このページは、お客様の言語ではご利用いただけません。Huawei Cloudは、より多くの言語バージョンを追加するために懸命に取り組んでいます。ご協力ありがとうございました。
- What's New
- Function Overview
- Service Overview
- Data Governance Methodology
- Preparations
- Getting Started
User Guide
- DataArts Studio development process
Buying and Configuring a DataArts Studio Instance
- Buying a DataArts Studio Instance
Buying a DataArts Studio Incremental Package
- Introduction to Incremental Packages
- Buying a DataArts Migration Incremental Package
- Buying a DataArts Migration Resource Group Incremental Package
- Buying a DataArts DataService Exclusive Cluster Incremental Package
- Buying an Incremental Package for Job Node Scheduling Times/Day
- Buying an Incremental Package for Technical Asset Quantity
- Buying an Incremental Package for Data Model Quantity
- Accessing the DataArts Studio Instance Console
- Creating and Configuring a Workspace in Simple Mode
- (Optional) Creating and Using a Workspace in Enterprise Mode
- Managing DataArts Studio Resources
- Authorizing Users to Use DataArts Studio
Management Center
- Data Sources Supported by DataArts Studio
- Creating a DataArts Studio Data Connection
Configuring DataArts Studio Data Connection Parameters
- DWS Connection Parameters
- DLI Connection Parameters
- MRS Hive Connection Parameters
- MRS HBase Connection Parameters
- MRS Kafka Connection Parameters
- MRS Spark Connection Parameters
- MRS ClickHouse Connection Parameters
- MRS Hetu Connection Parameters
- MRS Impala Connection Parameters
- MRS Ranger Connection Parameters
- MRS Presto Connection Parameters
- Doris Connection Parameters
- OpenSource ClickHouse Connection Parameters
- RDS Connection Parameters
- Oracle Connection Parameters
- DIS Connection Parameters
- Host Connection Parameters
- Rest Client Connection Parameters
- Redis Connection Parameters
- SAP HANA Connection Parameters
- LTS Connection Parameters
- Configuring DataArts Studio Resource Migration
- Configuring Environment Isolation for a DataArts Studio Workspace in Enterprise Mode
- Typical Scenarios for Using Management Center
DataArts Migration (CDM Jobs)
- Overview
- Notes and Constraints
- Supported Data Sources
- Creating and Managing a CDM Cluster
Creating a Link in a CDM Cluster
- Creating a Link Between CDM and a Data Source
Configuring Link Parameters
- OBS Link Parameters
- PostgreSQL/SQLServer Link Parameters
- GaussDB(DWS) Link Parameters
- RDS for MySQL/MySQL Database Link Parameters
- Oracle Database Link Parameters
- DLI Link Parameters
- Hive Link Parameters
- HBase Link Parameters
- HDFS Link Parameters
- FTP/SFTP Link Parameters
- Redis Link Parameters
- DDS Link Parameters
- CloudTable Link Parameters
- MongoDB Link Parameters
- Cassandra Link Parameters
- DIS Link Parameters
- Kafka Link Parameters
- DMS Kafka Link Parameters
- CSS Link Parameters
- Elasticsearch Link Parameters
- Dameng Database Link Parameters
- SAP HANA Link Parameters
- Shard Link Parameters
- MRS Hudi Link Parameters
- MRS ClickHouse Link Parameters
- ShenTong Database Link Parameters
- CloudTable OpenTSDB Link Parameters
- GBASE Link Parameters
- YASHAN Link Parameters
- Uploading a CDM Link Driver
- Creating a Hadoop Cluster Configuration
Creating a Job in a CDM Cluster
- Table/File Migration Jobs
- Creating an Entire Database Migration Job
Configuring CDM Source Job Parameters
- From OBS
- From HDFS
- From HBase/CloudTable
- From Hive
- From DLI
- From HTTP
- From PostgreSQL/SQL Server
- From DWS
- From MySQL
- From Oracle
- From a Database Shard
- From MongoDB/DDS
- From Redis
- From DIS
- From Kafka/DMS Kafka
- From Elasticsearch or CSS
- From OpenTSDB
- From MRS Hudi
- From MRS ClickHouse
- From a ShenTong Database
- From a Dameng Database
- Configuring CDM Destination Job Parameters
- Configuring CDM Job Field Mapping
- Configuring a Scheduled CDM Job
- Managing CDM Job Configuration
- Managing a CDM Job
- Managing CDM Jobs
- Using Macro Variables of Date and Time
- Improving Migration Performance
Key Operation Guide
- Incremental Migration
- Migration in Transaction Mode
- Encryption and Decryption During File Migration
- MD5 Verification
- Configuring Field Converters
- Adding Fields
- Migrating Files with Specified Names
- Regular Expressions for Separating Semi-structured Text
- Recording the Time When Data Is Written to the Database
- File Formats
- Converting Unsupported Data Types
- Auto Table Creation
- Creating an MRS Hive Link
- Creating a MySQL Link
- Migrating Data from MySQL to MRS Hive
- Migrating Data from MySQL to OBS
- Migrating Data from MySQL to DWS
- Migrating an Entire MySQL Database to RDS
- Migrating Data from Oracle to CSS
- Migrating Data from Oracle to DWS
- Migrating Data from OBS to CSS
- Migrating Data from OBS to DLI
- Migrating Data from MRS HDFS to OBS
- Migrating the Entire Elasticsearch Database to CSS
- Error Codes
- DataArts Migration (Offline Jobs)
DataArts Migration (Real-Time Jobs)
- Overview of Real-Time Jobs
- Supported Data Sources
- Check Before Use
Enabling Network Communications
- Database Deployed in an On-premises IDC
- Database Deployed on Another Cloud
Database Deployed on Huawei Cloud
- Enabling Network Communications Directly for the Same Region and Tenant
- Using a VPC Peering Connection to Enable Network Communications for the Same Region but Different Tenants
- Using an Enterprise Router to Enable Network Communications for the Same Region but Different Tenants
- Using a Cloud Connection to Enable Cross-Region Network Communications
- Creating a Real-Time Migration Job
- Configuring a Real-Time Migration Job
- Real-Time Migration Job O&M
- Field Type Mapping
Job Performance Optimization
- Overview
- Optimizing Job Parameters
- Optimizing the Parameters of a Job for Migrating Data from MySQL to MRS Hudi
- Optimizing the Parameters of a Job for Migrating Data from MySQL to GaussDB(DWS)
- Optimizing the Parameters of a Job for Migrating Data from MySQL to DMS for Kafka
- Optimizing the Parameters of a Job for Migrating Data from DMS for Kafka to OBS
- Optimizing the Parameters of a Job for Migrating Data from Apache Kafka to MRS Kafka
