhead under heavy load but slows down the advancement of oldestxmin, potentially delaying garbage collection. If this parameter is set to off, xmin and oldestxmin update in real time, improving tuple cleanup but with higher processing overhead. |
dn:enable_global_plancache |
Specifies whether to share the execution plan cache for statements in PBE queries and stored procedures. Enabling it can help reduce the memory needed on database nodes during high-concurrency workloads. With enable_global_plancache enabled, local_syscache_threshold is automatically set to a minimum of 16 MB for GPC to take effect. If the value of local_syscache_threshold is configured below 16 MB, it defaults to 16 MB. If set above, the specified value is used. |
dn:enable_prevent_job_task_startup |
Determines whether to start the job thread. |
dn:log_min_messages |
Specifies which level of messages will be written into the server log. A higher level covers the messages of all the lower levels. The lower the level is, the fewer messages will be written into the log. A same value for client_min_messages and log_min_messages does not indicate the same level. For some log information, after this parameter is enabled, you also need to set logging_module to enable log printing for the corresponding module. |
dn:max_recursive_times |
Specifies the maximum number of WITH RECURSIVE iterations. |
dn:vacuum_freeze_min_age |
Specifies whether VACUUM replaces the xmin column of a record with FrozenXID when scanning a table (in the same transaction). Although you can set this parameter to any value, VACUUM will limit the effective value to 50% of autovacuum_freeze_max_age by default. |
dn:vacuum_freeze_table_age |
Specifies when VACUUM scans the whole table and freezes old tuples. VACUUM performs a full table scan if the difference between the current transaction ID and the value of pg_class.relfrozenxid64 is greater than the specified time. Although you can set this parameter to any value, VACUUM will limit the effective value to 95% of autovacuum_freeze_max_age by default. |
dn:allow_create_sysobject |
Specifies whether objects such as functions, stored procedures, synonyms, aggregate functions, and operators can be created or modified in the system schema. The system schema refers to the schema provided by the database after initialization, excluding the public schema. The OID of the system schema is usually less than 16384. |
dn:standby_max_query_time |
Specifies the maximum allowed query time (in seconds) on the standby node when ultimate RTO is enabled. If a query exceeds this limit, it will be canceled. The exact cancellation timing depends on the standby_recycle_interval for the recycling thread and the snapshot timing, so the actual query duration on the standby node may exceed this limit. |
dn:exrto_standby_read_opt |
Specifies whether to enable read optimization on standby nodes with ultimate RTO. This parameter is enabled by default. The setting of this parameter is not synchronized between primary and standby nodes. |
dn:dirty_page_percent_max |
Specifies the percentage of dirty pages relative to the value of shared_buffers after the incremental checkpoint is enabled. When the value of this parameter is reached, the background page flush thread flushes dirty pages based on the value of max_io_capacity. |
dn:audit_enabled |
Determines whether to enable or disable the audit process. After the audit process is enabled, it can read the auditing information written by the background process from the pipe and save it into audit files. |
dn:enable_bitmapscan |
Specifies whether the optimizer uses bitmap scan. |
dn:autovacuum |
Specifies whether to enable the autovacuum process. Before enabling the process, make sure the track_counts parameter is set to on. |
dn:autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor |
Specifies a fraction of the table size added to the autovacuum_analyze_threshold parameter when deciding whether to trigger an ANALYZE operation. |
dn:autovacuum_analyze_threshold |
Specifies the threshold for triggering ANALYZE. When the number of deleted, inserted, or updated rows in a table exceeds the specified threshold, the ANALYZE operation is executed on this table. |
dn:autovacuum_freeze_max_age |
Specifies the maximum age (in transactions) that a table's pg_class.relfrozenxid column can attain before a VACUUM operation is performed. |
dn:autovacuum_io_limits |
Determines the maximum number of input/output operations that the autovacuum process can execute per second. |
dn:autovacuum_vacuum_threshold |
Specifies the threshold for triggering VACUUM. When the number of deleted or updated rows in a table exceeds the specified threshold, the VACUUM operation is executed on this table. |
dn:max_stack_depth |
Specifies the maximum safe depth of the GaussDB Kernel's execution stack, in KB. The safety margin is required because the stack depth is not checked in every routine in the server, but only in key potentially-recursive routines, such as expression evaluation. If the value of ulimit -s minus 640 KB is greater than or equal to 2 MB, the default value of this parameter is 2 MB. If the value of ulimit -s minus 640 KB is less than 2 MB, that value will be used as the default value of this parameter. |
dn:default_transaction_read_only |
Specifies whether each new transaction is in read-only state. If this parameter is set to on, DML operations and write transactions cannot be executed. |
dn:autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay |
Sets the amount of time, in milliseconds, that the autovacuum process will sleep when the cost limit has been exceeded. |
dn:autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit |
Sets the accumulated cost that will cause the autovacuum process to sleep. |
Configurable Parameters for Version V2.0-3.x
The following table describes the parameters that can be modified.
Parameter |
Description |
audit_system_object |
Determines whether to audit the CREATE, DROP, and ALTER operations on GaussDB Kernel database objects. GaussDB Kernel database objects include databases, users, schemas, and tables. You can change the parameter value to audit only the operations on required database objects. During a forcible primary/standby failover, set audit_system_object to the maximum value and audit all DDL objects. If the parameter value is incorrectly changed, DDL audit logs will be lost. Contact technical support to change it. |
autoanalyze |
Specifies whether to automatically collect statistics on tables that have no statistics when a plan is generated. |
autoanalyze_timeout |
Specifies the autoanalyze timeout period. If the duration of autoanalyze on a table exceeds the value of autoanalyze_timeout, the autoanalyze operation is automatically canceled. 0 indicates there is no timeout. Unit: second |
cn:effective_cache_size |
Specifies the size of the disk buffer available to the CN optimizer in a single query. Unit: 8 KB |
cn:enable_hotkeys_collection |
Specifies whether to collect statistics on accessed key values in databases. |
cn:track_stmt_session_slot |
Specifies the maximum number of full or slow SQL statements that can be cached in a CN session. |
datestyle |
Specifies the display format for date and time. |
dn:effective_cache_size |
Specifies the size of the disk buffer available to the DN optimizer in a single query. Unit: 8 KB |
dn:enable_hotkeys_collection |
Specifies whether to collect statistics on accessed key values in databases. |
dn:track_stmt_session_slot |
Specifies the maximum number of full or slow SQL statements that can be cached in a DN session. |
enable_seqscan |
Specifies whether to enable the optimizer's use of sequential scan plan types. It is impossible to completely suppress sequential scans, but setting this parameter to off allows the optimizer to choose other methods if available. |
enable_slot_log |
Specifies whether to enable primary/standby synchronization for logical replication slots. |
enable_stream_operator |
Specifies the query optimizer's use of streams. When this parameter is set to off, a large number of logs indicating that the stream plans cannot be pushed down are recorded. |
failed_login_attempts |
Specifies the maximum number of incorrect password attempts before an account is locked. The account will be automatically unlocked after the time specified in password_lock_time elapses. Only the sysadmin user can set this parameter. |
log_min_duration_statement |
Specifies the threshold for logging the duration of a completed statement. If a statement runs for a period greater than or equal to the specified value, its duration will be logged. The value -1 disables logging statement durations. If this parameter is set to a small value, the load throughput may be affected. Unit: millisecond |
max_replication_slots |
Specifies the number of log replication slots on the primary node. |
max_wal_senders |
Specifies the maximum number of WAL sender threads that can be created. Processes created for the following purposes occupy WAL sender threads: Standby DNs connect to primary DNs to obtain physical logs, and logical replication tools connect to primary DNs to obtain logical logs. |
password_effect_time |
Specifies the validity period of the password, in days. |
password_lock_time |
Specifies the duration for a locked account to be automatically unlocked, in days. |
recovery_time_target |
Specifies the time for the standby node to write and replay logs, in seconds. |
session_timeout |
Specifies how long to wait before a server connection is disconnected due to inactivity. The value 0 indicates there is no time limit. Unit: second |
timezone |
Specifies the time zone for displaying and interpreting time stamps. |
track_stmt_stat_level |
Controls the level of statement execution tracking. |
update_lockwait_timeout |
Specifies the maximum duration that a lock waits for concurrent updates on a row to complete when the concurrent update feature is enabled. If the lock wait time exceeds this value, the system will report an error. Unit: millisecond |
wal_level |
Specifies the level of information to be written to the WAL. This is a required value and cannot be commented out. Determines how much information is written to the WAL. When this parameter is set to logical, logical logs are extracted and primary key information is recorded in Xlogs. |
cn:audit_thread_num |
Specifies the number of audit threads. Value range: 1 to 48. |
dn:audit_thread_num |
Specifies the number of audit threads. Value range: 1 to 48. |
cn:qrw_inlist2join_optmode |
Specifies whether to enable inlist-to-join query rewriting. |
dn:qrw_inlist2join_optmode |
Specifies whether to enable inlist-to-join query rewriting. |
cn:audit_xid_info |
Determines whether to record the transaction IDs of SQL statements in detail_info. 0: The transaction IDs are not recorded. 1: The transaction IDs are recorded. |
dn:audit_xid_info |
Determines whether to record the transaction IDs of SQL statements in detail_info. 0: The transaction IDs are not recorded. 1: The transaction IDs are recorded. |
cn:default_limit_rows |
Specifies the estimated number of rows to return by default for generating a generic plan, that is, the default value for the LIMIT clause. If this parameter is set to a negative number, the value is converted to a percentage, for example, -5 is equivalent to 5%, indicating that 5% of the total rows will be returned. |
dn:default_limit_rows |
Specifies the estimated number of rows to return by default for generating a generic plan, that is, the default value for the LIMIT clause. If this parameter is set to a negative number, the value is converted to a percentage, for example, -5 is equivalent to 5%, indicating that 5% of the total rows will be returned. |
cn:audit_dml_state_select |
Determines whether to audit the SELECT operation. |
dn:audit_dml_state_select |
Determines whether to audit the SELECT operation. |
cn:audit_dml_state |
Determines whether to audit the INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations on a specific table. 0: These operations are not audited. 1: These operations are audited. |
dn:audit_dml_state |
Determines whether to audit the INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations on a specific table. 0: These operations are not audited. 1: These operations are audited. |
cn:random_page_cost |
Specifies the estimated cost for the optimizer to fetch an out-of-sequence disk page. |
dn:random_page_cost |
Specifies the estimated cost for the optimizer to fetch an out-of-sequence disk page. |
cn:enable_security_policy |
Controls whether unified auditing and dynamic data masking policies are applied. |
dn:enable_security_policy |
Controls whether unified auditing and dynamic data masking policies are applied. |
cn:audit_set_parameter |
Determines whether to audit the SET operation. 0: The SET operation is not audited. 1: The SET operation is audited. |
dn:audit_set_parameter |
