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Central de ajuda/ GaussDB(DWS)/ Perguntas frequentes/ Cobrança/ How Am I Billed for Scheduled Synchronization of GaussDB(DWS) Data to a PostgreSQL Database?
Atualizado em 2024-05-09 GMT+08:00

How Am I Billed for Scheduled Synchronization of GaussDB(DWS) Data to a PostgreSQL Database?

You can choose either of the following methods to periodically synchronize GaussDB(DWS) data to a PostgreSQL database.

  • Use GaussDB(DWS) to export data to OBS, and then import the data from OBS to the PostgreSQL database to implement data synchronization. In this process, fees are generated only when data is stored in OBS. For details about the billing of OBS data storage, see Object Storage Service Pricing Pricing Details.