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- What's New
- Function Overview
Product Bulletin
- Vulnerability Notice
Product Notices
- [Notice] Starting OBT for DDS Cluster 5.0 on Nov 5, 2024
- [Notice] Huawei Cloud DDS Replica Set 5.0 Will Be Released Commercially on Oct 11, 2024
- [Notice] Huawei Cloud DDS 3.4 Will Be Discontinued on Oct 11, 2024
- [Notice] Starting OBT for DDS 5.0 on July 24, 2024
- [Notice] Specifications with CPU-Memory Ratio of 1:8 Will Be Available for x86-Powered Enhanced II Replica Set Instances and Cluster Shards on February 15, 2023
- [Notice] DDS 4.4 OBT Invitation
- [Product Discontinuation Notice] Huawei Cloud Document Database Service (DDS) Single Node Instances Will Be Discontinued on July 15, 2023
- [Notice] Huawei Cloud DDS 4.4 Will Be Released Commercially on Oct 08, 2023
- Version Description
- Product Release Notes
Service Overview
- Infographics
- What Is DDS?
- Advantages
- Comparison Between DDS and On-Premises Databases
- Typical Application Scenarios
- Functions and Features
- System Architecture
- Instances
- Notes and Constraints
- Basic Concepts
- Compatibility
- Security
- Permissions
- Related Services
- Mapping Between DDS Versions and Community Versions
- Billing
- Getting Started
User Guide
- Buying an Instance
Connecting to a DB Instance
- Connecting to a Cluster Instance
- Connecting to a Replica Set Instance
- Connecting to a Single Node Instance
- Data Migration
- Performance Tuning
- Permissions Management
- Instance Lifecycle Management
Instance Modifications
- Changing an Instance Name
- Changing an Instance Description
- Modifying an Instance Tag
- Changing the Name of the Replica Set in the Connection Address
- Upgrading a Minor Engine Version
- Upgrading a Major Engine Version
- Scaling Up Storage Space
- Changing an Instance Class
- Changing Cluster Instance Nodes
- Changing Replica Set Instance Nodes
- Configuring the Maintenance Window
- Changing an AZ
- Updating the OS of a DB Instance
Data Backups
- Backup Principles and Solutions
- Configuring an Automated Backup Policy
- Configuring an Incremental Backup Policy
- Configuring the Cross-Region Backup Policy
- Setting Backup Method for a DB Instance
- Creating a Manual Backup
- Deleting a Manual Backup
- Deleting an Automated Backup
- Stopping a Backup
- Downloading a Backup File
Data Restorations
- Solutions
- Restoring Data to a New Instance
- Restoring Data to the Original Instance
- Restoring Data to a Point in Time
- Restoring Data to an On-Premises Database
- Restoring Data of Enhanced Edition
Parameter Template Management
- Overview
- Creating a Parameter Template
- Modifying DDS DB Instance Parameters
- Viewing Parameter Change History
- Exporting a Parameter Template
- Comparing Parameter Templates
- Replicating a Parameter Template
- Resetting a Parameter Template
- Applying a Parameter Template
- Viewing Application Records of a Parameter Template
- Modifying the Description of a Parameter Template
- Deleting a Parameter Template
- Connection Management
- Database Usage
- Data Security
- Monitoring and Alarm Reporting
- Auditing
- Logs
- Task Center
- DBA Assistant
- SQL Execution Control
- Cross-AZ Disaster Recovery
- Tags
- Quotas
- DDS Usage Suggestions
- Developer Guide
Best Practices
- Overview
- Security Best Practices
- Common Methods for Connecting to a DDS Instance
- From Other Cloud MongoDB to DDS
- From On-Premises MongoDB to DDS
- From ECS-hosted MongoDB to DDS
- How Do Replica Sets Achieve High Availability and Read/Write Splitting?
- Sharding
- How Do I Improve DDS Performance by Optimizing SQL Statements?
- How Do I Prevent the dds mongos Cache Problem?
- How Do I Solve the High CPU Usage Issue?
- How Do I Troubleshoot High Memory Usage of DDS DB Instances?
- What Can I Do If the Number of Connections of an Instance Reaches Its Maximum?
- Creating a User and Granting the Read-Only Permission to the User
- Proper Use of Data Definition Languages (DDL) Statements
- How Is a DDS Node Going to Be Disconnected and What Can I Do?
