Updated on 2025-01-23 GMT+08:00

Configuring Rest Reasons


  1. Sign in as a tenant administrator, choose Configuration Center > System Management > Tenant Parameter, and set the following parameters:
    • Forcibly End Agent Rest After Timeout: The options are 0 (no) and 1 (yes). Set this parameter to 0.
    • Internal Message Template for Notifying Supervisor of Agent Rest Timeout: Set this parameter to the ID of a created internal message notification template. For details about how to configure an internal message notification template, see Configuring an Internal Message Notification Template.
  2. The tenant administrator has set a manager for agents.


When an agent needs to update the agent status to Rest after sign-in, the system allows the agent to select a rest reason. After a reason code is selected, the rest timing starts. After the agent has a rest, the agent can change the agent status and end the rest timing. If the rest time exceeds the duration specified by the selected reason code, the system displays a message indicating that the rest times out and sends an internal message to the manager of the agent, notifying the manager of the rest timeout.


  1. Sign in to the AICC as a tenant administrator and choose Configuration Center > Workbench Configuration > Rest Reason.
  2. Click New. The Add Rest Reason dialog box is displayed.

    Table 1 Rest reason parameters




    Value Range

    Triggered Event


    Rest Reason Code

    Text box

    Reason code.

    The value is a number ranging from 1 to 255.


    The value must be unique.


    Text box

    Reason description.

    The value can contain a maximum of 100 characters.



    Rest Duration

    Drop-down list

    Rest duration.

    The value contains only digits in the format of hh:mm:ss,

    for example, 00:00:00. The rest duration must be greater than 0 seconds and less than 24 hours.



  3. Click Save.
  4. Click Synchronize to synchronize the information to the CTI.

Follow-up Procedure

You can perform the following operations on rest reasons:

  • Click Edit to modify a rest reason.
  • Click Delete to delete a rest reason.
  • Click Delete on the top of the page to delete rest reasons in batches.
  • If a reason code exists in the AICC but does not exist on the call center platform, delete the reason code from the AICC.
  • If a reason code exists on the call center platform but does not exist in the AICC, add the reason code to the AICC. The rest duration is 10 minutes by default.
  • If a reason code exists both in the AICC and on the call center platform, compare the basic information about the reason code. If any change occurs, update the reason code in the AICC.