Updated on 2024-10-08 GMT+08:00

Extended Hive SQL Syntax

Hive SQL supports all features of Hive-3.1.0. For details, see https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/hive/languagemanual.

Table 1 describes the extended Hive statements provided by .

Table 1 Extended Hive statements

Extended Syntax

Syntax Description

Syntax Example

Example Description

CREATE [TEMPORARY] [EXTERNAL] TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] [db_name.]table_name (col_name data_type [COMMENT col_comment], ...) [ROW FORMAT row_format] [STORED AS file_format] | STORED BY 'storage.handler.class.name' [WITH SERDEPROPERTIES (...) ] ...... [TBLPROPERTIES ("groupId"=" group1 ","locatorId"="locator1")] ...;

The statement is used to create a Hive table and specify locators on which table data files locate. For details, see Using HDFS Colocation to Store Hive Tables.

CREATE TABLE tab1 (id INT, name STRING) row format delimited fields terminated by '\t' stored as RCFILE TBLPROPERTIES("groupId"=" group1 ","locatorId"="locator1");

The statement is used to create table tab1 and specify locator1 on which the table data of tab1 locates.

CREATE [TEMPORARY] [EXTERNAL] TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] [db_name.]table_name (col_name data_type [COMMENT col_comment], ...) [ROW FORMAT row_format] [STORED AS file_format] | STORED BY 'storage.handler.class.name' [WITH SERDEPROPERTIES (...) ] ... [TBLPROPERTIES ('column.encode.columns'='col_name1,col_name2'| 'column.encode.indices'='col_id1,col_id2','column.encode.classname'='encode_classname')]...;

The statement is used to create a hive table and specify the table encryption column and encryption algorithm. For details, see Using the Hive Column Encryption.

create table encode_test(id INT, name STRING, phone STRING, address STRING) ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe' WITH SERDEPROPERTIES ('column.encode.indices'='2,3', 'column.encode.classname'='org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.SMS4Rewriter') STORED AS TEXTFILE;

The statement is used to create table encode_test and specify that column 2 and column 3 will be encrypted using the org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.SMS4Rewriter encryption algorithm class during data insertion.

REMOVE TABLE hbase_tablename [WHERE where_condition];

The statement is used to delete data that meets criteria from the Hive on HBase table. For details, see Deleting Single-row Records from Hive on HBase.

remove table hbase_table1 where id = 1;

The statement is used to delete data that meets the criterion of "id = 1" from the table.

CREATE [TEMPORARY] [EXTERNAL] TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] [db_name.]table_name (col_name data_type [COMMENT col_comment], ...) [ROW FORMAT row_format] STORED AS inputformat 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.contrib.fileformat.SpecifiedDelimiterInputFormat' outputformat 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.HiveIgnoreKeyTextOutputFormat';

The statement is used to create a hive table and specify that the table supports customized row delimiters. For details, see Customizing Row Separators.

create table blu(time string, num string, msg string) row format delimited fields terminated by ',' stored as inputformat 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.contrib.fileformat.SpecifiedDelimiterInputFormat' outputformat 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.HiveIgnoreKeyTextOutputFormat';

The statement is used to create table blu and set inputformat to SpecifiedDelimiterInputFormat so that the query row delimiter can be specified during the query.