Determines whether to audit the SET operation. 0: The SET operation is not audited. 1: The SET operation is audited. |
cn:enable_pbe_optimization |
Specifies whether the optimizer optimizes the query plan for statements executed in Parse Bind Execute (PBE) mode. |
dn:enable_pbe_optimization |
Specifies whether the optimizer optimizes the query plan for statements executed in Parse Bind Execute (PBE) mode. |
wdr_snapshot_interval |
Specifies the interval (in minutes) at which the background thread Snapshot automatically performs snapshot operations on the database monitoring data. |
cn:enable_auto_explain |
Specifies whether to automatically print execution plans. This parameter is used to locate slow stored procedures or slow queries. |
dn:enable_auto_explain |
Specifies whether to automatically print execution plans. This parameter is used to locate slow stored procedures or slow queries. |
enable_wdr_snapshot |
Specifies whether to enable WDR snapshots. If this parameter is enabled, the kernel periodically takes performance snapshots. |
cn:max_concurrent_autonomous_transactions |
Specifies the maximum number of autonomous transaction connections, that is, the maximum number of concurrent autonomous transactions executed at the same time. If this parameter is set to 0, autonomous transactions cannot be executed. |
dn:max_concurrent_autonomous_transactions |
Specifies the maximum number of autonomous transaction connections, that is, the maximum number of concurrent autonomous transactions executed at the same time. If this parameter is set to 0, autonomous transactions cannot be executed. |
cn:max_standby_archive_delay |
Specifies the wait period (in milliseconds) before queries on a standby node are canceled when the queries conflict with WAL processing and archiving in hot standby mode. |
dn:max_standby_archive_delay |
Specifies the wait period (in milliseconds) before queries on a standby node are canceled when the queries conflict with WAL processing and archiving in hot standby mode. |
cn:max_standby_streaming_delay |
Specifies how long a standby node waits before canceling queries, in milliseconds. |
dn:max_standby_streaming_delay |
Specifies how long a standby node waits before canceling queries, in milliseconds. |
cn:recovery_max_workers |
Specifies the number of concurrent replayer threads. |
dn:recovery_max_workers |
Specifies the number of concurrent replayer threads. |
cn:auto_explain_log_min_duration |
Specifies the minimum duration of execution plans that are automatically printed. Only execution plans whose duration is greater than the value of auto_explain_log_min_duration will be printed. Unit: ms |
dn:auto_explain_log_min_duration |
Specifies the minimum duration of execution plans that are automatically printed. Only execution plans whose duration is greater than the value of auto_explain_log_min_duration will be printed. Unit: ms |
cn:audit_function_exec |
Specifies whether to record the audit information during the execution of the stored procedures, anonymous blocks, or user-defined functions (excluding system functions). |
dn:audit_function_exec |
Specifies whether to record the audit information during the execution of the stored procedures, anonymous blocks, or user-defined functions (excluding system functions). |
cn:local_syscache_threshold |
Specifies the size of system catalog cache in a session. Unit: KB |
dn:local_syscache_threshold |
Specifies the size of system catalog cache in a session. Unit: KB |
cms:datastorage_threshold_value_check |
Specifies the disk usage threshold to put a database node into read-only mode. If the disk usage of a data directory exceeds this threshold, the database node is automatically changed to read-only. Unit: percentage (%) |
wdr_snapshot_retention_days |
Specifies how many days database monitoring snapshots are saved for. |
cn:enable_default_ustore_table |
Specifies whether to enable the Ustore storage engine by default. If this parameter is set to on, all created tables are Ustore tables. |
dn:enable_default_ustore_table |
Specifies whether to enable the Ustore storage engine by default. If this parameter is set to on, all created tables are Ustore tables. |
cn:undo_space_limit_size |
Specifies the undo forcible reclamation threshold. If 80% of the specified parameter value is reached, forcible reclamation is triggered. The unit is 8 KB. It is recommended that the value be at least the value of undo_limit_size_per_transaction. |
dn:undo_space_limit_size |
Specifies the undo forcible reclamation threshold. If 80% of the specified parameter value is reached, forcible reclamation is triggered. The unit is 8 KB. It is recommended that the value be at least the value of undo_limit_size_per_transaction. |
cn:undo_limit_size_per_transaction |
Specifies the maximum undo space for a single transaction. The unit is 8 KB. If the undo space of a transaction exceeds this parameter value, the transaction is rolled back due to an error. It is recommended that this parameter value be smaller than the value of undo_space_limit_size. If this parameter value is larger, the value of undo_space_limit_size will be used as the maximum undo space for a single transaction. |
dn:undo_limit_size_per_transaction |
Specifies the maximum undo space for a single transaction. The unit is 8 KB. If the undo space of a transaction exceeds this parameter value, the transaction is rolled back due to an error. It is recommended that this parameter value be smaller than the value of undo_space_limit_size. If this parameter value is larger, the value of undo_space_limit_size will be used as the maximum undo space for a single transaction. |
cn:enable_recyclebin |
Enables or disables the recycle bin in real time. |
dn:enable_recyclebin |
Enables or disables the recycle bin in real time. |
cn:recyclebin_retention_time |
Specifies how long files will be kept in the recycle bin, in seconds. Files in the recycle bin will be automatically deleted after this length of time. |
dn:recyclebin_retention_time |
Specifies how long files will be kept in the recycle bin, in seconds. Files in the recycle bin will be automatically deleted after this length of time. |
cn:undo_retention_time |
Specifies how long undo logs are kept, in seconds. This parameter is only used for flashback query. Note: 1. The undo space of the local disk increases. 2. In subsequent incremental backups, the size of the backup set increases, because extra undo content is retained. |
dn:undo_retention_time |
Specifies how long undo logs are kept, in seconds. This parameter is only used for flashback query. Note: 1. The undo space of the local disk increases. 2. In subsequent incremental backups, the size of the backup set increases, because extra undo content is retained. |
cn:cost_model_version |
Specifies the version of the optimizer cost model. It is a protective parameter. It prevents new optimizer cost models from being applied, so you can keep the current model consistent with the plan of an existing version. If the value of this parameter is changed, many SQL plans may be changed. Exercise caution when modifying this parameter. |
dn:cost_model_version |
Specifies the version of the optimizer cost model. It is a protective parameter. It prevents new optimizer cost models from being applied, so you can keep the current model consistent with the plan of an existing version. If the value of this parameter is changed, many SQL plans may be changed. Exercise caution when modifying this parameter. |
cn:enable_dynamic_samplesize |
Specifies whether to dynamically adjust the number of sampled rows. For a large table with more than one million rows, the number of sampled rows is dynamically adjusted during statistics collection to improve statistics accuracy. |
dn:enable_dynamic_samplesize |
Specifies whether to dynamically adjust the number of sampled rows. For a large table with more than one million rows, the number of sampled rows is dynamically adjusted during statistics collection to improve statistics accuracy. |
cn:resilience_ctrlslot_available_maxpercent |
Specifies the maximum percentage of threads in the thread pool that can be occupied by slow SQL statements. This parameter is only valid for SELECT statements that are executed by non-sysadmin/monitoradmin users. |
dn:resilience_ctrlslot_available_maxpercent |
Specifies the maximum percentage of threads in the thread pool that can be occupied by slow SQL statements. This parameter is only valid for SELECT statements that are executed by non-sysadmin/monitoradmin users. |
cn:resilience_ctrlstmt_control_iopslimit |
Specifies the maximum IOPS that can be used by slow SQL statements after normal SQL statements are marked as slow SQL statements. This parameter is only valid for SELECT statements that are executed by non-sysadmin/monitoradmin users. 0(None): The IOPS is not limited. 10(LOW): The limit level for IOPS is LOW. 20(MEDIUM): The limit level for IOPS is MEDIUM. 50(HIGH): The limit level for IOPS is HIGH. |
dn:resilience_ctrlstmt_control_iopslimit |
Specifies the maximum IOPS that can be used by slow SQL statements after normal SQL statements are marked as slow SQL statements. This parameter is only valid for SELECT statements that are executed by non-sysadmin/monitoradmin users. 0(None): The IOPS is not limited. 10(LOW): The limit level for IOPS is LOW. 20(MEDIUM): The limit level for IOPS is MEDIUM. 50(HIGH): The limit level for IOPS is HIGH. |
dn:resilience_ctrlstmt_detect_timelimit |
Specifies the execution time of a normal SQL statement that will be marked as a slow SQL statement. The value 0 indicates that slow SQL statements are not identified. A value greater than 0 indicates that a normal SQL statement whose execution time exceeds the value of this parameter is marked as a slow SQL statement. This parameter is only valid for SELECT statements that are executed by non-sysadmin/monitoradmin users. Unit: ms |
Parameter |
Description |
audit_system_object |
Determines whether to audit the CREATE, DROP, and ALTER operations on GaussDB Kernel database objects. GaussDB Kernel database objects include databases, users, schemas, and tables. You can change the parameter value to audit only the operations on required database objects. During a forcible primary/standby failover, set audit_system_object to the maximum value and audit all DDL objects. If the parameter value is incorrectly changed, DDL audit logs will be lost. Contact technical support to change it. |
autoanalyze |
Specifies whether to automatically collect statistics on tables that have no statistics when a plan is generated. |
autoanalyze_timeout |
Specifies the autoanalyze timeout period. If the duration of autoanalyze on a table exceeds the value of autoanalyze_timeout, the autoanalyze operation is automatically canceled. 0 indicates there is no timeout. Unit: second |
datestyle |
Specifies the display format for date and time. |
dn:wal_keep_segments |
Specifies the minimum number of transaction log files stored in the pg_xlog directory. Standby nodes obtain the logs from the primary node to perform streaming replication. |
enable_seqscan |
Specifies whether to enable the optimizer's use of sequential scan plan types. It is impossible to completely suppress sequential scans, but setting this parameter to off allows the optimizer to choose other methods if available. |
enable_slot_log |
Specifies whether to enable primary/standby synchronization for logical replication slots. |
failed_login_attempts |
Specifies the maximum number of incorrect password attempts before an account is locked. The account will be automatically unlocked after the time specified in password_lock_time elapses. Only the sysadmin user can set this parameter. |
log_min_duration_statement |
Specifies the threshold for logging the duration of a completed statement. If a statement runs for a period greater than or equal to the specified value, its duration will be logged. The value -1 disables logging statement durations. If this parameter is set to a small value, the load throughput may be affected. Unit: millisecond |
max_replication_slots |
Specifies the number of log replication slots on the primary node. |
max_wal_senders |
Specifies the maximum number of WAL sender threads that can be created. Processes created for the following purposes occupy WAL sender threads: Standby DNs connect to primary DNs to obtain physical logs, and logical replication tools connect to primary DNs to obtain logical logs. |
password_effect_time |
Specifies the validity period of the password, in days. |
password_lock_time |
Specifies the duration for a locked account to be automatically unlocked, in days. |
session_timeout |
Specifies how long to wait before a server connection is disconnected due to inactivity. The value 0 indicates there is no time limit. Unit: second |
timezone |
Specifies the time zone for displaying and interpreting time stamps. |
update_lockwait_timeout |
