Help Center/ Meeting/ Client SDK Reference/ Demos/ Verifying the Demo Package Integrity
Updated on 2024-07-30 GMT+08:00

Verifying the Demo Package Integrity


Check the integrity of downloaded demo packages, that is, check whether the packages are tampered with or packets are lost during download.


1. Download a demo package based on the download path of the Android/Windows/macOS/Electron demo in Downloading Demo Installation Packages.

2. Download the demo package to your device.

3. Open the CLI and run the following command to generate the SHA-256 value of the downloaded demo package. In the command, D:\ indicates the local path for storing the package and the package name. Replace it with the actual value.

certutil -hashfile D:\ SHA256

The following is an example of the command output:

SHA256 D:\ hash:
CertUtil: -hashfile Command executed

Compare the generated SHA-256 value with that listed in the package download path table. If they are the same, no tampering or packet loss occurred during download.