- Security White Paper
- Performance White Paper
API Reference
- Before You Start
- API Overview
- Calling APIs
- Getting Started
APIs V3.0 (Recommended)
- Querying the API Version
- Querying Database Version Information
- Querying Database Specifications
- Querying the Database Disk Type
DB Instance Management
- Creating a DB Instance
- Restarting a DB Instance
- Deleting a DB Instance
- Querying Instances and Details
- Scaling Up Storage Space
- Adding Nodes for a Cluster Instance
- Modifying DB Instance Specifications
- Performing a Primary/Secondary Switchover in a Replica Set Instance
- Enabling or Disabling SSL
- Modifying a DB Instance Name
- Changing an Instance Description
- Changing a Database Port
- Changing a Security Group
- Binding an EIP
- Unbinding an EIP
- Changing a Private IP Address
- Creating Shard or Config IP Addresses of a Cluster Instance
- Configuring Cross-CIDR Access for a Replica Set
- Querying AZs to Which an Instance Can Be Migrated
- Migrating a DB Instance to Another AZ
- Setting the Recycle Bin Policy
- Adding Nodes to a Replica Set Instance
- Adding a Read Replica to an Instance
- Upgrading the Database Patch
- Enabling or Disabling Monitoring by Seconds
- Querying Second-Level Monitoring Configurations
- Configuring the Maintenance Window
- Querying the Recycling Policy of a DB Instance
- Querying DB Instances in the Recycle Bin
- Checking for Weak Passwords
- Querying the Estimated Database Patch Upgrade Duration
- Querying Instance Disk Information
- Obtaining the SSL Certificate Download Address
- Querying the Name of the Replica Set in the Connection Address
- Changing the Name of the Replica Set in the Connection Address
- Deleting Instance Nodes
- Deleting a Read Replica of an Instance
- Querying Access Across CIDR Blocks for a Replica Set Instance
- Querying LTS Log Configurations
- Associating an Instance with an LTS Log Stream
- Disassociating an Instance from an LTS Log Stream
- Configuring an Autoscaling Policy for Storage Space
- Querying the Autoscaling Policy of Storage Space
- Upgrading the Minor Versions of DB Instances in Batches
- Connection Management
Backup and Restoration
- Creating a Manual Backup
- Deleting a Manual Backup
- Querying the Backup List
- Querying an Automated Backup Policy
- Setting an Automated Backup Policy
- Restoring Data to a New DB Instance
- Obtaining the Link for Downloading a Backup File
- Querying the Restoration Time Ranges
- Obtaining the List of Databases That Can Be Restored
- Obtaining the List of Database Collections That Can Be Restored
- Restoring Data to the Original DB Instance
- Restoring Databases and Tables to a Point in Time
- Stopping a Backup
- Deleting Manual Backups in Batches
Parameter Configuration
- Obtaining Parameter Templates
- Creating a Parameter Template
- Deleting a Parameter Template
- Obtaining Details About a Parameter Template
- Modifying a Parameter Template
- Applying a Parameter Template
- Obtaining Parameters of a Specified DB Instance
- Modifying Parameters of a Specified DB Instance
- Querying Available DB Instances
- Viewing Application Records of a Parameter Template
- Viewing Parameter Change History
- Comparing Parameter Templates
- Replicating a Parameter Template
- Resetting a Parameter Template
- Checking Whether a Parameter Template Name Is Unique
- Viewing Parameter Change History of an Instance
Log Information Queries
- Querying Database Slow Logs (New)
- Obtaining Links for Downloading Slow Query Logs
- Showing Original Slow Logs
- Querying Database Error Logs (New)
- Obtaining Links for Downloading Error Logs
- Configuring SQL Audit
- Querying SQL Audit Policy
- Obtaining the Audit Log List
- Obtaining Links for Downloading Audit Logs
- Querying the Switch of Show Original Log
- Deleting Audit Logs
- Tag Management
Managing Databases and Users
- Creating a Database User
- Creating a Database Role
- Querying Details About Database Users
- Querying the Database Role List
- Changing the Password of a Database User
- Checking the Password for Logging In to a Database
- Querying Cluster Balancing Settings
- Enabling or Disabling Cluster Balancing
- Setting the Activity Time Window for Cluster Balancing
- Deleting a Database User
- Deleting a Database Role
- Querying Databases
- Quota Management
- Database O&M
- Task Management
- API V3 (Unavailable Soon)
- Examples
- Permissions Policies and Supported Actions
- Appendix
- SDK Reference
Product Consulting
- What Is the Relationship Between DDS and MongoDB Community Edition?
- Q&A About Switching Storage Engine to RocksDB for DDS 4.2 and Later Versions
- What Are the Differences Between DDS and GeminiDB Mongo?
