Help Center/ Elastic IP/ User Guide (Ankara Region)/ Quick Start/ Step 3: Assign an EIP and Bind It to an ECS
Updated on 2024-04-15 GMT+08:00

Step 3: Assign an EIP and Bind It to an ECS


You can assign an EIP and bind it to an ECS so that the ECS can access the Internet.

Assigning an EIP

  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. Click in the upper left corner and choose Network > Elastic IP.
  3. On the displayed page, click Assign EIP.
  4. Set the parameters as prompted.
    Table 1 Parameter descriptions



    Example Value


    Regions are geographic areas that are physically isolated from each other. The networks inside different regions are not connected to each other, so resources cannot be shared across different regions. For lower network latency and faster access to your resources, select the region nearest you. The region selected for the EIP is its geographical location.


    EIP Type

    Dynamic BGP: Dynamic BGP provides automatic failover and chooses the optimal path when a network connection fails.

    Dynamic BGP

    Billed By

    The following bandwidth types are available:
    • Dedicated: The bandwidth can be used by only one EIP and is suitable for scenarios with light or sharply fluctuating traffic.
    • Shared Bandwidth: The bandwidth can be shared by multiple EIPs and is suitable for scenarios with staggered traffic.



    The bandwidth size in Mbit/s.


    EIP Name

    The name of the EIP.


    Bandwidth Name

    The name of the bandwidth.



    The external network that the EIP connects to.



    The number of EIPs you want to purchase.


  5. Click Create Now.
  6. Click Submit.

Binding an EIP

  1. On the EIPs page, locate the row that contains the target EIP, and click Bind.
  2. Select the instance that you want to bind the EIP to.

  3. Click OK.