Specifies the maximum duration that a lock waits for concurrent updates on a row to complete when the concurrent update feature is enabled. If the lock wait time exceeds this value, the system will report an error. Unit: millisecond |
wal_level |
Specifies the level of information to be written to the WAL. This is a required value and cannot be commented out. Determines how much information is written to the WAL. When this parameter is set to logical, logical logs are extracted and primary key information is recorded in Xlogs. |
dn:audit_thread_num |
Specifies the number of audit threads. Value range: 1 to 48. |
dn:qrw_inlist2join_optmode |
Specifies whether to enable inlist-to-join query rewriting. |
dn:audit_xid_info |
Determines whether to record the transaction IDs of SQL statements in detail_info. 0: The transaction IDs are not recorded. 1: The transaction IDs are recorded. |
dn:default_limit_rows |
Specifies the estimated number of rows to return by default for generating a generic plan, that is, the default value for the LIMIT clause. If this parameter is set to a negative number, the value is converted to a percentage, for example, -5 is equivalent to 5%, indicating that 5% of the total rows will be returned. |
dn:audit_dml_state_select |
Determines whether to audit the SELECT operation. |
dn:audit_dml_state |
Determines whether to audit the INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations on a specific table. 0: These operations are not audited. 1: These operations are audited. |
dn:random_page_cost |
Specifies the estimated cost for the optimizer to fetch an out-of-sequence disk page. |
dn:enable_security_policy |
Controls whether unified auditing and dynamic data masking policies are applied. |
dn:audit_set_parameter |
Determines whether to audit the SET operation. 0: The SET operation is not audited. 1: The SET operation is audited. |
dn:max_standby_streaming_delay |
Specifies how long a standby node waits before canceling queries, in milliseconds. |
dn:vacuum_defer_cleanup_age |
Specifies the number of transactions used by VACUUM. |
dn:enable_pbe_optimization |
Specifies whether the optimizer optimizes the query plan for statements executed in Parse Bind Execute (PBE) mode. |
wdr_snapshot_interval |
Specifies the interval (in minutes) at which the background thread Snapshot automatically performs snapshot operations on the database monitoring data. |
undo_retention_time |
Specifies how long undo logs are kept, in seconds. This parameter is only used for flashback query. Note: 1. The undo space of the local disk increases. 2. In subsequent incremental backups, the size of the backup set increases, because extra undo content is retained. |
track_stmt_stat_level |
Controls the level of statement execution tracking. |
dn:enable_auto_explain |
Specifies whether to automatically print execution plans. This parameter is used to locate slow stored procedures or slow queries. |
enable_wdr_snapshot |
Specifies whether to enable WDR snapshots. If this parameter is enabled, the kernel periodically takes performance snapshots. |
dn:max_concurrent_autonomous_transactions |
Specifies the maximum number of autonomous transaction connections, that is, the maximum number of concurrent autonomous transactions executed at the same time. If this parameter is set to 0, autonomous transactions cannot be executed. |
dn:max_standby_archive_delay |
Specifies the wait period (in milliseconds) before queries on a standby node are canceled when the queries conflict with WAL processing and archiving in hot standby mode. |
dn:max_standby_streaming_delay |
Specifies how long a standby node waits before canceling queries, in milliseconds. |
dn:recovery_max_workers |
Specifies the number of concurrent replayer threads. |
dn:track_stmt_parameter |
If this parameter is enabled, the executed statements recorded in statement_history are not normalized. The complete SQL statement information can be displayed to help the database administrator locate faults. For a simple query, the complete statement information is displayed. For a PBE statement, the complete statement information and information about each variable value are displayed. The format is "querystring; parameters:$1=value1,$2=value2,...". This parameter is used to display full SQL information for users and is not controlled by the track_activity_query_size parameter. |
dn:auto_explain_log_min_duration |
Specifies the minimum duration of execution plans that are automatically printed. Only execution plans whose duration is greater than the value of auto_explain_log_min_duration will be printed. Unit: ms |
dn:recovery_time_target |
Specifies the time for the standby node to write and replay logs. Unit: second |
dn:audit_function_exec |
Specifies whether to record the audit information during the execution of the stored procedures, anonymous blocks, or user-defined functions (excluding system functions). |
dn:local_syscache_threshold |
Specifies the size of system catalog cache in a session. Unit: KB |
cms:datastorage_threshold_value_check |
Specifies the disk usage threshold to put a database node into read-only mode. If the disk usage of a data directory exceeds this threshold, the database node is automatically changed to read-only. Unit: percentage (%) |
wdr_snapshot_retention_days |
Specifies how many days database monitoring snapshots are saved for. |
dn:undo_space_limit_size |
Specifies the undo forcible reclamation threshold. If 80% of the specified parameter value is reached, forcible reclamation is triggered. The unit is 8 KB. It is recommended that the value be at least the value of undo_limit_size_per_transaction. |
dn:group_concat_max_len |
Specifies the maximum permitted result length in bytes for the GROUP_CONCAT() function. |
dn:enable_extension |
Specifies whether database extensions can be created. The extension plug-in is a lab feature and is not recommended. |
dn:cost_model_version |
Specifies the version of the optimizer cost model. It is a protective parameter. It prevents new optimizer cost models from being applied, so you can keep the current model consistent with the plan of an existing version. If the value of this parameter is changed, many SQL plans may be changed. Exercise caution when modifying this parameter. |
dn:immediate_analyze_threshold |
Specifies the threshold for automatically analyzing inserted data. When the amount of inserted data reaches the original data amount multiplied by the value of immediate_analyze_threshold, and the total number of rows exceeds 100, ANALYZE is automatically triggered. |
dn:enable_dynamic_samplesize |
Specifies whether to dynamically adjust the number of sampled rows. For a large table with more than one million rows, the number of sampled rows is dynamically adjusted during statistics collection to improve statistics accuracy. |
dn:max_io_capacity |
Specifies the maximum I/O per second for the background writer process to flush pages in batches. Set this parameter based on the service scenario and the disk I/O capability. If the RTO is short or the data volume is many times that of the shared memory and the service access data volume is random, the value of this parameter cannot be too small. A small value of max_io_capacity reduces the number of pages flushed by the background writer process. If a large number of pages are evicted due to service triggering, the services are affected. Unit: KB |
dn:max_connections |
Specifies the maximum number of concurrent connections to DNs. |
log_autovacuum_min_duration |
Specifies the interval which should elapse before autovacuum operations are logged. Autovacuum operations equal to or beyond the specified interval will be logged. If it is set to 0, all autovacuum operations will be logged. If it is set to -1, no autovacuum operations will be logged. |
dn:sql_beta_feature |
Specifies which SQL engine optional beta features are enabled, including optimization of row count estimation and query equivalence estimation. These optional features can improve performance in certain situations, but they may also degrade performance if not thoroughly tested. In certain scenarios, you can set the query rewriting rules through this GUC parameter to improve query efficiency. |
dn:ai_watchdog_max_cpu_usage |
Specifies the expected upper limit of the database CPU usage. The value is normalized based on the multi-core situation. |
dn:enable_control_group |
Specifies whether to enable the Cgroups. |
dn:explain_perf_mode |
Specifies the display format of EXPLAIN. |
dn:enable_ai_watchdog |
Enables or disables the AI watchdog function. |
dn:resilience_ctrlstmt_detect_timelimit |
Specifies the execution time of a normal SQL statement that will be marked as a slow SQL statement. The value 0 indicates that slow SQL statements are not identified. A value greater than 0 indicates that a normal SQL statement whose execution time exceeds the value of this parameter is marked as a slow SQL statement. This parameter is only valid for SELECT statements that are executed by non-sysadmin/monitoradmin users. |
dn:resilience_ctrlslot_available_maxpercent |
Specifies the maximum percentage of threads in the thread pool that can be occupied by slow SQL statements. This parameter is only valid for SELECT statements that are executed by non-sysadmin/monitoradmin users. |
dn:require_ssl |
Controls whether the server requires SSL connections. This parameter is only valid when ssl is set to on. |
dn:enable_gpi_auto_update |
Determines whether global indexes are updated by default in partition DDL commands. |
dn:autovacuum_max_workers |
Specifies the maximum number of autovacuum worker threads that can run at the same time. The upper limit of this parameter is related to the values of max_connections and job_queue_processes. |
dn:effective_cache_size |
Specifies the size of the disk buffer available to the optimizer in a single query. |
dn:maintenance_work_mem |
Specifies the maximum memory (in bytes) to be used for maintenance. |
dn:work_mem |
Specifies the amount of memory required by internal sort operations and hash tables before they write data to temporary disk files. |
dn:enable_cachedplan_mgr |
Specifies whether to enable the adaptive plan selection function. |
dn:recovery_parse_workers |
Specifies the number of ParseRedoRecord threads in the ultimate RTO feature. |
dn:recovery_redo_workers |
Specifies the number of PageRedoWorker threads corresponding to each ParseRedoRecord thread when ultimate RTO is enabled. |
dn:max_standby_base_page_size |
Sets the maximum storage space of base page files on the standby node after ultimate RTO is enabled. |
dn:pagewriter_sleep |
Specifies the interval for the page writer thread to flush dirty pages to disks after the incremental checkpoint is enabled. |
dn:enable_double_write |
Specifies whether to enable double-write. If both enable_incremental_checkpoint and enable_double_write are enabled, double-write will be used for protection and full_page_writes is not used to prevent half-page write. |
dn:max_process_memory |
Specifies the maximum physical memory allowed for a DN. |
dn:bgwriter_delay |
Specifies the interval at which the background writer writes dirty shared buffers. Each time, the background writer initiates write operations for some dirty buffers. In full checkpoint mode, the bgwriter_lru_maxpages parameter is used to control the amount of data to be written each time, and the process is restarted after the period of hibernation specified by bgwriter_delay (in milliseconds). In incremental checkpoint mode, the number of target idle buffer pages is calculated based on the value of candidate_buf_percent_target. If the number of idle buffer pages is insufficient, a batch of pages are flushed to disks at the interval specified by bgwriter_delay (in milliseconds). The number of flushed pages is calculated based on the target difference percentage. The maximum number of flushed pages is limited by max_io_capacity. |
dn:wal_receiver_buffer_size |
Sets the size of the memory buffer that stores the Xlogs received by the standby and secondary nodes. Currently, primary/standby/secondary deployment is not supported by default. |
dn:enable_incremental_checkpoint |
Specifies whether to enable incremental checkpoint. |
Parameter |
Description |
audit_system_object |
Determines whether to audit the CREATE, DROP, and ALTER operations on GaussDB Kernel database objects. GaussDB Kernel database objects include databases, users, schemas, and tables. You can change the parameter value to audit only the operations on required database objects. During a forcible primary/standby failover, set audit_system_object to the maximum value and audit all DDL objects. If the parameter value is incorrectly changed, DDL audit logs will be lost. Contact technical support to change it. |
autoanalyze |
Specifies whether to automatically collect statistics on tables that have no statistics when a plan is generated. |
