Updated on 2024-09-13 GMT+08:00

100.7.5 Updates

1. Added the setServerConfigWithUrl API for setting login server information. For details, see Setting Login Server Information.

2. Added the setCAVerifyInfo API for setting certificate verification information. For details, see Setting Login Server Information.

3. Added the supportMeetingAssistant API for displaying the meeting control assistant. For details, see Displaying the Meeting Control Assistant.

4. Added the socialShareView API with the new meeting information parameter HWMSDKMeetingInfoModel. For details, see Customizing the Social Sharing Window.

5. Added the startProjectionWithParam API for starting projection. For details, see Starting Projection.

6. Added onConfEndedNotify for meeting end notifications. For details, see Meeting End Notification.

7. Added onMeetingInfoChanged to notify you of meeting information changes. For details, see Notification of Ongoing Meeting Information Changes.

8. Added the handle field (window handle) to HWMUISDKMainWindowInfoModel (main window information). For details, see Table 1.

9. Added the autoMuteMode field (whether to automatically mute soft client guests when they join the meeting) and the hardTerminalAutoMuteMode field (whether to automatically mute hard terminal guests when they join the meeting) to the APIs for creating, scheduling, editing, and querying a meeting. For details, see Table 1, Table 1, and Table 1.

10. Added the isP2PConf field (whether the meeting is an instant meeting) to HWMConfIncomingInfo (incoming meeting details). For details, see Table 1.