- Visão geral de serviço
Guia de usuário
- Antes de começar
- Uso de OBS
- Acesso a OBS
- Visão geral das função
- Gerenciamento de permissões
- Classes de armazenamento
- Gerenciamento de bucket
Gerenciamento de objetos
- Visão geral do objeto
- Criação de uma pasta
- Carregamento de um objeto
- Download de um objeto
- Listagem de objetos
- Cópia de objetos
- Carregamento de multiparte
- Visualização de informações de objetos
- Compartilhamento de um arquivo
- Compartilhamento de uma pasta
- Gerenciamento de metadados de objetos
- Restauração de objetos a partir do armazenamento de arquivos
- Leitura direta
- Exclusão de um objeto
- Cancelamento da exclusão de um objeto
- Gerenciamento de fragmentos
- Sistema de arquivos paralelos
- Processamento de imagens
- Gerenciamento do ciclo de vida
- Replicação entre regiões
- Encriptação do lado do servidor
- Hospedagem de site estático
- Vinculação de nome de domínio definido pelo usuário
- Volta à fonte
- Validação de URL
- Tags
- Inventário de bucket
- Notificação de evento
- Registração
- Versionamento
- Monitoramento
- Auditoria
- Descompressão online (OBT)
- Histórico de alterações
Referência de API
- Antes de começar
- Visão geral de API
- Chamada das API
- Introdução
- Operações em buckets
Configurações avançadas de bucket
- Configuração de uma política de bucket
- Obtenção das informações de política de um bucket
- Exclusão de uma política de bucket
- Configuração de uma ACL de bucket
- Obtenção das informações de ACL de um bucket
- Configuração de registração para um bucket
- Obtenção da configuração de registração de um bucket
- Configuração de regras de ciclo de vida de um bucket
- Obtenção da configuração do ciclo de vida de um bucket
- Exclusão das regras do ciclo de vida
- Configuração do versionamento para um bucket
- Obtenção do status de versionamento do bucket
- Configuração da notificação de evento para um bucket
- Obtenção da configuração de notificação de eventos de um bucket
- Configuração da classe de armazenamento para um bucket
- Obtenção das informações da classe de armazenamento de um bucket
- Configuração da replicação entre regiões para um bucket
- Obtenção da configuração de replicação entre regiões de um bucket
- Exclusão da configuração de replicação entre regiões de um bucket
- Configuração de tags para um bucket
- Obtenção de tags de um bucket
- Exclusão de tags
- Configuração da cota de armazenamento de um bucket
- Consulta da cota de armazenamento de um bucket
- Consulta das informações sobre o espaço usado em um bucket
- Configuração de inventários de um bucket
- Obtenção de inventários de um bucket
- Listagem de inventários de um bucket
- Exclusão de inventários de um bucket
- Configuração de um nome de domínio personalizado para um bucket
- Obtenção do nome de domínio personalizado de um bucket
- Exclusão do nome de domínio personalizado de um bucket
- Configuração da encriptação de um bucket
- Obtenção da configuração de encriptação de um bucket
- Exclusão da configuração de encriptação de um bucket
- Definição da política de leitura direta para objetos de Arquivo em um bucket
- Obtenção da política de leitura direta para objetos de Arquivo em um bucket
- Exclusão da política de leitura direta para objetos de Arquivo em um bucket
- Configuração de regras de volta à fonte do espelhamento
- Obtenção de regras de volta à fonte do espelhamento
- Exclusão de regras de volta à fonte do espelhamento
- Definição de uma política de descompactação online
- Obtenção de uma política de descompactação online
- Exclusão de uma política de descompactação online
Hospedagem de site estático
- Configuração da hospedagem de site estático para um bucket
- Obtenção da configuração de hospedagem de site estático de um bucket
- Exclusão da configuração de hospedagem de site estático de um bucket
- Configuração CORS de um bucket
- Obtenção da configuração CORS de um bucket
- Exclusão da configuração CORS de um bucket
- OPTIONS Bucket
- OPTIONS Objeto
Operações em objetos
- Carregamento de objetos - PUT
- Carregamento de objetos - POST
- Cópia de objetos
- Download de objetos
- Consulta de metadados de objeto
- Exclusão de um objeto
- Exclusão de objetos
- Restauração de objetos em Arquivo
- Anexação de um objeto
- Configuração de uma ACL de objeto
- Obtenção da configuração ACL de um objeto
- Modificação de metadados de um objeto
- Modificação de um objeto
- Truncamento de um objeto
- Renomeação de um objeto
Operações em carregamento de multiparte
- Listagem das tarefas de multiparte inicializadas em um bucket
- Inicialização de uma tarefa de multiparte
- Carregamento de multiparte
- Carregamento de uma parte de um objeto - copiar
- Listagem das partes carregadas de um objeto
- Mescla das partes em um objeto completo
- Cancelamento de uma tarefa de carregamento de multiparte
- Encriptação do lado do servidor
- Permissões e ações suportadas
- Apêndices
- Histórico de alterações
- Primeiros passos
Perguntas frequentes
Noções básicas do OBS
- Como começar a usar o OBS?
- Como obter um ponto de extremidade do OBS?
- Quais são as vantagens do armazenamento de objetos em relação ao armazenamento SAN e NAS?
- Quais tipos de dados podem ser armazenados no OBS?
- Quantos dados posso armazenar no OBS?
- O OBS suporta monitoramento de tráfego?
- As pastas no OBS podem ser usadas da mesma maneira que em um sistema de arquivos?
- Onde os dados são armazenados no OBS?
- Como determinar em qual região armazenar meus dados?
- O OBS suporta acesso via HTTPS?
- Outros usuários podem acessar meus dados armazenados no OBS?
- O OBS oferece suporte à transferência de dados retomável?
- O OBS oferece suporte para upload em lote?
- O OBS oferece suporte para download em lote?
- O OBS oferece suporte à exclusão em lote de objetos?
- Quais são os fatores que afetam a velocidade de upload e download do OBS?
- Por que alguns dos meus dados armazenados no OBS foram perdidos?
- Dados excluídos podem ser recuperados?
- Haverá dados restantes no OBS depois que excluir um objeto?
- O que fazer se meu acesso ao nome de domínio do OBS falhar devido a uma falha de conexão de certificado da AC?
- Quais são as diferenças entre OBS, EVS e SFS?
- Por que um alarme é reportado quando acesso um URL do OBS?
- How Do I Determine Whether I Am Accessing OBS over an Intranet?
- O desempenho do meu bucket será afetado pelos serviços de outros usuários?
- Como comprar OBS?
- Por que o OBS ainda está indisponível, mesmo que minha conta esteja recarregada e não haja contas pendentes?
- Por que meu bucket gera taxas de armazenamento mesmo que não haja objetos nele?
- Por que ainda estou sendo cobrado pelo tráfego de pull usado pela aceleração da CDN quando já tenho um pacote de tráfego de pull?
- Por que ainda estou sendo cobrado depois de comprar um pacote de recursos?
- Para que serve um pacote de armazenamento Standard (multi-AZ)?
- Preciso comprar um pacote de tráfego de saída da Internet se já tiver um pacote de tráfego de pull?
- Por que meu bucket gera tráfego quando não há objetos nele?
- Como as solicitações são contadas?
- Preciso comprar um pacote de recursos? Posso aplicar um pacote a um bucket específico?
- Posso cancelar a assinatura ou modificar um pacote de recursos?
- Posso comprar solicitações?
- Os sistemas de arquivos paralelos oferecem suporte aos pacotes de recursos?
- Quais tipos de pacotes de recursos redefinirão sua cota por mês e quais tipos não?
- A cota restante do pacote em um determinado mês será transportada para o mês seguinte?
- O que fazer se meu pacote de recursos expirar?
- Minha gravação de dados será restrita quando meu pacote do OBS for esgotado?
Controle de acesso
- Como controlar o acesso ao OBS?
- Quais são as diferenças entre o uso de uma permissão do IAM e uma política de bucket no controle de acesso?
- Qual é a relação entre uma política de bucket e uma política de objeto?
- Por que a mensagem "Access denied" ainda aparece depois que as permissões do sistema do OBS foram atribuídas pelo IAM?
- Por que a mensagem "Access denied" aparece depois que me foram concedidas as permissões de leitura e gravação para um bucket?
- Por que não posso acessar OBS (403 AccessDenied) depois de ser concedido com a permissão de acesso do OBS?
- Como controlar o acesso às pastas em um bucket do OBS?
- Como verificar se minha política de bucket é privada, leitura pública ou leitura e gravação pública?
Buckets e objetos
- Por que não consigo criar um bucket?
- Por que não consigo carregar um objeto?
- Por que não consigo baixar um objeto?
- Por que não consigo excluir um bucket?
- Por que não consigo acessar um objeto por meio de seu URL?
- Qual é a relação entre classes de armazenamento de bucket e classes de armazenamento de objeto?
- Posso renomear um objeto?
- Posso modificar a região de um bucket?
- Posso copiar um arquivo entre buckets?
- Posso mover um arquivo entre buckets?
- Posso editar objetos no OBS on-line?
- Como obter o caminho de acesso a um objeto?
- Por que não consigo encontrar certos objetos em um bucket quando pesquisei por eles?
- Como visualizar objetos no OBS em um navegador on-line?
- O que fazer se uma mensagem de erro for exibida quando usar Internet Explorer para acessar um URL de objeto que contém caracteres chineses?
- Com a aceleração da CDN ativada, por que os objetos no meu bucket do OBS são baixados diretamente quando os acessar?
- Por que um erro é relatado mesmo que o CORS tenha sido configurado?
- Como visualizar o tamanho de uma pasta em um bucket?
- Como excluir em lote um grande número de objetos de um bucket ou esvaziar um bucket?
- Como alterar o projeto empresarial onde meu bucket pertence?