- Optimizing the Parameters of a Job for Migrating Data from SQL Server to MRS Hudi
- Optimizing the Parameters of a Job for Migrating Data from PostgreSQL to GaussDB(DWS)
- Optimizing the Parameters of a Job for Migrating Data from Oracle to GaussDB(DWS)
- Optimizing the Parameters of a Job for Migrating Data from Oracle to MRS Hudi
- Overview
- Migrating a DRS Task to DataArts Migration
- Configuring a Job for Synchronizing Data from MySQL to MRS Hudi
- Configuring a Job for Synchronizing Data from MySQL to GaussDB(DWS)
- Configuring a Job for Synchronizing Data from MySQL to Kafka
- Configuring a Job for Synchronizing Data from DMS for Kafka to OBS
- Configuring a Job for Synchronizing Data from Apache Kafka to MRS Kafka
- Configuring a Job for Synchronizing Data from SQL Server to MRS Hudi
- Configuring a Job for Synchronizing Data from PostgreSQL to GaussDB(DWS)
- Configuring a Job for Synchronizing Data from Oracle to GaussDB(DWS)
- Configuring a Job for Synchronizing Data from Oracle to MRS Hudi
- Configuring a Job for Synchronizing Data from MongoDB to GaussDB(DWS)
- DataArts Architecture
DataArts Factory
- Overview
- Data Management
- Script Development
Job Development
- Job Development Process
- Creating a Job
- Developing a Pipeline Job
- Developing a Batch Processing Single-Task SQL Job
- Developing a Real-Time Processing Single-Task MRS Flink SQL Job
- Developing a Real-Time Processing Single-Task MRS Flink Jar Job
- Developing a Real-Time Processing Single-Task DLI Spark Job
- Setting Up Scheduling for a Job
- Submitting a Version
- Releasing a Job Task
- (Optional) Managing Jobs
- Migration Job Development
- Notebook Development
- Solution
- Execution History
- O&M and Scheduling
- Configuration and Management
- Review Center
- Download Center
Node Reference
- Node Overview
- Node Lineages
- CDM Job
- Data Migration
- DIS Stream
- DIS Dump
- DIS Client
- Rest Client
- Import GES
- MRS Kafka
- Kafka Client
- DLI Flink Job
- DLI Spark
- MRS Spark SQL
- MRS Hive SQL
- MRS Presto SQL
- MRS Spark
- MRS Spark Python
- MRS ClickHouse
- MRS Impala SQL
- MRS Flink Job
- MRS MapReduce
- Shell
- ETL Job
- Python
- ModelArts Train
- Create OBS
- Delete OBS
- OBS Manager
- Open/Close Resource
- Data Quality Monitor
- Subjob
- For Each
- Dummy
- EL Expression Reference
- Simple Variable Set
Usage Guidance
- Referencing Parameters in Scripts and Jobs
- Setting the Job Scheduling Time to the Last Day of Each Month
- Configuring a Yearly Scheduled Job
- Using PatchData
- Obtaining the Output of an SQL Node
- Obtaining the Maximum Value and Transferring It to a CDM Job Using a Query SQL Statement
- IF Statements
- Obtaining the Return Value of a Rest Client Node
- Using For Each Nodes
- Using Script Templates and Parameter Templates
- Developing a Python Job
- Developing a DWS SQL Job
- Developing a Hive SQL Job
- Developing a DLI Spark Job
- Developing an MRS Flink Job
- Developing an MRS Spark Python Job
- DataArts Quality
- DataArts Catalog
DataArts Security
- Overview
- Dashboard
Unified Permission Governance
- Permission Governance Process
- Authorizing dlg_agency
- Checking the Cluster Version and Permissions
- Synchronizing IAM Users to the Data Source
Controlling Data Access Using Permissions
- Configuring Workspace Permission Sets
- Configuring Permission Sets
- Configuring Roles
- Managing Members
- Configuring Row-level Access Control
- Synchronizing MRS Hive and Hetu Permissions
- Applying for and Approving Permissions
- Managing the Permission Validity Period
- Configuring a Database Creation Application
- Enabling Fine-grained Authentication
- Enabling Account Mapping
- Configuring Permissions for Future Tables
- Controlling Service Resource Access
- Controlling Ranger Access Using Permissions
- Sensitive Data Governance
- Sensitive Data Protection
- Data Security Operations
- Managing the Recycle Bin
DataArts DataService
- Overview
- Specifications
- Developing APIs in DataArts DataService
Calling APIs in DataArts DataService
- Applying for API Authorization
Calling APIs Using Different Methods
- API Calling Methods
- (Recommended) Using an SDK to Call an API Which Uses App Authentication
- Using an API Tool to Call an API Which Uses App Authentication
- Using an API Tool to Call an API Which Uses IAM Authentication
- Using an API Tool to Call an API Which Requires No Authentication
- Using a Browser to Call an API Which Requires No Authentication
- Viewing API Access Logs
- Configuring Review Center
- Audit Log
Best Practices
Advanced Data Migration Guidance
- Incremental Migration
- Using Macro Variables of Date and Time
- Migration in Transaction Mode
- Encryption and Decryption During File Migration
- MD5 Verification
- Configuring Field Converters
- Adding Fields
- Migrating Files with Specified Names
- Regular Expressions for Separating Semi-structured Text
- Recording the Time When Data Is Written to the Database
- File Formats
- Converting Unsupported Data Types
Advanced Data Development Guidance
- Dependency Policies for Periodic Scheduling
- Scheduling by Discrete Hours and Scheduling by the Nearest Job Instance
- Using PatchData
- Setting the Job Scheduling Time to the Last Day of Each Month
- Obtaining the Output of an SQL Node
- IF Statements
- Obtaining the Return Value of a Rest Client Node
- Using For Each Nodes
- Invoking DataArts Quality Operators Using DataArts Factory and Transferring Quality Parameters During Job Running
- Scheduling Jobs Across Workspaces
DataArts Studio Data Migration Configuration
- Overview
- Management Center Data Migration Configuration
- DataArts Migration Data Migration Configuration
- DataArts Architecture Data Migration Configuration
- DataArts Factory Data Migration Configuration
- DataArts Quality Data Migration Configuration
- DataArts Catalog Data Migration Configuration
- DataArts Security Data Migration Configuration
- DataArts DataService Data Migration Configuration
- Least Privilege Authorization
- How Do I View the Number of Table Rows and Database Size?