- What Precautions Should Be Taken When Using DDS?
- What Is the Availability of DDS DB Instances?
- Will My DDS DB Instances Be Affected by Other Users' DDS DB Instances?
- Does DDS Support Multi-AZ Deployment?
- Can I Change the VPC for a Created Instance?
- Can I Change the Region for a Created Instance?
- What Is Hidden Node?
- Database Versions
- Resource Freezing, Release, Deletion, and Unsubscription
Resource and Disk Management
- Which Items Occupy the Storage Space of DDS Instances?
- Which Types of Logs and Files Occupy DDS DB Instance Storage Space?
- Why Is the Storage Space Usage Displayed on the GUI Smaller Than the Actual Usage?
- Why Does Available Disk Space Not Increase After Data Is Deleted?
- Why Is the Resident Memory of a 4 vCPUs/8 GB Memory Replica Set Instance Only 4 GB?
- Capacity Expansion and Specification Changes
Database Performance
- When Will a Primary/Standby Switchover Be Triggered for a Cluster or Replica Set?
- High Storage Usage
- What Is the Time Delay for Primary/Secondary Synchronization in a Replica Set?
- How Is Data Transferred Between the Primary and Secondary Nodes of a Replica Set?
- How Do I Clear an Alarm Saying the Shard Memory Usage Exceeds 90%?
- What Can I Do If a Query Error Is Reported After Data Is Written Into the DDS Cluster?
- Database Permissions
Creation and Deletion
- How Do I Select Instance Specifications and Nodes?
- Why Is an Instance Not Displayed on the Console After It Is Created?
- Can I Use a Template to Create DDS DB Instances?
- Why Is Data Missing from My Database?
- Will My Backups Be Deleted If I Delete My Cloud Account?
- What Are the Differences Between Instance Deletion and Unsubscription?
Database Connection
- What Should I Do If I Fail to Connect to a DDS Instance?
- What Can I Do If the Number of Connections of an Instance Reaches Its Maximum?
- How Do I Query and Limit the Number of Connections?
- What Should I Do If the ECS and DDS Are Deployed in Different VPCs and They Cannot Communicate with Each Other?
- Do Applications Need to Support Automatic Reconnecting to the DDS Database?
- How Do I Create and Log In to an ECS?
- Installing a Client
- Database Usage
- Database Migration
- Database Storage
- Database Parameters
- Backup and Restoration
- Network Security
- Monitoring and Alarm
Product Consulting
- Overview
- DDS Instance Node Fault Handling Mechanism
- Connection Failure Message: network error while attempting to run command 'isMaster'
- Connection Failure Messages: No route to host and connection attempt failed
- Connection Failure Message: Authentication failed
- Connection Failure Message: couldn't connect to server
- Connection Failure Message: cannot list multiple servers in URL without 'replicaSet' option
- Connection Failure Message: Timeout while receiving message
- Connection Failure Message: exception: login failed and U_STRINGPREP_PROHIBITED_ERROR
- Change History
- Videos
- Glossary
More Documents
User Guide (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
- Introduction
- Logging In to the DDS Console
- Getting Started with Clusters
- Getting Started with Replica Sets
- Connection Management
- Migrating Data
- Account Management
Instance Management
- Changing a DB Instance Name
- Adding Cluster Instance Nodes
- Reverting Cluster Instance Nodes
- Scaling Up Storage Space
- Changing the CPU or Memory of a Cluster DB Instance
- Changing the CPU or Memory of a Replica Set DB Instance
- Manually Switching the Primary and Secondary Nodes of a Replica Set
- Exporting DB Instance Information
- Restarting a DB Instance or a Node
- Deleting a DB Instance
- Recycling a DB Instance
- Backup and Restore
- Parameter Group Settings
- Task Center
- Monitoring and Alarm Reporting
- Auditing
- Log Management
- Tag
- Product Consulting
- Database Performance
- Creation and Deletion
Database Connection
- Can an External Server Access the DDS DB Instance?
- What Is the Number of DDS Database Connections?
- What Should I Do If an ECS Cannot Connect to a DDS DB Instance?
- What Should I Do If a Database Client Problem Causes a Connection Failure?
- What Should I Do If a DDS Server Problem Causes a Connection Failure?
- How Can My Applications Access a DDS DB Instance in a VPC?
- Do Applications Need to Support Automatic Reconnecting to the DDS Database?
- How Do I Create and Log In to an ECS?
