Esta página ainda não está disponível no idioma selecionado. Estamos trabalhando para adicionar mais opções de idiomas. Agradecemos sua compreensão.
Error Codes
Error Code |
Error Description |
-1 |
Unknown error. |
0 |
Success. |
111070001 |
Request error. |
111070002 |
Insufficient permissions. |
111070003 |
System processing failure. |
111070004 |
Meeting authentication failed. |
111070005 |
Meeting does not exist. |
111070006 |
Personal cloud meeting room does not exist. |
111070007 |
Meeting access number does not exist. |
111070008 |
Meeting notification could not be sent. |
111070009 |
Meeting password cannot be left blank. |
111070010 |
Insufficient permissions to view this meeting. |
111070100 |
Get started meeting exception. |
111070101 |
Start meeting exception. |
111070102 |
Apply IVR resource exception. |
111070103 |
Start IVR meeting exception. |
111070104 |
Apply site resource exception. |
111070105 |
Start sub meeting exception. |
111070106 |
Add channel exception. |
111070107 |
Move and apply site resource exception. |
111070108 |
Start meeting exception. |
111070109 |
Get started cloud meeting exception. |
111070110 |
Invite site exception. |
111070111 |
Request token is null. |
111070112 |
Rename site exception. |
111070113 |
Hangup site exception. |
111070114 |
Mass hangup site exception. |
111070115 |
Delete attendee exception. |
111070116 |
Mass delete attendee exception. |
111070117 |
Book cycle meeting exception. |
111070118 |
Modify cycle meeting exception. |
111070119 |
Create cycle meeting exception. |
111070120 |
Region data not found. |
111070121 |
Forbidden subscribe. |
111070122 |
Cancel subscribe fail. |
111071001 |
Sysportal service exception. |
111071002 |
Conf service exception. |
111071003 |
Failed to create the meeting. Try again later. |
111071004 |
This cloud meeting room does not allow guests to join before the host. |
111071005 |
This cloud meeting room has been scheduled for another meeting during this period. |
111071006 |
Insufficient cloud meeting time. |
111071007 |
Meeting does not exist. |
111071008 |
Cannot query meeting list. |
111071009 |
Cannot change cloud meeting into immediate meeting. |
111071010 |
Cannot modify cloud meeting flag. |
111071011 |
The cloud meeting has not yet started. Please wait. |
111071012 |
Not cloud meeting. |
111071013 |
Start time less than current time. |
111071014 |
Start time over max schedule time. |
111071015 |
Duration over range. |
111071016 |
Cycle ID list null exception. |
111071017 |
Meeting size over range. |
111071018 |
Invalid media type. |
111071019 |
Invalid meeting type. |
111071020 |
Cycle params null exception. |
111071021 |
Duration over range. |
111071022 |
Subject length too long. |
111071023 |
Group URI length too long. |
111071024 |
Invalid email address format. |
111071025 |
Invalid mobile number format. |
111071026 |
Department name too long. |
111071027 |
Invalid welcome voice enable value. |
111071028 |
Invalid enter voice enable value. |
111071029 |
Invalid leave voice enable value. |
111071030 |
Invalid reminders value. |
111071031 |
Invalid allow record value. |
111071032 |
Invalid auto record value. |
111071033 |
Invalid user type value. |
111071034 |
Invalid encrypt mode value. |
111071035 |
Invalid language value. |
111071036 |
Invalid auto prolong value. |
111071037 |
VmrID too long. |
111071038 |
Invalid record type value. |
111071039 |
Live address too long. |
111071040 |
Aux address too long. |
111071041 |
Null start date for cycle meeting. |
111071042 |
Null end date for cycle meeting. |
111071043 |
Invalid cycle type value for cycle meeting. |
111071044 |
Invalid interval for cycle meeting. |
111071045 |
Null point for cycle meeting. |
111071046 |
Invalid point value for cycle meeting. |
111071047 |
Invalid vmr flag value. |
111071048 |
Invalid record auxStream. |
111071049 |
Invalid multiStream flag. |
111071050 |
Invalid audience flag. |
111071051 |
Invalid liveChannel ID. |
111071052 |
Anonymous login is locked. Try again later. |
111071053 |
Link login is locked. Try again later. |
111071054 |
Not enough Meeting ID. |
111071055 |
Failed to apply meeting ID. |
111071056 |
Failed to release meeting ID. |
111071057 |
Live room is used. |
111071058 |
The meeting has not yet started. Please wait. |
111071059 |
Meeting size over range. |
111071060 |
The enterprise cannot create meetings because it has not purchased any concurrent meeting resources. |
111071061 |
Parameter verify failed. |
111071062 |
Json conversion failed. |
111071063 |
Not cloud meeting room owner. |
111071064 |
This cloud meeting room has been started for another meeting during this period. |
111071065 |
This meeting cannot be modified because it is already started. |
111071066 |
Attendees amount over range. |
111071067 |
This meeting cannot be canceled because it is already started. |
111071068 |
Meeting password encrypt failed. |
111071069 |
No meeting during this period. |
111071070 |
Sub cycle meeting cannot modify live room. |
111071071 |
Stop online meeting exception. |
111071072 |
Meeting is ended. |
111071073 |
Not allow anonymous user. |
111071074 |
Only allow user in organization. |
111071075 |
Only allow invited user. |
111071076 |
Batch export task for history meeting list during this period. |
111071077 |
Only allow invited user and user in organization. |
111071078 |
Max current participants amount reached. |
111071079 |
Invalid CTD param. |
111071080 |
Invalid guest password. |
111071081 |
Guest password conflict with meeting ID. |
111071082 |
Max meeting amount reached. |
111071083 |
Invalid meeting random number. |
111071084 |
Max export history meeting list times reached. |
111071085 |
Max multi view layouts reached. |
111071086 |
Max multi view invalid manual type. |
111071087 |
Max multi view sub view amount reached. |
111071088 |
Max multi view sub view numbers reached. |
111071089 |
Webinar and common meeting cannot be converted to each other. |
111071090 |
Not allow add audience. |
111071091 |
Meeting password authentication failed. |
111071092 |
File export task failed. |
111071093 |
File export task is downloading. |
111071094 |
Not allow audience to join. |
111071095 |
