Updated on 2022-06-10 GMT+08:00



To use G42 GaussDB(DWS), you only need to pay for the data warehouse node flavor you choose and corresponding resources you use.



Data warehouse node

You pay for the node flavor you choose.

  • Pay per use (hourly)

Snapshot storage space

GaussDB(DWS) provides some free-of-charge storage space for you to store the snapshot data. However, when you use more storage space than the free-of-charge storage space, the excessive space usage will be billed based on OBS billing standards on a pay-per-use basis.

The free-of-charge space is the same as the size of the total storage space of your cluster. (Free-of-charge space = Storage space of a single node x Number of nodes)

Cloud data warehouse storage

You can customize the storage type and capacity used by the cluster. The storage resources are charged separately.

(Optional) EIP and bandwidth

  • Bind an EIP to a GaussDB(DWS) cluster. The EIP is billed as per VPC EIP pricing rules.
  • You are not billed for the traffic generated by the GaussDB(DWS) cluster on the G42 network.

(Optional) Database encryption key (DEK)

If the Encrypt DataStore function is enabled when you create a GaussDB(DWS) cluster, keys of Key Management Service (KMS) are required to encrypt and decrypt the database. Keys are billed based on the DEW billing standards.

Billing Mode

  • Pay per use (hourly): In this billing mode, you can enable or disable GaussDB(DWS) as you like. You are charged based on your usage duration (accurate to minutes). A bill is generated every natural hour.

Changing Configurations

GaussDB(DWS) provides multiple node flavors. After a cluster is created, you can add nodes to scale it out as your service volume increases.

If the scale-out configuration change method provided by GaussDB(DWS) does not meet your requirements, you can create a cluster again and migrate data to the cluster to realize cluster configuration change.