Updated on 2024-10-11 GMT+08:00

Changing the Password of the Data Access User of the OMS Database


This section describes how to periodically change the password of the data access user of the OMS database to improve the system O&M security.

Impact on the System

The OMS service needs to be restarted for the new password to take effect. The service is unavailable during the restart.


  1. On MRS Manager, click System.
  2. In the Permission area, click Change OMS Database Password.
  3. Locate the row that contains user omm, and click Change password in the Operation column.

    The password complexity requirements are as follows:

    • The password must contain 8 to 32 characters.
    • The password must contain at least three types of the following: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, digits, and special characters ('~!@#$%^&*()-_=+\|[{}];:'",<.>/?).
    • The password cannot be the username or the reverse username.
    • The password cannot be the same as the last 20 historical passwords.

  4. Click OK. When Operation successful is displayed, click Finish.
  5. Locate the row that contains user omm, and click Restart the OMS service in the Operation column to restart the OMS database.

    If the password is changed but the OMS database is not restarted, the status of user omm changes to Waiting to restart and the password cannot be changed until the OMS database is restarted.

  6. In the displayed dialog box, select I have read the information and understand the impact. Click OK, and restart the OMS service.