Need to get WEBINAR_CONF_DTO object. |
111071096 |
User-defined languages over range. |
111071097 |
Your enterprise does not support simultaneous interpretation. |
111071098 |
Need to set interpreter groups. |
111071099 |
Invalid interpretation language. |
111071100 |
Max languages in a meeting are reached. |
111071101 |
This interpreter group ID already exists. |
111071102 |
Max interpreters in the interpreter group reached. |
111071103 |
This interpreter already exists in an interpreter group. |
111071104 |
Invalid interpreter account. |
111071105 |
Guest password conflict with chairman password. |
111071106 |
Meeting is holding. |
111071107 |
Invalid audience password. |
111071108 |
Audience password conflict with meeting id. |
111071109 |
Audience password conflict with chairman password. |
111071110 |
Only RTC meeting support E2E encrypt. |
111071111 |
Audience password conflict with guest password. |
111071112 |
Cloud meeting room ID type cannot be modified. |
111071113 |
Cloud meeting room type cannot be modified. |
111071114 |
Cloud meeting room flag cannot be modified. |
111071119 |
Sub cycle meeting modify time over range. |
111072001 |
Application for meeting resources failed. |
111072002 |
Failed to release meeting resources. |
111072003 |
The meeting is ending. |
111072004 |
The meeting is starting. |
111072005 |
The meeting has not yet started. |
111072006 |
The meeting has ended. |
111072007 |
Site invitation failed. |
111072008 |
Site does not exist. |
111072009 |
Failed to disconnect the site. |
111072010 |
Coming soon... |
111072011 |
Meeting status incorrect. |
111072012 |
Site control operation failed. |
111072013 |
The cloud meeting room is in use by another meeting. |
111072014 |
The meeting has ended. |
111072015 |
The meeting has not yet started. |
111072016 |
Meeting does not exist. |
111072017 |
Meeting has no attendee. |
111072018 |
Application for chairman password exception. |
111072019 |
Not found site which can be moved exception. |
111072020 |
The current meeting is not a recording meeting. Recording is not supported. |
111072021 |
System processing failure. |
111072022 |
Insufficient recording resources in the system. |
111072023 |
There are no participants in this meeting. |
111072024 |
Operation failed. No sites have joined this meeting. |
111072025 |
Voice meeting does not support this function. |
111072026 |
The voice site does not support this operation. |
111072027 |
Voice sites cannot be displayed in custom continuous presence. |
111072028 |
At least one site must have custom continuous presence configured. |
111072029 |
At most one presentation pane is allowed in custom continuous presence. |
111072030 |
In the voice-activated continuous presence mode, each pane can only support a single user. |
111072031 |
The number used for the site to join the meeting cannot be left blank. |
111072032 |
The number used for the site to join the meeting is too long. |
111072033 |
The format of the number used for joining the meeting is incorrect. |
111072034 |
Length of site name too long. |
111072035 |
The site role type is outside the allowed range. |
111072036 |
Length of site email address too long. |
111072037 |
Length of site mobile number too long. |
111072038 |
The value for whether a site is muted after it first joins the meeting is outside the allowed range. |
111072039 |
The value for whether to automatically invite a site is outside the allowed range. |
111072040 |
The host's site viewing type is outside the allowed range. |
111072041 |
The value of the continuous presence setting mode is outside the allowed range. |
111072042 |
The polling time is outside the allowed range. |
111072043 |
The pane type cannot be left blank. |
111072044 |
Invalid pane type. |
111072045 |
The value of the switch is outside the allowed range. |
111072046 |
The site name cannot be left blank. |
111072047 |
Site name too long. |
111072048 |
Continuous presence is not supported. Ask the administrator to configure related data on the MCU. |
111072049 |
Response timed out. Try again later. |
111072050 |
Meeting locked. |
111072051 |
The meeting display mode is empty. |
111072052 |
The meeting display mode is outside the allowed range. |
111072053 |
The meeting pane type is outside the allowed range. |
111072054 |
The banner or caption type is empty. |
111072055 |
The banner or caption content is empty. |
111072056 |
The banner or caption content cannot exceed 2,000 bytes. |
111072057 |
The request message body is empty. |
111072058 |
The pane index is greater than the total number of panes. |
111072059 |
Meeting has no host. |
111072060 |
Regular participants cannot perform this operation. |
111072061 |
You have set host polling and cannot select a specific site to view or set continuous presence. |
111072062 |
You cannot select a site to view on the web page. Perform the operation on the terminal. |
111072063 |
Applying for recording resources... |
111072064 |
Too many failed login attempts. Try again later. |
111072065 |
The meeting ID or password is incorrect. Check the ID and password and try again. |
111072066 |
The enterprise has not purchased any recording storage space. |
111072067 |
Insufficient enterprise recording storage space. |
111072068 |
Failed to start live broadcast. Try again later. |
111072069 |
Not allow to hand up for host. |
111072070 |
The operation is not allowed for guest. |
111072071 |
The operation is only allowed for yourself. |
111072072 |
Not allow to apply host for attendees who do not have meeting control abilities. |
111072073 |
Notify message is expired. |
111072074 |
Only participants with a number registered on HUAWEI CLOUD can be set as the host. |
111072075 |
Hung up site for meeting ended. |
111072076 |
Hung up site by host. |
111072077 |
Hung up site because host deleted site. |
111072078 |
Hung up site because meeting is recreated. |
111072079 |
Hung up site for moving site failed. |
111072080 |
Hung up site for inviting site cross region failed. |
111072081 |
Hung up site for invitation exception. |
111072082 |
Hung up site for joining meeting repeatedly. |
111072083 |
Lock sharing failed. |
111072084 |
This site does not support 1-screen layout. |