- Ao baixar uma pasta usando obsutil, a velocidade de download diminui após o progresso do download da pasta atingir 90%
- Com o obsutil, o download de um arquivo falha após o progresso do download atingir 99%
- Upload e download lentos através do obsutil
- Como usar o comando obsutil cp para ativar upload, download ou replicação incrementais?
- Posso montar meu sistema de arquivos paralelo em um servidor Windows?
- Quais são as diferenças entre os métodos de upload PUT e POST?
- Falha com o SDK do OBS ao carregar um arquivo com mais de 5 GB
- O que fazer quando a mensagem de erro "okhttp3.RequestBody.create(java.lang.String,okhttp3.MediaType)" é exibida para o SDK de Java?
- Um upload append é compatível com o mecanismo de bloqueio para operações simultâneas?
- Por que as assinaturas não combinam?
- Como a segurança de dados é garantida no OBS?
- O OBS verifica meus dados para outros fins?
- Os engenheiros de fundo podem exportar meus dados do OBS?
- Como o OBS impede que meus dados sejam roubados?
- Um par de AK e SK pode ser substituído quando eles estão sendo usados para acessar o OBS?
- Um par de AK e SK pode ser usado por vários usuários para acessar o OBS?
- Posso recuperar dados do OBS depois que ele é excluído ou substituído?
- Durabilidade e disponibilidade
- Migração e backup de dados
- Como usar o gerenciamento de fragmentos?
- Como usar o controle de versão?
- Como usar tags?
- Como usar o gerenciamento do ciclo de vida?
- Como usar a hospedagem de site estático?
- Como usar a replicação entre regiões?
- Como gerenciar nomes de domínio?
- Monitoramento
Noções básicas do OBS
- No momento, o conteúdo não está disponível no seu idioma selecionado. Consulte a versão em inglês.
- What's New
- Function Overview
- Product Notices
- Billing
User Guide
- Accessing OBS
- Storage Class
- Bucket Management
- Object Management
- Permissions Control
- Data Security
- Disaster Recovery and Backup
- Domain Name Management
- Data Management
Data Processing
Image Processing
- Overview
- Notes and Constraints
- Basic Concepts
- Using Image Processing on OBS Console
- Using Image Processing with APIs
- Getting Information About an Image
- Getting the Average RGB Value of an Image
- Setting Image Effects
- Resizing Images
- Rotating Images
- Cropping Images
- Watermarking Images
- Converting Formats and Interlacing Images
- Changing Image Quality
- Slimming Images
- Image Processing Persistency
- Online Decompression
Image Processing
- Monitoring and Logging
- Parallel File System
Permissions Configuration Guide
- Differences Between OBS Permissions Control Methods
- OBS Access Control at a Glance
- Permission Control Methods
- Access Requests
Permission Configuration in Typical Scenarios
- Typical Permissions Scenarios
Granting Permissions to an IAM User Under the Current Account
- Granting an IAM User the Permissions to Create and List Buckets
- Granting an IAM User the Read/Write Permission on a Bucket
- Granting an IAM User the Specified Permissions for a Bucket
- Granting an IAM User the Read Permissions on Specific Objects
- Granting an IAM User the Specified Permissions on Specified Objects
Granting Permissions to Multiple IAM Users or User Groups Under the Current Account
- Granting IAM User Groups All Permissions for All OBS Resources
- Granting IAM User Groups Basic Permissions for All OBS Resources
- Granting IAM User Groups the Specified Permissions for All OBS Resources
- Granting IAM User Groups the Specified Permissions for Certain OBS Resources
- Granting IAM User Groups the Specified Permissions for a Folder
Granting Permissions to Other Accounts
- Granting Other Accounts the Read/Write Permission for a Bucket
- Granting Other Accounts the Specified Permissions for a Bucket
- Granting IAM Users Under an Account the Access to a Bucket and the Resources in It
- Granting Other Accounts the Read Permission for Certain Objects
- Granting Other Accounts the Specified Permissions for Certain Objects
- Granting Permissions to All Accounts
- Granting Temporary Access to OBS
- Allowing IAM Users to View Only Authorized Buckets
- Restricting Access to a Bucket for Specific IP Addresses
- Best Practices for Enterprise Data Access Control
- FAQs
- Appendix
Tools Guide
- OBS Tools
OBS Browser+
- Introduction
- OBS Browser+ Function Overview
- Downloading OBS Browser+
- Installing OBS Browser+
- Logging In to OBS Browser+
- Basic Bucket Operations
- Advanced Bucket Settings
- Object Operations
- Task Management
- Best Practices
- Where Can I Obtain Access Keys (AK and SK)?
- Where Can I Obtain an IAM User ID?
- Can I Install Two OBS Browser+ Tools from Different Sites in One System?
- What Are the Differences Between OBS Browser+ and OBS Browser?
- Does OBS Browser+ Support the Migration of Account and Task Information from OBS Browser?
- Why Does the Task Processing Speed Slow After the Number of Tasks Exceeds a Million?
- Why Are the Displayed Number of Objects and Used Storage Capacity Different from the Actual Number of Objects and Storage Capacity?
- Why Is the Deliver Attribute Configured Using an SDK Overwritten to False After I Configure a Bucket ACL on OBS Browser+?
- What If "Login request denied." Is Displayed When I Try to Log In to OBS Browser+ Using an Account?
- What If "Failed to obtain the user token from IAM." Is Displayed When I Try to Log In to OBS Browser+ Using an Account?
- What If Message "Incorrect Account or Password" Is Displayed When I Try to Log In to OBS Browser+ Using an Account?
- Will Incremental Upload Be Used in Auto Upload Tasks?
- How Can I Permanently Share Files or Folders with Other Users?
- How Can I Access a Specific Bucket or Directory?
- Can I Cancel the Directory Sharing After a Directory Has Been Shared with Others?
- Can I Query the Number and Size of Files in a Folder?
- How Do I Troubleshoot a DNS Resolution Failure?
- Can OBS Browser+ List Objects with Special Characters in Their Names?
- Why Are Objects Always in the Restoring State?
- Uninstalling OBS Browser+
- Change History
- obsutil Introduction
- Downloading and Installing obsutil
- Getting Started
- Bucket Commands
Object Commands
- Creating a Folder
- Uploading an Object
- Querying Object Properties
- Setting Object Properties
- Listing Objects
- Copying an Object
- Moving an Object
- Downloading an Object
- Generating the Download Link of an Object
- Deleting an Object
- Synchronously Uploading Incremental Objects
- Synchronously Copying Incremental Objects
- Synchronously Downloading Incremental Objects
- Restoring Objects from the Archive Storage
- Resuming a Failed Upload Task
- Resuming a Failed Copy Task
- Resuming a Failed Download Task
- Listing Multipart Upload Tasks
- Deleting a Multipart Upload Task
- Creating an Authorization Code for Directory Sharing
- Listing Objects by Using an Authorization Code
- Downloading Objects by Using an Authorization Code
- Auxiliary Commands
- Common Examples
- Fault Locating
Best Practices
- Using the obsutil help Command to Search for Functions
- Configuring Scheduled Tasks Using the Crontab Command
- Setting obsutil Commands as Built-in Commands
- Configuring Auto Obtaining of Access Keys for obsutil
- Fine-Tuning obsutil Performance
- Using obsutil for Resumable Data Transfer
- Using obsutil to Upload a Symbolic Link
- Configuring an HTTP Proxy for obsutil
- Using obsutil to Share Directories
- Using obsutil to Replicate Data Across Regions on the Client Side
- Limiting the Upload and Download Rate for obsutil
- After Some Files Are Deleted in My Local Directory, Can obsutil Synchronously Delete Them from the Bucket?
- Can I Use obsutil to Directly Save a Listing Result to a Local File?
- Why Is the Size of Objects Queried by obsutil Inconsistent with That on OBS Console?
- How Can I Find Out Why Some Tasks in a Batch Task Failed?
- How Can I Locate and Rectify I/O Timeout and EOF Errors?
- Why Is a Question Mark Displayed in the Batch Task Progress Bar?
- Can Multiple config Files Be Placed in One Directory?
- Why Is the Number of Objects I Downloaded from OBS to My Local Windows PC Different from That in OBS?
- Can I Rename an Object or a Folder?
