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Central de ajuda> Object Storage Service> Perguntas frequentes> Noções básicas do OBS> How Do I Determine Whether I Am Accessing OBS over an Intranet?
Atualizado em 2023-12-28 GMT+08:00

How Do I Determine Whether I Am Accessing OBS over an Intranet?

Suppose you have an ECS and an OBS bucket (named example-bucket) in the CN-Hong Kong region.

To check whether you are using an intranet for access, do as follows:

On the ECS, ping the global domain name of the bucket you are accessing. If the IP address that responds is in the IP address range starting with 100 or 214, you are accessing the bucket from the ECS over a local intranet connection.

The global domain name of an OBS bucket is in the Bucket format.

For example, you could ping on the ECS.

Figura 1 Responses

Noções básicas do OBS Perguntas frequentes