111072085 |
Not support realtime subtitle. |
111072086 |
Realtime subtitle pid is null. |
111072087 |
Invalid realtime subtitle pid. |
111072088 |
Failed to set realtime subtitle. |
111072089 |
Not allow audience to change speaker status. |
111072090 |
Allow/forbid audience to speak only for audience. |
111072091 |
This meeting does not support simultaneous interpretation. |
111072092 |
Interpreter group is empty. |
111072093 |
This meeting has not enabled simultaneous interpretation. |
111072094 |
This site is not interpreter. |
111072095 |
This site has not yet confirmed interpreter identity. |
111072096 |
Invalid site language. |
111072097 |
This site is confirmed interpreter. |
111072098 |
This site listen channel is different from speak channel. |
111072099 |
Failed to set interpretation languages. Try again. |
111072100 |
Failed to set interpretation channel. Try again. |
111072101 |
Max participant amount reached. |
111072102 |
Max allowed handup amount reached. |
111072103 |
Max allowed speaking amount reached. |
111072104 |
Failed to set virtual audio CSD site. |
111072105 |
This meeting does not support cohost. |
111072106 |
This site does not support cohost. |
111072107 |
Host cannot be set to cohost. |
111072108 |
Audience cannot be set to cohost. |
111072109 |
Need to check cohost permission. |
111072110 |
Cohost cannot operate host. |
111072111 |
This site does not support share invitation. |
111072201 |
Hung up site because heart beat failed. |
111072202 |
Insufficient audience cloud meeting room logic resources. |
111072203 |
Insufficient participant cloud meeting room logic resources. |
111072204 |
Insufficient webinar resources, so started failed. |
111072205 |
Only RTC conf support local record. |
111072206 |
Invalid E2E encryption parameter. |
111072207 |
Not allow to switch role in webinar. |
111072208 |
The client version used by the user is too early. Cannot start local recording. |
111072211 |
Meeting is under AR assist. |
111072213 |
Audience cannot be set to host. |
111072214 |
Rename param contains sensitive words. |
111073001 |
User does not exist. |
111073002 |
Department does not exist. |
111073003 |
Invalid username format. |
111073004 |
Invalid department name format. |
111073005 |
Could not query department. |
111073006 |
Application for anonymous user failed. |
111073007 |
Invalid cloud meeting room package status. |
111073008 |
Failed to Release anonymous user. |
111073009 |
Not support cycle meeting for welinkC. |
111073010 |
Not support cloud meeting room for welinkC. |
111073011 |
Failed to get WeLink token. |
111073012 |
Failed to Get M to M token. |
111073013 |
Invalid webinar cloud meeting package status. |
111073014 |
Max extend times for cloud meeting trial version reached. |
111073015 |
Max extend duration for cloud meeting trial version reached. |
111073016 |
Not support auto extend meeting for cloud meeting trial version. |
111074001 |
This meeting host already exists. |
111074002 |
No meeting host permissions. |
111074003 |
Failed to extend the meeting. Max meeting duration reached. |
111074004 |
Failed to extend the meeting. The service processing is abnormal. |
111075001 |
Failed to start timer. |
111075002 |
Failed to end timer. |
111075003 |
Json parse failed. |
111076001 |
Released by host. |
111076002 |
Released by portal host. |
111076003 |
Max number of participants reached. |
111076004 |
Insufficient enterprise resources. |
111076005 |
Not answered. |
111076006 |
User does not exist. |
111076007 |
Offline. |
111076008 |
Busy. |
111076009 |
Rejected by user. |
111076010 |
Released by user. |
111076011 |
Insufficient meeting resources in the system. |
111076012 |
Outbound calling disabled. |
111076013 |
Application for address token failed. |
111076014 |
Call failed. |
111076015 |
Max number of participants reached. |
111076099 |
Common error. |
111077001 |
RSE server info does not exist. |
111077101 |
Not support AI record. |
111077102 |
Reapplying for AI record resource. |
111077103 |
Insufficient AI record resource. |
111077104 |
In AI recording, the meeting cannot stop live or recording. |
111077201 |
Record file does not exist or have no permission. |
111077202 |
RSE authentication failed. |
111078000 |
No available region in multi region. |
111078001 |
No available global in multi region. |
111078002 |
Dispatch region error in multi region. |
111079000 |
Failed to phrase big data param query xml. |
111079001 |
Failed to phrase anonymous assign xml. |
111080001 |
Bad request. |
111080002 |
Insufficient permissions. |
111080004 |
Site data not found or deleted. |
111081001 |
Site is inviting. |
111081002 |
Site meeting does not exist or is ended. |
111081003 |
Failed to apply site resource. |
111081004 |
Failed to release site resource. |
111081005 |
Failed to apply site media resource. |
111081006 |
Authentication failed. |
111081007 |
Meeting is locked. |
111081009 |
Login is locked because max authentication times reached. |
111081010 |
Waiting user restrictions. |
111082001 |
Not support this control. |
111082002 |
No response. |
111082003 |
Site not exist. |
111082004 |
Site unavailable. |
111082005 |
Site busy. |
111082006 |
Site refused. |
111082007 |
Site leave. |
111082008 |
PSTN service is closed. |
111082009 |
SIP invitation timeout. |
111083001 |
RSE does not exist. |
111084001 |
Failed to execute DTMF. |
111084002 |
Get started meeting exception. |
111084003 |
Call MCU side exception. |
111084004 |
Join call exception. |
111084005 |
Invite exception. |
111084006 |
Call terminal side exception. |
111084007 |
Answer exception. |
111084008 |
Common CTL exception. |
111084009 |
Hangup exception. |
111084010 |
Notify capability exception. |
111084011 |
Update MT exception. |
111084012 |
Negotiate exception. |
111084013 |
Not support this meeting. |
111084014 |
Not allowed join meeting in RTC inviting because guests are not invited. |
111089002 |
Failed to phrase URI join xml. |
111090001 |
Failed to join data meeting. |
111090002 |
Join data meeting overtime. |
111100001 |
Failed to get slider image. |
111100002 |
Slider check failed. |
111100003 |
Invalid random number. |
111100004 |
Invalid slider token. |
111100005 |
Need to check slider. |
