Querying DB Instances
This API is used to query DB instances and their details. Before calling this API:
- Learn how to authenticate this API.
- Obtain the required region and endpoint.
GET https://{Endpoint}/v3.3/{project_id}/instances?id={id}&name={name}&type={type}&datastore_type={datastore_type}&vpc_id={vpc_id}&subnet_id={subnet_id}&offset={offset}&limit={limit}
Parameter |
Mandatory |
Type |
Description |
project_id |
Yes |
String |
Explanation: Project ID of a tenant in a region. For details about how to obtain the value, see Obtaining a Project ID. Restrictions: None Value range: The value can contain 32 characters. Only letters and digits are allowed. Default value: None |
Parameter |
Mandatory |
Type |
Description |
id |
No |
String |
Instance ID. The asterisk (*) is reserved for the system. If the instance ID starts with *, fuzzy match is performed based on the value following *. Otherwise, the exact match is performed based on the instance ID. The value cannot only contain asterisks (*). |
name |
No |
String |
Instance name. The asterisk (*) is reserved for the system. If the instance name starts with *, fuzzy match is performed based on the value following *. Otherwise, the exact match is performed based on the instance name. The value cannot only contain asterisks (*). |
type |
No |
String |
Instance type. Its value is case sensitive. Value range:
datastore_type |
No |
String |
Database type. Its value is case-sensitive and can be GaussDB. |
vpc_id |
No |
String |
subnet_id |
No |
String |
Network ID of the subnet.
offset |
No |
Integer |
Index offset. If offset is set to N, the resource query starts from the N+1 data entry. The default value is 0, indicating that the query starts from the first data entry. The value cannot be a negative number. |
limit |
No |
Integer |
Number of records to be queried. The default value is 100. The value cannot be a negative number. The minimum value is 1 and the maximum value is 100. |
tags |
No |
Array |
Tag key-value pairs of the instance.
If the tag value is left blank, it indicates any_value (querying any value). To query instances with multiple tag key-value pairs, separate the pairs with commas (,). A maximum of 10 key-value pairs are supported. |
charge_mode |
No |
String |
Billing mode. Value range:
Request Parameters
Response Parameters
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
instances |
Array of Table 4 objects |
Instance information. |
total_count |
Integer |
Total number of records. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
id |
String |
Instance ID. |
name |
String |
Instance name. |
status |
String |
Instance status. Value:
private_ips |
Array of strings |
Private IP address list. This parameter is an empty string until ECSs where CNs of distributed instances are deployed or ECSs where DNs of primary/standby instances are deployed are created. |
public_ips |
Array of strings |
Public IP address list. This parameter cannot be left blank after an EIP is bound. |
port |
Integer |
Database port number. The GaussDB database port ranges from 1024 to 39998 (excluding the following which are occupied by the system and cannot be used: 2378, 2379, 2380, 4999, 5000, 5999, 6000, 6001, 8097, 8098, 20049, 20050, 21731, and 21732). If this parameter is not specified, the default port number 8000 is used. |
type |
String |
Instance type. The value is case-sensitive.
ha |
Table 5 object |
This parameter is returned for distributed and primary/standby instances. |
replica_num |
Integer |
Number of replicas. |
region |
String |
Region where the instance is deployed. |
datastore |
Table 6 object |
Database information. |
created |
String |
Creation time, in the "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss timezone" format. timezone indicates the time zone. When the instance is being created, the value is the time when the creation request is delivered. After the instance is created, the value is the time when the creation is complete, for example, 2024-07-02 08:32:07 UTC. |
updated |
String |
Update time. The format is the same as that of the created field. The value is empty when the instance is being created. After the instance is created, the value is not empty. |
db_user_name |
String |
Default username. |
vpc_id |
String |
subnet_id |
String |
Network ID of the subnet. |
security_group_id |
String |
Security group ID. |
flavor_ref |
String |
Specification code. To obtain its value, see the spec_code field in Querying Instance Specifications. |
flavor_info |
Table 8 object |
Specification information. |
volume |
Table 9 object |
Volume information. |
switch_strategy |
String |
Database failover priority. If you do not configure failover priority during instance creation, this parameter will not be displayed. The value can be Reliability or Availability, indicating the reliability first and availability first, respectively. If no failover priority is selected during the creation, the failover priority is not displayed. |
backup_strategy |
Table 10 object |
Backup policy. |
maintenance_window |
String |
Maintenance window, in the UTC format. |
nodes |
Array of Table 11 objects |
Instance node information. |
disk_encryption_id |
String |
Disk encryption key ID. This parameter is displayed only when the instance disk is encrypted. |
enterprise_project_id |
String |
Enterprise project ID. If an instance does not belong to any enterprise project, the default value is 0. |
instance_mode |
String |
Instance mode.
