Viewing RI Analysis
You can view the usage of the reserved instances (RIs) you have purchased. The amounts displayed are only estimates. You can view the exact amounts in the bills generated on the third day of the following month.

If you are using a master account and shares RIs with your member accounts, it is acceptable that the RI utilization and coverage before and after the bill is generated may be different.
RI utilization and coverage are updated once every day. It may take 24 to 48 hours for the data to be displayed.
If you are using a master account but have not enabled unified accounting management, you are not allowed to view the RI utilization and coverage of your member accounts.
RI Utilization
You can learn about the RI usage, including the amounts saved and amortized after using RIs, and monitor the comprehensive utilization rate of your RIs.
RI utilization = Number of used RI hours/Number of purchased RI hours x 100%
- Log in to Cost Center.
- Choose Reserved Instances > Utilization & Coverage Analysis.
- Click RI Utilization.
- Set search criteria to view the RI utilization.
① You can select Monthly, Daily, or Hourly for a period of time from the last 18 months.
- Monthly: You can view the utilization data from the last 3, 6, or 12 months. Also you can manually search for data within a specific period (18 months at most).
- Daily: You can view the month-to-date utilization, and also the utilization from the last 7 days, 14 days, 30 days, or 3 months.
- Hourly: You can view the utilization from 00:00 to 24:00 for a given day.
② This area displays the utilization data for the queried period.Table 1 RI utilization fields Field
Pay-per-Use Cost Equivalent
Pay-per-use costs equivalent to the RI hours you have used, calculated based on the list price.
Example: You purchase an RI with a duration of 100 hours. The price of a pay-per-use resource with the same specifications is $4 USD per hour. This pay-per-use resource has matched the RI for 6 hours.
Scenario 1: No upfront fee is charged for the RI, and the hourly rate is $1.5 USD.
In this case:
- Pay-per-use cost equivalent = 4 x 6 = $24 USD
- RI cost = 1.5 x 6 = $9 USD
- Total net savings = 24 – 9 = $15 USD
- Total potential savings = 4 x 100 – 1.5 x 100 = $250 USD
Scenario 2: A partial upfront fee of $40 USD is charged for each RI, and the hourly rate is $1 USD.
In this case:
- Pay-per-use cost equivalent = 4 x 6 = $24 USD
- RI cost = 40/100 x 6 + 1 x 6 = $8.4 USD
- Total net savings = 24 – 8.4 = $15.6 USD
- Total potential savings = 4 x 100 – (1 x 100 + 40) = $260 USD
Scenario 3: An upfront fee of $100 USD is charged for each RI.
In this case:
- Pay-per-use cost equivalent = 4 x 6 = $24 USD
- RI cost = 100/100 x 6 = $6 USD
- Total net savings = 24 – 6 = $18 USD
- Total potential savings = 4 x 100 – 100 = $300 USD
RI Cost
Cost of used RIs amortized by hour.
RI cost = Upfront costs for purchased RIs amortized by hour + Cost charged amortized by hour
Total Net Savings
Total amount saved by using the RI compared to pay-per-use pricing
Total net savings = Pay-per-use cost equivalent – RI cost
Total Potential Savings
Potential savings that may be realized if RIs are all used up.
Total potential savings = Pay-per-use cost equivalent for purchased RI hours – RI cost
③ This chart shows your utilization over time.
Example: If you purchase a 100-hour RI and the matched pay-per-use resource has been used for 6 hours, the RI utilization is 6% (6/100 x 100%).
④ The Filters area is designed for you to include or exclude certain types of data. You can select up to 50 items for each filter.Table 2 RI utilization filters Filter
Service Type
Displays specified service types to get RI utilization.
Displays specified specifications to get RI utilization.
Linked Account
Displays data for enterprise master/member accounts associated with the account to get RI utilization.
Displays data for a specified region (such as CN South-Guangzhou) to get RI utilization.
Displays data for a specified AZ to get RI utilization.
Operating System
Displays RI utilization based on the operating system used.
Specifies whether the RI can be used in a given AZ or a region.
Business Entity
Displays RI utilization based on the business entity the cloud services belong to.
Example: The business entity of direct users is Huawei Cloud. The business entity of a partner's users is the same as that of that partner.
⑤ If the Display utilization objective in the chart check box is selected, you will see an orange solid line in the chart as a benchmark to determine whether the target is reached. You can choose not to display the line by deselecting the check box.
- Click Export to export the RI utilization data in the chart or table.
- You can click
in the upper right corner of the table to control which fields are displayed.