- Comparing Data Before and After Data Migration Using DataArts Quality
- Configuring Alarms for Jobs in DataArts Factory of DataArts Studio
- Scheduling a CDM Job by Transferring Parameters Using DataArts Factory
- Enabling Incremental Data Migration Through DataArts Factory
- Creating Table Migration Jobs in Batches Using CDM Nodes
- Automatic Construction and Analysis of Graph Data
- Simplified Migration of Trade Data to the Cloud and Analysis
- Migration of IoV Big Data to the Lake Without Loss
- Real-Time Alarm Platform Construction
Advanced Data Migration Guidance
- SDK Reference
API Reference
- Before You Start
- API Overview
- Calling APIs
DataArts Migration APIs
Cluster Management
- Querying Cluster Details
- Deleting a Cluster
- Querying All AZs
- Querying Supported Versions
- Querying Version Specifications
- Querying Details About a Flavor
- Querying the Enterprise Project IDs of All Clusters
- Querying the Enterprise Project ID of a Specified Cluster
- Query a Specified Instance in a Cluster
- Modifying a Cluster
- Restarting a Cluster
- Starting a Cluster
- Stopping a Cluster (To Be Taken Offline)
- Creating a Cluster
- Querying the Cluster List
- Job Management
- Link Management
- Public Data Structures
Cluster Management
DataArts Factory APIs (V1)
- Script Development APIs
- Resource Management APIs
Job Development APIs
- Creating a Job
- Modifying a Job
- Viewing a Job List
- Viewing Job Details
- Viewing a Job File
- Exporting a Job
- Batch Exporting Jobs
- Importing a Job
- Executing a Job Immediately
- Starting a Job
- Stopping a Job
- Deleting a Job
- Stopping a Job Instance
- Rerunning a Job Instance
- Viewing Running Status of a Real-Time Job
- Viewing a Job Instance List
- Viewing Job Instance Details
- Querying System Task Details
Connection Management APIs (To Be Taken Offline)
- Creating a Connection (to Be Taken Offline)
- Querying a Connection List (to Be Taken Offline)
- Querying Connection Details (to Be Taken Offline)
- Modifying a Connection (to Be Taken Offline)
- Deleting a Connection (to Be Taken Offline)
- Exporting Connections (to Be Taken Offline)
- Importing Connections (to Be Taken Offline)
DataArts Factory APIs (V2)
Job Development APIs
- Creating a PatchData Instance
- Querying PatchData Instances
- Stopping a PatchData Instance
- Changing a Job Name
- Querying Release Packages
- Querying Details About a Release Package
- Configuring Job Tags
- Querying Alarm Notifications
- Releasing Task Packages
- Canceling Task Packages
- Querying the Instance Execution Status
- Querying Completed Tasks
- Querying Instances of a Specified Job
Job Development APIs
DataArts Architecture APIs
- Overview
- Information Architecture
- Data Standards
- Data Sources
- Process Architecture
- Data Standard Templates
- Approval Management
- Subject Management
- Subject Levels
- Catalog Management
- Atomic Metrics
- Derivative Metrics
- Compound Metrics
- Dimensions
- Filters
- Dimension Tables
- Fact Tables
- Summary Tables
- Business Metrics
- Version Information
ER Modeling
- Lookup Table Model List
- Creating a Table Model
- Updating a Table Model
- Deleting a Table Model
- Querying a Relationship
- Viewing Relationship Details
- Querying All Relationships in a Model
- Viewing Table Model Details
- Obtaining a Model
- Creating a Model Workspace
- Updating the Model Workspace
- Deleting a Model Workspace
- Viewing Details About a Model
- Querying Destination Tables and Fields (To Be Offline)
- Exporting DDL Statements of Tables in a Model
- Converting a Logical Model to a Physical Model
- Obtaining the Operation Result
- Import and Export
- Customized Items
- Quality Rules
- Tag API
- Lookup Table Management
- DataArts Quality APIs
DataArts DataService APIs
API Management
- Create an API
- Querying an API List
- Updating an API
- Querying API Information
- Deleting APIs
- Publishing an API
- API operations (offline/suspension/resumption)
- Batch Authorization API (Exclusive Edition)
- Debugging an API
- API authorization operations (authorization/authorization cancellation/application/renewal)
- Querying API Publishing Messages in DLM Exclusive
- Querying Instances for API Operations in DLM Exclusive
- Querying API Debugging Messages in DLM Exclusive
- Importing an Excel File Containing APIs
- Exporting an Excel File Containing APIs
- Exporting a .zip File Containing All APIs
- Downloading an Excel Template
- Application Management
- Message Management
- Authorization Management
Service Catalog Management
- Obtaining the List of APIs and Catalogs in a Catalog
- Obtaining the List of APIs in a Catalog
- Obtaining the List of Sub-Catalogs in a Catalog
- Updating a Service Catalog
- Query the service catalog
- Creating a Service Catalog
- Deleting Directories in Batches
- Moving a Catalog to Another Catalog
- Moving APIs to Another Catalog
- Obtaining the ID of a Catalog Through Its Path
- Obtaining the Path of a Catalog Through Its ID
- Obtaining the Paths to a Catalog Through Its ID
- Querying the Service Catalog API List
- Gateway Management
- App Management
- Querying and Collecting Statistics on User-related Overview Development Indicators
- This API is used to query and collect statistics on user-related overview invoking metrics.
- Querying Top N API Services Invoked
- Querying Top N Services Used by an App
- Querying API Statistics Details
- Querying App Statistics
- Querying API Dashboard Data Details
- Querying Data Details of a Specified API Dashboard
- Querying App Dashboard Data Details
- Querying Top N APIs Called by a Specified API Application
- Cluster Management
API Management
- Application Cases
- Appendix
Consultation and Billing
- How Do I Select a Region and an AZ?
- What Is a Database, Data Warehouse, Data Lake, and Huawei FusionInsight Intelligent Data Lake? What Are the Differences and Relationships Between Them?
- What Is the Relationship Between DataArts Studio and Huawei Horizon Digital Platform?
- What Are the Differences Between DataArts Studio and ROMA?
- Can DataArts Studio Be Deployed in a Local Data Center or on a Private Cloud?
- How Do I Create a Fine-Grained Permission Policy in IAM?
- How Do I Isolate Workspaces So That Users Cannot View Unauthorized Workspaces?
- What Should I Do If a User Cannot View Workspaces After I Have Assigned the Required Policy to the User?
- What Should I Do If Insufficient Permissions Are Prompted When I Am Trying to Perform an Operation as an IAM User?
- Can I Delete DataArts Studio Workspaces?
- Can I Transfer a Purchased or Trial Instance to Another Account?
- Does DataArts Studio Support Version Upgrade?
- Does DataArts Studio Support Version Downgrade?
- How Do I View the DataArts Studio Instance Version?
- Why Can't I Select a Specified IAM Project When Purchasing a DataArts Studio Instance?
- What Is the Session Timeout Period of DataArts Studio? Can the Session Timeout Period Be Modified?
- Will My Data Be Retained If My Package Expires or My Pay-per-Use Resources Are in Arrears?
- How Do I Check the Remaining Validity Period of a Package?
- Why Isn't the CDM Cluster in a DataArts Studio Instance Billed?
- Why Does the System Display a Message Indicating that the Number of Daily Executed Nodes Has Reached the Upper Limit? What Should I Do?
Management Center
- Which Data Sources Can DataArts Studio Connect To?
- What Are the Precautions for Creating Data Connections?