- Configuration Parameters
- obsfs (abandoned)
Best Practices
- Overview
- Uploading Data to OBS
- Migrating Data to OBS
- Accessing Data Stored in OBS
- Using a User-Defined Domain Name to Host a Static Website
- Verifying Data Consistency
- Suggestions on OBS Security Configuration
- Suggestions on OBS Performance Optimization
- Using OBS to Decouple Storage from Compute in Big Data Scenarios
- Using s3fs to Mount an OBS Bucket
SDK Reference
- SDK Overview
- SDK Function Matrices
- Before You Start (SDK for Python)
- API Overview of OBS SDK for Python
- Preparations (SDK for Python)
- Downloading and Installing OBS SDK for Python
- Getting Started with OBS SDK for Python
- Initialization (SDK for Python)
Bucket-Related APIs (SDK for Python)
- Creating a Bucket (SDK for Python)
- Obtaining a Bucket List (SDK for Python)
- Checking Whether a Bucket Exists (SDK for Python)
- Deleting a Bucket (SDK for Python)
- Listing Objects in a Bucket (SDK for Python)
- Listing Object Versions in a Bucket (SDK for Python)
- Obtaining Bucket Metadata (SDK for Python)
- Obtaining the Region of a Bucket (SDK for Python)
- Obtaining Storage Information of a Bucket (SDK for Python)
- Configuring a Storage Quota (SDK for Python)
- Obtaining a Bucket Storage Quota (SDK for Python)
- Configuring a Storage Class for a Bucket (SDK for Python)
- Obtaining the Storage Class of a Bucket (SDK for Python)
- Configuring a Bucket ACL (SDK for Python)
- Obtaining a Bucket ACL (SDK for Python)
- Configuring Logging for a Bucket (SDK for Python)
- Obtaining the Logging Configuration of a Bucket (SDK for Python)
- Configuring a Bucket Policy (SDK for Python)
- Obtaining the Policy of a Bucket (SDK for Python)
- Deleting a Bucket Policy (SDK for Python)
- Configuring Lifecycle Rules for a Bucket (SDK for Python)
- Obtaining the Lifecycle Configuration of a Bucket (SDK for Python)
- Deleting the Lifecycle Configuration of a Bucket (SDK for Python)
- Configuring Static Website Hosting for a Bucket (SDK for Python)
- Obtaining Static Website Hosting for a Bucket (SDK for Python)
- Deleting Static Website Hosting for a Bucket (SDK for Python)
- Configuring Versioning for a Bucket (SDK for Python)
- Obtaining the Versioning Status of a Bucket (SDK for Python)
- Configuring CORS for a Bucket (SDK for Python)
- Obtaining the CORS Configuration of a Bucket (SDK for Python)
- Deleting the CORS Configuration of a Bucket (SDK for Python)
- Configuring Tags for a Bucket (SDK for Python)
- Obtaining Bucket Tags (SDK for Python)
- Deleting Bucket Tags (SDK for Python)
Object-Related APIs (SDK for Python)
- Object Upload Overview (SDK for Python)
- Uploading Objects - Text-Based (SDK for Python)
- Uploading an Object - Streaming (SDK for Python)
- Uploading an Object - File-Based (SDK for Python)
- Uploading an Object - Append (SDK for Python)
- Uploading an Object - Resumable (SDK for Python)
- Obtaining the Upload Progress (SDK for Python)
- Uploading an Object - Browser-Based (SDK for Python)
- Object Download Overview (SDK for Python)
- Downloading an Object - Binary (SDK for Python)
- Downloading an Object - Streaming (SDK for Python)
- Downloading an Object - File-Based (SDK for Python)
- Downloading an Object - Range-Based (SDK for Python)
- Downloading an Object - Resumable (SDK for Python)
- Downloading an Object - Obtaining the Download Progress (SDK for Python)
- Uploading an Object - Creating a Folder (SDK for Python)
- Copying an Object (SDK for Python)
- Deleting an Object (SDK for Python)
- Batch Deleting Objects (SDK for Python)
- Obtaining Object Metadata (SDK for Python)
- Modifying Object Metadata (SDK for Python)
- Configuring an Object ACL (SDK for Python)
- Obtaining an Object ACL (SDK for Python)
- Restoring an Archive Object (SDK for Python)
APIs Related to Multipart Upload (SDK for Python)
- Multipart Upload Overview (SDK for Python)
- Initiating a Multipart Upload (SDK for Python)
- Uploading a Part (SDK for Python)
- Listing Uploaded Parts (SDK for Python)
- Listing Multipart Uploads (SDK for Python)
- Assembling Parts (SDK for Python)
- Copying a Part (SDK for Python)
- Aborting a Multipart Upload (SDK for Python)
- Client-Side Encryption APIs (SDK for Python)
- Other APIs (SDK for Python)
- Troubleshooting (SDK for Python)
FAQs (SDK for Python)
- How Do I Make an Object Accessible to Anonymous Users? (SDK for Python)
- How Can I Obtain the AK and SK? (SDK for Python)
- How Do I Obtain an Object URL? (Python SDK)
- How Do I Improve the Uploading Speed of Large Files over the Public Network? (SDK for Python)
- How Do I Specify Content-SHA256? (SDK for Python)
- Why Does the SDK Source Code Contain acs.amazonaws.com? (SDK for Python)
- Setting an Object Expiration Time (SDK for Python)
- What Is Content-Type (MIME)? (Python SDK)
- How Do I Get My Account ID and IAM User ID? (SDK for Python)
- Before You Start (SDK for Java)
- API Overview (SDK for Java)
- Preparations (SDK for Java)
- SDK Download and Installation (SDK for Java)
- Getting Started (SDK for Java)
- Initialization (SDK for Java)
Bucket Management (SDK for Java)
- Creating a Bucket (SDK for Java)
- Obtaining a Bucket List (SDK for Java)
- Deleting a Bucket (SDK for Java)
- Checking Whether a Bucket Exists (SDK for Java)
- Obtaining Bucket Metadata (SDK for Java)
- Configuring a Bucket ACL (SDK for Java)
- Obtaining a Bucket ACL (SDK for Java)
- Configuring a Bucket Policy (SDK for Java)
- Obtaining the Policy of a Bucket (SDK for Java)
- Deleting a Bucket Policy (SDK for Java)
- Obtaining the Region of a Bucket (SDK for Java)
- Obtaining Storage Information of a Bucket (SDK for Java)
- Configuring a Storage Quota (SDK for Java)
- Obtaining a Bucket Storage Quota (SDK for Java)
- Configuring a Storage Class for a Bucket (SDK for Java)
- Obtaining the Storage Class of a Bucket (SDK for Java)
- Bucket Inventory (SDK for Java)
- Parallel File System Management (SDK for Java)
Object Upload (SDK for Java)
- Overview (SDK for Java)
- Uploading an Object - Streaming (SDK for Java)
- Uploading an Object - File-Based (SDK for Java)
- Obtaining the Upload Progress (SDK for Java)
- Creating a Folder (SDK for Java)
- Configuring Object Metadata (SDK for Java)
Multipart Upload (SDK for Java)
- Multipart Upload Overview (SDK for Java)
- Initiating a Multipart Upload (SDK for Java)
- Uploading a Part (SDK for Java)
- Assembling Parts (SDK for Java)
- Code Example of a Multipart Upload (SDK for Java)
- Aborting a Multipart Upload (SDK for Java)
- Listing Uploaded Parts (SDK for Java)
- Listing Multipart Uploads (SDK for Java)
- Configuring Lifecycle Rules (SDK for Java)
- Uploading an Object - Append (SDK for Java)
- Uploading an Object - Resumable (SDK for Java)
- Uploading an Object - Browser-Based (SDK for Java)
Object Download (SDK for Java)
- Overview (SDK for Java)
- Downloading an Object - Streaming (SDK for Java)
- Downloading an Object - Range-Based (SDK for Java)
- Obtaining the Download Progress (SDK for Java)
- Downloading an Object - Conditional (SDK for Java)
- Rewriting Response Headers (SDK for Java)
- Obtaining User-defined Metadata (SDK for Java)
- Restoring an Archive Object (SDK for Java)
- Downloading an Object - Resumable (SDK for Java)
- Downloading a Processed Image (SDK for Java)
- Creating a Signed URL for Downloading a Processed Image (SDK for Java)
Object Management (SDK for Java)
- Configuring Object Metadata (SDK for Java)
- Obtaining Object Metadata (SDK for Java)
- Configuring an Object ACL (SDK for Java)
- Obtaining an Object ACL (SDK for Java)
- Listing Objects (SDK for Java)
- Deleting an Object (SDK for Java)
- Batch Deleting Objects (SDK for Java)
- Copying an Object (SDK for Java)
- Copying an Object - Multipart (SDK for Java)
- Checking Whether an Object Exists (SDK for Java)
- Temporarily Authorized Access (SDK for Java)
Versioning (SDK for Java)
- Overview (SDK for Java)
- Configuring Versioning for a Bucket (SDK for Java)
- Obtaining the Versioning Status of a Bucket (SDK for Java)
- Obtaining an Object Version (SDK for Java)
- Copying an Object Version (SDK for Java)
- Restoring a Specific Archive Object Version (SDK for Java)
- Listing Object Versions (SDK for Java)
- Setting an ACL for an Object Version (SDK for Java)
- Obtaining the ACL of an Object Version (SDK for Java)
- Deleting an Object Version (SDK for Java)
- Batch Deleting Object Versions (SDK for Java)
- Lifecycle Management (SDK for Java)
- Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (SDK for Java)
- Logging (SDK for Java)
- Static Website Hosting (SDK for Java)
- Bucket Tag Management (SDK for Java)
- Server-Side Encryption (SDK for Java)
- Client-Side Encryption (SDK for Java)
- Fault Locating (SDK for Java)
- Troubleshooting (SDK for Java)
FAQs (SDK for Java)
- Can I Use This Document for Union SDK?
- How Can I Set an Object to Be Accessible to Anonymous Users? (Java SDK)
- What Is the Retry Mechanism of SDK? (SDK for Java)
- How Do I Obtain the Static Website Access Address of a Bucket? (Java SDK)
- How Do I Obtain an Object URL? (Java SDK)
- How to Improve the Speed of Uploading Large Files over the Public Network? (SDK for Java)
- How Can I Perform a Multipart Upload? (SDK for Java)
- How Can I Perform a Download in Multipart Mode? (Java SDK)
- How Do I Confirm that an Upload is Successful If I Upload an Object to Overwrite an Existing Object with the Same Name in a Bucket? (SDK for Java)
- How Do I Download an Encrypted Object Using a URL? (SDK for Java)
- How Do I Generate an SSE-C Encryption Key?
- How Do I Obtain the Security Token? (Java SDK)
- Does the SDK Support Uploading, Downloading, or Copying Objects in a Batch? (Java SDK)
- How Do I Specify Content-SHA256?
- Why Does the SDK Source Code Contain acs.amazonaws.com? (Java SDK)
- What Is Content-Type (MIME)? (Java SDK)
- How Do I Get My Account ID and User ID?
