Updated on 2024-07-22 GMT+08:00

Querying App Tasks

The App Query page displays app installation and uninstallation tasks.

  • Enter an app package name in the search box or click next to the task type or status to filter data.
  • By default, the task list displays the task ID, task type, app package name, number of cloud phones, delivery time, and execution status. Click in the upper right corner above the list to customize columns. For details about mandatory and optional parameters, see Table 1.
    Table 1 Parameters



    Task ID

    (Mandatory) It is automatically generated by the system to distinguish tasks.

    Task Type

    (Optional) App installation or App uninstallation.

    App Package Name

    (Mandatory) Name of a local app. This parameter is a criterion in the search box.

    Cloud Phones

    (Optional) Number of cloud phone instances selected when an app installation or uninstallation task is created.


    (Optional) Time when the task is created.

    Execution Status

    (Mandatory) Execution status of the task. The status can be executing or completed.


    (Mandatory) You can view task details.

Viewing App Task Details

You can query the execution results of a created app installation or uninstallation task.

  1. Sign in to the KooPhone console.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose App Deployment > App Query.
  3. Click View Details in the Operation column on the right of a task.
  4. On the App Deployment Details page, view details and click OK.

    The list displays the execution results of all cloud phone instances in the task. You can enter a cloud phone name or ID in the search box or click the filter button next to the execution result to filter the cloud phone instances.

    Cloud phone instances are sorted by execution result in the following sequence: Failed> Executing > Unexecuted > Successful.

    Click the setting button in the upper right corner above the list to customize columns. Only the Task Type column is optional.