Help Center/ Application Service Mesh/ User Guide/ Buying a Service Mesh/ Basic Edition vs Community Edition
Updated on 2025-03-07 GMT+08:00

Basic Edition vs Community Edition




Community Edition

Basic Edition


Management scale

Maximum number of pods a service mesh can manage



Basic functions

Service discovery and registration

The service center cluster obtains the service list, automatically registers containerized services, and refreshes service pod statuses. You do not need to implement the registration and subscription logic as services can be automatically discovered, and dynamically managed.

Multiple service versions

Version-based service management and monitoring


Version-based service workload management

Multiple service ports

Multi-port, multi-protocol service management

Multi-port grayscale release


Multiple service types

Containerized service backend

Protocols and languages

HTTP and gRPC grayscale release, governance, and monitoring (varying with protocols), language- and framework-agnostic, and non-intrusive

Application gateway

Layer-4 and Layer-7 external access, entry path mapping, TLS termination at gateways, and configuration of external certificates and secrets

Load balancing

Round robin, random, minimum number of connections, and consistent hashing algorithms based on a specific HTTP header or cookie value

Fault injection

Injection of faults with a specified delay or error and configuration of fault percentage

Outlier detection

Layer-7 request management, including the maximum number of requests, maximum number of requests per connection, maximum number of queued requests, and maximum number of retries; Layer-4 connection management, including the maximum number of connections and connection timeout interval; exception check, and automatic isolation and recovery of faulty pods

Traffic types

Governance of internal communication between services and external access to services (ingress)


Containerized application management


Non-intrusive two-way TLS authentication and channel encryption


Service access authorization management

Grayscale release

Grayscale traffic distribution policies based on the browser, operating system, custom HTTP header, cookie content, and URL; grayscale release based on request parameters and traffic ratio

Canary release template


Blue-green deployment template


Service monitoring during grayscale release for decision making


Service request monitoring during grayscale release for decision making


Dynamic configuration of the number of pods during grayscale release


Dynamic traffic ratio monitoring during grayscale release


Application topology

Global topology of traces in applications


Key metrics such as the number of total requests and abnormal requests in a topology


Real-time application topology



Non-intrusive tracing point setting


Monitoring of resources like pod CPUs, memory, and disks, monitoring of access metrics such as RPS and latency, statistics analysis of access and abnormal metrics, interconnection with open source metric components such as Prometheus, and interconnection with different metric backends

Access logs

Non-intrusive collection of access logs


Enabling Istio for existing and new Kubernetes clusters with just a few clicks



Smooth upgrade of the control plane without interrupting application services

Smooth upgrade of the data plane without interrupting application services

Add-on management

Installation of community add-ons, such as Grafana and Prometheus, with just a few clicks


Installation of Tracing with just a few clicks


Installation of Kiali with just a few clicks


Installation of ELK with just a few clicks


Proxy management

Transparent and iptables-based traffic interception, as well as automatic proxy injection at namespace and workload levels

Proxy mode

One sidecar per pod

Command line tool

Traffic policy management using command line tools such as istioctl and kubectl