- Before You Start (SDK for Go)
- API Overview of OBS SDK for Go
- Preparations (SDK for Go)
- Downloading and Installing OBS SDK for Go
- Getting Started with OBS SDK for Go
- Initializing OBS SDK for Go
Buckets (SDK for Go)
- Bucket API Overview (SDK for Go)
- Creating a Bucket (SDK for Go)
- Obtaining a Bucket List (SDK for Go)
- Checking Whether a Bucket Exists (SDK for Go)
- Deleting a Bucket (SDK for Go)
- Listing Objects in a Bucket (SDK for Go)
- Listing Object Versions in a Bucket (SDK for Go)
- Obtaining Bucket Metadata (SDK for Go)
- Obtaining the Region of a Bucket (SDK for Go)
- Obtaining Storage Information of a Bucket (SDK for Go)
- Configuring a Storage Quota (SDK for Go)
- Obtaining a Bucket Storage Quota (SDK for Go)
- Configuring Storage Class for a Bucket (SDK for Go)
- Obtaining the Storage Class of a Bucket (SDK for Go)
- Configuring a Bucket ACL (SDK for Go)
- Obtaining the Bucket ACL (SDK for Go)
- Configuring Logging for a Bucket (SDK for Go)
- Obtaining the Logging Configuration of a Bucket (SDK for Go)
- Configuring a Bucket Policy (SDK for Go)
- Obtaining the Policy of a Bucket (SDK for Go)
- Deleting a Bucket Policy (SDK for Go)
- Configuring Lifecycle Rules for a Bucket (SDK for Go)
- Obtaining the Lifecycle Configuration of a Bucket (SDK for Go)
- Deleting the Lifecycle Configuration of a Bucket (SDK for Go)
- Configuring Static Website Hosting for a Bucket (SDK for Go)
- Obtaining the Static Website Hosting Configuration of a Bucket (SDK for Go)
- Deleting the Static Website Hosting Configuration of a Bucket (SDK for Go)
- Configuring Versioning for a Bucket (SDK for Go)
- Obtaining the Versioning Status of a Bucket (SDK for Go)
- Configuring CORS for a Bucket (SDK for Go)
- Obtaining the CORS Configuration of a Bucket (SDK for Go)
- Deleting the CORS Configuration of a Bucket (SDK for Go)
- Configuring Tags for a Bucket (SDK for Go)
- Obtaining Bucket Tags (SDK for Go)
- Deleting Bucket Tags (SDK for Go)
- Configuring Bucket Encryption (SDK for Go)
- Obtaining the Bucket Encryption Configuration (SDK for Go)
- Deleting the Bucket Encryption Configuration (SDK for Go)
- Configuring a Custom Domain Name for a Bucket (SDK for Go)
- Obtaining the Custom Domain Name of a Bucket (SDK for Go)
- Deleting the Custom Domain Name of a Bucket (SDK for Go)
- Parallel File System APIs (SDK for Go)
Objects (SDK for Go)
- Object API Overview (SDK for Go)
- Object Upload Overview (SDK for Go)
- Object Download Overview (SDK for Go)
- Creating a Folder (SDK for Go)
- Copying an Object (SDK for Go)
- Deleting an Object (SDK for Go)
- Batch Deleting Objects (SDK for Go)
- Configuring Object Metadata (SDK for Go)
- Obtaining Object Metadata (SDK for Go)
- Configuring an Object ACL (SDK for Go)
- Obtaining Object ACL Information (SDK for Go)
- Rewriting Response Headers (SDK for Go)
- Processing an Image (SDK for Go)
- Restoring an Archive Object (SDK for Go)
- Modifying an Object (SDK for Go)
- Multipart Uploads (SDK for Go)
- Other APIs (SDK for Go)
- Single-Connection Bandwidth Throttling (SDK for Go)
- Troubleshooting (SDK for Go)
- FAQ (SDK for Go)
- Installing the SDK
- Example Programs
- Quick Start
- Initialization
- Bucket Management
Object Upload
- Object Upload Overview
- Performing a Streaming Upload
- Performing a File-Based Upload
- Obtaining Upload Progresses
- Creating a Folder
- Setting Object Properties
- Performing a Multipart Upload
- Configuring Lifecycle Management
- Performing an Appendable Upload
- Performing a Multipart Copy
- Performing a Resumable Upload
- Performing a Browser-Based Upload
- Object Download
- Object Management
- Temporarily Authorized Access
- Versioning Management
- Lifecycle Management
- Access Logging
- Static Website Hosting
- Tag Management
- Server-Side Encryption
- Troubleshooting
- API Reference
- Before You Start
- Downloading and Installing the SDK
- Quick Start
- Initialization
- Bucket Management
- Uploading an Object
- Downloading an Object
- Object Management
- Temporarily Authorized Request
- Accessing OBS Through a User-Defined Domain Name
- Versioning Management
- Lifecycle Management
- Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
- Setting Access Logging
- Static Website Hosting
- Tag Management
- Server-Side Encryption
- Troubleshooting
- FAQs
- Before You Start
- SDK Download Links
- Example Programs
- Quick Start
- Initialization
- Fault Locating
- Bucket Management
Object Upload
- Object Upload Overview
- Performing a Text-Based Upload
- Performing a File-Based Upload
- Obtaining Upload Progresses
- Creating a Folder
- Setting Object Properties
- Performing a Multipart Upload
- Configuring Lifecycle Management
- Performing an Appendable Upload
- Performing a Multipart Copy
- Performing a Resumable Upload
- Performing a Browser-Based Upload
Object Download
- Object Download Overview
- Performing a Text-Based Download
- Performing a Binary Download
- Performing a File-Based Download
- Performing a Partial Download
- Obtaining Download Progresses
- Performing a Conditioned Download
- Rewriting Response Headers
- Obtaining Customized Metadata
- Downloading an Archive Object
- Processing an Image
- Object Management
- Temporarily Authorized Access
- Versioning Management
- Lifecycle Management
- Access Logging
- Static Website Hosting
- Tag Management
- Server-Side Encryption
- Troubleshooting
- How Do I Upload Files Using a Browser that Does Not Support window.File?
- How Can I Set an Object to Be Accessible to Anonymous Users?
- How Do I Obtain the Static Website Access Address of a Bucket?
- How Do I Obtain an Object URL?
- How to Improve the Speed of Uploading Large Files over the Public Network?
- How Do I Suspend a Resumable Upload Task?
- How Do I Interact with OBS Without Exposing My AK and SK?
- How Do I Upload a Base64-Encoded Image?
- What Do I Do If the Resumable Upload API Reports a "400 InvalidPart" Error?
- SDK Download Links
- Compatibility
- Quick Start
- Initialization
- Bucket Management
Object Upload
- Object Upload Overview
- Performing a Streaming Upload
- Performing a File-Based Upload
- Creating a Folder
- Setting Object Properties
- Performing a Multipart Upload
- Configuring Lifecycle Management
- Appendable Upload
- Performing a Multipart Copy
- Performing a Resumable Upload
- Pausing and Resuming/Aborting a Resumable Upload
- Object Download
- Object Management
- Temporarily Authorized Access
- Versioning Management
- Lifecycle Management
- Access Logging
- Static Website Hosting
- Tag Management
- Server-Side Encryption
- Troubleshooting
- API Reference
- SDK Download Links
- Example Programs
Quick Start
- Before You Start
- Setting Up an OBS Environment
- Preparing a Development Environment
- Installing the SDK
- Obtaining Endpoints
- Initializing an Instance of ObsClient
- Creating a Bucket
- Uploading an Object
- Downloading an Object
- Listing Objects
- Deleting an Object
- General Examples of ObsClient
- Pre-defined Constants
- Initialization
- Bucket Management
- Object Upload
- Object Download
- Object Management
- Temporarily Authorized Access
- Versioning Management
- Lifecycle Management
- Access Logging
- Static Website Hosting
- Tag Management
- Server-Side Encryption
- Troubleshooting
- FAQs
- Downloading an SDK (SDK for Node.js)
- Example Programs (SDK for Node.js)
Getting Started (SDK for Node.js)
- Before You Start (SDK for Node.js)
- Setting Up an OBS Environment (SDK for Node.js)
- Preparing a Development Environment (SDK for Node.js)
- Installing the SDK (SDK for Node.js)
- Obtaining Endpoints (SDK for Node.js)
- Initializing an Instance of ObsClient (SDK for Node.js)
- Creating a Bucket (SDK for Node.js)
- Uploading an Object (SDK for Node.js)
- Downloading an Object (SDK for Node.js)
- Listing Objects (SDK for Node.js)
- Deleting an Object (SDK for Node.js)
- General Ways to Use ObsClient (SDK for Node.js)
- Initialization (SDK for Node.js)
Bucket Management (SDK for Node.js)
- Creating a Bucket (SDK for Node.js)
- Listing Buckets (SDK for Node.js)
- Checking Whether a Bucket Exists (SDK for Node.js)
- Deleting a Bucket (SDK for Node.js)
- Obtaining Bucket Metadata (SDK for Node.js)
- Configuring a Bucket ACL (SDK for Node.js)
- Obtaining a Bucket ACL (SDK for Node.js)
- Configuring a Bucket Policy (SDK for Node.js)
- Obtaining the Policy of a Bucket (SDK for Node.js)
- Deleting a Bucket Policy (SDK for Node.js)
- Obtaining the Region of a Bucket (SDK for Node.js)
- Obtaining Storage Information of a Bucket (SDK for Node.js)
- Configuring a Storage Quota for a Bucket (SDK for Node.js)
- Obtaining the Storage Quota of a Bucket (SDK for Node.js)
- Configuring a Storage Class for a Bucket (SDK for Node.js)
- Obtaining the Storage Class of a Bucket (SDK for Node.js)
Object Upload (SDK for Node.js)
- Object Upload Overview (SDK for Node.js)
- Uploading an Object - Text-Based (SDK for Node.js)
- Uploading an Object - Streaming (SDK for Node.js)
- Uploading an Object - File-Based (SDK for Node.js)
- Creating a Folder (SDK for Node.js)
- Configuring Object Metadata (SDK for Node.js)
- Configuring a Lifecycle Rule When Uploading an Object (SDK for Node.js)
- Uploading an Object - Append (SDK for Node.js)
- Uploading an Object - Resumable (SDK for Node.js)
- Uploading an Object - Browser-Based (SDK for Node.js)
Object Download (SDK for Node.js)
- Overview (SDK for Node.js)
- Downloading an Object - Text-Based (SDK for Node.js)
- Downloading an Object - Streaming (SDK for Node.js)