- You can select the check boxes before specific RIs to view their utilization. If none is selected, the average utilization of all RIs will be displayed by default.
- When you export the RI data, if there is currently no data, 0% is displayed.
Table 3 Fields for RI utilization in the exported chart Field
Date when an RI is used.
- Query by month: billing cycle when an RI is used.
- Query by day: date when an RI is used.
- Query by hour: time when an RI is used. Example: 2020.06.06 15:00:00 indicates the RI is used from June 6, 2020 14:00:00 GMT+08:00 to June 6, 2020 15:00:00 GMT+08:00.
Utilization of an RI.
Table 4 Fields for RI utilization in the exported table Category
RI properties
Name of the account that purchases the RI.
Order ID
Unique order ID of an RI.
Reserved Instance Name/ID
Name and unique ID of an RI.
Start Time
Date when the RI takes effect, that is, the time when the RI starts being used.
End Time
Date when the RI becomes invalid, that is, the time after which the RI will no longer be used.
Whether the RI can be used in a given AZ or a region.
Region where an RI operates.
Availability zone where an RI operates.
Payment Option
Billing mode of an RI, including No upfront, Partial upfront, or All upfront.
RI Type
Type of an RI. The default value is Standard.
Product specifications of an RI.
Number of RIs
Number of reserved instances.
Operating System
Operating system of the RI.
RI statistics
RI Utilization
Percentage of used RIs to purchased RIs.
RI utilization = Number of used RI hours/Number of purchased RI hours x 100%
RI Hours Purchased
How many hours the RI was purchased for within the specified time range.
RI Hours Used
How many hours the RI was used for within the specified time range.
RI Hours Unused
How many hours the RI was not used for within the specified time range.
RI Cost
Sum of upfront cost for purchased RIs amortized by the hour and costs amortized by the hour.
RI cost = Upfront cost for RIs amortized by hour + Hourly cost
Pay-per-Use Cost
Pay-per-use costs equivalent to the RI hours you have used, calculated based on the list price.
Net Savings
Total amount saved by using the RI compared to pay-per-use pricing
Net savings = Pay-per-use cost equivalent – RI cost
Potential Savings
Potential savings that may be realized if RIs are all used up.
- You can click
Exporting RI Usage Details
You can export the usage details of RIs from the last 18 months. This offers a basis for analyzing RI utilization.

If the query period does not cover any RI usage, the Export RI Usage button will not be displayed.
- Log in to Cost Center.
- Choose Reserved Instances > Utilization & Coverage Analysis.
- Click RI Utilization.
- Click Export in the upper left corner of the list.
- Specify the period and data source you want to export, and click OK.
RI usage details are refreshed every 24 hours, but the cost data for the current month may take longer than one day to be exported.
Table 5 describes the fields in the exported RI usage details.
Table 5 Fields in RI usage details Field
Account that purchased the RI. By default, the account is the current login account or an enterprise member account associated with an enterprise master account.
Service Type
Service type of the RI. Currently, only ECS is supported.
Reserved Instance Name
Name of the RI. The value is the same as the resource name on the Bill Details page in the Billing Center.
Reserved Instance ID
ID of the RI. The value is the same as the resource ID on the Bill Details page in the Billing Center.
RI Specifications
RI specifications, for example, 2 vCPUs | 4 GiB | c6.large.2.
Operating System
Operating system of the RI.
Whether the RI can be used in a given AZ or a region.
Region where an RI operates.
Availability Zone
Availability zone where an RI operates.
Number of RIs
Number of RIs purchased.
RI Hours Purchased
How many hours the RI was purchased for within the specified period, which is the overlapped part of the RI effective duration and the export period.
RI Hours Purchased = RI Hours Used + RI Hours Unused
RI Hours Used
How many hours the RI was used for within the specified period.
RI Hours Used = Cumulative number of RI Hours Used per Resource
RI Hours Unused
How many hours the RI was not used for within the specified period.
RI Normalized Units Purchased
RI Hours Purchased x RI normalization factor
RI Normalized Units Used
RI Hours Used x RI normalization factor
RI Normalized Units Unused
RI Hours Unused x Normalization Factor for RIs
Resource ID
Resource ID for the RI.
Specification Code
Specifications code for the RI.
RI Hours Used per Resource
Number of RI hours consumed by the resource.
RI Hours Used per Resource = RI Usage Amount x Normalization Factor for pay-per use products/Normalization Factor for RIs
NOTE:In this formula, the value of RI Usage Amount needs to be converted into hours based on RI Usage Unit.