autoanalyze_timeout |
Specifies the autoanalyze timeout period. If the duration of autoanalyze on a table exceeds the value of autoanalyze_timeout, the autoanalyze operation is automatically canceled. 0 indicates there is no timeout. Unit: second |
cn:effective_cache_size |
Specifies the size of the disk buffer available to the CN optimizer in a single query. Unit: 8 KB |
cn:enable_hotkeys_collection |
Specifies whether to collect statistics on accessed key values in databases. |
cn:track_stmt_session_slot |
Specifies the maximum number of full or slow SQL statements that can be cached in a CN session. |
datestyle |
Specifies the display format for date and time. |
dn:effective_cache_size |
Specifies the size of the disk buffer available to the DN optimizer in a single query. Unit: 8 KB |
dn:enable_hotkeys_collection |
Specifies whether to collect statistics on accessed key values in databases. |
dn:track_stmt_session_slot |
Specifies the maximum number of full or slow SQL statements that can be cached in a DN session. |
enable_seqscan |
Specifies whether to enable the optimizer's use of sequential scan plan types. It is impossible to completely suppress sequential scans, but setting this parameter to off allows the optimizer to choose other methods if available. |
enable_slot_log |
Specifies whether to enable primary/standby synchronization for logical replication slots. |
enable_stream_operator |
Specifies the query optimizer's use of streams. When this parameter is set to off, a large number of logs indicating that the stream plans cannot be pushed down are recorded. |
failed_login_attempts |
Specifies the maximum number of incorrect password attempts before an account is locked. The account will be automatically unlocked after the time specified in password_lock_time elapses. Only the sysadmin user can set this parameter. |
log_min_duration_statement |
Specifies the threshold for logging the duration of a completed statement. If a statement runs for a period greater than or equal to the specified value, its duration will be logged. The value -1 disables logging statement durations. If this parameter is set to a small value, the load throughput may be affected. Unit: millisecond |
max_replication_slots |
Specifies the number of log replication slots on the primary node. |
max_wal_senders |
Specifies the maximum number of WAL sender threads that can be created. Processes created for the following purposes occupy WAL sender threads: Standby DNs connect to primary DNs to obtain physical logs, and logical replication tools connect to primary DNs to obtain logical logs. |
password_effect_time |
Specifies the validity period of the password, in days. |
password_lock_time |
Specifies the duration for a locked account to be automatically unlocked, in days. |
recovery_time_target |
Specifies the time for the standby node to write and replay logs, in seconds. |
session_timeout |
Specifies how long to wait before a server connection is disconnected due to inactivity. The value 0 indicates there is no time limit. Unit: second |
timezone |
Specifies the time zone for displaying and interpreting time stamps. |
track_stmt_stat_level |
Controls the level of statement execution tracking. |
update_lockwait_timeout |
Specifies the maximum duration that a lock waits for concurrent updates on a row to complete when the concurrent update feature is enabled. If the lock wait time exceeds this value, the system will report an error. Unit: millisecond |
wal_level |
Specifies the level of information to be written to the WAL. This is a required value and cannot be commented out. Determines how much information is written to the WAL. When this parameter is set to logical, logical logs are extracted and primary key information is recorded in Xlogs. |
cn:audit_thread_num |
Specifies the number of audit threads. Value range: 1 to 48. |
dn:audit_thread_num |
Specifies the number of audit threads. Value range: 1 to 48. |
cn:qrw_inlist2join_optmode |
Specifies whether to enable inlist-to-join query rewriting. |
dn:qrw_inlist2join_optmode |
Specifies whether to enable inlist-to-join query rewriting. |
cn:audit_xid_info |
Determines whether to record the transaction IDs of SQL statements in detail_info. 0: The transaction IDs are not recorded. 1: The transaction IDs are recorded. |
dn:audit_xid_info |
Determines whether to record the transaction IDs of SQL statements in detail_info. 0: The transaction IDs are not recorded. 1: The transaction IDs are recorded. |
cn:default_limit_rows |
Specifies the estimated number of rows to return by default for generating a generic plan, that is, the default value for the LIMIT clause. If this parameter is set to a negative number, the value is converted to a percentage, for example, -5 is equivalent to 5%, indicating that 5% of the total rows will be returned. |
dn:default_limit_rows |
Specifies the estimated number of rows to return by default for generating a generic plan, that is, the default value for the LIMIT clause. If this parameter is set to a negative number, the value is converted to a percentage, for example, -5 is equivalent to 5%, indicating that 5% of the total rows will be returned. |
cn:audit_dml_state_select |
Determines whether to audit the SELECT operation. |
dn:audit_dml_state_select |
Determines whether to audit the SELECT operation. |
cn:audit_dml_state |
Determines whether to audit the INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations on a specific table. 0: These operations are not audited. 1: These operations are audited. |
dn:audit_dml_state |
Determines whether to audit the INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations on a specific table. 0: These operations are not audited. 1: These operations are audited. |
cn:random_page_cost |
Specifies the estimated cost for the optimizer to fetch an out-of-sequence disk page. |
dn:random_page_cost |
Specifies the estimated cost for the optimizer to fetch an out-of-sequence disk page. |
cn:enable_security_policy |
Controls whether unified auditing and dynamic data masking policies are applied. |
dn:enable_security_policy |
Controls whether unified auditing and dynamic data masking policies are applied. |
cn:audit_set_parameter |
Determines whether to audit the SET operation. 0: The SET operation is not audited. 1: The SET operation is audited. |
dn:audit_set_parameter |
Determines whether to audit the SET operation. 0: The SET operation is not audited. 1: The SET operation is audited. |
cn:enable_pbe_optimization |
Specifies whether the optimizer optimizes the query plan for statements executed in Parse Bind Execute (PBE) mode. |
dn:enable_pbe_optimization |
Specifies whether the optimizer optimizes the query plan for statements executed in Parse Bind Execute (PBE) mode. |
wdr_snapshot_interval |
Specifies the interval (in minutes) at which the background thread Snapshot automatically performs snapshot operations on the database monitoring data. |
cn:enable_auto_explain |
Specifies whether to automatically print execution plans. This parameter is used to locate slow stored procedures or slow queries. |
dn:enable_auto_explain |
Specifies whether to automatically print execution plans. This parameter is used to locate slow stored procedures or slow queries. |
enable_wdr_snapshot |
Specifies whether to enable WDR snapshots. If this parameter is enabled, the kernel periodically takes performance snapshots. |
cn:max_concurrent_autonomous_transactions |
Specifies the maximum number of autonomous transaction connections, that is, the maximum number of concurrent autonomous transactions executed at the same time. If this parameter is set to 0, autonomous transactions cannot be executed. |
dn:max_concurrent_autonomous_transactions |
Specifies the maximum number of autonomous transaction connections, that is, the maximum number of concurrent autonomous transactions executed at the same time. If this parameter is set to 0, autonomous transactions cannot be executed. |
cn:max_standby_archive_delay |
Specifies the wait period (in milliseconds) before queries on a standby node are canceled when the queries conflict with WAL processing and archiving in hot standby mode. |
dn:max_standby_archive_delay |
Specifies the wait period (in milliseconds) before queries on a standby node are canceled when the queries conflict with WAL processing and archiving in hot standby mode. |
cn:max_standby_streaming_delay |
Specifies how long a standby node waits before canceling queries, in milliseconds. |
dn:max_standby_streaming_delay |
Specifies how long a standby node waits before canceling queries, in milliseconds. |
cn:recovery_max_workers |
Specifies the number of concurrent replayer threads. |
dn:recovery_max_workers |
Specifies the number of concurrent replayer threads. |
cn:auto_explain_log_min_duration |
Specifies the minimum duration of execution plans that are automatically printed. Only execution plans whose duration is greater than the value of auto_explain_log_min_duration will be printed. Unit: ms |
dn:auto_explain_log_min_duration |
Specifies the minimum duration of execution plans that are automatically printed. Only execution plans whose duration is greater than the value of auto_explain_log_min_duration will be printed. Unit: ms |
cn:audit_function_exec |
Specifies whether to record the audit information during the execution of the stored procedures, anonymous blocks, or user-defined functions (excluding system functions). |
dn:audit_function_exec |
Specifies whether to record the audit information during the execution of the stored procedures, anonymous blocks, or user-defined functions (excluding system functions). |
cn:local_syscache_threshold |
Specifies the size of system catalog cache in a session. Unit: KB |
dn:local_syscache_threshold |
Specifies the size of system catalog cache in a session. Unit: KB |
cms:datastorage_threshold_value_check |
Specifies the disk usage threshold to put a database node into read-only mode. If the disk usage of a data directory exceeds this threshold, the database node is automatically changed to read-only. Unit: percentage (%) |
wdr_snapshot_retention_days |
Specifies how many days database monitoring snapshots are saved for. |
cn:enable_default_ustore_table |
Specifies whether to enable the Ustore storage engine by default. If this parameter is set to on, all created tables are Ustore tables. |
dn:enable_default_ustore_table |
Specifies whether to enable the Ustore storage engine by default. If this parameter is set to on, all created tables are Ustore tables. |
cn:undo_space_limit_size |
Specifies the undo forcible reclamation threshold. If 80% of the specified parameter value is reached, forcible reclamation is triggered. The unit is 8 KB. It is recommended that the value be at least the value of undo_limit_size_per_transaction. |
dn:undo_space_limit_size |
Specifies the undo forcible reclamation threshold. If 80% of the specified parameter value is reached, forcible reclamation is triggered. The unit is 8 KB. It is recommended that the value be at least the value of undo_limit_size_per_transaction. |
cn:undo_limit_size_per_transaction |
Specifies the maximum undo space for a single transaction. The unit is 8 KB. If the undo space of a transaction exceeds this parameter value, the transaction is rolled back due to an error. It is recommended that this parameter value be smaller than the value of undo_space_limit_size. If this parameter value is larger, the value of undo_space_limit_size will be used as the maximum undo space for a single transaction. |
dn:undo_limit_size_per_transaction |
Specifies the maximum undo space for a single transaction. The unit is 8 KB. If the undo space of a transaction exceeds this parameter value, the transaction is rolled back due to an error. It is recommended that this parameter value be smaller than the value of undo_space_limit_size. If this parameter value is larger, the value of undo_space_limit_size will be used as the maximum undo space for a single transaction. |
cn:enable_recyclebin |
Enables or disables the recycle bin in real time. |
dn:enable_recyclebin |
Enables or disables the recycle bin in real time. |
cn:recyclebin_retention_time |
Specifies how long files will be kept in the recycle bin, in seconds. Files in the recycle bin will be automatically deleted after this length of time. |
dn:recyclebin_retention_time |
Specifies how long files will be kept in the recycle bin, in seconds. Files in the recycle bin will be automatically deleted after this length of time. |
cn:undo_retention_time |
Specifies how long undo logs are kept, in seconds. This parameter is only used for flashback query. Note: 1. The undo space of the local disk increases. 2. In subsequent incremental backups, the size of the backup set increases, because extra undo content is retained. |
dn:undo_retention_time |