- What Should I Do If Database or Table Information Cannot Be Obtained Through a GaussDB(DWS)/Hive/HBase Data Connection?
- Why Are MRS Hive/HBase Clusters Not Displayed on the Page for Creating Data Connections?
- What Should I Do If a GaussDB(DWS) Connection Test Fails When SSL Is Enabled for the Connection?
- Can I Create Multiple Connections to the Same Data Source in a Workspace?
- Should I Select the API or Proxy Connection Type When Creating a Data Connection in Management Center?
- How Do I Migrate the Data Development Jobs and Data Connections from One Workspace to Another?
DataArts Migration (CDM Jobs)
- What Are the Differences Between CDM and Other Data Migration Services?
- What Are the Advantages of CDM?
- What Are the Security Protection Mechanisms of CDM?
- How Do I Reduce the Cost of Using CDM?
- Will I Be Billed If My CDM Cluster Does Not Use the Data Transmission Function?
- Why Am I Billed Pay per Use When I Have Purchased a Yearly/Monthly CDM Incremental Package?
- How Do I Check the Remaining Validity Period of a Package?
- Can CDM Be Shared by Different Tenants?
- Can I Upgrade a CDM Cluster?
- How Is the Migration Performance of CDM?
- What Is the Number of Concurrent Jobs for Different CDM Cluster Versions?
- Does CDM Support Incremental Data Migration?
- Does CDM Support Field Conversion?
- What Component Versions Are Recommended for Migrating Hadoop Data Sources?
- What Data Formats Are Supported When the Data Source Is Hive?
- Can I Synchronize Jobs to Other Clusters?
- Can I Create Jobs in Batches?
- Can I Schedule Jobs in Batches?
- How Do I Back Up CDM Jobs?
- What Should I Do If Only Some Nodes in a HANA Cluster Can Communicate with the CDM Cluster?
- How Do I Use Java to Invoke CDM RESTful APIs to Create Data Migration Jobs?
- How Do I Connect the On-Premises Intranet or Third-Party Private Network to CDM?
- Does CDM Support Parameters or Variables?
- How Do I Set the Number of Concurrent Extractors for a CDM Migration Job?
- Does CDM Support Real-Time Migration of Dynamic Data?
- Can I Stop CDM Clusters?
- How Do I Obtain the Current Time Using an Expression?
- What Should I Do If the Log Prompts that the Date Format Fails to Be Parsed?
- What Can I Do If the Map Field Tab Page Cannot Display All Columns?
- How Do I Select Distribution Columns When Using CDM to Migrate Data to GaussDB(DWS)?
- What Do I Do If the Error Message "value too long for type character varying" Is Displayed When I Migrate Data to DWS?
- What Can I Do If Error Message "Unable to execute the SQL statement" Is Displayed When I Import Data from OBS to SQL Server?
- What Should I Do If the Cluster List Is Empty, I Have No Access Permission, or My Operation Is Denied?
- Why Is Error ORA-01555 Reported During Migration from Oracle to DWS?
- What Should I Do If the MongoDB Connection Migration Fails?
- What Should I Do If a Hive Migration Job Is Suspended for a Long Period of Time?
- What Should I Do If an Error Is Reported Because the Field Type Mapping Does Not Match During Data Migration Using CDM?
- What Should I Do If a JDBC Connection Timeout Error Is Reported During MySQL Migration?
- What Should I Do If a CDM Migration Job Fails After a Link from Hive to GaussDB(DWS) Is Created?
- How Do I Use CDM to Export MySQL Data to an SQL File and Upload the File to an OBS Bucket?
- What Should I Do If CDM Fails to Migrate Data from OBS to DLI?
- What Should I Do If a CDM Connector Reports the Error "Configuration Item [linkConfig.iamAuth] Does Not Exist"?
- What Should I Do If Error "Configuration Item [linkConfig.createBackendLinks] Does Not Exist" or "Configuration Item [throttlingConfig.concurrentSubJobs] Does Not Exist" Is Reported?
- What Should I Do If Message "CORE_0031:Connect time out. (Cdm.0523)" Is Displayed During the Creation of an MRS Hive Link?
- What Should I Do If Message "CDM Does Not Support Auto Creation of an Empty Table with No Column" Is Displayed When I Enable Auto Table Creation?
- What Should I Do If I Cannot Obtain the Schema Name When Creating an Oracle Relational Database Migration Job?
- What Should I Do If invalid input syntax for integer: "true" Is Displayed During MySQL Database Migration?
DataArts Migration (Real-Time Jobs)
- Overview
- How Do I Troubleshoot a Network Disconnection Between the Data Source and Resource Group?
- Which Ports Must Be Allowed by the Data Source Security Group So That DataArts Migration Can Access the Data Source?
- How Do I Configure a Spark Periodic Task for Hudi Compaction?
- What Should I Do If an Error Is Reported During DDL Synchronization of New Columns in a Real-Time MySQL-to-DWS Synchronization Job?
- Why Does DWS Filter the Null Value of the Primary Key During Real-Time Synchronization from MySQL to DWS?
- What Should I Do If a Job for Synchronizing Data from Kafka to DLI in Real Time Fails and "Array element access needs an index starting at 1 but was 0" Is Displayed?
- How Do I Grant the Log Archiving, Query, and Parsing Permissions of an Oracle Data Source?
- How Do I Manually Delete Replication Slots from a PostgreSQL Data Source?
DataArts Architecture
- What Is the Relationship Between Lookup Tables and Data Standards?
- What Are the Differences Between ER Modeling and Dimensional Modeling?
- What Data Modeling Methods Are Supported by DataArts Architecture?
- How Can I Use Standardized Data?
- Does DataArts Architecture Support Database Reversing?
- What Are the Differences Between the Metrics in DataArts Architecture and DataArts Quality?
- Why Doesn't the Table in the Database Change After I Have Modified Fields in an ER or Dimensional Model?
- Can I Configure Lifecycle Management for Tables?
- How Should I Select a Subject When a Public Dimension (Date, Region, Supplier, or Product) Is Shared by Multiple Subject Areas?
- How Can I Create an Atomic Metric Using a Dimension Table Since Only a Fact Table Can Be Selected for Creating an Atomic Metric?
DataArts Factory
- How Many Jobs Can Be Created in DataArts Factory? Is There a Limit on the Number of Nodes in a Job?
- Does DataArts Studio Support Custom Python Scripts?
- How Can I Quickly Rectify a Deleted CDM Cluster Associated with a Job?
- Why Is There a Large Difference Between Job Execution Time and Start Time of a Job?
- Will Subsequent Jobs Be Affected If a Job Fails to Be Executed During Scheduling of Dependent Jobs? What Should I Do?
- What Should I Pay Attention to When Using DataArts Studio to Schedule Big Data Services?
- What Are the Differences and Relationships Between Environment Variables, Job Parameters, and Script Parameters?