disk_encryption_id |
String |
Disk encryption key ID. This parameter is displayed only when the instance disk is encrypted. |
charge_info |
Table 12 object |
Billing mode, which can be pay-per-use or yearly/monthly. |
time_zone |
String |
Time zone. |
tags |
Array of Table 13 objects |
Tags. This parameter is not returned if there is no tag. |
disk_usage |
String |
Available disk usage of the instance. The value ranges from 0 to 1 and contains four decimal places. |
mysql_compatibility |
Table 14 mysql_compatibility object |
M compatibility configuration of the instance. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
consistency |
String |
Database consistency type. It is only suitable for distributed instances. Value range:
replication_mode |
String |
Replication mode for the standby node. The value cannot be left blank. The value sync indicates that data is synchronized in synchronous mode. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
type |
String |
Database engine. |
version |
String |
Major version of the database. |
complete_version |
String |
Minor version of the database. |
target_version |
String |
Target version that the database is being upgraded to. |
complete_kernel_version |
String |
Database kernel version. |
hotfix_version_infos |
Array of Table 7 objects |
Hot patch information. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
version |
String |
Hot patch version. |
upgrade_finished_time |
String |
List of time when the hot patch update is complete. The time when the hot patch update is complete is expressed in the "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss timezone" format. timezone indicates the time zone. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
vcpu |
Integer |
Number of vCPUs. |
mem |
Integer |
Memory size. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
type |
String |
Disk type. ULTRAHIGH (SSD storage) or ESSD (extreme SSD storage). The value is case-sensitive. |
size |
Integer |
Storage. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
start_time |
String |
Backup time window. The creation of an automated backup will be triggered during the backup time window. The time is in the UTC format. |
keep_days |
Integer |
Number of days to retain the generated backup files. Value range: 1-732. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
id |
String |
Node ID. |
name |
String |
Node name. |
role |
String |
Node type.
status |
String |
Node status. BUILD_FAILED: The node fails to be created. |
availability_zone |
String |
AZ. |
private_ip |
String |
Private IP address of the node. For distributed instances, this parameter is only valid for CNs. For primary/standby instances, this parameter is valid for all nodes. The parameter value is returned after an ECS is created. |
public_ip |
String |
EIP that has been bound. For distributed instances, this parameter is only valid for CNs. For primary/standby instances, this parameter is valid for all nodes. The parameter value is returned after an ECS is created and an EIP is bound to a DB instance. |
component_names |
String |
Component information on the node (for example, component ID:distributed ID). Separate information of multiple components with semicolons (;). |
Example Request
- Querying instances based on search criteria
GET https://gaussdb-opengauss.ap-southeast-1.myhuaweicloud.com/v3.3/97b026aa9cc4417888c14c84a1ad9860/instances?id=ed7cc6166ec24360a5ed5c5c9c2ed726in14&name=hy&type=Enterprise&datastore_type=GaussDB&vpc_id=19e5d45d-70fd-4a91-87e9-b27e71c9891f&subnet_id=bd51fb45-2dcb-4296-8783-8623bfe89bb7&offset=0&limit=10
- Querying all instances
GET https://gaussdb-opengauss.ap-southeast-1.myhuaweicloud.com/v3.3/97b026aa9cc4417888c14c84a1ad9860/instances
Example Response
- Instances queried.