111100006 |
Invalid SMS phone number. |
111100007 |
Failed to send verification code. |
111100008 |
Verification code expired. |
111100009 |
Verification code error. |
111100010 |
Max verification code check times reached. |
111100011 |
The uuid is invalid, you need to re-verify the phone number. |
111100012 |
The meeting is not on this site. |
111100013 |
Need to verify the mobile phone number. Mobile number verification is required when an International site user joins a meeting held by a free enterprise on the Chinese mainland site. |
111110001 |
Failed to add IM group. |
111110002 |
Failed to disband IM group. |
111110003 |
Failed to add IM member. |
111110004 |
Failed to remove IM member. |
111112001 |
Failed to enter the waiting room. |
111112002 |
Failed to exit the waiting room. |
111112003 |
Waiting room cache operation failed. |
111112004 |
Co-hosts cannot be moved into the waiting room. |
111112005 |
Not allowed to enable waiting room. |
111112008 |
Not support this feature according to client capabilities. |
112010001 |
Common failure. |
112010002 |
Null param. |
112010003 |
Participant not found. |
112010004 |
Meeting not found. |
112010005 |
SIP invite information timeout. |
112010006 |
SIP invite information failed. |
112010007 |
SIP information timeout. |
112010008 |
SIP information failed. |
112010009 |
System processing failed. |
112010010 |
System processing failed. |
112010011 |
Failed to invite MRS. |
112010012 |
Failed to invite participant. |
112010013 |
Data meeting join information failed. |
112010014 |
Failed to start meeting. |
112010015 |
Media negotiation failed. |
112010016 |
User rejects. |
112010017 |
User is busy. |
112010018 |
No call permission. |
112010019 |
Unknown callee. |
112010020 |
No user response. |
112010021 |
Join meeting timed out. |
112010022 |
Session has been released. |
112010023 |
Callee is not registered. |
112010024 |
SIP invite timed out. |
112010025 |
User Session timer times out and hangs up. |
112010026 |
The participant bye hangs up on the MRS side. |
112010027 |
The participant bye hangs up on terminal side. |
112010028 |
No RTP stream hang up. |
112100000 |
Sysportal exception. |
112100001 |
Bad request. |
112100002 |
Illegal request. |
112100003 |
Data not found. |
112100004 |
Data duplication. |
112100006 |
The requested type is not supported. |
112100007 |
Failed to save notification template. |
112100008 |
Failed to save data. |
112100009 |
Failed to query data. |
112100010 |
Failed to delete data. |
112100011 |
Password reset required. |
112100012 |
Incorrect old password. |
112100013 |
The new password cannot be the same as the old password. |
112100014 |
Insufficient password complexity and low security. |
112100015 |
The length does not meet the requirements. |
112100016 |
RSE is in meeting. |
112100017 |
RSE to be deleted. |
112100018 |
Failed to query the meeting list. |
112100019 |
User has been locked out. Try again later. |
112100022 |
The live room channel name exists. |
112100023 |
Failed to modify system configuration items for duplicated meeting ID prefix. |
112100024 |
CONFID prefix can only be added, not modified or deleted. |
112100025 |
The live room channel url exists. |
112100026 |
The live room has been occupied. |
112100027 |
The live room does not exist. |
112100028 |
Live room release failed. |
112100029 |
The request is missing header or param. |
112100030 |
The Live main stream URL already exists. |
112100031 |
The Live auxiliary stream URL already exists. |
112100032 |
Password is weak. |
112100033 |
The live room is occupied. |
112100034 |
Save part of attendees since max attendees size reached. |
112100035 |
Failed to export data. |
112100036 |
Failed to import data. |
112100037 |
Max file size reached. |
112100038 |
LVS target address exists. |
112100039 |
LVS port existed. |
112100040 |
Not allow to modify global standby config. |
112100041 |
MCU insulation IP address exists. |
112100042 |
MCU insulation IP address cannot be modified. |
112100043 |
SBC address exists. |
112100044 |
Internal exception. |
112100045 |
System config delete exception. |
112100046 |
No ISBC access address. |
112100047 |
Media type need to be HD because the organization enables full HD capability. |
112100061 |
Same interpreter language abbreviation exists. |
112100062 |
Same interpreter language name exists. |
112100063 |
MCU type is MIXED and insulation config is not configured, or MCU meeting exists when modifying MCU connection settings. |
112100064 |
MCU type is MIXED and insulation config is not configured when adding mcu connection settings. |
112100065 |
MCU type is MIXED when modifying MCU insulation config or disbanding enterprise. |
112100066 |
MCU type is MIXED when deleting MCU insulation config. |
112100067 |
This gateway type is incompatible with MCU. |
115021001 |
Insufficient media resource. |
115021002 |
Meeting does not exist. |
115021003 |
Media resource does not exist. |
115021005 |
Insufficient media bandwidth resource. |
115021006 |
Media device fault. |
115022000 |
Insufficient common logic resource. |
115022001 |
Insufficient meeting resources in the enterprise. |
115022002 |
Insufficient logic port resource. |
115022003 |
Live broadcast resources have not been purchased or are insufficient. |
115022004 |
Media device does not exist. |
115023001 |
Insufficient ID resources. |
115024001 |
RMS service exception. |
115025001 |
The live room has already been occupied. |
115025002 |
The live room does not exist. |
115025003 |
Live room release failed. |
115026001 |
MCU meeting exists. |
115029001 |
Invalid common parameter. |
115029002 |
Null parameter. |
115029003 |
service is not available. |
115029004 |
Configuration exception. |
115029005 |
Duplicately apply resources. |
115029006 |
Waiting for applying resources. |
115029999 |
Unknown error. |
118000000 |
User authentication failed. |
118000001 |
User token authentication failed. |
118000002 |
User authentication account lockout. |
200000001 |
Server is busy. Please try again later. |
200000002 |
Internal error. Please contact SRE. |
200000003 |
Invalid parameter. Please check whether the parameters are valid. |
200000004 |
