Help Center/ MapReduce Service/ User Guide/ Submitting an MRS Job/ Viewing MRS Job Details and Logs
Updated on 2024-09-23 GMT+08:00

Viewing MRS Job Details and Logs

You can check the status, configuration, and run logs of all jobs in an MRS cluster on the console.

Spark SQL and DistCp jobs do not generate background logs, which means that you cannot access the running logs of these jobs online.

Viewing the Job Status

  1. Log in to the MRS console.
  2. On the Active Clusters page, select a running cluster and click its name to switch to the cluster details page.
  3. Click Job Management to view the list and status of jobs created in an MRS cluster.

    By default, jobs in the job list are sorted by submission time. For details about the parameters in the job list, see Table 1. You can quickly filter jobs by job type and job status.

    Table 1 Job list parameters




    Job name, which is set when a job is created.

    ID is the unique identifier of a job. After a job is added, the system automatically assigns a value to ID.


    Name of the user who submits a job.

    Job Type

    Job type.


    After importing and exporting files on the Files tab page, you can view the DistCp job on the Jobs page.


    Job status.

    • Submitted: The job has been submitted.
    • Accepted: Initial status of a job after it is successfully submitted.
    • Running: The job is running.
    • Completed: The job is executed.
    • Terminated: The job execution is stopped.
    • Abnormal: An error is reported during job execution, or the job execution is complete but fails.


    Execution result of a job.

    • Undefined: indicates that the job is being executed.
    • Successful: indicates that the job has been executed.
    • Killed: indicates that the job is manually terminated during execution.
    • Failed: indicates that the job fails to be executed.

    After a job is successfully executed or fails to be executed, it cannot be executed again. You can only add a job again.

    Queue Name

    Name of the resource queue bound to the user who submits the job.


    Time when a job is submitted.


    Time when a job is completed or manually stopped.


    Operations can be performed on the job. For details, see Managing MRS Cluster Jobs.

Viewing MRS Job Logs

  1. Log in to the MRS management console.
  2. Choose Active Clusters in the navigation pane, select a running cluster, and click its name to switch to the cluster details page.
  3. Click Jobs.
  4. In the Operation column of the job to be viewed, choose More > View Details.

    In the View Details window that is displayed, configuration of the selected job is displayed.

  5. Select a running job, and click View Log in the Operation column.

    In the new page that is displayed, real-time log information of the job is displayed.

    • Each tenant can submit and view 10 jobs concurrently.
    • After a job is executed, the system will compress and save the logs to the corresponding path if you choose to save job logs to OBS or HDFS. Therefore, after a job execution of this type is completed, the job status is still Running. After the log is successfully stored, the job status changes to Completed. The log storage duration depends on the log size and takes several minutes.