Updated on 2025-01-07 GMT+08:00


Application Scenario

Pay-per-use is suitable for pressure test tasks that do not need to run 24/7 or that run for a short period.

Billing Items

Table 1 Billing items of pay-per-use mode

Billing Item


Unit price (USD/VUM)

VUM = VU (number of virtual concurrent users) x M (pressure test duration, in minutes)

Pressure test duration (minute)

Duration of a CodeArts PerfTest pressure test, in minutes and accurate to seconds.

Pressure test fee = Unit price (USD/VUM) x Pressure test duration (minutes)

Billing Period

In pay-per-use mode, CodeArts PerfTest resources are charged by the second and fees are settled on the hour (GMT+08:00). Once settlement is complete, a new billing cycle starts. A billing cycle starts from the time when a CodeArts PerfTest pressure test starts running and ends at the time when the pressure test stops running.

For example, if you started a pressure test on Mar 10, 2023, 08:45:30 and stopped it at 09:30:00 on the same day, the billing cycle includes the following two parts:

  • For the cycle from 8:00:00 to 9:00:00, fees were generated from 8:45:30 to 9:00:00. The billing duration in this period is 870 seconds.
  • For the cycle from 9:00:00 to 10:00:00, fees were generated from 9:00:00 to 9:30:00. The billing duration in this period is 1,800 seconds.

Billing Example

Assume that you started a pressure test on Mar 10, 2023, 08:45:30 and stopped it at 09:30:00, and the unit price is $0.0007 USD/VUM, the billing cycle includes the following two parts:
  • For the cycle from 8:00:00 to 9:00:00, fees were generated from 8:45:30 to 9:00:00. The billing duration in this period is 870 seconds. Based on the formula in Billing Items, the fees are: 0.0007 x 870/60 = $0.0102 USD
  • For the cycle from 9:00:00 to 10:00:00, fees were generated from 9:00:00 to 9:30:00. The billing duration in this period is 1,800 seconds. Based on the formula in Billing Items, the fees are: 0.0007 x 1,800/60 = $0.021 USD

Arrears Impact

In pay-per-use mode, CodeArts PerfTest fees are settled on the hour (GMT+08:00). Once settlement is complete, a new billing cycle starts. The system will bill you for pay-per-use resources after each billing cycle ends.

If the settlement fails due to insufficient account balance at a certain settlement time point, your account will be in arrears. Huawei Cloud will notify you by email, SMS, or internal message.

CodeArts PerfTest cannot be used after arrears. You need to pay the fees of your pay-per-use resources. To view the fees, go to the Billing & Costs > Bills > Overview page. Huawei Cloud will deduct the fees after you top up your account.