- What Should I Do If a Job Log Cannot Be Opened and Error 404 Is Reported?
- What Should I Do If the Agency List Fails to Be Obtained During Agency Configuration?
- Why Can't I Select Specified Peripheral Resources When Creating a Data Connection in DataArts Factory?
- Why Can't I Receive Job Failure Alarm Notifications After I Have Configured SMN Notifications?
- Why Is There No Job Running Scheduling Log on the Monitor Instance Page After Periodic Scheduling Is Configured for a Job?
- Why Isn't the Error Cause Displayed on the Console When a Hive SQL or Spark SQL Scripts Fails?
- What Should I Do If the Token Is Invalid During the Execution of a Data Development Node?
- How Do I View Run Logs After a Job Is Tested?
- Why Does a Job Scheduled by Month Start Running Before the Job Scheduled by Day Is Complete?
- What Should I Do If Invalid Authentication Is Reported When I Run a DLI Script?
- Why Cannot I Select a Desired CDM Cluster in Proxy Mode When Creating a Data Connection?
- Why Is There No Job Running Scheduling Record After Daily Scheduling Is Configured for the Job?
- What Do I Do If No Content Is Displayed in Job Logs?
- Why Do I Fail to Establish a Dependency Between Two Jobs?
- What Should I Do If an Error Is Reported During Job Scheduling in DataArts Studio, Indicating that the Job Has Not Been Submitted?
- What Should I Do If an Error Is Reported During Job Scheduling in DataArts Studio, Indicating that the Script Associated with Node XXX in the Job Has Not Been Submitted?
- What Should I Do If a Job Fails to Be Executed After Being Submitted for Scheduling and an Error Displayed: Depend Job [XXX] Is Not Running Or Pause?
- How Do I Create Databases and Data Tables? Do Databases Correspond to Data Connections?
- Why Is No Result Displayed After a Hive Task Is Executed?
- Why Is the Last Instance Status On the Monitor Instance Page Either Successful or Failed?
- How Do I Configure Notifications for All Jobs?
- What Is the Maximum Number of Nodes That Can Be Executed Simultaneously?
- Can I Change the Time Zone of a DataArts Studio Instance?
- How Do I Synchronize the Changed Names of CDM Jobs to DataArts Factory?
- Why Does the Execution of an RDS SQL Statement Fail and an Error Is Reported Indicating That hll Does Not Exist?
- What Should I Do If Error Message "The account has been locked" Is Displayed When I Am Creating a DWS Data Connection?
- What Should I Do If a Job Instance Is Canceled and Message "The node start execute failed, so the current node status is set to cancel." Is Displayed?
- What Should I Do If Error Message "Workspace does not exists" Is Displayed When I Call a DataArts Factory API?
- Why Don't the URL Parameters for Calling an API Take Effect in the Test Environment When the API Can Be Called Properly Using Postman?
- What Should I Do If Error Message "Agent need to be updated?" Is Displayed When I Run a Python Script?
- Why Is an Execution Failure Displayed for a Node in the Log When the Node Status Is Successful?
- What Should I Do If an Unknown Exception Occurs When I Call a DataArts Factory API?
- Why Is an Error Message Indicating an Invalid Resource Name Is Displayed When I Call a Resource Creation API?
- Why Does a PatchData Task Fail When All PatchData Job Instances Are Successful?
- Why Is a Table Unavailable When an Error Message Indicating that the Table Already Exists Is Displayed During Table Creation from a DWS Data Connection?
- What Should I Do If Error Message "The throttling threshold has been reached: policy user over ratelimit,limit:60,time:1 minute." Is Displayed When I Schedule an MRS Spark Job?
- What Should I Do If Error Message "UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position 63-64: ordinal not in range(128)" Is Displayed When I Run a Python Script?
- What Should I Do If an Error Message Is Displayed When I View Logs?
- What Should I Do If a Shell/Python Node Fails and Error "session is down" Is Reported?
- What Should I Do If a Parameter Value in a Request Header Contains More Than 512 Characters?
- What Should I Do If a Message Is Displayed Indicating that the ID Does Not Exist During the Execution of a DWS SQL Script?
- How Do I Check Which Jobs Invoke a CDM Job?
- What Should I Do If Error Message "The request parameter invalid" Is Displayed When I Use Python to Call the API for Executing Scripts?
- What Should I Do If the Default Queue of a New DLI SQL Script in DataArts Factory Has Been Deleted?
- Does the Event-based Scheduling Type in DataArts Factory Support Offline Kafka?
DataArts Quality
- What Are the Differences Between Quality Jobs and Comparison Jobs?
- How Can I Confirm that a Quality Job or Comparison Job Is Blocked?
- How Do I Manually Restart a Blocked Quality Job or Comparison Job?
- How Do I View Jobs Associated with a Quality Rule Template?
- What Should I Do If the System Displays a Message Indicating that I Do Not Have the MRS Permission to Perform a Quality Job?
- DataArts Catalog
DataArts Security
- Why Isn't Data Masked Based on a Specified Rule After a Data Masking Task Is Executed?
- What Should I Do If a Message Is Displayed Indicating that Necessary Request Parameters Are Missing When I Approve a GaussDB(DWS) Permission Application?
- What Should I Do If Error Message "FATAL: Invalid username/password,login denied" Is Displayed During the GaussDB(DWS) Connectivity Check When Fine-grained Authentication Is Enabled?
- What Should I Do If Error Message "Failed to obtain the database" Is Displayed When I Select a Database in DataArts Factory After Fine-grained Authentication Is Enabled?
- Why Does the System Display a Message Indicating Insufficient Permissions During Permission Synchronization to DLI?
DataArts DataService
- What Languages Do DataArts DataService SDKs Support?
- What Can I Do If the System Displays a Message Indicating that the Proxy Fails to Be Invoked During API Creation?
- What Should I Do If the Background Reports an Error When I Access the Test App Through the Data Service API and Set Related Parameters?
- How Many Times Can a Subdomain Name Be Accessed Using APIs Every Day?
- Can Operators Be Transferred When API Parameters Are Transferred?
- What Should I Do If No More APIs Can Be Created When the API Quota in the Workspace Is Used Up?
- How Can I Access APIs of DataArts DataService Exclusive from the Internet?
- How Can I Access APIs of DataArts DataService Exclusive Using Domain Names?
- What Should I Do If It Takes a Long Time to Obtain the Total Number of Data Records of a Table Through an API If the Table Contains a Large Amount of Data?