- Downloading an Object - File-Based (SDK for Node.js)
- Downloading an Object - Range-Based (SDK for Node.js)
- Downloading an Object - Conditional (SDK for Node.js)
- Rewriting Response Headers (SDK for Node.js)
- Downloading an Archive Object (SDK for Node.js)
- Downloading an Object - Resumable (SDK for Node.js)
- Processing an Image (SDK for Node.js)
Object Management (SDK for Node.js)
- Configuring Object Metadata (SDK for Node.js)
- Obtaining Object Metadata (SDK for Node.js)
- Configuring an Object ACL (SDK for Node.js)
- Obtaining the ACL of an Object (SDK for Node.js)
- Listing Objects in a Bucket (SDK for Node.js)
- Deleting an Object (SDK for Node.js)
- Batch Deleting Objects (SDK for Node.js)
- Copying an Object (SDK for Node.js)
Multipart Upload (SDK for Node.js)
- Multipart Upload APIs (SDK for Node.js)
- Initiating a Multipart Upload (SDK for Node.js)
- Uploading a Part (SDK for Node.js)
- Assembling Parts (SDK for Node.js)
- Listing Uploaded Parts (SDK for Node.js)
- Listing Multipart Uploads (SDK for Node.js)
- Copying a Part (SDK for Node.js)
- Aborting a Multipart Upload (SDK for Node.js)
- Temporarily Authorized Access (SDK for Node.js)
Versioning (SDK for Node.js)
- Versioning Overview (SDK for Node.js)
- Configuring Versioning for a Bucket (SDK for Node.js)
- Viewing the Versioning Status of a Bucket (SDK for Node.js)
- Obtaining an Object Version (SDK for Node.js)
- Copying an Object Version (SDK for Node.js)
- Restoring an Archive Object Version (SDK for Node.js)
- Listing Object Versions in a Bucket (SDK for Node.js)
- Setting an ACL for an Object Version (SDK for Node.js)
- Obtaining the ACL of an Object Version (SDK for Node.js)
- Deleting an Object Version (SDK for Node.js)
- Lifecycle (SDK for Node.js)
- Bucket CORS (SDK for Node.js)
- Logging (SDK for Node.js)
- Static Website Hosting (SDK for Node.js)
- Tagging (SDK for Node.js)
- Server-Side Encryption (SDK for Node.js)
- Troubleshooting (SDK for Node.js)
- FAQs (SDK for Node.js)
- Before You Start
- SDK Download Links
- Example Programs
- Quick Start
- Initialization
Bucket Management
- Creating a Bucket
- Listing Buckets
- Deleting a Bucket
- Identifying Whether a Bucket Exists
- Obtaining Bucket Metadata
- Managing Bucket ACLs
- Management Bucket Policies
- Obtaining a Bucket Location
- Obtaining Storage Information About a Bucket
- Setting or Obtaining a Bucket Quota
- Setting or Obtaining the Storage Class of a Bucket
Object Upload
- Object Upload Overview
- Performing a Streaming Upload
- Performing a File-Based Upload
- Performing an Asynchronous Upload
- Obtaining Upload Progress
- Creating a Folder
- Setting Object Properties
- Performing a Multipart Upload
- Configuring Lifecycle Management
- Performing an Appendable Upload
- Performing a Multipart Copy
- Performing a Resumable Upload
Object Download
- Object Download Overview
- Performing a Streaming Download
- Performing a Partial Download
- Performing an Asynchronous Download
- Obtaining Download Progress
- Performing a Conditioned Download
- Rewriting Response Headers
- Obtaining Custom Metadata
- Downloading an Archive Object
- Performing a Resumable Download
- Processing an Image
- Object Management
- Temporarily Authorized Access
- Versioning Management
- Lifecycle Management
- Access Logging
- Static Website Hosting
- Tag Management
- Server-Side Encryption
- Troubleshooting
- Videos
- Glossary
More Documents
User Guide (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
- Service Overview
- Billing
OBS Console Operation Guide
- Console Function Overview
- Restrictions
- Getting Started
- Storage Classes Overview
- Managing Buckets
- Managing Objects
- Server-Side Encryption
- Object Metadata
Permission Control
- Overview
- Permission Control Mechanisms
- Bucket Policy Parameters
- Configuring IAM Policies
- Configuring a Bucket Policy
- Configuring an Object Policy
- Configuring a Bucket ACL
- Configuring an Object ACL
Application Cases
- Granting an IAM User with the Operation Permissions for a Specified Bucket
- Granting Other Accounts with the Operation Permissions for a Specified Bucket
- Restricting Bucket Access to a Specified Address
- Configuring the Start Time and End Time of Access to Objects in a Bucket
- Authorizing Access Permissions to Anonymous Users
- Authorizing Folder Access Permissions to Anonymous Users
- Versioning
- Logging
- Tags
- Event Notification
- Lifecycle Management
- User-Defined Domain Name Binding
- Static Website Hosting
- URL Validation
- Monitoring
- Related Operations
- An Object Fails to Be Downloaded Using Internet Explorer 11
- OBS Console Cannot Be Opened in Internet Explorer 9
- The Object Name Changes After an Object with a Long Name Is Downloaded to a Local Computer
- Failed to Configure Event Notification
- Time Difference Is Longer Than 15 Minutes Between the Client and Server
- Error Code List
OBS Basics
- How Can I Get Started Using OBS?
- What Are the Advantages of Object Storage over SAN and NAS Storage?
- Which Types of Data Can Be Stored in OBS?
- How Much Data Can I Store in OBS?
- Does OBS Support Traffic Monitoring?
- Can Folders in OBS Be Used the Same Way as in a File System?
- Where Is Data Stored in OBS?
- What Is the Relationship Between OBS Bucket Names and OBS Domain Names?
- Does OBS Support Access over HTTPS?
- Can Other Users Access My Data Stored in OBS?
- Does OBS Support Resumable Data Transfer?
- Does OBS Support Batch Upload?
- Does OBS Support Batch Download?
- Does OBS Support Batch Deletion of Objects?
- What Are Factors that Affect the Upload and Download Speed of OBS?
- Why Did Some of My Data Stored on OBS Get Lost?
- Can Deleted Data Be Recovered?
- Will There Be Data Left Over in OBS After I Delete an Object?
- Access Control
Buckets and Objects
- Why Am I Unable to Create a Bucket?
- Why Am I Unable to Upload an Object?
- Why Am I Unable to Download an Object?
- Why Can't I Delete a Bucket?
- What Is the Relationship Between Bucket Storage Classes and Object Storage Classes?
- Can I Modify the Region of a Bucket?
- How Do I Obtain the Access Path to an Object?
- Why Can't I Find Certain Objects in a Bucket When I Searched for Them?
- How Is Data Security Ensured in OBS?
- Does OBS Scan My Data for Other Purposes?
- Can Background Engineers Export My Data from OBS?
- How Does OBS Prevent My Data from Being Stolen?
- Can a Pair of AK and SK Be Replaced When They Are Being Used to Access OBS?
- Can a Pair of AK and SK Be Used by Multiple Users to Access OBS?
- Which Encryption Technologies Are Supported by OBS?
- How Do I Use Fragment Management?
- How Do I Use Versioning?
- How Do I Use Tags?
- Event Notification
- How Do I Use Lifecycle Management?
- How Do I Use Static Website Hosting?
OBS Basics
- Change History
API Reference (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
- Before You Start
- API Overview
- Calling APIs
- Getting Started
- Operations on Buckets
Advanced Bucket Settings
- Configuring a Bucket Policy
- Obtaining Bucket Policy Information
- Deleting a Bucket Policy
- Configuring a Bucket ACL
- Obtaining Bucket ACL Information
- Configuring Logging for a Bucket
- Obtaining a Bucket Logging Configuration
- Configuring Bucket Lifecycle Rules
- Obtaining Bucket Lifecycle Configuration
- Deleting Lifecycle Rules
- Configuring Versioning for a Bucket
- Obtaining Bucket Versioning Status
- Configuring Event Notification for a Bucket
- Obtaining the Event Notification Configuration of a Bucket
- Configuring Storage Class for a Bucket
- Obtaining Bucket Storage Class Information
- Configuring Tags for a Bucket
- Obtaining Bucket Tags
- Deleting Tags
- Configuring Bucket Storage Quota
- Querying Bucket Storage Quota
- Obtaining Storage Information of a Bucket
- Configuring a Custom Domain Name for a Bucket
- Obtaining the Custom Domain Name of a Bucket
- Deleting the Custom Domain Name of a Bucket
- Configuring Bucket Encryption
- Obtaining Bucket Encryption Configuration
- Deleting the Encryption Configuration of a Bucket
- Configuring a DIS-Enabled Notification Policy
- Obtaining a DIS-Enabled Notification Policy
- Deleting a DIS-Enabled Notification Policy
- Configuring a Default WORM Policy for a Bucket
- Obtaining the Default WORM Policy of a Bucket
Static Website Hosting
- Configuring Static Website Hosting for a Bucket
- Obtaining the Static Website Hosting Configuration of a Bucket
- Deleting the Static Website Hosting Configuration of a Bucket
- Configuring Bucket CORS
- Obtaining the CORS Configuration of a Bucket
- Deleting the CORS Configuration of a Bucket
- OPTIONS Bucket
- OPTIONS Object
Operations on Objects
- Uploading Objects - PUT
- Uploading Objects - POST
- Copying Objects
- Downloading an Object
- Querying Object Metadata
- Deleting an Object
- Deleting Objects
- Restoring Cold Objects
- Appending an Object
- Configuring an Object ACL
- Obtaining Object ACL Configuration
- Modifying Object Metadata
- Modifying an Object
- Truncating an Object
- Renaming an Object
- Configuring WORM Retention for an Object
- Operations on Multipart Upload
- Server-Side Encryption
- Error Codes
- IAM Policies and Supported Actions
- Appendixes
- Change History
Tool Guide (OBS Browser+) (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
- Introduction
- OBS Browser+ Function Overview
- Downloading OBS Browser+
- Installing OBS Browser+
- Logging In to OBS Browser+
- Where Can I Obtain Access Keys (AK and SK)?