Illegal request. Please check the value of the request header field X-Auth-Token or X-Access-Token. |
200000005 |
Forbidden access during the version upgrade. |
201020023 |
This user is already the owner of another corporation and cannot create a new corporation for it. |
201040005 |
Max number of users reached. Please check the purchased meeting users. |
201040016 |
Password security is low. Please set another password. |
201040031 |
Activation code overdue. |
201040042 |
Pre-authentication expired. |
201040043 |
This user is the owner of another corporation and cannot be invited. |
201040044 |
Invalid invite connection. |
201040045 |
User is already in waiting list. |
201040046 |
User already exists. |
201040047 |
Account modification is not allowed. |
201050012 |
Activation code does not exist. |
201050015 |
Invalid activation code. |
201050021 |
Activation failed. |
201050022 |
Terminal does not allow unbinding. |
201080000 |
VMR resource unavailable. |
201080006 |
The host password and the guest password cannot be the same. Please confirm the input parameters. |
201080017 |
Same as meeting password. |
201510001 |
No invite permission to get an invite code. |
201510003 |
Invalid application. |
206010000 |
User name or password error. |
206010007 |
Account is not activated, no permission to log in. |
206010010 |
Failed to get verification code. Please contact SRE. |
206010011 |
Verification code must be filled. |
206010012 |
Verification code check failed. |
206010013 |
Jump login failed. Please contact SRE. |
206010022 |
SSO login failed. Please contact SRE. |
206010023 |
SSO login is not supported. |
206010024 |
Invalid authentication type. |
206010025 |
APPID verification failed. |
206010027 |
Authentication type error. |
206010029 |
Network error. |
206010030 |
APPID does not allow automatic registration. |
206010031 |
APPID auto registration failed. |
206010036 |
Normal users cannot log in. |
206010042 |
Huawei account authentication failed. |
206010057 |
APPID authentication expires. |
206010058 |
APPID account is not bound. |
206010064 |
Site mismatch. |
206010065 |
Phone number conflict. |
206010066 |
E-mail conflict. |
206010070 |
The number of users has reached the maximum. |
206010071 |
WeChat authentication failed. |
206010074 |
International sites support site changing re-login. |
206010075 |
Account has been unbound. |
206020000 |
Invalid authentication information. Please check the value of the request header field X-Auth-Token or X-Access-Token. |
206020001 |
Token is created by disaster recovery site. |
206020002 |
Token is invalid due to being kicked. |
206030000 |
The user does not exist. |
206030001 |
The verification code is incorrect or has expired. Please obtain a new one. |
206030002 |
Incorrect verification code. |
206030003 |
Failed to send the verification code. |
206030004 |
Try to get a new verification code 180s later. |
206030005 |
The password cannot be changed. |
206030006 |
The old password is incorrect. |
206030007 |
The length of the new password does not meet the requirements. |
206030008 |
The password complexity does not meet the requirements. |
206030009 |
The new password must be different from the previous old passwords. |
206030010 |
The password cannot contain three or more of the same characters consecutively. |
206030011 |
The password cannot be changed within 5 minutes upon the last password change. |
206030012 |
The password cannot contain the account or the reverse order of the account. |
206030013 |
At least two characters must be different between the new and old passwords. |
206030014 |
Invalid password format. |
206030015 |
The user is locked and will be locked in 60s. |
206030016 |
Have no right to reset other's password. |
206030018 |
The number of password retrieval times in a day has reached the maximum (10 times). |
206030019 |
The number of incorrect verification code inputs have reached the maximum. Please get it again. |
206030023 |
Failed to send verification code. Please contact SRE. |
206030028 |
The system has enabled SSO login and does not support changing the password. Please retry after the system has disabled SSO login. |
206030031 |
Forgot password for Huawei account. |
206040000 |
No corresponding terminal type. |
206060008 |
Sending verification code is locked. |
206060009 |
Slider verification required. |
206060010 |
Invalid slider token. |
206060011 |
Request parameter error. |
206060012 |
Sending SMS is not supported. |
206060013 |
Repeated sending is not supported. |
206060014 |
Invalid verification code. |
206060015 |
Max verification code check times reached. |
206060017 |
Failed to bind Huawei account. |
211030046 |
Not the IdeaHub activation code. |
211030050 |
auth fail too many times, locked. |
211030052 |
auth fail too many times, permanently locked. |
211060003 |
The maximum number of log upload times has been reached. |
411000001 |
Common failure. |
411000002 |
Parameter error. |
411000003 |
Meeting does not exist. |
411000004 |
A meeting already exists. |
411000005 |
Meeting state error. |
411000006 |
Failed to get device. |
411000007 |
Failed to set device. |
411000008 |
No device available. |
411000009 |
This operation is only supported on mobile. |
411000010 |
Network access error. |
411000011 |
Other supplementary service is running. |
411000012 |
Memory allocation error. |
411000013 |
Initialization failed. |
411000014 |
User does not exist. |
411000015 |
Did not join the data meeting. |
411000016 |
Neither meeting nor call exists. |
411000017 |
SVN port detection failed. |
411000018 |
Failed to write file. |
411000019 |
RTC does not support STG mode. |
411000020 |
Failed to load RTC library. RTC meeting is not supported. |
411000021 |
The meeting is in the audience pause state when changing roles. |
411000022 |
Not in call. |
411000023 |
Meeting or call does not exist. |
411000024 |
Pairing state not allowed. |
411000025 |
Pairing request failed. |
411000026 |
Pairing exceeds limit. |
411000027 |
Pairing common error. |
411000028 |
Pairing and joining the meeting failed. |
411000029 |
Pairing and joining the meeting is busy. |
411000030 |
Pairing and joining the meeting is invalid. |
411000031 |