{ "instances" : [ { "id" : "b331ed66cc3249f78bc20737308c01f4in14", "status" : "ACTIVE", "name" : "gauss-9e88", "port" : 8000, "type" : "enterprise", "ha" : { "consistency" : "strong", "replication_mode" : "sync" }, "region" : "cn-xianhz-1", "datastore" : { "type" : "GaussDB", "version" : "V2.0-2.7", "complete_version" : "V2.0-2.7.2", "target_version" : "V2.0-3.208.0", "complete_kernel_version" : "V500R002C10SPC610" }, "created" : "2021-01-15 01:46:40 UTC", "updated" : "2021-01-15 02:05:03 UTC", "volume" : { "type" : "ULTRAHIGH", "size" : 120 }, "nodes" : [ { "id" : "02ebf757aaf94074855f49cc6e0e4712no14", "name" : "gauss-9e88_gaussdbv5cn_2", "role" : "master", "status" : "ACTIVE", "availability_zone" : "az2xahz", "component_names" : "cn_5001:" }, { "id" : "0a87b8ecbfeb46aba1409cfc0f0d5c34no14", "name" : "gauss-9e88_gaussdbv5cn_0", "role" : "master", "status" : "ACTIVE", "availability_zone" : "az2xahz", "component_names" : "cn_5002:" }, { "id" : "2d9fec1ab3834936b074d63acf48b1f2no14", "name" : "gauss-9e88_gaussdbv5dn3_2", "role" : "master", "status" : "ACTIVE", "availability_zone" : "az2xahz", "component_names" : "dn_6003:60073" }, { "id" : "48bb08a2d635435891ac0caa1c0bf2e3no14", "name" : "gauss-9e88_gaussdbv5dn1_0", "role" : "master", "status" : "ACTIVE", "availability_zone" : "az2xahz", "component_names" : "dn_6001:60011" }, { "id" : "5df830f652204827ada32f8bc28b107eno14", "name" : "gauss-9e88_gaussdbv5dn1_1", "role" : "slave", "status" : "ACTIVE", "availability_zone" : "az2xahz", "component_names" : "dn_6002:60011" }, { "id" : "8a97a246cee841b38c5b47290d4c9c38no14", "name" : "gauss-9e88_gaussdbv5cn_1", "role" : "master", "status" : "ACTIVE", "availability_zone" : "az2xahz", "component_names" : "cn_5003:" }, { "id" : "8c1a3f8eecca4d9e9974a868bb6dd942no14", "name" : "gauss-9e88_gaussdbv5dn2_0", "role" : "master", "status" : "ACTIVE", "availability_zone" : "az2xahz", "component_names" : "dn_6004:60042" }, { "id" : "9bd0c80b8a684cc9bd7d99dd5adffb07no14", "name" : "gauss-9e88_gaussdbv5dn3_1", "role" : "slave", "status" : "ACTIVE", "availability_zone" : "az2xahz", "component_names" : "dn_6005:60073" }, { "id" : "9e2a3cd541e249d4af5aa57c5d3a7f39no14", "name" : "gauss-9e88_gaussdbv5dn1_2", "role" : "slave", "status" : "ACTIVE", "availability_zone" : "az2xahz", "component_names" : "dn_6006:60011" }, { "id" : "b046d28989ec4ae5a1a9ab20fe65f248no14", "name" : "gauss-9e88_gaussdbv5dn2_2", "role" : "slave", "status" : "ACTIVE", "availability_zone" : "az2xahz", "component_names" : "dn_6007:60042" }, { "id" : "b614cc12fd3742dbb230245f88a7bf00no14", "name" : "gauss-9e88_gaussdbv5dn3_0", "role" : "slave", "status" : "ACTIVE", "availability_zone" : "az2xahz", "component_names" : "dn_6008:60073" }, { "id" : "caba8e88c3c84ae58202f1f589490611no14", "name" : "gauss-9e88_gaussdbv5dn2_1", "role" : "slave", "status" : "ACTIVE", "availability_zone" : "az2xahz", "component_names" : "dn_6009:60042" } ], "private_ips" : [ " / /" ], "public_ips" : [ ], "db_user_name" : "root", "vpc_id" : "5f84a5c4-2f93-41de-8359-d7acedb585cc", "subnet_id" : "300036af-a92f-4e9e-8e9f-7d20e7878b05", "security_group_id" : "2dcfd40a-8f32-46b8-8a47-6cfab5eba163", "flavor_ref" : "gaussdb.opengauss.ee.dn.m6.large.8.in", "flavor_info" : { "vcpu" : 2, "mem" : 16 }, "switch_strategy" : "Reliability", "charge_info" : { "charge_mode" : "prePaid" }, "backup_strategy" : { "start_time" : "19:00-20:00", "keep_days" : 7 }, "maintenance_window" : "18:00-22:00", "disk_encryption_id" : "24ae42b5-4009-4ea2-b66a-0b211e424dab", "enterprise_project_id" : "6e76681b-a2f5-4c5f-97c5-ba4fd3c0dfb2", "instance_mode" : "enterprise", "time_zone" : "UTC+08:00", "disk_usage" : "0.9890", "mysql_compatibility" : { "port" : 3306 } }, { "id" : "226b4afcfcc84c86bf1b9cb345d3b00fin14", "status" : "ACTIVE", "name" : "UTS-gauss-ad53-2C3D", "port" : 8000, "type" : "enterprise", "ha" : { "consistency" : "strong", "replication_mode" : "sync" }, "region" : "cn-xianhz-1", "datastore" : { "type" : "GaussDB", "version" : "V2.0-2.7", "complete_version" : "V2.0-2.7.2", "complete_kernel_version" : "V500R002C10SPC610", "target_version" : "V2.0-3.208.0", "hotfix_version_infos" : [ { "version" : "V2.0-", "upgrade_finished_time" : "2020-12-23 03:21:41 UTC" }, { "version" : "V2.0-", "upgrade_finished_time" : "2020-12-23 03:22:41 UTC" } ] }, "created" : "2021-01-08 09:18:27 UTC", "updated" : "2021-01-14 13:25:03 UTC", "volume" : { "type" : "ULTRAHIGH", "size" : 120 }, "nodes" : [ { "id" : "07538a1def584cee99e2a5685eeab36ano14", "name" : "UTS-gauss-ad53-2C3D_gaussdbv5dn3_1", "role" : "slave", "status" : "ACTIVE", "availability_zone" : "az2xahz", "component_names" : "dn_6009:60072" }, { "id" : "21f41baba1e2454f82331b7cb5aeabe5no14", "name" : "UTS-gauss-ad53-2C3D_gaussdbv5dn1_2", "role" : "master", "status" : "ACTIVE", "availability_zone" : "az2xahz", "component_names" : "dn_6008:60042" }, { "id" : "2909771a3b3e4e3998f9388e77d22391no14", "name" : "UTS-gauss-ad53-2C3D_gaussdbv5dn1_0", "role" : "slave", "status" : "ACTIVE", "availability_zone" : "az2xahz", "component_names" : "dn_6007:60011" }, { "id" : "2bd9a90a5da242a6b0743a7f597f6106no14", "name" : "UTS-gauss-ad53-2C3D_gaussdbv5dn2_2", "role" : "master", "status" : "ACTIVE", "availability_zone" : "az2xahz", "component_names" : "dn_6006:60042" }, { "id" : "77092f1dadb74d3ea13d28269cdd3590no14", "name" : "UTS-gauss-ad53-2C3D_gaussdbv5dn3_2", "role" : "master", "status" : "ACTIVE", "availability_zone" : "az2xahz", "component_names" : "dn_6005:60072" }, { "id" : "a46bfaa6d5a24355a60fce7432b964cano14", "name" : "UTS-gauss-ad53-2C3D_gaussdbv5dn3_0", "role" : "slave", "status" : "ACTIVE", "availability_zone" : "az2xahz", "component_names" : "dn_6004:60072" }, { "id" : "aa5277736f3844e2a7adeb9de529e2b1no14", "name" : "UTS-gauss-ad53-2C3D_gaussdbv5dn2_1", "role" : "slave", "status" : "ACTIVE", "availability_zone" : "az2xahz", "component_names" : "dn_6003:60042" }, { "id" : "b1d798e4ea7344dfa95032984bc6cfd7no14", "name" : "UTS-gauss-ad53-2C3D_gaussdbv5cn_1", "role