- Can I Install Two OBS Browser+ Tools from Different Sites in One System?
- Why Does the Task Processing Speed Slow After the Number of Tasks Exceeds a Million?
- Why Are the Displayed Number of Objects and Used Storage Capacity Different from the Actual Number of Objects and Storage Capacity?
- How Can I Locate Common Network Errors?
- How Can I Permanently Share Files or Folders with Other Users?
- How Can I Access a Specific Bucket or Directory?
- Can I Cancel the Directory Sharing After a Directory Has Been Shared with Others?
- Can I Query the Number and Size of Files in a Folder on OBS Browser+?
- Uninstalling OBS Browser+
- Change History
- Tool Guide (obsfs) (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
Tool Guide (obsutil) (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
- obsutil Introduction
- Downloading and Installing obsutil
- Getting Started
- Bucket Commands
Object Commands
- Creating a Folder
- Uploading an Object
- Querying Object Properties
- Setting Object Properties
- Listing Objects
- Copying an Object
- Moving an Object
- Downloading an Object
- Generating the Download Link of an Object
- Deleting an Object
- Synchronously Uploading Incremental Objects
- Synchronously Copying Incremental Objects
- Synchronously Downloading Incremental Objects
- Restoring Objects from the Storage
- Resuming a Failed Upload Task
- Resuming a Failed Copy Task
- Resuming a Failed Download Task
- Listing Multipart Upload Tasks
- Deleting a Multipart Upload Task
- Auxiliary Commands
- Common Examples
- Fault Locating
Best Practices
- Using the obsutil help Command to Search for Functions
- Configuring Scheduled Tasks Using the Crontab Command
- Setting obsutil Commands as Built-in Commands
- Fine-Tuning obsutil Performance
- Using obsutil for Resumable Data Transfer
- Using obsutil to Upload a Symbolic Link
- Configuring an HTTP Proxy for obsutil
- Using obsutil to Replicate Data Across Regions on the Client Side
- Limiting the Upload and Download Rate for obsutil
- After Some Files Are Deleted in My Local Directory, Can obsutil Synchronously Delete Them from the Bucket?
- Can I Use obsutil to Directly Save a Listing Result to a Local File?
- Why Is the Size of Objects Queried by obsutil Inconsistent with That on OBS Console?
- How Can I Find Out Why Some Tasks in a Batch Task Failed?
- How Can I Locate and Rectify I/O Timeout and EOF Errors?
- Why Is a Question Mark Displayed in the Batch Task Progress Bar?
- Can Multiple config Files Be Placed in One Directory?
- Can I Rename an Object or a Folder?
- Configuration Parameters
- Change History
- Parallel File System Feature Guide(ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
User Guide (Paris Region)
- Service Overview
OBS Console Operation Guide
- Console Function Overview
- Restrictions
- Getting Started
- Storage Classes Overview
- Managing Buckets
- Managing Objects
- Server-Side Encryption
- Object Metadata
Permissions Control
- Overview
- Permission Control Mechanisms
- Bucket Policy Parameters
- Configuring IAM Policies
- Configuring a Bucket Policy
- Configuring an Object Policy
- Configuring a Bucket ACL
- Configuring an Object ACL
Application Cases
- Granting an IAM User Permissions to Operate a Specific Bucket
- Granting Other Accounts Permissions to Operate a Specific Bucket
- Restricting Access to a Bucket for Specific Addresses
- Limiting the Time When Objects in a Bucket Are Accessible
- Granting Anonymous Users Permission to Access Objects
- Granting Anonymous Users Permission to Access Folders
- Versioning
- Logging
- Event Notifications
- Cross-Region Replication
- Lifecycle Management
- Configuring User-Defined Domain Names
- Static Website Hosting
- Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
- URL Validation
- Monitoring
- Related Operations
- An Object Fails to Be Downloaded Using Internet Explorer 11
- OBS Console Cannot Be Opened in Internet Explorer 9
- The Object Name Changes After an Object with a Long Name Is Downloaded to a Local Computer
- Failed to Configure Event Notifications
- Time Difference Is Longer Than 15 Minutes Between the Client and Server
- Error Code List
OBS Basics
- How Can I Get Started with OBS?
- How Do I Obtain an OBS Endpoint?
- What Are the Advantages of Object Storage over SAN and NAS Storage?
- Which Types of Data Can Be Stored in OBS?
- How Much Data Can I Store in OBS?
- Does OBS Support Traffic Monitoring?
- Can Folders in OBS Be Used the Same Way as in a File System?
- Where Is Data Stored in OBS?
- Does OBS Support Access over HTTPS?
- Can Other Users Access My Data Stored in OBS?
- Does OBS Support Resumable Transfer?
- Does OBS Support Batch Upload?
- Does OBS Support Batch Download?
- Does OBS Support Batch Deletion of Objects?
- What Are the Factors That Affect Upload and Download Speed of OBS?
- Why Did Some of My Data Stored on OBS Get Lost?
- Can Deleted Data Be Recovered?
- Will There Be Data Left Over in OBS After I Delete an Object?
- Will My Bucket Performance Be Affected by Other Users' Services?
- Access Control
Buckets and Objects
- Why Am I Unable to Create a Bucket?
- Why Am I Unable to Upload an Object?
- Why Am I Unable to Download an Object?
- Why Can't I Delete a Bucket?
- What Is the Relationship Between Bucket Storage Classes and Object Storage Classes?
- Can I Modify the Region of a Bucket?
- How Do I Obtain the Access Path to an Object?
- Why Can't I Search for Certain Objects in My Bucket?
- What Should I Do If an Error Message Is Displayed When I Use Internet Explorer to Access an Object URL That Contains Chinese Characters?
- Tools
- APIs and SDKs
- How Is Data Security Ensured in OBS?
- Does OBS Scan My Data for Other Purposes?
- Can Engineers Export My Data from the Background of OBS?
- How Does OBS Protect My Data from Being Stolen?
- Can a Pair of AK and SK Be Replaced When It Is Being Used to Access OBS?
- Can Multiple Users Share One Pair of AK and SK to Access OBS?
- How Do I Use Fragment Management?
- How Do I Use Versioning?
- Event Notification
- How Do I Use Lifecycle Management?
- How Do I Use Static Website Hosting?
- How Do I Use Cross-Region Replication?
- Server-Side Encryption
OBS Basics
- Change History
Tool Guide (OBS Browser+) (Paris Region)
- Introduction
- OBS Browser+ Function Overview
- Downloading OBS Browser+
- Installing OBS Browser+
- Logging In to OBS Browser+
- Where Can I Obtain Access Keys (AK and SK)?
- Can I Install Two OBS Browser+ Tools from Different Sites in One System?
- What Are the Differences Between OBS Browser+ and OBS Browser?
- Does OBS Browser+ Support the Migration of Account and Task Information From OBS Browser?
- Why Does the Task Processing Speed Slow After the Number of Tasks Exceeds a Million?
- Why Are the Displayed Number of Objects and Used Storage Capacity Different from the Actual Number of Objects and Storage Capacity?
- How Can I Locate Common Network Errors?
- How Can I Permanently Share Files or Folders with Other Users?
- How Can I Access a Specific Bucket or Directory?
- Can I Cancel the Directory Sharing After a Directory Has Been Shared with Others?
- Can OBS Browser+ List Objects with Special Characters in Their Names?
- Uninstalling OBS Browser+
- Change History
- Tool Guide (obsfs) (Paris Region)
Tool Guide (obsutil) (Paris Region)
- obsutil Introduction
- Downloading and Installing obsutil
- Getting Started
- Bucket Commands
Object Commands
- Creating a Folder
- Uploading an Object
- Querying Object Properties
- Setting Object Properties
- Listing Objects
- Copying an Object
- Moving an Object
- Downloading an Object
- Generating the Download Link of an Object
- Deleting an Object
- Synchronously Uploading Incremental Objects
- Synchronously Copying Incremental Objects
- Synchronously Downloading Incremental Objects
- Restoring Objects from the Cold Storage
- Resuming a Failed Upload Task
- Resuming a Failed Copy Task
- Resuming a Failed Download Task
- Listing Multipart Upload Tasks
- Deleting a Multipart Upload Task
- Creating an Authorization Code for Directory Sharing
- Listing Objects by Using an Authorization Code
- Downloading Objects by Using an Authorization Code
- Auxiliary Commands
- Common Examples
- Fault Locating
Best Practices
- Using the obsutil help Command to Search for Functions
- Configuring Scheduled Tasks Using the Crontab Command
- Setting obsutil Commands as Built-in Commands
- Fine-Tuning obsutil Performance
- Using obsutil for Resumable Data Transfer
- Using obsutil to Upload a Symbolic Link
- Configuring an HTTP Proxy for obsutil
- Using obsutil to Share Directories
- Using obsutil to Replicate Data Across Regions on the Client Side
- Limiting the Upload and Download Rate for obsutil
- After Some Files Are Deleted in My Local Directory, Can obsutil Synchronously Delete Them from the Bucket?
- Can I Use obsutil to Directly Save a Listing Result to a Local File?
- Why Is the Size of Objects Queried by obsutil Inconsistent with That on OBS Console?
- How Can I Find Out Why Some Tasks in a Batch Task Failed?
- How Can I Locate and Rectify I/O Timeout and EOF Errors?
- Why Is a Question Mark Displayed in the Batch Task Progress Bar?
- Can Multiple config Files Be Placed in One Directory?
- Can I Rename an Object or a Folder?