Specifies how long undo logs are kept, in seconds. This parameter is only used for flashback query. Note: 1. The undo space of the local disk increases. 2. In subsequent incremental backups, the size of the backup set increases, because extra undo content is retained. |
cn:cost_model_version |
Specifies the version of the optimizer cost model. It is a protective parameter. It prevents new optimizer cost models from being applied, so you can keep the current model consistent with the plan of an existing version. If the value of this parameter is changed, many SQL plans may be changed. Exercise caution when modifying this parameter. |
dn:cost_model_version |
Specifies the version of the optimizer cost model. It is a protective parameter. It prevents new optimizer cost models from being applied, so you can keep the current model consistent with the plan of an existing version. If the value of this parameter is changed, many SQL plans may be changed. Exercise caution when modifying this parameter. |
cn:enable_dynamic_samplesize |
Specifies whether to dynamically adjust the number of sampled rows. For a large table with more than one million rows, the number of sampled rows is dynamically adjusted during statistics collection to improve statistics accuracy. |
dn:enable_dynamic_samplesize |
Specifies whether to dynamically adjust the number of sampled rows. For a large table with more than one million rows, the number of sampled rows is dynamically adjusted during statistics collection to improve statistics accuracy. |
cn:resilience_ctrlslot_available_maxpercent |
Specifies the maximum percentage of threads in the thread pool that can be occupied by slow SQL statements. This parameter is only valid for SELECT statements that are executed by non-sysadmin/monitoradmin users. |
dn:resilience_ctrlslot_available_maxpercent |
Specifies the maximum percentage of threads in the thread pool that can be occupied by slow SQL statements. This parameter is only valid for SELECT statements that are executed by non-sysadmin/monitoradmin users. |
cn:resilience_ctrlstmt_control_iopslimit |
Specifies the maximum IOPS that can be used by slow SQL statements after normal SQL statements are marked as slow SQL statements. This parameter is only valid for SELECT statements that are executed by non-sysadmin/monitoradmin users. 0(None): The IOPS is not limited. 10(LOW): The limit level for IOPS is LOW. 20(MEDIUM): The limit level for IOPS is MEDIUM. 50(HIGH): The limit level for IOPS is HIGH. |
dn:resilience_ctrlstmt_control_iopslimit |
Specifies the maximum IOPS that can be used by slow SQL statements after normal SQL statements are marked as slow SQL statements. This parameter is only valid for SELECT statements that are executed by non-sysadmin/monitoradmin users. 0(None): The IOPS is not limited. 10(LOW): The limit level for IOPS is LOW. 20(MEDIUM): The limit level for IOPS is MEDIUM. 50(HIGH): The limit level for IOPS is HIGH. |
dn:resilience_ctrlstmt_detect_timelimit |
Specifies the execution time of a normal SQL statement that will be marked as a slow SQL statement. The value 0 indicates that slow SQL statements are not identified. A value greater than 0 indicates that a normal SQL statement whose execution time exceeds the value of this parameter is marked as a slow SQL statement. This parameter is only valid for SELECT statements that are executed by non-sysadmin/monitoradmin users. Unit: ms |
Parameter |
Description |
audit_system_object |
Determines whether to audit the CREATE, DROP, and ALTER operations on GaussDB Kernel database objects. GaussDB Kernel database objects include databases, users, schemas, and tables. You can change the parameter value to audit only the operations on required database objects. During a forcible primary/standby failover, set audit_system_object to the maximum value and audit all DDL objects. If the parameter value is incorrectly changed, DDL audit logs will be lost. Contact technical support to change it. |
autoanalyze |
Specifies whether to automatically collect statistics on tables that have no statistics when a plan is generated. |
autoanalyze_timeout |
Specifies the autoanalyze timeout period. If the duration of autoanalyze on a table exceeds the value of autoanalyze_timeout, the autoanalyze operation is automatically canceled. 0 indicates there is no timeout. Unit: second |
datestyle |
Specifies the display format for date and time. |
dn:wal_keep_segments |
Specifies the minimum number of transaction log files stored in the pg_xlog directory. Standby nodes obtain the logs from the primary node to perform streaming replication. |
enable_seqscan |
Specifies whether to enable the optimizer's use of sequential scan plan types. It is impossible to completely suppress sequential scans, but setting this parameter to off allows the optimizer to choose other methods if available. |
enable_slot_log |
Specifies whether to enable primary/standby synchronization for logical replication slots. |
failed_login_attempts |
Specifies the maximum number of incorrect password attempts before an account is locked. The account will be automatically unlocked after the time specified in password_lock_time elapses. Only the sysadmin user can set this parameter. |
log_min_duration_statement |
Specifies the threshold for logging the duration of a completed statement. If a statement runs for a period greater than or equal to the specified value, its duration will be logged. The value -1 disables logging statement durations. If this parameter is set to a small value, the load throughput may be affected. Unit: millisecond |
max_replication_slots |
Specifies the number of log replication slots on the primary node. |
max_wal_senders |
Specifies the maximum number of WAL sender threads that can be created. Processes created for the following purposes occupy WAL sender threads: Standby DNs connect to primary DNs to obtain physical logs, and logical replication tools connect to primary DNs to obtain logical logs. |
password_effect_time |
Specifies the validity period of the password, in days. |
password_lock_time |
Specifies the duration for a locked account to be automatically unlocked, in days. |
session_timeout |
Specifies how long to wait before a server connection is disconnected due to inactivity. The value 0 indicates there is no time limit. Unit: second |
timezone |
Specifies the time zone for displaying and interpreting time stamps. |
update_lockwait_timeout |
Specifies the maximum duration that a lock waits for concurrent updates on a row to complete when the concurrent update feature is enabled. If the lock wait time exceeds this value, the system will report an error. Unit: millisecond |
wal_level |
Specifies the level of information to be written to the WAL. This is a required value and cannot be commented out. Determines how much information is written to the WAL. When this parameter is set to logical, logical logs are extracted and primary key information is recorded in Xlogs. |
dn:audit_thread_num |
Specifies the number of audit threads. Value range: 1 to 48. |
dn:qrw_inlist2join_optmode |
Specifies whether to enable inlist-to-join query rewriting. |
dn:audit_xid_info |
Determines whether to record the transaction IDs of SQL statements in detail_info. 0: The transaction IDs are not recorded. 1: The transaction IDs are recorded. |
dn:default_limit_rows |
Specifies the estimated number of rows to return by default for generating a generic plan, that is, the default value for the LIMIT clause. If this parameter is set to a negative number, the value is converted to a percentage, for example, -5 is equivalent to 5%, indicating that 5% of the total rows will be returned. |
dn:audit_dml_state_select |
Determines whether to audit the SELECT operation. |
dn:audit_dml_state |
Determines whether to audit the INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations on a specific table. 0: These operations are not audited. 1: These operations are audited. |
dn:random_page_cost |
Specifies the estimated cost for the optimizer to fetch an out-of-sequence disk page. |
dn:enable_security_policy |
Controls whether unified auditing and dynamic data masking policies are applied. |
dn:audit_set_parameter |
Determines whether to audit the SET operation. 0: The SET operation is not audited. 1: The SET operation is audited. |
dn:max_standby_streaming_delay |
Specifies how long a standby node waits before canceling queries, in milliseconds. |
dn:vacuum_defer_cleanup_age |
Specifies the number of transactions used by VACUUM. |
dn:enable_pbe_optimization |
Specifies whether the optimizer optimizes the query plan for statements executed in Parse Bind Execute (PBE) mode. |
wdr_snapshot_interval |
Specifies the interval (in minutes) at which the background thread Snapshot automatically performs snapshot operations on the database monitoring data. |
undo_retention_time |
Specifies how long undo logs are kept, in seconds. This parameter is only used for flashback query. Note: 1. The undo space of the local disk increases. 2. In subsequent incremental backups, the size of the backup set increases, because extra undo content is retained. |
track_stmt_stat_level |
Controls the level of statement execution tracking. |
dn:enable_auto_explain |
Specifies whether to automatically print execution plans. This parameter is used to locate slow stored procedures or slow queries. |
enable_wdr_snapshot |
Specifies whether to enable WDR snapshots. If this parameter is enabled, the kernel periodically takes performance snapshots. |
dn:max_concurrent_autonomous_transactions |
Specifies the maximum number of autonomous transaction connections, that is, the maximum number of concurrent autonomous transactions executed at the same time. If this parameter is set to 0, autonomous transactions cannot be executed. |
dn:max_standby_archive_delay |
Specifies the wait period (in milliseconds) before queries on a standby node are canceled when the queries conflict with WAL processing and archiving in hot standby mode. |
dn:max_standby_streaming_delay |
Specifies how long a standby node waits before canceling queries, in milliseconds. |
dn:recovery_max_workers |
Specifies the number of concurrent replayer threads. |
dn:track_stmt_parameter |
If this parameter is enabled, the executed statements recorded in statement_history are not normalized. The complete SQL statement information can be displayed to help the database administrator locate faults. For a simple query, the complete statement information is displayed. For a PBE statement, the complete statement information and information about each variable value are displayed. The format is "querystring; parameters:$1=value1,$2=value2,...". This parameter is used to display full SQL information for users and is not controlled by the track_activity_query_size parameter. |
dn:auto_explain_log_min_duration |
Specifies the minimum duration of execution plans that are automatically printed. Only execution plans whose duration is greater than the value of auto_explain_log_min_duration will be printed. Unit: ms |
dn:recovery_time_target |
Specifies the time for the standby node to write and replay logs. Unit: second |
dn:audit_function_exec |
Specifies whether to record the audit information during the execution of the stored procedures, anonymous blocks, or user-defined functions (excluding system functions). |
dn:local_syscache_threshold |
Specifies the size of system catalog cache in a session. Unit: KB |
cms:datastorage_threshold_value_check |
Specifies the disk usage threshold to put a database node into read-only mode. If the disk usage of a data directory exceeds this threshold, the database node is automatically changed to read-only. Unit: percentage (%) |
wdr_snapshot_retention_days |
Specifies how many days database monitoring snapshots are saved for. |
dn:undo_space_limit_size |
Specifies the undo forcible reclamation threshold. If 80% of the specified parameter value is reached, forcible reclamation is triggered. The unit is 8 KB. It is recommended that the value be at least the value of undo_limit_size_per_transaction. |
dn:group_concat_max_len |
Specifies the maximum permitted result length in bytes for the GROUP_CONCAT() function. |
dn:enable_extension |
Specifies whether database extensions can be created. The extension plug-in is a lab feature and is not recommended. |
dn:cost_model_version |
Specifies the version of the optimizer cost model. It is a protective parameter. It prevents new optimizer cost models from being applied, so you can keep the current model consistent with the plan of an existing version. If the value of this parameter is changed, many SQL plans may be changed. Exercise caution when modifying this parameter. |
dn:immediate_analyze_threshold |
Specifies the threshold for automatically analyzing inserted data. When the amount of inserted data reaches the original data amount multiplied by the value of immediate_analyze_threshold, and the total number of rows exceeds 100, ANALYZE is automatically triggered. |