" : "master", "status" : "ACTIVE", "availability_zone" : "az2xahz", "component_names" : "cn_5002:" }, { "id" : "b9a46540186f4c0781eabaa2a79594cbno14", "name" : "UTS-gauss-ad53-2C3D_gaussdbv5dn1_1", "role" : "slave", "status" : "ACTIVE", "availability_zone" : "az2xahz", "component_names" : "dn_6002:60011" }, { "id" : "d283813030364060ab64371d50294977no14", "name" : "UTS-gauss-ad53-2C3D_gaussdbv5dn2_0", "role" : "slave", "status" : "ACTIVE", "availability_zone" : "az2xahz", "component_names" : "dn_6001:60042" }, { "id" : "eb7bce29b2284cd290405eaddc1b1a1eno14", "name" : "UTS-gauss-ad53-2C3D_gaussdbv5cn_0", "role" : "master", "status" : "FAILED", "availability_zone" : "az2xahz", "component_names" : "cn_5001:" } ], "private_ips" : [ " /" ], "public_ips" : [ "" ], "db_user_name" : "root", "vpc_id" : "5f84a5c4-2f93-41de-8359-d7acedb585cc", "subnet_id" : "300036af-a92f-4e9e-8e9f-7d20e7878b05", "security_group_id" : "2dcfd40a-8f32-46b8-8a47-6cfab5eba163", "flavor_ref" : "gaussdb.opengauss.ee.dn.m6.large.8.in", "flavor_info" : { "vcpu" : 2, "mem" : 16 }, "switch_strategy" : "Reliability", "charge_info" : { "charge_mode" : "prePaid" }, "backup_strategy" : { "start_time" : "18:00-19:00", "keep_days" : 7 }, "maintenance_window" : "18:00-22:00", "enterprise_project_id" : "0", "instance_mode" : "enterprise", "time_zone" : "UTC+08:00", "disk_usage" : "1.0000", "mysql_compatibility" : { "port" : 3306 } }, { "id" : "706c65c3dd7d497ab16f5b3a113690abin14", "status" : "ACTIVE", "name" : "UTS-gauss-7362", "port" : 8000, "type" : "enterprise", "ha" : { "replication_mode" : "sync" }, "region" : "cn-xianhz-1", "datastore" : { "type" : "GaussDB", "version" : "2.7", "complete_version" : "2.7.2", "complete_kernel_version" : "V500R002C10SPC610", "target_version" : "3.208.0", "hotfix_version_infos" : [ { "version" : "", "upgrade_finished_time" : "2020-12-23 03:21:41 UTC" }, { "version" : "", "upgrade_finished_time" : "2020-12-23 03:22:41 UTC" } ] }, "created" : "2020-12-23 03:21:41 UTC", "updated" : "2021-01-15 02:32:13 UTC", "volume" : { "type" : "ULTRAHIGH", "size" : 80 }, "nodes" : [ { "id" : "25b7f16ee4084b7884d52f1bdfab4e68no14", "name" : "UTS-gauss-7362_gaussdbv5dn1_2", "role" : "master", "status" : "ACTIVE", "availability_zone" : "az2xahz", "component_names" : "dn_6003:60011" }, { "id" : "ad6f02f31744422fa8ce487e81c9e7afno14", "name" : "UTS-gauss-7362_gaussdbv5cn_0", "role" : "master", "status" : "ACTIVE", "availability_zone" : "az2xahz", "component_names" : "cn_5001:" }, { "id" : "b30c56582bf44a548e3bb5b5af6c4773no14", "name" : "UTS-gauss-7362_gaussdbv5dn1_1", "role" : "slave", "status" : "ACTIVE", "availability_zone" : "az2xahz", "component_names" : "dn_6002:60011" }, { "id" : "f79ea0600cba42b2888bd9bd67e52a79no14", "name" : "UTS-gauss-7362_gaussdbv5dn1_0", "role" : "slave", "status" : "ACTIVE", "availability_zone" : "az2xahz", "component_names" : "dn_6001:60011" } ], "private_ips" : [ "" ], "public_ips" : [ ], "db_user_name" : "root", "vpc_id" : "5f84a5c4-2f93-41de-8359-d7acedb585cc", "subnet_id" : "300036af-a92f-4e9e-8e9f-7d20e7878b05", "security_group_id" : "2dcfd40a-8f32-46b8-8a47-6cfab5eba163", "flavor_ref" : "gaussdb.opengauss.ee.dn.m6.large.8.in", "flavor_info" : { "vcpu" : 2, "mem" : 16 }, "switch_strategy" : "Reliability", "charge_info" : { "charge_mode" : "postPaid" }, "backup_strategy" : { "start_time" : "16:00-17:00", "keep_days" : 7 }, "maintenance_window" : "18:00-22:00", "enterprise_project_id" : "0", "instance_mode" : "enterprise", "time_zone" : "UTC+08:00", "disk_usage" : "0.9940", "mysql_compatibility" : { "port" : 3306 } }, { "id" : "4ad42d079a3948d88c28d6236211b21ein14", "status" : "ACTIVE", "name" : "UTS-gauss-4336", "port" : 8000, "type" : "enterprise", "ha" : { "replication_mode" : "sync" }, "region" : "cn-xianhz-1", "datastore" : { "type" : "GaussDB", "version" : "2.7", "complete_version" : "2.7.2", "complete_kernel_version" : "V500R002C10SPC610", "target_version" : "3.208.0", "hotfix_version_infos" : [ { "version" : "", "upgrade_finished_time" : "2020-12-23 03:21:41 UTC" }, { "version" : "", "upgrade_finished_time" : "2020-12-23 03:22:41 UTC" } ] }, "created" : "2020-12-03 14:28:53 UTC", "updated" : "2021-01-14 13:20:10 UTC", "volume" : { "type" : "ULTRAHIGH", "size" : 40 }, "nodes" : [ { "id" : "254dbda6f03643519ad64b39481bd11cno14", "name" : "UTS-gauss-4336_gaussdbv5dn1_2", "role" : "master", "status" : "ACTIVE", "availability_zone" : "az1xahz", "component_names" : "dn_6001:60011" }, { "id" : "6ad76d4db26443c2a93b280739a31558no14", "name" : "UTS-gauss-4336_gaussdbv5dn1_1", "role" : "slave", "status" : "ACTIVE", "availability_zone" : "az1xahz", "component_names" : "dn_6002:60011" }, { "id" : "9fdebf821bdf444a8689b19c0ff588ceno14", "name" : "UTS-gauss-4336_gaussdbv5cn_0", "role" : "master", "status" : "FAILED", "availability_zone" : "az1xahz", "component_names" : "cn_5001:" }, { "id" : "dd64bdbc02a542d88823b1582f772d25no14", "name" : "UTS-gauss-4336_gaussdbv5cn_1", "role" : "master", "status" : "ACTIVE", "availability_zone" : "az1xahz", "component_names" : "cn_5002:" }, { "id" : "de3c41461045466faf6c2b96eb709540no14", "name" : "UTS-gauss-4336_gaussdbv5dn1_0", "role" : "slave", "status" : "ACTIVE", "availability_zone" : "az1xahz", "component_names" : "dn_6001:60011" } ], "private_ips" : [ " /" ], "public_ips" : [ ], "db_user_name" : "root", "vpc_id" : "5f84a5c4-2f93-41de-8359-d7acedb585cc", "subnet_id" : "300036af-a92f-4e9e-8e9f-7d20e7878b05", "security_group_id" : "2dcfd40a-8f32-46b8-8a47-6cfab5eba163", "flavor_ref" : "gaussdb.opengauss.ee.dn.m6.large.8.in", "flavor_info" : { "vcpu" : 2, "mem" : 16 }, "switch_strategy" : "Reliability", "charge_info" : { "charge_mode" : "postPaid" }, "backup_strategy" : { "start_time" : "18:00-19:00", "keep_days" : 7 }, "maintenance_window" : "18:00-22:00", "enterprise_project_id" : "0", "instance_mode" : "basic", "time_zone" : "UTC+08:00", "disk_usage" : "1.0000", "mysql_compatibility" : { "port" : 3306 } } ], "total_count" : 4 }
- Instance details queried.