Multiple clicks at the same time to pair and join the meeting error. |
411000032 |
Pairing is not established or is being established. |
411000033 |
The camera is not turned on in the third-party capture mode. |
411000034 |
RTC engine creation failed. |
411000035 |
Not in a meeting. |
411000036 |
mute self failed. |
411000100 |
End the meeting with no stream due to disconnection of network. |
411000101 |
End the meeting with no stream because fail to re-join meeting. |
411000102 |
Null pointer exception. |
411000103 |
Parameters cannot be empty. |
411000104 |
Encrypt and decrypt func not match. |
411000105 |
Load user-defined DLLs failed. |
411000106 |
Shimo Docs is not supported. |
412100001 |
The message processing thread is not initialized. |
412100002 |
Parameter error. |
412100003 |
Timeout. |
412100004 |
Memory allocation error. |
412100005 |
XML parsing error. |
412100006 |
DNS resolution error. |
412100007 |
Request message failed. |
412100008 |
Authentication failed. |
412100009 |
Server error. |
412100010 |
Account is locked. |
412100011 |
Create timer error. |
412100012 |
Server CA certificate verification failed. |
412100013 |
Network error. |
412100014 |
Server redirect. |
412100015 |
Account is not activated. |
412100016 |
JSON parsing error. |
412100017 |
The proxy communication times out and the TCP link building fails. Probably because the proxy configuration is incorrect. |
412100018 |
Disconnected by the proxy. Probably because the server address is misconfigured. |
412100019 |
The TCP link establishment timed out. Probably because the proxy domain name or port configuration is incorrect. |
412100020 |
The authentication process failed. The user does not have proxy permission and needs to apply for proxy permission. |
412100021 |
The authentication process failed. The proxy user name or password is incorrect. |
412100022 |
The authentication process failed. Incorrect authentication type. User name and password are required. The user needs to be prompted for input. |
412100023 |
The authentication process failed. Other unknown errors. It may be that the authentication method is not supported. The user needs to be prompted to try again. |
412100024 |
The authentication process failed. Unable to resolve gateway. |
412100025 |
The authentication process failed. Unable to resolve host. |
412100026 |
The authentication process failed. Unable to connect. |
412100027 |
The authentication process failed. Operation times out. |
412100028 |
Message length too long. |
412100029 |
Base64 encryption failed. |
412100030 |
XML parsing error. |
412100031 |
Secure function error. |
412100032 |
Firewall detection parameter error. |
412100033 |
Failed to create STG tunnel. |
412100034 |
Failed to update STG service. |
412100035 |
Encryption failed. |
412100036 |
Do not allow duplicate downloads. |
412100037 |
File operation failed. |
412100038 |
The request message returns empty. |
412100039 |
The number of detection servers is 0 error. |
412100040 |
Failed to get local IP address. |
412200001 |
Internal error. |
412200002 |
Parameter error. |
412200003 |
Network timeout. |
412200004 |
Network Error. |
412200005 |
Need to bind mobile phone. |
412200006 |
Need to bind email. |
412200007 |
Has initialized already. |
412200008 |
State machine execution failed. |
412200009 |
Failed to start timer. |
412200010 |
The user is prompted to change the password when logging in for the first time. |
412200011 |
Unknown authentication type. |
413000001 |
Common error. |
413000002 |
Parameter error. |
413000003 |
Memory allocation error. |
413000004 |
System error. |
413000005 |
Message sending error. |
413000006 |
Get system configuration error. |
413000007 |
Physical network error. |
413000008 |
Network access error. |
413000009 |
Create timer error. |
413000010 |
Call state error. |
413000011 |
Other operation in progress error. |
413000012 |
Requesting the master to start call error. |
413000013 |
Requesting audio resource error. |
413000014 |
Other supplementary service is running. |
413000015 |
Record call error. |
413000016 |
Media process error. |
413000017 |
Maximum number of calls reached. |
413000018 |
SIP account ID does not exist. |
413000019 |
Call ID does not exist. |
413000020 |
Failed due to registering. |
413000021 |
Registration failed. |
413000022 |
Deregistration failed. |
413000023 |
Setting account information error. |
413000024 |
Setting SIP account error. |
413000025 |
Reporting SIP account information error. |
413000026 |
Server information error. |
413000027 |
SIP account information error. |
413000028 |
SIPC execution error. |
413000029 |
Not registered error. |
413000030 |
Call Sip interface to subscribe error. |
413000031 |
Canceling subscription error. |
413000032 |
Subscribing error. |
413000033 |
Only one local meeting is allowed. |
413000034 |
Local meeting is not created. |
413000035 |
The participant line does not match the chair account. |
413000036 |
Local meeting state error. |
413000037 |
Failed to report the linkage state of the IP Phone. |
413000038 |
Meeting ID does not exist. |
413000039 |
Video hold error. |
413000040 |
Video unhold error. |
413000041 |
The maximum number of server meetings reached. |
413000042 |
Get AA random number error. |
413000043 |
AA login error. |
413000044 |
Meeting type mismatch. |
413000045 |
Failed to start video meeting. |
413000046 |
AA no master server. |
413000047 |
Password error. |
413000048 |
Username error. |
413000049 |
User is logged in. |
413000050 |
Account is locked. |
413000051 |
Terminal type mismatch. |
413000052 |
Parsing XML error. |
413000053 |
Connecting to server error. |
413000054 |
Get media configuration error. |
413000055 |
Get service permission error. |
413000056 |
Insufficient service permission. |
413000057 |
Network environment error. |
413000058 |
Service conflict. |
413000059 |
Connection timeout. |
413000060 |
Unknown error. |
413000061 |
Add ringing information error. |
413000062 |
Delete ringing information error. |
413000063 |
Create ringing number error. |
413000064 |
VVM parameter error. |
413000065 |
Getting registered service error. |
413000066 |
Getting voicemail error. |
413000067 |
Attendee already exists. |
