Updated on 2024-07-23 GMT+08:00

Creating VPC Attachments for Enterprise Routers

Create a VPC attachment to each enterprise router. For details about resource planning, see Table 5.

  1. In region A, attach VPC-A to enterprise router ER-A.

    1. Attach the VPC to the enterprise router.

      In this example, enable Auto Add Routes to save you from manually configuring routes in the VPC route table.

      For details, see Creating VPC Attachments for the Enterprise Router.

      Default Route Table Association and Default Route Table Propagation are enabled when you create the enterprise router. After VPCs are attached to the enterprise router, Enterprise Router will automatically:
      • Associate the VPC attachment with the default route table of the enterprise router.
      • Propagate the VPC attachment to the default route table of the enterprise router. The route table automatically learns the VPC CIDR block as the destination of routes.
    2. (Optional) Add routes to the VPC route table for traffic to route through the enterprise router.

      Skip this step if you have enabled Auto Add Routes in the previous step. For details about routes, see Table 3.

      For details, see Adding Routes to VPC Route Tables.

  2. In region B, attach VPC-B to enterprise router ER-B by referring to 1.
  3. In region C, attach VPC-C to enterprise router ER-C by referring to 1.