{ "instances" : [ { "id" : "706c65c3dd7d497ab16f5b3a113690abin14", "status" : "ACTIVE", "name" : "UTS-gauss-7362", "port" : 8000, "type" : "enterprise", "ha" : { "replication_mode" : "sync" }, "region" : "cn-xianhz-1", "datastore" : { "type" : "GaussDB", "version" : "2.7", "complete_version" : "2.7.2", "complete_kernel_version" : "V500R002C10SPC610", "target_version" : "3.208.0", "hotfix_version_infos" : [ { "version" : "", "upgrade_finished_time" : "2020-12-23 03:21:41 UTC" }, { "version" : "", "upgrade_finished_time" : "2020-12-23 03:22:41 UTC" } ] }, "created" : "2020-12-23 03:21:41 UTC", "updated" : "2021-01-15 02:32:13 UTC", "volume" : { "type" : "ULTRAHIGH", "size" : 80 }, "nodes" : [ { "id" : "25b7f16ee4084b7884d52f1bdfab4e68no14", "name" : "UTS-gauss-7362_gaussdbv5dn1_2", "role" : "master", "status" : "ACTIVE", "availability_zone" : "az2xahz", "component_names" : "dn_6003:60011" }, { "id" : "ad6f02f31744422fa8ce487e81c9e7afno14", "name" : "UTS-gauss-7362_gaussdbv5cn_0", "role" : "master", "status" : "ACTIVE", "availability_zone" : "az2xahz", "component_names" : "cn_6004:" }, { "id" : "b30c56582bf44a548e3bb5b5af6c4773no14", "name" : "UTS-gauss-7362_gaussdbv5dn1_1", "role" : "slave", "status" : "ACTIVE", "availability_zone" : "az2xahz", "component_names" : "dn_6002:60011" }, { "id" : "f79ea0600cba42b2888bd9bd67e52a79no14", "name" : "UTS-gauss-7362_gaussdbv5dn1_0", "role" : "slave", "status" : "ACTIVE", "availability_zone" : "az2xahz", "component_names" : "dn_6001:60011" } ], "private_ips" : [ "" ], "public_ips" : [ ], "db_user_name" : "root", "vpc_id" : "5f84a5c4-2f93-41de-8359-d7acedb585cc", "subnet_id" : "300036af-a92f-4e9e-8e9f-7d20e7878b05", "security_group_id" : "2dcfd40a-8f32-46b8-8a47-6cfab5eba163", "flavor_ref" : "gaussdb.opengauss.ee.dn.m6.large.8.in", "flavor_info" : { "vcpu" : 2, "mem" : 16 }, "switch_strategy" : "Reliability", "charge_info" : { "charge_mode" : "postPaid" }, "backup_strategy" : { "start_time" : "16:00-17:00", "keep_days" : 7 }, "maintenance_window" : "18:00-22:00", "disk_encryption_id" : "", "enterprise_project_id" : "0", "instance_mode" : "enterprise", "time_zone" : "UTC+08:00", "disk_usage" : "0.9670" } ], "total_count" : 1 }
Status Code
- Normal
- Abnormal
For details, see Status Codes.
Error Code
For details, see Error Codes.
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