Consultation and Billing
More Documents
User Guide (Kuala Lumpur Region)
- Service Overview
- Preparations
User Guide
- Preparations Before Using DataArts Studio
- Management Center
DataArts Migration
- Overview
- Constraints
- Supported Data Sources
- Managing Clusters
Managing Links
- Creating Links
- Managing Drivers
- Managing Agents
- Managing Cluster Configurations
- Link to a Common Relational Database
- Link to a Database Shard
- Link to MyCAT
- Link to a Dameng Database
- Link to a MySQL Database
- Link to an Oracle Database
- Link to DLI
- Link to Hive
- Link to HBase
- Link to HDFS
- Link to OBS
- Link to an FTP or SFTP Server
- Link to Redis/DCS
- Link to DDS
- Link to CloudTable
- Link to CloudTable OpenTSDB
- Link to MongoDB
- Link to Cassandra
- Link to Kafka
- Link to DMS Kafka
- Link to Elasticsearch/CSS
- Managing Jobs
- Auditing
- Creating an MRS Hive Link
- Creating a MySQL Link
- Migrating Data from MySQL to MRS Hive
- Migrating Data from MySQL to OBS
- Migrating Data from MySQL to DWS
- Migrating an Entire MySQL Database to RDS
- Migrating Data from Oracle to CSS
- Migrating Data from Oracle to DWS
- Migrating Data from OBS to CSS
- Migrating Data from OBS to DLI
- Migrating Data from MRS HDFS to OBS
- Migrating the Entire Elasticsearch Database to CSS
- Advanced Operations
DataArts Factory
- Overview
- Data Management
- Script Development
- Job Development
- Solution
- Execution History
- O&M and Scheduling
- Configuration and Management
Node Reference
- Node Overview
- CDM Job
- Rest Client
- Import GES
- MRS Kafka
- Kafka Client
- DLI Flink Job
- DLI Spark
- MRS Spark SQL
- MRS Hive SQL
- MRS Presto SQL
- MRS Spark
- MRS Spark Python
- MRS Flink Job
- MRS MapReduce
- Shell
- ETL Job
- Python
- Create OBS
- Delete OBS
- OBS Manager
- Open/Close Resource
- Subjob
- For Each
- Dummy
- EL Expression Reference
- Usage Guidance
- Consultation
Management Center
- What Are the Precautions for Creating Data Connections?
- Why Do DWS/Hive/HBase Data Connections Fail to Obtain the Information About Database or Tables?
- Why Are MRS Hive/HBase Clusters Not Displayed on the Page for Creating Data Connections?
- What Should I Do If the Connection Test Fails When I Enable the SSL Connection During the Creation of a DWS Data Connection?
- Can I Create Multiple Data Connections in a Workspace in Proxy Mode?
- Should I Choose a Direct or a Proxy Connection When Creating a DWS Connection?
- How Do I Migrate the Data Development Jobs and Data Connections from One Workspace to Another?
- Can I Delete Workspaces?
DataArts Migration
- General
- Does CDM Support Incremental Data Migration?
- Does CDM Support Field Conversion?
- What Component Versions Are Recommended for Migrating Hadoop Data Sources?
- What Data Formats Are Supported When the Data Source Is Hive?
- Can I Synchronize Jobs to Other Clusters?
- Can I Create Jobs in Batches?
- Can I Schedule Jobs in Batches?
- How Do I Back Up CDM Jobs?
- How Do I Configure the Connection If Only Some Nodes in the HANA Cluster Can Communicate with the CDM Cluster?
- How Do I Use Java to Invoke CDM RESTful APIs to Create Data Migration Jobs?
- How Do I Connect the On-Premises Intranet or Third-Party Private Network to CDM?
- How Do I Set the Number of Concurrent Extractors for a CDM Migration Job?
- Does CDM Support Real-Time Migration of Dynamic Data?
- What Can I Do If Error Message "Unable to execute the SQL statement" Is Displayed When I Import Data from OBS to SQL Server?
- Why Is Error ORA-01555 Reported During Migration from Oracle to DWS?
- What Should I Do If the MongoDB Connection Migration Fails?
- What Should I Do If a Hive Migration Job Is Suspended for a Long Period of Time?
- What Should I Do If an Error Is Reported Because the Field Type Mapping Does Not Match During Data Migration Using CDM?
- What Should I Do If a JDBC Connection Timeout Error Is Reported During MySQL Migration?
- What Should I Do If a CDM Migration Job Fails After a Link from Hive to DWS Is Created?
- How Do I Use CDM to Export MySQL Data to an SQL File and Upload the File to an OBS Bucket?
- What Should I Do If CDM Fails to Migrate Data from OBS to DLI?
- What Should I Do If a CDM Connector Reports the Error "Configuration Item [linkConfig.iamAuth] Does Not Exist"?
- What Should I Do If Error Message "Configuration Item [linkConfig.createBackendLinks] Does Not Exist" Is Displayed During Data Link Creation or Error Message "Configuration Item [throttlingConfig.concurrentSubJobs] Does Not Exist" Is Displayed During Job Creation?
- What Should I Do If Message "CORE_0031:Connect time out. (Cdm.0523)" Is Displayed During the Creation of an MRS Hive Link?
- What Should I Do If Message "CDM Does Not Support Auto Creation of an Empty Table with No Column" Is Displayed When I Enable Auto Table Creation?
- What Should I Do If I Cannot Obtain the Schema Name When Creating an Oracle Relational Database Migration Job?
DataArts Factory
- How Many Jobs Can Be Created in DataArts Factory? Is There a Limit on the Number of Nodes in a Job?
- Why Is There a Large Difference Between Job Execution Time and Start Time of a Job?
- Will Subsequent Jobs Be Affected If a Job Fails to Be Executed During Scheduling of Dependent Jobs? What Should I Do?
- What Should I Pay Attention to When Using DataArts Studio to Schedule Big Data Services?
- What Are the Differences and Connections Among Environment Variables, Job Parameters, and Script Parameters?
- What Do I Do If Node Error Logs Cannot Be Viewed When a Job Fails?
- What Should I Do If the Agency List Fails to Be Obtained During Agency Configuration?
- How Do I Locate Job Scheduling Nodes with a Large Number?
- Why Cannot Specified Peripheral Resources Be Selected When a Data Connection Is Created in Data Development?
- Why Is There No Job Running Scheduling Log on the Monitor Instance Page After Periodic Scheduling Is Configured for a Job?
- Why Does the GUI Display Only the Failure Result but Not the Specific Error Cause After Hive SQL and Spark SQL Scripts Fail to Be Executed?
- What Do I Do If the Token Is Invalid During the Running of a Data Development Node?
- How Do I View Run Logs After a Job Is Tested?
- Why Does a Job Scheduled by Month Start Running Before the Job Scheduled by Day Is Complete?
- What Should I Do If Invalid Authentication Is Reported When I Run a DLI Script?
- Why Cannot I Select the Desired CDM Cluster in Proxy Mode When Creating a Data Connection?
- Why Is There No Job Running Scheduling Record After Daily Scheduling Is Configured for the Job?
- What Do I Do If No Content Is Displayed in Job Logs?
- Why Do I Fail to Establish a Dependency Between Two Jobs?
- What Should I Do If an Error Is Displayed During DataArts Studio Scheduling: The Job Does Not Have a Submitted Version?
