Help Center/ Edge Security/ API Reference/ Appendix/ Troubleshooting/ EdgeSec.00010008 Insufficient Edge WAF Certificate Quota
Updated on 2023-12-04 GMT+08:00

EdgeSec.00010008 Insufficient Edge WAF Certificate Quota

Root Cause

The edge WAF certificate quota is insufficient.

Troubleshooting Methods

View the domain name quota of edge WAF.

The certificate quota is the same as the domain name quota.

Viewing Domain Quotas

  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. Click in the upper left corner of the page and choose Security & Compliance > Edge Security.
  3. Click Edge WAF in the upper right corner of the page to view the current domain name quota.

    Figure 1 Domain name quota

    Certificate quota = Domain name quota. For example, if the domain name quota is 90, the certificate quota is 90, as shown in Domain name quota.


Purchase the domain name expansion package of the edge WAF.