- How Can I Install a MongoDB Client?
- How Do I Install Robo 3T?
- Database Usage
- Database Storage
- Database Parameter Modification
- Backup and Restoration
- Network Security
- Resource Monitoring
- Log Management
- Which Commands are Supported or Restricted by DDS?
- Change History
API Reference (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
- Before You Start
- API Overview
- Calling APIs
- Getting Started
API Description
- Querying the API Version
- Querying Database Version Information
- Querying All DB Instance Specifications
DB Instance Management
- Creating a DB Instance
- Restarting a DB Instance
- Deleting a DB Instance
- Querying DB Instances
- Scaling Up Storage Space
- Adding Nodes for a Cluster Instance
- Modifying DB Instance Specifications
- Performing a Primary/Secondary Switchover in a Replica Set Instance
- Enabling or Disabling SSL
- Modifying a DB Instance Name
- Changing a Database Port
- Changing a Security Group
- Binding an EIP
- Unbinding an EIP
- Changing a Private IP Address
- Backup and Restoration
- Tag Management
- Permissions Policies and Supported Actions
- Appendix
- Change History
User Guide (Paris Region)
- Introduction
- Logging In to the DDS Console
- Getting Started with Clusters
- Getting Started with Replica Sets
- Connection Management
- Migrating Data
- Account Management
Instance Management
- Changing a DB Instance Name
- Adding Cluster Instance Nodes
- Reverting Cluster Instance Nodes
- Scaling Up Storage Space
- Changing the CPU or Memory of a Cluster DB Instance
- Changing the CPU or Memory of a Replica Set DB Instance
- Manually Switching the Primary and Secondary Nodes of a Replica Set
- Exporting DB Instance Information
- Restarting a DB Instance or a Node
- Deleting a DB Instance
- Backup and Restore
- Parameter Group Settings
- Task Center
- Monitoring and Alarm Reporting
- Auditing
- Log Management
- Tag
- Product Consulting
- Database Performance
- Creation and Deletion
Database Connection
- Can an External Server Access the DDS DB Instance?
- What Is the Number of DDS Database Connections?
- What Should I Do If an ECS Cannot Connect to a DDS DB Instance?
- What Should I Do If a Database Client Problem Causes a Connection Failure?
- What Should I Do If a DDS Server Problem Causes a Connection Failure?
- How Can My Applications Access a DDS DB Instance in a VPC?
- Do Applications Need to Support Automatic Reconnecting to the DDS Database?
- How Do I Create and Log In to an ECS?
- How Can I Install a MongoDB Client?
- How Do I Install Robo 3T?
- Database Usage
- Database Storage
- Database Parameter Modification
- Backup and Restoration
- Network Security
- Log Management
- Which Commands are Supported or Restricted by DDS?
- Change History
API Reference (Paris Region)
- Before You Start
- API Overview
- Calling APIs
- Getting Started
API Description
- Querying the API Version
- Querying Database Version Information
- Querying All DB Instance Specifications
DB Instance Management
- Creating a DB Instance
- Restarting a DB Instance
- Deleting a DB Instance
- Querying DB Instances
- Scaling Up Storage Space
- Adding Nodes for a Cluster Instance
- Modifying DB Instance Specifications
- Performing a Primary/Secondary Switchover in a Replica Set Instance
- Enabling or Disabling SSL
- Modifying a DB Instance Name
- Changing a Database Port
- Changing a Security Group
- Binding an EIP
- Unbinding an EIP
- Changing a Private IP Address
- Backup and Restoration
- Appendix
- Change History
User Guide (Kuala Lumpur Region)
- Introduction
- Logging In to the DDS Console
- Getting Started with Clusters
- Getting Started with Replica Sets
- Connection Management
- Migrating Data
- Account Management
Instance Management
- Changing a DB Instance Name
- Adding Cluster Instance Nodes
- Reverting Cluster Instance Nodes
- Scaling Up Storage Space
- Changing the CPU or Memory of a Cluster DB Instance
- Changing the CPU or Memory of a Replica Set DB Instance
- Manually Switching the Primary and Secondary Nodes of a Replica Set
- Exporting DB Instance Information
- Restarting a DB Instance or a Node
- Deleting a DB Instance
- Recycling a DB Instance
- Backup and Restore
- Parameter Group Settings
- Task Center
- Monitoring and Alarm Reporting
- Auditing
- Log Management
- Tag
- Product Consulting
- Database Performance
- Creation and Deletion
Database Connection
- Can an External Server Access the DDS DB Instance?