- What Do I Do If an Error Is Displayed During DataArts Studio Scheduling: The Script Associated with Node XXX in the Job Is Not Submitted?
- What Should I Do If a Job Fails to Be Executed After Being Submitted for Scheduling and an Error Displayed: Depend Job [XXX] Is Not Running Or Pause?
- How Do I Create a Database And Data Table? Is the database a data connection?
- Why Is No Result Displayed After an HIVE Task Is Executed?
- Why Does the Last Instance Status On the Monitor Instance page Only Display Succeeded or Failed?
- How Do I Create a Notification for All Jobs?
- How Many Nodes Can Be Executed Concurrently in Each DataArts Studio Version?
- What Is the Priority of the Startup User, Execution User, Workspace Agency, and Job Agency?
API Reference (Kuala Lumpur Region)
- Before You Start
- API Overview
- Calling APIs
- Application Cases
DataArts Migration APIs
- Cluster Management
- Job Management
- Link Management
Public Data Structures
Link Parameter Description
- Link to a Relational Database
- Link to OBS
- Link to HDFS
- Link to HBase
- Link to CloudTable
- Link to Hive
- Link to an FTP or SFTP Server
- Link to MongoDB
- Link to Redis/DCS (to Be Brought Offline)
- Link to Kafka
- Link to Elasticsearch/Cloud Search Service
- Link to DLI
- Link to CloudTable OpenTSDB
- Link to Amazon S3
- Link to DMS Kafka
Source Job Parameters
- From a Relational Database
- From Object Storage
- From HDFS
- From Hive
- From HBase/CloudTable
- From FTP/SFTP/NAS (to Be Brought Offline)/SFS (to Be Brought Offline)
- From MongoDB/DDS
- From Redis/DCS (to Be Brought Offline)
- From DIS
- From Kafka
- From Elasticsearch/Cloud Search Service
- From OpenTSDB
- Destination Job Parameters
- Job Parameter Description
Link Parameter Description
DataArts Factory APIs
- Connection Management APIs
- Script Development APIs
- Resource Management APIs
- Job Development APIs
- Data Structure
APIs to Be Taken Offline
- Creating a Job
- Editing a Job
- Viewing a Job List
- Viewing Job Details
- Exporting a Job
- Batch Exporting Jobs
- Importing a Job
- Executing a Job Immediately
- Starting a Job
- Viewing Running Status of a Real-Time Job
- Viewing a Job Instance List
- Viewing Job Instance Details
- Querying a System Task
- Creating a Script
- Modifying a Script
- Querying a Script
- Querying a Script List
- Querying the Execution Result of a Script Instance
- Creating a Resource
- Modifying a Resource
- Querying a Resource
- Querying a Resource List
- Importing a Connection
- Appendix
User Guide (Kuala Lumpur Region)
- General Reference
Configuring a Metadata Collection Task
You can create collection tasks by configuring metadata collection policies. Different types of data sources require different collection policies. Metadata management allows you to collect technical metadata using the configured collection policies.
- If the collection scope is not specified for a metadata collection task, all data tables and files of a data connection are collected by default. After the collection task is complete, if data tables or files are added to the data connection, you must run the metadata collection task again to collect the new data tables or files.
- Before collecting Oracle metadata, ensure that the database user of the data connection has the permission to read and write data tables and read metadata. For details, see how to assign permissions to users in Oracle Connection Parameters.
- Due to MRS cluster restrictions, metadata collection tasks cannot directly collect metadata of Hive partitioned tables by default.
To collect metadata of Hive partitioned tables, add parameter hive-ext.display.desc.statistic.stats and value true to hive.server.customized.configs in HiveServer(Role) > Customization of the MRS cluster. For details, see Enabling Metadata Collection from Hive Partitioned Tables of an MRS Cluster.
Metadata of the following types of data sources can be collected: DWS, DLI, MRS HBase, MRS Hive, RDS, and Oracle. To obtain metadata, you must first create data connections in Management Center. To collect metadata from other data sources (such as OBS, CSS, and GES), you do not need to create data connections in Management Center.
- Before you can collect the metadata of Hudi tables by collecting the MRS Hive metadata, you must enable synchronization of the Hive table configuration for Hudi tables.
To collect metadata of Hive partitioned tables, add parameter hive-ext.display.desc.statistic.stats and value true to hive.server.customized.configs in HiveServer(Role) > Customization of the MRS cluster. For details, see Enabling Metadata Collection from Hive Partitioned Tables of an MRS Cluster.
Creating a Collection Task
- On the DataArts Studio console, locate a workspace and click DataArts Catalog.
- Choose Metadata Collection > Task Management from the left navigation bar.
- Select the directory for the collection task. If no directory is available, create one as Figure 1 shows.
- Click Create in the upper part of the displayed page or right-click Task name and choose Add Task from the shortcut menu. On the page displayed, set the parameters.
Figure 2 shows the entries for creating a task.
- Set the basic configuration based on Table 1.
Table 1 Basic configuration parameters Parameter
Task Name
Name of a collection task. The value can contain only letters, numbers, and underscores (_), and cannot exceed 62 characters.
Information to better identify the collection task. Length of the description cannot exceed 255 characters.
Select Directory
The directory that stores the collection task. You can select an existing one. Figure 1 shows the directory.
- Configure data source information based on Table 2.
Table 2 Data source parameters Parameter
Data Connection Type
Select a data connection type from the drop-down list box.
Metadata of the following types of data sources can be collected: DWS, DLI, MRS HBase, MRS Hive, RDS, and Oracle. To obtain metadata, you must first create data connections in Management Center. To collect metadata from other data sources (such as OBS, CSS, and GES), you do not need to create data connections in Management Center.
- MRS HBase
- MRS Hive
Data Connection Name
- To use an existing data connection, select a value from the drop-down list.
- To use a data connection that does not exist, click Create to add one.
(or Database and Schema and Namespace)
Database, schema, or namespace and data table from which data will be collected
- Click Set next to Database (or Database and Schema or Namespace) to set the range of databases (or databases and schemas or namespaces) to be scanned by the collection task. If this parameter is not set, all databases (or databases and schemas or namespaces) under the data connection are scanned by default.
- Click Set next to Table to set the range of tables to be scanned by the collection task. If this parameter is not set, all tables in the database (or database and schema or namespace) are scanned by default.
- If neither the database (or database and schema or namespace) nor the data table is set, the task scans all data tables of the selected data connection.
- Click Clear to delete the selected database (or database and schema or namespace) and data table.
Select the CSS cluster for storing the data to be collected.
You can also click Create to create a CSS cluster. After the CSS cluster is created, click Refresh and select the new CSS cluster.
CDM Cluster
Select the agent provided by the CDM cluster.
You can also click Create to create an agent. After the agent is created, click Refresh and select the new agent.