- Configuration Parameters
- Change History
- Parallel File System Feature Guide(Paris Region)
Image Processing (Paris Region)
- Introduction
- Start to Process (Using OBS Console)
- Start to Process (Using APIs)
- Typical Cases
- Obtaining Image Information
- Obtaining Average RGB Value of an Image
- Setting Image Effects
- Resizing Images
- Rotating Images
- Cropping Images
- Watermarking Images
- Converting Formats
- Changing Quality
- Slimming Images
- Image Persistency
- Change History
Permissions Configuration Guide (Paris Region)
- Introduction to OBS Access Control
- Permission Control Mechanisms
- Access Requests
- Typical Permission Control Scenarios
Configuration Cases in Typical Permission Control Scenarios
Granting Permissions to an IAM User Under the Current Account
- Granting an IAM User the Permissions Required to List and Create Buckets
- Granting an IAM User the Read/Write Permission for a Bucket
- Granting an IAM User the Specified Permissions for a Bucket
- Granting an IAM User the Read Permission for Specific Objects
- Granting an IAM User the Specified Permissions for Certain Objects
Granting Permissions to Multiple IAM Users or User Groups Under the Current Account
- Granting IAM User Groups All Permissions for All OBS Resources
- Granting IAM User Groups Basic Permissions for All OBS Resources
- Granting IAM User Groups the Specified Permissions for All OBS Resources
- Granting IAM User Groups the Specified Permissions for Certain OBS Resources
- Granting IAM User Groups the Specified Permissions for a Folder
Granting Permissions to Other Accounts
- Granting Other Accounts the Read/Write Permission for a Bucket
- Granting Other Accounts the Specified Permissions for a Bucket
- Granting IAM Users Under an Account the Access to a Bucket and the Resources in It
- Granting Other Accounts the Read Permission for Certain Objects
- Granting Other Accounts the Specified Permissions for Certain Objects
- Granting Permissions to Anonymous Users
- Granting Temporary Access to OBS
- Restricting Access to a Bucket for Specific IP Addresses
Granting Permissions to an IAM User Under the Current Account
- Appendix
- Change History
User Guide (Kuala Lumpur Region)
- Service Overview
OBS Console Operation Guide
- Console Function Overview
- Restrictions
- Getting Started
- Storage Classes Overview
- Managing Buckets
- Managing Objects
- Server-Side Encryption
- Object Metadata
- Bucket Inventories
Permissions Control
- Overview
- Permission Control Mechanisms
- Bucket Policy Parameters
- Configuring IAM Policies
- Configuring a Bucket Policy
- Configuring an Object Policy
- Configuring a Bucket ACL
- Configuring an Object ACL
Application Cases
- Granting an IAM User Permissions to Operate a Specific Bucket
- Granting Other Accounts Permissions to Operate a Specific Bucket
- Restricting Access to a Bucket for Specific Addresses
- Limiting the Time When Objects in a Bucket Are Accessible
- Granting Anonymous Users Permission to Access Objects
- Granting Anonymous Users Permission to Access Folders
- Versioning
- Logging
- Tags
- Event Notifications
- Lifecycle Management
- Configuring User-Defined Domain Names
- Static Website Hosting
- Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
- URL Validation
- Monitoring
- Related Operations
- An Object Fails to Be Downloaded Using Internet Explorer 11
- OBS Console Couldn't Be Opened in Internet Explorer 9
- The Object Name Changes After an Object with a Long Name Is Downloaded to a Local Computer
- Failed to Configure Event Notifications
- Time Difference Is Longer Than 15 Minutes Between the Client and Server
- Error Code List
OBS Basics
- How Can I Get Started with OBS?
- How Do I Obtain an OBS Endpoint?
- What Are the Advantages of Object Storage over SAN and NAS Storage?
- Which Types of Data Can Be Stored in OBS?
- How Much Data Can I Store in OBS?
- Does OBS Support Traffic Monitoring?
- Can Folders in OBS Be Used the Same Way as in a File System?
- Where Is Data Stored in OBS?
- Does OBS Support Access over HTTPS?
- Can Other Users Access My Data Stored in OBS?
- Does OBS Support Resumable Transfer?
- Does OBS Support Batch Upload?
- Does OBS Support Batch Download?
- Does OBS Support Batch Deletion of Objects?
- What Are the Factors That Affect Upload and Download Speeds of OBS?
- Why Did Some of My Data Stored on OBS Get Lost?
- Can Deleted Data Be Recovered?
- Will There Be Data Left Over in OBS After I Delete an Object?
- Will My Bucket Performance Be Affected by Other Users' Services?
- Access Control
Buckets and Objects
- Why Am I Unable to Create a Bucket?
- Why Am I Unable to Upload an Object?
- Why Am I Unable to Download an Object?
- Why Can't I Delete a Bucket?
- What Is the Relationship Between Bucket Storage Classes and Object Storage Classes?
- Can I Modify the Region of a Bucket?
- How Do I Obtain the Access Path to an Object?
- Why Can't I Search for Certain Objects in My Bucket?
- What Do I Do If I Encounter an Error While Trying to Access an Object URL with Full-Width Characters Using Internet Explorer?
- Tools
- APIs and SDKs
- How Is Data Security Ensured in OBS?
- Does OBS Scan My Data for Other Purposes?
- Can Engineers Export My Data from the Background of OBS?
- How Does OBS Protect My Data from Being Stolen?
- Can a Pair of AK and SK Be Replaced When It Is Being Used to Access OBS?
- Can Multiple Users Share One Pair of AK and SK to Access OBS?
- Fragment Management
- Versioning
- Tags
- Event Notifications
- How Do I Use Lifecycle Management?
- How Do I Use Static Website Hosting?
OBS Basics
- Change History
API Reference (Kuala Lumpur Region)
- Before You Start
- API Overview
- Calling APIs
- Getting Started
- Operations on Buckets
Advanced Bucket Settings
- Configuring a Bucket Policy
- Obtaining Bucket Policy Information
- Deleting a Bucket Policy
- Configuring a Bucket ACL
- Obtaining Bucket ACL Information
- Configuring Logging for a Bucket
- Obtaining a Bucket Logging Configuration
- Configuring Bucket Lifecycle Rules
- Obtaining Bucket Lifecycle Configuration
- Deleting Lifecycle Rules
- Configuring Versioning for a Bucket
- Obtaining Bucket Versioning Status
- Configuring Event Notification for a Bucket
- Obtaining the Event Notification Configuration of a Bucket
- Configuring Storage Class for a Bucket
- Obtaining Bucket Storage Class Information
- Configuring Tags for a Bucket
- Obtaining Bucket Tags
- Deleting Tags
- Configuring Bucket Storage Quota
- Querying Bucket Storage Quota
- Obtaining Storage Information of a Bucket
- Configuring a Custom Domain Name for a Bucket
- Obtaining the Custom Domain Name of a Bucket
- Deleting the Custom Domain Name of a Bucket
- Configuring Bucket Encryption
- Obtaining Bucket Encryption Configuration
- Deleting the Encryption Configuration of a Bucket
Static Website Hosting
- Configuring Static Website Hosting for a Bucket
- Obtaining the Static Website Hosting Configuration of a Bucket
- Deleting the Static Website Hosting Configuration of a Bucket
- Configuring Bucket CORS
- Obtaining the CORS Configuration of a Bucket
- Deleting the CORS Configuration of a Bucket
- OPTIONS Bucket
- OPTIONS Object
Operations on Objects
- Uploading an Object - PUT
- Uploading an Object - POST
- Copying an Object
- Downloading an Object
- Querying Object Metadata
- Deleting an Object
- Deleting Objects
- Restoring Cold Objects
- Appending an Object
- Configuring an Object ACL
- Obtaining Object ACL Configuration
- Modifying Object Metadata
- Modifying an Object
- Truncating an Object
- Renaming an Object
- Operations on Multipart Upload
- Server-Side Encryption
- Error Codes
- IAM Policies and Supported Actions
- Appendixes
- Change History
Tool Guide (OBS Browser+) (Kuala Lumpur Region)
- Introduction
- OBS Browser+ Function Overview
- Downloading OBS Browser+
- Installing OBS Browser+
- Logging In to OBS Browser+
- Where Can I Obtain Access Keys (AK and SK)?
- Can I Install Two OBS Browser+ Tools from Different Sites in One System?
- Why Does the Task Processing Speed Slow After the Number of Tasks Exceeds a Million?
- Why Are the Displayed Number of Objects and Used Storage Capacity Different from the Actual Number of Objects and Storage Capacity?
- How Can I Locate Common Network Errors?
- How Can I Permanently Share Files or Folders with Other Users?
- How Can I Access a Specific Bucket or Directory?
- Can I Cancel the Directory Sharing After a Directory Has Been Shared with Others?
- Can I Query the Number and Size of Files in a Folder on OBS Browser+?
- Uninstalling OBS Browser+
- Change History
- Tool Guide (obsfs) (Kuala Lumpur Region)
- Parallel File System Feature Guide (Kuala Lumpur Region)
- Best Practices (Kuala Lumpur Region)
User Guide (Ankara Region)
- Service Overview
- Configuration Before Use
OBS Console Operation Guide
- Console Function Overview
- Restrictions
- Getting Started
- Managing Buckets
- Managing Objects
- Object Metadata
- Bucket Inventories
Permissions Control
- Overview
- Permission Control Mechanisms
- Bucket Policy Parameters
- Configuring IAM Policies
- Configuring a Bucket Policy
- Configuring an Object Policy
- Configuring a Bucket ACL
- Configuring an Object ACL
Application Cases
- Granting an IAM User Permissions to Operate a Specific Bucket
- Granting Other Accounts Permissions to Operate a Specific Bucket
- Restricting Access to a Bucket for Specific Addresses
- Limiting the Time When Objects in a Bucket Are Accessible
- Granting Anonymous Users Permission to Access Objects
- Granting Anonymous Users Permission to Access Folders
- Versioning
- Logging
- Event Notifications
- Cross-Region Replication
- Cross-Cluster Replication
- Lifecycle Management
- Configuring User-Defined Domain Names
- Static Website Hosting
- Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
- URL Validation
- Task Center
- Two-AZ DR
- Related Operations
- An Object Fails to Be Downloaded Using Internet Explorer 11
- OBS Console Couldn't Be Opened in Internet Explorer 9
- The Object Name Changes After an Object with a Long Name Is Downloaded to a Local Computer
- Failed to Configure Event Notifications
- Time Difference Is Longer Than 15 Minutes Between the Client and Server
- Error Code 500 Is Returned When a Bucket with the Name of the Bucket Failing to Be Created in AZ 2 Is Created in AZ 1
- Object Upload or Download Errors
- Error Code List
OBS Basics
- How Can I Get Started with OBS?