413000068 |
Attendee does not exist. |
413000069 |
Create server video meeting window error. |
413000070 |
Video window already exists. |
413000071 |
Getting meeting list error. |
413000072 |
Operating requires host privileges. |
413000073 |
No video device to operate. |
413000074 |
Refresh registration is not turned off. |
413000075 |
Online state report error. |
413000076 |
Network address subscription report error. |
413000077 |
Telepresence account was force unregistered. Information report error. |
413000078 |
TLS root certificate error. |
413000079 |
AD authentication error. |
413000080 |
Meeting list is getting. |
413000081 |
Prohibited calls. |
413000082 |
The maximum number of calls has been reached. |
413000083 |
The maximum number of encrypted calls has been reached. |
413000084 |
The maximum number of video calls has been reached and needs to downgrade to audio. |
413000085 |
H323 account ID does not exist. |
413000086 |
H323 account information error. |
413000087 |
H323 account information report failed. |
413000088 |
Insufficient local resources. |
413000089 |
The calling protocol is not supported. |
413000090 |
Setting H323 account information error. |
413000091 |
Mediax meeting access number reporting failed. |
413000092 |
Mediax VMR information reporting failed. |
413000093 |
IMS meeting list information reporting failed. |
413000094 |
TUP initialization is not complete. |
413000095 |
Message return value error. |
413000096 |
Message content too large error. |
413000097 |
Secure function error. |
413000098 |
message response is empty error. |
413000099 |
Account is not enabled. |
413000100 |
Create call control implement error. |
413000101 |
Already in call. |
413000102 |
Call does not exist. |
413000103 |
Failed to get media configuration information. |
413000104 |
Failed to set third-party capture. Calling HME_V_Capture_InputData failed. |
414100001 |
Common error. |
414100002 |
Parameter error. |
414100003 |
Timeout. |
414100004 |
Memory allocation error. |
414100005 |
DNS resolution error. |
414100006 |
Request message failed. |
414100007 |
Authentication failed. |
414100008 |
Server error. |
414100009 |
Create timer error. |
414100010 |
Start timer error. |
414100011 |
The meeting control block is full. Please release the control block that is not in use. |
414100012 |
The proxy communication times out and the TCP link building fails. Probably because the proxy configuration is incorrect. |
414100013 |
Disconnected by the proxy. Probably because the server address is misconfigured. |
414100014 |
The TCP link establishment timed out. Probably because the proxy domain name or port configuration is incorrect. |
414100015 |
The authentication process failed. The user does not have proxy permission and needs to apply for proxy permission. |
414100016 |
The authentication process failed. The proxy user name or password is incorrect. |
414100017 |
The authentication process failed. Incorrect authentication type. User name and password are required. The user needs to be prompted for input. |
414100018 |
The authentication process failed. Other unknown errors. It may be that the authentication method is not supported. The user needs to be prompted to try again. |
414100019 |
Curl proxy exception. |
414100020 |
Curl host exception. |
414100021 |
Curl connection exception. |
414100022 |
Curl operation timed out. |
414100023 |
Message length too long. |
414100024 |
Failed to create thread. |
414100025 |
Secure function error. |
414100026 |
JSON parsing failed. |
414100027 |
WS token is empty. |
414100028 |
Return JSON data error. |
414100029 |
Failed to create meeting control block. |
414100030 |
Failed to get meeting control block. |
414100031 |
Failed to get meeting control block by CallId. |
414100032 |
Destroying the meeting control block failed. |
414100033 |
Temporary creating meeting information not found. |
414100034 |
Failed to get participant ID. |
414100035 |
Failed to get MT by participant ID. |
414100036 |
Failed to get self information by participant ID. |
414100037 |
Failed to get participant information by MT. |
414100038 |
Manual invitation required. |
414100039 |
The major parameters of the meeting have been reported. |
414100040 |
Subtitles are not supported. |
414100041 |
Meeting Hang Up - Timeout. |
414100042 |
Meeting Hang Up - No Streaming. |
414100043 |
Meeting hung up - Hung up by the host. |
414100044 |
Meeting Hang Up - Meeting has ended. |
414100045 |
End of meeting due to leave meeting. |
414100046 |
Message queue processing function registration failed. |
414100047 |
Message queue processing function deregistration failed. |
414100048 |
Meeting ended due to reject meeting. |
414100049 |
Meeting ended by self. |
414100050 |
The meeting control module is not initialized. |
414100051 |
The watching special site reaches the maximum. |
414100052 |
The watching HD site reaches the maximum. |
414100053 |
The watching SD site reaches the maximum. |
414100054 |
The watching specification reaches the maximum. |
414100055 |
Watching internal errors. |
414100056 |
Duplicated watch render. |
414100057 |
HTTP request error. |
414100058 |
WebSocket request timeout. |
414100059 |
Loading failed. |
414100061 |
The meeting ends due to the timeout of guest waiting before meeting or the timeout of the meeting control heartbeat. |
414100062 |
The meeting ends due to being canceled. |
414100063 |
The meeting ends due to network error when guest waiting before meeting. |
415000001 |
DB is not initialized. |
415000002 |
Common failure. |
415000003 |
Proxy detection has not been completed. |
416000001 |
Invalid parameter. |
416000002 |
Track module is not initialized. |
416000003 |
Track event does not exist. |
416000004 |
Not logged in. |
416000005 |
Upload is not enabled. |
419100001 |
Invalid parameter. |
419100002 |
Incorrect URI. |
419100003 |
Memory allocation failed. |
419100004 |
SDP error. |
419100005 |
Connection does not exist. |
419100006 |
Connection failure. |
419100007 |
Operation forbidden. |
419100008 |
State error. |
419100009 |
No corresponding line data. |
419100010 |
No corresponding registered instance. |
419100011 |
No corresponding call instance. |
419100012 |
