Help Center/ Partner Center/ User Guide/ Appendix/ Statement for HUAWEI ID Association with Huawei Cloud Partner 1.0
Updated on 2023-12-01 GMT+08:00

Statement for HUAWEI ID Association with Huawei Cloud Partner 1.0

Dear customer, Huawei Cloud Contracting Party as defined in Section 15.4 of HUAWEI CLOUD Customer Agreement (hereinafter referred to as "Huawei Cloud", "we", "us", and "our") provides you with the account association service (hereinafter referred to as "this Service") according to this Statement. You shall represent and warrant that you are the employee of Huawei Cloud Partner (hereinafter referred to as "Partner"). If you are not the employee of the Partner, the below Statement is not applicable.

Please be sure to carefully read and accept this Statement (including any subsequent modifications) before associating your HUAWEI ID with Partner in the Partner Center ( By selecting "I have read and agreed to the Statement for HUAWEI ID Association with Huawei Cloud Partner" and start using this Service, you will be deemed to have agreed to and accepted all terms and conditions in this Statement. If you do not agree to any content of this Statement, please stop using this Service.

1. You understand and agree that, to provide you with better management and interaction service in Partner Center, we may collect, process, and disclose your personal information, including account name, account ID, personal name, phone number, email address, and learning and exam records and certificates in HUAWEI CLOUD Developer Institute (hereinafter referred to as "personal information") for the following purposes:

(1) Associate you with the partner.

(2) Review the materials or information provided by Partner to decide whether Partner meets the conditions of competency certification, partner program certification, competency improvement (including tier upgrade), or qualification certification for special incentives or subsidies.

We will not share, transfer, or disclose your personal information to any third party without your prior consent unless otherwise required by laws and regulations.

2. You understand and agree that Partner has been granted by you legally to transfer and disclose your personal information to us, and you hereby expressly authorize Huawei Cloud to collect these personal information from the Partner or you so that we could legally use, process, and manage your personal information in accordance with this Statement. For the information you disclosed to the Partner, the Partner shall be responsible for the security of personal information and data in accordance with the agreement between you and the Partner. You could contact the Partner for more information on your personal information protection policies. You understand and agree to have fully read this Statement and been thoughtful when you determine if you agree to associate your account with the Partner.

3. You can disassociate your HUAWEI ID from the Partner in Partner Center if necessary. After disassociation, the Partner may still manage your personal information that has already been disclosed to them during the association period, and please contact the Partner to exercise your privacy rights.

4. Huawei Cloud understands the importance of your privacy information, and will take appropriate security measures, including but not limited to encryption, to protect your privacy information. If you have any questions, please contact us through or at For more details about Huawei Cloud privacy policies, see Privacy Statement.

5. In respect of matters not covered in this Statement, such as limitation of liabilities, security, and data protection, Huawei Cloud Customer Agreement shall apply. Huawei Cloud may modify this Statement, including the documents and policies referenced herein, at any time at our discretion by posting a revised version on the Website or by otherwise notifying you. Except as otherwise indicated in the modified Statement, documents, or policies, the modified version will come into effect upon posting or as otherwise notified by Huawei Cloud. You will review such terms regularly on the Website. Your continuous use of this Service after the coming into effect of such modification will be deemed as your acceptance to the modified Statement.

Updated: November 17, 2022