Updated on 2025-01-20 GMT+08:00

Unsubscribing from SecMaster


If you no longer need SecMaster, you can unsubscribe from it or cancel it in just a few clicks.

Limitations and Constraints

  • In the pay-per-use professional edition, when you unsubscribe from or cancel the asset quota of the professional edition, the value-added package is also unsubscribed or canceled.
  • After unsubscribing from SecMaster, you need to manually release the following resources:
    • If you have enabled data collection, you need to manually release the ECSs used for data collection. For details, see Elastic Cloud Server User Guide.
    • If you have enabled data collection, you need to manually release the VPCEP nodes you used to connect and manage the collection nodes. For details, see VPC Endpoint User Guide.

Canceling Pay-per-Use SecMaster Resources

  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. Click in the upper part of the page and choose Security > SecMaster.
  3. Click Professional in the upper right corner. The edition management window is displayed.
  4. In the row of the SecMaster edition purchased in pay-per-use billing mode, click Cancel to release the purchased SecMaster resources.

    Go to the edition management window and verify that the subscription to resources billed on a pay-per-use basis is canceled.

Unsubscribing from a Plus Features

  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. Click in the upper part of the page and choose Security > SecMaster.
  3. Click Professional in the upper right corner. A window for you to manage SecMaster assets will be displayed.
  4. Click Cancel to release the pay-per-use asset quota. Go to the edition management window and verify that the pay-per-use asset quota is canceled.