No corresponding subscription instance. |
419100013 |
No corresponding Refer instance. |
419100014 |
No corresponding DIM instance. |
419100015 |
Failed to create header. |
419100016 |
Failed to parse header. |
419100017 |
Header not found. |
419100018 |
No SDP message body. |
419100019 |
Failed to get capability. |
419100020 |
Failed to compare capability. |
419100021 |
Failed to open logical channel. |
419100022 |
Encoding SDP failed. |
419100023 |
Decoding SDP failed. |
419100024 |
Negotiate to unsupported SDP. |
419100025 |
TPTD initialization failed. |
419100026 |
TPT initialization failed. |
419100027 |
TXN initialization failed. |
419100028 |
UA initialization failed. |
419100029 |
GLUE initialization failed. |
419100030 |
HLLM initialization failed. |
419100031 |
VCOM initialization failed. |
419100032 |
SDP initialization failed. |
419100033 |
Multiple instance error. |
419100034 |
Insufficient registration control blocks. |
419100035 |
Insufficient subscription control blocks. |
419100036 |
Insufficient call control blocks. |
419100037 |
Insufficient IM control blocks. |
419100038 |
Failed to parse URI xml to string. |
419100039 |
Encryption negotiation failed. |
419100040 |
Local capabilities are not configured. |
419100041 |
BFCP token error. |
419100042 |
DNS resolution error. |
419100043 |
Failed to get subscription state. |
419100044 |
IPv4 is not supported. |
419100045 |
IPv6 is not supported. |
419100046 |
Unsupported host type. |
419100047 |
Failed to get timer. |
420000001 |
Cannot receive sharing invitations. |
420000002 |
ReportDTO parameter verification failed. |
420000003 |
Report folder creation failed. |
420000004 |
Report folder compression failure. |
420000005 |
The path of the ZIP file to be uploaded is empty. |
420000006 |
The size of the ZIP file to be uploaded reaches the maximum. |
420000007 |
The same person reported more than 100 times within 24 hours. |
430100001 |
Common Error. |
430100002 |
Invalid parameters. |
430100003 |
SIP connection check failed. |
430100004 |
Timeout. |
430100005 |
In process. |
430100006 |
Not initialized or initialization is not complete. |
430100007 |
Not supported in this release. |
430100008 |
Operation interrupt. |
430100009 |
Contact not found. |
430100010 |
Args length overrun. |
430100011 |
APPID info illegal. |
430100012 |
E2EEncrypt algorithm error. |
430200001 |
unlogin. |
430200002 |
Repeated login. |
430200003 |
SIP connection timeout. |
430200004 |
Invalid login password. |
430200005 |
Password or account empty. |
430300001 |
The calling number, account number or third-party account number cannot be empty. |
430300002 |
Call account empty. |
430300003 |
Call nickname empty. |
430400001 |
Password required to join the meeting. |
430400002 |
Time zone error. |
430400003 |
The meeting duration is less than 1. |
430400004 |
Joining the conference is interrupted. |
430400005 |
Password input at least 4 digits. |
430400006 |
User voluntarily cancels. |
430400007 |
The guest password illegal. |
430400008 |
Not in conference or in call. |
430400009 |
Already exist conf or call. |
430400010 |
ConfId empty. |
430400011 |
Subject too long. |
430400012 |
VMR host password length illegal. |
430400013 |
VMR name empty. |
430400014 |
Conf starttime early. |
430400015 |
Share is locked. |
430400016 |
Not in data conference. |
430400017 |
Role not support operation |
430500001 |
HTTP request, server exception. |
430500002 |
HTTP request, Connecting to the server times out. |
430500003 |
Network unavailable. |
510000403 |
Server forbidden. |
510000404 |
Not found. |
510000480 |
Temporary unavailable. |
510000486 |
Busy here. |
510000487 |
Request terminated. |
510000488 |
Request is not acceptable here. |
510000603 |
Decline. |
510000841 |
Hangup without toast. |
510000842 |
Conference is locked. |
910000001 |
Server error. |
910000002 |
SFU service failure. |
910000003 |
Service unavailable 503. |
910000004 |
Internal error. |
910000005 |
Kicked off. |
910000006 |
Signature expired. |
910000007 |
Reconnect timeout. |
910000008 |
Network detection. |
910000009 |
User is removed. |
910000010 |
The room is dismissed. |
990000001 |
Internal error. |
990000002 |
Message too large. |
990000003 |
Insufficient memory. |
990000004 |
Failed to send message synchronously. |
990000005 |
Parameter error. |
990000006 |
Call ID order error. |
990000007 |
Failed to set local screen. |
990000008 |
Failed to open remote screen. |
990000009 |
Device configuration failed. |
990000010 |
Initializing. |
990000011 |
Deinitializing. |
990000012 |
Uploading log. |
990000013 |
Failed to get media port. |
990000014 |
The maximum number view window reached . |
990000015 |
Media negotiation failed. |
990000016 |
Server no response. |
990000017 |
Role switch failed. |
990000018 |
Failed to join room. |
990000019 |
Failed to join room. Status is busy. |
990000020 |
Failed to join room. Server error. |
990000021 |
Failed to join room. Service unavailable. |
990000022 |
Failed to join room. Authentication failed. |
990000023 |
Failed to join room. Authentication retry. |
990000024 |
Failed to join room. Clock synchronization. |
990000025 |
Failed to join room. URL error. |
990000026 |
Kicked off. |
990000027 |
Share failed. |
990000028 |
Currently in external media output mode, this operation is forbidden. |
990000029 |
Reconnection failed. |
990000030 |
Server breaks down. |
990000031 |
Signature has expired. |
990000032 |
Failed to set remote window mode. |
990000033 |
Failed to subscribe or unsubscribe audio. |
990000034 |
Failed to connect to other room. |
990000035 |
Failed to disconnect other room. |
990000036 |
Role switching is not allowed. |
990000037 |
Currently in third-party capture mode, this operation is forbidden. |
990000038 |
Failed to set third-party audio capture. |
990000039 |
Failed to set third-party video capture. |
990000040 |
Failed to set share sound switch. |
990000041 |
Failed to start or stop upstream audio stream. |
990000042 |
Failed to start or stop upstream video stream. |
990000043 |
User is removed. |
990000044 |
The room is dismissed. |
990000045 |
Failed to set remote View. |
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