Help Center/ Database Security Service/ FAQs/ Agent/ What Is the Process Name of the Database Audit Agent?
Updated on 2024-04-16 GMT+08:00

What Is the Process Name of the Database Audit Agent?

Linux OS

The process name of the agent is /opt/dbss_audit_agent/bin/audit_agent

After installing the agent, you can perform the following steps to view its operating status:

  1. Log in to the node where the agent is installed as user root by using a cross-platform remote access tool (for example, PuTTY) via SSH.
  2. Run the following command to view the operating status of the agent:

    ps -ef|grep audit_agent

    • If the following information is displayed, the agent is running properly:
    • If no information is displayed, the agent does not run properly.

Windows OS

After the agent is installed, you can find the agent process dbss_audit_agent process in the Windows Task Manager.