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Central de ajuda> Object Storage Service> Perguntas frequentes> Notificação de evento> Which Events Can Trigger Event Notifications?
Atualizado em 2023-12-28 GMT+08:00

Which Events Can Trigger Event Notifications?

OBS supports notification for the following event types:

  • ObjectCreated: Indicates all kinds of object creation operations, including PUT, POST, and COPY of objects, as well as the merging of parts.
    • Put: Creates or overwrites an object using the PUT method.
    • Post: Creates or overwrites an object using the POST (browser-based upload) method.
    • Copy: Creates or overwrites an object using the COPY method.
    • CompleteMultipartUpload: Merges parts of a multipart upload.
  • ObjectRemoved: Deletes an object.
    • Delete: Deletes an object with a specified version ID.
    • DeleteMarkerCreated: Deletes an object without specifying a version ID.

Notificação de evento Perguntas frequentes