RI Normalized Units Used per Resource
RI Hours Used per Resource x Normalization Factor for RIs
RI Usage Amount
Actual usage of an instance that matches the RI.
RI Usage Unit
Unit of the actual usage amount.
Start Time
Time when pay-per-use resources start to use RI hours.
End Time
Time when pay-per-use resources stop using RI hours.
RI Coverage
RI coverage lets you know what percentage of pay-per-use resources are covered by your purchased RIs so that you can evaluate whether you have purchased enough RIs.
Coverage = RI covered hours/Total resource running hours x 100%
- Log in to Cost Center.
- Choose Reserved Instances > Utilization & Coverage Analysis.
- Click RI Coverage.
- Set search criteria to view the RI coverage.
① You can select Monthly, Daily, or Hourly for a period of time from the last 18 months.
- Monthly: You can view the coverage data from the last 3, 6, or 12 months. Also you can manually search for data within a specific period (18 months at most).
- Daily: You can view the month-to-date coverage, and also the coverage from the last 7 days, 14 days, 30 days, or 3 months.
- Hourly: You can view the coverage from 00:00 to 24:00 for a given day.
② This area displays the coverage data for the queried period.Table 6 RI coverage fields Field
Average Coverage
The average coverage rate within the queried period. Coverage = RI covered hours/Total resource running hours x 100%- RI covered hours refer to the used RI hours.
- Total resource running hours refer to the total used hours of the pay-per-use resource.
Example: You purchase an RI and run two pay-per-use resources for 10 hours each. The hourly rate of the pay-per-use resources is $4 USD. One pay-per-use resource has matched the RI for 4 hours.
In this case:
- Coverage = 4/20 x 100% = 20%
- Total pay-per-use cost = (20 – 4) x 4 = $64 USD
Pay-per-Use Total
Total pay-per-use costs for pay-per-use instances not covered by the used hours in the query period.
③ This chart shows your coverage over time.
Example: If a pay-per-use resource runs for 10 hours and matches the RI for 4 hours, the coverage rate is 4/10 x 100% = 40%.
④ The Filters area is designed for you to include or exclude certain types of data. You can select up to 50 items for each filter.Table 7 RI coverage filters Filter
Service Type
Displays specified service types to get RI coverage.
Displays specified service types to get RI coverage.
Linked Account
Displays data for enterprise master/member accounts associated with the account to get RI coverage.
Displays data for a specified region (such as CN South-Guangzhou) to get RI coverage.
Availability Zone
Displays data for a specified AZ, for example, AZ1, to get RI coverage.
Cost Tags
Displays activated tags to get RI coverage. For details, see Activating Cost Tags.
Under the Cost Tag filter, you can select up to 20 items for a level-1 option and up to 50 items for a level-2 option at a time.
Operating System
Displays RI coverage based on the operating system used.
Business Entity
Displays RI coverage based on the business entity the cloud services belong to.
Example: The business entity of direct users is Huawei Cloud. The business entity of a partner's users is the same as that of that partner.
⑤ If the Display coverage objective in the chart check box is selected, you will see an orange solid line in the chart as a benchmark to determine whether the target is reached. You can choose not to display the line by deselecting the check box.
- Click Export to export the RI coverage data in the chart or table.
- You can click
in the upper right corner of the table to control which fields are displayed.
- You can select the check boxes before specific RIs to view their coverage. If none is selected, the average coverage of all RIs will be displayed by default.
- When you export the RI data, if there is currently no data, 0% is displayed.
- Account adjustments do not change the historical data regarding RI coverage.
Table 8 Fields for RI coverage in the exported chart Field
Date when an RI is used.
- Query by month: billing cycle when an RI is used.
- Query by day: date when an RI is used.
- Query by hour: time when an RI is used. Example: 2020.06.06 15:00:00 indicates the RI is used from June 6, 2020 14:00:00 GMT+08:00 to June 6, 2020 15:00:00 GMT+08:00.
Average Coverage
Average coverage rate of an RI
Table 9 Fields for RI coverage in the exported table Category
RI properties
Name of the account that purchases the RI.
Product specifications of an RI.
Region where an RI operates.
Availability Zone
Availability zone where an RI operates.
Operating System
Operating system of the RI.
RI statistics
Average Coverage
Average used hours that an RI covers.
Average coverage = RI covered hours/Total resource running hours x 100%
Total Running Hours
Total combined used hours that an RI covers and does not cover.
RI Covered Hours
Used hours that an RI covers.
Pay-per-Use Hours
Used hours that an RI does not cover.
Pay-per-Use Cost
Amount for used hours that an RI does not cover, calculated based on the list price
- You can click
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