dn:enable_dynamic_samplesize |
Specifies whether to dynamically adjust the number of sampled rows. For a large table with more than one million rows, the number of sampled rows is dynamically adjusted during statistics collection to improve statistics accuracy. |
dn:max_io_capacity |
Specifies the maximum I/O per second for the background writer process to flush pages in batches. Set this parameter based on the service scenario and the disk I/O capability. If the RTO is short or the data volume is many times that of the shared memory and the service access data volume is random, the value of this parameter cannot be too small. A small value of max_io_capacity reduces the number of pages flushed by the background writer process. If a large number of pages are evicted due to service triggering, the services are affected. Unit: KB |
dn:max_connections |
Specifies the maximum number of concurrent connections to DNs. |
log_autovacuum_min_duration |
Specifies the interval which should elapse before autovacuum operations are logged. Autovacuum operations equal to or beyond the specified interval will be logged. If it is set to 0, all autovacuum operations will be logged. If it is set to -1, no autovacuum operations will be logged. |
dn:sql_beta_feature |
Specifies which SQL engine optional beta features are enabled, including optimization of row count estimation and query equivalence estimation. These optional features can improve performance in certain situations, but they may also degrade performance if not thoroughly tested. In certain scenarios, you can set the query rewriting rules through this GUC parameter to improve query efficiency. |
dn:ai_watchdog_max_cpu_usage |
Specifies the expected upper limit of the database CPU usage. The value is normalized based on the multi-core situation. |
dn:enable_control_group |
Specifies whether to enable the Cgroups. |
dn:explain_perf_mode |
Specifies the display format of EXPLAIN. |
dn:enable_ai_watchdog |
Enables or disables the AI watchdog function. |
dn:resilience_ctrlstmt_detect_timelimit |
Specifies the execution time of a normal SQL statement that will be marked as a slow SQL statement. The value 0 indicates that slow SQL statements are not identified. A value greater than 0 indicates that a normal SQL statement whose execution time exceeds the value of this parameter is marked as a slow SQL statement. This parameter is only valid for SELECT statements that are executed by non-sysadmin/monitoradmin users. |
dn:resilience_ctrlslot_available_maxpercent |
Specifies the maximum percentage of threads in the thread pool that can be occupied by slow SQL statements. This parameter is only valid for SELECT statements that are executed by non-sysadmin/monitoradmin users. |
dn:require_ssl |
Controls whether the server requires SSL connections. This parameter is only valid when ssl is set to on. |
dn:enable_gpi_auto_update |
Determines whether global indexes are updated by default in partition DDL commands. |
dn:autovacuum_max_workers |
Specifies the maximum number of autovacuum worker threads that can run at the same time. The upper limit of this parameter is related to the values of max_connections and job_queue_processes. |
dn:effective_cache_size |
Specifies the size of the disk buffer available to the optimizer in a single query. |
dn:maintenance_work_mem |
Specifies the maximum memory (in bytes) to be used for maintenance. |
dn:work_mem |
Specifies the amount of memory required by internal sort operations and hash tables before they write data to temporary disk files. |
dn:enable_cachedplan_mgr |
Specifies whether to enable the adaptive plan selection function. |
dn:recovery_parse_workers |
Specifies the number of ParseRedoRecord threads in the ultimate RTO feature. |
dn:recovery_redo_workers |
Specifies the number of PageRedoWorker threads corresponding to each ParseRedoRecord thread when ultimate RTO is enabled. |
dn:max_standby_base_page_size |
Sets the maximum storage space of base page files on the standby node after ultimate RTO is enabled. |
dn:pagewriter_sleep |
Specifies the interval for the page writer thread to flush dirty pages to disks after the incremental checkpoint is enabled. |
dn:enable_double_write |
Specifies whether to enable double-write. If both enable_incremental_checkpoint and enable_double_write are enabled, double-write will be used for protection and full_page_writes is not used to prevent half-page write. |
dn:max_process_memory |
Specifies the maximum physical memory allowed for a DN. |
dn:bgwriter_delay |
Specifies the interval at which the background writer writes dirty shared buffers. Each time, the background writer initiates write operations for some dirty buffers. In full checkpoint mode, the bgwriter_lru_maxpages parameter is used to control the amount of data to be written each time, and the process is restarted after the period of hibernation specified by bgwriter_delay (in milliseconds). In incremental checkpoint mode, the number of target idle buffer pages is calculated based on the value of candidate_buf_percent_target. If the number of idle buffer pages is insufficient, a batch of pages are flushed to disks at the interval specified by bgwriter_delay (in milliseconds). The number of flushed pages is calculated based on the target difference percentage. The maximum number of flushed pages is limited by max_io_capacity. |
dn:wal_receiver_buffer_size |
Sets the size of the memory buffer that stores the Xlogs received by the standby and secondary nodes. Currently, primary/standby/secondary deployment is not supported by default. |
dn:enable_incremental_checkpoint |
Specifies whether to enable incremental checkpoint. |
Configurable Parameters for Version V2.0-2.x
The following table describes the parameters that can be modified.
Parameter |
Description |
audit_system_object |
Determines whether to audit the CREATE, DROP, and ALTER operations on GaussDB Kernel database objects. GaussDB Kernel database objects include databases, users, schemas, and tables. You can change the parameter value to audit only the operations on required database objects. During a forcible primary/standby failover, set audit_system_object to the maximum value and audit all DDL objects. If the parameter value is incorrectly changed, DDL audit logs will be lost. Contact technical support to change it. |
autoanalyze |
Specifies whether to automatically collect statistics on tables that have no statistics when a plan is generated. |
autoanalyze_timeout |
Specifies the autoanalyze timeout period. If the duration of autoanalyze on a table exceeds the value of autoanalyze_timeout, the autoanalyze operation is automatically canceled. 0 indicates there is no timeout. Unit: second |
cn:effective_cache_size |
Specifies the size of the disk buffer available to the CN optimizer in a single query. Unit: 8 KB |
cn:enable_hotkeys_collection |
Specifies whether to collect statistics on accessed key values in databases. |
cn:track_stmt_session_slot |
Specifies the maximum number of full or slow SQL statements that can be cached in a CN session. |
datestyle |
Specifies the display format for date and time. |
dn:effective_cache_size |
Specifies the size of the disk buffer available to the DN optimizer in a single query. Unit: 8 KB |
dn:enable_hotkeys_collection |
Specifies whether to collect statistics on accessed key values in databases. |
dn:track_stmt_session_slot |
Specifies the maximum number of full or slow SQL statements that can be cached in a DN session. |
enable_seqscan |
Specifies whether to enable the optimizer's use of sequential scan plan types. It is impossible to completely suppress sequential scans, but setting this parameter to off allows the optimizer to choose other methods if available. |
enable_slot_log |
Specifies whether to enable primary/standby synchronization for logical replication slots. |
enable_stream_operator |
Specifies the query optimizer's use of streams. When this parameter is set to off, a large number of logs indicating that the stream plans cannot be pushed down are recorded. |
failed_login_attempts |
Specifies the maximum number of incorrect password attempts before an account is locked. The account will be automatically unlocked after the time specified in password_lock_time elapses. Only the sysadmin user can set this parameter. |
log_min_duration_statement |
Specifies the threshold for logging the duration of a completed statement. If a statement runs for a period greater than or equal to the specified value, its duration will be logged. The value -1 disables logging statement durations. If this parameter is set to a small value, the load throughput may be affected. Unit: millisecond |
max_replication_slots |
Specifies the number of log replication slots on the primary node. |
max_wal_senders |
Specifies the maximum number of WAL sender threads that can be created. Processes created for the following purposes occupy WAL sender threads: Standby DNs connect to primary DNs to obtain physical logs, and logical replication tools connect to primary DNs to obtain logical logs. |
password_effect_time |
Specifies the validity period of the password, in days. |
password_lock_time |
Specifies the duration for a locked account to be automatically unlocked, in days. |
recovery_time_target |
Specifies the time for the standby node to write and replay logs, in seconds. |
session_timeout |
Specifies how long to wait before a server connection is disconnected due to inactivity. The value 0 indicates there is no time limit. Unit: second |
timezone |
Specifies the time zone for displaying and interpreting time stamps. |
track_stmt_stat_level |
Controls the level of statement execution tracking. |
update_lockwait_timeout |
Specifies the maximum duration that a lock waits for concurrent updates on a row to complete when the concurrent update feature is enabled. If the lock wait time exceeds this value, the system will report an error. Unit: millisecond |
wal_level |
Specifies the level of information to be written to the WAL. This is a required value and cannot be commented out. Determines how much information is written to the WAL. When this parameter is set to logical, logical logs are extracted and primary key information is recorded in Xlogs. |
cn:audit_thread_num |
Specifies the number of audit threads. Value range: 1 to 48. |
dn:audit_thread_num |
Specifies the number of audit threads. Value range: 1 to 48. |
cn:qrw_inlist2join_optmode |
Specifies whether to enable inlist-to-join query rewriting. |
dn:qrw_inlist2join_optmode |
Specifies whether to enable inlist-to-join query rewriting. |
cn:audit_xid_info |
Determines whether to record the transaction IDs of SQL statements in detail_info. 0: The transaction IDs are not recorded. 1: The transaction IDs are recorded. |
dn:audit_xid_info |
Determines whether to record the transaction IDs of SQL statements in detail_info. 0: The transaction IDs are not recorded. 1: The transaction IDs are recorded. |
cn:default_limit_rows |
Specifies the estimated number of rows to return by default for generating a generic plan, that is, the default value for the LIMIT clause. If this parameter is set to a negative number, the value is converted to a percentage, for example, -5 is equivalent to 5%, indicating that 5% of the total rows will be returned. |
dn:default_limit_rows |
Specifies the estimated number of rows to return by default for generating a generic plan, that is, the default value for the LIMIT clause. If this parameter is set to a negative number, the value is converted to a percentage, for example, -5 is equivalent to 5%, indicating that 5% of the total rows will be returned. |
cn:audit_dml_state_select |
Determines whether to audit the SELECT operation. |
dn:audit_dml_state_select |
Determines whether to audit the SELECT operation. |
cn:audit_dml_state |
Determines whether to audit the INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations on a specific table. 0: These operations are not audited. 1: These operations are audited. |
dn:audit_dml_state |
Determines whether to audit the INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations on a specific table. 0: These operations are not audited. 1: These operations are audited. |
cn:random_page_cost |
Specifies the estimated cost for the optimizer to fetch an out-of-sequence disk page. |
dn:random_page_cost |
Specifies the estimated cost for the optimizer to fetch an out-of-sequence disk page. |
cn:enable_security_policy |
Controls whether unified auditing and dynamic data masking policies are applied. |
dn:enable_security_policy |
Controls whether unified auditing and dynamic data masking policies are applied. |
cn:audit_set_parameter |
Determines whether to audit the SET operation. 0: The SET operation is not audited. 1: The SET operation is audited. |
dn:audit_set_parameter |
Determines whether to audit the SET operation. 0: The SET operation is not audited. 1: The SET operation is audited. |
