Updated on 2022-08-12 GMT+08:00

Modifying a Dedicated Gateway

You can modify the basic information and configuration parameters of dedicated gateways.

Modifying Basic Information

To modify the basic information about a dedicated gateway, do as follows:

  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. Click in the upper left corner and choose API Gateway.
  3. In the navigation pane, choose Dedicated Gateways.
  4. Click Access Console in the upper right corner of the dedicated gateway you want to modify.
  5. On the Basic Information tab page, modify the basic information.

    Table 1 Basic information about a dedicated gateway



    Gateway Name

    Name of the gateway.


    Description of the gateway.

    Scheduled Maintenance

    Time period when the gateway can be maintained by technical support personnel. The technical support personnel will contact you if any maintenance activity is going to take place during the window.

    Select a time period with low service demands.

    Security Group

    Select a security group to control inbound and outbound access.

    If the backend service of an API is deployed on an external network, configure security group rules to allow access to the backend service address through the API calling port.

    • If you change the security group, the new security group must meet the requirements for calling APIs included in the dedicated gateway and accessing the backend services of these APIs.
    • If public inbound access is enabled, add inbound rules for the security group to allow access on ports 80 (HTTP) and 443 (HTTPS).


    Determine whether to allow the APIs created in the dedicated gateway to be called by external services using an EIP. To enable this function, assign an EIP to the dedicated gateway.

    APIs in the dedicated gateway can be called using independent domain names or subdomain names. There is a limitation on the number of times that APIs in an API group can be called per day using the subdomain name.

    To overcome the limitation, bind independent domain names to the API group and ensure that the independent domain names have already been CNAMEd to the EIP of the dedicated gateway to which the API group belongs.

    Outbound Access

    Determine whether to allow API backend services to be deployed on public networks and accessed using the IP address automatically generated by API Gateway. You can enable or disable outbound access at any time.


    The bandwidth is billed by hour based on the rate of the EIP service.

Modifying Configuration Parameters

  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. Click in the upper left corner and choose API Gateway.
  3. In the navigation pane, choose Dedicated Gateways.
  4. Click Access Console in the upper right corner of the dedicated gateway you want to modify.
  5. Click the Configuration Parameters tab, and click Edit in the row containing the parameter you want to modify.

    Table 2 Configuration parameters

    Parameter Name



    Default request throttling value applied to all APIs. The total number of times an API can be called is determined by this parameter only if no request throttling policy is bound to the API. The Max. API Requests of a request throttling policy cannot exceed the value of this parameter.


    The maximum body size allowed for an API request.


    Backend response timeout. Value range: 1 ms to 600,000 ms.


    Determine whether to enable backend two-way authentication. If you enable this function, you can configure two-way authentication for a backend when creating an API.


    Supported HTTPS cipher suites. Select cipher suites that meet your requirements.