Help Center/ CodeArts Check/ User Guide/ Viewing Check Results
Updated on 2024-10-10 GMT+08:00

Viewing Check Results


You have created and executed a task.

Viewing Check Details

  1. Access CodeArts Check through a project.
  2. Go to the CodeArts Check page and search for the target task. You can view the status of the check task in the Issue column of the code check task list.

    • New: new issues that need to be solved after the task is executed.
    • Unsolved: issues that have not been solved after the task is executed.
    • Solved: issues that have been solved after the task is executed.

  3. Click the task name to view the check details.

    • Number of lines of code.
    • Gate result: The result can be Passed or Failed, and the numbers of critical issues and major issues are displayed.

      You can set the gate threshold by referring to Configuring Quality Gates.

    • Number of issues detected.
    • Number of delayed rollout issues detected by the upgraded check engines.
    • Number of unresolved new issues.
    • Number of resolved new issues.
    • Average cyclomatic complexity.
    • Code duplication rate.
    • Number of non-blank non-comment lines of code.
    • Top 10 rules with the most issues and the numbers of these issues.
    • Pending issues by severity.
    • Issue assignments. If the number of assigned issues does not match the total number of issues, there are some issues that have not been assigned to owners.
    • Historical trends. By default, the figures show trends of issues, cyclomatic complexity, and duplicate rates in the last month.

Viewing Code Issues

You can view code issue details in either of the following ways:

  • Exporting issues to the local PC
    Method 1:
    1. On the task list page, select the tasks for which you want to export issues in batches (max. 20 tasks at a time).
    2. Choose More > Export Task Issues.
    3. In the displayed dialog box, select the items to be exported and click Export.
    4. Click View Downloads to view the export progress.
    5. After the export is complete, click Download to export the issues to the local PC.

    Method 2:

    1. Click the Issues tab.
    2. Choose Apply to Filtered > Export to export issues to the local PC.
  • Online viewing
    1. Click the Issues tab. In the Filters area, set filter criteria to filter issues. The following table lists the filter criteria.

      Filter Criteria


      Issue Level

      The options are Critical, Major, Minor, and Suggestion.

      Issue Status

      The options are Pending, Resolved, Ignored, and Fixed.

      Latency Issues

      Indicates the number of issues in the official version and in the delayed version.

      Check Time

      Indicates New issues and Inventory issues distinguished based on the detection time.


      You can set the start time of new issues. Issues found after that time are new.


      Filter issues by source file name.


      Filter issues by language.


      Filter issues by rule so that users can solve the same type of issues at a time.

      User Tag

      Filter issues by user tag of rules.


      Filter issues by issue owner.


      During check, new issues are automatically assigned to the last committer of the faulty code line when you enable Accurate Matching of Issue Owners.


      Filter issues by security rule name.

    2. After setting the filter criteria, you can perform the following operations in the right pane.
      • If an issue has been resolved, click Pending and select Resolved. If an issue does not need to be handled, click Pending and select Ignore Issue. To ignore the issue, you need to submit a comment.
      • Click Owner to transfer the issue to another owner.
      • Click Help to view the rule details corresponding to the issue.
      • Click View Context. On the Context page, you can modify the issue status, transfer the owner, and click to modify the code in the repository based on Help.
      • Click Create Ticket to submit the service ticket to the specified owner. This function is available only in Scrum projects.
      • Click Generate Report to generate a report in PDF format.
      • Choose Apply to Filtered > Change Status to modify the status of all filtered issues.

        If the number of issues is 0, this button is not displayed.

      • Choose Apply to Filtered > Change Owner to transfer all the filtered issues to a specified owner.

Viewing Code Metrics

Code metrics reflect the quality of committed code, helping you detect and fix issues in a timely manner and improving R&D efficiency. Code metrics cover the following two types of issues:

  • Cyclomatic complexity.

    Code cyclomatic complexity is not supported for code in Shell.

    Click a file name to go to the file details page. Click to modify the code in the code repository.

  • Duplication rate. CodeArts Check identifies duplicate lines, blocks, and rates.

    To solve this problem, perform the following steps:

    1. Click a file name to go to the file details page.
    2. The vertical bars on the left of the file details page identify duplicated code blocks. If you click a vertical bar, the list of files that contain the same code blocks is displayed.

    3. Click a file name to compare the duplicated code blocks of the two files.

    4. Click to modify the code in the code repository.

Viewing Check Logs

Click the Logs tab to view the logs and check parameters.

Figure 1 Logs
Figure 2 Check parameters