cn:enable_pbe_optimization |
Specifies whether the optimizer optimizes the query plan for statements executed in Parse Bind Execute (PBE) mode. |
dn:enable_pbe_optimization |
Specifies whether the optimizer optimizes the query plan for statements executed in Parse Bind Execute (PBE) mode. |
wdr_snapshot_interval |
Specifies the interval (in minutes) at which the background thread Snapshot automatically performs snapshot operations on the database monitoring data. |
enable_wdr_snapshot |
Specifies whether to enable WDR snapshots. If this parameter is enabled, the kernel periodically takes performance snapshots. |
cn:max_standby_archive_delay |
Specifies the wait period (in milliseconds) before queries on a standby node are canceled when the queries conflict with WAL processing and archiving in hot standby mode. |
dn:max_standby_archive_delay |
Specifies the wait period (in milliseconds) before queries on a standby node are canceled when the queries conflict with WAL processing and archiving in hot standby mode. |
cn:max_standby_streaming_delay |
Specifies how long a standby node waits before canceling queries, in milliseconds. |
dn:max_standby_streaming_delay |
Specifies how long a standby node waits before canceling queries, in milliseconds. |
cn:recovery_max_workers |
Specifies the number of concurrent replayer threads. |
dn:recovery_max_workers |
Specifies the number of concurrent replayer threads. |
cn:local_syscache_threshold |
Specifies the size of system catalog cache in a session. Unit: KB |
dn:local_syscache_threshold |
Specifies the size of system catalog cache in a session. Unit: KB |
cms:datastorage_threshold_value_check |
Specifies the disk usage threshold to put a database node into read-only mode. If the disk usage of a data directory exceeds this threshold, the database node is automatically changed to read-only. Unit: percentage (%) |
wdr_snapshot_retention_days |
Specifies how many days database monitoring snapshots are saved for. |
Parameter |
Description |
audit_system_object |
Determines whether to audit the CREATE, DROP, and ALTER operations on GaussDB Kernel database objects. GaussDB Kernel database objects include databases, users, schemas, and tables. You can change the parameter value to audit only the operations on required database objects. During a forcible primary/standby failover, set audit_system_object to the maximum value and audit all DDL objects. If the parameter value is incorrectly changed, DDL audit logs will be lost. Contact technical support to change it. |
autoanalyze |
Specifies whether to automatically collect statistics on tables that have no statistics when a plan is generated. |
autoanalyze_timeout |
Specifies the autoanalyze timeout period. If the duration of autoanalyze on a table exceeds the value of autoanalyze_timeout, the autoanalyze operation is automatically canceled. 0 indicates there is no timeout. Unit: second |
datestyle |
Specifies the display format for date and time. |
dn:wal_keep_segments |
Specifies the minimum number of transaction log files stored in the pg_xlog directory. Standby nodes obtain the logs from the primary node to perform streaming replication. |
enable_seqscan |
Specifies whether to enable the optimizer's use of sequential scan plan types. It is impossible to completely suppress sequential scans, but setting this parameter to off allows the optimizer to choose other methods if available. |
enable_slot_log |
Specifies whether to enable primary/standby synchronization for logical replication slots. |
failed_login_attempts |
Specifies the maximum number of incorrect password attempts before an account is locked. The account will be automatically unlocked after the time specified in password_lock_time elapses. Only the sysadmin user can set this parameter. |
log_min_duration_statement |
Specifies the threshold for logging the duration of a completed statement. If a statement runs for a period greater than or equal to the specified value, its duration will be logged. The value -1 disables logging statement durations. If this parameter is set to a small value, the load throughput may be affected. Unit: millisecond |
max_replication_slots |
Specifies the number of log replication slots on the primary node. |
max_wal_senders |
Specifies the maximum number of WAL sender threads that can be created. Processes created for the following purposes occupy WAL sender threads: Standby DNs connect to primary DNs to obtain physical logs, and logical replication tools connect to primary DNs to obtain logical logs. |
password_effect_time |
Specifies the validity period of the password, in days. |
password_lock_time |
Specifies the duration for a locked account to be automatically unlocked, in days. |
session_timeout |
Specifies how long to wait before a server connection is disconnected due to inactivity. The value 0 indicates there is no time limit. Unit: second |
timezone |
Specifies the time zone for displaying and interpreting time stamps. |
update_lockwait_timeout |
Specifies the maximum duration that a lock waits for concurrent updates on a row to complete when the concurrent update feature is enabled. If the lock wait time exceeds this value, the system will report an error. Unit: millisecond |
wal_level |
Specifies the level of information to be written to the WAL. This is a required value and cannot be commented out. Determines how much information is written to the WAL. When this parameter is set to logical, logical logs are extracted and primary key information is recorded in Xlogs. |
dn:audit_thread_num |
Specifies the number of audit threads. Value range: 1 to 48. |
dn:qrw_inlist2join_optmode |
Specifies whether to enable inlist-to-join query rewriting. |
dn:audit_xid_info |
Determines whether to record the transaction IDs of SQL statements in detail_info. 0: The transaction IDs are not recorded. 1: The transaction IDs are recorded. |
dn:default_limit_rows |
Specifies the estimated number of rows to return by default for generating a generic plan, that is, the default value for the LIMIT clause. If this parameter is set to a negative number, the value is converted to a percentage, for example, -5 is equivalent to 5%, indicating that 5% of the total rows will be returned. |
dn:audit_dml_state_select |
Determines whether to audit the SELECT operation. |
dn:audit_dml_state |
Determines whether to audit the INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations on a specific table. 0: These operations are not audited. 1: These operations are audited. |
dn:random_page_cost |
Specifies the estimated cost for the optimizer to fetch an out-of-sequence disk page. |
dn:enable_security_policy |
Controls whether unified auditing and dynamic data masking policies are applied. |
dn:audit_set_parameter |
Determines whether to audit the SET operation. 0: The SET operation is not audited. 1: The SET operation is audited. |
dn:max_standby_streaming_delay |
Specifies how long a standby node waits before canceling queries, in milliseconds. |
dn:vacuum_defer_cleanup_age |
Specifies the number of transactions used by VACUUM. |
dn:enable_pbe_optimization |
Specifies whether the optimizer optimizes the query plan for statements executed in Parse Bind Execute (PBE) mode. |
wdr_snapshot_interval |
Specifies the interval (in minutes) at which the background thread Snapshot automatically performs snapshot operations on the database monitoring data. |
undo_retention_time |
Specifies how long undo logs are kept, in seconds. This parameter is only used for flashback query. Note: 1. The undo space of the local disk increases. 2. In subsequent incremental backups, the size of the backup set increases, because extra undo content is retained. |
track_stmt_stat_level |
Controls the level of statement execution tracking. |
enable_wdr_snapshot |
Specifies whether to enable WDR snapshots. If this parameter is enabled, the kernel periodically takes performance snapshots. |
dn:max_standby_archive_delay |
Specifies the wait period (in milliseconds) before queries on a standby node are canceled when the queries conflict with WAL processing and archiving in hot standby mode. |
dn:max_standby_streaming_delay |
Specifies how long a standby node waits before canceling queries, in milliseconds. |
dn:recovery_max_workers |
Specifies the number of concurrent replayer threads. |
dn:recovery_time_target |
Specifies the time for the standby node to write and replay logs. Unit: second |
dn:local_syscache_threshold |
Specifies the size of system catalog cache in a session. Unit: KB |
cms:datastorage_threshold_value_check |
Specifies the disk usage threshold to put a database node into read-only mode. If the disk usage of a data directory exceeds this threshold, the database node is automatically changed to read-only. Unit: percentage (%) |
wdr_snapshot_retention_days |
Specifies how many days database monitoring snapshots are saved for. |
log_autovacuum_min_duration |
Specifies the interval which should elapse before autovacuum operations are logged. Autovacuum operations equal to or beyond the specified interval will be logged. If it is set to 0, all autovacuum operations will be logged. If it is set to -1, no autovacuum operations will be logged. |
dn:max_connections |
Specifies the maximum number of concurrent connections to DNs. |
Parameter |
Description |
audit_system_object |
Determines whether to audit the CREATE, DROP, and ALTER operations on GaussDB Kernel database objects. GaussDB Kernel database objects include databases, users, schemas, and tables. You can change the parameter value to audit only the operations on required database objects. During a forcible primary/standby failover, set audit_system_object to the maximum value and audit all DDL objects. If the parameter value is incorrectly changed, DDL audit logs will be lost. Contact technical support to change it. |
autoanalyze |
Specifies whether to automatically collect statistics on tables that have no statistics when a plan is generated. |
autoanalyze_timeout |
Specifies the autoanalyze timeout period. If the duration of autoanalyze on a table exceeds the value of autoanalyze_timeout, the autoanalyze operation is automatically canceled. 0 indicates there is no timeout. Unit: second |
cn:effective_cache_size |
Specifies the size of the disk buffer available to the CN optimizer in a single query. Unit: 8 KB |
cn:enable_hotkeys_collection |
Specifies whether to collect statistics on accessed key values in databases. |
cn:track_stmt_session_slot |
Specifies the maximum number of full or slow SQL statements that can be cached in a CN session. |
datestyle |
Specifies the display format for date and time. |
dn:effective_cache_size |
Specifies the size of the disk buffer available to the DN optimizer in a single query. Unit: 8 KB |
dn:enable_hotkeys_collection |
Specifies whether to collect statistics on accessed key values in databases. |
dn:track_stmt_session_slot |
Specifies the maximum number of full or slow SQL statements that can be cached in a DN session. |
enable_seqscan |
Specifies whether to enable the optimizer's use of sequential scan plan types. It is impossible to completely suppress sequential scans, but setting this parameter to off allows the optimizer to choose other methods if available. |
enable_slot_log |
Specifies whether to enable primary/standby synchronization for logical replication slots. |
enable_stream_operator |
Specifies the query optimizer's use of streams. When this parameter is set to off, a large number of logs indicating that the stream plans cannot be pushed down are recorded. |
failed_login_attempts |
Specifies the maximum number of incorrect password attempts before an account is locked. The account will be automatically unlocked after the time specified in password_lock_time elapses. Only the sysadmin user can set this parameter. |
log_min_duration_statement |
Specifies the threshold for logging the duration of a completed statement. If a statement runs for a period greater than or equal to the specified value, its duration will be logged. The value -1 disables logging statement durations. If this parameter is set to a small value, the load throughput may be affected. Unit: millisecond |
max_replication_slots |
Specifies the number of log replication slots on the primary node. |
max_wal_senders |
Specifies the maximum number of WAL sender threads that can be created. Processes created for the following purposes occupy WAL sender threads: Standby DNs connect to primary DNs to obtain physical logs, and logical replication tools connect to primary DNs to obtain logical logs. |
password_effect_time |
Specifies the validity period of the password, in days. |
password_lock_time |
Specifies the duration for a locked account to be automatically unlocked, in days. |
recovery_time_target |
Specifies the time for the standby node to write and replay logs, in seconds. |