Index, similar to "database" in the relational database (RDB), stores Elasticsearch data. It is a logical space that consists of one or more shards.
Select graphs that store structured data based on "relationships".
CDM Cluster
Select the agent provided by the CDM cluster.
You can also click Create to create an agent. After the agent is created, click Refresh and select the new agent.
OBS Bucket
Select the OBS bucket from which data will be collected.
OBS Path
Select the path of the OBS bucket from which data will be collected.
Collection Scope
Select the range of data to be collected.
- If you select This folder, the collection task collects only the objects in the folder set in the OBS path.
- If you select This folder and subfolders, the collection task collects all objects in the folder set in the OBS path, including the objects in the sub-folders.
Collected Content
Select the content of data to be collected.
- If you select Folders and objects, the collection task collects folders and objects.
- If you select Folders, the collection task collects only folders.
Collect Dump Task
If Yes is selected, the dump task is collected.
Collection Channel
A DIS instance is a stream. This parameter is used to specify a stream used for data collection.
- Set parameters under Metadata Collection. See Table 3.
Metadata collection parameters are available only for DWS, DLI, MRS HBase, MRS Hive, RDS, or Oracle connections.
Table 3 Parameters for metadata collection Parameter
The data source metadata has been updated.
When metadata in a data connection changes, you can configure an update policy to set the metadata update mode in the data catalog.
Note that the configured update and deletion policies apply only to the databases and data tables configured by yourself.
- If you select Update metadata in the data directory only, the collection task updates only the metadata that has been collected in the data catalog.
- If you select Add new metadata to the data directory only, the collection task collects only metadata that exists in the data source but does not exist in the data catalog.
- If you select Update metadata in the data directory and add metadata, the collection task fully synchronizes metadata from the data source.
- If you select Ignore the update and addition operations, the metadata in the data source is not collected.
The data source metadata has been deleted.
When metadata in a data connection changes, you can configure a deletion policy to set the metadata update mode in the data catalog.
- If you select Delete metadata from data directory, when some metadata in the data source is deleted, the corresponding metadata is also deleted from the data catalog.
- If you select Ignore the deletion, when some metadata in the data source is deleted, the corresponding metadata is not deleted from the data catalog.
- Set parameters when Data Summary is selected. See Table 4 for details.
- Data Summary parameters are available only for DWS, DLI connections.
- You are advised not to select Data Summary unless necessary. Selecting this option will increase the SQL execution workload. As a result, the metadata collection task may take a longer time than expected.
Table 4 Parameters Parameter
Full data
If this option is selected, a data profile is generated in the data catalog based on all data collected.
This mode applies to scenarios where the data volume is less than 1 million.
Sampled data, first x rows
If this option is selected, a data profile is generated in the data catalog based on all data collected.
This mode is applicable to scenarios with a large amount of data.
Randomly collect x% records of data from all data
If this option is selected, a data profile is generated in the data catalog based on all data collected.
This mode is applicable to scenarios with a large amount of data.
Data Lake Insight Queue
The queue used to obtain profile data and execute DLI SQL statements.
If you select Collect unique value, the number of unique values in the collected table is calculated and displayed on the Profile tab page in the data catalog.
- Set parameters when Data Classification is selected. (This option is available only when DataArts Catalog provides data security functions. The data classification cannot be associated with a sensitive data identification rule created in the independent DataArts Security module.)
- If you select Data Classification and create a classification rule group or select an existing classification rule group by referring to Creating a Data Classification (To Be Removed), data will be automatically identified and a classification will be added.
- If you select Update the data table security level based on the data classification result, the table security level must be the same as the highest security level of the matched classification rules.
- If you select Manually for Synchronize Data, classification rules and security levels are not automatically added to Column Attributes of Data Catalog under Data Map. Go to the Task Monitoring page. Locate the target instance and choose More > View Scanning Result to view the execution result of the collection task and check whether the classification result matches. Select the check box of the classification matching field and click Synchronize to manually synchronize the classification rule and security level.
Only when you choose the DWS or DLI data source, you can add data classifications for automatic data identification. In addition, you can add classification rules only for columns in the data tables and OBS objects.
- Set the basic configuration based on Table 1.
- Click Next and select a scheduling mode.
Once: If the execution duration of a task exceeds the configured timeout duration, the task is considered failed.
Repeating: See Table 5 for details.NOTE:
- If Once is selected, a manual task instance is generated. A manual task has no dependency on scheduling and must be manually triggered.
- If Repeating is selected, a periodic instance is generated. A periodic instance is an instance snapshot that is automatically scheduled when the scheduled execution time is arrived.
- When a periodic task is scheduled once, an instance workflow is generated. You can perform routine O&M on scheduled instance tasks, such as viewing the running status, stopping and rerunning the scheduled tasks.
Table 5 Parameters Parameter
Scheduling Date
The period during which a scheduling task takes effect.
Scheduling Cycle
The frequency at which the scheduling task is executed, which can be:
- Minutes
- Hours
- Days
- Weeks
Start Time
Start time of periodic scheduling, which is used together with the start time in Scheduling Date.
Time Interval
Interval between two periodic scheduling operations
A scheduling task instance starts even if the previous scheduling task instance has not ended. A collection task supports concurrent running of multiple instances.
End Time
End time of periodic scheduling, which is used together with the end time in Scheduling Date.
Timeout duration for a task instance. If a task runs longer than the value of this parameter, the task fails to be executed.
If this check box is selected, the task is scheduled immediately.
- Click Submit. The collection task is created.
Managing a Collection Task
- On the DataArts Studio console, locate a workspace and click DataArts Catalog.
- Choose Metadata Collection > Task Management from the left navigation bar.
Then, you can view all created collection tasks.
Parameter |
Description |
Task Name |
The name of a collection task. Click a collection task name to view the collection policies and scheduling properties. |
Type |
The name of a data connection. |
Scheduling Status |
The scheduling status of a collection task. You can click |
Scheduling Cycle |
The scheduling frequency of a collection task. You can click |
Description |
The description of a collection task. |
Creator |
The creator of a collection task. |
Last Executed On |
The last time when the collection task ran. |
Operation |
You can perform the following operations on a created collection task:
Enabling Metadata Collection from Hive Partitioned Tables of an MRS Cluster
- Log in to MRS Manager as user admin.
- On FusionInsight Manager, choose Cluster > Services > Hive and click the Configurations tab and then All Configurations. Choose HiveServer(Role) > Customization. Add hive-ext.display.desc.statistic.stats to the value of hive.server.customized.configs and set the value of hive-ext.display.desc.statistic.stats to true.
Figure 3 Adding a custom parameter
- After setting the parameter, click Save in the upper left corner and then OK in the dialog box to save the configuration.
Figure 4 Saving the configuration
- After saving the configuration, switch to the Instances tab page, select the instance that has expired, click More, and select Instance Rolling Restart to make the configuration take effect.
Figure 5 Performing a rolling instance restart
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