- What Are the Advantages of Object Storage over SAN and NAS Storage?
- Which Types of Data Can Be Stored in OBS?
- How Much Data Can I Store in OBS?
- Can Folders in OBS Be Used the Same Way as in a File System?
- Where Is Data Stored in OBS?
- Does OBS Support Access over HTTPS?
- Can Other Users Access My Data Stored in OBS?
- Does OBS Support Resumable Transfer?
- Does OBS Support Batch Upload?
- Does OBS Support Batch Download?
- Does OBS Support Batch Deletion of Objects?
- What Are the Factors That Affect Upload and Download Speeds of OBS?
- Why Did Some of My Data Stored on OBS Get Lost?
- Can Deleted Data Be Recovered?
- Will There Be Data Left Over in OBS After I Delete an Object?
- Will My Bucket Performance Be Affected by Other Users' Services?
- Access Control
Buckets and Objects
- Why Am I Unable to Create a Bucket?
- Why Am I Unable to Upload an Object?
- Why Am I Unable to Download an Object?
- Why Can't I Delete a Bucket?
- Can I Rename an Object?
- Can I Modify the Region of a Bucket?
- How Do I Obtain the Access Path to an Object?
- Why Can't I Search for Certain Objects in My Bucket?
- Does OBS Support Storage Quota Management?
- How Is Data Security Ensured in OBS?
- Does OBS Scan My Data for Other Purposes?
- Can Engineers Export My Data from the Background of OBS?
- How Does OBS Protect My Data from Being Stolen?
- Can a Pair of AK and SK Be Replaced When It Is Being Used to Access OBS?
- Can Multiple Users Share One Pair of AK and SK to Access OBS?
- Durability and Availability
- Fragment Management
- Versioning
- Event Notifications
- How Do I Use Lifecycle Management?
- How Do I Use Static Website Hosting?
- How Do I Use Cross-Region Replication?
OBS Basics
- Change History
API Reference (Ankara Region)
- Before You Start
- API Overview
- Calling APIs
- Getting Started
- Operations on Buckets
Advanced Bucket Settings
- Configuring a Bucket Policy
- Obtaining Bucket Policy Information
- Deleting a Bucket Policy
- Configuring a Bucket ACL
- Obtaining Bucket ACL Information
- Configuring Logging for a Bucket
- Obtaining a Bucket Logging Configuration
- Configuring Bucket Lifecycle Rules
- Obtaining Bucket Lifecycle Configuration
- Deleting Lifecycle Rules
- Configuring Versioning for a Bucket
- Obtaining Bucket Versioning Status
- Configuring Event Notification for a Bucket
- Obtaining the Event Notification Configuration of a Bucket
- Configuring Cross-Region Replication for a Bucket
- Obtaining the Cross-Region Replication Configuration of a Bucket
- Deleting the Cross-Region Replication Configuration of a Bucket
- Configuring Tags for a Bucket
- Obtaining Bucket Tags
- Deleting Tags
- Configuring Bucket Storage Quota
- Querying Bucket Storage Quota
- Obtaining Storage Information of a Bucket
- Configuring Bucket Inventories
- Obtaining a Specific Inventory of a Bucket
- Listing All Inventories of a Bucket
- Deleting Bucket Inventories
- Configuring a Custom Domain Name for a Bucket
- Obtaining the Custom Domain Name of a Bucket
- Deleting the Custom Domain Name of a Bucket
- Configuring Cross-Cluster Replication for a Bucket
- Obtaining the Cross-Cluster Replication Configuration of a Bucket
- Deleting the Cross-Cluster Replication Configuration of a Bucket
Static Website Hosting
- Configuring Static Website Hosting for a Bucket
- Obtaining the Static Website Hosting Configuration of a Bucket
- Deleting the Static Website Hosting Configuration of a Bucket
- Configuring Bucket CORS
- Obtaining the CORS Configuration of a Bucket
- Deleting the CORS Configuration of a Bucket
- OPTIONS Bucket
- OPTIONS Object
Operations on Objects
- Uploading an Object - PUT
- Uploading an Object - POST
- Copying an Object
- Downloading an Object
- Querying Object Metadata
- Deleting an Object
- Deleting Objects
- Appending an Object
- Configuring an Object ACL
- Obtaining Object ACL Configuration
- Modifying Object Metadata
- Modifying an Object
- Truncating an Object
- Renaming an Object
- Operations on Multipart Upload
- Error Codes
- IAM Policies and Supported Actions
- Appendixes
- Change History
- Parallel File System Feature Guide(Ankara Region)
Tool Guide (OBS Browser+) (Ankara Region)
- Introduction
- OBS Browser+ Function Overview
- Downloading OBS Browser+
- Installing OBS Browser+
- Logging In to OBS Browser+
- Where Can I Obtain Access Keys (AK and SK)?
- Can I Install Two OBS Browser+ Tools from Different Sites in One System?
- Why Does the Task Processing Speed Slow After the Number of Tasks Exceeds a Million?
- Why Are the Displayed Number of Objects and Used Storage Capacity Different from the Actual Number of Objects and Storage Capacity?
- How Can I Access a Specific Bucket or Directory?
- Can OBS Browser+ List Objects with Special Characters in Their Names?
- Uninstalling OBS Browser+
- Change History
Tool Guide (obsutil) (Ankara Region)
- obsutil Introduction
- Downloading and Installing obsutil
- Getting Started
- Bucket Commands
Object Commands
- Creating a Folder
- Uploading an Object
- Querying Object Properties
- Setting Object Properties
- Listing Objects
- Copying an Object
- Moving an Object
- Downloading an Object
- Generating the Download Link of an Object
- Deleting an Object
- Synchronously Uploading Incremental Objects
- Synchronously Copying Incremental Objects
- Synchronously Downloading Incremental Objects
- Resuming a Failed Upload Task
- Resuming a Failed Copy Task
- Resuming a Failed Download Task
- Listing Multipart Upload Tasks
- Deleting a Multipart Upload Task
- Auxiliary Commands
- Common Examples
- Fault Locating
Best Practices
- Using the obsutil help Command to Search for Functions
- Configuring Scheduled Tasks Using the Crontab Command
- Setting obsutil Commands as Built-in Commands
- Fine-Tuning obsutil Performance
- Using obsutil for Resumable Data Transfer
- Using obsutil to Upload a Symbolic Link
- Configuring an HTTP Proxy for obsutil
- Using obsutil to Replicate Data Across Regions on the Client Side
- Limiting the Upload and Download Rate for obsutil
- After Some Files Are Deleted in My Local Directory, Can obsutil Synchronously Delete Them from the Bucket?
- Can I Use obsutil to Directly Save a Listing Result to a Local File?
- Why Is the Size of Objects Queried by obsutil Inconsistent with That on OBS Console?
- How Can I Find Out Why Some Tasks in a Batch Task Failed?
- How Can I Locate and Rectify I/O Timeout and EOF Errors?
- Why Is a Question Mark Displayed in the Batch Task Progress Bar?
- Can Multiple config Files Be Placed in One Directory?
- Configuration Parameters
- Change History
Operation Guide (Leaving soon. Moving to User Guide.)
- Before You Start
- Storage Classes
- Bucket Management
- Object Management
- Permissions Control
- Data Management
- Data Access
- Data Security
- Data Processing
- Monitoring and Logging
- Parallel File System
Image Processing (Leaving soon. Moving to User Guide.)
- Introduction
- Using Image Processing on OBS Console
- Using Image Processing with APIs
- Typical Cases
- Getting Information About an Image
- Getting the Average RGB Value of an Image
- Setting Image Effects
- Resizing Images
- Rotating Images
- Cropping Images
- Watermarking Images
- Converting Image Formats
- Changing Image Quality
- Slimming Images
- Image Processing Persistency
- What Is Image Processing?
- How Do I Access Image Processing?
- How Is Image Processing Billed?
- How Many Image Styles Can I Create in a Bucket?
- What Formats Does Image Processing Support?
- How Do I Access Image Processing with a URL?
- Where Are Processed Images Stored After CDN Acceleration Is Enabled?
- Why Was My Bucket Accessed by IP Addresses Starting with 100 After I Performed Image Processing in My Logging-enabled Bucket?
- Parallel File System (Leaving soon. Moving to User Guide.)
User Guide (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
Mostrar todos
Quais são as diferenças entre os métodos de upload PUT e POST?
Os parâmetros são passados pelo cabeçalho da solicitação se o método PUT for usado para carregar objetos; se o método POST for usado para carregar objetos, os parâmetros serão passados pelo campo do formulário no corpo da mensagem.
Com o método PUT, você precisa especificar o nome do objeto no URL, mas o nome do objeto não é necessário com o método POST, que usa o nome de domínio do bucket como o URL. As linhas de solicitação dos dois métodos são as seguintes:
PUT /ObjectName HTTP/1.1
O método PUT ou POST permite o tamanho do objeto de [0, 5 GB] para cada upload. Se você precisar carregar um objeto maior que 5 GB, use o método de upload de várias partes.
Para obter detalhes sobre as APIs de PUT e POST, consulte Upload de objetos - PUT e Upload de objetos - POST.