session_timeout |
Specifies how long to wait before a server connection is disconnected due to inactivity. The value 0 indicates there is no time limit. Unit: second |
timezone |
Specifies the time zone for displaying and interpreting time stamps. |
track_stmt_stat_level |
Controls the level of statement execution tracking. |
update_lockwait_timeout |
Specifies the maximum duration that a lock waits for concurrent updates on a row to complete when the concurrent update feature is enabled. If the lock wait time exceeds this value, the system will report an error. Unit: millisecond |
wal_level |
Specifies the level of information to be written to the WAL. This is a required value and cannot be commented out. Determines how much information is written to the WAL. When this parameter is set to logical, logical logs are extracted and primary key information is recorded in Xlogs. |
cn:audit_thread_num |
Specifies the number of audit threads. Value range: 1 to 48. |
dn:audit_thread_num |
Specifies the number of audit threads. Value range: 1 to 48. |
cn:qrw_inlist2join_optmode |
Specifies whether to enable inlist-to-join query rewriting. |
dn:qrw_inlist2join_optmode |
Specifies whether to enable inlist-to-join query rewriting. |
cn:audit_xid_info |
Determines whether to record the transaction IDs of SQL statements in detail_info. 0: The transaction IDs are not recorded. 1: The transaction IDs are recorded. |
dn:audit_xid_info |
Determines whether to record the transaction IDs of SQL statements in detail_info. 0: The transaction IDs are not recorded. 1: The transaction IDs are recorded. |
cn:default_limit_rows |
Specifies the estimated number of rows to return by default for generating a generic plan, that is, the default value for the LIMIT clause. If this parameter is set to a negative number, the value is converted to a percentage, for example, -5 is equivalent to 5%, indicating that 5% of the total rows will be returned. |
dn:default_limit_rows |
Specifies the estimated number of rows to return by default for generating a generic plan, that is, the default value for the LIMIT clause. If this parameter is set to a negative number, the value is converted to a percentage, for example, -5 is equivalent to 5%, indicating that 5% of the total rows will be returned. |
cn:audit_dml_state_select |
Determines whether to audit the SELECT operation. |
dn:audit_dml_state_select |
Determines whether to audit the SELECT operation. |
cn:audit_dml_state |
Determines whether to audit the INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations on a specific table. 0: These operations are not audited. 1: These operations are audited. |
dn:audit_dml_state |
Determines whether to audit the INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations on a specific table. 0: These operations are not audited. 1: These operations are audited. |
cn:random_page_cost |
Specifies the estimated cost for the optimizer to fetch an out-of-sequence disk page. |
dn:random_page_cost |
Specifies the estimated cost for the optimizer to fetch an out-of-sequence disk page. |
cn:enable_security_policy |
Controls whether unified auditing and dynamic data masking policies are applied. |
dn:enable_security_policy |
Controls whether unified auditing and dynamic data masking policies are applied. |
cn:audit_set_parameter |
Determines whether to audit the SET operation. 0: The SET operation is not audited. 1: The SET operation is audited. |
dn:audit_set_parameter |
Determines whether to audit the SET operation. 0: The SET operation is not audited. 1: The SET operation is audited. |
cn:enable_pbe_optimization |
Specifies whether the optimizer optimizes the query plan for statements executed in Parse Bind Execute (PBE) mode. |
dn:enable_pbe_optimization |
Specifies whether the optimizer optimizes the query plan for statements executed in Parse Bind Execute (PBE) mode. |
wdr_snapshot_interval |
Specifies the interval (in minutes) at which the background thread Snapshot automatically performs snapshot operations on the database monitoring data. |
enable_wdr_snapshot |
Specifies whether to enable WDR snapshots. If this parameter is enabled, the kernel periodically takes performance snapshots. |
cn:max_standby_archive_delay |
Specifies the wait period (in milliseconds) before queries on a standby node are canceled when the queries conflict with WAL processing and archiving in hot standby mode. |
dn:max_standby_archive_delay |
Specifies the wait period (in milliseconds) before queries on a standby node are canceled when the queries conflict with WAL processing and archiving in hot standby mode. |
cn:max_standby_streaming_delay |
Specifies how long a standby node waits before canceling queries, in milliseconds. |
dn:max_standby_streaming_delay |
Specifies how long a standby node waits before canceling queries, in milliseconds. |
cn:recovery_max_workers |
Specifies the number of concurrent replayer threads. |
dn:recovery_max_workers |
Specifies the number of concurrent replayer threads. |
cn:local_syscache_threshold |
Specifies the size of system catalog cache in a session. Unit: KB |
dn:local_syscache_threshold |
Specifies the size of system catalog cache in a session. Unit: KB |
cms:datastorage_threshold_value_check |
Specifies the disk usage threshold to put a database node into read-only mode. If the disk usage of a data directory exceeds this threshold, the database node is automatically changed to read-only. Unit: percentage (%) |
wdr_snapshot_retention_days |
Specifies how many days database monitoring snapshots are saved for. |
Parameter |
Description |
audit_system_object |
Determines whether to audit the CREATE, DROP, and ALTER operations on GaussDB Kernel database objects. GaussDB Kernel database objects include databases, users, schemas, and tables. You can change the parameter value to audit only the operations on required database objects. During a forcible primary/standby failover, set audit_system_object to the maximum value and audit all DDL objects. If the parameter value is incorrectly changed, DDL audit logs will be lost. Contact technical support to change it. |
autoanalyze |
Specifies whether to automatically collect statistics on tables that have no statistics when a plan is generated. |
autoanalyze_timeout |
Specifies the autoanalyze timeout period. If the duration of autoanalyze on a table exceeds the value of autoanalyze_timeout, the autoanalyze operation is automatically canceled. 0 indicates there is no timeout. Unit: second |
datestyle |
Specifies the display format for date and time. |
dn:wal_keep_segments |
Specifies the minimum number of transaction log files stored in the pg_xlog directory. Standby nodes obtain the logs from the primary node to perform streaming replication. |
enable_seqscan |
Specifies whether to enable the optimizer's use of sequential scan plan types. It is impossible to completely suppress sequential scans, but setting this parameter to off allows the optimizer to choose other methods if available. |
enable_slot_log |
Specifies whether to enable primary/standby synchronization for logical replication slots. |
failed_login_attempts |
Specifies the maximum number of incorrect password attempts before an account is locked. The account will be automatically unlocked after the time specified in password_lock_time elapses. Only the sysadmin user can set this parameter. |
log_min_duration_statement |
Specifies the threshold for logging the duration of a completed statement. If a statement runs for a period greater than or equal to the specified value, its duration will be logged. The value -1 disables logging statement durations. If this parameter is set to a small value, the load throughput may be affected. Unit: millisecond |
max_replication_slots |
Specifies the number of log replication slots on the primary node. |
max_wal_senders |
Specifies the maximum number of WAL sender threads that can be created. Processes created for the following purposes occupy WAL sender threads: Standby DNs connect to primary DNs to obtain physical logs, and logical replication tools connect to primary DNs to obtain logical logs. |
password_effect_time |
Specifies the validity period of the password, in days. |
password_lock_time |
Specifies the duration for a locked account to be automatically unlocked, in days. |
session_timeout |
Specifies how long to wait before a server connection is disconnected due to inactivity. The value 0 indicates there is no time limit. Unit: second |
timezone |
Specifies the time zone for displaying and interpreting time stamps. |
update_lockwait_timeout |
Specifies the maximum duration that a lock waits for concurrent updates on a row to complete when the concurrent update feature is enabled. If the lock wait time exceeds this value, the system will report an error. Unit: millisecond |
wal_level |
Specifies the level of information to be written to the WAL. This is a required value and cannot be commented out. Determines how much information is written to the WAL. When this parameter is set to logical, logical logs are extracted and primary key information is recorded in Xlogs. |
dn:audit_thread_num |
Specifies the number of audit threads. Value range: 1 to 48. |
dn:qrw_inlist2join_optmode |
Specifies whether to enable inlist-to-join query rewriting. |
dn:audit_xid_info |
Determines whether to record the transaction IDs of SQL statements in detail_info. 0: The transaction IDs are not recorded. 1: The transaction IDs are recorded. |
dn:default_limit_rows |
Specifies the estimated number of rows to return by default for generating a generic plan, that is, the default value for the LIMIT clause. If this parameter is set to a negative number, the value is converted to a percentage, for example, -5 is equivalent to 5%, indicating that 5% of the total rows will be returned. |
dn:audit_dml_state_select |
Determines whether to audit the SELECT operation. |
dn:audit_dml_state |
Determines whether to audit the INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations on a specific table. 0: These operations are not audited. 1: These operations are audited. |
dn:random_page_cost |
Specifies the estimated cost for the optimizer to fetch an out-of-sequence disk page. |
dn:enable_security_policy |
Controls whether unified auditing and dynamic data masking policies are applied. |
dn:audit_set_parameter |
Determines whether to audit the SET operation. 0: The SET operation is not audited. 1: The SET operation is audited. |
dn:max_standby_streaming_delay |
Specifies how long a standby node waits before canceling queries, in milliseconds. |
dn:vacuum_defer_cleanup_age |
Specifies the number of transactions used by VACUUM. |
dn:enable_pbe_optimization |
Specifies whether the optimizer optimizes the query plan for statements executed in Parse Bind Execute (PBE) mode. |
wdr_snapshot_interval |
Specifies the interval (in minutes) at which the background thread Snapshot automatically performs snapshot operations on the database monitoring data. |
undo_retention_time |
Specifies how long undo logs are kept, in seconds. This parameter is only used for flashback query. Note: 1. The undo space of the local disk increases. 2. In subsequent incremental backups, the size of the backup set increases, because extra undo content is retained. |
track_stmt_stat_level |
Controls the level of statement execution tracking. |
enable_wdr_snapshot |
Specifies whether to enable WDR snapshots. If this parameter is enabled, the kernel periodically takes performance snapshots. |
dn:max_standby_archive_delay |
Specifies the wait period (in milliseconds) before queries on a standby node are canceled when the queries conflict with WAL processing and archiving in hot standby mode. |
dn:max_standby_streaming_delay |
Specifies how long a standby node waits before canceling queries, in milliseconds. |
dn:recovery_max_workers |
Specifies the number of concurrent replayer threads. |
dn:recovery_time_target |
Specifies the time for the standby node to write and replay logs. Unit: second |
dn:local_syscache_threshold |
Specifies the size of system catalog cache in a session. Unit: KB |
cms:datastorage_threshold_value_check |
Specifies the disk usage threshold to put a database node into read-only mode. If the disk usage of a data directory exceeds this threshold, the database node is automatically changed to read-only. Unit: percentage (%) |
wdr_snapshot_retention_days |
Specifies how many days database monitoring snapshots are saved for. |
log_autovacuum_min_duration |
Specifies the interval which should elapse before autovacuum operations are logged. Autovacuum operations equal to or beyond the specified interval will be logged. If it is set to 0, all autovacuum operations will be logged. If it is set to -1, no autovacuum operations will be logged. |
dn:max_connections |
Specifies the maximum number of concurrent connections to DNs. |
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