- What Is the Number of DDS Database Connections?
- What Should I Do If an ECS Cannot Connect to a DDS DB Instance?
- What Should I Do If a Database Client Problem Causes a Connection Failure?
- What Should I Do If a DDS Server Problem Causes a Connection Failure?
- How Can My Applications Access a DDS DB Instance in a VPC?
- Do Applications Need to Support Automatic Reconnecting to the DDS Database?
- How Do I Create and Log In to an ECS?
- How Can I Install a MongoDB Client?
- How Do I Install Robo 3T?
- Database Usage
- Database Storage
- Database Parameter Modification
- Backup and Restoration
- Network Security
- Resource Monitoring
- Log Management
- Which Commands are Supported or Restricted by DDS?
- Change History
API Reference (Kuala Lumpur Region)
- Before You Start
- API Overview
- Calling APIs
- Getting Started
API Description
- Querying the API Version
- Querying Database Version Information
- Querying All DB Instance Specifications
DB Instance Management
- Creating a DB Instance
- Restarting a DB Instance
- Deleting a DB Instance
- Querying DB Instances
- Scaling Up Storage Space
- Adding Nodes for a Cluster Instance
- Modifying DB Instance Specifications
- Performing a Primary/Secondary Switchover in a Replica Set Instance
- Enabling or Disabling SSL
- Changing the Administrator Password
- Modifying a DB Instance Name
- Changing a Database Port
- Changing a Security Group
- Binding an EIP
- Unbinding an EIP
- Changing a Private IP Address
- Backup and Restoration
- Tag Management
- Permissions Policies and Supported Actions
- Appendix
- Change History
User Guide (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
- General Reference
Show all
Database parameters are key configuration items in a database system. Improper parameter settings may adversely affect database performance. This document describes some important parameters. For details on parameter descriptions, visit MongoDB official website.
For details about how to change parameter values on the console, see Modifying DDS DB Instance Parameters.
- enableMajorityReadConcern
This parameter indicates whether data read has been acknowledged by a majority of nodes.
The default value is false, indicating that data read is returned after being acknowledged by a single node.
If this parameter is set to true, data read is returned after being acknowledged by a majority of nodes. This operation will increase the size of the LAS file, resulting in high CPU usage and disk usage.
In DDS, read concern cannot be set to majority. If majority read concern is required, you can set write concern to majority, indicating that data is written to a majority of nodes. In this way, data on most nodes is consistent. Then, by reading data from a single node, it can be ensured that the data has been written to a majority of nodes, and there are no dirty reads.
Write concern and read concern respectively specify the write and read policies for MongoDB.
If read concern is set to majority, data read by users has been written to a majority of nodes and will not be rolled back to avoid dirty reads.
- failIndexKeyTooLong
The default value is true.
This parameter cannot be modified to avoid an excessively long index key.
- net.maxIncomingConnections
This parameter indicates the maximum number of concurrent connections that dds mongos or mongod can accept. The default value depends on the instance specifications. This parameter is displayed as default before being set, indicating that the parameter value varies with the memory specifications.
- security.javascriptEnabled
The default value is false.
This parameter indicates whether JavaScript scripts can be executed on mongod. For security purposes, the default value is false, indicating that JavaScript scripts cannot be executed on mongod, and the mapreduce and group commands cannot be used.
- disableJavaScriptJIT
The default value is true.
This parameter indicates whether to disable JavaScript JIT compilation. JavaScript JIT compilation enables just-in-time (JIT) compilation to improve the performance of running scripts.
disableJavaScriptJIT: The default value is true, indicating that the JavaScriptJIT compiler is disabled. To enable JavaScript JIT compilation, set disableJavaScriptJIT to false.
- operationProfiling.mode
The parameter value is slowOp by default.
This parameter indicates the level of the database analyzer.
This parameter supports the following values:
- The default value is slowOp, indicating that the collector records statements whose response time exceeds the threshold.
- The value off indicates that the analyzer is disabled and does not collect any data.
- The value all indicates that the collector collects data of all operations.
- operationProfiling.slowOpThresholdMs
The default value is 500 and the unit is ms.
This parameter indicates the threshold for slow queries in the unit of ms. Queries that take longer than the threshold are deemed as slow queries.
Unless otherwise specified, setting the value to 500 ms is recommended.
- maxTransactionLockRequestTimeoutMillis
The value ranges from 5 to 100, in milliseconds. The default value is 5.
This parameter specifies the time for a transaction to wait for locks. If the time is exceeded, the transaction is rolled back.
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